def runFor(self, time, early_test=None): from neuron import h h.cvode_active(self.config.cvode_active) if not hasattr(self, "time_flag"): raise Exception("self.time_flag must be set to the parameter passed into NeuronRunner call") self.time_flag.value = h.t h.tstop = h.t + time t = h.t while t < h.tstop and h.t < h.tstop: t += 1.0 h.continuerun(t) if early_test is not None: # Notify sim is paused during test eval self.time_flag.value = -1 t_np, v_np = self.get_tv() if early_test(t_np, v_np): return (t_np, v_np) # Notify change in sim time self.time_flag.value = h.t # -1 indicates simulation stopped self.time_flag.value = -1 # Get the waveform return self.get_tv()
def _common_config(fit_window_start, fit_window_end, up_data, down_data): h.v_init = 0 h.tstop = 100 h.cvode_active(1) v_rec = h.Vector() t_rec = h.Vector() v_rec.record(h.soma[0](0.5)._ref_v) t_rec.record(h._ref_t) mrf = h.MulRunFitter[0] gen0 = gen0.toggle() fit0 = gen0.gen.fitnesslist.object(0) up_t = h.Vector(up_data[:, 0]) up_v = h.Vector(up_data[:, 1]) fit0.set_data(up_t, up_v) fit0.boundary.x[0] = fit_window_start fit0.boundary.x[1] = fit_window_end fit0.set_w() gen1 = gen1.toggle() fit1 = gen1.gen.fitnesslist.object(0) down_t = h.Vector(down_data[:, 0]) down_v = h.Vector(down_data[:, 1]) fit1.set_data(down_t, down_v) fit1.boundary.x[0] = fit_window_start fit1.boundary.x[1] = fit_window_end fit1.set_w() return mrf
def get_number_of_model_state_variables(self, h): print("Turning on CVODE to compute number of equations...") h.cvode_active(1) result = h.Vector() h.cvode.spike_stat(result) return int(result[0])
def restore_state(self, state_file='state.bin', keep_events=False): from neuron import h ns = h.SaveState() sf = h.File(os.path.join(self.get_permanent_model_directory(), state_file)) ns.fread(sf) h.stdinit() if keep_events: ns.restore(1) # Workaround - without the fixed step cycle, NEURON crashes with same error as in: # # Only happens when there is a added after a state restore # Running one cycle using the fixed integration method addresses the problem h.cvode_active(0) prev_dt = h.dt h.dt = 0.000001 h.steprun() h.dt = prev_dt # END Workaround else: ns.restore() h.cvode_active(self.config.cvode_active)
def passive_fit_2(info, up_data, down_data): h.v_init = 0 h.tstop = 100 h.cvode_active(1) fit_start = 4.0025 v_rec = h.Vector() t_rec = h.Vector() v_rec.record(h.soma[0](0.5)._ref_v) t_rec.record(h._ref_t) mrf = h.MulRunFitter[0] gen0 = gen0.toggle() fit0 = gen0.gen.fitnesslist.object(0) up_t = h.Vector(up_data[:, 0]) up_v = h.Vector(up_data[:, 1]) fit0.set_data(up_t, up_v) fit0.boundary.x[0] = fit_start fit0.boundary.x[1] = info["limit"] fit0.set_w() gen1 = gen1.toggle() fit1 = gen1.gen.fitnesslist.object(0) down_t = h.Vector(down_data[:, 0]) down_v = h.Vector(down_data[:, 1]) fit1.set_data(down_t, down_v) fit1.boundary.x[0] = fit_start fit1.boundary.x[1] = info["limit"] fit1.set_w() minerr = 1e12 for i in range(3): # Need to re-initialize the internal MRF variables, not top-level proxies # for randomize() to work = 1 = 10000 mrf.randomize() mrf.prun() if mrf.opt.minerr < minerr: fit_Ri = h.Ri fit_Cm = h.Cm fit_Rm = h.Rm minerr = mrf.opt.minerr results = { "ra": fit_Ri, "cm": fit_Cm, "rm": fit_Rm, "err": minerr, "a1": h.somaaxon_area(), "a2": h.alldend_area(), } return results
def set_abs_tolerance(self, abs_tol): from neuron import h # NRN will ignore this using cvode h.steps_per_ms = 1.0/self.config.collection_period_ms h.dt = self.config.dt h.cvode_active(self.config.cvode_active) h.cvode.condition_order(2) h.cvode.atol(abs_tol)
def run_simulation(): from neuron import h, gui h.tstop = setting['simulation']['TSTOP'] h.dt = setting['simulation']['DT'] h.v_init = -65 h.celsius = 35 h.finitialize(-65) h.fcurrent() h.cvode_active(0) del h, gui
def test_fastimem(): cells = [Cell(id, 10) for id in range(2)] # h.topology() cvode = h.CVode() ics = h.List("IClamp") syns = h.List("ExpSyn") cvode.use_fast_imem(1) h.finitialize(-65) run(1.0, ics, 1e-13) total_syn_g(syns) h.cvode_active(1) run(1.0, ics, 1e-12) cvode.use_fast_imem(0) h.cvode_active(0)
def simulate(v_init, mainlength, prelength=0, cvode=True): """ :param h: :param v_init: :param prelength: :param mainlength: :param cvode: """ h.cvode_active(1 if cvode else 0) h.finitialize(v_init) h.tstop = prelength + mainlength h.fadvance() h.continuerun(h.tstop)
def simulate(v_init, mainlength, prelength=0, use_cvode=True): """ :param h: :param v_init: :param prelength: :param mainlength: :param cvode: """ h.cvode_active(1 if use_cvode else 0) h.cvode.use_fast_imem(1) h.cvode.cache_efficient(1) h.secondorder = 2 h.finitialize(v_init) h.tstop = prelength + mainlength h.fadvance() h.continuerun(h.tstop)
def test(): global s, h fitglobals.debugon() h.load_file('nrngui.hoc') from math import pi h('create soma') s = h.soma s.diam = 10 s.L = 100 / pi / s.diam s.insert('pas') s.e_pas = 0 s.g_pas = .5 * .001 h.tstop = 10 h.dt = 0.1 h.v_init = 1 h.load_file('') h.cvode_active(1)
def fig6b(cell, voltage_graph, concentration_graph): """setup to run Fig 6B The model is the same as in Fig 3A except some of the sections are different lengths and the discretization is different. The cell receives a different stimulus and different time series are plotted. An additional graph plots sodium concentration as a function of position.""" # differences to the morphology and discretization from Fig 3A cell.myelin[0].L = 51 cell.myelin[1].L = 60 cell.myelin[0].nseg = 255 cell.myelin[1].nseg = 300 cell.AIS.L = 48 cell.AIS.nseg = 240 h.cvode_active(True) # setup the graphs voltage_graph.view(0, -80, 50, 140, 528, 440, 549, 267.4) voltage_graph.addvar('soma(0.5).v', cell.soma(0.5)._ref_v) voltage_graph.addvar('AIS(0.5).v', cell.AIS(0.5)._ref_v, 2, 1) voltage_graph.addvar('node(0.5).v', cell.node(0.5)._ref_v, 4, 1) concentration_graph.view(-1, 4, 51, 0.58, 528, 870, 548.1, 238.6) concentration_graph.addvar('soma(0.5).nai', cell.soma(0.5)._ref_nai) concentration_graph.addvar('AIS(0.25).nai', cell.AIS(0.25)._ref_nai, 2, 1) concentration_graph.addvar('node(0.5).nai', cell.node(0.5)._ref_nai, 4, 1) # additional graph plotting sodium concentration along a path rvp = h.Graph(False) rvp.size(-40, 160, 4, 4.58) rvp.view(-40, 4, 200, 0.58, 534, 18, 544.5, 262) h.flush_list.append(rvp) rvp_ = h.RangeVarPlot("nai") rvp_.begin(cell.ApD(0)) rvp_.end(cell.myelin[1](1)) rvp.addobject(rvp_, 1, 1, 0.8, 0.9) # start time of current pulse cell.ic.delay = 10 # default simulation length h.tstop = 50
def fig3a(cell, voltage_graph, concentration_graph): """setup to run Fig 3A""" h.cvode_active(True) # setup the graphs voltage_graph.view(0, -90, 3000, 150, 518, 27, 549, 267.4) voltage_graph.addvar('soma(0.5).v', cell.soma(0.5)._ref_v) concentration_graph.view(0, 4, 3000, 0.4, 517, 457, 548.1, 238.6) concentration_graph.addvar('soma(0.5).nai', cell.soma(0.5)._ref_nai) concentration_graph.addvar('AIS(0.4).nai', cell.AIS(0.4)._ref_nai, 2, 1) concentration_graph.addvar('myelin[0](0.2).nai', cell.myelin[0](0.2)._ref_nai, 3, 1) concentration_graph.addvar('AIS(0.8).nai', cell.AIS(0.8)._ref_nai, 4, 1) # start time of current pulse cell.ic.delay = 1000 # default simulation length h.tstop = 3000
def run_from_steady_state(self, tstop): self._update_current_sources(tstop) self._pre_run() self.parallel_context.set_maxstep(self.default_maxstep) self.tstop = tstop h.stdinit() ns = h.SaveState() sf = h.File('steady_state.bin') ns.fread(sf) #print("Time before restore = %g ms" % h.t) ns.restore(0) h.cvode_active(0) #print("Time after restore = %g ms" % h.t)"Running the simulation until %g ms" % tstop) if self.tstop > self.t: self.parallel_context.psolve(self.tstop)
def get_sim_params(self): params = {} params["t"] = h.t params["tstop"] = h.tstop params["dt"] = h.dt params["atol"] = h.cvode.atol() params["celsius"] = h.celsius params["cvode"] = str(h.cvode_active()) return params
def simple(): soma = h.Section() soma.insert('pas') soma.e_pas = -65 #soma.g_pas = 1./200e3 synapse = syn.AMPANMDASynapse(soma, 0.5, 0, 10000) synapse.set_presynaptic_spike_times([100]) h.nmdafactor_AmpaNmda = 0 rec = {} for lbl in 't','vsoma','vapical','vbasal','gampa','gnmda','iampa','inmda': rec[lbl] = h.Vector() rec['t'].record(h._ref_t) rec['vsoma'].record(soma(0.5)._ref_v) rec['gampa'].record(synapse.syn._ref_gampa) rec['gnmda'].record(synapse.syn._ref_gnmda) rec['iampa'].record(synapse.syn._ref_iampa) rec['inmda'].record(synapse.syn._ref_inmda) h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') h.celsius = 35 h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.maxstep(10) h.tstop = 500 h.finitialize(soma.e_pas) p.subplot(3,1,1) p.plot(rec['t'],rec['vsoma'],'k',label='Soma') p.subplot(3,1,2) p.plot(rec['t'],np.array(rec['gampa'])*1e3,'k',label='AMPA') p.plot(rec['t'],np.array(rec['gnmda'])*1e3,'r',label='NMDA') p.legend(loc='best') p.ylabel('Conductance (nS)') p.subplot(3,1,3) p.plot(rec['t'],np.array(rec['iampa']),'k',label='AMPA') p.plot(rec['t'],np.array(rec['inmda']),'r',label='NMDA') p.legend(loc='best') p.xlabel('Time (ms)') p.ylabel('Current (nA)')
def test(): from L5_pyramidal import L5Pyr cell = L5Pyr() h.load_file("stdgui.hoc") h.cvode_active(1) ns = h.NetStim() ns.number = 10 ns.start = 100 ns.interval = 50.0 nc = h.NetCon(ns, cell.apicaltuft_ampa) nc.weight[0] = 0.001 h.tstop = 2000.0 elec = LFPElectrode([0, 100.0, 100.0], pc=h.ParallelContext()) elec.setup() elec.LFPinit() elec.lfp_final() ion() plot(elec.lfp_t, elec.lfp_v)
def play(self, fileroot='cell', show_colorbar=True, show_title=False): ''' Step through cell response over time ''' dt = self.play_dt tstop = self.play_tstop nrn.init() nrn.cvode_active(0) img_counter=0 f = mlab.gcf() if show_colorbar: mlab.colorbar(self.mlab_cell) nrn.initPlot() nrn.init() nrn.initPlot() nrn.init() for x in xrange(0, int(tstop/dt)): timestamp = "TIME: %.1f" % (x*dt) print timestamp if show_title: try: ftitle.text = timestamp except: ftitle = mlab.title(timestamp) nrn.continuerun(x*dt) dataset = self.mlab_cell.mlab_source.dataset v = array(self.calculate_voltage()) dataset.point_data.remove_array('data') array_id = dataset.point_data.add_array(v.T.ravel()) dataset.point_data.get_array(array_id).name = 'data' dataset.point_data.update() self.mlab_cell.update_data() self.mlab_cell.update_pipeline() if self.save_img: f.scene.save_png('img/%s_%03d.png' % (fileroot, img_counter)) img_counter += 1
def test_ste(): m1 = model() # one state ste with two self transitions var = m1["s"](0.5)._ref_v thresh1 = h.ref(-50) thresh2 = h.ref(-10) result = [] ste = h.StateTransitionEvent(1) ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh1, (act, (1, m1, thresh1, result))) ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh2, (act, (2, m1, thresh2, result))) fih = h.FInitializeHandler((on_finit, (ste, result))) run(5) print("final v=%g" % m1["s"](0.5).v) chk_result(2, result, m1) h.cvode_active(1) run(20) chk_result(2, result, m1) h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.condition_order(2) run(5) chk_result(2, result, m1) h.cvode.condition_order(1) h.cvode_active(0) # ste associated with point process del fih, ste ste = h.StateTransitionEvent(2, m1["ic"]) fih = h.FInitializeHandler((on_finit, (ste, result))) run(5) # transition with hoc callback h("""proc foo() { printf("foo called at t=%g\\n", t) }""") thresh3 = h.ref(-30) ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh3, "foo()") run(5) # transition with hoc callback in hoc object h(""" begintemplate FooSTEtest objref this proc foo() { printf("foo in %s called at t=%g\\n", this, t) } endtemplate FooSTEtest """) thresh4 = h.ref(-20) obj = h.FooSTEtest() ste.transition(0, 0, var, thresh4, "foo()", obj) run(5) del ste, fih assert h.List("StateTransitionEvent").count() == 0 assert h.List("FInitializeHandler").count() == 0
name = name[:-3] h.load_file("stdrun.hoc") dend1 = h.Section() dend1.diam = 2 dend1.nseg = 101 dend1.L = 50 dend2 = h.Section() dend2.diam = 2 dend2.nseg = 101 dend2.L = 50 dend2.connect(dend1) diff_constant = 1 h.cvode_active(True) r = rxd.Region(h.allsec(), dx=0.25) rxd.set_solve_type([dend1], dimension=3) ca = rxd.Species( r, d=diff_constant, atolscale=0.1, initial=lambda node: 1 if (0.8 < node.x and node.segment in dend1) or (node.x < 0.2 and node.segment in dend2) else 0, ) bistable_reaction = rxd.Rate(ca, -ca * (1 - ca) * (0.01 - ca)) h.finitialize() for i in range(2):
def iclamp_adaptive(cell, sec, i_inj, v_init, tstop, dt, celsius=35, pos_i=0.5, pos_v=0.5, atol=1e-2, continuous=True, discontinuities=None, interpolate=True): """ Runs a NEURON simulation of the cell for the given parameters using adaptive integration. :param sec: List with 1st entry the name of the section and 2nd entry the index (or None in case of soma) :type sec: list[str, int] :param i_inj: Amplitude of the injected current for all times t. :type i_inj: array_like :param v_init: Initial membrane potential of the cell. :type v_init: float :param tstop: Duration of a whole run. :type tstop: float :param dt: Time step. :type dt: float :param celsius: Temperature during the simulation (affects ion channel kinetics). :type celsius: float :param pos_i: Position of the IClamp on the Section (number between 0 and 1). :type pos_i: float :param pos_v: Position of the recording electrode on the Section (number between 0 and 1). :type pos_v: float :param atol: Absolute tolerance of the integration. :type atol: float :param: continuous: If true, linear interpolation is used to define the values between time points of i_inj. :type: continuous: bool :param: discontinuities: Indices where jumps in i_inj occur. This will insert a new point before each discontinuity in t with the time at the discontinuity and in i_inj with the value from i_inj before the discontinuity. :type discontinuities: array[int] :param interpolate: If true, the recorded values for v and t will be linearly interpolated to match dt. :type interpolate: bool :return: Membrane potential of the cell and time recorded at each time step. :rtype: tuple of three ndarrays """ # turn on adaptive integration and set tolerance (only works when stdrun.hoc already loaded) h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.atol(1e-8) section = cell.substitute_section(sec[0], sec[1]) # time t = np.arange(0, tstop + dt, dt) # adapt i_vec to cope with discontinuities if discontinuities is not None: discontinuities = np.sort(discontinuities) discontinuities = discontinuities + np.arange(len(discontinuities)) # index shifts by the amount of already inserted values for discontinuity in discontinuities: i_inj = np.insert(i_inj, discontinuity, i_inj[discontinuity-1]) t = np.insert(t, discontinuity, t[discontinuity]) # insert an IClamp with the current trace from the experiment stim, i_vec, t_vec = section.play_current(i_inj, t, pos_i, continuous=continuous) # record the membrane potential v_rec = section.record('v', pos_v) t_rec = h.Vector() t_rec.record(h._ref_t) i_rec = h.Vector() i_rec.record(stim._ref_amp) # run simulation h.celsius = celsius h.v_init = v_init h.tstop = tstop h.steps_per_ms = 1 / dt # change steps_per_ms before dt, otherwise dt not changed properly h.dt = dt v_rec = np.array(v_rec) t_rec = np.array(t_rec) #i_rec = np.array(i_rec) if interpolate: #i_rec = np.interp(t, t_rec, i_rec) v_rec = np.interp(t, t_rec, v_rec) t_rec = np.interp(t, t_rec, t_rec) t_rec, unique_indices = np.unique(t_rec, return_index=True) # remove double values (from discontinuities) v_rec = v_rec[unique_indices] # second value is the right one #i_rec = i_rec[unique_indices] # second value is the right one return v_rec, t_rec # , i_rec
def run_step_full(amplitude=0.1,passive=True): parameters = {'swc_filename': '../../SWCs/FINAL/thorny/DH070813-.Edit.scaled.swc', 'proximal_limit': 35., 'scaling': 1, 'soma': {'Cm': 1., 'Ra': 100., 'El': -70., 'Rm': 20e3}, 'proximal': {'Ra': 100., 'El': -70.}, 'distal': {'Ra': 100., 'El': -70.}, 'basal': {'Ra': 100., 'El': -70.}} # the passive properties of the axon are the same as the soma parameters['axon'] = parameters['soma'].copy() cell = SWCNeuron(parameters,with_axon=True,convert_to_3pt_soma=True) if DEBUG: for i,sec in enumerate(cell.sections): print('[%03d] %11s: L = %5.1f um, nseg = %2d, L/nseg = %5.1f um.' % \ (i+1,,sec.L,sec.nseg,sec.L/sec.nseg)) stim = h.IClamp(cell.soma[0](0.5)) stim.amp = amplitude stim.dur = 1000 stim.delay = 250 # the recorders rec = {'t': h.Vector()} rec['t'].record(h._ref_t) for sec in cell.sections: for seg in sec: k = '%s_%.3f' % (,seg.x) rec[k] = h.Vector() rec[k].record(seg._ref_v) h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') # run the simulation h.cvode_active(1) h.tstop = stim.dur + 2*stim.delay h.t = 0 h.v_init = -70 if 'DH070813' in parameters['swc_filename']: k = 'apical_6923_0.500' coeff = 60. min_v = 65.5 elif 'DH070313' in parameters['swc_filename']: k = 'apical_5206_0.900' coeff = 60. min_v = 62. nseg = 0 x = [] y = [] v = [] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.subplot(121) for sec in cell.sections: nseg += sec.nseg for seg in sec: k = '%s_%.3f' % (,seg.x) v.append(np.max(np.array(rec[k]))) n = np.floor(h.n3d(sec=sec)*seg.x) x.append(h.x3d(n,sec=sec)) y.append(h.y3d(n,sec=sec)) z = (255-coeff*(min_v+v[-1]))/255 plt.plot(x[-1],y[-1],'.',color=[1-z,1-z,z]) print('There are %d sections for a total of %d segments.' % (len(cell.sections),nseg)) plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(rec['t'],rec[k],'r') plt.plot(rec['t'],rec['soma_1_0.500'],'k')
elif method in (8,9): args = (pc.dt(tid), pc.t(tid), pd1_array, pd2_array) for c in call: if c[method] is not None: c[method](*args) except: traceback.print_exc() rval = -1 return rval _callback = nonvint_block_prototype(nonvint_block) set_nonvint_block(_callback) if __name__ == '__main__': exec(test) # see above string s = h.Section() print "fixed step finitialize" h.finitialize(0) print "fixed step fadvance" h.fadvance() h.load_file('stdgui.hoc') print "cvode active" h.cvode_active(1) print "cvode step finitialize" h.finitialize(0) print "cvode fadvance" h.fadvance()
def pyrun(ratio=0, loc=0, nsyn=0, sec=h.a10_11, icamps=[], dendrec=True): print '\n%s starting run' % (gethostname()) iotim = 0 tic = time() h.tstop = 500 h.tsamp = h.tstop / h.dt + 1 h.synrec = 1 tsamp = int(h.tsamp) r = h.Random(h.luckyoffset) r.negexp(h.meanisi) # stimulated branch syn = h.synsuper(.5, r, sec=sec) syndict = dict(sloc=loc, ratio=ratio, e1flag=0) for name, value in syndict.iteritems(): setattr(syn.syn, name, value) # initialize nseg with 'active' branches seclist = [h.a1_111, h.a10_11] sl2 = h.SectionList() for sec in seclist: sl2.append(sec=sec) poppedsecs = sl2.unique() h.refreshnseg(h.makeactivelist(sl2)) print 'nseg: %d' % (h.nsegcnt()) h.cvode.cache_efficient(1) h.cvode_active(0) # somatic voltage recordings, after nseg initialization v = h.Vector(tsamp) v.record(h.soma(.5)._ref_v) trash = v.label( # voltage recording dictionary vd = {'s': v} if dendrec: # dendritic voltage recording h.distance(0, h.soma_con_pt, sec=h.soma) d = h.distance(0, sec=sec) locx = (loc - d) / sec.L v = h.Vector(tsamp) v.record(sec(locx)._ref_v) trash = v.label( vd.update({'d': v}) h.poisson = 1 # 'background' current injection ic = h.IClamp(0.5, sec=h.soma) ic.dur = h.tstop p_tstart = 100 # plot tstart, crop initial rising phase of current injection ind_tstart = p_tstart / h.dt t = npy.arange(0, h.tstop - p_tstart + h.dt, h.dt) fh = newfig(figsize=(4, 8)) for runcnt, icamp in enumerate(icamps): ic.amp = icamp syn.syn.nsyn = nsyn seed1 = float(686) r1 = h.Random(seed1) r1.negexp(h.meanisi) syn.setrand(r1) # run simulation postrunrecgather(vd) # plot voltage and synaptic current ax = fh.add_subplot(6, 1, runcnt + 3) ax.plot(t, npy.array(vd['d'])[ind_tstart:], c='k', lw=1) ax = fh.add_subplot(6, 1, runcnt + 5) ax.plot(t, -(vd['nis'].sum(0) + vd['ais'].sum(0))[ind_tstart:], c='r', lw=1) ax = fh.add_subplot(6, 1, 1) for ind, ras in enumerate(vd['rasind']): ticks = ras[ras >= p_tstart] ax.scatter(ticks - p_tstart, npy.ones(ticks.shape) * ind, marker=[[[0, 0], [0, 1]], 0]) ax.axis((0, h.tstop - p_tstart, 0, ind + 1)) zero = npy.zeros(t.size) ax = fh.add_subplot(6, 1, 2) ax.fill_between(t, zero, (vd['ngs'] / vd['nbs']).sum(0)[ind_tstart:], lw=2, color='k') ax.fill_between(t, zero, vd['ags'].sum(0)[ind_tstart:], lw=2, color='r') ax.set_xlim([0, h.tstop - p_tstart]) fh.savefig('figs/Figure4.png') print '%s running %d runs took %d seconds' % (gethostname(), runcnt + 1, time() - tic)
def steps(step_number, parameters): # instantiate the class cell = GrCmono(parameters) # no table are in use from the mod files h.usetable_GrG_Na = 0 h.usetable_GrC_pNa = 0 h.usetable_GrC_CaHVA = 0 h.usetable_GrG_KV = 0 h.usetable_GrC_KA = 0 h.usetable_GrC_Kir = 0 h.usetable_GrC_KCa = 0 h.usetable_GrG_KM = 0 # load graph for the membrane voltage in mV # h('load_file("")') # h.nrncontrolmenu() # Stimulation data. Del = delay in ms, dur = duration in ms, amp = # amplitude in nA stimdata = dict() if step_number == 0: stimdata['stim0del'] = 100 stimdata['stim0dur'] = 500 stimdata['stim0amp'] = 0.010 elif step_number == 1: stimdata['stim1del'] = 100 stimdata['stim1dur'] = 500 stimdata['stim1amp'] = 0.016 elif step_number == 2: stimdata['stim2del'] = 100 stimdata['stim2dur'] = 500 stimdata['stim2amp'] = 0.022 # totale time of the simulation stimdata['timeglobal'] = 700 # integration step h.dt = 0.025 h.cvode_active(1) # temperature h.celsius = 30 # time at which the simulation have to end h.tstop = stimdata['timeglobal'] # initial voltage h.v_init = -80 if step_number == 0: # actual current injections, one for each current step. stim = [h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)] stim[0].delay = stimdata['stim0del'] stim[0].dur = stimdata['stim0dur'] stim[0].amp = stimdata['stim0amp'] elif step_number == 1: stim2 = [h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)] stim2[0].delay = stimdata['stim1del'] stim2[0].dur = stimdata['stim1dur'] stim2[0].amp = stimdata['stim1amp'] elif step_number == 2: stim3 = [h.IClamp(0.5, sec=cell.soma)] stim3[0].delay = stimdata['stim2del'] stim3[0].dur = stimdata['stim2dur'] stim3[0].amp = stimdata['stim2amp'] # Code to record everything. time = h.Vector() time.record(h._ref_t) vm = h.Vector() vm.record(cell.soma(0.5)._ref_v) # function to initialize the simulation. def initialize(): h.finitialize() initialize() #np.savetxt('trace_%d.txt' % step_number, np.column_stack((np.array(time),np.array(vm))), delimiter = ' ') return np.array(time), np.array(vm)
def network_func(arr): """ Evaluates the simulation of the pacemaker nucleus with the parameters defined in LoParameters and returns the frequency of oscillations. @LoParameters: [EK, gKp, gKr] @returns: frequency of oscillations either 0 or freq > 0 """ LoParameters = arr[0] results_index = arr[1] start = time.time() # NEURON utilities h.cvode_active(1) h.finitialize(-65) h.celsius = 27 # Biophysical parameters ek = LoParameters[0] ena = 50 # Pacemaker cell soma specific ps_EL = - 70 ps_gNa = 1.0 ps_gK = LoParameters[1] ps_gL = 0.0001 J = 30 # Pacemaker cell axon specific pa_EL = - 70 pa_gNa = 0.5 pa_gK = 0.02 pa_gL = 0.001 M = 45 # Relay cell soma specific rs_EL = -70 rs_gNa = 0.75 rs_gK = LoParameters[2] rs_gL = 0.0003 K = 60 # Relay cell axon specific ra_EL = -70 ra_gNa = 0.5 ra_gK = 0.05 ra_gL = 0.001 N = 40 # Synapse Parameters conduct_rng = [0.5, 10] # nS # Topology Parameters n_pacemakers = 87 n_relays = 20 n_p2p_projections = 6 n_p2r_projections = 7 # Duration Parameters T_STOP = 100 # (ms) # Object storage pacemaker_cells = [] relay_cells = [] pace_network_graph = pnm.Graph() # Build Synapse Adjacency List and initialize cell objects. for i in range(n_pacemakers + n_relays): # num vertices = num cells in network pace_network_graph.add_vertex(i) if i < n_pacemakers: # LOOKING AT A PACEMAKER CELL p_p_projections = rdm.sample(range(0, n_pacemakers), n_p2p_projections) p_r_projections = rdm.sample(range(n_pacemakers, n_relays + n_pacemakers), n_p2r_projections) while i in p_p_projections: # DON'T WANT TO SYNAPSE ONTO SELF p_p_projections = rdm.sample(range(0, n_pacemakers), n_p2p_projections) # Now have 2 unique lists of all cells that cell #i synapses to. # Add cell i's projections to graph all_projections = p_p_projections + p_r_projections for proj in all_projections: pace_network_graph.add_edge([i, proj]) pacemaker_cells.append( pnm.PacemakerCell([ek, ena, ps_EL, ps_gNa, ps_gK, ps_gL, J], [ek, ena, pa_EL, pa_gNa, pa_gK, pa_gL, M], i)) else: # LOOKING AT A RELAY CELL # Relay cells don't synapse to anything. relay_cells.append( pnm.RelayCell([ek, ena, rs_EL, rs_gNa, rs_gK, rs_gL, K], [ek, ena, ra_EL, ra_gNa, ra_gK, ra_gL, N], i)) all_cells = pacemaker_cells + relay_cells """ Orient objects in 3D-space with polar coordinates (position, rotation) where the center of the coordinate system corresponds to the center of the pacemaker nucleus cell network. Default neuronal orientation before repositioning and rotation y z y ^ ^> ^ | / | _______ |/ |( )_______________________________________ |------> (0,0)+(-So>ma-)______________Axon_____________________----> x | |(_______) | | V v """ t_pace = pacemaker_cells[0] t_relay = relay_cells[0] len_pace = t_pace.give_len("soma") + t_pace.give_len("axon") len_relay = t_relay.give_len("soma") + t_relay.give_len("axon") dt_pace = 2 * pi / n_pacemakers dt_relay = 2 * pi / n_relays # First for relay cells (position, rotation) for relay, cell in enumerate(relay_cells): cell.set_position((len_relay + 10) * cos(pi + (dt_relay * relay)), (len_relay + 10) * sin(pi + (dt_relay * relay)), 0) cell.rotateZ(relay * (2 * pi / n_relays)) # Second for pacemaker cells (position, rotation) for pace, cell in enumerate(pacemaker_cells): cell.set_position( (len_pace + len_relay + 10.001) * cos(pi + (dt_pace * pace)), (len_pace + len_relay + 10.001) * sin(pi + (dt_pace * pace)), 0) cell.rotateZ(pace * (2 * pi / n_pacemakers)) # For dict entries, create a Synapse b/t the key cell & each payload cell. for key in pace_network_graph.vertices(): pre_syn_cell = all_cells[key] for ident in pace_network_graph.edges_of_vertex(key): post_syn_cell = all_cells[ident] pre_syn_cell.add_synapse(post_syn_cell, conduct_rng) # Begin simulation of model #print(f"Starting simulation {list(LoParameters)} on pc={}") h.tstop = T_STOP # Simulation analysis time_spikes_pace_somas = [] time_spikes_pace_axons = [] time_spikes_relay_somas = [] time_spikes_relay_axons = [] soma_frequencies = [] axon_frequencies = [] # Determine if oscillating spontaneously last_ps_t = None last_rs_t = None for i, cell in enumerate(all_cells): soma_v, axon_v, t_v = cell.give_spikes() # time vectors soma_f = len(list(soma_v)) / (T_STOP * 0.001) axon_f = len(list(axon_v)) / (T_STOP * 0.001) if i < 87: time_spikes_pace_somas.append(len(list(soma_v))) time_spikes_pace_axons.append(len(list(axon_v))) if time_spikes_pace_somas[-1] > 0: last_ps_t = list(soma_v)[-1] elif i < 107: time_spikes_relay_somas.append(len(list(soma_v))) time_spikes_relay_axons.append(len(list(axon_v))) if time_spikes_relay_somas[-1] > 0: last_rs_t = list(soma_v)[-1] soma_frequencies.append(soma_f) axon_frequencies.append(axon_f) # Store raw cellular spike data for this simulation. try: frequencies = [mode(soma_frequencies[0:87]), mode(axon_frequencies[0:87]), mode(soma_frequencies[87:]), mode(axon_frequencies[87:])] except StatisticsError: frequencies = None if frequencies is not None \ and last_ps_t is not None \ and last_rs_t is not None \ and (len(set(frequencies)) <=2) \ and (np.isclose(frequencies[0], frequencies[3], rtol=0.15)) \ and (np.isclose(frequencies[0], frequencies[2], rtol=0.15)) \ and (np.isclose(frequencies[0], frequencies[1], rtol=0.15)) \ and (frequencies[0] > 40) \ and (frequencies[2] > 40) \ and ((T_STOP - last_ps_t) < (T_STOP / 3 + 7)) \ and ((T_STOP - last_rs_t) < (T_STOP / 3 + 7)): try: freq = mode(soma_frequencies) """pnm.raster( f"/Users/daniel/Desktop/Development/PacemakerNucleus/laptop" f"/sims", LoParameters, all_cells, frequencies)""" except StatisticsError: freq = -1e-15 # print("stats error") else: freq = -1e-15 #print(freq) """pnm.raster(f"/scratch/hartman.da/scratch_3D_resim_code/rasters", LoParameters, all_cells, [p_s_f, p_a_f, r_s_f, r_a_f]) pnm.cellular_potentials(f"/scratch/hartman.da/scratch_3D_resim_code" f"/mem_potentials", LoParameters, all_cells, [p_s_f, r_s_f])""" end = time.time() """simulation = Sim.Sim(LoParameters, freq, [], end - start, results_index) with open(f"{pickled_sims_dir}/Sim_{list(LoParameters)}.pkl", "wb") as \ sim_file: pkl.dump(simulation, sim_file)""" print(end-start) return freq, results_index
def model(Duration,Freq,DFreq,Amps,YY): fs = 1000*50*4 # Hz, sampling rate h.cvode_active(0) # turn off variable time step h.steps_per_ms = fs*1e-3 # steps per ms for NEURON simulation h.dt = 1/(fs*1e-3) # ms, sample spacing h.celsius = h.celsius # temperature at which to run simulation h.v_init = -80. # mV, initial voltage to begin simulations ZZ=0 MyTraj = np.array([[-50e-3,YY,ZZ], [+51e-3,YY,ZZ]]) MyPath = os.getcwd() + '/' CELL_DIR = MyPath+'cells/' CELL_FILE_NAME = 'NewMRGaxon_for_Python.hoc' MyD = 8.7 MyCell = MRG(axon_trajectory=MyTraj, fiberD=MyD, CELL_FILE_NAME=CELL_FILE_NAME, CELL_DIR=CELL_DIR) I = 1. # current source amplitude in A # find xyz coordinates of center of each axon compartment nrn_xyz = list() for sec in MyCell.get_secs(): nrn_xyz.append(MyCell.center_3Dcoords(sec)) nrn_xyz = np.array(nrn_xyz)*1e-6 # m, convert from um to m sigmaXX=0.6 sigmaYY=0.083 sigmaZZ=0.083 VS1=Voltages(nrn_xyz[:,0],nrn_xyz[:,1],nrn_xyz[:,2],-5e-3,+5e-3,+0e-3,+I,sigmaXX,sigmaYY,sigmaZZ,'V')['V'] VS2=Voltages(nrn_xyz[:,0],nrn_xyz[:,1],nrn_xyz[:,2],+5e-3,+5e-3,+0e-3,-I,sigmaXX,sigmaYY,sigmaZZ,'V')['V'] VS3=Voltages(nrn_xyz[:,0],nrn_xyz[:,1],nrn_xyz[:,2],-5e-3,-5e-3,+0e-3,+I,sigmaXX,sigmaYY,sigmaZZ,'V')['V'] VS4=Voltages(nrn_xyz[:,0],nrn_xyz[:,1],nrn_xyz[:,2],+5e-3,-5e-3,+0e-3,-I,sigmaXX,sigmaYY,sigmaZZ,'V')['V'] V1 = VS1+VS2 # voltage of first pair V2 = VS3+VS4 # voltage of second pair recordingDict = dict() location = 0.5 variable = {'v'} iSec=0 # MyPoints = list() for Sec in MyCell.get_secs(): Sec.rx1_xtra=V1[iSec] Sec.rx2_xtra=V2[iSec] iSec=iSec+1 if ("node" in for vars in variable: rec_dict(recordingDict, Sec, location, vars) MyCell.record(recordingDict) h.load_file("stdrun.hoc") h.init() h.finitialize(h.v_init) h.fcurrent() h.tstop = Duration Times=np.arange(0,h.tstop+h.dt,h.dt) Sim1=Amps*np.sin(2*np.pi*Freq/1000.0*Times) Sim2=Amps*np.sin(2*np.pi*(Freq+DFreq)/1000.0*Times) t = h.Vector(Times) Stim1=h.Vector(Sim1*1e-3) Stim2=h.Vector(Sim2*1e-3), t, 0), t, 0) return MyCell
def run(tstop): h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.atol(1e-7) h.tstop = tstop h.cvode_active(0)
Implementation by: Salvador Dura-Bernal, Cliff Kerr, Bill Lytton ([email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]) """ # adapted from /u/billl/nrniv/sync/izh.hoc import os, sys, collections import numpy as np from neuron import h, gui h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') import izhi2007Figs as iz07fig import izhi2007Wrapper as izh07 import __main__ py = __main__ h.tstop=500 h.cvode_active(0) h.dt=0.1 izh, cell07 = None, None # must be declared here since needs to be imported elsewhere type2003 = collections.OrderedDict([ # a b c d vviv tstop ('regular spiking (RS)' , (0.02 , 0.2 , -65.0 , 8.0 , -63.0 , 150.0)) , ('intrinsically bursting (IB)' , (0.02 , 0.2 , -55.0 , 4.0 , -70.0 , 150.0)) , ('chattering (CH)' , (0.02 , 0.2 , -50.0 , 2.0 , -70.0 , 150.0)) , ('fast spiking (FS)' , (0.1 , 0.2 , -65.0 , 2.0 , -70.0 , 150.0)) , ('thalamo-cortical (TC)' , (0.02 , 0.25, -65.0 , 0.05 , -63.0 , 150.0)) , ('thalamo-cortical burst (TC)' , (0.02 , 0.25, -65.0 , 0.05 , -87.0 , 150.0)) , ('resonator (RZ)' , (0.1 , 0.26 , -65.0 , 2.0 , -70.0 , 100.0)) , ('low-threshold spiking (LTS)' , (0.02 , 0.25 , -65.0 , 2.0 , -63.0 , 250.0))])
def set_sim_params(self, params): h.tstop = params["tstop"] h.dt = params["dt"] h.cvode.atol(params["atol"]) h.celsius = params["celsius"] h.cvode_active(int(params["cvode"]))
def run_current_steps_protocol(cell, amplitudes, ttran, tstep, dt=0.025, temperature=37., use_cvode=False): h.load_file('stdrun.hoc') print(timestamp() + '>> Inserting the stimulus...') stim = h.IClamp(cell.soma[0](0.5)) stim.dur = tstep stim.delay = ttran print(timestamp() + '>> Setting up the recorders...') rec = {} for lbl in 't','vsoma','spikes': rec[lbl] = h.Vector() rec['t'].record(h._ref_t) rec['vsoma'].record(cell.soma[0](0.5)._ref_v) apc = h.APCount(cell.soma[0](0.5)) apc.record(rec['spikes']) h.celsius = temperature h.dt = dt if use_cvode: h.tstop = stim.delay + stim.dur + 500 h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.atol(1e-6) h.cvode.rtol(1e-6) h.cvode.maxstep(dt) else: h.tstop = stim.delay - 20 print(timestamp() + '>> Evolving the model until %g ms...' % h.tstop) sys.stdout.flush() print(timestamp() + '>> Saving the state...') ss = h.SaveState() t = [] V = [] spike_times = [] for i,amp in enumerate(amplitudes): sys.stdout.write('\r' + timestamp() + '>> Trial [%02d/%02d] ' % (i+1,len(amplitudes))) sys.stdout.flush() if not use_cvode: ss.restore() stim.amp = amp apc.n = 0 rec['t'].resize(0) rec['vsoma'].resize(0) rec['spikes'].resize(0) if use_cvode: h.t = 0 else: h.continuerun(stim.delay + stim.dur + 500.) t.append(np.array(rec['t'])) V.append(np.array(rec['vsoma'])) spike_times.append(np.array(rec['spikes'])) sys.stdout.write('\n') if use_cvode: return np.array(t), np.array(V), np.array(spike_times) else: return np.array(V), np.array(spike_times)
def pyloop(ratio1=1.1, ratio2=2.2, loc1=128, loc2=128, simiter=0, subth=False): print '\n%s starting run' % (gethostname()) iotim = 0 tic = time() if subth: h5fn = 'paper-subth-%dum_%dum_run%d.h5' % (l1, l2, simiter) h.tstop = 200 h.maxsyn2 = 20 else: h5fn = 'paper-supth-%dum_%dum_run%d.h5' % (l1, l2, simiter) h.tstop = 500 savd = './data/' filters = pyt.Filters(complevel=9, complib='zlib', shuffle=True, fletcher32=True) h5f = pyt.openFile(os.path.join(savd, h5fn), 'w', filters=filters) maxsyn1 = int(h.maxsyn1) + 1 maxsyn2 = int(h.maxsyn2) + 1 h.tsamp = h.tstop / h.dt + 1 tsamp = int(h.tsamp) shape = (maxsyn1, maxsyn2, tsamp) cshape = (1, 1, shape[-1]) r = h.Random(simiter + h.luckyoffset) r.negexp(h.meanisi) # stimulated branch sec = h.a10_11 syns = [[], []] for ind, loc in enumerate([loc1, loc2]): if subth: for delay, ratio in zip([2, 22], [ratio1, ratio2]): syn = h.synsuper(.5, r, sec=sec) syns[ind].append(syn) syndict = dict(sloc=loc, ratio=ratio, e1del=delay, e1flag=1) for name, value in syndict.iteritems(): setattr(syn.syn, name, value) else: syn = h.synsuper(.5, r, sec=sec) syns[ind].append(syn) syndict = dict(sloc=loc, ratio=ratio1, e1flag=0) for name, value in syndict.iteritems(): setattr(syn.syn, name, value) # initialize nseg with two 'active' branches theseclist = [h.a10_11, h.a1_111] sl2 = h.SectionList() for sec in theseclist: sl2.append(sec=sec) poppedsecs = sl2.unique() h.refreshnseg(h.makeactivelist(sl2)) print 'nseg: %d' % (h.nsegcnt()) h.cvode.cache_efficient(1) h.cvode_active(0) # somatic voltage recordings, initialize after nseg is set v = h.Vector(tsamp) v.record(h.soma(.5)._ref_v) trash = v.label( # voltage recording dictionary vd = {'s': v} # dendritic voltage recording h.distance(0, h.soma_con_pt, sec=h.soma) for n, sec in enumerate(theseclist): d = h.distance(0, sec=sec) # location 1 synapses locx1 = (loc1 - d) / sec.L v = h.Vector(tsamp) v.record(sec(locx1)._ref_v) trash = v.label( vd.update({'dp' + str(n): v}) # location 2 synapses locx2 = (loc2 - d) / sec.L v = h.Vector(tsamp) v.record(sec(locx2)._ref_v) trash = v.label( vd.update({'dd' + str(n): v}) if subth: h.poisson = 0 else: h.poisson = 1 # 'background' guassian current injection npy.random.seed(1) ic = h.IClamp(0.5, sec=h.soma) ic.dur = h.tstop icmean = .75 icstd = 1 icvals = icmean + icstd * npy.random.randn(h.tstop / h.dt + 1) icrand = h.Vector(tsamp) for i in xrange(tsamp): icrand.x[i] = icvals[i], h.dt) h5d = {} for key in vd.keys(): h5d.update({ key: h5f.createCArray(h5f.root, key, shape=shape, atom=pyt.Float64Atom(), title=vd[key].label(), chunkshape=cshape) }) synpairs = [(i, j) for i in xrange(maxsyn1) for j in xrange(maxsyn2)] if not subth: # subsample stimulus configuration space to speed up simulations oddpairs = [(i, j) for i in npy.mgrid[1:maxsyn1:2] for j in npy.mgrid[1:maxsyn2:2]] synpairs = list(set(synpairs) - set(oddpairs)) # subset of input configurations needed for figure 7 traces realrunsdist = [3, 6, 9] realrunsprox = [17, 21, 25] iisi = simiter * (maxsyn1 + maxsyn2) # inter-iteration seed interval for runcnt, (nsyn1, nsyn2) in enumerate(synpairs): # configure s(t)imulation if not subth: if ((nsyn1 in realrunsprox and nsyn2 == 0) or (nsyn2 in realrunsdist and nsyn1 == 0)): h.fakerun = 0 else: h.fakerun = 1 for ssyn in syns[0]: ssyn.syn.nsyn = nsyn1 seed1 = float(iisi + nsyn1 + h.luckyoffset) r1 = h.Random(seed1) r1.negexp(h.meanisi) ssyn.setrand(r1) for ssyn in syns[1]: ssyn.syn.nsyn = nsyn2 seed2 = float(iisi + maxsyn1 + nsyn2 + h.luckyoffset) r2 = h.Random(seed2) r2.negexp(h.meanisi) ssyn.setrand(r2) # run simulation # get results iotic = time() if not h.fakerun: for key in h5d.keys(): h5d[key][nsyn1, nsyn2] = npy.array(vd[key]).reshape(cshape) iotim += time() - iotic iotic = time() h5f.close() iotim += time() - iotic print '%s running %d runs took %d seconds, of which %d seconds was I/O' % ( gethostname(), runcnt + 1, time() - tic, iotim)
axon.nseg = nseg axon.Ra = Ra axon.insert('hh') asyns = [h.AlphaSynapse(axon(0)), h.AlphaSynapse(axon(0))] for ix,t in enumerate(t_on): asyns[ix].onset = t asyns[ix].gmax = g_max h.tstop = sim_length t_vec = h.Vector() # Time stamp vector t_vec.record(h._ref_t) axon_segments = list(axon) v_vec = [] for axon_segment in axon_segments: v_vec.append(h.Vector()) v_vec[-1].record(axon_segment._ref_v) h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.atol(1e-5) results = np.zeros((len(t_vec), len(axon_segments) + 1)) results[:, 0] = t_vec.as_numpy() for ix, v in enumerate(v_vec): results[:, ix + 1] = v_vec[ix] np.savetxt(save_dir+"/modelResult/" + model_name + ".csv", results, delimiter=",")
def run(self): self.gui() self.g.label(0.1, 0.9, self.mechname, 2) self.g.label("secondorder=%g" % h.secondorder) self.g.label("dt=%g" % h.dt) vvec = h.Vector() tvec = h.Vector() if use_voltage_clamp: vvec.label("ic") vvec.record(self.syn,, 0.1) else: vvec.label("v") #vvec.record(self.syn, self.soma(.5)._ref_v, 0.1) vvec.record(self.syn, self.syn._ref_A_AMPA, 0.1) tvec.record(self.syn, h._ref_t, 0.1) h.cvode.atol(1e-10) # cvode is standard but use first result to change weight so that # there is a substantial synaptic change dtsav = h.dt try: h.cvode_active(1) except: h.cvode_active(0) h.dt /= 1000 print("cvode failed so try fixed step dt=%g as standard" % h.dt) sz = 10 * h.tstop scale = (vvec.max(10, sz) - vvec.min(10, sz)) / 10. print("scale=%g" % scale) if abs(scale) > 1e-6:[0] /= scale elif math.isnan(scale) or abs(scale) > 1e6: print("numerical problem") else: print("No response") h.dt = dtsav vvec.resize(sz) tvec.resize(sz) vvec.line(self.g, tvec, 1, 3) vstd = vvec.c() tstd = tvec.c() vmag = vvec.c().sub(vvec.x[10]).abs().sum() result = [] h.cvode_active(0) for adjust in [0, 1]: h.nrn_netrec_state_adjust = adjust color = 3 if adjust is 1 else 2 for dt in [h.dt / 8, h.dt / 4, h.dt / 2, h.dt]: h.dt = dt vvec.resize(sz) tvec.resize(sz) vvec.line(self.g, tvec, color, 1) vdif = vvec.c().sub(vstd).abs().sum() tdif = tvec.c().sub(tstd).abs().sum() result.append((self.mechname, h.secondorder, adjust, dt, vdif, tdif, vmag)) print("%s %g %g %g %g %g" % result[-1][:-1]) h.nrn_netrec_state_adjust = 0 self.g.exec_menu("View = plot") return result
data1 = numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(Exp_Dir, files_list1[0])) data2 = numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(Exp_Dir, files_list2[0])) data3 = numpy.loadtxt(os.path.join(Exp_Dir, files_list3[0])) data0 = data0[1:80000, :] data1 = data1[1:80000, :] data2 = data2[1:80000, :] data3 = data3[1:80000, :] ### Parameters ### Nsyns = numpy.array([0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60]) Nsyns_PYR = 3 freqs = numpy.array([1, 5, 8, 10, 20]) ### Setup holding currents ### h.cvode_active(1) # i.e. to make it run faster for this portion h.cvode.atol(1e-05) h.tstop = 5000 spikerate_prev = 0 if find7HzHolding: for stepcurr in range(40, 101, 1): h.ic_hold.amp = stepcurr * 0.001 # holding current h.f(0, 0, 0) apctimes = numpy.array(h.apctimes) apctimes = apctimes[apctimes > 1000] # Only spike times > 1s spikerate = len(apctimes) / 4 print('Spike Rate = ' + str(spikerate) + ' Hz at ' + str(stepcurr * 0.001) + ' nA') if (spikerate > 7) & (spikerate < 7.6): print('Holding Current = ' + str(stepcurr * 0.001) + ' nA')
def iclamp_adaptive(cell, sec, i_inj, v_init, tstop, dt, celsius=35, pos_i=0.5, pos_v=0.5, atol=1e-2, continuous=True, discontinuities=None, interpolate=True): """ Runs a NEURON simulation of the cell for the given parameters using adaptive integration. :param sec: List with 1st entry the name of the section and 2nd entry the index (or None in case of soma) :type sec: list[str, int] :param i_inj: Amplitude of the injected current for all times t. :type i_inj: array_like :param v_init: Initial membrane potential of the cell. :type v_init: float :param tstop: Duration of a whole run. :type tstop: float :param dt: Time step. :type dt: float :param celsius: Temperature during the simulation (affects ion channel kinetics). :type celsius: float :param pos_i: Position of the IClamp on the Section (number between 0 and 1). :type pos_i: float :param pos_v: Position of the recording electrode on the Section (number between 0 and 1). :type pos_v: float :param atol: Absolute tolerance of the integration. :type atol: float :param: continuous: If true, linear interpolation is used to define the values between time points of i_inj. :type: continuous: bool :param: discontinuities: Indices where jumps in i_inj occur. This will insert a new point before each discontinuity in t with the time at the discontinuity and in i_inj with the value from i_inj before the discontinuity. :type discontinuities: array[int] :param interpolate: If true, the recorded values for v and t will be linearly interpolated to match dt. :type interpolate: bool :return: Membrane potential of the cell and time recorded at each time step. :rtype: tuple of three ndarrays """ # turn on adaptive integration and set tolerance (only works when stdrun.hoc already loaded) h.cvode_active(1) h.cvode.atol(1e-8) section = cell.substitute_section(sec[0], sec[1]) # time t = np.arange(0, tstop + dt, dt) # adapt i_vec to cope with discontinuities if discontinuities is not None: discontinuities = np.sort(discontinuities) discontinuities = discontinuities + np.arange( len(discontinuities )) # index shifts by the amount of already inserted values for discontinuity in discontinuities: i_inj = np.insert(i_inj, discontinuity, i_inj[discontinuity - 1]) t = np.insert(t, discontinuity, t[discontinuity]) # insert an IClamp with the current trace from the experiment stim, i_vec, t_vec = section.play_current(i_inj, t, pos_i, continuous=continuous) # record the membrane potential v_rec = section.record('v', pos_v) t_rec = h.Vector() t_rec.record(h._ref_t) i_rec = h.Vector() i_rec.record(stim._ref_amp) # run simulation h.celsius = celsius h.v_init = v_init h.tstop = tstop h.steps_per_ms = 1 / dt # change steps_per_ms before dt, otherwise dt not changed properly h.dt = dt v_rec = np.array(v_rec) t_rec = np.array(t_rec) #i_rec = np.array(i_rec) if interpolate: #i_rec = np.interp(t, t_rec, i_rec) v_rec = np.interp(t, t_rec, v_rec) t_rec = np.interp(t, t_rec, t_rec) t_rec, unique_indices = np.unique( t_rec, return_index=True) # remove double values (from discontinuities) v_rec = v_rec[unique_indices] # second value is the right one #i_rec = i_rec[unique_indices] # second value is the right one return v_rec, t_rec # , i_rec