コード例 #1
ファイル: eqnset.py プロジェクト: bmerrison/NeuroUnits
    def getSymbolDependancicesDirect(self, sym, include_constants=False):

        assert sym in self.terminal_symbols

        if isinstance(sym, AssignedVariable):
            sym = sym.assignment_rhs

        d = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()

        return list(set(d.visit(sym)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: eqnset.py プロジェクト: bmerrison/NeuroUnits
    def getSymbolDependancicesDirect(self, sym, include_constants=False):

        assert sym in self.terminal_symbols

        if isinstance(sym, AssignedVariable):
            sym = sym.assignment_rhs

        d = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()

        return list(set(d.visit(sym)))
コード例 #3
ファイル: eqnset.py プロジェクト: Python3pkg/NeuroUnits
    def getSymbolDependancicesDirect(self, sym, include_constants=False):
        from neurounits.visitors.common.ast_symbol_dependancies import VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance
        assert sym in self.terminal_symbols

        if isinstance(sym, AssignedVariable):
            sym = self._eqn_assignment.get_single_obj_by(lhs=sym)
        if isinstance(sym, StateVariable):
            sym = self._eqn_time_derivatives.get_single_obj_by(lhs=sym)

        d = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()

        return list(set(d.visit(sym)))
コード例 #4
ファイル: eqnset.py プロジェクト: NeuroArchive/NeuroUnits
    def getSymbolDependancicesDirect(self, sym, include_constants=False):
        from neurounits.visitors.common.ast_symbol_dependancies import VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance
        assert sym in self.terminal_symbols

        if isinstance(sym, AssignedVariable):
            sym = self._eqn_assignment.get_single_obj_by(lhs=sym)
        if isinstance(sym, StateVariable):
            sym = self._eqn_time_derivatives.get_single_obj_by(lhs=sym)

        d = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()

        return list(set(d.visit(sym)))
コード例 #5
ファイル: eqnset.py プロジェクト: NeuroArchive/NeuroUnits
 def ordered_assignments_by_dependancies(self,):
     from neurounits.visitors.common.ast_symbol_dependancies import VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance
     #from neurounits.visitors.common.ast_symbol_dependancies import VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance
     #from neurounits.units_misc import LookUpDict
     ordered_assigned_values =  VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.get_assignment_dependancy_ordering(self)
     ordered_assignments =  [LookUpDict(self.assignments).get_single_obj_by(lhs=av) for av in ordered_assigned_values]
     return ordered_assignments
コード例 #6
    def VisitEqnSet(self, eqnset, modfilecontents,  build_parameters, **kwargs):
        self.assigment_statements = {}
        ASTActionerDefaultIgnoreMissing.VisitEqnSet(self,eqnset,modfilecontents=modfilecontents, build_parameters=build_parameters, **kwargs)

        # The order of writing out assignments is important. There are 3 phases,
        # 1. Initialisation
        # 2. Pre-State Solving
        # 3. Post-State Solving

        # At this stage, we assume that there are no assignments dependant on states depending on
        # further assignments. This can be resolved, but I have not done so here....

        # 1. Initialisation:
        # We perform all assignments in order:
        assignments_ordered = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.get_assignment_dependancy_ordering( eqnset)
        for ass in assignments_ordered:
            modfilecontents.section_INITIAL.append( self.assigment_statements[ass] )

        # 2. Find which assignments are used by the states:

        required_assignments = []
        dependancies = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()

        for s in eqnset.timederivatives:
            ass_deps = [d for d in dependancies.dependancies[s] if not isinstance(d, StateVariable) ]
            required_assignments.extend( ass_deps)

        all_deps = []
        for i in required_assignments:
            a = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance().get_assignment_dependancy_ordering_recursive(eqnset=eqnset, ass=i)

        for ass in unique(all_deps):
            unexpected_deps = [d for d in dependancies.dependancies[ass] if not isinstance(d, (AssignedVariable, SymbolicConstant, SuppliedValue, Parameter)) ]
            print unexpected_deps
            print 'Unexpected:', [s.symbol for s in unexpected_deps]

            assert not unexpected_deps, "Resolution of dependances in Neurounits can't support assignments need by timeerivatives which are dependanct on state variables (%s)"%(unexpected_deps)
            modfilecontents.section_BREAKPOINT_pre_solve.append( self.assigment_statements[ass] )

        # 3. Find the dependancies of the current variables:
        all_deps = []
        for c in build_parameters.currents:
            a = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance().get_assignment_dependancy_ordering_recursive(eqnset=eqnset, ass=c)

        for ass in unique(all_deps):
            modfilecontents.section_BREAKPOINT_post_solve.append( self.assigment_statements[ass] )
コード例 #7
ファイル: eqnset.py プロジェクト: Python3pkg/NeuroUnits
 def ordered_assignments_by_dependancies(self, ):
     from neurounits.visitors.common.ast_symbol_dependancies import VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance
     #from neurounits.visitors.common.ast_symbol_dependancies import VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance
     #from neurounits.units_misc import LookUpDict
     ordered_assigned_values = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.get_assignment_dependancy_ordering(
     ordered_assignments = [
         for av in ordered_assigned_values
     return ordered_assignments
コード例 #8
    def VisitEqnSet(self, eqnset, modfilecontents,  build_parameters, **kwargs):
        self.assigment_statements = {}
        ASTActionerDefaultIgnoreMissing.VisitEqnSet(self,eqnset,modfilecontents=modfilecontents, build_parameters=build_parameters, **kwargs)

        # The order of writing out assignments is important. There are 3 phases,
        # 1. Initialisation
        # 2. Pre-State Solving
        # 3. Post-State Solving

        # At this stage, we assume that there are no assignments dependant on states depending on
        # further assignments. This can be resolved, but I have not done so here....

        # 1. Initialisation:
        # We perform all assignments in order:
        assignments_ordered = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.get_assignment_dependancy_ordering( eqnset)
        for ass in assignments_ordered:
            modfilecontents.section_INITIAL.append( self.assigment_statements[ass] )

        # 2. Find which assignments are used by the states:

        required_assignments = []
        dependancies = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()

        for s in eqnset.timederivatives:
            ass_deps = [d for d in dependancies.dependancies[s] if not isinstance(d, StateVariable) ]
            required_assignments.extend( ass_deps)

        all_deps = []
        for i in required_assignments:
            a = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance().get_assignment_dependancy_ordering_recursive(eqnset=eqnset, ass=i)

        for ass in unique(all_deps):
            unexpected_deps = [d for d in dependancies.dependancies[ass] if not isinstance(d, (AssignedVariable, SymbolicConstant, SuppliedValue, Parameter)) ]
            print unexpected_deps
            print 'Unexpected:', [s.symbol for s in unexpected_deps]

            assert not unexpected_deps, "Resolution of dependances in Neurounits can't support assignments need by timeerivatives which are dependanct on state variables (%s)"%(unexpected_deps)
            modfilecontents.section_BREAKPOINT_pre_solve.append( self.assigment_statements[ass] )

        # 3. Find the dependancies of the current variables:
        all_deps = []
        for c in build_parameters.currents:
            a = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance().get_assignment_dependancy_ordering_recursive(eqnset=eqnset, ass=c)

        for ass in unique(all_deps):
コード例 #9
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: NeuroArchive/NeuroUnits
def build_analog_integration_blks(component):
    # Build the original dependance graph:
    graph = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.build_direct_dependancy_graph(component)

    # Also, add in the RT graphs, that aren't direct dependents of anything, so
    # that the aprpriate AnalogIntegrationBlocks are created. (This might
    # emit events, but nothing else for example)
    for rt_graph in component.rt_graphs:
        if not rt_graph in graph:
            graph.add_node(rt_graph, label=repr(rt_graph), color='grey')

    # Plot:
    do_plot = True and False
    if do_plot:
        plot_networkx_graph(graph, show=False)

    # Get the strongly connected components, and the dependancies between the
    # nodes:
    scc = nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
    cond = nx.condensation(graph, scc=scc)

    #for node, node_data in cond.nodes_iter(data=True):
    #    print node, node_data

    ordering = reversed( nx.topological_sort(cond) )
    blks = []
    for o in ordering:
        objs = set(scc[0])
        blk_deps = set()
        for obj in scc[o]:
            o_deps = set(graph.successors(obj)) - objs
            blk_deps |= o_deps

        print blk_deps
        blk_deps = blk_deps - set(scc[o])
        blk = AnalogIntegrationBlock( objs = scc[o], dependancies=blk_deps )

    return blks
コード例 #10
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Python3pkg/NeuroUnits
def build_analog_integration_blks(component):
    # Build the original dependance graph:
    graph = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.build_direct_dependancy_graph(

    # Also, add in the RT graphs, that aren't direct dependents of anything, so
    # that the aprpriate AnalogIntegrationBlocks are created. (This might
    # emit events, but nothing else for example)
    for rt_graph in component.rt_graphs:
        if not rt_graph in graph:
            graph.add_node(rt_graph, label=repr(rt_graph), color='grey')

    # Plot:
    do_plot = True and False
    if do_plot:
        plot_networkx_graph(graph, show=False)

    # Get the strongly connected components, and the dependancies between the
    # nodes:
    scc = nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
    cond = nx.condensation(graph, scc=scc)

    #for node, node_data in cond.nodes_iter(data=True):
    #    print node, node_data

    ordering = reversed(nx.topological_sort(cond))
    blks = []
    for o in ordering:
        objs = set(scc[0])
        blk_deps = set()
        for obj in scc[o]:
            o_deps = set(graph.successors(obj)) - objs
            blk_deps |= o_deps

        print blk_deps
        blk_deps = blk_deps - set(scc[o])
        blk = AnalogIntegrationBlock(objs=scc[o], dependancies=blk_deps)

    return blks
コード例 #11
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: Python3pkg/NeuroUnits
def build_event_blks(component, analog_blks):

    # Find out what the rt_graphs are dependant on: events & triggers:
    # =================================================================
    # 1. Make a map dependancies 'rt_graph -> state_variable/assignments'
    rt_graph_deps_triggers = defaultdict(set)
    dep_finder = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()
    for tr in component._transitions_triggers:
        #print 'TRANSITION:', repr(tr)
        trigger_deps = dep_finder.visit(tr.trigger)
        for tdep in trigger_deps:
            if tdep.symbol != 't':

    # 2. Make a map dependancies 'rt_graph -> event_ports'
    rt_graph_deps_events = defaultdict(set)
    for tr in component._transitions_events:
        #print 'TRANSITION:', repr(tr)

    # Find out what transitions particular state-variables
    # are dependant on because of assignments:
    # =========================================
    statevar_on_rt_deps = defaultdict(set)
    for tr in component.transitions:
        for action in tr.actions:
            if isinstance(action, ast.OnEventStateAssignment):

    # OK, now lets build a new dependancy graph to work out transition/event
    # dependancies:
    # A. Start with the analog graph:
    graph = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.build_direct_dependancy_graph(
    # B. Add the RT-graph nodes:
    for rt_graph in component._rt_graphs:
        graph.add_node(rt_graph, label=repr(rt_graph), color='orange')
    # C. Add the dependance of rt_graphs on trigger-conditions:
    for rt_graph, deps in rt_graph_deps_triggers.items():
        for dep in deps:
    # D. Add the dependance of state_varaibles on assignments in rt_graphs:
    for sv, deps in statevar_on_rt_deps.items():
        for dep in deps:
    # E. Event Dependancies:
    #  -- (Use the src event ports as the 'objects' in the graph:
    for inp in component.input_event_port_lut:
        graph.add_node(inp, label=repr(inp), color='brown')
    for out in component.output_event_port_lut:
        graph.add_node(out, label=repr(out), color='chocolate')

    #Output events are dependant on their rt_graphs:
    for tr in component.transitions:
        for a in tr.actions:
            if isinstance(a, ast.EmitEvent):
                graph.add_edge(a.port, tr.rt_graph)

    #  -- RT graph dependance on input events:
    for tr in component._transitions_events:
        # The RT graph depends on the incoming events:
        graph.add_edge(tr.rt_graph, tr.port)

    # -- Input ports can depend on output ports:
    for conn in component._event_port_connections:
        graph.add_edge(conn.dst_port, conn.src_port)

    statevar_on_rt_deps = defaultdict(set)

    do_plot = False
    if do_plot:
        plot_networkx_graph(graph, show=False)

    scc = nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
    cond = nx.condensation(graph, scc=scc)


    # Build a dictionary mapping each state_variable to analog block that its in:
    obj_to_analog_block = {}
    for blk in analog_blks:
        for obj in blk.objects:
            assert not obj in obj_to_analog_block
            obj_to_analog_block[obj] = blk

    ordering = reversed(nx.topological_sort(cond))

    all_uncovered_blks = set()
    ev_blks = []
    print 'Event Block ordering:'
    print '====================='
    for o in ordering:
        print ' ---- %d ---- ' % o
        print scc[o]
        #for obj in scc[o]:
        #    print ' -- ', obj,

        analog_blks = list(
            set([obj_to_analog_block.get(obj, None) for obj in scc[o]]))
        analog_blks = [blk for blk in analog_blks if blk is not None]
        print 'Analog Blocks:', len(analog_blks)

        # OK, whose not covered by the AnalogBlocks?
        covered_objs = set(list(chain(*[blk.objects for blk in analog_blks])))
        uncovered_objs = set(scc[o]) - covered_objs
        uncovered_objs = set([
            co for co in uncovered_objs
            if not isinstance(co, (ast.InEventPort, ast.OutEventPort))
        if uncovered_objs:
            print 'UNcovered Objects:', uncovered_objs
            all_uncovered_blks |= uncovered_objs
            #assert False

        if analog_blks:
            ev = EventIntegrationBlock(analog_blks=analog_blks)

    if all_uncovered_blks:
        print all_uncovered_blks
        assert False

    return ev_blks
コード例 #12
ファイル: __init__.py プロジェクト: NeuroArchive/NeuroUnits
def build_event_blks(component, analog_blks):

    # Find out what the rt_graphs are dependant on: events & triggers:
    # =================================================================
    # 1. Make a map dependancies 'rt_graph -> state_variable/assignments'
    rt_graph_deps_triggers = defaultdict(set)
    dep_finder = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance()
    for tr in component._transitions_triggers:
        #print 'TRANSITION:', repr(tr)
        trigger_deps = dep_finder.visit(tr.trigger)
        for tdep in trigger_deps:
            if tdep.symbol != 't':

    # 2. Make a map dependancies 'rt_graph -> event_ports'
    rt_graph_deps_events = defaultdict(set)
    for tr in component._transitions_events:
        #print 'TRANSITION:', repr(tr)

    # Find out what transitions particular state-variables
    # are dependant on because of assignments:
    # =========================================
    statevar_on_rt_deps= defaultdict(set)
    for tr in component.transitions:
        for action in tr.actions:
            if isinstance(action, ast.OnEventStateAssignment):

    # OK, now lets build a new dependancy graph to work out transition/event
    # dependancies:
    # A. Start with the analog graph:
    graph = VisitorFindDirectSymbolDependance.build_direct_dependancy_graph(component)
    # B. Add the RT-graph nodes:
    for rt_graph in component._rt_graphs:
        graph.add_node(rt_graph, label=repr(rt_graph), color='orange')
    # C. Add the dependance of rt_graphs on trigger-conditions:
    for rt_graph, deps in rt_graph_deps_triggers.items():
        for dep in deps:
    # D. Add the dependance of state_varaibles on assignments in rt_graphs:
    for sv, deps in statevar_on_rt_deps.items():
        for dep in deps:
    # E. Event Dependancies:
    #  -- (Use the src event ports as the 'objects' in the graph:
    for inp in component.input_event_port_lut:
        graph.add_node(inp, label=repr(inp), color='brown')
    for out in component.output_event_port_lut:
        graph.add_node(out, label=repr(out), color='chocolate')

    #Output events are dependant on their rt_graphs:
    for tr in component.transitions:
        for a in tr.actions:
            if isinstance(a, ast.EmitEvent ):
                graph.add_edge(a.port, tr.rt_graph)

    #  -- RT graph dependance on input events:
    for tr in component._transitions_events:
        # The RT graph depends on the incoming events:
        graph.add_edge(tr.rt_graph, tr.port )

    # -- Input ports can depend on output ports:
    for conn in component._event_port_connections:
        graph.add_edge(conn.dst_port, conn.src_port)

    statevar_on_rt_deps= defaultdict(set)

    if do_plot:
        plot_networkx_graph(graph, show=False)

    scc = nx.strongly_connected_components(graph)
    cond = nx.condensation(graph, scc=scc)

    nx.draw_graphviz(cond, font_size=10, iteration=200, )

    # Build a dictionary mapping each state_variable to analog block that its in:
    obj_to_analog_block = {}
    for blk in analog_blks:
        for obj in blk.objects:
            assert not obj in obj_to_analog_block
            obj_to_analog_block[obj] = blk

    ordering = reversed( nx.topological_sort(cond) )

    all_uncovered_blks = set()
    ev_blks = []
    print 'Event Block ordering:'
    print '====================='
    for o in ordering:
        print ' ---- %d ---- ' % o
        print scc[o]
        #for obj in scc[o]:
        #    print ' -- ', obj,

        analog_blks = list(set( [obj_to_analog_block.get(obj,None) for obj in scc[o] ] ) )
        analog_blks = [blk for blk in analog_blks if blk is not None]
        print 'Analog Blocks:', len(analog_blks)

        # OK, whose not covered by the AnalogBlocks?
        covered_objs = set( list(chain(*[blk.objects for blk in analog_blks])) )
        uncovered_objs = set(scc[o]) - covered_objs
        uncovered_objs = set( [co for co in uncovered_objs if not isinstance(co, (ast.InEventPort,ast.OutEventPort))])
        if uncovered_objs:
            print 'UNcovered Objects:', uncovered_objs
            all_uncovered_blks |= uncovered_objs
            #assert False

        if analog_blks:
            ev = EventIntegrationBlock(analog_blks=analog_blks)

    if all_uncovered_blks:
        print all_uncovered_blks
        assert False

    return ev_blks