コード例 #1
ファイル: nipub.py プロジェクト: skunkwerks/netinf
def py_nipub():
    @brief Command line program to perform a NetInf 'publish' operation using http
    @brief convergence layer.
    Uses NIproc global instance of NI operations class

    >  nipub.py --help

    to see usage and options.

    Exit code is 0 for success, 1 if HTTP returned something except 200,
    and negative for local errors.
    # Options parsing and verification stuff
    usage = "%%prog %s\n       %%prog %s\n%s\n       %%prog %s\n       %%prog %s\n%s\n%s" % \
            ("[-q] [-e] [-j|-v|-w|-p] -f <pathname of content file> -d <digest alg> [-l <FQDN - locator>]{1,2}",
             "[-q] [-e] [-j|-v|-w|-p] [-f <pathname of content file>] -n <ni name> [-l <FQDN - locator>]{0,2}",
             "          -- publish file via NI URI over HTTP",
             "[-q] [-e] [-j|-v|-w|-p] -u <HTTP URI of content file> -d <digest alg> [-l <FQDN - locator>]{1,2}",
             "[-q] [-e] [-j|-v|-w|-p] [-u <HTTP URI of content file>] -n <ni name> [-l <FQDN - locator>]{0,2}",
             "          -- publish web content via NI URI over HTTP",
             "Send response as HTML document (-w), plain text (-p), or JSON (-v or -j)\n"
             "Unless -q is specified, the response is sent to standard output.\n"
             "For a JSON response, it can either be output as a 'raw' JSON string (-j) or pretty printed (-v).\n"
             "If none of  -j, -v, -w or -p are specified, a raw JSON response will be requested.")
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file_name",
                      help="Pathname for local file to be published.")
    parser.add_option("-u", "--uri", dest="http_name",
                      help="HTTP URL for content to be published.")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--digest", dest="hash_alg",
                      help="Digest algorithm to be used to hash content "
                           "and create NI URI. Defaults to sha-256.")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="ni_name",
                      help="Complete ni name. If specified with a file or "
                           "HTTP URL, the digest generated from the content "
                           "will be checked against th digest in the name.")
    parser.add_option("-e", "--ext", dest="ext",
                      help="A JSON encoded object to be sent as the 'ext' "
                           "parameter for the Publish message.")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--loc", dest="locs", action="append",
                      help="An FQDN where NI might be retrieved. Maybe be "
                           "zero to two if -n is present and has a non-empty netloc. "
                           "Otherwise must be one or two. HTTP is sent to first "
                           "loc if no authority in -n.")
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="quiet",
                      help="Suppress textual output")
    parser.add_option("-j", "--json", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="json_raw",
                      help="Request response as JSON string and output raw JSON "
                           "string returned on stdout.")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--view", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="json_pretty",
                      help="Request response as JSON string and pretty print "
                           "JSON string returned on stdout.")
    parser.add_option("-w", "--web", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="html",
                      help="Request response as HTML document and output HTML "
                           "returned on stdout.")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--plain", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="plain",
                      help="Request response as plain text document and output text "
                           "returned on stdout.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # Check command line options:
    # Arguments -q, -e, -w, -p, -j and -v are optional; there must be one of a -n with an authority in it or at least one -l.
    # Either -d or -n must be specified.
    # If -d is specified, there must be either a -f or a -u but not both at once.
    # If -n is specified, one of -f or -u may be specified. No leftover arguments allowed.
    # Specifying more than one of -w, -p, -j and -v is inappropriate.
    if len(args) != 0:
        parser.error("Unrecognized arguments %s supplied." % str(args))
    if ((options.locs is not None) and (len(options.locs) > 2)):
        parser.error("Initial version only supports two locators (-l/--loc).")
    if ((options.ni_name == None) and (options.locs == None)):
        parser.error("Must specify a locator (-l/--loc) or a name (-n/--name) with a netloc component to define where to send the request.")
    if ((options.hash_alg != None) and (options.ni_name != None)):
        parser.error("Cannot specify both digest algorithm to be used (-d) and complete ni name with algorithm and digest (-n).")
    if ((options.hash_alg == None) and (options.ni_name == None)):
        parser.error("Must specify either digest algorithm to be used (-d) or complete ni name with algorithm and digest (-n).")
    if ((((options.ni_name == None) and (options.file_name == None) and (options.http_name == None))) or
        ((options.file_name != None) and (options.http_name != None))):
        parser.error("Exactly one of -f/--file and -u/--uri must be specified with -d and optionally with -n.")
    fc = 0
    for flag in [options.json_raw, options.json_pretty, options.html, options.plain]:
        if flag:
            fc += 1
    if fc > 1:
        parser.error("Should specify at most one response type argument out of -j, -v, -w and -p.")

    file_name = None
    # **** -u is not implemented yet
    if options.http_name != None:
        target = options.http_name
        print "Web name as source(-u/--uri option) not yet implemented. Exiting"

    if options.file_name != None:
        target = options.file_name
        file_name = options.file_name
        full_put = True
        target = None
        full_put = False
    debug("full_put: %s" %full_put)

    verbose = not options.quiet

    #  If we have a full ni name (-n option) given..
    if options.ni_name is not None:
        # Check the validity of the ni name
            ni_name = NIname(options.ni_name)
        except Exception, e:
            if verbose:
                print("Error: value of -n/--name option '%s' is not a valid ni name" % options.ni_name)
        rv = ni_name.validate_ni_url()
        if rv != ni_errs.niSUCCESS:
            if verbose:
                print("Error: value of -n/--name option '%s' is not a valid ni name" % options.ni_name)

        # Extract the scheme and hash algorithm from the name
        scheme = ni_name.get_scheme()
        hash_alg = ni_name.get_alg_name()

        # If the ni name has a netloc in it then that is where to send; if not must have a loc
        nl = ni_name.get_netloc()
        if ((nl == "") and (options.locs == None)):
            print("Error: name (-n/--name) mist have a netloc if no locator options given,")
        if nl != "":
            destination = nl
            authority = nl
            destination = options.locs[0]
            authority = ""
コード例 #2
ファイル: nipubalt.py プロジェクト: skunkwerks/netinf
def py_nipubalt():
    @brief Command line program to perform a NetInf 'publish' operation using http
    @brief convergence layer.
    Uses NIproc global instance of NI operations class

    >  nipubalt.py --help

    to see usage and options.

    Exit code is 0 for success, 1 if HTTP returned something except 200,
    and negative for local errors.
    # Options parsing and verification stuff
    usage = "%%prog %s\n       %%prog %s\n%s\n%s" % \
            ("[-q] [-e] [-j|-v|-w|-p] -f <pathname of content file> -d <digest alg> [-l <FQDN - locator>]{1,2}",
             "[-q] [-e] [-j|-v|-w|-p] [-f <pathname of content file>] -n <ni name> [-l <FQDN - locator>]{0,2}",
             "          -- publish file via NI URI over HTTP and/or DTN",
             "At least one locator must be given either as part of the -n option or via a -l option.\n"
             "Locators given with -l options can optionally be prefixed with the HTTP scheme (http://) or \n"
             "the DTN scheme (dtn://).  If a -l option is given, this is used to determine the initial\n"
             "publication destination and the convergence layer used will be HTPP unless the -l option\n"
             "explicitly gives the DTN scheme prefix.  If there are no -l options but the -n option has\n"
             "a netloc compnent (FQDN or IP address with optional port) the this will be used with the\n"
             "HTTP convergence layer\n"
             "The response will be sent as HTML document (-w), plain text (-p), or JSON (-v or -j)\n"
             "Unless -q is specified, the response is sent to standard output.\n"
             "For a JSON response, it can either be output as a 'raw' JSON string (-j) or pretty printed (-v).\n"
             "If none of  -j, -v, -w or -p are specified, a raw JSON response will be requested.")
    parser = OptionParser(usage)
    parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="file_name",
                      help="Pathname for local file to be published.")
    parser.add_option("-d", "--digest", dest="hash_alg",
                      help="Digest algorithm to be used to hash content "
                           "and create NI URI. Defaults to sha-256.")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--name", dest="ni_name",
                      help="Complete ni name. If specified with a file or "
                           "HTTP URL, the digest generated from the content "
                           "will be checked against th digest in the name.")
    parser.add_option("-e", "--ext", dest="ext",
                      help="A JSON encoded object to be sent as the 'ext' "
                           "parameter for the Publish message.")
    parser.add_option("-l", "--loc", dest="locs", action="append",
                      help="A locator where NI might be retrieved. Maybe be "
                           "zero to two if -n is present and has a non-empty netloc. "
                           "Otherwise must be one or two. HTTP or DTN is sent to first "
                           "loc if present. Otherwise sent to netloc (authority) in -n."
                           "NOTE: this precedence differs from earlier versions of nipub.")
    parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="quiet",
                      help="Suppress textual output")
    parser.add_option("-j", "--json", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="json_raw",
                      help="Request response as JSON string and output raw JSON "
                           "string returned on stdout.")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--view", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="json_pretty",
                      help="Request response as JSON string and pretty print "
                           "JSON string returned on stdout.")
    parser.add_option("-w", "--web", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="html",
                      help="Request response as HTML document and output HTML "
                           "returned on stdout.")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--plain", default=False,
                      action="store_true", dest="plain",
                      help="Request response as plain text document and output text "
                           "returned on stdout.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # Check command line options:
    # Arguments -q, -e, -w, -p, -j and -v are optional; there must be one of a -n with an authority in it or at least one -l.
    # If -n option is specified then there must not be a -d.
    # If -d is specified, there must be a -f.
    # If -n is specified, -f may be specified - otherwise only metadata is published. No leftover arguments allowed.
    # Specifying more than one of -w, -p, -j and -v is inappropriate.
    if len(args) != 0:
        parser.error("Unrecognized arguments %s supplied." % str(args))
    if ((options.locs is not None) and (len(options.locs) > 2)):
        parser.error("Initial version only supports two locators (-l/--loc).")
    if ((options.ni_name == None) and (options.locs == None)):
        parser.error("Must specify a locator (-l/--loc) or a name (-n/--name) with a netloc component to define where to send the request.")
    if ((options.hash_alg != None) and (options.ni_name != None)):
        parser.error("Cannot specify both digest algorithm to be used (-d) and complete ni name with algorithm and digest (-n).")
    fc = 0
    for flag in [options.json_raw, options.json_pretty, options.html, options.plain]:
        if flag:
            fc += 1
    if fc > 1:
        parser.error("Should specify at most one response type argument out of -j, -v, -w and -p.")

    file_name = None
    if options.file_name != None:
        file_name = os.path.abspath(options.file_name)
        # Check the file is readable
        if not os.access(file_name, os.R_OK):
            if verbose:
                print("File to be published %s is not readable" % file_name)
        full_put = True
        full_put = False
    debug("full_put: %s" %full_put)

    verbose = not options.quiet

    if ((options.locs is not None) and (len(options.locs) > 2)):
        if verbose:
            print "Warning: only first two -l/--loc locators will be published"

    #  If we have a full ni name (-n option) given..
    if options.ni_name is not None:
        # Check the validity of the ni name
            ni_name = NIname(options.ni_name)
        except Exception, e:
            if verbose:
                print("Error: value of -n/--name option '%s' is not a valid ni name" %
        rv = ni_name.validate_ni_url()
        if rv != ni_errs.niSUCCESS:
            if verbose:
                print("Error: value of -n/--name option '%s' is not a valid ni name" %

        # Extract the scheme and hash algorithm from the name
        scheme = ni_name.get_scheme()
        hash_alg = ni_name.get_alg_name()

        # If there is a -l option, that is where the request is sent.
        nl = ni_name.get_netloc()
        if ((options.locs is None) and (nl == "")) :
            print("Error: name (-n/--name) must have a netloc if no locator options given,")
        # NOTE: The following logic ie reversed from earlier versions so that 
        # can force use of DTN convergence layer with a -l option.
        if nl == "":
            # Already checked this exists
            destination = options.locs[0]
            destination = nl
        authority = nl