def render(self, data): r = [] i = 0 vlanlist = [] notpresent ="notpresent")[ T.acronym(title="Not present or no information from remote")["N/A"]] for row in data: if row[1] is not None: vlanlist.append(str(row[0])) vid =[T.span(data=row[0], render=T.directive("vlan"))] if row[1] is None: r.append( and "odd" or "even")[ vid, notpresent,[row[2]]]) elif row[2] is None: r.append( and "odd" or "even") [vid,[row[1]], notpresent]) elif row[1] == row[2]: r.append( and "odd" or "even") [vid,[row[1]]]) else: r.append( and "odd" or "even") [vid,[row[1]],[row[2]]]) i += 1 vlantable = T.table(_class="vlan")[ T.thead[["VID"],["Local"],["Remote"]], r] return [('VLAN', [[ [T.span(data=v, render=T.directive("vlan")), " "] for v in vlanlist ], T.span(render=T.directive("tooltip"), data=vlantable)], ", ".join(vlanlist))]
def render(self, data): r = [] i = 0 notpresent ="notpresent")[ T.acronym(title="Unable to get IP from ARP tables")["N/A"]] for row in data: mac =[T.span(data=row[0], render=T.directive("mac"))] if row[1] is not None: r.append( and "odd" or "even") [mac,[T.invisible(data=row[1], render=T.directive("ip"))]]) else: r.append( and "odd" or "even") [mac, notpresent]) i += 1 if len(r) == 1: return [('FDB', [T.span(data=data[0][0], render=T.directive("mac")), data[0][1] and [", ", T.span(data=data[0][1], render=T.directive("ip"))] or ""], 1)] return [('FDB', [len(r) == 20 and "20+" or len(r), T.span(render=T.directive("tooltip"), data=T.table(_class="mac")[ T.thead[["MAC"],["IP"]], r])], len(r) == 20 and 21 or len(r))]
def render_middle(self, context, data): yield T.div(render=T.directive('trail'), data=data.get_ancestry()) yield T.h1(class_='main-heading')[data.title] yield T.div(render=T.directive('items'), data=data.get_subdirs()) yield T.div(render=T.directive('rst')) yield T.div(render=T.directive('items'), data=data.get_items())
def test_directiveComparison(self): """ Test that only directives with the same name compare equal. """ foo = tags.directive("foo") foo2 = tags.directive("foo") bar = tags.directive("bar") self.assertEquals(foo, foo) self.assertEquals(foo, foo2) self.failIfEqual(foo, bar)
def test_directiveComparison(self): """ Test that only directives with the same name compare equal. """ foo = tags.directive('foo') foo2 = tags.directive('foo') bar = tags.directive('bar') self.assertEqual(foo, foo) self.assertEqual(foo, foo2) self.assertNotEqual(foo, bar)
def _doubleLiveSerialization(self, cls, renderer): livePage = DummyLivePage() liveFragment = cls( docFactory=loaders.stan( [tags.div(render=tags.directive(renderer))['Hello'], tags.div(render=tags.directive('foo'))])) liveFragment.setFragmentParent(livePage) self.assertEqual( json.serialize(liveFragment), json.serialize(liveFragment))
def render_macif(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["I did not find this MAC on any interface."] return ctx.tag["This MAC was found on the following interfaces: ", T.ul [ [[ T.invisible(data=l[0], render=T.directive("hostname")), " (", T.invisible(data=l[1], render=T.directive("ip")), ") " "interface ", T.span(_class="data") [ l[2] ] ] for l in data] ] ]
def test_directiveHashing(self): """ Test that only directives with the same name hash to the same thing. """ foo = tags.directive("foo") foo2 = tags.directive("foo") bar = tags.directive("bar") self.assertEquals(hash(foo), hash(foo2)) # XXX What if 'foo' and 'bar' accidentally hash equal in some version # of Python? self.failIfEqual(hash(foo), hash(bar))
def renderOnce(fragmentClass): """ Create L{DEPTH} LiveFragments, each nested within the next, and then render the result. """ rname = fragmentClass.__name__[0].lower() + fragmentClass.__name__[1:] innerFragment = fragmentClass(docFactory=stan(p(render=directive(rname))["Hello, world."])) for i in xrange(DEPTH - 1): outerFragment = fragmentClass(docFactory=stan(p(render=directive(rname))[innerFragment])) innerFragment.setFragmentParent(outerFragment) innerFragment = outerFragment render(outerFragment)
def render_macfdb(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["I did not find this MAC on any FDB entry."] return ctx.tag["This MAC was found in FDB of the following equipments: ", T.ul [ [[ T.invisible(data=l[0], render=T.directive("hostname")), " (", T.invisible(data=l[1], render=T.directive("ip")), ") " "on port ", T.span(_class="data") [ l[2] ], " (out of %d MAC address%s)" % (l[4], l[4]>1 and "es" or "") ] for l in data] ] ]
def render_images(self, ctx, data): """Render a list of images. """ tag = T.div(data=images, render=rend.sequence)[ T.div(pattern='item')[ T.p(data=T.directive('filename'), render=T.directive('data')), T.ul(data=T.directive('comments'), render=rend.sequence)['item', render=T.directive('data')), ], ], ] return tag
def getWidgetDocument(self): # XXX No support for rendering these yet! f = liveform.LiveForm( self.submit, [liveform.Parameter('argument', None, unicode)]) f.docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.form(render=tags.directive('liveElement'))["argument")[ tags.option(value="apples")["apples"], tags.option(value="oranges")["oranges"]], tags.input(type='submit', render=tags.directive('submitbutton'))]) f.setFragmentParent(self) return f
def render(self, data): return [("%s / Host" % self.discovery_name, T.invisible(data=data[0][2], render=T.directive("hostname")), data[0][2]), ("%s / IP" % self.discovery_name, T.invisible(data=data[0][0], render=T.directive("ip")), data[0][0]), ("%s / Description" % self.discovery_name, data[0][1], None), ("%s / Port" % self.discovery_name, data[0][3], None)]
def render_sonmp(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["This IP has not been seen with SONMP."] return ctx.tag["This IP has been seen with SONMP: ", T.ul[ [ [ "from port ", T.span(_class="data") [d[1]], " of ", T.span(data=d[0], render=T.directive("hostname")), " connected to port ", T.span(data=d[2], _class="data", render=T.directive("sonmpport")) ] for d in data] ] ]
def render_ipeqt(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["The IP ", T.span(data=self.ip, render=T.directive("ip")), " is not owned by a known equipment."] return ctx.tag["The IP ", T.span(data=self.ip, render=T.directive("ip")), " belongs to ", T.span(data=data[0][0], render=T.directive("hostname")), "."]
def _renderPage(): page = MantissaLivePage(FakeWebSite()) element = LiveElement(stan(tags.span(render=tags.directive('liveElement')))) element.setFragmentParent(page) element.jsClass = u'Mantissa.Test.Dummy.DummyWidget' page.docFactory = stan([tags.span(render=tags.directive('liveglue')), element]) ctx = WovenContext() req = FakeRequest(headers={'host': self.hostname}) ctx.remember(req, IRequest) page.beforeRender(ctx) page.renderHTTP(ctx) page._messageDeliverer.close()
def render_discovery(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["This IP has not been seen with %s." % self.discovery_name] return ctx.tag["This IP has been seen with %s: " % self.discovery_name, T.ul [ [ [ "from port ", T.span(_class="data") [d[1]], " of ", T.span(data=d[0], render=T.directive("hostname")), " connected to port ", T.span(_class="data") [d[2]], " of ", T.span(data=d[3], render=T.directive("hostname"))] for d in data] ] ]
def render_head(self, ctx, data): """ Put liveglue content into the header of this page to activate it, but otherwise delegate to my parent's renderer for <head>. """ ctx.tag[tags.invisible(render=tags.directive('liveglue'))] return _PublicPageMixin.render_head(self, ctx, data)
def render(self, data): return [("SONMP / IP", T.invisible(data=data[0][0], render=T.directive("ip")), data[0][0]), ("SONMP / Port", data[0][1], None)]
def doRendering(self, fragmentClass): """ Verify that the given fragment class will render without raising an exception. """ siteStore = Store() loginSystem = LoginSystem(store=siteStore) installOn(loginSystem, siteStore) p = Product( store=siteStore, types=["xmantissa.webadmin.LocalUserBrowser", "xmantissa.signup.SignupConfiguration"] ) account = loginSystem.addAccount(u"testuser", u"localhost", None) p.installProductOn( f = fragmentClass(None, u"testuser", account) p = LivePage(docFactory=stan(html[head(render=directive("liveglue")), body(render=lambda ctx, data: f)])) f.setFragmentParent(p) ctx = WovenContext() req = FakeRequest() ctx.remember(req, IRequest) d = p.renderHTTP(ctx) def rendered(ign): p.action_close(None) d.addCallback(rendered) return d
def render(self, data): return [("EDP / Host", T.invisible(data=data[0][0], render=T.directive("hostname")), data[0][0]), ("EDP / Port", "%d/%d" % (data[0][1], data[0][2]), data[0][1]*1000 + data[0][2])]
def renderHTTP(self, ctx): self.setup() #ensure that we are delivered with the correct content type header inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("Content-Type", "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml; charset=%s" % (self.charset,)) #Do something a bit magical.. glue css/js stuff into the window before #any other widgets so they get read first. if self.css is not None: self.window.children.insert(0,"text/css")[self.css]) self.css = None for css in self.cssIncludes: self.window.children.insert(0,"text/css", src=css)) self.cssIncludes = [] if self.js is not None: self.window.children.insert(0, htmlns.script(type="text/javascript")[self.js]) self.js = None for js in self.jsIncludes: self.window.children.insert(0, htmlns.script(type="text/javascript", src=js)) self.jsIncludes = [] #We want to have javascript included in this order: # preLiveglue.js # liveglue.js # if not self.glueInstalled: self.window.children.insert(0, htmlns.script( type="text/javascript", 'javascript').child('postLiveglue.js'))) self.window.children.insert(0, T.invisible( render=T.directive('liveglue'))) self.window.children.insert(0, htmlns.script( type="text/javascript", 'javascript').child('preLiveglue.js'))) self.glueInstalled = True #.. end magical #make sure our XUL tree is loaded and our correct doc type is set self.docFactory = loaders.stan([ T.xml("""<?xml version="1.0"?><?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>"""), self.window]) #return our XUL return athena.LivePage.renderHTTP(self, ctx)
def render(self, data): return [ ('LLDP (remote) / Host', T.invisible(data=data[0][0], render=T.directive("hostname")), data[0][0]), ('LLDP (remote) / Port', data[0][1], None) ]
def test_synchronousFlattenError(self): """ If the old flattener encounters an exception while flattening an L{IRenderable}, the exception is raised to the caller of the flattener API. """ element = Element() element.docFactory = stan(invisible(render=directive('foo'))) self.assertRaises(FlattenerError, synchronousFlatten, element)
def render_dns(self, ctx, name): try: name = str(name[0][0] except: return ctx.tag["This IP has no known name in DNS."] return ctx.tag["This IP is associated to ", T.span(data=name, render=T.directive("hostname")), " in DNS."]
def imageLiveElement(self, req, tag): ch = href = u'/files/%s' % (ch.background.md5,) obscurementHref = u'/files/%s' % (ch.obscurement.md5,) tag.fillSlots('width', ch.background.width) tag.fillSlots('height', ch.background.height) tag.fillSlots('href', href) tag.fillSlots('obscurementHref', obscurementHref) return tag(render=T.directive("liveElement"))
def render_description(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["Nothing was found in descriptions"] return ctx.tag["The following descriptions match the request:", T.ul[ [ [ T.span(_class="data") [d[1]], " from ", T.span(data=d[0], render=T.directive("hostname")), "." ] for d in data ] ] ]
def _render(self, ctx, key, args, errors, value, tag): def data_facets(ctx, data): storeSession = util.getStoreSession(ctx) avatar = util.getAvatar(ctx) @defer.deferredGenerator def loadCategories(facets): d = defer.waitForDeferred(avatar.getCategoryManager(storeSession)) yield d categories = d.getResult() rv = [] for f in facets: facetData = FacetData() facetData.label = f[2] facetData.textid = f[1] rv.append(facetData) d = defer.waitForDeferred(categories.loadCategories(facetData.textid)) yield d facetData.tree = d.getResult().children yield rv d = avatar.getCategoryManager(storeSession) d.addCallback(lambda categories: categories.loadFacets()) d.addCallback(loadCategories) return d def render_facet(ctx, data): tag = ctx.tag tag.fillSlots("facetlabel", data.label) return tag def render_node(ctx, data): tag = ctx.tag tag.fillSlots("value", data.path) tag.fillSlots("label", data.label) if data.path in value: tag.children[0] = tag.children[0](checked="checked") else: tag.children[0](checked=None) return tag template = T.div(class_="categorieswidget")[ T.p(class_="opener")["click to open/close"], T.ul(class_="panel", data=data_facets, render=rend.sequence)["item", render=render_facet)[ T.slot("facetlabel"), T.div(data=T.directive("tree"), render=tree.render)[ T.invisible(pattern="item", render=render_node)[tag, T.slot("label")] ], ] ], ] return T.invisible()[template]
def render_nvlan(self, ctx, results): if not results: return ctx.tag["This VLAN is not known %sly." % self.type] ports = {} for equip, port in results: if equip not in ports: ports[equip] = [] if port not in ports[equip]: ports[equip].append(port) return ctx.tag["This VLAN can be found %sly on:" % self.type, T.ul [ [[ T.invisible(data=equip, render=T.directive("hostname")), T.small[" (on port%s " % (len(ports[equip]) > 1 and "s: " or ""), T.invisible(data=ports[equip], render=T.directive("ports")), ")"] ] for equip in ports ] ] ]
def render_vlans(self, ctx, data): if not data: return ctx.tag["No VLAN information available for this host."] vlans = {} for row in data: if (row[0], row[1]) not in vlans: vlans[row[0], row[1]] = [] vlans[row[0], row[1]].append(row[2]) r = [] i = 0 vlans = list(vlans.iteritems()) vlans.sort() for (vid, name), ports in vlans: r.append( and "odd" or "even")[[T.span(data=vid, render=T.directive("vlan"))],[name],"ports"), data=ports)]) i += 1 return T.table(_class="vlan")[ T.thead[["VID"],["Name"],["Ports"]], r]
class DevicesFragment(athena.LiveElement, log.Loggable): logCategory = 'webui_device_fragment' jsClass = u'Coherence.Devices' fragmentName = 'coherence-devices' docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveElement'))[ tags.div(id="Devices-container", class_="coherence_container")[""], ] ) def __init__(self, page, active): super(DevicesFragment, self).__init__() self.setFragmentParent(page) = page self.coherence = page.coherence = active def going_live(self):"add a view to the DevicesFragment %s", self._athenaID)'Devices',, self._athenaID) d = d.addCallback(self.remove_me) d.addErrback(self.remove_me) devices = [] for device in self.coherence.get_devices(): if device is not None: devices.append({u'name': device.get_markup_name(), u'usn': unicode(device.get_usn())}) louie.connect(self.add_device, 'Coherence.UPnP.Device.detection_completed', louie.Any) louie.connect(self.remove_device, 'Coherence.UPnP.Device.removed', louie.Any) return devices athena.expose(going_live) def remove_me(self, result):"remove view from the DevicesFragment") def add_device(self, device):"DevicesFragment found device %s %s of type %s", device.get_usn(), device.get_friendly_name(), device.get_device_type()) self.callRemote('addDevice', {u'name': device.get_markup_name(), u'usn': unicode(device.get_usn())}) def remove_device(self, usn):"DevicesFragment remove device %s", usn) self.callRemote('removeDevice', unicode(usn)) def render_devices(self, ctx, data): cl = []'children: %s', self.coherence.children) for child in self.coherence.children: device = self.coherence.get_device_with_id(child) if device is not None: cl.append([tags.a(href='/' + child)[ device.get_friendly_device_type, ':', device.get_device_type_version, ' ', device.get_friendly_name()]]) else: cl.append([child]) return ctx.tag[tags.ul[cl]]
class WebInterface(athena.LivePage): docFactory = loaders.stan([ tags.raw(xhtml_header), tags.html(xmlns="") [tags.head(render=tags.directive('liveglue'))[ tags.title[PAGE_TITLE],'stylesheet', type='text/css',"webform_css"))], tags.body[tags.div[tags.div(render=tags.directive("MainPage")), ]]] ]) MainPage = MainPage() PLCHMI = PLCHMI def child_settings(self, context): return SettingsPage() def __init__(self, plcState=False, *a, **kw): super(WebInterface, self).__init__(*a, **kw) self.jsModules.mapping[u'WebInterface'] = paths.AbsNeighbourFile( __file__, 'webinterface.js') self.plcState = plcState self.MainPage.setPLCState(plcState) def getHMI(self): return self.MainPage.getHMI() def LoadHMI(self, hmi, jsmodules): for name, path in jsmodules.iteritems(): self.jsModules.mapping[name] = os.path.join(WorkingDir, path) self.MainPage.setPLCStartedHMI(hmi) def UnLoadHMI(self): self.MainPage.resetPLCStartedHMI() def PLCStarted(self): self.plcState = True self.MainPage.setPLCState(True) def PLCStopped(self): self.plcState = False self.MainPage.setPLCState(False) def renderHTTP(self, ctx): """ Force content type to fit with SVG """ req = ctx.locate(inevow.IRequest) req.setHeader('Content-type', 'application/xhtml+xml') return super(WebInterface, self).renderHTTP(ctx) def render_MainPage(self, ctx, data): f = self.MainPage f.setFragmentParent(self) return ctx.tag[f] def child_(self, ctx): self.MainPage.detachFragmentChildren() return WebInterface(plcState=self.plcState) def beforeRender(self, ctx): d = self.notifyOnDisconnect() d.addErrback(self.disconnected) def disconnected(self, reason): self.MainPage.resetHMI()
class BabyTable(rend.Page): addSlash = True docFactory = loaders.stan(T.html[T.head[ T.title["Baby event table"],"text/css")[T.raw(''' body { width: 1000px; font-family: sans-serif; color: #333; } table { border-collapse: collapse; } td { white-space: nowrap; padding: 0 3px; } { position: relative; background: #eee; } .fill { position:absolute; } .txt { position:absolute; } ''')], T. meta(name="viewport", content= "width=500; initial-scale=1.0; minimum-scale: .01; user-scalable=yes" ), ], T.body[T.h1['Baby events'], T.directive('table')]]) def __init__(self, graph): self.graph = graph rend.Page.__init__(self) def render_table(self, ctx, data): rows = [] for row in self.graph.queryd(""" SELECT DISTINCT ?cmd ?t WHERE { { ?iss cl:command cmd:BabyStart . } UNION { ?iss cl:command cmd:BabyStop . } ?iss dcterms:created ?t ; cl:command ?cmd ; a cl:IssuedCommand . FILTER ( ?t > "2009-07-25T00:00:00Z"^^xs:dateTime ) } ORDER BY ?t"""): t = time.mktime(parse(row['t']).timetuple()) rows.append((t, row['cmd'], row['t'])) label = {CMD.BabyStart: 'start', CMD.BabyStop: 'stop'} def cleanTime(isot): m = re.match(r"^(....-..-..)T(..:..:..)", isot) return "%s %s" % (, def prettyElapsed(sec): return "%.1f min" % (sec / 60) trs = [] lastStart = None lastStop = None for row in rows: t, cmd, isot = row if cmd == CMD.BabyStart: if lastStart is not None: period = t - lastStart[0] cols = [[cleanTime(isot)],[divBar("%s since prev" % prettyElapsed(period), 200, period / 600, "#f88")], ] if lastStop is not None: dur = lastStop[0] - lastStart[0] cols.append([divBar( "duration %s" % prettyElapsed(dur), 150, dur / 200, "#8c3")]) trs.append([cols]) lastStart = row lastStop = None if cmd == CMD.BabyStop: lastStop = row return T.table[trs]
def render_head(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[T.title[self.title], self.head(), T.invisible(render=T.directive('liveglue'))]
class PLCStoppedHMI(PLCHMI): docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.div( render=tags.directive('liveElement'))[tags.h1["PLC IS STOPPED"], ])
class RadioRenderer(ChoiceRenderer): default_select = tags.span(id=slot('id'), render=tags.directive('sequence'))[ tags.div(pattern="item", _class="freeform-radio-option")[ tags.input(type="radio", name=slot('name'), value=valToKey, render=isChecked)[ lambda c, d: iformless.ITyped(c).stringify(d)]]]
def document(self): return stan(T.html[T.head[T.invisible(render=T.directive('head'))], T.body[T.invisible(render=T.directive('body'))]])
def render_content(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), " Backups"], tags.directive('form addSet'), ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/networking_section.png"), " Editing instance %s" %], tags.directive('form editDomain')]
class Legacy(Fragment): docFactory = stan(invisible(render=directive('foo'))) def render_foo(self, ctx, data): rendererCalled.append(None) return deferredResult
class Legacy(Fragment): docFactory = stan(invisible(render=directive('foo'))) def render_foo(self, ctx, data): return '"&<>'
def ret(r): story = [] s = "/chart?type=line2&layout=tight&width=300&height=160&ylab=KB/s&xticks=10" green = "#29b25c" for c, i in enumerate(interfaces): iface = i # Grab two data sets and split them data = r[c][1].strip('\n').split('\n') data_in = self.cleanRRData(data[:20]) data_out = self.cleanRRData(data[20:]) gra = s gra += "&set=In&data=%s" % '+'.join( ["%0.2f" % (j / 1024) for j in data_in]) gra += "&set=Out&data=%s" % '+'.join( ["%0.2f" % (j / 1024) for j in data_out]) for k, i in enumerate(reversed(range(20))): if k % 2 == 0: i = " " else: i = "%ss" % i gra += "&lables=%s" % i ctype = "Unknown" if 'eth' in iface: media = tags.invisible(render=tags.directive('ethMedia'), data=iface) state = tags.invisible(render=tags.directive('ethMedia'), data=[iface, 'state']) netConfig = "/auth/Network/Edit/%s/" % iface if 'ppp' in iface: media = "Link" state = [[tags.img(src='/images/state-running.png')], width="100%")[entities.nbsp, tags.span( style="color: %s" % green)["PPP connection (%s)" % (iface)]], ] netConfig = "/auth/PPP/" if c < 1: scriptExtra = "" else: scriptExtra = tags.script( type="text/javascript")["rollNet(\"%s\");" % iface] block = tags.table( _class="interfaceTable", cellspacing="0", cellpadding="0" )[[state,[tags.img(src='/images/block-minus.png', id='roller%s' % iface, onclick="rollNet('%s')" % iface)]],["border-bottom:2px solid #999")[""],"border-bottom:2px solid #999")[ entities.nbsp, tags.table[[['Media: '],[media]],[['IP Address: '], tags. td[tags.invisible(render=tags. directive('ethIP'), data=iface)]], ]],[""]],[[""],[tags.div( id="con%s" % iface)[tags.img(src=gra),, tags.a(href=netConfig)[tags.img( src="/images/services-small.png"), " Configure"]]],[""]]] story.append(block) story.append(scriptExtra) story.append( return ctx.tag[story]
def render_license(self, ctx, data): if os.path.exists('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kvd'): return ctx.tag[""] # Uptime more than 7 days (prevent bootstrapping issues) up = open('/proc/uptime').read().strip('\n').strip().split() n = float(up[0]) days = n / (60 * 60 * 24) print "System uptime is %s days" % days if days < 7: pass #return ctx.tag[""] if os.path.exists('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.tliac'): mk = self.gK() if mk == open('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.tliac').read(): return ctx.tag[""] if os.path.exists('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kxd'): kt = os.stat('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kxd').st_mtime nw = time.time() invalid = open('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kxd').read() == '\x11\x10\x10' seconds = (60 * 60 * 24 * 16) - (nw - kt) # Give a 2 day leeway to perform activation requirements if seconds > (60 * 60 * 24 * 14) and not invalid: return ctx.tag[""] timeSet = "" days = seconds // (60 * 60 * 24) seconds -= days * 60 * 60 * 24 hours = seconds // (60 * 60) seconds -= hours * 60 * 60 minutes = seconds // 60 seconds -= minutes if days: timeSet = "%d days and %d hours" % (days, hours) elif hours: timeSet = "%d hours and %d minutes" % (hours, minutes) elif minutes: timeSet = "%d minutes" % (minutes) return ctx.tag[tags.div(_class="roundedBlock")[tags.img( src="/images/network-small.png" ), tags.h1["Software License"], tags.div[ tags.h1["Vulani License Activation!"], tags.h3[" Activation time remaining %s" % timeSet], tags. p["Your Vulani license has not been activated. If this is in error it should resolve itself ", "automaticaly. If not, please contact Thusa at [email protected] for licensing details."], tags. p["Your Vulani management interface will continue to work for the time indicated above, after which time ", "it will no longer be accessible until activation. Your server will continue to work indefinitely with its ", "current configuration"], tags.div(id="enterNewLicense")[ tags.a(href="#", onclick="newLicenseClick();" )["Enter new license key"],, tags.a(href="#", onclick="activationClick();" )["Enter activation code"]], tags.div(id="NewLicense", style="display:none" )[tags.directive('form changeKey')], tags.div(id="ActivateCode", style="display:none" )[tags.directive('form codeActivation')]]]] else: return ctx.tag[""]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[tags.h1["Configure ", self.iface], tags.directive('form modInterface')]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): squidData = self.getData() tabs = [ ('Setup', 'panelProxySetup'), ('Content', 'panelContent'), ('Allow', 'panelAllows'), ('Block Domain', 'panelBdom'), ('Access times', 'panelAtime'), ('ACL Routing', 'panelRouting'), ] updatePanel = "" k = self.sysconf.ProxyConfig if k.get('updates'): if k['updates'].get('enabled'): tabs.append( ('Updates', 'panelUpdate') ) updatePanel = tags.div(id="panelUpdate", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Updates Cache"], tags.invisible(render=tags.directive('updateCache')) ] return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src='/images/proxy.png'), " Web Proxy"], PageHelpers.TabSwitcher(( tabs ), id="proxy"), tags.div(id="panelContent", _class="tabPane")[ PageHelpers.TabSwitcher(( ('Content filters', 'panelCFilter'), ('Site Whitelist', 'panelWlist'), ('Host Whitelist', 'panelHWlist') ), id="pcfilter"), tags.div(id="panelCFilter", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Blocked content"], tags.directive('form contentFilter'), ], tags.div(id="panelWlist", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Site Whitelist"], self.cfilterSWL.applyTable(self) ], tags.div(id="panelHWlist", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Host Whitelist"], self.cfilterHWL.applyTable(self) ], PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher(id="pcfilter") ], tags.div(id="panelProxySetup", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Proxy setup"], tags.directive('form authentication'), ], tags.div(id="panelAllows", _class="tabPane")[ PageHelpers.TabSwitcher(( ('Allow Domain', 'panelAdom'), ('Allow Destination', 'panelAdest'), ('Allow Computer', 'panelAcomp'), ), id="allows"), tags.div(id="panelAdom", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Allowed Domains"], self.addDom.applyTable(self) ], tags.div(id="panelAdest", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Allowed Destination Networks"], self.addDest.applyTable(self) ], tags.div(id="panelAcomp", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Allowed Computers"], self.addComp.applyTable(self) ], PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher(id="allows") ], tags.div(id="panelAtime", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Access times"], PageHelpers.dataTable(['Permission', 'Days', 'Time', 'Domain', 'ACL', ''], squidData[4], sortable=True), tags.h3["Add time range"], tags.directive('form addTime'), ], tags.div(id="panelRouting", _class="tabPane")[ PageHelpers.TabSwitcher(( ('User ACL', 'panelACLU'), ('Source ACL', 'panelACLS'), ('Domain ACL', 'panelACLD'), ('ACL Gateway', 'panelACLG'), ('Permission ACL', 'panelACLP'), ), id="acls"), tags.div(id="panelACLU", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["User ACL"], tags.p["Manage username ACL's. These ACL's can then be used for timed access or source routing"], self.userACL.applyTable(self), ], tags.div(id="panelACLS", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Source ACL"], tags.p["Manage source IP ACL's. These ACL's can then be used for timed access or source routing"], self.routingACL.applyTable(self), ], tags.div(id="panelACLD", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Domain ACL"], tags.p["Manage destination domain ACL's. These ACL's can then be used for timed access or source routing"], self.domainACL.applyTable(self), ], tags.div(id="panelACLG", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["ACL routes"], self.routingGateway.applyTable(self) ], tags.div(id="panelACLP", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["ACL permissions"], self.permissionACL.applyTable(self) ], PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher(id="acls") ], tags.div(id="panelBdom", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Blocked Domains"], self.addBlock.applyTable(self) ], updatePanel, PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher(id="proxy") ]
def render_editContent(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[self.text.userHeadingAddGroup], tags.directive('form editForm') ]
def rend(self, ctx, data): return invisible(render=directive("foo"))[Element.rend(self, ctx, data)]
class Page(PageHelpers.DefaultPage): addSlash = True docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.html[tags.head[tags.invisible(render=tags.directive('head'))], tags.body[""]]) childPages = { 'About': About, 'Users': Start, 'Logs': Log, 'Mail': Mail, 'MailQueue': MailQueue, 'Samba': Samba, 'Reports': Reports, 'Tools': Tools, 'VPN': VPN, 'Network': Network, 'Backup': Backup, 'Settings': UserSettings, 'Squid': Squid, 'Firewall': Firewall, 'FirewallAjax': FirewallAjax, 'GroupMatrix': GroupMatrix, 'Bandwidth': Traffic, 'Mailserver': Exim, 'Existat': Existat, 'NetworkStats': NetworkStats, 'System': System, 'Graphs': Graph, 'MySQL': MySQL, 'PPP': Ppp, 'ProxyUse': Sar, 'FileBrowser': FileBrowser, 'Dhcp': Dhcp, 'Profiles': Profiles, 'Routing': Routing, 'DNS': DNS, 'Diagnose': Diagnose, 'MailDiagnose': MailDiagnose, 'InterfaceStats': InterfaceStats, 'Webserver': Apache, 'Xen': Xen, 'TelReport': TelReport, #'HA': HA, 'SSH': SSH, 'Status': Dashboard, 'Domain': WindowsDomain, 'Updates': UpdateCache, 'ManageApps': ManageApps, 'DiskUsage': Disks, 'SystemUpdate': Update, 'VoIP': Asterisk, 'UPS': UPS, 'Reporting': Reporting, } def render_head(self, ctx, data): # Get details req = inevow.IRequest(ctx) headers = req.received_headers host = headers.get('x-forwarded-for', # Log the users authentication and their username Utils.log.msg("User login: '******' from [%s, %s] " % (self.avatarId.username, host, if not self.avatarId.isAdmin and self.avatarId.isUser: return ctx.tag[ tags.title["Vulani"], tags. xml('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=Settings/"/>')] return ctx.tag[ tags.title["Vulani"], tags.xml('<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=Status/"/>')] def __init__(self, avatarId=None, db=None, *a, **kw): PageHelpers.DefaultPage.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.db = db self.avatarId = avatarId self.child_local = AuthApacheProxy.AuthApacheProxy( 'localhost', 80, '/', avatarId.username, avatarId.password) self.child_Proc = ProcPage(avatarId, db) self.child_branchTopologyGraph = branchTopology(avatarId, db) self.child_Lock = Lock(avatarId, db) self.Hooky = Booty.Hooky() self.child_modules = self.Hooky.modulesStatic def gkf(self): brn = [ 113, 53, 28, 44, 120, 50, 47, 61, 32, 24, 4, 42, 35, 23, 113, 49, 43, 45, 15, 113, 56, 59, 57, 26, 55, 47 ] krn = '^@o^W^@^At+^@d^E^@|^S^@|^C' kfn = ''.join([chr(ord(a) ^ b) for b, a in zip(brn, krn)]) return kfn def gK(self): brn = "^U^@<83>^@^@}^W^@x\xc3\xae^@|^D^@d^@^@j^H^@o\xc3\xa0^@^A|^S^@d^B^@7}^S^@|^K^@i^W^@|^S^@<83>^A^@o\xc2\xbc^@^A|^K^@|^S^@^" oc1 = md5.md5(brn).hexdigest() l = open(self.gkf()).read().strip('\n') oc2 = sha.sha(l).hexdigest() k = sha.sha(''.join([chr(ord(a) ^ ord(b)) for b, a in zip(oc1, oc2)])).hexdigest() kv = "%s-%s-%s-%s-%s" % (k[1:5], k[5:9], k[8:12], k[13:17], k[11:15]) return kv def childFactory(self, ctx, seg): db = list(self.db) + [self.Hooky] keyOk = False if not os.path.exists('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kvd'): # Uptime more than 7 days (prevent bootstrapping issues) up = open('/proc/uptime').read().strip('\n').strip().split() n = float(up[0]) days = n / (60 * 60 * 24) if days > 2: if os.path.exists('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.tliac'): mk = self.gK() if mk == open('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.tliac').read(): keyOk = True if not keyOk and os.path.exists('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kxd'): kt = os.stat('/usr/local/tcs/tums/.kxd').st_mtime nw = time.time() #seconds = (60*60*24*16) - (nw-kt) seconds = (60 * 60 * 24 * 16) - (nw - kt) if seconds < 60: return self.childPages['Status'].Page( self.avatarId, db) if os.path.exists('/etc/.vdf'): return self.childPages['Status'].Page(self.avatarId, db) if seg in self.childPages.keys(): thisPage = self.childPages[seg].Page(self.avatarId, db) elif self.Hooky.hookExists(seg): thisPage = self.Hooky.getHook(seg)(self.avatarId, tuple(db)) else: thisPage = rend.FourOhFour() # Ensure that the db list is immutable if seg == "Settings": return thisPage if self.lockStatus and self.lockUser != self.avatarId.username: return PageHelpers.AdminLocked(self.avatarId, db) if self.avatarId.reports: if seg in [ "Overview", "NetworkStats", "Mail", "Reports", "Stats", "ProxyUse", "InterfaceStats", "TelReport" ]: return thisPage if not self.avatarId.isAdmin and not self.avatarId.isUser: if seg in ["Users", "Reports", "Tools", "Stats"]: return thisPage else: return PermissionDenied.Page(self.avatarId, db) if self.avatarId.isUser: return PermissionDenied.Page(self.avatarId, db) return thisPage
def render_test(context, data): return tags.ul(render=rend.sequence)[ pattern='item')['foo', ((( tags.invisible(data=tags.directive('foo'), render=str), ), ), )]]
def render_head(self, ctx, data): ctx.tag[t.invisible(render=t.directive("liveglue"))] return _FragmentWrapperMixin.render_head(self, ctx, data)
def document(self): return stan( T.div(render=T.directive('liveFragment'))[T.invisible( render=T.directive('element'))])
class HTMLTableFragment(HTMLDataRenderer): """A nevow renderer for result tables. """ rowsPerDivision = 25 def _getRowFormatter(self): """returns a callable returning a rendered row in HTML (as used for the stan xml tag). """ source = [ "def formatRow(row, rowAttrs=''):", " res = ['<tr%s>'%rowAttrs]", ] for index, (name, _, wantsRow) in enumerate(self.formatterSeq): if wantsRow: source.append(" val = formatters[%d](row)" % index) else: source.append(" val = formatters[%d](row[%s])" % (index, repr(name))) source.extend([ # " import code;code.interact(local=locals())", " if val is None:", " val = 'N/A'", " if isinstance(val, basestring):", " serFct = escapeForHTML", " else:", " serFct = flatten", " res.append('<td>%s</td>'%serFct(val))", ]) source.extend([" res.append('</tr>')", " return ''.join(res)"]) return utils.compileFunction( "\n".join(source), "formatRow", { "formatters": [p[1] for p in self.formatterSeq], "escapeForHTML": common.escapeForHTML, "flatten": flat.flatten }) def render_rowSet(self, ctx, items): # slow, use render_tableBody return ctx.tag(render=rend.mapping)[self.defaultTds] def render_tableBody(self, ctx, data): """returns HTML-rendered table rows in chunks of rowsPerDivision. We don't use stan here since we can concat all those tr/td much faster ourselves. """ rowAttrsIterator = itertools.cycle( [' class="data"', ' class="data even"']) formatRow = self._getRowFormatter() rendered = [] yield T.xml("<tbody>") for row in self.table: rendered.append(formatRow(row, if len(rendered) >= self.rowsPerDivision: yield T.xml("\n".join(rendered)) yield self.headCellsStan rendered = [] yield T.xml("\n".join(rendered) + "\n</tbody>") docFactory = loaders.stan( T.div(class_="tablewrap") [T.div(render=T.directive("meta"), class_="warning")["_warning"], T.table(class_="results")[T.thead(render=T.directive("headCells")), T.tbody(render=T.directive("tableBody"))], T.invisible(render=T.directive("footnotes")), ])
class DynamicListFragment(rend.Fragment): docFactory = loaders.stan( T.fieldset(id=T.slot('id'), _class=T.slot('cssClass'), render=T.directive('dynamiclist'))[ T.input(_class='collapsible-group-hidden-state', type='hidden', render=T.directive('collapsedstate')), T.legend[T.span(_class='collapse-controls'), T.slot('label')], T.div(_class='description')[T.slot('description')], T.div(_class='collapsible-group-summary')[T.div(render=T.directive('display_summary'))[T.slot('summary')]], T.div(_class='collapsible-group-contents')[T.div(render=T.directive('display_contents'))[T.div(_class='dynamic-list-header'), T.div(_class='dynamic-list-contents')[T.slot('items')], T.div(_class='dynamic-list-footer')]] ]) def __init__(self, dynamiclist): super(DynamicListFragment, self).__init__() self.dynamiclist = dynamiclist def render_collapsedstate(self, ctx, data): ctx.tag(name=self.dynamiclist.getCollapsedKey()) if self.dynamiclist.collapsible and self.dynamiclist.collapsed: value = '1' else: value = '0' ctx.tag(value=value) return ctx.tag def render_display_summary(self, ctx, data): if self.dynamiclist.collapsible and self.dynamiclist.collapsed: return ctx.tag(_class='collapsible-show') else: return ctx.tag(_class='collapsible-hide') def render_display_contents(self, ctx, data): if self.dynamiclist.collapsible and self.dynamiclist.collapsed: return ctx.tag(_class='collapsible-hide') else: return ctx.tag(_class='collapsible-show') def render_dynamiclist(self, ctx, data): dynamiclist = self.dynamiclist # Build the CSS class string cssClass = ['group'] if self.dynamiclist.collapsible: cssClass.append('collapsible-group') if dynamiclist.cssClass is not None: cssClass.append(dynamiclist.cssClass) cssClass = ' '.join(cssClass) # Fill the slots ctx.tag.fillSlots('id', util.render_cssid(dynamiclist.key)) ctx.tag.fillSlots('cssClass', cssClass) ctx.tag.fillSlots('label', dynamiclist.label) ctx.tag.fillSlots('description', dynamiclist.description or '') if self.dynamiclist.summary is not None: ctx.tag.fillSlots('summary', self.dynamiclist.summary) else: ctx.tag.fillSlots('summary', _default_summary_clicktoexpand) ctx.tag.fillSlots('items', [inevow.IRenderer(item) for item in dynamiclist.items]) return ctx.tag
class CommandWidget(athena.LiveElement, results.NotifierParent): jsClass = u'ControllerModule.CommandWidget' docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveElement'))[tags.table( id="commandWidget", hidden=True)[[["cmd"],["targets"],["args"]],[tags.form(id="cmdform", action="""javascript: var w = Nevow.Athena.Widget.get(document.getElementById('cmdform')); var cmd = document.getElementById('cmd'); cmd = cmd.options[cmd.selectedIndex].value; var targets = document.getElementById('targets').value; var args = document.getElementById('args').value; w.submitCommand(cmd, targets, args);""") [[ id="cmd", name="cmd", onchange= "Nevow.Athena.Widget.get(this).changeCmd(this.options[cmd.selectedIndex].value);" )[tags.option(value="execute")["execute"], tags.option( value="executeFile")["execute file"], tags.option(value="pull")["pull"], tags.option(value="reset")["reset"], tags.option(value="kill")["kill"], ]],[tags.input(type="text", id="targets", name="targets")], tags. td[tags. input(type="text", id="args", name="args" )], tags. td[tags.input(type="submit", value="exec" )]]],['4', style="text-align: center;")[tags.div( id="commandOut")]]]]) def __init__(self, controller): self.controller = controller reactor.callLater(.1, self.callRemote, 'getIDs') def execute(self, targets, lines): idlist = parseTargets(targets) if idlist is False: return d = self.controller.execute(idlist, str(lines)) self.notify(None) return d.addCallbacks(self.executeOK, athena.expose(execute) def executeOK(self, resultList): s = '' for r in resultList: s += resultToHTML(r) self.finish(unicode(s)) def executeFile(self, targets, f): print f athena.expose(executeFile) def pull(self, targets, keystr): keys = map(str, keystr.split(',')) idlist = parseTargets(targets) if not idlist or not keys: return d = self.controller.pullNamespace(idlist, *keys) self.notify(None) return d.addCallbacks(self.pullOK, athena.expose(pull) def pullOK(self, resultList): s = '' # print resultList for r in resultList: s += dictToHTML(r) return self.finish(s) def reset(self, targets, _): idlist = parseTargets(targets) if not idlist: return d = self.controller.reset(idlist) return d.addCallbacks(self.resetOK, athena.expose(reset) def resetOK(self, r): return self.finish('') def kill(self, targets, _): idlist = parseTargets(targets) if not idlist: return d = self.controller.kill(idlist) return d.addCallbacks(self.killOK, athena.expose(kill) def killOK(self, r): return self.finish('') def finish(self, s): self.notify(None) return self.callRemote('commandOutput', unicode(s)) def fail(self, f=None): return self.finish('Failure')
class DefaultPLCStartedHMI(PLCHMI): docFactory = loaders.stan( tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveElement'))[ tags.h1["PLC IS NOW STARTED"], ])
class ChatWidget(athena.LiveElement): """This is broken""" jsClass = u'ControllerModule.ChatWidget' docFactory = loaders.stan([ tags.div(render=tags.directive('liveElement')) [tags.div(id="topic"), tags.div(id="content")[tags.div( pattern="message")[classTag(tags.span, 'timestamp')[tags.slot( name='timestamp')], classTag(tags.span, 'userid')[tags.slot( name='userid')], classTag(tags.span, 'message')[tags.slot( name='message')], ]], tags.dl(id="userlist") [tags.dt["Userlist"], tags.dd(pattern="user")[ # tags.attr(name="id")["user-list-", tags.slot(name="user-id")], # tags.slot(name="user-id") tags.xml(""" <nevow:attr name="id">user-list-<nevow:slot name="user-id" /></nevow:attr> """), tags.slot(name="user-id")]], tags.form(name="inputForm", onsubmit=""" var w = Nevow.Athena.Widget(this); w.callRemote('sendInput', this.inputLine.value);""")[ tags.input(name="inputLine"), tags.input(type="submit", value="say")], tags.form(name="nickForm", onsubmit=""" var w = Nevow.Athena.Widget(this); w.callRemote('changeNick', this.nick.value);""")[ tags.input(name="nick"), tags.input(type="submit", value="change nick")], tags.form(name="topicForm", onsubmit=""" var w = Nevow.Athena.Widget(this); w.callRemote('changeTopic', this.topic.value);""")[ tags.input(name="topic"), tags.input(type="submit", value="change topic")], # tags.span(id="bottom") ] ]) messagePattern = inevow.IQ(docFactory).patternGenerator('message') userPattern = inevow.IQ(docFactory).patternGenerator('user') def __init__(self): self.clients = [] = [] def goingLive(self, ctx, client): client.notifyOnClose().addBoth(self.userLeft, client) client.userId = "newuser" client.send(assign(document.nickForm.nick.value, client.userId)) addUserlistEntry = append( 'userlist', self.userPattern.fillSlots('user-id', client.userId)), eol self.sendEvent(client, addUserlistEntry, self.content(client, 'has joined.')) ## Catch the user up with the previous events client.send([(event, eol) for source, event in]) self.clients.append(client) def userLeft(self, _, client): self.clients.remove(client) self.sendEvent(client, js.removeNode('user-list-%s' % (client.userId, )), eol, self.content(client, 'has left.')) def sendEvent(self, source, *event):, event)) for target in self.clients: if target is not source: target.send(event) return event def content(self, sender, message): return append( 'content', self.messagePattern.fillSlots( 'timestamp', time.strftime("%H:%M %d/%m/%y")).fillSlots( 'userid', sender.userId).fillSlots('message', message)), eol, js.scrollDown() def handle_sendInput(self, ctx, inputLine): sender = livepage.IClientHandle(ctx) return self.sendEvent(sender, self.content(sender, inputLine)), eol, js.focusInput() def handle_changeNick(self, ctx, nick): changer = livepage.IClientHandle(ctx) rv = self.sendEvent( changer, set('user-list-%s' % (changer.userId, ), nick), eol, js.changeId('user-list-%s' % (changer.userId, ), 'user-list-%s' % (nick, )), eol, self.content(changer, 'changed nick to %r.' % (nick, ))) changer.userId = nick return rv
def getWidgetDocument(self): return tags.div(render=tags.directive('button'))[ tags.a(href='#')['A link']]
def outerMethod(self, request, tag): return tag[InnerElement(docFactory=stan(directive("innerMethod")))]
class DirectoryLister(rend.Page): def __init__(self, pathname, dirs=None, contentTypes={}, contentEncodings={}, defaultType='text/html'): self.contentTypes = contentTypes self.contentEncodings = contentEncodings self.defaultType = defaultType # dirs allows usage of the File to specify what gets listed self.dirs = dirs self.path = pathname rend.Page.__init__(self) def data_listing(self, context, data): from nevow.static import getTypeAndEncoding if self.dirs is None: directory = os.listdir(self.path) directory.sort() else: directory = self.dirs files = [] dirs = [] for path in directory: url = urllib.parse.quote(path, '/') if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.path, path)): url = url + '/' dirs.append({ 'link': url, 'linktext': path + "/", 'type': '[Directory]', 'filesize': '', 'encoding': '', }) else: mimetype, encoding = getTypeAndEncoding( path, self.contentTypes, self.contentEncodings, self.defaultType) try: filesize = os.stat(os.path.join(self.path, path))[stat.ST_SIZE] except OSError as x: if x.errno != 2 and x.errno != 13: raise x else: files.append({ 'link': url, 'linktext': path, 'type': '[%s]' % mimetype, 'filesize': formatFileSize(filesize), 'encoding': (encoding and '[%s]' % encoding or '') }) return dirs + files def data_header(self, context, data): request = context.locate(inevow.IRequest) return "Directory listing for %s" % urllib.parse.unquote( request.uri.decode('ascii')) def render_tableLink(self, context, data): return tags.a(href=data['link'])[data['linktext']] def __repr__(self): return '<DirectoryLister of %r>' % self.path __str__ = __repr__ docFactory = loaders.stan(tags.html[tags.head[tags.title( data=tags.directive('header'))[str],[''' th, .even td, .odd td { padding-right: 0.5em; } .even-dir { background-color: #efe0ef } .even { background-color: #eee } .odd-dir {background-color: #f0d0ef } .odd { background-color: #dedede } .icon { text-align: center } .listing { margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; width: 50%; padding: 0.1em; } body { border: 0; padding: 0; margin: 0; background-color: #efefef;} h1 {padding: 0.1em; background-color: #777; color: white; border-bottom: thin white dashed;} ''']], tags.body[tags.div(_class='directory-listing')[ tags.h1(data=tags.directive('header'))[str], tags.table(render=rend.sequence, data=tags.directive('listing'))["header")[["Filename"],["Size"],["Content type"],["Content encoding"], ],"even", pattern="item")[[tags.a(render=tags.directive("tableLink"))],"filesize"))[str],"type"))[str],"encoding"))[str], ],"odd", pattern="item")[[tags.a(render=tags.directive("tableLink"))],"filesize"))[str],"type"))[str],"encoding"))[str], ]]]]])
def render_content(self, ctx, data): interfaces = Utils.getInterfaces() + self.sysconf.EthernetDevices.keys( ) params = Utils.parseNet() d = {} vlans = [] routes = {} types = {} vali = [] traffic = {} da = today = "%s%s%s" % (, da.month, da.year) for i in interfaces: if 'tap' not in i and 'eth' not in i and 'ppp' not in i and 'vlan' not in i: continue if not "vlan" in i: if i in d.keys(): pass if i in params.keys(): types[i] = params[i]['type'] routes[i] = [params[i].get('network', '')] if params[i]['type'] == 'static': d[i] = params[i]['ip'] if params[i]['type'] == 'manual': d[i] = "Manual" else: d[i] = "DHCP" else: types[i] = "" routes[i] = "" d[i] = "" else: vlans.append((i, params[i]['ip'], tags.a(title="Edit Interface %s" % i, href="Edit/%s" % i)[tags.img(src="/images/edit.png")])) # Read the traffic counters try: p = open('/usr/local/tcs/tums/rrd/iface_%s_%stotal.nid' % (i, today)).read().split(':') traffic[i] = (float(p[0]), float(p[1])) except: traffic[i] = (0, 0) return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/stock-disconnect.png"), self.text.toolsMenuNetconf], PageHelpers.TabSwitcher(( ('Interface Configuration', 'panelIface'), ('VLAN Configuration', 'panelVlan'), ('IPv6 Tunnel', 'panelTunnel'), ('Advanced', 'panelAdvanced'), )), tags.div(id="panelIface", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Interfaces"], tags.table(width="95%")[[[[[self.roundedBlock(j, [ tags.img(src="/images/graphs/iface-%sFS.png" % j), tags. table["top")[[tags.strong["Traffic Out (24h): "]],[Utils.intToH(traffic[j][1])]], valign="top" )[[tags.strong["Traffic In (24h): "]],[Utils.intToH(traffic[j][0])]],"top")[[tags. strong["Configuration Type: "]],[types[j] == 'dhcp' and 'DHCP' or 'Static']],"top")[[tags. strong["Associated Routes: "]],[[[k,] for k in routes. get(j, ["None"])]]], valign="top" )[[tags.a(title="Edit Interface %s" % j, href="Edit/%s" % j)[tags.img( src="/images/edit.png"), " Edit Settings"]],[""]]] ])] for j in i if j ]] for i in WebUtils.runIter(1, d.keys()) ]],, #tags.h3["Add interface"], #tags.directive('form addInterface') ], tags.div(id="panelVlan", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Configured VLAN Interfaces"], PageHelpers.dataTable(('Interface', 'IP', ''), vlans),, tags.h3["Add VLAN"], tags.directive('form addVLAN')], tags.div(id="panelTunnel", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3["Configure IPv6 Tunnel"], tags.directive('form tunnelConf')], tags.div(id="panelAdvanced", _class="tabPane") [tags.h3["Advanced Settings"], tags. p["If you are unsure of any of these settings you should almost certainly not change them"], tags.directive('form advanced')], PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher(), ]