コード例 #1
    def AddOracle(self, args):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        isValidOwner = self.ValidateOwner()
        if isValidOwner == False:
            return False

        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 1)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False

        oracleID = args[0]
        oracleKey = concat(self.oracle_prefix, oracleID)

        isOracle = storage.get(oracleKey)
        if isOracle == True:
            Log("Address is already an oracle")
            return False

        oracleCount = storage.get(self.oracle_count_key)
        newCount = oracleCount + 1

        storage.put(oracleKey, True)
        storage.put(self.oracle_count_key, newCount)

        OnOracleAdded(oracleID, newCount)

        return True
コード例 #2
    def kyc_register(self, args, token: Token):

        :param args:list a list of addresses to register
        :param token:Token A token object with your ICO settings
            int: The number of addresses to register for KYC
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
コード例 #3
ファイル: nep5.py プロジェクト: yarwelp/neo-ico-template
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # cannot approve an amount that is
        # currently greater than the from balance
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            current_approved_balance = storage.get(approval_key)

            new_approved_balance = current_approved_balance + amount

            storage.put(approval_key, new_approved_balance)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
コード例 #4
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        if amount < 0:
            print("Negative amount")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # cannot approve an amount that is
        # currently greater than the from balance
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            if amount == 0:
                storage.put(approval_key, amount)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
コード例 #5
    def do_approve(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_owner, t_spender, amount):

        if not CheckWitness(t_owner):
            print("Incorrect permission")
            return False

        from_balance = storage.get(t_owner)

        # Kann keinen Betrag bestätigen der momentan
        # größer ist als der von "from balance"
        if from_balance >= amount:

            approval_key = concat(t_owner, t_spender)

            current_approved_balance = storage.get(approval_key)

            new_approved_balance = current_approved_balance + amount

            storage.put(approval_key, new_approved_balance)

            OnApprove(t_owner, t_spender, amount)

            return True

        return False
コード例 #6
    def kyc_register(self, args, token:Token):

        :param args:List Eine Liste der Adressen die zu registrieren sind
        :param token:Token Ein Token Objekt mit Ihren ICO Einstellungen
            int: Die Nummer der Adressen die mit KYC registriert werden
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
コード例 #7
    def exchange(self, token: Token):

        attachments = get_asset_attachments()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        can_exchange = self.can_exchange(token, attachments, storage, False)

        if not can_exchange:
            print("Cannot exchange value")

            if attachments.neo_attached > 0:
                OnRefund(attachments.sender_addr, attachments.neo_attached)

        return False

        current_balance = storage.get(attachments.sender_addr)

        exchanged_tokens = attachments.neo_attached * token.tokens_per_neo / 100000000

        new_total = exchanged_tokens + current_balance
        storage.put(attachments.sender_addr, new_total)

        token.add_to_circulation(exchanged_tokens, storage)

        OnTransfer(attachments.receiver_addr, attachments.sender_addr,

        return True
コード例 #8
    def kyc_register(self, args, token:Token):

        :param args:list a list of addresses to register
        :param token:Token A token object with your ICO settings
            int: The number of addresses to register for KYC
        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
コード例 #9
    def calculate_can_exchange(self, token: Token, amount: int, address,
                               verify_only: bool):
        Perform custom token exchange calculations here.

        :param token:Token The token settings for the sale
        :param amount:int Number of tokens to convert from asset to tokens
        :param address:bytearray The address to mint the tokens to
            bool: Whether or not an address can exchange a specified amount
        height = GetHeight()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        current_in_circulation = storage.get(token.in_circulation_key)

        new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

        if new_amount > token.total_supply:
            print("amount greater than total supply")
            return False

        print("trying to calculate height????")
        if height < token.block_sale_start:
            print("sale not begun yet")
            return False

        # if we are in free round, any amount
        if height > token.limited_round_end:
            print("Free for all, accept as much as possible")
            return True

        # check amount in limited round

        if amount <= token.max_exchange_limited_round:

            # check if they have already exchanged in the limited round
            r1key = concat(address, self.limited_round_key)

            has_exchanged = storage.get(r1key)

            # if not, then save the exchange for limited round
            if not has_exchanged:
                # note that this method can be invoked during the Verification trigger, so we have the
                # verify_only param to avoid the Storage.Put during the read-only Verification trigger.
                # this works around a "method Neo.Storage.Put not found in ->" error in InteropService.py
                # since Verification is read-only and thus uses a StateReader, not a StateMachine
                if not verify_only:
                    storage.put(r1key, True)
                return True

            print("already exchanged in limited round")
            return False

        print("too much for limited round")

        return False
コード例 #10
def level_up(address):
    Loop up the level of the owner of address. Then raise it
    by 1, put it back into storage and return the new value.
    storage = StorageAPI()
    level_key = storage.get_level_key(address)
    level = level_of(level_key)
    new_level = level + 1
    storage.put(level_key, new_level)
    return new_level
コード例 #11
    def add_to_circulation(self, amount: int, storage: StorageAPI):
        Adds an amount of token to circlulation

        :param amount: int the amount to add to circulation
        :param storage:StorageAPI A StorageAPI object for storage interaction
        current_supply = storage.get(self.in_circulation_key)

        current_supply += amount

        storage.put(self.in_circulation_key, current_supply)
コード例 #12
    def calculate_can_exchange(self, token: Token, amount: int, address):
        Perform custom token exchange calculations here.

        :param token:Token The token settings for the sale
        :param amount:int Number of tokens to convert from asset to tokens
        :param address:bytearray The address to mint the tokens to
            bool: Whether or not an address can exchange a specified amount
        height = GetHeight()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        current_in_circulation = storage.get(token.in_circulation_key)

        new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

        if new_amount > token.total_supply:
            print("amount greater than total supply")
            return False

        print("trying to calculate height????")
        if height < token.block_sale_start:
            print("sale not begun yet")
            return False

        # if we are in free round, any amount
        if height > token.limited_round_end:
            print("Free for all, accept as much as possible")
            return True

        # check amount in limited round

        if amount <= token.max_exchange_limited_round:

            # check if they have already exchanged in the limited round
            r1key = concat(address, self.limited_round_key)

            has_exchanged = storage.get(r1key)

            # if not, then save the exchange for limited round
            if not has_exchanged:
                storage.put(r1key, True)
                return True

            print("already exchanged in limited round")
            return False

        print("too much for limited round")

        return False
コード例 #13
ファイル: mytoken.py プロジェクト: decayboy/neo-ico-template
    def add_to_circulation(self, amount:int, storage:StorageAPI):
        Adds an amount of token to circlulation

        :param amount: int the amount to add to circulation
        :param storage:StorageAPI A StorageAPI object for storage interaction
        current_supply = storage.get(self.in_circulation_key)

        current_supply += amount

        storage.put(self.in_circulation_key, current_supply)
コード例 #14
    def add_to_circulation(self, amount:int, storage:StorageAPI):
        Addiert einen Betrag an Tokens zu den Tokens im Umlauf

        :param amount: int Der Betrag der zu den Tokens im Umlauf addiert werden soll
        :param storage:StorageAPI Ein StorageAPI Objekt für storage Interaktionen
        current_supply = storage.get(self.in_circulation_key)

        current_supply += amount

        storage.put(self.in_circulation_key, current_supply)
コード例 #15
    def calculate_can_exchange(self, token: Token, amount: int, address):
        Führt benutzerdefinierte Token exchange Kalkulationen aus.

        :param token:Token Die Token Einstellungen für den Verkauf
        :param amount:int Nummer der Tokens die von Asset zu Tokens konvertiert werden
        :param address:bytearray Die Adresse wo die Tokens erzeugt werden sollen
            bool: Ob eine Adresse einen bestimmten Betrag tauschen kann oder nicht
        height = GetHeight()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        current_in_circulation = storage.get(token.in_circulation_key)

        new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

        if new_amount > token.total_supply:
            # print("amount greater than total supply")
            return False

        if height < token.block_sale_start:
            # print("sale not begun yet")
            return False

        # Ob wir in einer freien Runde sind, jeder Betrag
        if height > token.limited_round_end:
            # print("Free for all, accept as much as possible")
            return True

        # Überprüfe Betrag in einer limitierten Runde

        if amount <= token.max_exchange_limited_round:

            # Überprüfe ob die Adresse bereits in einer limitierten Runde teilgenommen haben
            r1key = concat(address, self.limited_round_key)

            has_exchanged = storage.get(r1key)

            # falls nicht, dann sichere den exchange für die limitierte Runde
            if not has_exchanged:
                storage.put(r1key, True)
                return True

            print("already exchanged in limited round")
            return False

        print("too much for limited round")

        return False 
コード例 #16
    def calculate_can_exchange(self, token: Token, amount: int, address):
        Perform custom token exchange calculations here.

        :param token:Token The token settings for the sale
        :param amount:int Number of tokens to convert from asset to tokens
        :param address:bytearray The address to mint the tokens to
            bool: Whether or not an address can exchange a specified amount
        height = GetHeight()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        current_in_circulation = storage.get(token.in_circulation_key)

        new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

        if new_amount > token.total_supply:
            print("amount greater than total supply")
            return False

        print("trying to calculate height????")
        if height < token.block_sale_start:
            print("sale not begun yet")
            return False

        # if we are in free round, any amount
        if height > token.limited_round_end:
            print("Free for all, accept as much as possible")
            return True

        # check amount in limited round

        if amount <= token.max_exchange_limited_round:

            # check if they have already exchanged in the limited round
            r1key = concat(address, self.limited_round_key)

            has_exchanged = storage.get(r1key)

            # if not, then save the exchange for limited round
            if not has_exchanged:
                storage.put(r1key, True)
                return True

            print("already exchanged in limited round")
            return False

        print("too much for limited round")

        return False
コード例 #17
    def PlaceBet(self, args, sender):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        user = GetUser(storage, sender, True)
        if user.isUser == False:
            return False
        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 5)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False

        isValidBet = self.ValidateNewBet(user, args)
        if isValidBet == False:
            return False
        bet = InitialiseNewBet(storage, args)

        user.RemoveFromBalance(storage, bet.betAmount)

        storage.put(bet.betAmountKey, bet.betAmount)
        storage.put(bet.unmatchedAmountKey, bet.returnAmount)
        storage.put(bet.betMakerKey, sender)
        storage.put(bet.statusKey, "valid")

        OnBetAdded(bet.betID, sender, args, bet.betIndex)

        return True
コード例 #18
    def exchange(self, token: Token):

        :param token:Token The token object with NEP5/sale settings
            bool: Whether the exchange was successful

        attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # type:  Attachments

        storage = StorageAPI()

        # this looks up whether the exchange can proceed
        can_exchange = self.can_exchange(token, attachments, storage, False)

        if not can_exchange:
            print("Cannot exchange value")
            # This should only happen in the case that there are a lot of TX on the final
            # block before the total amount is reached.  An amount of TX will get through
            # the verification phase because the total amount cannot be updated during that phase
            # because of this, there should be a process in place to manually refund tokens
            if attachments.neo_attached > 0:
                OnRefund(attachments.sender_addr, attachments.neo_attached)
            # if you want to exchange gas instead of neo, use this
            #if attachments.gas_attached > 0:
            #    OnRefund(attachments.sender_addr, attachments.gas_attached)
            return False

        # lookup the current balance of the address
        current_balance = storage.get(attachments.sender_addr)

        # calculate the amount of tokens the attached neo will earn
        exchanged_tokens = attachments.neo_attached * token.tokens_per_neo / 100000000

        # if you want to exchange gas instead of neo, use this
        # exchanged_tokens += attachments.gas_attached * token.tokens_per_gas / 100000000

        # add it to the the exchanged tokens and persist in storage
        new_total = exchanged_tokens + current_balance
        storage.put(attachments.sender_addr, new_total)

        # update the in circulation amount
        token.add_to_circulation(exchanged_tokens, storage)

        # dispatch transfer event
        OnTransfer(attachments.receiver_addr, attachments.sender_addr,

        return True
コード例 #19
def deploy(token: Token):

    if not CheckWitness(token.owner):
        print("Must be owner to deploy")
        return False

    storage = StorageAPI()

    if not storage.get('initialized'):
        storage.put('initialized', 1)
        storage.put(token.owner, token.initial_amount)
        token.add_to_circulation(token.initial_amount, storage)
        return True

    return False
コード例 #20
    def InitialiseContract(self):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        isValidOwner = self.ValidateOwner()
        if isValidOwner == False:
            return False
        isInitialised = storage.get(self.admin_init_key)
        if isInitialised:
            Log("Contract has already been initialised")
            return False

        storage.put(self.admin_init_key, True)

        return True
コード例 #21
def crowdfunding_create(args):
    """ args:
     0: crowdfunding address
     1..n: member addresses

    print("Create a crowdfunding")
    storage = StorageAPI()

    crowdfunding_address = args[0]
    crowdfunding_meta_key = storage.get_crowdfunding_members_key(

    # Check for minimum number of arguments
    nargs = len(args)
    if nargs < 3:
            "Error: need at least 3 arguments: (1) crowdfunding address, (2+3) member addresses"
        return False

    # Check if this address or crowdfunding_meta already exists
    balance = storage.get(crowdfunding_address)
    if len(balance) > 0:
        print("Error: address is already in use")
        return False

    meta = storage.get(crowdfunding_meta_key)
    if len(meta) > 0:
        print("Error: crowdfunding is already setup")
        return False

    # Build list of addresses to store in meta key
    print("Build list of addresses")
    nargs = len(args)
    member_addresses = args[1]
    i = 2
    while i < nargs:
        member_address = args[i]
        i += 1
        member_addresses = concat(member_addresses, member_address)

    storage.put(crowdfunding_meta_key, member_addresses)
    print("Created the crowdfunding with those member addresses")
コード例 #22
    def AddEvent(self, args, oracleID):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        isValidSender = self.ValidateOracle(storage, oracleID)
        if isValidSender == False:
            return False

        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 7)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False

        eventID = CreateEventID(args)

        eventKey = concat(self.event_prefix, eventID)
        event = storage.get(eventKey)

        if event == False:
            _ = StoreEventDetails(storage, eventKey, args)

            event = "pending"

            OnNewEventAdded(eventID, oracleID, args)

        if event == "pending":
            oracleKey = concat(eventKey, oracleID)
            countKey = concat(eventKey, "/count")

            reachedConsensus = self.CheckEventConsensus(
                storage, oracleKey, countKey)

            if reachedConsensus == False:
                OnNewEventConsensus(eventID, oracleID)

                storage.put(eventKey, "active")

                OnNewEventConfirmed(eventID, oracleID)

            return True
            msg1 = concat("Consensus has finished for: ", eventID)
            msg2 = concat(", Event state is currently: ", event)
            msg = concat(msg1, msg2)


        return False
コード例 #23
    def exchange(self, token: Token):

        :param token:Token The token object with NEP5/sale settings
            bool: Whether the exchange was successful

        attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # type:  Attachments

        storage = StorageAPI()

        # this looks up whether the exchange can proceed
        can_exchange = self.can_exchange(token, attachments, storage)

        if not can_exchange:
            print("Cannot exchange value")
            # This should only happen in the case that there are a lot of TX on the final
            # block before the total amount is reached.  An amount of TX will get through
            # the verification phase because the total amount cannot be updated during that phase
            # because of this, there should be a process in place to manually refund tokens
            OnRefund(attachments.sender_addr, attachments.neo_attached)
            return False

        # lookup the current balance of the address
        current_balance = storage.get(attachments.sender_addr)

        # calculate the amount of tokens the attached neo will earn
        exchanged_tokens = attachments.neo_attached * token.tokens_per_neo / 100000000

        # if you want to exchange gas instead of neo, use this
        # exchanged_tokens += attachments.gas_attached * token.tokens_per_gas / 100000000

        # add it to the the exchanged tokens and persist in storage
        new_total = exchanged_tokens + current_balance
        storage.put(attachments.sender_addr, new_total)

        # update the in circulation amount
        token.add_to_circulation(exchanged_tokens, storage)

        # dispatch transfer event
        OnTransfer(attachments.receiver_addr, attachments.sender_addr, exchanged_tokens)

        return True
コード例 #24
    def exchange(self, token: Token):

        :param token:Token Das Token Objekt mit NEP5/sale Einstellungen
            bool: Ob der exchange erfolgreich war

        attachments = get_asset_attachments()  # type:  Attachments

        storage = StorageAPI()

        # Dies überprüft ob der exchange ausgeführt werden kann
        can_exchange = self.can_exchange(token, attachments, storage)

        if not can_exchange:
            print("Cannot exchange value")
            # Dies sollte nur passieren im Fall das viele TX auf dem Final Block sind bevor 
            # der total amount erreicht ist. Nur eine Teilmenge der TX wird durch die Verification
            # Phase kommen und da die Gesamtmenge während dieser Phase nicht erhöht werden kann,
            # sollte es einen Prozess zur manuellen Erstattung der Tokens geben.
            OnRefund(attachments.sender_addr, attachments.neo_attached)
            return False

        # Suche den aktuellen Kontostand einer Adresse
        current_balance = storage.get(attachments.sender_addr)

        # Kalkuliere den Wert an Tokens die die angehängten NEO Wert sind
        exchanged_tokens = attachments.neo_attached * token.tokens_per_neo / 100000000

        # Wenn Sie anstatt Neo, Gas verwenden wollen benutzen Sie dies hier
        # exchanged_tokens += attachments.gas_attached * token.tokens_per_gas / 100000000

        # Fügen Sie die erhaltenen Tokens zu dem Persisten Storage hinzu
        new_total = exchanged_tokens + current_balance
        storage.put(attachments.sender_addr, new_total)

        # Updaten Sie den im Umlauf befindenden Wert 
        token.add_to_circulation(exchanged_tokens, storage)

        # Dispatch Transfer Event
        OnTransfer(attachments.receiver_addr, attachments.sender_addr, exchanged_tokens)

        return True
コード例 #25
    def kyc_register(self, args, token: Token):

        ok_count = 0

        if CheckWitness(token.owner):

            for address in args:

                if len(address) == 20:

                    storage = StorageAPI()

                    kyc_storage_key = concat(self.kyc_key, address)
                    storage.put(kyc_storage_key, True)

                    ok_count += 1

        return ok_count
コード例 #26
    def CheckEventConsensus(self, storage: StorageAPI, oracleKey, countKey):
        oracleStatus = storage.get(oracleKey)
        if oracleStatus == "participated":
            Log("Oracle has already participated")
            return False

        count = storage.get(countKey)
        newCount = count + 1

        storage.put(countKey, newCount)
        storage.put(oracleKey, "participated")

        oracleCount = storage.get(self.oracle_count_key)
        consensusRequired = storage.get(self.oracle_consensus_key)

        factoredCount = newCount * 100
        required = oracleCount * consensusRequired

        return factoredCount >= required
コード例 #27
    def calculate_can_exchange(self, token: Token, amount: int, address,
                               verify_only: bool):

        height = GetHeight()

        storage = StorageAPI()

        current_in_circulation = storage.get(token.in_circulation_key)

        new_amount = current_in_circulation + amount

        if new_amount > token.total_supply:
            print("amount greater than total supply")
            return False

        print("trying to calculate height????")
        if height < token.block_sale_start:
            print("sale not begun yet")
            return False

        if height > token.limited_round_end:
            print("Free for all, accept as much as possible")
            return True

        if amount <= token.max_exchange_limited_round:

            r1key = concat(address, self.limited_round_key)

            has_exchanged = storage.get(r1key)

            if not has_exchanged:
                if not verify_only:
                    storage.put(r1key, True)
                return True

            print("already exchanged in limited round")
            return False

        print("too much for limited round")

        return False
コード例 #28
    def CreateNewBetID(self, storage: StorageAPI):
        rawQueueID = concat(self.eventID, self.outcome)
        rawQueueID = concat(rawQueueID, self.odds)
        rawQueueID = concat(rawQueueID, self.betType)

        queueID = sha1(rawQueueID)

        betQueuePrefix = concat("bet_queue/", queueID)
        betQueueLengthKey = concat(betQueuePrefix, "/length")

        queueLength = storage.get(betQueueLengthKey)
        newQueueLength = queueLength + 1

        storage.put(betQueueLengthKey, newQueueLength)

        rawBetID = concat(rawQueueID, newQueueLength)

        self.betID = sha1(rawBetID)
        self.betIndex = newQueueLength

        return self
コード例 #29
ファイル: nep5.py プロジェクト: tokenchain/neo-ico-template
    def do_transfer(self, storage: StorageAPI, t_from, t_to, amount):

        if amount <= 0:
            return False

        if len(t_to) != 20:
            return False

        if CheckWitness(t_from):

            if t_from == t_to:
                print("transfer to self!")
                return True

            from_val = storage.get(t_from)

            if from_val < amount:
                print("insufficient funds")
                return False

            if from_val == amount:

                difference = from_val - amount
                storage.put(t_from, difference)

            to_value = storage.get(t_to)

            to_total = to_value + amount

            storage.put(t_to, to_total)

            OnTransfer(t_from, t_to, amount)

            return True
            print("from address is not the tx sender")

        return False
コード例 #30
    def CancelBet(self, args, sender):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        user = GetUser(storage, sender, True)
        if user.isUser == False:
            return False
        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 5)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False

        bet = InitialiseBet(storage, args)
        isValidCancel = self.ValidateCancelBet(bet, sender)
        if isValidCancel == False:
            return False

        storage.put(bet.statusKey, "cancelled")
        _ = user.AddToBalance(storage, bet.betAmount)

        OnBetCancelled(bet.betID, sender, args)
        return True
コード例 #31
    def ProcessBetQueue(self, args):
        storage = StorageAPI()
        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 4)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False    
        queue = InitialiseQueue(storage, args)

        if queue.betStatus == "cancelled":
            Log("Bet has been cancelled, move to next bet")

            newQueueIndex = queue.index + 1
            storage.put(queue.indexKey, newQueueIndex) 

            return True                                     # could evaluate more, but leave here for v0.1

        elif queue.betStatus != "valid":
            Log("Bet queue contains no bets to be matched")

            return False
        return queue.ProcessLoop(storage)
コード例 #32
def deploy(token: Token):

    :param token: Token The token to deploy
        bool: Whether the operation was successful
    if not CheckWitness(token.owner):
        print("Must be owner to deploy")
        return False

    storage = StorageAPI()

    if not storage.get('initialized'):

        # do deploy logic
        storage.put('initialized', 1)
        storage.put(token.owner, token.initial_amount)
        token.add_to_circulation(token.initial_amount, storage)

        return True

    return False
コード例 #33
def deploy(token: Token):

    :param token: Token Der Token der implementiert wird
        bool: Ob die Ausführung erfolgreich war
    if not CheckWitness(token.owner):
        print("Must be owner to deploy")
        return False

    storage = StorageAPI()

    if not storage.get('initialized'):

        # do deploy logic
        storage.put('initialized', 1)
        storage.put(token.owner, token.initial_amount)
        token.add_to_circulation(token.initial_amount, storage)

        return True

    return False
コード例 #34
def deploy(token: Token):

    :param token: Token The token to deploy
        bool: Whether the operation was successful
    if not CheckWitness(token.owner):
        print("Must be owner to deploy")
        return False

    storage = StorageAPI()

    if not storage.get('initialized'):

        # do deploy logic
        storage.put('initialized', 1)
        storage.put(token.owner, token.initial_amount)
        token.add_to_circulation(token.initial_amount, storage)

        return True

    return False
コード例 #35
    def DistributeBetWinnings(self, args):
        storage = StorageAPI()

        isValidLength = ValidateArgsLength(args, 5)
        if isValidLength == False:
            return False

        bet = InitialiseBet(storage, args)

        outcome = self.ValidateDistributeWinnings(bet)
        if outcome == False:
            return False
        userID = bet.betMaker                               # breaks if you pass this in directly
        user = GetUser(storage, userID, False)

        storage.put(bet.statusKey, "claimed")

        if outcome == "void":
            """ Reimburse original bet if the event was voided """

            _ = user.AddToBalance(storage, bet.betAmount)

            _ = OnVoidBetClaimed(bet.betID, bet.betMaker, args)
            bet = bet.CalculateWinnings()

            feePoolKey = self.feePoolID                     # breaks if you pass this in directly
            feePool = GetUser(storage, feePoolKey, False)

            _ = user.AddToBalance(storage, bet.returnAmount)
            _ = feePool.AddToBalance(storage, bet.feeAmount)

            _ = OnBetClaimed(bet.betID, bet.betMaker, args)

        return True