コード例 #1
ファイル: surprisal-2gram.py プロジェクト: piantado/ngrampy
from ngrampy.LineFile import *
import os
import argparse
import glob

ASSERT_SORTED = True # if you want an extra check on sorting

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute average surprisal from google style data')
parser.add_argument('--in', dest='in', type=str, default="/home/piantado/Desktop/mit/Corpora/GoogleNGrams/2/*", nargs="?", help='The directory with google files (e.g. Google/3gms/)')
parser.add_argument('--path', dest='path', type=str, default="/tmp/GoogleSurprisal", nargs="?", help='Where the database file lives')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())	

print "# Loading files"
G = LineFile( glob.glob(args['in']), header=["w1", "w2", "cnt12"], path=args['path']) 
print "# Cleaning"

# Since we collapsed case, go through and re-sum the triple counts
print "# Resumming for case collapsing"
G.sort(keys="w1 w2") 
G.resum_equal("w1 w2", "cnt12", assert_sorted=ASSERT_SORTED ) # in collapsing case, etc., we need to re-sum

# Now go through and
print "# Making marginal counts"
G.make_marginal_column("cnt1", "w1", "cnt12") 

# and compute surprisal
print "# Sorting by word"

print "# Computing surprisal"
コード例 #2
from ngrampy.LineFile import *
import os
GOOGLE_ENGLISH_DIR = "/home/piantado/Desktop/mit/Corpora/GoogleNGrams/3/"
VOCAB_FILE = "Vocabulary/EnglishVocabulary.txt"

# Read the vocabulary file
vocabulary = [l.strip() for l in open(VOCAB_FILE, "r")]

#rawG = LineFile(["test3.txt"], header=["w1", "w2", "w3", "cnt123"]) # for debugging
rawG = LineFile(
    [GOOGLE_ENGLISH_DIR + x for x in os.listdir(GOOGLE_ENGLISH_DIR)],
    header=["w1", "w2", "w3", "cnt123"])

rawG.clean()  # already done!
    "w1 w2 w3", vocabulary)  # in fields w1 and w2, restrict our vocabulary
    keys="w1 w2 w3"
)  # Since we collapsed case, etc. This could also be rawG.sort(keys=["w1","w2","w3"]) in the other format.
rawG.resum_equal("w1 w2 w3", "cnt123")

# Where we store all lines
G = rawG.copy()

# Now go through and compute what we want
G1 = rawG.copy()  # start with a copy
G1.delete_columns("w2 w3")  # delete the columns we don't want
G1.sort("w1")  # sort this by the one we do want
G1.resum_equal("w1", "cnt123")  # resum equal
                 "cnt1")  # rename the column since its now a sum of 1
コード例 #3
from ngrampy.LineFile import *
import os
GOOGLE_ENGLISH_DIR = "/home/piantado/Desktop/mit/Corpora/GoogleNGrams/3/"
VOCAB_FILE = "Vocabulary/EnglishVocabulary.txt"

# Read the vocabulary file
vocabulary = [ l.strip() for l in open(VOCAB_FILE, "r") ]

#rawG = LineFile(["test3.txt"], header=["w1", "w2", "w3", "cnt123"]) # for debugging
rawG = LineFile([GOOGLE_ENGLISH_DIR+x for x in os.listdir(GOOGLE_ENGLISH_DIR)], header=["w1", "w2", "w3", "cnt123"]) 

rawG.clean() # already done!
rawG.restrict_vocabulary("w1 w2 w3", vocabulary) # in fields w1 and w2, restrict our vocabulary
rawG.sort(keys="w1 w2 w3") # Since we collapsed case, etc. This could also be rawG.sort(keys=["w1","w2","w3"]) in the other format.
rawG.resum_equal("w1 w2 w3", "cnt123" )

# Where we store all lines
G = rawG.copy()

# Now go through and compute what we want
G1 = rawG.copy() # start with a copy
G1.delete_columns( "w2 w3" ) # delete the columns we don't want
G1.sort("w1" ) # sort this by the one we do want 
G1.resum_equal( "w1", "cnt123" ) # resum equal
G1.rename_column("cnt123", "cnt1") # rename the column since its now a sum of 1
G.sort("w1") # sort our target by w
G.merge(G1, keys1="w1", tocopy="cnt1") # merge in
G1.delete() # and delete this temporary

G2 = rawG.copy()
コード例 #4
ファイル: surprisal-2gram.py プロジェクト: Akibalogh/ngrampy
from ngrampy.LineFile import *
import os
import argparse
import glob

ASSERT_SORTED = True # if you want an extra check on sorting

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Compute average surprisal from google style data')
parser.add_argument('--in', dest='in', type=str, default="/home/piantado/Desktop/mit/Corpora/GoogleNGrams/3/*", nargs="?", help='The directory with google files (e.g. Google/3gms/')
parser.add_argument('--path', dest='path', type=str, default="/tmp/GoogleSurprisal", nargs="?", help='Where the database file lives')
args = vars(parser.parse_args())	

print "# Loading files"
G = LineFile( glob.glob(args['in']), header=["w1", "w2", "cnt12"], path=args['path']) 
print "# Cleaning"

# Since we collapsed case, go through and re-sum the triple counts
print "# Resumming for case collapsing"
G.sort(keys="w1 w2") 
G.resum_equal("w1 w2", "cnt12", assert_sorted=ASSERT_SORTED ) # in collapsing case, etc., we need to re-sum

# Now go through and 
Gcontext = G.copy()
#print "# Sorting by context"
#Gcontext.sort("w1 w2") # sort this by the one we do want 
print "# Computing context sum"
Gcontext.resum_equal( "w1", "cnt12", assert_sorted=ASSERT_SORTED ) # resum equal
Gcontext.rename_column("cnt12", "cnt1") # rename the column since its now a sum of 1
print "# Sorting by context"
Gcontext.sort("w1") # sort our target by w