コード例 #1
    def __init__(self, name, parent, id, win_1, win_2, orientation, sizer,
        ManagedBase.__init__(self, name, 'wxSplitterWindow', parent, id, sizer,

        # initialise instance properties
        self.no_custom_class = np.CheckBoxProperty(False, default_value=False)
        self.sash_pos = np.SpinPropertyD(0, default_value="")
        if hasattr(wx, "SpinCtrlDouble"):
            self.sash_gravity = np.SpinDoublePropertyD(0.5, (0.0, 1.0),
            self.sash_gravity = np.FloatPropertyD(0.5, (0.0, 1.0),
        self.min_pane_size = np.SpinProperty(20)

        # hidden properties: orientation string, window_1, window_2
        self.orientation = np.Property(orientation)
        self.window_1 = ChildWidgetNameProperty("_window_1")
        self.window_2 = ChildWidgetNameProperty("_window_2")

        self.virtual_sizer = SplitterWindowSizer(self)
        labels = ("SLOT Left",
                  "SLOT Right") if orientation == "wxSPLIT_VERTICAL" else (
                      "SLOT Top", "SLOT Bottom")
        self._window_1 = win_1 or SizerSlot(
            self, self.virtual_sizer, 1, label=labels[0])
        self._window_2 = win_2 or SizerSlot(
            self, self.virtual_sizer, 2, label=labels[1])
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self.__saved    = True  # raw value for self.saved property; if True, there are no changes to save
        self.__filename = None  # raw value for the self.filename property; Name of the output XML file

        # initialise instance properties
        self.is_template = np.Property(False)  # hidden property
        # name and derived class name, including validation
        self.name  = np.TextPropertyA("app",   default_value="")
        self.klass = np.TextPropertyA("MyApp", default_value="", name="class")
        self.properties["name"].validation_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]+[\w0-9-]*$')
        self.properties["class"].validation_re = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]+[\w:.0-9-]*$')

        # generate separate file for each class?
        labels   = [_("Single file"),                       _("Separate file for each class") ]
        tooltips = [_("Write all source code in one file"), _("Split source code in one file per class / widget") ]
        self.multiple_files = np.RadioProperty( config.default_multiple_files,
                                                values=[0,1], labels=labels, tooltips=tooltips )

        # code indentation: mode and count
        self.indent_mode   = np.RadioProperty( 1, [0,1], ["Tabs","Spaces"], aliases=["tab","space"], columns=2 )
        self.indent_amount = np.SpinProperty( config.default_indent_amount, val_range=(1, 100) )
        # C++ file extension
        self.source_extension = np.TextProperty('cpp')
        self.header_extension = np.TextProperty('h')
        # output path
        output_path = config.default_output_path  if self.multiple_files else  config.default_output_file
        self.output_path = np.FileNameProperty(output_path, style=wx.FD_SAVE|wx.FD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT)

        self.overwrite = np.InvCheckBoxProperty(config.default_overwrite)
        # YYY 
        self.mark_blocks = np.CheckBoxProperty(True)

        # output language
        languages = sorted( common.code_writers.keys() )
        labels = [misc.capitalize(s) for s in languages]
        self.language = np.RadioProperty('python', languages, labels, columns=3)

        # gettext?
        self.use_gettext = np.CheckBoxProperty(config.default_use_gettext)
        # wx Version: string of major dot minor version number
        version = "%d.%d"%compat.version
        if not version in self.all_supported_versions:
            version = "2.8"  if version[0]=="2" else  "3.0"
        self.for_version = np.RadioProperty( version, self.all_supported_versions, tooltips=self._VERSION_TOOLTIPS)

        # encoding
        encodings = ["UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO-8859-15", "CP1252"]  # just some common values
        self.encoding = np.ComboBoxProperty(config.default_encoding, encodings)

        # top window name for the generated app
        self.top_window = prop = np.ListBoxProperty("", choices=[])
        prop.auto_activated = True
        self.generate_code = np.ActionButtonProperty(self.generate_code)

        self.widget = None  # always None, just to keep interface to Tree similar to other editors
        self.node = None
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, name, parent, id, style, win_1, win_2, orientation,
                 sizer, pos):
        ManagedBase.__init__(self, name, 'wxSplitterWindow', parent, id, sizer,

        # initialise instance properties
        self.no_custom_class = np.CheckBoxProperty(False, default_value=False)
        self.sash_pos = np.SpinPropertyD(0, default_value=0)
        self.min_pane_size = np.SpinProperty(20)

        # hidden properties: orientation string, window_1, window_2
        self.orientation = np.Property(orientation)
        self.window_1 = ChildWidgetNameProperty("_window_1")
        self.window_2 = ChildWidgetNameProperty("_window_2")

        self.virtual_sizer = SplitterWindowSizer(self)
        labels = ("SLOT Left",
                  "SLOT Right") if orientation == "wxSPLIT_VERTICAL" else (
                      "SLOT Top", "SLOT Bottom")
        self._window_1 = win_1 or SizerSlot(self, self.virtual_sizer, 1,
        self._window_2 = win_2 or SizerSlot(self, self.virtual_sizer, 2,

        if style: self.properties["style"].set(style)
コード例 #4
    def __init__(self, name, parent, orientation, pos, create_slots=True):
        ManagedBase.__init__(self, name, 'wxSplitterWindow', parent, pos)

        # initialise instance properties
        self.no_custom_class = np.CheckBoxProperty(False, default_value=False)
        self.sash_pos = np.SpinPropertyD(0, default_value="")
        if hasattr(wx, "SpinCtrlDouble"):
            self.sash_gravity = np.SpinDoublePropertyD(0.5, (0.0,1.0), default_value=0.0, immediate=True)
            self.sash_gravity = np.FloatPropertyD(0.5, (0.0,1.0), default_value=0.0)
        self.min_pane_size = np.SpinPropertyA(20)

        # hidden properties: orientation string, window names window_1, window_2
        self.orientation = np.Property(orientation)
        self.window_1 = ChildWidgetNameProperty(0)
        self.window_2 = ChildWidgetNameProperty(1)
        self._window_old = None