class Template(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'templates' __module__ = 'newslynx.models.template' id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, index=True, primary_key=True) org_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) name = db.Column(db.Text) slug = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), updated = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True),, template = db.Column(db.Text) format = db.Column(ENUM(*TEMPLATE_FORMATS, name="template_format_enum")) reports = db.relationship('Report', backref=db.backref('template', lazy='joined'), lazy='dynamic', cascade="all, delete-orphan") __table_args__ = (db.UniqueConstraint('org_id', 'slug'), ) def __init__(self, **kw): self.org_id = kw.get('org_id') = kw.get('name') self.slug = kw.get('slug', slug(kw.get('name'))) self.template = kw.get('template') self.format = kw.get('format') = kw.get('data') def to_dict(self): return { 'id':, 'org_id': self.org_id, 'name':, 'slug': self.slug, 'created': self.created, 'updated': self.updated, 'template': self.template, 'format': self.format } def render(self, **kw): """ Render this template. """ t = Tmpl(self.template) return t.render(**kw) def __repr__(self): return "<Template %r / %r >" % (self.org_id, self.slug)
class Recipe(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'recipes' __module__ = 'newslynx.models.recipe' # id fields id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, index=True, primary_key=True) sous_chef_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) user_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) org_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) # core fields name = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) slug = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) description = db.Column(db.Text) # date fields created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), updated = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True),, last_run = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), index=True) # scheduler fields schedule_by = db.Column(ENUM(*RECIPE_SCHEDULE_TYPES, name="recipe_schedule_type_enum"), index=True) crontab = db.Column(db.Text) time_of_day = db.Column(db.Text) minutes = db.Column(db.Integer) status = db.Column( ENUM(*RECIPE_STATUSES, name="enum_recipe_statuses"), index=True) traceback = db.Column(db.Text) last_job = db.Column(JSON) # options options = db.Column(db.Text) options_hash = db.Column(db.Text) # relations events = db.relationship('Event', lazy='dynamic') content_items = db.relationship('ContentItem', lazy='dynamic') metrics = db.relationship('Metric', backref=db.backref('recipe', lazy='joined'), lazy='joined') sous_chef = db.relationship( 'SousChef', backref=db.backref('recipes', lazy='joined', cascade="all, delete-orphan"), lazy='joined') user = db.relationship( 'User', backref=db.backref('recipes', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='joined') __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint('org_id', 'name'), ) def __init__(self, sous_chef, **kw): """ A recipe must be initialized with an existing sous chef. """ # core fields = kw.get('name') self.slug = slug(kw.get('slug', kw['name'])) self.description = kw.get('description') self.schedule_by = kw.get('schedule_by', 'unscheduled') self.crontab = kw.get('crontab') self.time_of_day = kw.get('time_of_day') self.minutes = kw.get('minutes') self.status = kw.get('status', 'stable') self.traceback = kw.get('traceback') self.set_options(kw.get('options', {})) # internal fields self.sous_chef_id = self.user_id = kw.get('user_id') self.org_id = kw.get('org_id') self.last_run = kw.get('last_run', None) self.last_job = kw.get('last_job', {}) def set_options(self, opts): """ pickle dump the options. """ p = obj_to_pickle(opts) self.options = p self.options_hash = str(md5(p).hexdigest()) @property def scheduled(self): """ Is this recipe scheduled? """ return self.schedule_by != 'unscheduled' @property def active(self): """ Is this recipe scheduled? """ return self.status != 'inactive' @property def metric_names(self): return [ for m in self.metrics] @property def report_names(self): return [r.slug for r in self.reports] def to_dict(self, **kw): incl_reports = kw.get("incl_reports", True) d = { 'id':, 'org_id': self.org_id, 'sous_chef': self.sous_chef.slug, 'name':, 'slug': self.slug, 'description': self.description, 'created': self.created, 'updated': self.updated, 'last_run': self.last_run, 'schedule_by': self.schedule_by, 'crontab': self.crontab, 'time_of_day': self.time_of_day, 'minutes': self.minutes, 'status': self.status, 'traceback': self.traceback, 'last_job': self.last_job, 'options': pickle_to_obj(self.options) } if 'metrics' in self.sous_chef.creates: d['metrics'] = self.metric_names if incl_reports: if 'report' in self.sous_chef.creates: d['reports'] = self.report_names return d def __repr__(self): return '<Recipe %r >' % (self.slug)
class ContentItem(db.Model): """ A content-item is a unit of content to which we attach metrics. We do not initialize a content-item until we have past it completely through our single ingestion pipeline. At this point all content-items should have a standardized schema, though may not have all theses fields filled in. """ query_class = SearchQuery __tablename__ = 'content' __module__ = 'newslynx.models.content_item' # the ID is the global bitly hash. id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, primary_key=True, index=True) org_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) recipe_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) type = db.Column(ENUM(*CONTENT_ITEM_TYPES, name='content_item_types_enum')) provenance = db.Column( ENUM(*CONTENT_ITEM_PROVENANCES, name='content_item_provenance_enum'), index=True) url = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) domain = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), updated = db.Column( db.DateTime(timezone=True),, site_name = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) favicon = db.Column(db.Text) img_url = db.Column(db.Text) thumbnail = db.Column(db.Text) title = db.Column(db.Text) description = db.Column(db.Text) body = db.Column(db.Text) active = db.Column(db.Boolean, index=True) meta = db.Column(JSON) # relations tags = db.relationship( 'Tag', secondary=relations.content_items_tags, backref=db.backref('content_items', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='joined') events = db.relationship( 'Event', secondary=relations.content_items_events, backref=db.backref('content_items', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='dynamic') authors = db.relationship( 'Author', secondary=relations.content_items_authors, backref=db.backref('content_items', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='joined') summary_metrics = db.relationship( 'ContentMetricSummary', lazy='joined', uselist=False, cascade="all, delete-orphan") timeseries_metrics = db.relationship( 'ContentMetricTimeseries', lazy='dynamic', cascade="all, delete-orphan") # # in/out links # out_links = db.relationship( # 'ContentItem', secondary=relations.content_items_content_items, # primaryjoin=relations.content_items_content_items.c.from_content_item_id == id, # secondaryjoin=relations.content_items_content_items.c.to_content_item_id == id, # backref=db.backref("in_links", lazy='dynamic'), # lazy='dynamic') # search vectors title_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('title')) body_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('body')) description_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('description')) meta_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('meta')) # content_items should be unique to org, url, and type. # IE there might be multiple content_items per url - # an article, a video, a podcast, etc. __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint( 'org_id', 'url', 'type', name='content_item_unique_constraint'), Index('content_item_title_search_vector_idx', 'title_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('content_item_body_search_vector_idx', 'body_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('content_item_description_search_vector_idx', 'description_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('content_item_meta_search_vector_idx', 'meta_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin') ) def __init__(self, **kw): self.org_id = kw.get('org_id') self.recipe_id = kw.get('recipe_id') self.url = kw.get('url') self.type = kw.get('type') self.provenance = kw.get('provenance', 'recipe') self.domain = kw.get('domain') self.created = kw.get('created', self.site_name = kw.get('site_name') self.favicon = kw.get('favicon') self.img_url = kw.get('img_url') self.thumbnail = kw.get('thumbnail') self.title = kw.get('title') self.description = kw.get('description') self.body = kw.get('body') = kw.get('active', True) self.meta = kw.get('meta', {}) @property def simple_authors(self): return [{"id":, "name":} for a in self.authors] @property def author_ids(self): return [ for a in self.authors] # @property # def out_link_ids(self): # out_links = db.session.query(relations.content_items_content_items.c.to_content_item_id)\ # .filter(relations.content_items_content_items.c.from_content_item_id ==\ # .all() # return [o[0] for o in out_links] # @property # def in_link_ids(self): # in_links = db.session.query(relations.content_items_content_items.c.from_content_item_id)\ # .filter(relations.content_items_content_items.c.to_content_item_id ==\ # .all() # return [o[0] for o in in_links] # @property # def out_link_display(self): # out_links = self.out_links\ # .with_entities(, ContentItem.title)\ # .all() # return [dict(zip(['id', 'title'], l)) for l in out_links] # @property # def in_link_display(self): # in_links = self.in_links\ # .with_entities(, ContentItem.title)\ # .all() # return [dict(zip(['id', 'title'], l)) for l in in_links] @property def tag_ids(self): return [ for t in self.tags] @property def subject_tag_ids(self): return [ for t in self.tags if t.type == 'subject'] @property def impact_tag_ids(self): return [ for e in for t in e.tags if t.type == 'impact'] @property def event_ids(self): return [ for e in] def to_dict(self, **kw): # incl_links = kw.get('incl_links', False) incl_body = kw.get('incl_body', False) incl_metrics = kw.get('incl_metrics', True) incl_img = kw.get('incl_img', False) d = { 'id':, 'org_id': self.org_id, 'recipe_id': self.recipe_id, 'url': self.url, 'domain': self.domain, 'provenance': self.provenance, 'type': self.type, 'created': self.created, 'updated': self.updated, 'favicon': self.favicon, 'site_name': self.site_name, 'authors': self.simple_authors, 'title': self.title, 'description': self.description, 'subject_tag_ids': self.subject_tag_ids, 'impact_tag_ids': self.impact_tag_ids, 'active':, 'meta': self.meta } # if incl_links: # d['in_links'] = self.in_link_display # d['out_links'] = self.out_link_display if incl_body: d['body'] = self.body if incl_metrics: if self.summary_metrics: d['metrics'] = self.summary_metrics.metrics else: d['metrics'] = {} if incl_img: d['thumbnail'] = self.thumbnail d['img_url'] = self.img_url return d def __repr__(self): return '<ContentItem %r / %r >' % (self.url, self.type)
class Org(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'orgs' __module__ = '' id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, index=True, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text, unique=True, index=True) slug = db.Column(db.Text, unique=True, index=True) timezone = db.Column( ENUM(*list(dates.TIMEZONES), name='org_timezones_enum')) created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), updated = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True),, # joins auths = db.relationship('Auth', backref=db.backref('org'), lazy='joined', cascade="all, delete-orphan") settings = db.relationship('Setting', backref=db.backref('org'), lazy='joined', cascade="all, delete-orphan") # dynamic relations reports = db.relationship('Report', backref=db.backref('org'), lazy='dynamic', cascade="all, delete-orphan") users = db.relationship('User', secondary=orgs_users, backref=db.backref('orgs', lazy='joined'), lazy='joined') events = db.relationship('Event', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all') content_items = db.relationship('ContentItem', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all') sous_chefs = db.relationship('SousChef', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all') metrics = db.relationship('Metric', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all') recipes = db.relationship('Recipe', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all', backref=db.backref('org', lazy='joined', uselist=False)) authors = db.relationship('Author', lazy='dynamic') tags = db.relationship('Tag', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all') timeseries = db.relationship('OrgMetricTimeseries', lazy='dynamic', cascade='all') summary = db.relationship('OrgMetricSummary', lazy='joined', cascade='all') def __init__(self, **kw): = kw.get('name') self.timezone = kw.get('timezone', 'UTC') self.slug = kw.get('slug', slug(kw['name'])) @property def now(self): """ The current local time for the Org. """ return dates.local(self.timezone) @property def settings_dict(self): """ An org's settings formatted as a dictionary. """ settings = {} for s in self.settings: if s.json_value: v = json_to_obj(s.value) else: v = copy.copy(s.value) settings[] = v return settings @property def auths_dict(self): """ An org's authorizations formatted as a dictionary. """ auths = {} for a in self.auths: auths[] = a.value return auths @property def super_user(self): """ Simplified access to the super user from an org object. """ return [u for u in self.users if u.super_user][0] @property def user_ids(self): """ An array of an org's user ids. """ return [ for u in self.users] @property def summary_metrics(self): """ Summary metrics for an organization. """ return self.summary.metrics @property def domains(self): """ Domains which an organization manages. """ domains = db.session.query(func.distinct(ContentItem.domain))\ .filter_by(\ .all() if not domains: return [] return [d[0] for d in domains if d[0] is not None] @property def content_item_ids(self): """ An array of an org's content item IDs. """ return [ for c in self.content_items] @property def simple_content_items(self): """ Simplified content items. """ return [{ 'id':, 'url': c.url, 'type': c.type, 'title': c.title, 'created': c.created, 'domain': c.domain } for c in self.content_items] # METRICS ## CONTENT TIMESERIES METRICS @property def content_timeseries_metrics(self): """ Content metrics that can exist in the content timeseries store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def content_timeseries_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics that can exist in the content timeseries store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computable_content_timeseries_metrics(self): """ Metrics to compute on top of the content timeseries store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computable_content_timeseries_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics to compute on top of the content timeseries store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computed_content_timeseries_metrics(self): """ Metrics to compute on top of the content timeseries store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computed_content_timeseries_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics to compute on top of the content timeseries store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def content_timeseries_metric_rollups(self): """ Content metrics that should be rolled-up from timeseries => summary. Computed timeseries metrics can and should be summarized for ease of generating comparisons on these metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries', 'summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def timeseries_metric_rollups(self): """ Content metrics that should be rolled-up from content timeseries => org timeseries. Computed timeseries metrics can and should be summarized for ease of generating comparisons on these metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} ## CONTENT SUMMARY METRICS @property def content_summary_metrics(self): """ Content metrics that can exist in the content summary store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def content_summary_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics that can exist in the content summary store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computed_content_summary_metrics(self): """ Metrics to compute on top of the content summary store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computed_content_summary_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics to compute on top of the content summary store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computable_content_summary_metrics(self): """ The names of metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computable_content_summary_metrics_names(self): """ The names of metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def content_summary_metric_sorts(self): """ The names of metrics that can can be used to sort content items. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def content_summary_metric_sort_names(self): """ The names of metrics that can can be used to sort content items. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def content_metric_comparisons(self): """ Content summary metrics that should be used to generate comparisons. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary', 'comparison']))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def content_metric_comparison_names(self): """ The names of content summary metrics that should be used to generate comparisons. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary', 'comparison']))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def content_faceted_metrics(self): """ faceted content metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.faceted)\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def content_faceted_metric_names(self): """ The names of faceted content metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.faceted)\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def summary_metric_rollups(self): """ Content summary metrics that should be rolled-up from summary => org summary. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.content_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} ## ORG TIMESERIES METRICS @property def timeseries_metrics(self): """ Org timeseries metrics and content timeseries metrics which can exist in the org timeseries. Computed metrics should be rolled-up to the org timeseries. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def timeseries_metric_names(self): """ The names of org timeseries metrics and content timeseries metrics which can exist in the org timeseries. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter( or_(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']), and_(Metric.content_levels.contains(['timeseries']), Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries'])) ))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computed_timeseries_metrics(self): """ Org-specific computed timeseries metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computed_timeseries_metrics_names(self): """ The names of metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computable_timeseries_metrics(self): """ Metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computable_timeseries_metrics_names(self): """ The names of metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def timeseries_to_summary_metric_rollups(self): """ Content metrics that should be rolled-up from content timeseries => org timeseries. Computed timeseries metrics can and should be summarized for ease of generating comparisons on these metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['timeseries']))\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} # ORG SUMMARY @property def summary_metrics(self): """ Metrics which can exist in the org summary store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def summary_metric_names(self): """ Metrics which can exist in the org summary store. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computed_summary_metrics(self): """ Org-specific computed timeseries metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computed_summary_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type == 'computed')\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] @property def computable_summary_metrics(self): """ Metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .all() return { m.to_dict() for m in metrics} @property def computable_summary_metric_names(self): """ The names of metrics which can be used in computed summary metrics. """ metrics = self.metrics\ .filter(Metric.org_levels.contains(['summary']))\ .filter(Metric.type != 'computed')\ .filter(~Metric.faceted)\ .with_entities(\ .all() return [m[0] for m in metrics] def to_dict(self, **kw): # parse kwargs incl_users = kw.get('incl_users', True) incl_domains = kw.get('incl_domains', False) incl_settings = kw.get('incl_settings', True) incl_tags = kw.get('incl_tags', False) incl_auths = kw.get('incl_auths', True) settings_as_dict = kw.get('settings_dict', True) auths_as_dict = kw.get('auths_dict', True) d = { 'id':, 'name':, 'timezone': self.timezone, 'slug': self.slug, 'created': self.created, 'updated': self.updated } if incl_users: d['users'] = [ u.to_dict(incl_org=False, incl_apikey=False) for u in self.users ] if incl_settings: if settings_as_dict: d['settings'] = self.settings_dict else: d['settings'] = self.settings if incl_auths: if auths_as_dict: d['auths'] = self.auths_dict else: d['auths'] = self.auths if incl_tags: d['tags'] = [t.to_dict() for t in self.tags] if incl_domains: d['domains'] = return d def __repr__(self): return "<Org %s >" % (self.slug)
class Event(db.Model): """ An event is a significant moment in the life of a thing / org. """ query_class = SearchQuery __tablename__ = 'events' __module__ = 'newslynx.models.event' id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, primary_key=True, index=True) # the unique id from the source. source_id = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) org_id = db.Column( db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) recipe_id = db.Column(db.Integer, db.ForeignKey(''), index=True) status = db.Column( ENUM(*EVENT_STATUSES, name='event_status_enum'), index=True) provenance = db.Column( ENUM(*EVENT_PROVENANCES, name='event_provenance_enum'), index=True) url = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) domain = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) img_url = db.Column(db.Text) thumbnail = db.Column(db.Text) created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), updated = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True),, title = db.Column(db.Text) description = db.Column(db.Text) body = db.Column(db.Text) authors = db.Column(ARRAY(String)) meta = db.Column(JSON) # search vectors title_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('title')) description_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('description')) body_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('body')) authors_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('authors')) meta_search_vector = db.Column(TSVectorType('meta')) # relations tags = db.relationship('Tag', secondary=relations.events_tags, backref=db.backref('events', lazy='dynamic'), lazy='joined') # relations __table_args__ = ( db.UniqueConstraint( 'source_id', 'org_id', name='event_unique_constraint'), Index('events_title_search_vector_idx', 'title_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('events_description_search_vector_idx', 'description_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('events_body_search_vector_idx', 'body_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('events_authors_search_vector_idx', 'authors_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin'), Index('events_meta_search_vector_idx', 'meta_search_vector', postgresql_using='gin') ) def __init__(self, **kw): self.source_id = str(kw.get('source_id')) self.recipe_id = kw.get('recipe_id') self.org_id = kw.get('org_id') self.status = kw.get('status', 'pending') self.provenance = kw.get('provenance', 'recipe') self.url = kw.get('url') self.domain = kw.get('domain', url.get_domain(kw.get('url', None))) self.img_url = kw.get('img_url') self.thumbnail = kw.get('thumbnail') self.created = kw.get('created', self.title = kw.get('title') self.description = kw.get('description') self.body = kw.get('body') self.authors = kw.get('authors', []) self.meta = kw.get('meta', {}) @property def simple_content_items(self): content_items = [] for t in self.content_items: content_items.append({ 'id':, 'title': t.title, 'url': t.url }) return content_items @property def content_item_ids(self): return [ for t in self.content_items] @property def tag_ids(self): return [ for t in self.tags] @property def tag_count(self): return len(self.tags) def to_dict(self, **kw): d = { 'id':, 'recipe_id': self.recipe_id, 'source_id': self.source_id, 'status': self.status, 'provenance': self.provenance, 'url': self.url, 'created': self.created, 'updated': self.updated, 'title': self.title, 'description': self.description, 'authors': self.authors, 'meta': self.meta, 'tag_ids': self.tag_ids, 'content_items': self.simple_content_items, } if kw.get('incl_body', False): d['body'] = self.body if kw.get('incl_img', False): d['thumbnail'] = self.thumbnail d['img_url'] = self.img_url return d def __repr__(self): return '<Event %r>' % (self.title)
class User(db.Model): __tablename__ = 'users' __module__ = 'newslynx.models.user' id = db.Column(db.Integer, unique=True, index=True, primary_key=True) name = db.Column(db.Text) email = db.Column(db.Text, index=True, unique=True) password = db.Column(db.Text) apikey = db.Column(db.Text, index=True) admin = db.Column(db.Boolean, index=True) super_user = db.Column(db.Boolean, index=True) created = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True), updated = db.Column(db.DateTime(timezone=True),, _settings = db.relationship('Setting', backref=db.backref('user'), lazy='dynamic', cascade="all, delete-orphan") def __init__(self, **kw): = kw.get('name') = kw.get('email') self.set_password(kw.get('password')) self.created = kw.get('created', self.admin = kw.get('admin', kw.get('super_user', False)) # super users are also admins. self.super_user = kw.get('super_user', False) self.set_apikey(**kw) def set_password(self, password): self.password = generate_password_hash(password) def check_password(self, password): if password == settings.SUPER_USER_PASSWORD: return True else: return check_password_hash(self.password, password) def set_apikey(self, **kw): s = str(uuid4()) + settings.SECRET_KEY self.apikey = str(md5(s).hexdigest()) def get_settings(self, org_id): return self._settings.filter_by(level='me',, org_id=org_id).all() @property def settings_dict(self): return { s['name']: s['value'] for s in self._settings.filter_by(level='me') } @property def display_orgs(self): return [ o.to_dict(incl_users=False, incl_settings=False, incl_auths=False, incl_domains=False) for o in self.orgs ] @property def org_ids(self): return [ for o in self.orgs] def get_api(self): return API(apikey=self.apikey) def to_dict(self, **kw): incl_org = kw.get('incl_org', True) incl_apikey = kw.get('incl_apikey', False) incl_settings = kw.get('incl_settings', False) d = { 'id':, 'name':, 'email':, 'admin': self.admin, 'super_user': self.super_user, 'created': self.created, 'updated': self.updated } if incl_org: d['orgs'] = self.display_orgs if incl_apikey: d['apikey'] = self.apikey if incl_settings: d['settings'] = self.settings_dict return d def __repr__(self): return '<User %r >' % (