def api_activity_histogram(self,app_id,exp_uid,task): """ Description: returns the data to plot all API activity (for all algorithms) in a histogram with respect to time for any task in {getQuery,processAnswer,predict} Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':APP-CALL',{'exp_uid':exp_uid,'task':task}) from datetime import datetime from datetime import timedelta start_date_str,didSucceed,message = self.db.get('experiments_admin',exp_uid,'start_date') start_date = utils.str2datetime(start_date_str) numerical_timestamps = [ ( utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])-start_date).total_seconds() for item in list_of_log_dict] import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#FFFFFF'),figsize=(12,1.5)) ax.hist(numerical_timestamps,int(1+4*numpy.sqrt(len(numerical_timestamps))),alpha=0.5,color='black') ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim(0, max(numerical_timestamps)) plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) return plot_dict
def api_activity_histogram(self, app, butler): """ Description: returns the data to plot all API activity (for all algorithms) in a histogram with respect to time for any task in {getQuery,processAnswer,predict} Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ queries = butler.queries.get(pattern={'exp_uid': app.exp_uid}) #self.db.get_docs_with_filter(app_id+':queries',{'exp_uid':exp_uid}) start_date = utils.str2datetime( butler.admin.get(uid=app.exp_uid)['start_date']) numerical_timestamps = [ (utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp_query_generated']) - start_date).total_seconds() for item in queries ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#FFFFFF'), figsize=(12, 1.5)) ax.hist(numerical_timestamps, min(int(1 + 4 * numpy.sqrt(len(numerical_timestamps))), 300), alpha=0.5, color='black') ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim(0, max(numerical_timestamps)) plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) plt.close() return plot_dict
def api_activity_histogram(self, app, butler): """ Description: returns the data to plot all API activity (for all algorithms) in a histogram with respect to time for any task in {getQuery,processAnswer,predict} Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ queries = butler.queries.get(pattern={'exp_uid':app.exp_uid}) #self.db.get_docs_with_filter(app_id+':queries',{'exp_uid':exp_uid}) start_date = utils.str2datetime(butler.admin.get(uid=app.exp_uid)['start_date']) numerical_timestamps = [(utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp_query_generated'])-start_date).total_seconds() for item in queries] fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#FFFFFF'),figsize=(12,1.5)) ax.hist(numerical_timestamps,min(int(1+4*numpy.sqrt(len(numerical_timestamps))),300),alpha=0.5,color='black') ax.set_frame_on(False) ax.get_xaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_ticks([]) ax.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) ax.set_xlim(0, max(numerical_timestamps)) plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) plt.close() return plot_dict
def most_current_embedding(self, app_id, exp_uid, alg_label): """ Description: Returns embedding in the form of a list of dictionaries, which is conveneint for downstream applications Expected input: (string) alg_label : must be a valid alg_label contained in alg_list list of dicts Expected output (in dict): plot_type : 'scatter2d_noaxis' (float) x_min : minimum x-value to display in viewing box (float) x_max : maximum x-value to display in viewing box (float) y_min : minimum y-value to display in viewing box (float) y_max : maximum y-value to display in viewing box (list of dicts with fields) data : (int) index : index of target (float) x : x-value of target (float) y : y-value of target """ alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'alg_list') for algorithm in alg_list: if algorithm['alg_label'] == alg_label: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', {'alg_uid': alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) item = list_of_log_dict[-1] embedding = item['X2'] data = [] x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') for idx, target in enumerate(embedding): target_dict = {} target_dict['index'] = idx target_dict['x'] = target[0] target_dict['y'] = target[1] x_min = min(x_min, target[0]) x_max = max(x_max, target[0]) y_min = min(y_min, target[1]) y_max = max(y_max, target[1]) data.append(target_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max return_dict['data'] = data return_dict['plot_type'] = 'scatter2d_noaxis' return return_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self, app_id, exp_uid): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'multi_line_plot' (string) x_label : 'Number of answered triplets' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : maximum number of reported answers for any algorithm (string) y_label : 'Error on hold-out set' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved by any algorithm (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 to maximum number of elements in y (or t) (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : alg_label """ # get list of algorithms associated with project alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', {'alg_uid': alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) x = [] y = [] t = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: x.append(item['num_reported_answers']) _y = float(item['error']) y.append(_y) t.append(str(item['timestamp'])[:-3]) if _y > 0.: y_min = min(y_min, _y) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y alg_dict['t'] = t try: x_min = min(x_min, min(x)) x_max = max(x_max, max(x)) y_max = max(y_max, max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['data'] = list_of_alg_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'multi_line_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'Number of answered triplets' return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_label'] = 'Error on hold-out set' return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max return return_dict
def compute_duration_detailed_stacked_area_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid,task,alg_label,detailedDB=False): """ Description: Returns stacked area plot for a particular algorithm and task where the durations are broken down into compute,db_set,db_get (for cpu, database_set, database_get) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} (string) alg_label : must be a valid alg_label contained in alg_list list of dicts Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') for algorithm in alg_list: if algorithm['alg_label'] == alg_label: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-DURATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid,'task':task}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: y.append( item.get('app_duration',0.) + item.get('duration_enqueued',0.) ) y = numpy.array(y) num_items = len(list_of_log_dict) multiplier = min(num_items,MAX_SAMPLES_PER_PLOT) incr_inds = [ k*num_items/multiplier for k in range(multiplier)] max_inds = list(numpy.argsort(-y)[0:multiplier]) final_inds = sorted(set(incr_inds + max_inds)) x = [] t = [] enqueued = [] admin = [] dbOverhead = [] dbGet = [] dbSet = [] compute = [] max_y_value = 0. min_y_value = float('inf') for idx in final_inds: item = list_of_log_dict[idx] x.append(idx+1) t.append(str(item.get('timestamp',''))) _alg_duration = item.get('duration',0.) _alg_duration_dbGet = item.get('duration_dbGet',0.) _alg_duration_dbSet = item.get('duration_dbSet',0.) _duration_enqueued = item.get('duration_enqueued',0.) _app_duration = item.get('app_duration',0.) if (_app_duration+_duration_enqueued) > max_y_value: max_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued if (_app_duration+_duration_enqueued) < min_y_value: min_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued enqueued.append(_duration_enqueued) admin.append(_app_duration-_alg_duration) dbSet.append(_alg_duration_dbSet) dbGet.append(_alg_duration_dbGet) compute.append( _alg_duration - _alg_duration_dbSet - _alg_duration_dbGet ) try: min_x = min(x) max_x = max(x) except: min_x = 0. max_x = 0. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) stack_coll = ax.stackplot(x,compute,dbGet,dbSet,admin,enqueued, alpha=.5) ax.set_xlabel('API Call') ax.set_ylabel('Duration (s)') ax.set_xlim([min_x,max_x]) ax.set_ylim([0.,max_y_value]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title(alg_label+' - '+task, size=14) proxy_rects = [plt.Rectangle((0, 0), 1, 1, alpha=.5,fc=pc.get_facecolor()[0]) for pc in stack_coll] legend = ax.legend(proxy_rects, ['compute','dbGet','dbSet','admin','enqueued'],loc=2,ncol=3,mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) return plot_dict
def compute_duration_detailed_stacked_area_plot(self, app_id, exp_uid, task, alg_label, detailedDB=False): """ Description: Returns stacked area plot for a particular algorithm and task where the durations are broken down into compute,db_set,db_get (for cpu, database_set, database_get) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} (string) alg_label : must be a valid alg_label contained in alg_list list of dicts Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'stacked_area_plot' (string) x_label : 'API Call' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : length of datastream (string) y_label : 'Duration (s)' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved sum of all layers (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 x_max (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : area_label in {'compute','db_set','db_get'} """ alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ":experiments", exp_uid, "alg_list") for algorithm in alg_list: if algorithm["alg_label"] == alg_label: alg_id = algorithm["alg_id"] alg_uid = algorithm["alg_uid"] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ":ALG-DURATION", {"alg_uid": alg_uid, "task": task} ) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item["timestamp"])) x = [] t = [] enqueued = [] admin = [] dbOverhead = [] dbGet = [] dbSet = [] compute = [] max_y_value = 0.0 min_y_value = float("inf") k = 0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k += 1 x.append(k) t.append(str(item.get("timestamp", ""))) _alg_duration = item.get("duration", 0.0) _alg_duration_dbGet = item.get("duration_dbGet", 0.0) _alg_duration_dbSet = item.get("duration_dbSet", 0.0) _duration_enqueued = item.get("duration_enqueued", 0.0) _app_duration = item.get("app_duration", 0.0) if (_app_duration + _duration_enqueued) > max_y_value: max_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued if (_app_duration + _duration_enqueued) < min_y_value: min_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued enqueued.append(_duration_enqueued) admin.append(_app_duration - _alg_duration) dbSet.append(_alg_duration_dbSet) dbGet.append(_alg_duration_dbGet) compute.append(_alg_duration - _alg_duration_dbSet - _alg_duration_dbGet) list_of_dicts = [] duration_dict = {} duration_dict["legend_label"] = "compute" duration_dict["y"] = compute list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict["legend_label"] = "db:get" duration_dict["y"] = dbGet list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict["legend_label"] = "db:set" duration_dict["y"] = dbSet list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict["legend_label"] = "admin" duration_dict["y"] = admin list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict["legend_label"] = "enqueued" duration_dict["y"] = enqueued list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict["x"] = x return_dict["t"] = t return_dict["data"] = list_of_dicts return_dict["plot_type"] = "stacked_area_plot" return_dict["x_label"] = "API Call" try: return_dict["x_min"] = min(x) return_dict["x_max"] = max(x) return_dict["y_min"] = min_y_value return_dict["y_max"] = max_y_value except: return_dict["x_min"] = 0.0 return_dict["x_max"] = 0.0 return_dict["y_min"] = 0.0 return_dict["y_max"] = 0.0 return_dict["y_label"] = "Duration (s)" return return_dict
def compute_duration_detailed_stacked_area_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid,task,alg_label,detailedDB=False): """ Description: Returns stacked area plot for a particular algorithm and task where the durations are broken down into compute,db_set,db_get (for cpu, database_set, database_get) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','reportAnswer','predict'} (string) alg_label : must be a valid alg_label contained in alg_list list of dicts Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'stacked_area_plot' (string) x_label : 'API Call' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : length of datastream (string) y_label : 'Duration (s)' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved sum of all layers (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 x_max (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : area_label in {'compute','db_set','db_get'} """ alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') for algorithm in alg_list: if algorithm['alg_label'] == alg_label: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-DURATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid,'task':task}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] t = [] enqueued = [] admin = [] dbOverhead = [] dbGet = [] dbSet = [] compute = [] max_y_value = 0. min_y_value = float('inf') k = 0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k += 1 x.append(k) t.append(str(item.get('timestamp',''))) _alg_duration = item.get('duration',0.) _alg_duration_dbGet = item.get('duration_dbGet',0.) _alg_duration_dbSet = item.get('duration_dbSet',0.) _duration_enqueued = item.get('duration_enqueued',0.) _app_duration = item.get('app_duration',0.) if (_app_duration+_duration_enqueued) > max_y_value: max_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued if (_app_duration+_duration_enqueued) < min_y_value: min_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued enqueued.append(_duration_enqueued) admin.append(_app_duration-_alg_duration) dbSet.append(_alg_duration_dbSet) dbGet.append(_alg_duration_dbGet) compute.append( _alg_duration - _alg_duration_dbSet - _alg_duration_dbGet ) list_of_dicts = [] duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'compute' duration_dict['y'] = compute list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'db:get' duration_dict['y'] = dbGet list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'db:set' duration_dict['y'] = dbSet list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'admin' duration_dict['y'] = admin list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'enqueued' duration_dict['y'] = enqueued list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['x'] = x return_dict['t'] = t return_dict['data'] = list_of_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'stacked_area_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'API Call' try: return_dict['x_min'] = min(x) return_dict['x_max'] = max(x) return_dict['y_min'] = min_y_value return_dict['y_max'] = max_y_value except: return_dict['x_min'] = 0. return_dict['x_max'] = 0. return_dict['y_min'] = 0. return_dict['y_max'] = 0. return_dict['y_label'] = 'Duration (s)' return return_dict
def compute_duration_multiline_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid,task): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the durations to complete the task (wrt to the api call) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-DURATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid,'task':task}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] t = [] k=0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k+=1 x.append(k) y.append( item.get('app_duration',0.) + item.get('duration_enqueued',0.) ) t.append(str(item['timestamp'])[:-3]) x = numpy.array(x) y = numpy.array(y) t = numpy.array(t) num_items = len(list_of_log_dict) multiplier = min(num_items,MAX_SAMPLES_PER_PLOT) incr_inds = [ k*num_items/multiplier for k in range(multiplier)] max_inds = list(numpy.argsort(-y)[0:multiplier]) final_inds = sorted(set(incr_inds + max_inds)) x = list(x[final_inds]) y = list(y[final_inds]) t = list(t[final_inds]) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y alg_dict['t'] = t try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_min = min(y_min,min(y)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['data'] = list_of_alg_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'multi_line_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'API Call' return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_label'] = 'Duration (s)' return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'],alg_dict['y'],label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('API Call') ax.set_ylabel('Duration (s)') ax.set_xlim([x_min,x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min,y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title(task, size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2,ncol=3,mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) return plot_dict
def compute_duration_detailed_stacked_area_plot(self, app_id, exp_uid, task, alg_label, detailedDB=False): """ Description: Returns stacked area plot for a particular algorithm and task where the durations are broken down into compute,db_set,db_get (for cpu, database_set, database_get) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} (string) alg_label : must be a valid alg_label contained in alg_list list of dicts Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'stacked_area_plot' (string) x_label : 'API Call' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : length of datastream (string) y_label : 'Duration (s)' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved sum of all layers (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 x_max (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : area_label in {'compute','db_set','db_get'} """ alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'alg_list') for algorithm in alg_list: if algorithm['alg_label'] == alg_label: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ':ALG-DURATION', { 'alg_uid': alg_uid, 'task': task }) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) x = [] t = [] enqueued = [] admin = [] dbOverhead = [] dbGet = [] dbSet = [] compute = [] max_y_value = 0. min_y_value = float('inf') k = 0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k += 1 x.append(k) t.append(str(item.get('timestamp', ''))) _alg_duration = item.get('duration', 0.) _alg_duration_dbGet = item.get('duration_dbGet', 0.) _alg_duration_dbSet = item.get('duration_dbSet', 0.) _duration_enqueued = item.get('duration_enqueued', 0.) _app_duration = item.get('app_duration', 0.) if (_app_duration + _duration_enqueued) > max_y_value: max_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued if (_app_duration + _duration_enqueued) < min_y_value: min_y_value = _app_duration + _duration_enqueued enqueued.append(_duration_enqueued) admin.append(_app_duration - _alg_duration) dbSet.append(_alg_duration_dbSet) dbGet.append(_alg_duration_dbGet) compute.append(_alg_duration - _alg_duration_dbSet - _alg_duration_dbGet) list_of_dicts = [] duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'compute' duration_dict['y'] = compute list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'db:get' duration_dict['y'] = dbGet list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'db:set' duration_dict['y'] = dbSet list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'admin' duration_dict['y'] = admin list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) duration_dict = {} duration_dict['legend_label'] = 'enqueued' duration_dict['y'] = enqueued list_of_dicts.append(duration_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['x'] = x return_dict['t'] = t return_dict['data'] = list_of_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'stacked_area_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'API Call' try: return_dict['x_min'] = min(x) return_dict['x_max'] = max(x) return_dict['y_min'] = min_y_value return_dict['y_max'] = max_y_value except: return_dict['x_min'] = 0. return_dict['x_max'] = 0. return_dict['y_min'] = 0. return_dict['y_max'] = 0. return_dict['y_label'] = 'Duration (s)' return return_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self, app, butler): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ # get list of algorithms associated with project args = butler.experiment.get(key='args') test_alg_label = args['alg_list'][0]['test_alg_label'] test_S = butler.queries.get(pattern={ 'exp_uid': app.exp_uid, 'alg_label': test_alg_label }) x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in args['alg_list']: alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = butler.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app.app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', { 'exp_uid': app.exp_uid, 'alg_label': alg_label }) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] Xd = item['X'] err = 0.5 if len(test_S) > 0: # compute error rate number_correct = 0. for query in test_S: if 'q' in query: i, j, k = query['q'] score =[j], Xd[j]) - 2 * Xd[j], Xd[k]) + 2 * Xd[i], Xd[k]) -[i], Xd[i]) if score > 0: number_correct += 1.0 accuracy = number_correct / len(test_S) err = 1.0 - accuracy x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) alg_dict = {'legend_label': alg_label, 'x': x, 'y': y} try: x_min = min(x_min, min(x)) x_max = max(x_max, max(x)) y_min = min(y_min, min(y)) y_max = max(y_max, max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'], alg_dict['y'], label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered triplets') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Triplet Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2, ncol=3, mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) plt.close() return plot_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): mpld3 plot object """ # get list of algorithms associated with project alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-EVALUATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] err = item['error'] x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_min = min(y_min,min(y)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'],alg_dict['y'],label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered triplets') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min,x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min,y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Triplet Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2,ncol=3,mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) return plot_dict
def compute_duration_multiline_plot(self, app_id, exp_uid, task): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the durations to complete the task (wrt to the api call) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'multi_line_plot' (string) x_label : 'API Call' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : maximum number of reported answers for any algorithm (string) y_label : 'Duration (s)' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved by any algorithm (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 to maximum number of elements in y (or t) (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : alg_label """ alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ':ALG-DURATION', { 'alg_uid': alg_uid, 'task': task }) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) x = [] y = [] t = [] k = 0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k += 1 x.append(k) y.append( item.get('app_duration', 0.) + item.get('duration_enqueued', 0.)) t.append(str(item['timestamp'])[:-3]) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y alg_dict['t'] = t try: x_min = min(x_min, min(x)) x_max = max(x_max, max(x)) y_min = min(y_min, min(y)) y_max = max(y_max, max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['data'] = list_of_alg_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'multi_line_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'API Call' return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_label'] = 'Duration (s)' return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max return return_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self, app, butler): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ # get list of algorithms associated with project args = butler.experiment.get(key='args') test_alg_label = args['alg_list'][0]['test_alg_label'] test_S = butler.queries.get(pattern={'exp_uid':app.exp_uid, 'alg_label':test_alg_label}) x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in args['alg_list']: alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = butler.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app.app_id+':ALG-EVALUATION',{'exp_uid':app.exp_uid, 'alg_label':alg_label}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] Xd = item['X'] err = 0.5 if len(test_S)>0: # compute error rate number_correct = 0. for query in test_S: if 'q' in query: i, j, k = query['q'] score =[j],Xd[j]) -2*[j],Xd[k]) + 2*[i],Xd[k]) -[i],Xd[i]) if score > 0: number_correct += 1.0 accuracy = number_correct/len(test_S) err = 1.0-accuracy x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) alg_dict = {'legend_label':alg_label, 'x':x,'y':y} try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_min = min(y_min,min(y)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'],alg_dict['y'],label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered triplets') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min,x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min,y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Triplet Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2,ncol=3,mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) plt.close() return plot_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'multi_line_plot' (string) x_label : 'Number of answered triplets' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : maximum number of reported answers for any algorithm (string) y_label : 'Error on hold-out set' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved by any algorithm (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 to maximum number of elements in y (or t) (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : alg_label """ # get list of algorithms associated with project alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-EVALUATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] t = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: x.append(item['num_reported_answers']) _y = float(item['error']) y.append(_y) t.append(str(item['timestamp'])[:-3]) if _y >0.: y_min = min(y_min,_y) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y alg_dict['t'] = t try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['data'] = list_of_alg_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'multi_line_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'Number of answered triplets' return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_label'] = 'Error on hold-out set' return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max return return_dict
def most_current_embedding(self,app_id,exp_uid,alg_label): """ Description: Returns embedding in the form of a list of dictionaries, which is conveneint for downstream applications Expected input: (string) alg_label : must be a valid alg_label contained in alg_list list of dicts Expected output (in dict): plot_type : 'scatter2d_noaxis' (float) x_min : minimum x-value to display in viewing box (float) x_max : maximum x-value to display in viewing box (float) y_min : minimum y-value to display in viewing box (float) y_max : maximum y-value to display in viewing box (list of dicts with fields) data : (int) index : index of target (float) x : x-value of target (float) y : y-value of target """ alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') for algorithm in alg_list: if algorithm['alg_label'] == alg_label: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-EVALUATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) item = list_of_log_dict[-1] embedding = item['X2'] data = [] x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') for idx,target in enumerate(embedding): target_dict = {} target_dict['index'] = idx target_dict['x'] = target[0] target_dict['y'] = target[1] x_min = min(x_min,target[0]) x_max = max(x_max,target[0]) y_min = min(y_min,target[1]) y_max = max(y_max,target[1]) data.append(target_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max return_dict['data'] = data return_dict['plot_type'] = 'scatter2d_noaxis' return return_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self,app, butler): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ args = butler.experiment.get(key='args') alg_list = args['alg_list'] test_alg_label = alg_list[0]['test_alg_label'] test_queries, didSucceed, message = butler.db.get_docs_with_filter(app.app_id+':queries',{'exp_uid':app.exp_uid, 'alg_label':test_alg_label}) test_S = [(query['target_index'], query['target_label']) for query in test_queries if 'target_index' in query.keys()] targets = butler.targets.get_targetset(app.exp_uid) targets = sorted(targets,key=lambda x: x['target_id']) target_features = [] for target_index in range(len(targets)): target_vec = targets[target_index]['meta']['features'] target_vec.append(1.) target_features.append(target_vec) x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app.app_id+':ALG-EVALUATION',{'exp_uid':app.exp_uid, 'alg_label':alg_label}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] weights = item['weights'] err = 0. for q in test_S: estimated_label = numpy.sign( numpy.array(target_features[q[0]]), numpy.array(weights) )) err += estimated_label*q[1]<0. #do the labels agree or not m = float(len(test_S)) err = err/m x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) x = numpy.argsort(x) x = [x[i] for i in x] y = [y[i] for i in x] alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_min = min(y_min,min(y)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'],alg_dict['y'],label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered queries') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min,x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min,y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2,ncol=3,mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) plt.close() return plot_dict
def compute_duration_multiline_plot(self, app_id, exp_uid, task): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the durations to complete the task (wrt to the api call) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','processAnswer','predict'} Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'multi_line_plot' (string) x_label : 'API Call' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : maximum number of reported answers for any algorithm (string) y_label : 'Duration (s)' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved by any algorithm (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 to maximum number of elements in y (or t) (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : alg_label """ alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ":experiments", exp_uid, "alg_list") x_min = numpy.float("inf") x_max = -numpy.float("inf") y_min = numpy.float("inf") y_max = -numpy.float("inf") list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm["alg_id"] alg_uid = algorithm["alg_uid"] alg_label = algorithm["alg_label"] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ":ALG-DURATION", {"alg_uid": alg_uid, "task": task} ) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item["timestamp"])) x = [] y = [] t = [] k = 0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k += 1 x.append(k) y.append(item.get("app_duration", 0.0) + item.get("duration_enqueued", 0.0)) t.append(str(item["timestamp"])[:-3]) alg_dict = {} alg_dict["legend_label"] = alg_label alg_dict["x"] = x alg_dict["y"] = y alg_dict["t"] = t try: x_min = min(x_min, min(x)) x_max = max(x_max, max(x)) y_min = min(y_min, min(y)) y_max = max(y_max, max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict["data"] = list_of_alg_dicts return_dict["plot_type"] = "multi_line_plot" return_dict["x_label"] = "API Call" return_dict["x_min"] = x_min return_dict["x_max"] = x_max return_dict["y_label"] = "Duration (s)" return_dict["y_min"] = y_min return_dict["y_max"] = y_max return return_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self, app, butler): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ args = butler.experiment.get(key='args') alg_list = args['alg_list'] test_alg_label = alg_list[0]['test_alg_label'] test_queries, didSucceed, message = butler.db.get_docs_with_filter( app.app_id + ':queries', { 'exp_uid': app.exp_uid, 'alg_label': test_alg_label }) test_S = [(query['target_index'], query['target_label']) for query in test_queries if 'target_index' in query.keys()] targets = butler.targets.get_targetset(app.exp_uid) targets = sorted(targets, key=lambda x: x['target_id']) target_features = [] for target_index in range(len(targets)): target_vec = targets[target_index]['meta']['features'] target_vec.append(1.) target_features.append(target_vec) x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app.app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', { 'exp_uid': app.exp_uid, 'alg_label': alg_label }) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] weights = item['weights'] err = 0. for q in test_S: estimated_label = numpy.sign([q[0]]), numpy.array(weights))) err += estimated_label * q[ 1] < 0. #do the labels agree or not m = float(len(test_S)) err = err / m x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) x = numpy.argsort(x) x = [x[i] for i in x] y = [y[i] for i in x] alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y try: x_min = min(x_min, min(x)) x_max = max(x_max, max(x)) y_min = min(y_min, min(y)) y_max = max(y_max, max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'], alg_dict['y'], label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered queries') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2, ncol=3, mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) plt.close() return plot_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): (dict) MPLD3 plot dictionary """ # get list of algorithms associated with project alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') for algorithm in alg_list: test_alg_label = algorithm['test_alg_label'] predict_id = 'get_queries' params = {'alg_label':test_alg_label} predict_args_dict = {'predict_id':predict_id,'params':params} predict_args_json = json.dumps(predict_args_dict) next_app = utils.get_app(app_id) args_out_json,didSucceed,message = next_app.predict(exp_uid, predict_args_json, self.db, self.ell) predict_args_dict = json.loads(args_out_json) test_S = predict_args_dict['args']['queries'] x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-EVALUATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] Xd = item['Xd'] err = 0.5 if len(test_S)>0: # compute error rate number_correct = 0. for q in test_S: i,j,k = q score =[j],Xd[j]) -2*[j],Xd[k]) + 2*[i],Xd[k]) -[i],Xd[i]) if score > 0: number_correct += 1.0 accuracy = number_correct/len(test_S) err = 1.0-accuracy x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_min = min(y_min,min(y)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'],alg_dict['y'],label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered triplets') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min,x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min,y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Triplet Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2,ncol=3,mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) return plot_dict
def test_error_multiline_plot(self, app_id, exp_uid): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the error on the validation set with respect to number of reported answers Expected input: None Expected output (in dict): mpld3 plot object """ # get list of algorithms associated with project alg_list, didSucceed, message = self.db.get(app_id + ':experiments', exp_uid, 'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict, didSucceed, message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter( app_id + ':ALG-EVALUATION', {'alg_uid': alg_uid}) list_of_log_dict = sorted( list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp'])) x = [] y = [] for item in list_of_log_dict: num_reported_answers = item['num_reported_answers'] err = item['error'] x.append(num_reported_answers) y.append(err) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y try: x_min = min(x_min, min(x)) x_max = max(x_max, max(x)) y_min = min(y_min, min(y)) y_max = max(y_max, max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import mpld3 fig, ax = plt.subplots(subplot_kw=dict(axisbg='#EEEEEE')) for alg_dict in list_of_alg_dicts: ax.plot(alg_dict['x'], alg_dict['y'], label=alg_dict['legend_label']) ax.set_xlabel('Number of answered triplets') ax.set_ylabel('Error on hold-out set') ax.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) ax.set_ylim([y_min, y_max]) ax.grid(color='white', linestyle='solid') ax.set_title('Triplet Test Error', size=14) legend = ax.legend(loc=2, ncol=3, mode="expand") for label in legend.get_texts(): label.set_fontsize('small') plot_dict = mpld3.fig_to_dict(fig) return plot_dict
def compute_duration_multiline_plot(self,app_id,exp_uid,task): """ Description: Returns multiline plot where there is a one-to-one mapping lines to algorithms and each line indicates the durations to complete the task (wrt to the api call) Expected input: (string) task : must be in {'getQuery','reportAnswer','predict'} Expected output (in dict): plot_type 'multi_line_plot' (string) x_label : 'API Call' (float) x_min : 1 (float) x_max : maximum number of reported answers for any algorithm (string) y_label : 'Duration (s)' (float) y_min : 0. (float) y_max : maximum duration value achieved by any algorithm (list of dicts with fields) data : (list of strings) t : list of timestamp strings (list of floats) x : integers ranging from 1 to maximum number of elements in y (or t) (list of floats) y : list of durations (string) legend_label : alg_label """ alg_list,didSucceed,message = self.db.get(app_id+':experiments',exp_uid,'alg_list') x_min = numpy.float('inf') x_max = -numpy.float('inf') y_min = numpy.float('inf') y_max = -numpy.float('inf') list_of_alg_dicts = [] for algorithm in alg_list: alg_id = algorithm['alg_id'] alg_uid = algorithm['alg_uid'] alg_label = algorithm['alg_label'] list_of_log_dict,didSucceed,message = self.ell.get_logs_with_filter(app_id+':ALG-DURATION',{'alg_uid':alg_uid,'task':task}) list_of_log_dict = sorted(list_of_log_dict, key=lambda item: utils.str2datetime(item['timestamp']) ) x = [] y = [] t = [] k=0 for item in list_of_log_dict: k+=1 x.append(k) y.append( item.get('app_duration',0.) + item.get('duration_enqueued',0.) ) t.append(str(item['timestamp'])[:-3]) alg_dict = {} alg_dict['legend_label'] = alg_label alg_dict['x'] = x alg_dict['y'] = y alg_dict['t'] = t try: x_min = min(x_min,min(x)) x_max = max(x_max,max(x)) y_min = min(y_min,min(y)) y_max = max(y_max,max(y)) except: pass list_of_alg_dicts.append(alg_dict) return_dict = {} return_dict['data'] = list_of_alg_dicts return_dict['plot_type'] = 'multi_line_plot' return_dict['x_label'] = 'API Call' return_dict['x_min'] = x_min return_dict['x_max'] = x_max return_dict['y_label'] = 'Duration (s)' return_dict['y_min'] = y_min return_dict['y_max'] = y_max return return_dict