def render_content(self, ctx, data): dir = os.listdir('/usr/local/tcs/tums/profiles/') dir.sort() tab = [] for l in dir: if l[-3:] == ".py": name = l[:-3].replace('_', ' ').capitalize() tab.append((name, [ tags.a(href="copy/%s" % l)["Copy"], " ", tags. a(href="#", onclick= "showElement('ren'); getElement('rename-source').value = '%s'; return false;" % name)["Rename"], " ", tags. a(href="delete/%s" % (l), onclick= "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this profile?');", title="Delete this profile")[tags.img( src="/images/ex.png")] ])) return ctx.tag[tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), " Configuration Profiles"], PageHelpers.dataTable(['Profile Name', ""], tab),, tags.div(id="ren", style="display:none;" )[tags.directive('form rename')]]
def render_menu(self, ctx, data): host = str(url.URL.fromContext(ctx)).split('//')[-1].split(':')[0] if self.avatarId.isUser: [] if self.avatarId.reports: try: del[3] except: pass if newBlock = tags.img(src="/images/blockMB.png") else: newBlock = "" return ctx.tag[ tags.img(src="/images/blockMB.png"), [ tags.a(href=elm[0].replace('$ME$',host), title=elm[3])[tags.img(src=elm[1])] for elm in], newBlock, [ tags.a(href=elm[0].replace('$ME$',host), title=elm[3])[tags.img(src=elm[1])] for elm in self.userMenu], self.addedMenu(), ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): shares = self.sysconf.SambaShares return ctx.tag[ tags.h2[tags.img(src="/images/sharefold.png"), " Shared folders"], tags.table(cellspacing="0", _class="listing")[ tags.thead(background="/images/gradMB.png")[[['Shared Folder'],['Shared Path'],['Comment'],['Writable'],['Public'],['Permission'],[''], ]], tags.tbody[[[[share], [[shares[share].get(i, None) or ""] for i in [ 'path', 'comment', 'writable', 'public', 'valid users' ] ],[ tags. a(href='Delete/%s/' % (share, ), onclick ="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this share?');" )[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")]]] for share in shares.keys() if not share == "global" ]]], tags.h3["Add new share"], tags.directive('form addShare'), ]
def gotMail(mail): print mail attachments, hdrs, data = mail uFrom, uDate, uSubject = hdrs toolbar = [("/mail/Mail/##%s" % self.params[0], 'Inbox', "/images/inbox.png"), ("/mail/New/##%s.%s" % self.params, 'Reply', "/images/inbox.png")] return ctx.tag[tags.div( id="mailViewHolder")[ tags.ul( id="mailTools")[[[tags.a(href=link)[tags.div[tags.img( src=image)], name]] for link, name, image in toolbar ]], tags.table( id="mailViewHeaders" )[[["From:"],[uFrom]],[["Date:"],[uDate]],[["Subject:"],[uSubject]],[["Attachments:"],[[[ tags.a(href="/mail/mdata/%s/%s" % (self.avatarId.username, v[0]))[tags.img( src="/images/attachment.png"), " ", k], " (%0.2f KB)" % (v[1] / 1024.0), ] for k, v in attachments.items()]]], ], tags.div(id="mailViewContentBox")[tags.xml(data)], ]]
def render_content(self, ctx, seg): try: stat = eval(open('/usr/local/tcs/tums/rrd/dindex.nid').read()) except: return ctx.tag[tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/system.png"), " Disk Utilisation"],, "No statistics have been generated."] #unpack it home = stat['home'] shares = stat['shares'] mail = stat['mail'] homeTotal = sum([int(i) for i in home.values()]) sharesTotal = sum([int(i) for i in shares.values()]) mailTotal = sum([int(i) for i in mail.values()]) return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/system.png"), " Disk Utilisation"],, tags.h3["Home folders"],, self.pieChartImg(home), PageHelpers.dataTable(['User', 'Utilisation'], self.refilterTable(home, homeTotal)), tags.h3["Shared folders"],, self.pieChartImg(shares), PageHelpers.dataTable(['Folder', 'Utilisation'], self.refilterTable(shares, sharesTotal)), tags.h3["Mailboxes"],, self.pieChartImg(mail), PageHelpers.dataTable(['Mailbox', 'Utilisation'], self.refilterTable(mail, mailTotal)), ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): toss = { '16': 'Minimize Delay', '8': 'Maximize Throughput', '4': 'Maximize Reliability', '2': 'Minimize Cost', '0': 'Normal Service' } qosRules = [] l = 0 for port, proto, tos in self.sysconf.Shorewall.get('qos', []): qosRules.append([ port, proto, toss[tos], tags. a(href=url.root.child("Qos").child("Delete").child(l), onclick= "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this entry?');" )[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ]) l += 1 return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/compress.png"), "QOS"], PageHelpers. dataTable(['Port', 'Protocol', 'Type of service', ''], qosRules), tags.h3["Add Rule"], tags.directive('form addQos'), ]
def visit_cmsimage_node(self, node): maxwidth=node.attributes['maxwidth'] maxheight=node.attributes['maxheight'] if maxwidth is None or maxheight is None: tag = T.img(src=self.systemURL.child('assets').child( node.attributes['id'] )) else: tag = T.img(src=self.systemURL.child('assets').child( node.attributes['id'] ).add('size','%sx%s'%(maxwidth,maxheight))) if node.attributes['alt']: tag = tag(alt=node.attributes['alt']) if node.attributes['title']: tag = tag(title=node.attributes['title']) if node.attributes['cssclass']: tag = tag(class_=node.attributes['cssclass']) if node.attributes['href']: tag = T.a(href=node.attributes['href'])[ tag ] if node.attributes['caption']: tag = T.div(class_='cmsimage')[tag,T.p[node.attributes['caption']]] else: tag = T.div(class_='cmsimage')[tag] html = flat.flatten(tag) self.body.append(html)
def addedMenu(self): return [ tags.img(src="/images/blockMB.png"), [ tags.a(href=elm[0])[tags.img(src=elm[1])] for elm in self.pageMenu+[(url.root.child('Users').child('Add').child(str(self.domain)), '/images/addUser.png'), (url.root.child('Users').child('DomainAdd'), '/images/adddom.png')] ] ]
def render(self, ctx, key, args, errors): """ Render the data. This either renders a link to the original file, if specified, and no new file has been uploaded. Or a link to the uploaded file. The request to get the data should be routed to the getResouce method. """ form = iformal.IForm(ctx) namer = self._namer(key) resourceIdName = namer('resource_id') originalIdName = namer('original_id') # get the resource id first from the resource manager # then try the request resourceId = form.resourceManager.getResourceId(key) if resourceId is None: resourceId = self._getFromArgs(args, resourceIdName) resourceId = self._blankField(resourceId) # Get the original key from a hidden field in the request, # then try the request initial data. originalKey = self._getFromArgs(args, originalIdName) if not errors and not originalKey: originalKey = args.get(key) originalKey = self._blankField(originalKey) if resourceId: # Have an uploaded file, so render a URL to the uploaded file tmpURL = widgetResourceURL( self.FROM_RESOURCE_MANAGER).child(resourceId) yield T.p[T.img(src=tmpURL)] elif originalKey: # The is no uploaded file, but there is an original, so render a # URL to it if self.originalKeyIsURL: tmpURL = originalKey else: tmpURL = widgetResourceURL( self.FROM_CONVERTIBLE).child(originalKey) yield T.p[T.img(src=tmpURL)] else: # No uploaded file, no original yield T.p[T.strong['Nothing uploaded']] yield T.input(name=key, id=render_cssid(key), type='file') # Id of uploaded file in the resource manager yield T.input(name=resourceIdName, value=resourceId, type='hidden') if originalKey: # key of the original that can be used to get a file later yield T.input(name=originalIdName, value=originalKey, type='hidden')
def _make_score(self, score): """Generate the stars corresponding to a score of 'score'.""" score_code = [] for value in (1, 2, 3): # pylint: disable-msg=E1101 if value > score: score_code.append(T.img(src="/images/star-off.png")) else: score_code.append(T.img(src="/images/star-on.png")) return score_code
def addedMenu(self): if self.pageMenu: return [ tags.img(src="/images/blockMB.png"), [ tags.a(href=elm[0], title=elm[3])[tags.img(src=elm[1])] for elm in self.pageMenu] ] else: return []
def render_backgroundswapper(self,ctx,data): if isInverted(ctx) == True: if ctx.arg('q'): return T.a(href="?invert=False&q=%s"%ctx.arg('q'),class_="backgroundswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapbackground-invert.gif") ] else: return T.a(href="?invert=False",class_="backgroundswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapbackground-invert.gif") ] else: if ctx.arg('q'): return T.a(href="?invert=True&q=%s"%ctx.arg('q'),class_="backgroundswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapbackground.gif") ] else: return T.a(href="?invert=True",class_="backgroundswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapbackground.gif") ]
def render_sideMenu(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[ tags.div(_onclick="toggleSideMenu();", _class="sideMenuButtonShow reportMenu") [ tags.img(align="absmiddle", _class="sideMenuButtonLeft", src="/images/lefttab.png"), "Report Menu", tags.img(align="absmiddle", _class="sideMenuButtonRight", src="/images/righttab.png") ], tags.div(id="sideMenuContent", _class="sideMenuContent", style="display: none")[ self.sideMenu(self.avatarId) ] ]
def render_adminswapper(self,ctx,data): if isAdminOn(ctx) == True: if ctx.arg('q'): return T.a(href="?admin=False&q=%s"%ctx.arg('q'),class_="adminswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapadmin.gif") ] else: return T.a(href="?admin=False",class_="adminswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapadmin.gif") ] else: if ctx.arg('q'): return T.a(href="?admin=True&q=%s"%ctx.arg('q'),class_="adminswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapadmin.gif") ] else: return T.a(href="?admin=True",class_="adminswapper")[ T.img(src="/skin/images/swapadmin.gif") ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): try: l = open(Settings.BaseDir+'/backup.dat') except: WebUtils.system('echo > %s/backup.dat' % Settings.BaseDir) l = [] sets = [] for i in l: if i.strip('\n'): dta = i.strip('\n').split('|') delmsg = "return confirm('%s');" % self.text.backupConfirmDelete if dta[6] =="True": dta[6] = dta[7] dta[7] = [ tags.img(src="/images/blankblock.png"), " ", tags.a(href="Delete/%s/" % (dta[0],), onclick = delmsg)[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ] else: dta[6] = "No" dta[7] = [ tags.a(href="Execute/%s/" % (dta[0],))[tags.img(src="/images/start.png")], " ", tags.a(href="Delete/%s/" % (dta[0],), onclick = delmsg)[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ] dta[4] = [ [i,] for i in dta[4].split(';')] dta[2] = [ [i,] for i in dta[2].split(';')] del dta[0] sets.append(dta) return ctx.tag[ tags.h2[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), self.text.backupSet], tags.table(cellspacing=0, _class='listing')[ tags.thead(background="/images/gradMB.png")[[ [[i] for i in [ self.text.backupHeaderDescription, self.text.backupHeaderNotify, self.text.backupHeaderDevice, self.text.backupHeaderSource, self.text.backupHeaderDestination, self.text.backupHeaderAutomated, '']] ] ], tags.tbody[ [[ [[col] for col in row] ] for row in sets], ] ], tags.h3[self.text.backupCreateSet], tags.directive('form addBackup') ]
def render(self, ctx, key, args, errors): """ Render the data. This either renders a link to the original file, if specified, and no new file has been uploaded. Or a link to the uploaded file. The request to get the data should be routed to the getResouce method. """ form = iformal.IForm( ctx ) namer = self._namer( key ) resourceIdName = namer( 'resource_id' ) originalIdName = namer( 'original_id' ) # get the resource id first from the resource manager # then try the request resourceId = form.resourceManager.getResourceId( key ) if resourceId is None: resourceId = self._getFromArgs( args, resourceIdName ) resourceId = self._blankField( resourceId ) # Get the original key from a hidden field in the request, # then try the request initial data. originalKey = self._getFromArgs( args, originalIdName ) if not errors and not originalKey: originalKey = args.get( key ) originalKey = self._blankField( originalKey ) if resourceId: # Have an uploaded file, so render a URL to the uploaded file tmpURL = widgetResourceURL( self.FROM_RESOURCE_MANAGER ).child(resourceId) yield T.p[T.img(src=tmpURL)] elif originalKey: # The is no uploaded file, but there is an original, so render a # URL to it if self.originalKeyIsURL: tmpURL = originalKey else: tmpURL = widgetResourceURL( self.FROM_CONVERTIBLE ).child( originalKey ) yield T.p[T.img(src=tmpURL)] else: # No uploaded file, no original yield T.p[T.strong['Nothing uploaded']] yield T.input(name=key, id=render_cssid(key),type='file') # Id of uploaded file in the resource manager yield T.input(name=resourceIdName,value=resourceId,type='hidden') if originalKey: # key of the original that can be used to get a file later yield T.input(name=originalIdName,value=originalKey,type='hidden')
def render_content(self, ctx, data): blacklist = [] j = 0 for i in self.sysconf.Mail.get('blacklist', []): blacklist.append([ i, tags. a(href=url.root.child("Mailserver").child("BDelete").child(j), onclick="return confirm('%s');" % self.text.eximConfirmDelete)[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ]) j += 1 whitelist = [] j = 0 for i in self.sysconf.Mail.get('whitelist', []): whitelist.append([ i, tags. a(href=url.root.child("Mailserver").child("WDelete").child(j), onclick="return confirm('%s');" % self.text.eximConfirmDelete)[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ]) j += 1 return ctx.tag[ tags.h2[tags.img(src="/images/mailsrv.png"), " Email Server Config"], PageHelpers.TabSwitcher( ((self.text.eximTabMail, 'panelMail'), (self.text.eximTabRelay, 'panelRelay'), (self.text.eximTabHubbed, 'panelHubbed'), (self.text.eximTabLocal, 'panelLocal'), (self.text.eximTabBlocked, 'panelBlack'), (self.text.eximTabWhitelist, 'panelWhite'))), tags.div(id="panelMail", _class="tabPane" )[tags.directive('form mailConfig')], tags.div(id="panelRelay", _class="tabPane" )[tags.directive('form mailRelay')], tags.div(id="panelHubbed", _class="tabPane" )[tags.directive('form mailHubbed')], tags.div(id="panelLocal", _class="tabPane" )[tags.directive('form mailLocal')], tags.div(id="panelBlack", _class="tabPane")[ PageHelpers.dataTable([self.text.eximAddr, ''], blacklist), tags.h3[self.text.eximAddBlacklist], tags.directive('form mailBlacklist')], tags.div(id="panelWhite", _class="tabPane")[ PageHelpers.dataTable([self.text.eximAddrOrHost, ''], whitelist ), tags.h3[self.text.eximAddWhitelist], tags.directive('form mailWhitelist')], PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher()]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): ctx.fillSlots('header_bar', self.anon_header) ctx.fillSlots('top_bar', T.div(id="")) if isinstance(self.failure.value, errors.PermissionDenied): error_text = T.div( )[, T.h3[T.img(src="/image/error.png"), T.span[" hey! this stuff is private"]],, T.div() ["Sorry. The contents of this page aren't for public consumption."],, T.div() ["If you think you should have access to this area you can email us at ", T.a(href="mailto:[email protected]")[" [email protected] "], " or search our ", T.a(href="")[" forums"], "."]] else: ## APIError ## AsyncStack self.request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) if aztk_config.setup.get('site', 'environment') in ('sandbox', 'development'): error_text = T.div()[T.span[self.failure.getErrorMessage()],, T.span[self.failure.getBriefTraceback()]] else: #error_text = T.div["Internal error"] error_text = T.div()[, T.h3[ T.img(src="/image/error.png"), T.span[" something has gone horribly wrong"] ],, T.div()[ "It looks like we are experiencing some technical difficulty displaying items on this page. " \ "Please try to refresh the page. "\ "If the problem persists contact us and let us know. " ],, T.div()[ "Thanks for your patience. If you have any questions you can email us at ", T.a(href="mailto:[email protected]")[ " [email protected] "], " or search our ", T.a(href="")[ " forums"], "." ] ] ctx.fillSlots('main_content', loaders.stan(T.div(id="error_box")[error_text])) return ctx.tag
def render_content(self, ctx, data): keys = [i for i in os.listdir('/etc/openvpn/keys/') if 'key' in i] keys.sort() for key in ['vpn.key', 'ca.key']: try: keys.remove(key) except: pass return ctx.tag[ tags.h2[tags.img(src="/images/vpn.png"), self.text.vpnConfig], PageHelpers.TabSwitcher(( (self.text.vpnTabWindows, 'panelWindows'), (self.text.vpnTabTCS, 'panelOpenVPN'), (self.text.vpnTabUsers, 'panelVPNUsers') )), tags.div(id="panelWindows", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3[self.text.vpnHeadingWindows], tags.directive('form winForm'), ], tags.div(id="panelOpenVPN", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3[self.text.vpnHeadingTCS], tags.directive('form vpnForm'),, ], tags.div(id="panelVPNUsers", _class="tabPane")[ tags.h3[self.text.vpnHeadingTCSUsers], tags.table(cellspacing=0, _class='listing')[ tags.thead(background="/images/gradMB.png")[[[self.text.vpnCertificateName],[""], ] ], tags.tbody[ [[['.'.join(i.split('.')[:-1])],[tags.a(href="Revoke/%s/" % '.'.join(i.split('.')[:-1]), onclick="return confirm('%s');" % self.text.vpnConfirmRevoke)[ tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ] ] for i in keys], ] ],, tags.h3[self.text.vpnHeadingAddUser], tags.directive('form addUser') ], PageHelpers.LoadTabSwitcher() ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): wanDevices = self.sysconf.WANDevices wanTable = [] pppDevs = self.getPeers() for iface, detail in wanDevices.items(): if iface in pppDevs: peerStatus = tags.a( href=url.root.child("PPP").child("Disconnect").child( iface), title="Connected: Click to disconnect.")[tags.img( src='/images/connect.png')] else: peerStatus = tags.a( href=url.root.child("PPP").child("Connect").child(iface), title="Disconnected: Click to connect.")[tags.img( src='/images/noconnect.png')] options = "" if detail.get('pppd', None): if 'defaultroute' in detail['pppd']: options += "Default Route" if self.sysconf.LocalRoute == iface: options += "Local Only Route" type = "PPP" if detail.get('plugins', None): if detail['plugins'] == "pppoe": type = "PPPoE" wanTable.append(( peerStatus, iface, detail.get('link', ''), detail.get('username', ''), detail.get('password', ''), # XXX Remove Me! type, options, tags.a(href=url.root.child("PPP").child("Delete").child(iface)) [tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")])) return ctx.tag[tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), " PPPoE Interfaces"], PageHelpers.dataTable([ '', 'Interface', 'Link', 'Username', 'Password', 'Type', 'Options', '' ], wanTable),, tags.h3["Add PPP Interface"], tags.directive('form addPPP')]
def render_drives(self, ctx, data): drives = self.getMaps() return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), " Network Drives"], PageHelpers. dataTable(["Login Group", "Drive Letter", "Share Path", ""], [[ i[0], i[1], i[2], tags. a(href="DeleteMap/%s/" % i[1], onclick= "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this drive?');" )[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ] for i in drives], sortable=True), tags.h3["Add Network Drive"], tags.directive('form addDrive')]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): plugins = [] for k,v in self.db[5].plugins.items(): modPtr, name, version = v plugins.append([ name, version, "Waps/"+k, tags.a(title= "Uninstall %s" % name, href="Delete/%s/" % k)[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")] ]) return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), " Applications"], PageHelpers.dataTable(['Module Name', 'Version', 'Install Location', ''], plugins), tags.h3["Install Application"], tags.directive('form addApp') ]
def formatTable(self, headings, rows): newRows = [] for c,r in enumerate(rows): # Listify stuff if not(isinstance(r, list) or isinstance(r, tuple)): r = [r.encode()] # Create our actual row renderers newRows.append( tuple(list(r) + [[ tags.a(href="Delete%s/%s/" % (, c))[tags.img(src="/images/ex.png")], " ", tags.img(src="/images/edit.png", onclick="editElm%s(%s);" % (, c)) ]]) ) return newRows
def render_content(self, ctx, data): headings = [ ('Set', 'set'), ('Description', 'desc'), ('Type', 'type'), ('Destination', 'dest'), ('Source', 'fileset'), ('Excluded', 'exclude'), ('Notifications', 'mailto'), ('', 'options') ] backups = self.sysconf.Backup backupRows = [] remap = { 'smb': 'Windows Share', 'usb': 'USB Drive', 'path': 'Local path' } for k,v in backups.items(): backupRows.append([ k, v['desc'], remap[v['type']], v['dest'], ','.join(v.get('fileset', [])), ','.join(v.get('exclude', [])), ','.join(v.get('mailto', [])), [ tags.a( href="Delete/%s/" % k, onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this backup set?');" )[tags.img(src='/images/ex.png')], " ", tags.a(href="Edit/%s/" % k)[tags.img(src='/images/edit.png')], " ", tags.a(href="Execute/%s/" % k)[tags.img(src='/images/start.png')], ] ]) return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/netdrive.png"), " Backups"], PageHelpers.dataTable([h[0] for h in headings], backupRows), tags.h3['Add Backup'], tags.directive('form addSet'), ]
def render_pics(self, ctx, data): rows = [] d = URIRef(ctx.arg('dir')) for i, (pic, filename) in enumerate(sorted(picsInDirectory(self.graph, d))[:]): img = T.img(src=[localSite(pic), '?size=thumb'], # look these up in the graph width=75, height=56, onclick='javascript:photo.showLarge("%s")' % (localSite(pic) + "?size=large")) tableRow = T.table(class_="picRow")[[[T.a(href=localSite(pic))[filename]],[img],[ T.div["Depicts: ", T.input(type="text", class_="tags")], T.div["Comment: ", T.input(type="text")], ], ]] toCopy = "protoSectionSplitter" if i ==0: toCopy = "protoSectionBreak" rows.append([T.raw('<script type="text/javascript">document.write(document.getElementById("%s").innerHTML);</script>' % toCopy), tableRow]) return rows
def renderTable(result): resCopy = [i for i in result] return ctx.tag[ tags.h2["Shorewall Rules"], tags.table(cellspacing=0)[tags.thead[[["Priority"],["Action"],["Source"],["Destination"],["Protocol"],["Port"],["Comment"],[""]]], tags.tbody[[[[tags.a( href=url.root.child("swapShorerule"). child(self.machineID).child(i[0]). child(resCopy[1 + loc - len(resCopy)][0]))["Down"], "|", tags. a(href=url.root.child("swapShorerule"). child(self.machineID).child(i[0]). child(resCopy[loc - 1][0]))["Up"]],[i[2]],[i[3]],[i[4]],[i[5]],[i[6]],[i[10]],[tags.a( href=url.root.child("deleteShorerule"). child(self.machineID).child(i[0]) )[tags.img(src="/images/delete.png")]]] for loc, i in enumerate(resCopy) ]]], tags.a(href=url.root.child("updateShorewall"). child(self.machineID))["Send to client"]]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): return ctx.tag[ tags.h2[tags.img(src='/images/srvman.png'), self.text.compHeading], tags.h3[self.text.compHeadingList], PageHelpers.dataTable([self.text.compName, ''], self.getComputers( )), tags.h3[self.text.compHeadingAdd], tags.directive('form addComputer'), ]
def render_random(self, ctx, data): for randRow in randomSet(self.graph, 3): print 'randRow', randRow current = randRow['uri'] bindings = {"pic" : current} tags = [[T.a(href=['/set?tag=', row['tag']])[row['tag']], ' '] for row in self.graph.queryd( """SELECT DISTINCT ?tag WHERE { ?pic scot:hasTag [ rdfs:label ?tag ] }""", initBindings=bindings)] depicts = [[T.a(href=localSite(row['uri']))[row['label']], ' '] for row in self.graph.queryd(""" SELECT DISTINCT ?uri ?label WHERE { ?pic foaf:depicts ?uri . ?uri rdfs:label ?label . }""", initBindings=bindings)] # todo: description and tags would be good too, and some # other service should be rendering this whole section yield T.div(class_="randPick")[ T.a(href=['/set?', urllib.urlencode(dict(date=randRow['date'], current=current))])[ T.img(src=[localSite(current), '?size=medium']), ], T.div[tags], T.div[depicts], T.div[randRow['filename'].replace('/my/pic/','')], ]
def stanFromValue(self, idx, item, value): # Value will generally be 'None' in this case... tag = tags.div() for action in self.actions: actionable = action.actionable(item) if actionable: iconURL = action.iconURL else: iconURL = action.disabledIconURL stan = tags.img(src=iconURL, **{'class' : 'tdb-action'}) if actionable: linkstan = action.toLinkStan(idx, item) if linkstan is None: handler = 'Mantissa.TDB.Controller.get(this).performAction(%r, %r); return false' handler %= (action.actionID, idx) stan = tags.a(href='#', onclick=handler)[stan] else: stan = linkstan tag[stan] # at some point give the javascript the description to show # or something return tag
def _timing_chart(self): started = self.update_status.get_started() total = self.update_status.timings.get("total") per_server = self.update_status.timings.get("per_server") base = "" pieces = ["cht=bhs"] pieces.append("chco=ffffff,4d89f9,c6d9fd") # colors data0 = [] data1 = [] data2 = [] nb_nodes = 0 graph_botom_margin = 21 graph_top_margin = 5 peerids_s = [] top_abs = started # we sort the queries by the time at which we sent the first request sorttable = [(times[0][1], peerid) for peerid, times in per_server.items()] sorttable.sort() peerids = [t[1] for t in sorttable] for peerid in peerids: nb_nodes += 1 times = per_server[peerid] peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid) peerids_s.append(peerid_s) # for servermap updates, there are either one or two queries per # peer. The second (if present) is to get the privkey. op, q_started, q_elapsed = times[0] data0.append("%.3f" % (q_started - started)) data1.append("%.3f" % q_elapsed) top_abs = max(top_abs, q_started + q_elapsed) if len(times) > 1: op, p_started, p_elapsed = times[0] data2.append("%.3f" % p_elapsed) top_abs = max(top_abs, p_started + p_elapsed) else: data2.append("0.0") finished = self.update_status.get_finished() if finished: top_abs = max(top_abs, finished) top_rel = top_abs - started chs = "chs=400x%d" % ((nb_nodes * 28) + graph_top_margin + graph_botom_margin) chd = "chd=t:" + "|".join([",".join(data0), ",".join(data1), ",".join(data2)]) pieces.append(chd) pieces.append(chs) chds = "chds=0,%0.3f" % top_rel pieces.append(chds) pieces.append("chxt=x,y") pieces.append("chxr=0,0.0,%0.3f" % top_rel) pieces.append("chxl=1:|" + "|".join(reversed(peerids_s))) # use up to 10 grid lines, at decimal multiples. # mathutil.next_power_of_k doesn't handle numbers smaller than one, # unfortunately. # pieces.append("chg=" if total is not None: finished_f = 1.0 * total / top_rel pieces.append("chm=r,FF0000,0,%0.3f,%0.3f" % (finished_f, finished_f + 0.01)) url = base + "&".join(pieces) return T.img(src=url, border="1", align="right", float="right")
def gotSize(size): quality = ctx.arg('quality') large = ctx.arg('large',None) if large is not None: size = 'size=968x1200&' quality='100' else: size = 'size=600x632&' if quality is None: quality = '&quality=60' linkhref='?quality=93' enhance=T.p(class_='enhance')['click to enhance'] else: quality = '&quality=100' linkhref='?large=True' enhance = T.p(class_='enhance')['click to see larger'] if large is not None: enhance = T.p(class_='enhance')['click to return to small view'] linkhref='?quality=93' if common.isInverted(ctx) is True: invert='&invert=inverted' else: invert='' imgsrc='/system/ecommerce/%s/mainImage?%ssharpen=1.0x0.5%%2b0.8%%2b0.1%s%s'%(,size,quality,invert) html = T.a(class_='photo',href=linkhref)[ enhance,T.img(src=imgsrc) ] return html
def renderImmutable(self, ctx, key, args, errors): form = iformal.IForm(ctx) namer = self._namer(key) originalIdName = namer('original_id') # Get the original key from a hidden field in the request, # then try the request initial data. originalKey = self._getFromArgs( args, originalIdName ) if not errors and not originalKey: originalKey = args.get( key ) originalKey = self._blankField( originalKey ) if originalKey: # The is no uploaded file, but there is an original, so render a # URL to it if self.originalKeyIsURL: tmpURL = originalKey else: tmpURL = widgetResourceURL( yield T.p[T.img(src=tmpURL)] else: # No uploaded file, no original yield T.p[T.strong['Nothing uploaded']] if originalKey: # key of the original that can be used to get a file later yield T.input(name=originalIdName,value=originalKey,type='hidden')
def page_body(kwargs): merits = parse_merits(kwargs) checks = [gen_checks(b, merits) for b in ribbonator.bodies] job = '?' + '&'.join('='.join(gen_job(b, merits[b])) for b in merits if 'soi' in merits[b]) print('serving index', job) return [ t.script(type='text/javascript')[PAGE_SCRIPT], t.h1['RSS Ribbonator - Clumsy Web Interface'], t. p["Generator and RSS Ribbons by Edward Cree. Based on the KSP Ribbons by Unistrut. 'Inspired' by ", t.a(href='' )["Ezriilc's Ribbon Generator"], "."], t.p[t.a(href="")["Source Code"]], t. p["Select your achievements with the checkboxes and radiobuttons, and click Submit to generate the ribbon image URL. This will also generate a Ribbonator 'job card' URL; bookmark this if you want to be able to update your ribbons later."], t. p["Moons will only appear when their parent planet's 'Reached SOI' is selected."], t. p["The Ribbonator does not store any user data. Instead, the ribbon contents are encoded in the URL of the image, using the same 'job card' format."], t. p["I recommend against linking directly to the generated image. Download it, then upload to some other hosting; that way your image won't break if the Ribbonator moves, dies, or has bandwidth troubles."], t.img(src='gen.png' + job, alt="Generated ribbons"), t.p[t.a( href=job)["Job Card URL - bookmark this"] if len(job) > 1 else ''], t.form(method='GET')[t.ul[checks], t.input(type='submit', value='Submit')], ]
def gotProducts(products): htmlblock = [] for n,product in enumerate(products): column = divmod(n,3)[1]+1 name = product.code title = product.title shortDescription = product.summary imgsrc='/system/ecommerce/%s/mainImage?size=190x300&sharpen=1.0x0.5%%2b0.8%%2b0.1' html = T.div(class_='category c%s'%column)[ T.a([ T.img(src=imgsrc,width=190),T.span(class_='mbf-item')['#gallery %s'%product.code] ], T.h4[ T.a([ title ] ], T.p[ T.a([ shortDescription ] ] ] htmlblock.append(html) # Group the output into threes if column == 3: out = htmlblock htmlblock = [] yield T.div(class_="threecolumnleft clearfix")[ out ] # and then yield anything left over if the last item wasn't at the end of a row if column != 3: yield T.div(class_="threecolumnleft clearfix")[ htmlblock ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): notice = "" if self.returns=='Completed': notice = tags.img(src='/images/modsuccess.png') keyName = "You do not have any support files associated with your username" for i in os.listdir('/etc/openvpn/keys/'): if "%s.%s" % (self.avatarId.username, self.avatarId.dom) in i and "key" in i: keyName = [ tags.a(href='/packs/' % ( self.avatarId.username, self.avatarId.dom ))["Download Client Settings"],, tags.a(href='/packs/openvpn-install.exe')["Download OpenVPN Client"] ] return ctx.tag[ tags.div(id="rightBlock")[ tags.h3["Account Settings"], notice, tags.directive('form userSettings'), tags.h3["User Support Files"], keyName ] ]
def pieChartImg(self, values): cstart = "/chart?type=pie&width=500&height=250&legright=y" for l, n in values.items(): cstart += "&lables=%s&data=%s" % (l, n) return tags.img(src=cstart)
def render_content(self, ctx, data): rules = classes = print rules return ctx.tag[ Tools.Page.sideMenu(Tools.Page(None, self.db), ctx, data), tags.div(id="rightBlockIFrame")[tags.h2[tags.img( src="/images/firewall.png"), " Bandwidth Management"], [[ tags.fieldset[ tags.legend[r[6]], tags.h3["Class Details"], tags.table(cellspacing=0, _class='listing')[tags.thead( background="/images/gradMB.png")[[["Interface"],["Base Rate"],["Maximum Rate"],["Priority"]], ], tags.tbody[[[r[0]],[r[2]],[r[3]],[r[4]]], ]], tags.h3["Rules"], tags.table(cellspacing=0, _class='listing')[tags.thead( background="/images/gradMB.png")[[["Source IP"],["Destination IP"],["Protocol"],["Source Port"],["Destination Port"]], ], tags.tbody[[[[t[0] or "??"],[t[1] or "??"],[t[2] or "Any"],[t[3] or "Any"],[t[4] or "Any"], ] for t in rules.get(r[1], []) ]]]], ] for r in classes], ]]
def returnMonthView(monthData): # Construct some sensible data. dateBlocks = {} order = [] for rows in monthData: yearMonth = "%s - %s" % (rows[0].year, rows[0].month) if yearMonth in dateBlocks: dateBlocks[yearMonth][0] += rows[1] dateBlocks[yearMonth][1] += rows[2] else: order.append(yearMonth) dateBlocks[yearMonth] = [rows[1], rows[2]] # flatten the dictionary flatBlocks = [] for date in order: values = dateBlocks[date] year = int(date.split()[0]) day = int(date.split()[1]) month = int(date.split()[2]) flatBlocks.append( (tags.a(href=url.root.child("ProxyUse").child("ShowDays"). child(year).child(day).child(month))[ year, month, 1).strftime("%h %Y")], "%0.2fMB" % (values[0] / (1024 * 1024)), values[1])) return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/stock-download.png"), "Proxy Usage - Month Overview"], PageHelpers.dataTable( ['Date', 'Total Traffic', 'Sites Visited'], flatBlocks)]
def returnMailLog(mail): return ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/maillog.png"), " Mail Queue"],, tags.table(cellspacing=0, _class='listing')[ tags.thead(background="/images/gradMB.png")[[["Date"],["From"],["To"],["Subject"],["Message ID"] ] ], tags.tbody[ [[[time.ctime(m[3])],[m[2] or ""],[m[5] or ""],[m[9] or ""],[m[1] or ""] ] for m in mail] ] ], ]
def render_content(self, ctx, data): mq = WebUtils.system('getent passwd | grep Computer') def gotResult(proc): comps = [] for i in proc.split('\n'): if i.strip('\n'): name = i.split(':')[0].strip('$') comps.append([ name, tags.a(href=url.root.child("Computers").child( "Delete").child(name), onclick="return confirm('%s');" % self.text.compConfirm)[tags.img( src="/images/ex.png")] ]) return comps res = wait(mq) yield res mq = res.getResult() getComputers = gotResult(mq) Utils.log.msg('%s opened Tools/Computers' % (self.avatarId.username)) yield ctx.tag[ tags.h3[tags.img(src='/images/srvman.png'), self.text.compHeading], tags.h3[self.text.compHeadingList], PageHelpers. dataTable([self.text.compName, ''], getComputers, sortable=True), tags.h3[self.text.compHeadingAdd], tags.directive('form addComputer'), ]
def returnMailLog(mail): if self.offset > 0: previousTag = tags.a( href=url.root.child("Mail").child(self.offset - 20))["Previous 20"] else: previousTag = "Previous 20" return ctx.tag[ #tags.div(id="rightBlockIFrame")[ tags.h3[tags.img(src="/images/maillog.png"), " Mail Logs"], previousTag, tags.a(href=url.root.child("Mail").child(self.offset + 20))["Next 20"],, tags.table(cellspacing=0, _class='listing')[tags.thead( background="/images/gradMB.png")[[["Date"],["From"],["To"],["Size"],["Message ID"]]], tags.tbody[[[[time.ctime(m[2])],[m[5]],[m[18]],["%0.3f KB" % (float(m[11]) / 1024.0)],[m[1]]] for m in mail ]]],, previousTag, tags.a(href=url.root.child("Mail").child(self.offset + 20))["Next 20"],, tags.h3["Search Logs"], tags.invisible(render=tags.directive('form searchForm'))]
def gotAll(items,categories,products): categoryCMSItems = {} for item in items: i = item.getProtectedObject() categoryCMSItems[] = i categoryCMSItemMainImage = {} categoryCMSItemCode = {} for categoryCMSItem in categoryCMSItems.values(): category = for product in products: if u'gallery.%s'%category in product.categories: match = product categoryCMSItemMainImage[] = categoryCMSItemCode[] = match.code break htmlblock = [] for n, category in enumerate(categories.children): name = category.textid categoryCMSItem = categoryCMSItems.get(name,None) column = divmod(n,3)[1]+1 try: title = categoryCMSItem.title shortDescription = categoryCMSItem.shortDescription except AttributeError: title = category.label shortDescription = '' try: imgsrc='/system/ecommerce/%s/mainImage?size=190x300&sharpen=1.0x0.5%%2b0.7%%2b0.1'%categoryCMSItemMainImage[name] except KeyError: imgsrc='/skin/images/spacer.gif' html = T.div(class_='category c%s'%column)[ T.a([ T.img(src=imgsrc,width=190),T.span(class_='mbf-item')['#gallery %s'%categoryCMSItemCode[name]] ], T.h4[ T.a([ title ] ], T.p[ T.a([ shortDescription ] ] ] htmlblock.append(html) # Group the output into threes if column == 3: out = htmlblock htmlblock = [] yield T.div(class_="threecolumnleft clearfix")[ out ] # and then yield anything left over if the last item wasn't at the end of a row if column != 3: yield T.div(class_="threecolumnleft clearfix")[ htmlblock ]
def render_roster(self, ctx, data): request = inevow.IRequest(ctx) username = request.getUser() ret = tags.table(border=0, cellspacing=5, cellpadding=2) row =[["UIN/Screen Name"],["Nickname"],["Network"],["Avatar"],["Status"] ] ret[row] roster = self.pytrans.xdb.getList("roster", username) if not roster: return ret for item in roster: if item[0][0].isdigit(): network = "ICQ" else: network = "AIM" avatar = "-" if not config.disableAvatars and item[1].has_key("shahash"): avatar = tags.a(href=("/avatars/%s" % item[1]["shahash"]))[ tags.img( border=0, height=25, src=("/avatars/%s" % item[1]["shahash"])) ] nickname = "-" if "nickname" in item[1]: nickname = item[1]["nickname"] else: if username in self.pytrans.sessions and \ self.pytrans.sessions[username].ready: c = self.pytrans.sessions[username].contactList.getContact( "%s@%s" % (item[0], config.jid)) if c.nickname and c.nickname != "": nickname = c.nickname status = "-" if username in self.pytrans.sessions and \ self.pytrans.sessions[username].ready: c = self.pytrans.sessions[username].contactList.getContact( "%s@%s" % (item[0], config.jid)) status = c.ptype if not status: status = if not status: status = "available" row =[, align="middle")[item[0]],, align="middle")[nickname],, align="middle")[network],, align="middle")[avatar],, align="middle")[status] ] ret[row] return ret
def genheaders(): for i, head in enumerate(headers): badge, description = head if currentView == description: klas = 'tab-selected' else: klas = 'tab' yield T.a(href=here.add('currentView', description))[ T.span(_class="%s" % klas)[ T.img(src="/images/%s.png" % badge, style="margin-right: 5px;"), description]]
def agentCommonInfo(self, ctx): agentInfo = self.agentInfo clientInfo = self.clientInfo if clientInfo is None: clientStateImg = T.img(src = '/images/cl-status/dead.png') clientState = 'disconnected' clientId = 'N/A' clientUuid = 'N/A' clientEndpoint = 'N/A' else: clientStateImg = T.img(src = '/images/cl-status/established.png') clientState = 'established' clientId = clientUuid = clientInfo.uuid clientEndpoint = clientInfo.endpoint for slot, data in [('hostname', agentInfo.hostname), ('domainname', agentInfo.domainname), ('osname', agentInfo.osname), ('release', agentInfo.release), ('arch', agentInfo.machineArch), ('numCPUs', agentInfo.numCPUs), ('numCores', agentInfo.numCores), ('memTotal', agentInfo.memTotal), ('agentId', agentInfo.agentId), ('lastOnline', agentInfo.lastOnline), ('clientStateImg', clientStateImg), ('clientState', clientState), ('clientId', clientId), ('clientUuid', clientUuid), ('clientEndpoint', clientEndpoint)]: ctx.fillSlots(slot, data) return loaders.xmlfile(webappPath('agent/loadinfoagent.html'))
def renderImmutable(self, ctx, key, args, errors): if errors: value = args.get(key, [''])[0] else: value = args.get(key) if value is None: value = '' previewValue = '' if value: previewValue='/content%s?size=200x200'%value return T.div()[ T.img(src=previewValue, class_="preview"),, T.input(type='text', class_="readonly", readonly="readonly", name=key, id=keytocssid(ctx.key), value=value), ]
def _renderTag(self, ctx, key, value, namer, disabled): name = self.fileHandler.getUrlForFile(value) if name: if self.preview == 'image': yield T.p[value,T.img(src=self.fileHandler.getUrlForFile(value))] else: yield T.p[value] else: yield T.p[T.strong['nothing uploaded']] yield T.input(name=namer('value'),value=value,type='hidden') tag=T.input(name=key, id=render_cssid(key),type='file') if disabled: tag(class_='disabled', disabled='disabled') yield tag
def rend(self, ctx, data): return (tags.span( _class="collapser-line", onclick=( "collapse(this, '", self.headCollapsed, "', '", self.headExpanded, "');"))[ tags.img(_class="visibilityImage", src="/images/outline-%s.png" % self.collapsed), tags.span(_class="headText", style="color: blue; text-decoration: underline; cursor: pointer;")[ self.collapsed == 'collapsed' and self.headCollapsed or self.headExpanded ] ], tags.xml(' '), tags.div(_class=self.collapsed)[ self.body ])
def renderImmutable(self, ctx, key, args, errors): if errors: images = args.get(key, [''])[0] images = self._parseValue(images) else: images = iforms.ISequenceConvertible(self.original).fromType(args.get(key)) if images is None: images = [] imgs = T.invisible() for image in images: imgs[ T.img(src='/artwork/system/assets/%s/mainImage?size=100x100'%image , class_="preview") ] return T.div()[ imgs,, T.textarea(class_="readonly", readonly="readonly", name=key, id=keytocssid(ctx.key))['\n'.join(images)], ]
def render(self, ctx, key, args, errors): if errors: value = args.get(key, [''])[0] else: value = args.get(key) if value is None: value = '' img = T.invisible() if value: # TODO: work out how to find '/content' out img = T.img(src='/content%s?size=200x200'%value , class_="preview") return T.div()[ img,, T.input(type='text', name=key, id=keytocssid(ctx.key), value=value), T.button(onclick=["return Cms.Forms.ImagePicker.popup('",render_cssid(ctx.key),"','url')"])['Choose image ...'] ]
def page_body(kwargs): merits = parse_merits(kwargs) checks = [gen_checks(b, merits) for b in ribbonator.bodies] job = '?' + '&'.join('='.join(gen_job(b, merits[b])) for b in merits if 'soi' in merits[b]) print 'serving index', job return [t.script(type='text/javascript')[PAGE_SCRIPT], t.h1['RSS Ribbonator - Clumsy Web Interface'], t.p["Generator and RSS Ribbons by Edward Cree. Based on the KSP Ribbons by Unistrut. 'Inspired' by ", t.a(href='')["Ezriilc's Ribbon Generator"], "."], t.p[t.a(href="")["Source Code"]], t.p["Select your achievements with the checkboxes and radiobuttons, and click Submit to generate the ribbon image URL. This will also generate a Ribbonator 'job card' URL; bookmark this if you want to be able to update your ribbons later."], t.p["Moons will only appear when their parent planet's 'Reached SOI' is selected."], t.p["The Ribbonator does not store any user data. Instead, the ribbon contents are encoded in the URL of the image, using the same 'job card' format."], t.p["I recommend against linking directly to the generated image. Download it, then upload to some other hosting; that way your image won't break if the Ribbonator moves, dies, or has bandwidth troubles."], t.img(src='gen.png'+job, alt="Generated ribbons"), t.p[t.a(href=job)["Job Card URL - bookmark this"] if len(job) > 1 else ''], t.form(method='GET')[t.ul[checks], t.input(type='submit', value='Submit') ], ]
def rend(self, ctx, data): renderPrice = ctx.locate(p_basket.IPriceRenderer) # Product page link for c in self.original.categories: if c.startswith('gallery'): cat = c.split('.')[-1] break ctx.tag.fillSlots('url', url.URL.fromString('/gallery/%s/%s'%(cat,self.original.code))) ctx.tag.fillSlots('id', ctx.tag.fillSlots('thumbnail', T.img(src='/system/ecommerce/%s/mainImage?size=95x150&sharpen=1.0x0.5%%2b0.8%%2b0.1', class_='thumbnail')) ctx.tag.fillSlots('uid', self.original.uid) ctx.tag.fillSlots('item', self.original.item) if self.original.quantity > 1: ctx.tag.fillSlots('quantity', T.xml('x%s @ £%0.2f each'%(self.original.quantity,self.original.unitPrice))) else: ctx.tag.fillSlots('quantity', '') ctx.tag.fillSlots('unitPrice', renderPrice(self.original.unitPrice)) ctx.tag.fillSlots('totalPrice', renderPrice(self.original.quantity*self.original.unitPrice)) return ctx.tag
def render_table(self, ctx, data): if not ctx.arg('dir'): return [] d = URIRef(ctx.arg('dir')) # "") rows = [] for i, (pic, filename) in enumerate(sorted( picsInDirectory(self.graph, d))[:]): img = T.img(src=[localSite(pic), '?size=thumb'], onclick='javascript:photo.showLarge("%s")' % (localSite(pic) + "?size=large")) picCols = [''] * self.brickColumns for fill in range(i, self.brickColumns): picCols[fill] = picCols[i % self.brickColumns] =[img] rows.append([[T.a(href=localSite(pic))[filename]], picCols, ]) return rows
def render_content(self, ctx, data): ctx.fillSlots('header_bar', self.anon_header) ctx.fillSlots('top_bar', T.div(id="")) if isinstance(self.failure.value, errors.PermissionDenied): error_text = T.div()[, T.h3[ T.img(src="/image/error.png"), T.span[" hey! this stuff is private"] ],, T.div()[ "Sorry. The contents of this page aren't for public consumption." ],, T.div()[ "If you think you should have access to this area you can email us at ", T.a(href="mailto:[email protected]")[ " [email protected] "], " or search our ", T.a(href="")[ " forums"], "." ] ] else: ## APIError ## AsyncStack self.request.setResponseCode(http.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) if aztk_config.setup.get('site', 'environment') in ('sandbox', 'development'): error_text = T.div()[ T.span[self.failure.getErrorMessage()],, T.span[self.failure.getBriefTraceback()] ] else: #error_text = T.div["Internal error"] error_text = T.div()[, T.h3[ T.img(src="/image/error.png"), T.span[" something has gone horribly wrong"] ],, T.div()[ "It looks like we are experiencing some technical difficulty displaying items on this page. " \ "Please try to refresh the page. "\ "If the problem persists contact us and let us know. " ],, T.div()[ "Thanks for your patience. If you have any questions you can email us at ", T.a(href="mailto:[email protected]")[ " [email protected] "], " or search our ", T.a(href="")[ " forums"], "." ] ] ctx.fillSlots('main_content', loaders.stan( T.div(id="error_box")[ error_text ] )) return ctx.tag
def render_logo(self, ctx, data): if 'logo' in self.config and os.path.exists(self.config['logo']): return T.img(src="customlogo") return "To place your logo here, see the documentation"
def rend(self, patterns, item, attribute): cell = patterns.patternGenerator(self.pattern)() id = item.getAttributeValue( tag = T.img(src='/ecommerce/system/assets/%s/mainImage?size=60x60'%id) cell.fillSlots('value', tag) return cell
def test_precompilePatternWithNoChildren(self): tag = tags.img(pattern='item') pc = flat.precompile(tag) self.assertEqual(pc[0].tag.children, [])
def test_urlSlot(self): u = url.URL.fromString("http://localhost/").child(r"<c:\foo\bar&>") tag = tags.img(src=tags.slot("src")) tag.fillSlots("src", u) self.assertEqual(flatten(tag), '<img src="http://localhost/%3Cc%3A%5Cfoo%5Cbar%26%3E" />')
def test_urlAttr(self): u = url.URL.fromString('http://localhost/').child(r'<c:\foo\bar&>') self.assertEquals(flatten(tags.img(src=u)), '<img src="http://localhost/%3Cc%3A%5Cfoo%5Cbar%26%3E" />')
def test_urlSlot(self): u = url.URL.fromString('http://localhost/').child(r'<c:\foo\bar&>') tag = tags.img(src=tags.slot('src')) tag.fillSlots('src', u) self.assertEquals(flatten(tag), '<img src="http://localhost/%3Cc%3A%5Cfoo%5Cbar%26%3E" />')