コード例 #1
ファイル: analogs.py プロジェクト: 00mjk/neurotools
 def plot(self, id_list=None, v_thresh=None, display=True, kwargs={}):
     Plot all cells in the AnalogSignalList defined by id_list
         id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a 
                   list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList
         display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot
         kwargs  - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot 
         >> z = subplot(221)
         >> aslist.plot(5, display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'})
     subplot   = get_display(display)
     id_list   = self._AnalogSignalList__sub_id_list(id_list)
     time_axis = self.time_axis()  
     if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB:
         print PYLAB_ERROR
         xlabel = "Time (ms)"
         ylabel = "Conductance (nS)"
         set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)
         for id in id_list:
             subplot.plot(time_axis, self.analog_signals[id].signal, **kwargs)
コード例 #2
    def runTest(self):

        f = plotting.get_display(True)
        x = range(10)
        p = pylab.plot(x)
        plotting.set_labels(pylab, 'the x axis', 'the y axis')

        # set up a SimpleMultiplot with arbitrary values
        self.nrows = 1
        self.ncolumns = 1
        title = 'testMultiplot'
        xlabel = 'testXlabel'
        ylabel = 'testYlabel'
        scaling = ('linear','log')
        self.smt = plotting.SimpleMultiplot(nrows=self.nrows, ncolumns=self.ncolumns, title=title, xlabel=xlabel, ylabel=ylabel, scaling=scaling)
        plotting.set_labels(self.smt.panel(0), 'the x axis', 'the y axis')
コード例 #3
ファイル: analogs.py プロジェクト: 00mjk/neurotools
 def plot(self, ylabel="Analog Signal", display=True, kwargs={}):
     Plot the AnalogSignal
         ylabel  - A string to sepcify the label on the yaxis.
         display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot
         kwargs  - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot 
         >> z = subplot(221)
         >> signal.plot(ylabel="Vm", display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'})
     subplot   = get_display(display)
     time_axis = self.time_axis()  
     if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB:
         print PYLAB_ERROR
         xlabel = "Time (ms)"
         set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)
         subplot.plot(time_axis, self.signal, **kwargs)
コード例 #4
ファイル: analogs.py プロジェクト: 00mjk/neurotools
 def plot(self, id_list=None, v_thresh=None, display=True, kwargs={}):
     Plot all cells in the AnalogSignalList defined by id_list
         id_list - can be a integer (and then N cells are randomly selected) or a 
                   list of ids. If None, we use all the ids of the SpikeList
         v_thresh- For graphical purpose, plot a spike when Vm > V_thresh. If None, 
                   just plot the raw Vm
         display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot
         kwargs  - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot 
         >> z = subplot(221)
         >> aslist.plot(5, v_thresh = -50, display=z, kwargs={'color':'r'})
     subplot   = get_display(display)
     id_list   = self._AnalogSignalList__sub_id_list(id_list)
     time_axis = self.time_axis()  
     if not subplot or not HAVE_MATPLOTLIB:
         print MATPLOTLIB_ERROR
         xlabel = "Time (ms)"
         ylabel = "Membrane Potential (mV)"
         set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)
         for id in id_list:
             to_be_plot = self.analog_signals[id].signal
             if v_thresh is not None:
                 to_be_plot = pylab.where(to_be_plot>=v_thresh-0.02, v_thresh+0.5, to_be_plot)
             if len(time_axis) > len(to_be_plot):
                 time_axis = time_axis[:-1]
             if len(to_be_plot) > len(time_axis):
                 to_be_plot = to_be_plot[:-1]
             subplot.plot(time_axis, to_be_plot, **kwargs)
コード例 #5
ファイル: analogs.py プロジェクト: 00mjk/neurotools
 def event_triggered_average(self, events, average = True, t_min = 0, t_max = 100, display = False, with_time = False, kwargs={}):
     Return the spike triggered averaged of an analog signal according to selected events, 
     on a time window t_spikes - tmin, t_spikes + tmax
     Can return either the averaged waveform (average = True), or an array of all the
     waveforms triggered by all the spikes.
         events  - Can be a SpikeTrain object (and events will be the spikes) or just a list 
                   of times
         average - If True, return a single vector of the averaged waveform. If False, 
                   return an array of all the waveforms.
         t_min   - Time (>0) to average the signal before an event, in ms (default 0)
         t_max   - Time (>0) to average the signal after an event, in ms  (default 100)
         display - if True, a new figure is created. Could also be a subplot.
         kwargs  - dictionary contening extra parameters that will be sent to the plot 
         >> vm.event_triggered_average(spktrain, average=False, t_min = 50, t_max = 150)
         >> vm.event_triggered_average(spktrain, average=True)
         >> vm.event_triggered_average(range(0,1000,10), average=False, display=True)
     if isinstance(events, SpikeTrain):
         events = events.spike_times
         ylabel = "Spike Triggered Average"
         assert numpy.iterable(events), "events should be a SpikeTrain object or an iterable object"
         ylabel = "Event Triggered Average"
     assert (t_min >= 0) and (t_max >= 0), "t_min and t_max should be greater than 0"
     assert len(events) > 0, "events should not be empty and should contained at least one element"
     time_axis = numpy.linspace(-t_min, t_max, (t_min+t_max)/self.dt)
     N         = len(time_axis)
     Nspikes   = 0.
     subplot   = get_display(display)
     if average:
         result = numpy.zeros(N, float)
         result = []
     # recalculate everything into timesteps, is more stable against rounding errors
     # and subsequent cutouts with different sizes
     events = numpy.floor(numpy.array(events)/self.dt)
     t_min_l = numpy.floor(t_min/self.dt)
     t_max_l = numpy.floor(t_max/self.dt)
     t_start = numpy.floor(self.t_start/self.dt)
     t_stop = numpy.floor(self.t_stop/self.dt)
     for spike in events:
         if ((spike-t_min_l) >= t_start) and ((spike+t_max_l) < t_stop):
             spike = spike - t_start
             if average:
                 result += self.signal[(spike-t_min_l):(spike+t_max_l)]
             Nspikes += 1
     if average:
         result = result/Nspikes
         result = numpy.array(result)
     if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB:
         if with_time:
             return result, time_axis
             return result
         xlabel = "Time (ms)"
         set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)
         if average:
             subplot.plot(time_axis, result, **kwargs)
             for idx in xrange(len(result)):
                 subplot.plot(time_axis, result[idx,:], c='0.5', **kwargs)
             result = numpy.sum(result, axis=0)/Nspikes
             subplot.plot(time_axis, result, c='k', **kwargs)
         xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = subplot.axis()
         subplot.plot([0,0],[ymin, ymax], c='r')
         set_axis_limits(subplot, -t_min, t_max, ymin, ymax)
コード例 #6
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: tbekolay/neurotools
def crosscorrelate(sua1, sua2, lag=None, n_pred=1, predictor=None,
                   display=False, kwargs={}):
    """Cross-correlation between two series of discrete events (e.g. spikes).

    Calculates the cross-correlation between
    two vectors containing event times.
    Returns ``(differeces, pred, norm)``. See below for details.

    Adapted from original script written by Martin P. Nawrot for the
    FIND MATLAB toolbox [1]_.

    sua1, sua2 : 1D row or column `ndarray` or `SpikeTrain`
        Event times. If sua2 == sua1, the result is the autocorrelogram.
    lag : float
        Lag for which relative event timing is considered
        with a max difference of +/- lag. A default lag is computed
        from the inter-event interval of the longer of the two sua
    n_pred : int
        Number of surrogate compilations for the predictor. This
        influences the total length of the predictor output array
    predictor : {None, 'shuffle'}
        Determines the type of bootstrap predictor to be used.
        'shuffle' shuffles interevent intervals of the longer input array
        and calculates relative differences with the shorter input array.
        `n_pred` determines the number of repeated shufflings, resulting
        differences are pooled from all repeated shufflings.
    display : boolean
        If True the corresponding plots will be displayed. If False,
        int, int_ and norm will be returned.
    kwargs : dict
        Arguments to be passed to np.histogram.

    differences : np array
        Accumulated differences of events in `sua1` minus the events in
        `sua2`. Thus positive values relate to events of `sua2` that
        lead events of `sua1`. Units are the same as the input arrays.
    pred : np array
        Accumulated differences based on the prediction method.
        The length of `pred` is ``n_pred * length(differences)``. Units are
        the same as the input arrays.
    norm : float
        Normalization factor used to scale the bin heights in `differences` and
        `pred`. ``differences/norm`` and ``pred/norm`` correspond to the linear
        correlation coefficient.

    >> crosscorrelate(np_array1, np_array2)
    >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2)
    >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, lag = 150.0)
    >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, display=True,

    See also

    .. [1] Meier R, Egert U, Aertsen A, Nawrot MP, "FIND - a unified framework
       for neural data analysis"; Neural Netw. 2008 Oct; 21(8):1085-93.

    assert predictor is 'shuffle' or predictor is None, "predictor must be \
    either None or 'shuffle'. Other predictors are not yet implemented."

    #Check whether sua1 and sua2 are SpikeTrains or arrays
    sua = []
    for x in (sua1, sua2):
        #if isinstance(x, SpikeTrain):
        if hasattr(x, 'spike_times'):
        elif x.ndim == 1:
        elif x.ndim == 2 and (x.shape[0] == 1 or x.shape[1] == 1):
            raise TypeError("sua1 and sua2 must be either instances of the" \
                            "SpikeTrain class or column/row vectors")
    sua1 = sua[0]
    sua2 = sua[1]

    if sua1.size < sua2.size:
        if lag is None:
            lag = np.ceil(10*np.mean(np.diff(sua1)))
        reverse = False
        if lag is None:
            lag = np.ceil(20*np.mean(np.diff(sua2)))
        sua1, sua2 = sua2, sua1
        reverse = True

    #construct predictor
    if predictor is 'shuffle':
        isi = np.diff(sua2)
        sua2_ = np.array([])
        for ni in xrange(1,n_pred+1):
            idx = np.random.permutation(isi.size-1)
            sua2_ = np.append(sua2_, np.add(np.insert(
                (np.cumsum(isi[idx])), 0, 0), sua2.min() + (

    #calculate cross differences in spike times
    differences = np.array([])
    pred = np.array([])
    for k in xrange(0, sua1.size):
        differences = np.append(differences, sua1[k] - sua2[np.nonzero(
            (sua2 > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2 < sua1[k] + lag))])
    if predictor == 'shuffle':
        for k in xrange(0, sua1.size):
            pred = np.append(pred, sua1[k] - sua2_[np.nonzero(
                (sua2_ > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2_ < sua1[k] + lag))])
    if reverse is True:
        differences = -differences
        pred = -pred

    norm = np.sqrt(sua1.size * sua2.size)

    # Plot the results if display=True
    if display:
        subplot = get_display(display)
        if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB:
            return differences, pred, norm
            # Plot the cross-correlation
                counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(differences, **kwargs)
                edge_distances = np.diff(bin_edges)
                bin_centers = bin_edges[1:] - edge_distances/2
                counts = counts / norm
                xlabel = "Time"
                ylabel = "Cross-correlation coefficient"
                #NOTE: the x axis corresponds to the upper edge of each bin
                subplot.plot(bin_centers, counts, label='cross-correlation', color='b')
                if predictor is None:
                    set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)
                elif predictor is 'shuffle':
                    # Plot the predictor
                    norm_ = norm * n_pred
                    counts_, bin_edges_ = np.histogram(pred, **kwargs)
                    counts_ = counts_ / norm_
                    subplot.plot(bin_edges_[1:], counts_, label='predictor')
            except ValueError:
                print "There are no correlated events within the selected lag"\
                " window of %s" % lag
        return differences, pred, norm
コード例 #7
def crosscorrelate(sua1,
    """Cross-correlation between two series of discrete events (e.g. spikes).

    Calculates the cross-correlation between
    two vectors containing event times.
    Returns ``(differeces, pred, norm)``. See below for details.

    Adapted from original script written by Martin P. Nawrot for the
    FIND MATLAB toolbox [1]_.

    sua1, sua2 : 1D row or column `ndarray` or `SpikeTrain`
        Event times. If sua2 == sua1, the result is the autocorrelogram.
    lag : float
        Lag for which relative event timing is considered
        with a max difference of +/- lag. A default lag is computed
        from the inter-event interval of the longer of the two sua
    n_pred : int
        Number of surrogate compilations for the predictor. This
        influences the total length of the predictor output array
    predictor : {None, 'shuffle'}
        Determines the type of bootstrap predictor to be used.
        'shuffle' shuffles interevent intervals of the longer input array
        and calculates relative differences with the shorter input array.
        `n_pred` determines the number of repeated shufflings, resulting
        differences are pooled from all repeated shufflings.
    display : boolean
        If True the corresponding plots will be displayed. If False,
        int, int_ and norm will be returned.
    kwargs : dict
        Arguments to be passed to np.histogram.

    differences : np array
        Accumulated differences of events in `sua1` minus the events in
        `sua2`. Thus positive values relate to events of `sua2` that
        lead events of `sua1`. Units are the same as the input arrays.
    pred : np array
        Accumulated differences based on the prediction method.
        The length of `pred` is ``n_pred * length(differences)``. Units are
        the same as the input arrays.
    norm : float
        Normalization factor used to scale the bin heights in `differences` and
        `pred`. ``differences/norm`` and ``pred/norm`` correspond to the linear
        correlation coefficient.

    >> crosscorrelate(np_array1, np_array2)
    >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2)
    >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, lag = 150.0)
    >> crosscorrelate(spike_train1, spike_train2, display=True,

    See also

    .. [1] Meier R, Egert U, Aertsen A, Nawrot MP, "FIND - a unified framework
       for neural data analysis"; Neural Netw. 2008 Oct; 21(8):1085-93.

    assert predictor is 'shuffle' or predictor is None, "predictor must be \
    either None or 'shuffle'. Other predictors are not yet implemented."

    #Check whether sua1 and sua2 are SpikeTrains or arrays
    sua = []
    for x in (sua1, sua2):
        #if isinstance(x, SpikeTrain):
        if hasattr(x, 'spike_times'):
        elif x.ndim == 1:
        elif x.ndim == 2 and (x.shape[0] == 1 or x.shape[1] == 1):
            raise TypeError("sua1 and sua2 must be either instances of the" \
                            "SpikeTrain class or column/row vectors")
    sua1 = sua[0]
    sua2 = sua[1]

    if sua1.size < sua2.size:
        if lag is None:
            lag = np.ceil(10 * np.mean(np.diff(sua1)))
        reverse = False
        if lag is None:
            lag = np.ceil(20 * np.mean(np.diff(sua2)))
        sua1, sua2 = sua2, sua1
        reverse = True

    #construct predictor
    if predictor is 'shuffle':
        isi = np.diff(sua2)
        sua2_ = np.array([])
        for ni in xrange(1, n_pred + 1):
            idx = np.random.permutation(isi.size - 1)
            sua2_ = np.append(
                np.add(np.insert((np.cumsum(isi[idx])), 0, 0),
                       sua2.min() + (np.random.exponential(isi.mean()))))

    #calculate cross differences in spike times
    differences = np.array([])
    pred = np.array([])
    for k in xrange(0, sua1.size):
        differences = np.append(
            differences, sua1[k] -
            sua2[np.nonzero((sua2 > sua1[k] - lag) & (sua2 < sua1[k] + lag))])
    if predictor == 'shuffle':
        for k in xrange(0, sua1.size):
            pred = np.append(
                pred, sua1[k] - sua2_[np.nonzero((sua2_ > sua1[k] - lag)
                                                 & (sua2_ < sua1[k] + lag))])
    if reverse is True:
        differences = -differences
        pred = -pred

    norm = np.sqrt(sua1.size * sua2.size)

    # Plot the results if display=True
    if display:
        subplot = get_display(display)
        if not subplot or not HAVE_PYLAB:
            return differences, pred, norm
            # Plot the cross-correlation
                counts, bin_edges = np.histogram(differences, **kwargs)
                edge_distances = np.diff(bin_edges)
                bin_centers = bin_edges[1:] - edge_distances / 2
                counts = counts / norm
                xlabel = "Time"
                ylabel = "Cross-correlation coefficient"
                #NOTE: the x axis corresponds to the upper edge of each bin
                if predictor is None:
                    set_labels(subplot, xlabel, ylabel)
                elif predictor is 'shuffle':
                    # Plot the predictor
                    norm_ = norm * n_pred
                    counts_, bin_edges_ = np.histogram(pred, **kwargs)
                    counts_ = counts_ / norm_
                    subplot.plot(bin_edges_[1:], counts_, label='predictor')
            except ValueError:
                print "There are no correlated events within the selected lag"\
                " window of %s" % lag
        return differences, pred, norm