def PlotAdiabaticityParameter(param,sparam = PC.PhysicsConstants()): """ Plots the adiabaticity parameter from for a given energy range on the sun. @type param : physicsconstants @param param : set of physical parameters used to make the plot. @type sparam : physicsconstants @param sparam : standard parameters @rtype : plot @return : generates the spectra plot """ import Scientific.Functions.Derivatives as sfd Sun = bd.Sun() print Sun.rdensity(sfd.DerivVar(0.5)) ## th_24 resonance search E = np.arange(1.0,1000.0,10.0) adiabaticity_s1 = (np.sin(2.0*param.th24)**2/np.cos(2.0*param.th24))*(param.dmsq41/(2.0*E*param.GeV))*() adiabaticity_s2 = (np.sin(2.0*param.th24)**2/np.cos(2.0*param.th24))*(param.dmsq51/(2.0*E*param.GeV))*()
def PlotCompareProbabilitiesMC(param,sparam = PC.PhysicsConstants(),plot_path = "../plots/"): """ Plot osc. probabilities from MC compared with analitic calculation of probabilities. @type param : physicsconstants @param param : set of physical parameters used to make the plot. @type sparam : physicsconstants @param sparam : standard parameters @rtype : plot @return : generates probability comparison plot """ fig = plt.figure() Enumin = 1.0 Enumax = 1.0e3 Enustep = 10.0 Enu = np.arange(Enumin,Enumax,Enustep) # param1 = "2+3" param.neutype = "neutrino" datapath = "../data/myMC/""/"+param.neutype+"/" inter_nu, inter_anu = DM.DMOscProbabilitiesMC(param,False, datapath = datapath, crosscheck = False) mc_osc_prob = [float(inter_nu(E)) for E in Enu] # sparam = "STD" param.neutype = "neutrino" sdatapath = "../data/myMC/""/"+sparam.neutype+"/" inter_nu, inter_anu = DM.DMOscProbabilitiesMC(sparam,False, datapath = sdatapath, crosscheck = False) smc_osc_prob = [float(inter_nu(E)) for E in Enu] # analitic ana_osc_prob = [no.AvgNeuProb_RK_STD(0,1,E*param.GeV,param)+no.AvgNeuProb_RK_STD(1,1,E*param.GeV,param)+no.AvgNeuProb_RK_STD(2,1,E*param.GeV,param) for E in Enu] plt.plot(Enu,mc_osc_prob,label = 'MC-2+3') plt.plot(Enu,smc_osc_prob,label = 'MC-STD') plt.plot(Enu,ana_osc_prob,label = 'ANA') plt.legend() # path = "../plots/" filename = "PlotCompareProbabilitiesMC.png" plt.savefig(plot_path+filename)
+ From now on to check or review this code refer to Neutrino nucleus interaction rates at a low-energy beta beam facility Julien Serreau, Cristina Volpe Phys.Rev. C70 (2004) 055502 arXiv : hep-ph/0403293 """ import numpy as np import scipy as sp import scipy.interpolate as interpolate import neutrinocommon.physconst.physicsconstants as PC pc = PC.PhysicsConstants() def FermiFunction(W, Z=2): """ Returns the Fermi function F(+/-Z,W) for Z = 2, evaluated using the # method in the reference, correct to within 1%. # Ref.: J. Phys. G: Nucl. Phys. 11, 359 (1985) @type W : float @param W : energy [eV] @rtype : float @return : fermi function value [dimensionless?] """ me = pc.electron_mass * pc.GeV
def PlotSingleNeuCompositionCompare(E,body,param,sparam = PC.PhysicsConstants()): """ Plots the composition of a single mass neutrino state. E : neutrino energy [eV] body : body with the asociated density profile. param : set of physical parameters used to make the plot. param can be a list. sparam : standard parameters """ fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.subplot(111) mpl.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = "x-large" mpl.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = "x-large" mpl.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = "small" mpl.rcParams['font.size'] = 18 colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] linestyles = ['--','-.',':','-','-'] #B Initializing variables param.Refresh() fM2 = no.flavorM2(param) sparam.Refresh() fM2STD = no.flavorM2(sparam) R = np.arange(1.0,0.01,-0.001) Rho = map(lambda r : body.rdensity(r), R) #E Initializing variables #B Estimating Energy Scale if(E/param.MeV <= 500.0) : scale = param.MeV scalen = "MeV" elif(E/param.GeV <= 500.0) : scale = param.GeV scalen = "GeV" else : scale = param.TeV scalen = "TeV" #E Estimating Energy Scale #B Adding title #tit = "Energy : "+str(E/scale)+" "+scalen+ " Parameters :"#+" $\\th_{12}$ = " + str(param.th12) + " $\\th_{23}$ = " + str(param.th23) + " $\\th_{13}$ = "+str(param.th13) #atit = [] #[[ atit.append(" $\\theta_{"+str(j)+str(i)+"}$ = "+format([j][i],'.4f')) for i in range(1,param.numneu+1) if i>j] for j in range(1,param.numneu+1) ] #[[ atit.append(" $\\Delta m^2_{"+str(i)+str(j)+"}$ = "+format(param.dm2[j][i],'.4f')) for i in range(1,param.numneu+1) if i>j and j == 1] for j in range(1,param.numneu+1) ] ##[[ atit.append(" $\\Delta m^2_{"+str(j)+str(i)+"}$ = "+format(param.dm2[j][i],'.4f')) for i in range(1,param.numneu+1) if i>j and j == 1] for j in range(1,param.numneu+1) ] #for i in range(len(atit)): # tit = tit + atit[i] #plt.suptitle(tit,horizontalalignment='center') #E Adding title ##B PLOTTING MASS BASIS AS FUNCTION OF FLAVOR BASIS for i in [1]: #fig.add_subplot(2,param.numneu,i+1) flavor = False NeuComp = map(lambda x : no.NeuComposition(i,E, x, body, fM2, param,flavor),R) plt.xlabel(r"$\rho \mathrm{[g/cm^{3}]}$") pp = [] for k in range(param.numneu): kNeuComp = map(lambda x: x[k],NeuComp) # log interpolator rholog = gt.LogSpaceEnergies(float(Rho[0]),float(Rho[-1]),100) #print rholog , float(Rho[0]),float(Rho[-1]) rholog[-1] = Rho[-1] inter_neu = interpolate.interp1d(Rho,kNeuComp) logkNeuComp = map(inter_neu,rholog) if k == 3: #pp.append(plt.plot(Rho,kNeuComp,'o-',color = 'r',markevery = 10,markeredgewidth = 0.0, ms = 2.0)) pp.append(plt.plot(rholog,logkNeuComp,'x-',color = 'r',markevery = 10,markeredgewidth = 0.0, ms = 2.0,aa = True,solid_joinstyle = 'bevel')) elif k == 4: pp.append(plt.plot(Rho,kNeuComp,'o-',color = 'r',markevery = 10,markeredgewidth = 0.0, ms = 2.0)) else : pp.append(plt.plot(Rho,kNeuComp,linestyle = linestyles[k] ,color = 'r')) if i<=2 : NeuCompSTD = map(lambda x : no.NeuComposition(i,E, x, body, fM2STD, sparam,flavor),R) for k in range(sparam.numneu): kNeuCompSTD = map(lambda x: x[k],NeuCompSTD) plt.plot(Rho,kNeuCompSTD, color = 'k', linestyle = linestyles[k]) #Solar density #ps = plt.vlines(150, 0.0, 1.0, linestyle = "dashed", label = r"$\rho_S$") #B plt format plt.title(r"Composition of $\nu_"+str(i+1)+"$") plt.semilogx() plt.ylim(0.0,1.0) plt.xlim(1.0,150.0) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.0,1.1,0.1)) xtt = [1.0,5.0,10.0,30.0,100.0]#,150.0] #plt.xticks(xtt) ax.set_xticks(xtt) ax.set_xticklabels(['$1$','$5$','$10$','$30$','$100$'])#,'$\\rho_\\odot = 150$']) #plt.xscale() #B LEGEND plots = [] for e in pp : plots.append(e[0]) #plots.append(ps) leg = ["$\\nu_e$","$\\nu_\mu$","$\\nu_\\tau$"] ss = ["$\\nu_{s"+str(i)+"}$" for i in np.arange(1,param.numneu-3+1,1)] if ss != []: leg.extend(ss) leg = plt.legend(plots,leg,loc = 6,fancybox=True,bbox_to_anchor = (0.05, 0.75)) leg.get_frame().set_alpha(0.25) #E LEGEND #E plt format #B EXTRA LEGEND box1t = osb.TextArea("STD", textprops=dict(color="k")) box1d = osb.DrawingArea(60, 20, 0, 0) el1 = ptc.Ellipse((10, 10), width=5, height=5, angle=0, fc="k", edgecolor = 'none') box1d.add_artist(el1) box2t = osb.TextArea("2+3", textprops=dict(color="k")) box2d = osb.DrawingArea(60, 20, 0, 0) el2 = ptc.Ellipse((10, 10), width=5, height=5, angle=0, fc="r", edgecolor = 'none') box2d.add_artist(el2) box1 = osb.HPacker(children=[box1t, box1d], align="center", pad=0, sep=1) box2 = osb.HPacker(children=[box2t, box2d], align="center", pad=0, sep=5) anchored_box1 = osb.AnchoredOffsetbox(loc=9, child=box1, pad=5.0, frameon=False, #bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02), #bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0., ) anchored_box2 = osb.AnchoredOffsetbox(loc=9, child=box2, pad=6.0, frameon=False, #bbox_to_anchor=(0., 1.02), #bbox_transform=ax.transAxes, borderpad=0., ) ax.add_artist(anchored_box1) ax.add_artist(anchored_box2) #E EXTRA LEGEND ##E PLOTTING MASS BASIS AS FUNCTION OF FLAVOR BASIS #plt.suptitle("*Dashed colored lines are 3-flavor standard oscillations.", x = 0.15, y = 0.03) path = "../plots/" filename = "PlotNeuComposition_E_"+str(E/scale)+"_"+scalen+"_FIG2.eps" plt.savefig(path + filename, dpi = 1200)
def PlotNeuCompositionCompare(E,body,param,sparam = PC.PhysicsConstants(),plot_path = "../plots/",xlim = None, fmt = "png"): """ Plots the composition of neutrinos as a function of mass states, flavors, and density. Compares with STD. E : neutrino energy [eV] body : body with the asociated density profile. param : set of physical parameters used to make the plot. param can be a list. sparam : standard parameters """ fig = plt.figure(figsize = (4*param.numneu,8)) colors = ['b', 'g', 'r', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k'] #B Initializing variables param.Refresh() fM2 = no.flavorM2(param) fM2STD = no.flavorM2(sparam) R = np.arange(1.0,0.01,-0.001) Rho = map(lambda r : body.rdensity(r), R) #E Initializing variables #B Estimating Energy Scale if(E/param.MeV <= 500.0) : scale = param.MeV scalen = "MeV" elif(E/param.GeV <= 500.0) : scale = param.GeV scalen = "GeV" else : scale = param.TeV scalen = "TeV" #E Estimating Energy Scale #B Adding title tit = "Energy : "+str(E/scale)+" "+scalen+ " Parameters :"#+" $\\th_{12}$ = " + str(param.th12) + " $\\th_{23}$ = " + str(param.th23) + " $\\th_{13}$ = "+str(param.th13) atit = [] try: [[ atit.append(" $\\theta_{"+str(j)+str(i)+"}$ = "+format([j][i],'.4f')) for i in range(1,param.numneu+1) if i>j] for j in range(1,param.numneu+1) ] [ atit.append(" $\\Delta m^2_{"+str(j)+str(1)+"}$ = "+format(param.dm2[1][j],'.3e')) for j in range(2,param.numneu+1) ] except TypeError: [[ atit.append(" $\\theta_{"+str(j)+str(i)+"}$ = "+"{:.4}".format([j][i])) for i in range(1,param.numneu+1) if i>j] for j in range(1,param.numneu+1) ] [ atit.append(" $\\Delta m^2_{"+str(j)+str(1)+"}$ = "+"{:.3}".format(param.dm2[1][j])) for j in range(2,param.numneu+1) ] for i in range(len(atit)): tit = tit + atit[i] plt.suptitle(tit,horizontalalignment='center') #E Adding title ##B PLOTTING MASS BASIS AS FUNCTION OF FLAVOR BASIS for i in np.arange(0,param.numneu,1): fig.add_subplot(2,param.numneu,i+1) flavor = False NeuComp = map(lambda x : no.NeuComposition(i,E, x, body, fM2, param,flavor),R) plt.xlabel(r"$\rho \mathrm{[g/cm^{3}]}$") pp = [] for k in range(param.numneu): kNeuComp = map(lambda x: x[k],NeuComp) pp.append(plt.plot(Rho,kNeuComp, color = colors[k],lw = 3)) if i<=2 : NeuCompSTD = map(lambda x : no.NeuComposition(i,E, x, body, fM2STD, sparam,flavor),R) for k in range(sparam.numneu): kNeuCompSTD = map(lambda x: x[k],NeuCompSTD) plt.plot(Rho,kNeuCompSTD, color = colors[k], linestyle = 'dashed',lw = 3) #Solar density ps = plt.vlines(150, 0.0, 1.0, linestyle = "dashed", label = r"$\rho_S$") #B plt format plt.title(r"Composition of $\nu_"+str(i+1)+"$") plt.semilogx() plt.ylim(0.0,1.0) plt.xlim(0.0,1000.0) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.0,1.1,0.1)) #plt.xscale() if xlim == None : plt.xlim(Rho[0],Rho[-1]) else : plt.xlim(xlim) if i == param.numneu - 1 : plots = [] for e in pp : plots.append(e[0]) plots.append(ps) leg = ["$\\nu_e$","$\\nu_\mu$","$\\nu_\\tau$"] ss = ["$\\nu_{s"+str(i)+"}$" for i in np.arange(1,param.numneu-3+1,1)] if ss != []: leg.extend(ss) #leg.append("$\\rho_\odot$") plt.legend(plots,leg,bbox_to_anchor = (1.5, 0.90)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.85,hspace = 0.35)#,wspace = 0.25, top = 0.95, bottom = 0.05) #E plt format ##E PLOTTING MASS BASIS AS FUNCTION OF FLAVOR BASIS ##B PLOTTING FLAVOR BASIS AS FUNCTION OF MASS BASIS for i in np.arange(param.numneu,2*param.numneu,1): fig.add_subplot(2,param.numneu,i+1) flavor = True NeuComp = map(lambda x : no.NeuComposition(i-param.numneu,E, x, body, fM2, param,flavor),R) plt.xlabel(r"$\rho \mathrm{[g/cm^{-3}]}$") pp = [] for k in range(param.numneu): kNeuComp = map(lambda x: x[k],NeuComp) pp.append(plt.plot(Rho,kNeuComp, color = colors[k],lw = 3)) if i<=2+param.numneu : NeuCompSTD = map(lambda x : no.NeuComposition(i-param.numneu,E, x, body, fM2STD, sparam,flavor),R) for k in range(sparam.numneu): kNeuCompSTD = map(lambda x: x[k],NeuCompSTD) plt.plot(Rho,kNeuCompSTD, color = colors[k], linestyle = 'dashed',lw = 3) #Solar density ps = plt.vlines(150, 0.0, 1.0, linestyle = "dashed", label = r"$\rho_S$") #B plt format if i == param.numneu : plt.title(r"Composition of $\nu_e$") elif i == param.numneu + 1: plt.title(r"Composition of $\nu_\mu$") elif i == param.numneu + 2: plt.title(r"Composition of $\nu_\tau$") else : plt.title(r"Composition of $\nu_{s"+str(i+1-param.numneu-3)+"}$") plt.semilogx() plt.ylim(0.0,1.0) plt.yticks(np.arange(0.0,1.1,0.1)) if xlim == None : plt.xlim(Rho[0],Rho[-1]) else : plt.xlim(xlim) #plt.xscale() if i == 2*param.numneu - 1 : plots = [] for e in pp : plots.append(e[0]) plots.append(ps) leg = ["$\\nu_{"+str(i)+"}$" for i in np.arange(1,param.numneu+1,1)] #leg.append("$\\rho_\odot$") plt.legend(plots,leg,bbox_to_anchor = (1.5, 0.90)) fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.05, right=0.85)#, top = 0.85, bottom = 0.05) ##E PLOTTING FLAVOR BASIS AS FUNCTION OF MASS BASIS plt.suptitle("*Dashed colored lines are 3-flavor standard oscillations.", x = 0.15, y = 0.03) filename = "PlotNeuComposition_E_"+str(E/scale)+"_"+scalen+"_""."+fmt plt.savefig(plot_path + filename)