コード例 #1
ファイル: script.py プロジェクト: isabella232/nextgisweb
def cmd_compile(args):
    def _compile_file(path, component, locale):
        with io.open(str(path), 'r') as po:
            catalog = read_po(po, locale=locale, domain=component)

        logger.info("Compiling component [%s] locale [%s] (%d messages)...",
                    component, locale, len(catalog))

        with io.open(str(path.with_suffix('.mo')), 'wb') as mo:
            write_mo(mo, catalog)

        with io.open(str(path.with_suffix('.jed')), 'w') as jed:
            write_jed(jed, catalog)

    components = list(load_components(args))
    modern_file_layout = list()

    for comp_id, comd_mod in components:
        locale_path = Path(import_module(comd_mod).__path__[0]) / 'locale'
        if not locale_path.is_dir() or len(list(
                locale_path.glob('*.po'))) == 0:

        for po_path in locale_path.glob('*.po'):
            locale = po_path.with_suffix('').name
            _compile_file(po_path, comp_id, locale)

    locpath = resource_filename(args.package, 'locale')
    pofiles = []
    for root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(locpath):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.po'):
            pofiles.append(os.path.join(root, filename)[len(locpath) + 1:])

    comp_ids = [cid for cid, _ in components]

    for pofile in pofiles:
        locale = pofile.split(os.sep, 1)[0]
        component = os.path.split(pofile)[1][:-3]

        if component not in comp_ids:

        if component in modern_file_layout:
                "Component [%s] was already compliled from new style "
                "locale file layout! Skipping it.", component)

        _compile_file(Path(os.path.join(locpath, pofile)), component, locale)
コード例 #2
ファイル: script.py プロジェクト: isabella232/nextgisweb
def cmd_update(args):
    def _update_file(po_path, pot_path, component, locale):
        logger.info("Updating component [%s] locale [%s]...", component,

        with io.open(str(po_path), 'r') as po_fd, io.open(str(pot_path),
                                                          'r') as pot_fd:
            po = read_po(po_fd, locale=locale)
            pot = read_po(pot_fd)

        po.update(pot, True)

        with io.open(str(po_path), 'wb') as fd:
            write_po(fd, po)

    components = list(load_components(args))
    modern_file_layout = list()

    for comp_id, comp_mod in components:
        locale_path = Path(import_module(comp_mod).__path__[0]) / 'locale'
        if not locale_path.is_dir() or len(list(
                locale_path.glob('*.po'))) == 0:

        pot_path = locale_path / '.pot'
        if not pot_path.is_file():
            logger.error("POT-file for component [%s] not found in [%s]",
                         comp_id, str(pot_path))

        for po_path in locale_path.glob('*.po'):
            locale = po_path.with_suffix('').name
            _update_file(po_path, pot_path, comp_id, locale)

    root = resource_filename(args.package, 'locale')
    pofiles = []
    for dirname, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(root):
        for filename in fnmatch.filter(filenames, '*.po'):
            relative = os.path.relpath(os.path.join(dirname, filename), root)

    comp_ids = [cid for cid, _ in components]

    for pofile in pofiles:
        locale = pofile.split(os.sep)[0]
        component = os.path.split(pofile)[1].split('.', 1)[0]

        if component not in comp_ids:

        if component in modern_file_layout:
                "Component [%s] was already updated from new style "
                "locale file layout! Skipping it.", component)

        logger.info("Updating component '%s' locale '%s'...", component,
                    locale)  # NOQA

        with open(os.path.join(root, pofile), 'r') as fd:
            catalog = read_po(fd, locale=locale, charset='utf-8')

        potfile = os.path.join(root, '%s.pot' % component)
        if not os.path.isfile(potfile):
            logger.warn("Template for %s:%s doesn't exists! Skipping.", locale,
                        component)  # NOQA

        with codecs.open(potfile, 'r', 'utf-8') as fd:
            template = read_po(fd)

        catalog.update(template, True)

        with open(os.path.join(root, pofile), 'wb') as fd:
            write_po(fd, catalog)