def main(): args_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Tuning with graph-based parsing') args_parser.add_argument('--test_phase', action='store_true', help='Load trained model and run testing phase.') args_parser.add_argument('--mode', choices=['RNN', 'LSTM', 'GRU', 'FastLSTM'], help='architecture of rnn', required=True) args_parser.add_argument('--cuda', action='store_true', help='using GPU') args_parser.add_argument('--num_epochs', type=int, default=200, help='Number of training epochs') args_parser.add_argument('--batch_size', type=int, default=64, help='Number of sentences in each batch') args_parser.add_argument('--hidden_size', type=int, default=256, help='Number of hidden units in RNN') args_parser.add_argument('--arc_space', type=int, default=128, help='Dimension of tag space') args_parser.add_argument('--type_space', type=int, default=128, help='Dimension of tag space') args_parser.add_argument('--num_layers', type=int, default=1, help='Number of layers of RNN') args_parser.add_argument('--num_filters', type=int, default=50, help='Number of filters in CNN') args_parser.add_argument('--pos', action='store_true', help='use part-of-speech embedding.') args_parser.add_argument('--char', action='store_true', help='use character embedding and CNN.') args_parser.add_argument('--pos_dim', type=int, default=50, help='Dimension of POS embeddings') args_parser.add_argument('--char_dim', type=int, default=50, help='Dimension of Character embeddings') args_parser.add_argument('--opt', choices=['adam', 'sgd', 'adamax'], help='optimization algorithm') args_parser.add_argument('--objective', choices=['cross_entropy', 'crf'], default='cross_entropy', help='objective function of training procedure.') args_parser.add_argument('--decode', choices=['mst', 'greedy'], help='decoding algorithm', required=True) args_parser.add_argument('--learning_rate', type=float, default=0.01, help='Learning rate') args_parser.add_argument('--decay_rate', type=float, default=0.05, help='Decay rate of learning rate') args_parser.add_argument('--clip', type=float, default=5.0, help='gradient clipping') args_parser.add_argument('--gamma', type=float, default=0.0, help='weight for regularization') args_parser.add_argument('--epsilon', type=float, default=1e-8, help='epsilon for adam or adamax') args_parser.add_argument('--p_rnn', nargs=2, type=float, required=True, help='dropout rate for RNN') args_parser.add_argument('--p_in', type=float, default=0.33, help='dropout rate for input embeddings') args_parser.add_argument('--p_out', type=float, default=0.33, help='dropout rate for output layer') args_parser.add_argument('--schedule', type=int, help='schedule for learning rate decay') args_parser.add_argument('--unk_replace', type=float, default=0., help='The rate to replace a singleton word with UNK') args_parser.add_argument('--punctuation', nargs='+', type=str, help='List of punctuations') args_parser.add_argument('--word_embedding', choices=['glove', 'senna', 'sskip', 'polyglot'], help='Embedding for words', required=True) args_parser.add_argument('--word_path', help='path for word embedding dict') args_parser.add_argument('--freeze', action='store_true', help='frozen the word embedding (disable fine-tuning).') args_parser.add_argument('--char_embedding', choices=['random', 'polyglot'], help='Embedding for characters', required=True) args_parser.add_argument('--char_path', help='path for character embedding dict') args_parser.add_argument('--train') # "data/POS-penn/wsj/split1/wsj1.train.original" args_parser.add_argument('--dev') # "data/POS-penn/wsj/split1/" args_parser.add_argument('--test') # "data/POS-penn/wsj/split1/wsj1.test.original" args_parser.add_argument('--model_path', help='path for saving model file.', required=True) args_parser.add_argument('--model_name', help='name for saving model file.', required=True) args = args_parser.parse_args() logger = get_logger("GraphParser") mode = args.mode obj = args.objective decoding = args.decode train_path = args.train dev_path = test_path = args.test model_path = args.model_path model_name = args.model_name num_epochs = args.num_epochs batch_size = args.batch_size hidden_size = args.hidden_size arc_space = args.arc_space type_space = args.type_space num_layers = args.num_layers num_filters = args.num_filters learning_rate = args.learning_rate opt = args.opt momentum = 0.9 betas = (0.9, 0.9) eps = args.epsilon decay_rate = args.decay_rate clip = args.clip gamma = args.gamma schedule = args.schedule p_rnn = tuple(args.p_rnn) p_in = args.p_in p_out = args.p_out unk_replace = args.unk_replace punctuation = args.punctuation freeze = args.freeze word_embedding = args.word_embedding word_path = args.word_path use_char = args.char char_embedding = args.char_embedding char_path = args.char_path use_pos = args.pos pos_dim = args.pos_dim word_dict, word_dim = utils.load_embedding_dict(word_embedding, word_path) char_dict = None char_dim = args.char_dim if char_embedding != 'random': char_dict, char_dim = utils.load_embedding_dict(char_embedding, char_path)"Creating Alphabets") alphabet_path = os.path.join(model_path, 'alphabets/') model_name = os.path.join(model_path, model_name) word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet = conllx_data.create_alphabets(alphabet_path, train_path, data_paths=[dev_path, test_path], max_vocabulary_size=100000, embedd_dict=word_dict) num_words = word_alphabet.size() num_chars = char_alphabet.size() num_pos = pos_alphabet.size() num_types = type_alphabet.size()"Word Alphabet Size: %d" % num_words)"Character Alphabet Size: %d" % num_chars)"POS Alphabet Size: %d" % num_pos)"Type Alphabet Size: %d" % num_types)"Reading Data") device = torch.device('cuda') if args.cuda else torch.device('cpu') data_train = conllx_data.read_data_to_tensor(train_path, word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet, symbolic_root=True, device=device) # data_train = conllx_data.read_data(train_path, word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet) # num_data = sum([len(bucket) for bucket in data_train]) num_data = sum(data_train[1]) data_dev = conllx_data.read_data_to_tensor(dev_path, word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet, symbolic_root=True, device=device) data_test = conllx_data.read_data_to_tensor(test_path, word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet, symbolic_root=True, device=device) punct_set = None if punctuation is not None: punct_set = set(punctuation)"punctuations(%d): %s" % (len(punct_set), ' '.join(punct_set))) def construct_word_embedding_table(): scale = np.sqrt(3.0 / word_dim) table = np.empty([word_alphabet.size(), word_dim], dtype=np.float32) table[conllx_data.UNK_ID, :] = np.zeros([1, word_dim]).astype(np.float32) if freeze else np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, [1, word_dim]).astype(np.float32) oov = 0 for word, index in word_alphabet.items(): if word in word_dict: embedding = word_dict[word] elif word.lower() in word_dict: embedding = word_dict[word.lower()] else: embedding = np.zeros([1, word_dim]).astype(np.float32) if freeze else np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, [1, word_dim]).astype(np.float32) oov += 1 table[index, :] = embedding print('word OOV: %d' % oov) return torch.from_numpy(table) def construct_char_embedding_table(): if char_dict is None: return None scale = np.sqrt(3.0 / char_dim) table = np.empty([num_chars, char_dim], dtype=np.float32) table[conllx_data.UNK_ID, :] = np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, [1, char_dim]).astype(np.float32) oov = 0 for char, index, in char_alphabet.items(): if char in char_dict: embedding = char_dict[char] else: embedding = np.random.uniform(-scale, scale, [1, char_dim]).astype(np.float32) oov += 1 table[index, :] = embedding print('character OOV: %d' % oov) return torch.from_numpy(table) word_table = construct_word_embedding_table() char_table = construct_char_embedding_table() window = 3 if obj == 'cross_entropy': network = BiRecurrentConvBiAffine(word_dim, num_words, char_dim, num_chars, pos_dim, num_pos, num_filters, window, mode, hidden_size, num_layers, num_types, arc_space, type_space, embedd_word=word_table, embedd_char=char_table, p_in=p_in, p_out=p_out, p_rnn=p_rnn, biaffine=True, pos=use_pos, char=use_char) elif obj == 'crf': raise NotImplementedError else: raise RuntimeError('Unknown objective: %s' % obj) def save_args(): arg_path = model_name + '.arg.json' arguments = [word_dim, num_words, char_dim, num_chars, pos_dim, num_pos, num_filters, window, mode, hidden_size, num_layers, num_types, arc_space, type_space] kwargs = {'p_in': p_in, 'p_out': p_out, 'p_rnn': p_rnn, 'biaffine': True, 'pos': use_pos, 'char': use_char} json.dump({'args': arguments, 'kwargs': kwargs}, open(arg_path, 'w'), indent=4) if freeze: freeze_embedding(network.word_embedd) network = save_args() pred_writer = CoNLLXWriter(word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet) gold_writer = CoNLLXWriter(word_alphabet, char_alphabet, pos_alphabet, type_alphabet) def generate_optimizer(opt, lr, params): params = filter(lambda param: param.requires_grad, params) if opt == 'adam': return Adam(params, lr=lr, betas=betas, weight_decay=gamma, eps=eps) elif opt == 'sgd': return SGD(params, lr=lr, momentum=momentum, weight_decay=gamma, nesterov=True) elif opt == 'adamax': return Adamax(params, lr=lr, betas=betas, weight_decay=gamma, eps=eps) else: raise ValueError('Unknown optimization algorithm: %s' % opt) lr = learning_rate optim = generate_optimizer(opt, lr, network.parameters()) opt_info = 'opt: %s, ' % opt if opt == 'adam': opt_info += 'betas=%s, eps=%.1e' % (betas, eps) elif opt == 'sgd': opt_info += 'momentum=%.2f' % momentum elif opt == 'adamax': opt_info += 'betas=%s, eps=%.1e' % (betas, eps) word_status = 'frozen' if freeze else 'fine tune' char_status = 'enabled' if use_char else 'disabled' pos_status = 'enabled' if use_pos else 'disabled'"Embedding dim: word=%d (%s), char=%d (%s), pos=%d (%s)" % (word_dim, word_status, char_dim, char_status, pos_dim, pos_status))"CNN: filter=%d, kernel=%d" % (num_filters, window))"RNN: %s, num_layer=%d, hidden=%d, arc_space=%d, type_space=%d" % (mode, num_layers, hidden_size, arc_space, type_space))"train: obj: %s, l2: %f, (#data: %d, batch: %d, clip: %.2f, unk replace: %.2f)" % (obj, gamma, num_data, batch_size, clip, unk_replace))"dropout(in, out, rnn): (%.2f, %.2f, %s)" % (p_in, p_out, p_rnn))"decoding algorithm: %s" % decoding) num_batches = num_data / batch_size + 1 dev_ucorrect = 0.0 dev_lcorrect = 0.0 dev_ucomlpete_match = 0.0 dev_lcomplete_match = 0.0 dev_ucorrect_nopunc = 0.0 dev_lcorrect_nopunc = 0.0 dev_ucomlpete_match_nopunc = 0.0 dev_lcomplete_match_nopunc = 0.0 dev_root_correct = 0.0 best_epoch = 0 test_ucorrect = 0.0 test_lcorrect = 0.0 test_ucomlpete_match = 0.0 test_lcomplete_match = 0.0 test_ucorrect_nopunc = 0.0 test_lcorrect_nopunc = 0.0 test_ucomlpete_match_nopunc = 0.0 test_lcomplete_match_nopunc = 0.0 test_root_correct = 0.0 test_total = 0 test_total_nopunc = 0 test_total_inst = 0 test_total_root = 0 if decoding == 'greedy': decode = network.decode elif decoding == 'mst': decode = network.decode_mst else: raise ValueError('Unknown decoding algorithm: %s' % decoding) patient = 0 decay = 0 max_decay = 9 double_schedule_decay = 5 for epoch in range(1, num_epochs + 1): print('Epoch %d (%s, optim: %s, learning rate=%.6f, eps=%.1e, decay rate=%.2f (schedule=%d, patient=%d, decay=%d)): ' % (epoch, mode, opt, lr, eps, decay_rate, schedule, patient, decay)) train_err = 0. train_err_arc = 0. train_err_type = 0. train_total = 0. start_time = time.time() num_back = 0 network.train() for batch in range(1, num_batches + 1): word, char, pos, heads, types, masks, lengths = conllx_data.get_batch_tensor(data_train, batch_size, unk_replace=unk_replace) optim.zero_grad() loss_arc, loss_type = network.loss(word, char, pos, heads, types, mask=masks, length=lengths) loss = loss_arc + loss_type loss.backward() clip_grad_norm_(network.parameters(), clip) optim.step() with torch.no_grad(): num_inst = word.size(0) if obj == 'crf' else masks.sum() - word.size(0) train_err += loss * num_inst train_err_arc += loss_arc * num_inst train_err_type += loss_type * num_inst train_total += num_inst time_ave = (time.time() - start_time) / batch time_left = (num_batches - batch) * time_ave # update log if batch % 10 == 0: sys.stdout.write("\b" * num_back) sys.stdout.write(" " * num_back) sys.stdout.write("\b" * num_back) log_info = 'train: %d/%d loss: %.4f, arc: %.4f, type: %.4f, time left: %.2fs' % (batch, num_batches, train_err / train_total, train_err_arc / train_total, train_err_type / train_total, time_left) sys.stdout.write(log_info) sys.stdout.flush() num_back = len(log_info) sys.stdout.write("\b" * num_back) sys.stdout.write(" " * num_back) sys.stdout.write("\b" * num_back) print('train: %d loss: %.4f, arc: %.4f, type: %.4f, time: %.2fs' % (num_batches, train_err / train_total, train_err_arc / train_total, train_err_type / train_total, time.time() - start_time)) # evaluate performance on dev data with torch.no_grad(): network.eval() pred_filename = 'tmp/%spred_dev%d' % (str(uid), epoch) pred_writer.start(pred_filename) gold_filename = 'tmp/%sgold_dev%d' % (str(uid), epoch) gold_writer.start(gold_filename) dev_ucorr = 0.0 dev_lcorr = 0.0 dev_total = 0 dev_ucomlpete = 0.0 dev_lcomplete = 0.0 dev_ucorr_nopunc = 0.0 dev_lcorr_nopunc = 0.0 dev_total_nopunc = 0 dev_ucomlpete_nopunc = 0.0 dev_lcomplete_nopunc = 0.0 dev_root_corr = 0.0 dev_total_root = 0.0 dev_total_inst = 0.0 for batch in conllx_data.iterate_batch_tensor(data_dev, batch_size): word, char, pos, heads, types, masks, lengths = batch heads_pred, types_pred = decode(word, char, pos, mask=masks, length=lengths, leading_symbolic=conllx_data.NUM_SYMBOLIC_TAGS) word = word.cpu().numpy() pos = pos.cpu().numpy() lengths = lengths.cpu().numpy() heads = heads.cpu().numpy() types = types.cpu().numpy() pred_writer.write(word, pos, heads_pred, types_pred, lengths, symbolic_root=True) gold_writer.write(word, pos, heads, types, lengths, symbolic_root=True) stats, stats_nopunc, stats_root, num_inst = parser.eval(word, pos, heads_pred, types_pred, heads, types, word_alphabet, pos_alphabet, lengths, punct_set=punct_set, symbolic_root=True) ucorr, lcorr, total, ucm, lcm = stats ucorr_nopunc, lcorr_nopunc, total_nopunc, ucm_nopunc, lcm_nopunc = stats_nopunc corr_root, total_root = stats_root dev_ucorr += ucorr dev_lcorr += lcorr dev_total += total dev_ucomlpete += ucm dev_lcomplete += lcm dev_ucorr_nopunc += ucorr_nopunc dev_lcorr_nopunc += lcorr_nopunc dev_total_nopunc += total_nopunc dev_ucomlpete_nopunc += ucm_nopunc dev_lcomplete_nopunc += lcm_nopunc dev_root_corr += corr_root dev_total_root += total_root dev_total_inst += num_inst pred_writer.close() gold_writer.close() print('W. Punct: ucorr: %d, lcorr: %d, total: %d, uas: %.2f%%, las: %.2f%%, ucm: %.2f%%, lcm: %.2f%%' % ( dev_ucorr, dev_lcorr, dev_total, dev_ucorr * 100 / dev_total, dev_lcorr * 100 / dev_total, dev_ucomlpete * 100 / dev_total_inst, dev_lcomplete * 100 / dev_total_inst)) print('Wo Punct: ucorr: %d, lcorr: %d, total: %d, uas: %.2f%%, las: %.2f%%, ucm: %.2f%%, lcm: %.2f%%' % ( dev_ucorr_nopunc, dev_lcorr_nopunc, dev_total_nopunc, dev_ucorr_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_nopunc, dev_lcorr_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_nopunc, dev_ucomlpete_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_inst, dev_lcomplete_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_inst)) print('Root: corr: %d, total: %d, acc: %.2f%%' %(dev_root_corr, dev_total_root, dev_root_corr * 100 / dev_total_root)) if dev_lcorrect_nopunc < dev_lcorr_nopunc or (dev_lcorrect_nopunc == dev_lcorr_nopunc and dev_ucorrect_nopunc < dev_ucorr_nopunc): dev_ucorrect_nopunc = dev_ucorr_nopunc dev_lcorrect_nopunc = dev_lcorr_nopunc dev_ucomlpete_match_nopunc = dev_ucomlpete_nopunc dev_lcomplete_match_nopunc = dev_lcomplete_nopunc dev_ucorrect = dev_ucorr dev_lcorrect = dev_lcorr dev_ucomlpete_match = dev_ucomlpete dev_lcomplete_match = dev_lcomplete dev_root_correct = dev_root_corr best_epoch = epoch patient = 0 #, model_name), model_name) pred_filename = 'tmp/%spred_test%d' % (str(uid), epoch) pred_writer.start(pred_filename) gold_filename = 'tmp/%sgold_test%d' % (str(uid), epoch) gold_writer.start(gold_filename) test_ucorrect = 0.0 test_lcorrect = 0.0 test_ucomlpete_match = 0.0 test_lcomplete_match = 0.0 test_total = 0 test_ucorrect_nopunc = 0.0 test_lcorrect_nopunc = 0.0 test_ucomlpete_match_nopunc = 0.0 test_lcomplete_match_nopunc = 0.0 test_total_nopunc = 0 test_total_inst = 0 test_root_correct = 0.0 test_total_root = 0 for batch in conllx_data.iterate_batch_tensor(data_test, batch_size): word, char, pos, heads, types, masks, lengths = batch heads_pred, types_pred = decode(word, char, pos, mask=masks, length=lengths, leading_symbolic=conllx_data.NUM_SYMBOLIC_TAGS) word = word.cpu().numpy() pos = pos.cpu().numpy() lengths = lengths.cpu().numpy() heads = heads.cpu().numpy() types = types.cpu().numpy() pred_writer.write(word, pos, heads_pred, types_pred, lengths, symbolic_root=True) gold_writer.write(word, pos, heads, types, lengths, symbolic_root=True) stats, stats_nopunc, stats_root, num_inst = parser.eval(word, pos, heads_pred, types_pred, heads, types, word_alphabet, pos_alphabet, lengths, punct_set=punct_set, symbolic_root=True) ucorr, lcorr, total, ucm, lcm = stats ucorr_nopunc, lcorr_nopunc, total_nopunc, ucm_nopunc, lcm_nopunc = stats_nopunc corr_root, total_root = stats_root test_ucorrect += ucorr test_lcorrect += lcorr test_total += total test_ucomlpete_match += ucm test_lcomplete_match += lcm test_ucorrect_nopunc += ucorr_nopunc test_lcorrect_nopunc += lcorr_nopunc test_total_nopunc += total_nopunc test_ucomlpete_match_nopunc += ucm_nopunc test_lcomplete_match_nopunc += lcm_nopunc test_root_correct += corr_root test_total_root += total_root test_total_inst += num_inst pred_writer.close() gold_writer.close() else: if dev_ucorr_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_nopunc < dev_ucorrect_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_nopunc - 5 or patient >= schedule: # network = torch.load(model_name) network.load_state_dict(torch.load(model_name)) lr = lr * decay_rate optim = generate_optimizer(opt, lr, network.parameters()) if decoding == 'greedy': decode = network.decode elif decoding == 'mst': decode = network.decode_mst else: raise ValueError('Unknown decoding algorithm: %s' % decoding) patient = 0 decay += 1 if decay % double_schedule_decay == 0: schedule *= 2 else: patient += 1 print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('best dev W. Punct: ucorr: %d, lcorr: %d, total: %d, uas: %.2f%%, las: %.2f%%, ucm: %.2f%%, lcm: %.2f%% (epoch: %d)' % ( dev_ucorrect, dev_lcorrect, dev_total, dev_ucorrect * 100 / dev_total, dev_lcorrect * 100 / dev_total, dev_ucomlpete_match * 100 / dev_total_inst, dev_lcomplete_match * 100 / dev_total_inst, best_epoch)) print('best dev Wo Punct: ucorr: %d, lcorr: %d, total: %d, uas: %.2f%%, las: %.2f%%, ucm: %.2f%%, lcm: %.2f%% (epoch: %d)' % ( dev_ucorrect_nopunc, dev_lcorrect_nopunc, dev_total_nopunc, dev_ucorrect_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_nopunc, dev_lcorrect_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_nopunc, dev_ucomlpete_match_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_inst, dev_lcomplete_match_nopunc * 100 / dev_total_inst, best_epoch)) print('best dev Root: corr: %d, total: %d, acc: %.2f%% (epoch: %d)' % ( dev_root_correct, dev_total_root, dev_root_correct * 100 / dev_total_root, best_epoch)) print('----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------') print('best test W. Punct: ucorr: %d, lcorr: %d, total: %d, uas: %.2f%%, las: %.2f%%, ucm: %.2f%%, lcm: %.2f%% (epoch: %d)' % ( test_ucorrect, test_lcorrect, test_total, test_ucorrect * 100 / test_total, test_lcorrect * 100 / test_total, test_ucomlpete_match * 100 / test_total_inst, test_lcomplete_match * 100 / test_total_inst, best_epoch)) print('best test Wo Punct: ucorr: %d, lcorr: %d, total: %d, uas: %.2f%%, las: %.2f%%, ucm: %.2f%%, lcm: %.2f%% (epoch: %d)' % ( test_ucorrect_nopunc, test_lcorrect_nopunc, test_total_nopunc, test_ucorrect_nopunc * 100 / test_total_nopunc, test_lcorrect_nopunc * 100 / test_total_nopunc, test_ucomlpete_match_nopunc * 100 / test_total_inst, test_lcomplete_match_nopunc * 100 / test_total_inst, best_epoch)) print('best test Root: corr: %d, total: %d, acc: %.2f%% (epoch: %d)' % ( test_root_correct, test_total_root, test_root_correct * 100 / test_total_root, best_epoch)) print('============================================================================================================================') if decay == max_decay: break
n_classes=len(all_labels)) total_net = RelNetwork(network, base_encoder, graphrel_net, classifier, energy_temp=custom_args.energy_temp, config=custom_args, num_dep_rels=num_dep_rels) if main_args.need_before: no_train_parses_file = main_args.config_file.replace( 'log.txt', 'before_finetune.parses') no_train_parses = {} with torch.no_grad(): network = network.eval() for batch, graph_batch in conllx_data.doubly_iterate_batch_tensors_dicts( data_test, graph_data_test, custom_args.batch_size): word, char, pos, ners, heads, types, masks, lengths, indices = batch _, one_best_tree = network.get_probs(word, char, pos, mask=masks, length=lengths, use_scores=False, get_mst_tree=True) parse_heads, parse_types = one_best_tree for instance_index in range(parse_heads.shape[0]): single_parse = [] index = indices[instance_index].item()