コード例 #1
def _nr_wrapper_WSGIContainer___call__no_body_(wrapped, instance,
        args, kwargs):

    # This variant of the WSGIContainer.__call__() wrapper is used when
    # being used direct with HTTPServer and it is believed that we are
    # being called for a HTTP request where there is no request content.
    # There should be no transaction associated with the Tornado request
    # object and also no current active transaction. Create the
    # transaction but if it is None then it means recording of
    # transactions is not enabled then do not need to do anything.

    def _params(request, *args, **kwargs):
        return request

    request = _params(*args, **kwargs)

    transaction = initiate_request_monitoring(request)

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Call the original method in a trace object to give better context
    # in transaction traces. It should only every return an exception is
    # situation where application was being shutdown so finalize the
    # transaction on any error.

    transaction.set_transaction_name(request.uri, 'Uri', priority=1)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name='Request/Process',
            result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    except:  # Catch all
        finalize_request_monitoring(request, *sys.exc_info())

        # In the case of the response completing immediately or an
        # exception occuring, then finish() should have been called on
        # the request already. We can't just exit the transaction in the
        # finish() call however as will need to still pop back up
        # through the above function trace. So if it has been flagged
        # that it is finished, which Tornado does by setting the request
        # object in the connection to None, then we exit the transaction
        # here. Otherwise we setup a function trace to track wait time
        # for deferred and suspend monitoring.

        if not request_finished(request):
            suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Callback/Wait')

        elif not request.connection.stream.writing():

            suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Output')

        return result
コード例 #2
ファイル: httpserver.py プロジェクト: jimmoffet/VoteBot
def _nr_wrapper_HTTPConnection__on_request_body_(wrapped, instance, args,

    # Called when there was a request body and it has now all been
    # read in and buffered ready to call the request handler.

    assert instance is not None

    connection = instance
    request = connection._request

    # Wipe out our temporary callback for being notified that the
    # connection is being closed before content is read.

    connection.stream._nr_close_callback = None

    # Restore any transaction which may have been suspended.

    transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Now call the orginal wrapped function.

        result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    except:  # Catch all
        # There should never be an error from wrapped function but
        # in case there is, try finalizing transaction.


        if not request_finished(request):
            suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Callback/Wait')

        elif not request.connection.stream.writing():

            suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Output')

        return result
コード例 #3
ファイル: stack_context.py プロジェクト: jimmoffet/VoteBot
    def _nr_stack_context_function_wrapper_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):

        # We can come in here with either an active transaction
        # or a request with a transaction bound to it. If there
        # is an active transaction then call the wrapped function
        # within function trace and return immediately.

        transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

        if transaction is not None:
            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        # For the case of a request with a transaction bound to
        # it, we need to resume the transaction and then call it.
        # As we resumed the transaction, need to handle
        # suspending or finalizing it.

        transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)

        if transaction is None:
            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(transaction, name=name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        except:  # Catch all.
            record_exception(transaction, sys.exc_info())

            if not request_finished(request):
                suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Callback/Wait')

            elif not request.connection.stream.writing():

                suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Output')
コード例 #4
ファイル: gen.py プロジェクト: jimmoffet/VoteBot
def _nr_wrapper_gen_coroutine_generator_(generator):
    # This wrapper is applied around the generator returned by any
    # function which was wrapped by gen.engine or gen.coroutine. This is
    # to allows us to track separately each call back into the
    # generator. The first time we are called we should be in the
    # context of an active transaction. We need to cache that so we can
    # reinstate the transaction each time we return back into the
    # generator. We also reach back to the active node of the transaction
    # to get the name to be used for each function trace created when
    # the generator is re-entered.

        value = None
        exc = None

        active_transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

        transaction = None
        request = None
        name = None

        # Cache the request object associated with the active
        # transaction. If there is a request, then calculate the name
        # for tracking each call into the generator from the current
        # active node. That node should be the function trace node added
        # when our wrapper around gen.engine or gen.coroutine was
        # called.

        request = (active_transaction is not None
                   and retrieve_transaction_request(active_transaction))

        if request is not None:
            active_node = active_transaction.active_node()

            if hasattr(active_node, 'name'):
                active_name = active_node.name

                if active_name.endswith(' (coroutine)'):
                    name = active_name.replace(' (coroutine)', ' (yield)')

        while True:
            # The first time in the loop we should already have
            # inherited an active transaction. On subsequent times
            # however there may not be, in which case we need to resume
            # the transaction associated with the request. We need to
            # remember if we resumed the transaction as we need to
            # then make sure we suspend it again as the caller isn't
            # going to do that for us.

            suspend = None

            if name is not None:
                if retrieve_current_transaction() is None:
                    transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)
                    suspend = transaction
                    transaction = active_transaction

            # The following code sits between the consumer of the
            # generator and the generator itself. It will add a function
            # trace around each call into the generator to yield a
            # value. Annotate the function trace with the location of
            # the code within the generator which will be executed.

                params = {}

                gi_frame = generator.gi_frame

                params['filename'] = gi_frame.f_code.co_filename
                params['lineno'] = gi_frame.f_lineno

                with FunctionTrace(transaction, name, params=params):
                        if exc is not None:
                            yielded = generator.throw(*exc)
                            exc = None
                            yielded = generator.send(value)

                    except (GeneratorReturn, StopIteration):

                    except:  # Catch all.
                        # We need to record exceptions at this point
                        # as the call back into the generator could
                        # have been triggered by a future direct from
                        # the main loop. There isn't therefore anywhere
                        # else it can be captured.

                        if transaction is not None:
                            record_exception(transaction, sys.exc_info())


                if suspend is not None:
                    suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Callback/Wait')

            # XXX This could present a problem if we are yielding a
            # future as the future will be scheduled outside of the
            # context of the active transaction if we had to do a
            # suspend of the transaction since we resumed it. We can't
            # do the suspend after the yield as it is during the yield
            # that control is returned back to the main loop.

                value = yield yielded

            except Exception:
                exc = sys.exc_info()

コード例 #5
ファイル: httpserver.py プロジェクト: jimmoffet/VoteBot
def _nr_wrapper_HTTPConnection__on_headers_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # This is the first point at which we should ever be called for a
    # request. It is called when the request headers have been read in.
    # The next phase would be to read in any request content but we
    # can't tell whether that will happen or not at this point. We do
    # need to setup a callback when connection is closed due to client
    # disconnecting.

    assert instance is not None

    connection = instance

    # Check to see if we are being called within the context of any sort
    # of transaction. This should never occur, but if we are, then we
    # don't bother doing anything and just call the wrapped function
    # immediately as can't be sure what else to do.

    transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is not None:
            'Runtime instrumentation error. Starting a new '
            'Tornado web request but there is a transaction active '
            'already. Report this issue to New Relic support.\n%s',

        last = last_transaction_activation()

        if last is not None:
                'The currently active transaction was possibly '
                'initiated or resumed from %r.', last)

        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Execute the wrapped function as we are only going to do something
    # after it has been called.

    result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Check to see if the connection has already been closed or the
    # request finished. The connection can be closed where request
    # content length was too big.

    if connection.stream.closed():
        return result

    if connection._request_finished:
        return result

    # Check to see if we have already associated a transaction with the
    # request. This would happen if there was actually no request
    # content and so the application was called immediately. We can
    # return straight away in that case.

    request = connection._request

    if request is None:
        return result

    transaction = retrieve_request_transaction(request)

    if transaction is not None:
        return result

    # If we get here it is because there was request content which first
    # had to be read. No transaction should have been created as yet.
    # Create the transaction but if it is None then it means recording
    # of transactions is not enabled then do not need to do anything.

    transaction = initiate_request_monitoring(request)

    if transaction is None:
        return result

    # Add a callback variable to the connection object so that we can
    # be notified when the connection is closed before all the request
    # content has been read. This will be invoked from the method
    # BaseIOStream._maybe_run_close_callback().

    def _close():
        transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)

        if transaction is None:

        # Force a function trace to record the fact that the socket
        # connection was closed due to client disconnection.

        with FunctionTrace(transaction,

        # We finish up the transaction and nothing else should occur.


    connection.stream._nr_close_callback = _close

    # Name transaction initially after the wrapped function so that if
    # the connection is dropped before all the request content is read,
    # then we don't get metric grouping issues with it being named after
    # the URL.

    name = callable_name(wrapped)


    # Now suspend monitoring of current transaction until next callback.

    suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Input')

    return result
コード例 #6
def _nr_wrapper_RequestHandler_finish_(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs):
    # The RequestHandler.finish() method will either be called explicitly
    # by the user, but called also be called automatically by Tornado.
    # It is possible that it can be called twice so it is necessary to
    # protect against that.

    handler = instance
    request = handler.request

    # Bail out out if we think the request as a whole has been completed.

    if request_finished(request):
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Call wrapped method straight away if request object it is being
    # called on is not even associated with a transaction. If we were in
    # a running transaction we still want to record the call though.
    # This will occur when calling finish on another request, but the
    # target request wasn't monitored.

    transaction = retrieve_request_transaction(request)

    active_transaction = retrieve_current_transaction()

    if transaction is None:
        if active_transaction is not None:
            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(active_transaction, name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

            return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # If we have an active transaction, we we need to consider two
    # possiblities. The first is where the current running transaction
    # doesn't match that bound to the request. For this case it would be
    # where from within one transaction there is an attempt to call
    # finish() on a distinct web request which was being monitored. The
    # second is where finish() is being called for the current request.

    if active_transaction is not None:
        if transaction != active_transaction:
            # For this case we need to suspend the current running
            # transaction and call ourselves again. When it returns
            # we need to restore things back the way they were.
            # We still trace the call in the running transaction
            # though so the fact that it called finish on another
            # request is apparent.

            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(active_transaction, name):

                    return _nr_wrapper_RequestHandler_finish_(
                        wrapped, instance, args, kwargs)


            # For this case we just trace the call.

            name = callable_name(wrapped)

            with FunctionTrace(active_transaction, name):
                return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    # Attempt to resume the transaction, calling the wrapped method
    # straight away if there isn't one. Otherwise trace the call.

    transaction = resume_request_monitoring(request)

    if transaction is None:
        return wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

        name = callable_name(wrapped)

        with FunctionTrace(transaction, name):
            result = wrapped(*args, **kwargs)

    except:  # Catch all
        finalize_request_monitoring(request, *sys.exc_info())

        if not request.connection.stream.writing():

            suspend_request_monitoring(request, name='Request/Output')

        return result