コード例 #1
ファイル: He5_test.py プロジェクト: jonla/NHQM

# Parameters
l = 1
j = 1.5
x_peak = 0.17
y_peak = -0.07
basis_state_count = 30
k_max = 30

problem = Helium5()
quantum_numbers = QuantumNumbers(l, j)

# Bases and contours
mom_contour = gauss_contour([0, k_max], basis_state_count)
berg_contour = triangle_contour(x_peak, y_peak, k_max, basis_state_count, 5)
mom = MomentumBasis(mom_contour)
berg = MomentumBasis(berg_contour)
bas = [mom, berg]

#  Solve, print and plot for each basis
r = sp.linspace(0, 30, 100)
for basis in bas:
    states = solve(problem, quantum_numbers, basis)
    ground_state = states[0]
    print basis.name
    print "Ground state energy", ground_state.energy, problem.energy_units
    plt.plot(r, absq(ground_state.wavefunction(r) * r), label=basis.name)
# plot(ground_state.wavefunction) #pseudo-code
コード例 #2
from nhqm.helpers.timing import progress

# This example plots the resonance pole as the potential well
# gets more and more shallow. The pole is first a bound state on
# the imaginary axis, then gets less bound and finally moves into the 
# fourth quadrant and becomes a resonance.

# Setup - try experimenting with the numbers!

quantum_numbers = QuantumNumbers(l=1, j=1.5)
basis_state_count = 20
triangle_state_count = 16
peak_x = 0.17
peak_y = -0.07
k_max = 2.5
contour = triangle_contour(peak_x, peak_y, k_max, triangle_state_count, 
                           basis_state_count - triangle_state_count)
momentum_basis = MomentumBasis(contour)

# Parameters for the potential strength variation

start_V0 = -55 #MeV
end_V0   = -47 #Mev
steps = 20
V0s = sp.linspace(start_V0, end_V0, steps)
ks = sp.empty(steps, complex)

def positive_if_imaginary(k):
    Hack to fix rounding errors that make bound states appear
    on the negative imaginary axis.