def random_command(chat, message, args): random_nhid = randint(1, Nhentai().latest_id()) try: if Nhentai().book_info(random_nhid)["title"]: chat.send("" + str(random_nhid)) except KeyError: chat.send("Sorry, the ID I just generated doesn't exist: it may have been deleted.\nPlease try again.")
def info_command(chat, message, args): if not args: chat.send("Command usage: `/info <ID>`") else: try: if Nhentai().book_info(int(args[0]))["title"]: dictx = Nhentai().book_info(int(args[0])) chat.send_photo( url=Nhentai().book_cover(int(args[0])), caption="*Short title*: " + str(dictx["title"]["pretty"]) + "\n*English title*: " + str(Nhentai().book_title(int(args[0]))) + "\n*Japanese title*: " + str(Nhentai().book_title_jp(int(args[0]))) + "\n*Author(s)*: " + str(Nhentai().book_artists( int(args[0]), return_string=True)) + "\n*Language*: " + str(Nhentai().book_language(int(args[0]), return_string=True)) + "\n*Pages*: " + str(Nhentai().book_pagenum(int(args[0]))) + "\n\n*Tags*: " + str(Nhentai().book_tags( int(args[0]), return_string=True)) + "\n\n*F*****g jerk off to it here*:" + str(int(args[0])), syntax="markdown") if (int(args[0]) == 177013): chat.send( "God damn it, I can't believe you're really doing this." ) except KeyError: chat.send("404 Not Found") except ValueError: chat.send("Invalid data")
def search_command(chat, message, args): if not args: chat.send("Command usage: `/search <ID>`") else: try: if Nhentai().book_info(int(args[0]))["title"]: chat.send("" + str(args[0])) except KeyError: chat.send("404 Not Found") except ValueError: chat.send("Invalid data")
def search_command(chat, message, args): if not args: chat.send("Command usage: `/search <ID>`") else: try: if Nhentai().book_info(int(args[0]))["title"]: chat.send("" + str(args[0])) if (int(args[0]) == 177013): chat.send( "God damn it, I can't believe you're really doing this." ) except KeyError: chat.send("404 Not Found") except ValueError: chat.send("Invalid data")
def latest_command(chat, message, args): chat.send("" + str(Nhentai().latest_id()))