コード例 #1
def euler2mat(z=0, y=0, x=0):
    """Return matrix for intrinsic rotations around z, y, x
    z : float
    y : float
    x : float
    M the intrinsic rotation matrix

    >>> zrot = 1.3  # radians
    >>> yrot = -0.1
    >>> xrot = 0.2
    >>> M = euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    >>> M1 = euler2mat(z=1.3)
    >>> M2 = euler2mat(y=-0.1)
    >>> M3 = euler2mat(x=0.2)
    >>> composed_M = dot(M3, dot(M2, M1))
    >>> allclose(M, composed_M)

    return np.dot(ea.euler2mat(z=z),
                  np.dot(ea.euler2mat(y=y), ea.euler2mat(x=x)))
コード例 #2
def test_affines_save(image_orientation):
    """Check implementation of exporting affines to formats."""
    # Generate test transform
    img = loadimg(SOMEONES_ANATOMY)
    imgaff = img.affine

    if image_orientation == 'LAS':
        newaff = imgaff.copy()
        newaff[0, 0] *= -1.0
        newaff[0, 3] = imgaff.dot(np.hstack(
            (np.array(img.shape[:3]) - 1, 1.0)))[0]
        img = Nifti1Image(np.flip(img.get_fdata(), 0), newaff, img.header)
    elif image_orientation == 'LPS':
        newaff = imgaff.copy()
        newaff[0, 0] *= -1.0
        newaff[1, 1] *= -1.0
               3] = imgaff.dot(np.hstack(
                   (np.array(img.shape[:3]) - 1, 1.0)))[:2]
        img = Nifti1Image(np.flip(np.flip(img.get_fdata(), 0), 1), newaff,
    elif image_orientation == 'oblique':
        A = shape_zoom_affine(img.shape, img.header.get_zooms(), x_flip=False)
        R = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.09, y=0.001, z=0.001))
        newaff = R.dot(A)
        img = Nifti1Image(img.get_fdata(), newaff, img.header)
        img.header.set_qform(newaff, 1)
        img.header.set_sform(newaff, 1)

    T = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), [4.0, 2.0, -1.0])

    xfm = nbl.Affine(T)
    xfm.reference = img

    itk = nbl.load(os.path.join(data_path,
                                'affine-%s-itk.tfm' % image_orientation),
    fsl = np.loadtxt(
        os.path.join(data_path, 'affine-%s.fsl' % image_orientation))
    afni = np.loadtxt(
        os.path.join(data_path, 'affine-%s.afni' % image_orientation))

    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        xfm.to_filename('M.tfm', fmt='itk')
        xfm.to_filename('M.fsl', fmt='fsl')
        xfm.to_filename('M.afni', fmt='afni')

        nb_itk = nbl.load('M.tfm', fmt='itk')
        nb_fsl = np.loadtxt('M.fsl')
        nb_afni = np.loadtxt('M.afni')

    assert_equal(itk, nb_itk)
    assert_almost_equal(fsl, nb_fsl)
    assert_almost_equal(afni, nb_afni)

# Create version not aligned to canonical
コード例 #3
ファイル: twists.py プロジェクト: Jason-Hayes/surgical
def twist_around_axis(thread, angle1, angle2, axis):
    xyz = thread.getXYZ()
    cons = thread.getConstraints()
    mat1 = euler2mat(*cons[3:6])
    mat2 = euler2mat(*cons[9:12])
    tmat1 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle1, axis))
    tmat2 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle2, axis))
    newmat1 = dot(tmat1, mat1)
    newmat2 = dot(tmat2, mat2)
    neweul1 = mat2euler(newmat1)
    neweul2 = mat2euler(newmat2)

    cons[3:6] = neweul1
    cons[9:12] = neweul2
コード例 #4
ファイル: twists.py プロジェクト: joschu/surgical
def twist_around_axis(thread,angle1,angle2,axis):
    xyz = thread.getXYZ()
    cons = thread.getConstraints()    
    mat1 = euler2mat(*cons[3:6])
    mat2 = euler2mat(*cons[9:12])
    tmat1 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle1,axis))
    tmat2 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle2,axis))    
    newmat1 = dot(tmat1,mat1)
    newmat2 = dot(tmat2,mat2)
    neweul1 = mat2euler(newmat1)
    neweul2 = mat2euler(newmat2)

    cons[3:6] = neweul1
    cons[9:12] = neweul2
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_processing.py プロジェクト: arokem/nibabel
def test_against_spm_resample():
    # Test resampling against images resampled with SPM12
    # anatomical.nii has a diagonal -2, 2 2 affine;
    # functional.nii has a diagonal -4, 4 4 affine;
    # These are a bit boring, so first add some rotations and translations to
    # the anatomical image affine, and then resample to the first volume in the
    # functional, and compare to the same thing in SPM.
    # See ``make_moved_anat.py`` script in this directory for input to SPM.
    anat = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'anatomical.nii'))
    func = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'functional.nii'))
    some_rotations = euler2mat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
    extra_affine = from_matvec(some_rotations, [3, 4, 5])
    moved_anat = nib.Nifti1Image(anat.get_data().astype(float),
    one_func = nib.Nifti1Image(func.dataobj[..., 0],
    moved2func = resample_from_to(moved_anat, one_func, order=1, cval=np.nan)
    spm_moved = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'resampled_anat_moved.nii'))
    assert_spm_resampling_close(moved_anat, moved2func, spm_moved)
    # Next we resample the rotated anatomical image to output space, and compare
    # to the same operation done with SPM (our own version of 'reorient.m' by
    # John Ashburner).
    moved2output = resample_to_output(moved_anat, 4, order=1, cval=np.nan)
    spm2output = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'reoriented_anat_moved.nii'))
    assert_spm_resampling_close(moved_anat, moved2output, spm2output);
コード例 #6
def test_against_spm_resample():
    # Test resampling against images resampled with SPM12
    # anatomical.nii has a diagonal -2, 2 2 affine;
    # functional.nii has a diagonal -4, 4 4 affine;
    # These are a bit boring, so first add some rotations and translations to
    # the anatomical image affine, and then resample to the first volume in the
    # functional, and compare to the same thing in SPM.
    # See ``make_moved_anat.py`` script in this directory for input to SPM.
    anat = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'anatomical.nii'))
    func = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'functional.nii'))
    some_rotations = euler2mat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
    extra_affine = from_matvec(some_rotations, [3, 4, 5])
    moved_anat = nib.Nifti1Image(anat.get_fdata(),
    one_func = nib.Nifti1Image(func.dataobj[..., 0],
    moved2func = resample_from_to(moved_anat, one_func, order=1, cval=np.nan)
    spm_moved = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'resampled_anat_moved.nii'))
    assert_spm_resampling_close(moved_anat, moved2func, spm_moved)
    # Next we resample the rotated anatomical image to output space, and compare
    # to the same operation done with SPM (our own version of 'reorient.m' by
    # John Ashburner).
    moved2output = resample_to_output(moved_anat, 4, order=1, cval=np.nan)
    spm2output = nib.load(pjoin(DATA_DIR, 'reoriented_anat_moved.nii'))
    assert_spm_resampling_close(moved_anat, moved2output, spm2output);
コード例 #7
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: InatiLab/jem
def rotate_hessian_3d(dxx, dxy, dxz, dyy, dyz, dzz, z, y=0.0, x=0.0):
    """Rotate a 3d hessian or band pass hessian.

    Hp = R' * H * R
    R = euler2mat(z)

    H = np.zeros([3, 3, dxx.size], dtype=dxx.dtype)
    H[0, 0, :] = dxx.ravel()
    H[0, 1, :] = dxy.ravel()
    H[0, 2, :] = dxz.ravel()
    H[1, 1, :] = dyy.ravel()
    H[1, 2, :] = dyz.ravel()
    H[2, 2, :] = dzz.ravel()
    H[1, 0, :] = H[0, 1, :]
    H[2, 0, :] = H[0, 2, :]
    H[2, 1, :] = H[1, 2, :]

    #     Hp = np.zeros(H.shape, dtype=H.dtype)
    #     for n in range(H.shape[2]):
    #         Hp[:,:,n] = R.transpose() @ H[:,:,n] @ R
    Hp = np.dot(np.dot(R.transpose(), H).transpose(2, 0, 1), R).transpose(1, 2, 0)

    dxxp = Hp[0, 0, :].reshape(dxx.shape)
    dxyp = Hp[0, 1, :].reshape(dxy.shape)
    dxzp = Hp[0, 2, :].reshape(dxz.shape)
    dyyp = Hp[1, 1, :].reshape(dyy.shape)
    dyzp = Hp[1, 2, :].reshape(dyz.shape)
    dzzp = Hp[2, 2, :].reshape(dzz.shape)

    return dxxp, dxyp, dxzp, dyyp, dyzp, dzzp
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_io.py プロジェクト: azitennis50/nitransforms
def test_LinearList_common(tmpdir, data_path, sw, image_orientation,

    angles = np.random.uniform(low=-3.14, high=3.14, size=(5, 3))
    translation = np.random.uniform(low=-5., high=5., size=(5, 3))
    mats = [from_matvec(euler2mat(*a), t)
            for a, t in zip(angles, translation)]

    ext = ''
    if sw == 'afni':
        factory = afni.AFNILinearTransformArray
    elif sw == 'fsl':
        factory = fsl.FSLLinearTransformArray
    elif sw == 'itk':
        ext = '.tfm'
        factory = itk.ITKLinearTransformArray

    tflist1 = factory(mats)

    fname = 'affine-%s.%s%s' % (image_orientation, sw, ext)

    with pytest.raises(FileNotFoundError):

    tmpdir.join('singlemat.%s' % ext).write('')
    with pytest.raises(TransformFileError):
        factory.from_filename('singlemat.%s' % ext)

    tflist2 = factory.from_filename(fname)

    assert tflist1['nxforms'] == tflist2['nxforms']
    assert all([np.allclose(x1['parameters'], x2['parameters'])
                for x1, x2 in zip(tflist1.xforms, tflist2.xforms)])
コード例 #9
ファイル: test_io.py プロジェクト: azitennis50/nitransforms
def test_ITKLinearTransform(tmpdir, data_path):

    matlabfile = data_path / 'ds-005_sub-01_from-T1_to-OASIS_affine.mat'
    mat = loadmat(str(matlabfile))
    with open(str(matlabfile), 'rb') as f:
        itkxfm = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_fileobj(f)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm['parameters'][:3, :3].flatten(),
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm['offset'], mat['fixed'].reshape((3, )))

    itkxfm = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_filename(matlabfile)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm['parameters'][:3, :3].flatten(),
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm['offset'], mat['fixed'].reshape((3, )))

    # Test to_filename(textfiles)
    with open('textfile.tfm', 'r') as f:
        itkxfm2 = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_fileobj(f)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm['parameters'], itkxfm2['parameters'])

    # Test to_filename(matlab)
    with open('copy.mat', 'rb') as f:
        itkxfm3 = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_fileobj(f)
    assert np.all(itkxfm['parameters'] == itkxfm3['parameters'])

    rasmat = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), [4.0, 2.0, -1.0])
    itkxfm = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_ras(rasmat)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm['parameters'], ITK_MAT * rasmat)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm.to_ras(), rasmat)
コード例 #10
def par2referenceFSL (par_file, session, par_cycle):
    rigids_euler = np.array(pd.read_csv(par_file, header=None, delimiter='\s+'))
    number_of_cycles = rigids_euler.shape[0]
    rigids = np.empty((number_of_cycles, 4, 4))
    for i in range(number_of_cycles):
        mat = euler2mat(
            -rigids_euler[i,0], # gieren / yaw   / z
            -rigids_euler[i,1], # rollen / roll  / y
            rigids_euler[i,2]) # nicken / pitch / x
        vec = rigids_euler[i,3:]
        rigids[i] = from_matvec(
            vector=np.array((-vec[1], vec[0], -vec[2])))
    reference_maps = ReferenceMaps(session.name)
    reference_maps.temporal_resolution = session.temporal_resolution
    reference_maps.slice_timing = session.slice_timing
    reference_maps.shape = (session.numob, session.shape[session.ep])

    # The realignment parameters (Euler angles and transformations)
    # saved by McFLIRT are given with respect to the centre of mass of
    # the reference scan cycle (Why do you have to make *everything* so
    # complicated, FSL?!). We need to apply a translation from the
    # centre of mass of the reference cycle to the coordinate system of
    # the session.

    n,x,y,z = session.data.shape
    indices = ((slice(0,x), slice(0,y), slice(0,z)))
    lattice = session.reference.apply_to_indices(indices)
    lattice = np.moveaxis(lattice, -1 ,0)
    com = (session.raw[par_cycle] * lattice).sum(axis=(1,2,3)) / session.raw[par_cycle].sum()

    translation_from_com = Affine(from_matvec(np.eye(3), -com))
    return reference_maps
コード例 #11
ファイル: twists.py プロジェクト: Jason-Hayes/surgical
def twist_ctrl(thread, angle1, angle2):
    xyz = thread.getXYZ()
    axis1 = xyz[:, 1] - xyz[:, 0]
    axis2 = xyz[:, -1] - xyz[:, -2]
    cons = thread.getConstraints()
    mat1 = euler2mat(*cons[3:6])
    mat2 = euler2mat(*cons[9:12])
    tmat1 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle1, axis1))
    tmat2 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle2, axis2))
    newmat1 = dot(tmat1, mat1)
    newmat2 = dot(tmat2, mat2)
    neweul1 = mat2euler(newmat1)
    neweul2 = mat2euler(newmat2)

    #print "orig",cons[blah]
    cons[3:6] = neweul1
    cons[9:12] = neweul2
コード例 #12
ファイル: twists.py プロジェクト: joschu/surgical
def twist_ctrl(thread,angle1,angle2):
    xyz = thread.getXYZ()
    axis1 = xyz[:,1] - xyz[:,0]
    axis2 = xyz[:,-1] - xyz[:,-2]
    cons = thread.getConstraints()
    mat1 = euler2mat(*cons[3:6])
    mat2 = euler2mat(*cons[9:12])
    tmat1 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle1,axis1))
    tmat2 = euler2mat(*angle_axis2euler(angle2,axis2))
    newmat1 = dot(tmat1,mat1)
    newmat2 = dot(tmat2,mat2)
    neweul1 = mat2euler(newmat1)
    neweul2 = mat2euler(newmat2)

    #print "orig",cons[blah]
    cons[3:6] = neweul1
    cons[9:12] = neweul2
コード例 #13
ファイル: simplectrl.py プロジェクト: joschu/surgical
def transformEuler(eul1,rot_type,rot):
    mat1 = euler2mat(*eul1)

    if rot_type == "angle_axis":
        ang1,ax1 = rot
        tmat1 = angle_axis2mat(ax1,ang1)
    elif rot_type == "mat":
        tmat1 = rot
    elif rot_type == "euler":
        eul1 = rot
        tmat1 = euler2mat(*eul1)
    elif rot_type == "towards":
        targ_vec1,ang1 = rot
        cur_vec1 = euler2mat(*eul1)[:,0]
        ax_rot1 = cross(cur_vec1,targ_vec1)
        tmat1 = angle_axis2mat(ang1,ax_rot1)
    else: raise Exception("rotation type %s not understood"%rot_type)
    mat1new = dot(tmat1,mat1)
    return mat2euler(mat1new)
コード例 #14
ファイル: test_scripting.py プロジェクト: Raniac/NEURO-LEARN
def test_aff2euler():
    xr = 0.1
    yr = -1.3
    zr = 3.1
    scales = (2.1, 3.2, 4.4)
    R = np.dot(euler.euler2mat(xr, yr, zr), np.diag(scales))
    aff = np.eye(4)
    aff[:3, :3] = R
    aff[:3, 3] = [11, 12, 13]
    npt.assert_almost_equal(reg.aff2euler(aff), (xr, yr, zr))
コード例 #15
ファイル: test_scripting.py プロジェクト: Zebulias/nipy
def test_aff2euler():
    xr = 0.1
    yr = -1.3
    zr = 3.1
    scales = (2.1, 3.2, 4.4)
    R = euler.euler2mat(xr, yr, zr).dot(np.diag(scales))
    aff = np.eye(4)
    aff[:3, :3] = R
    aff[:3, 3] = [11, 12, 13]
    npt.assert_almost_equal(reg.aff2euler(aff), (xr, yr, zr))
コード例 #16
ファイル: test_affines.py プロジェクト: mgxd/nitransforms
def test_obliquity():
    """Check the calculation of inclination of an affine axes."""
    from math import pi
    aligned = np.diag([2.0, 2.0, 2.3, 1.0])
    aligned[:-1, -1] = [-10, -10, -7]
    R = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.09, y=0.001, z=0.001), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    oblique = R.dot(aligned)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(obliquity(aligned), [0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(obliquity(oblique) * 180 / pi,
                                   [0.0810285, 5.1569949, 5.1569376])
コード例 #17
def transformEuler(eul1, rot_type, rot):
    mat1 = euler2mat(*eul1)

    if rot_type == "angle_axis":
        ang1, ax1 = rot
        tmat1 = angle_axis2mat(ax1, ang1)
    elif rot_type == "mat":
        tmat1 = rot
    elif rot_type == "euler":
        eul1 = rot
        tmat1 = euler2mat(*eul1)
    elif rot_type == "towards":
        targ_vec1, ang1 = rot
        cur_vec1 = euler2mat(*eul1)[:, 0]
        ax_rot1 = cross(cur_vec1, targ_vec1)
        tmat1 = angle_axis2mat(ang1, ax_rot1)
        raise Exception("rotation type %s not understood" % rot_type)
    mat1new = dot(tmat1, mat1)
    return mat2euler(mat1new)
コード例 #18
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: InatiLab/jem
def rotate_gradient_2d(gx, gy, z=0.0):
    """Rotate a 2d gradient or band pass gradient.

    gp = R * g
    R = euler2mat(z=z)[:2, :2]
    g = np.zeros([2, gx.size], dtype=gx.dtype)
    g[0, :] = gx.ravel()
    g[1, :] = gy.ravel()
    gp = R @ g
    gxp = gp[0].reshape(gx.shape)
    gyp = gp[1].reshape(gy.shape)
    return gxp, gyp
コード例 #19
    def _transform_inplace(self,
        name1 = os.path.basename(self.object1.folder)
        name2 = os.path.basename(self.object2.folder)

        rx1, ry1, rz1, rx2, ry2, rz2 = np.deg2rad(
            [rx1, ry1, rz1, rx2, ry2, rz2])

        t1 = np.eye(4)
        t2 = np.eye(4)
        t1[:3, 3] = tx1, ty1, tz1
        t1[:3, :3] = eulerangles.euler2mat(rz1, ry1, rx1)
        t2[:3, 3] = tx2, ty2, tz2
        t2[:3, :3] = eulerangles.euler2mat(rz2, ry2, rx2)

        json_dict = dict(json_template)

        json_dict['levels'][0]['nodes'][0]['modelId'] = name1
        json_dict['levels'][0]['nodes'][1]['modelId'] = name2
        json_dict['levels'][0]['nodes'][0]['transform'] = list(t1.flatten('F'))
        json_dict['levels'][0]['nodes'][1]['transform'] = list(t2.flatten('F'))

        path = os.path.join(self.folder, 'house.json')
        with open(path, 'w') as f:
            json.dump(json_dict, f)
        return path
コード例 #20
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: InatiLab/jem
def rotate_gradient_3d(gx, gy, gz, z=0.0, y=0.0, x=0.0):
    """Rotate a 3d gradient or band pass gradient.

    gp = R * g
    R = euler2mat(z=z, y=y, x=x)
    g = np.zeros([3, gx.size], dtype=gx.dtype)
    g[0, :] = gx.ravel()
    g[1, :] = gy.ravel()
    g[2, :] = gz.ravel()
    gp = R @ g
    gxp = gp[0].reshape(gx.shape)
    gyp = gp[1].reshape(gy.shape)
    gzp = gp[2].reshape(gz.shape)
    return gxp, gyp, gzp
コード例 #21
def test_get_direction_and_spacings():
    xrot = 0.5
    yrot = 0.75
    zrot = 1.0
    direction_gt = eulerangles.euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    spacings_gt = np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
    scaling_gt = np.diag(spacings_gt)
    translation_gt = np.array([1, 2, 3])

    affine = np.eye(4)
    affine[:3, :3] = direction_gt.dot(scaling_gt)
    affine[:3, 3] = translation_gt

    direction, spacings = imwarp.get_direction_and_spacings(affine, 3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(direction, direction_gt)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spacings, spacings_gt)
コード例 #22
ファイル: test_imwarp.py プロジェクト: JohnGriffiths/dipy
def test_get_direction_and_spacings():
    xrot = 0.5
    yrot = 0.75
    zrot = 1.0
    direction_gt = eulerangles.euler2mat(zrot, yrot, xrot)
    spacings_gt = np.array([1.1, 1.2, 1.3])
    scaling_gt = np.diag(spacings_gt)
    translation_gt = np.array([1,2,3])

    affine = np.eye(4)
    affine[:3, :3] = direction_gt.dot(scaling_gt)
    affine[:3, 3] = translation_gt

    direction, spacings = imwarp.get_direction_and_spacings(affine, 3)
    assert_array_almost_equal(direction, direction_gt)
    assert_array_almost_equal(spacings, spacings_gt)
コード例 #23
ファイル: test_linear.py プロジェクト: vinferrer/nitransforms
def test_apply_linear_transform(tmpdir, get_testdata, image_orientation,
    """Check implementation of exporting affines to formats."""

    img = get_testdata[image_orientation]
    # Generate test transform
    T = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), [4.0, 2.0, -1.0])
    xfm = nitl.Affine(T)
    xfm.reference = img

    ext = ""
    if sw_tool == "itk":
        ext = ".tfm"
    elif sw_tool == "fs":
        ext = ".lta"

    xfm_fname = "M.%s%s" % (sw_tool, ext)
    xfm.to_filename(xfm_fname, fmt=sw_tool)

    cmd = APPLY_LINEAR_CMD[sw_tool](

    # skip test if command is not available on host
    exe = cmd.split(" ", 1)[0]
    if not shutil.which(exe):
        pytest.skip("Command {} not found on host".format(exe))

    exit_code = check_call([cmd], shell=True)
    assert exit_code == 0
    sw_moved = nb.load("resampled.nii.gz")

    nt_moved = xfm.apply(img, order=0)
    diff = sw_moved.get_fdata() - nt_moved.get_fdata()
    # A certain tolerance is necessary because of resampling at borders
    assert (np.abs(diff) > 1e-3).sum() / diff.size < TESTS_BORDER_TOLERANCE

    nt_moved = xfm.apply("img.nii.gz", order=0)
    diff = sw_moved.get_fdata() - nt_moved.get_fdata()
    # A certain tolerance is necessary because of resampling at borders
    assert (np.abs(diff) > 1e-3).sum() / diff.size < TESTS_BORDER_TOLERANCE
コード例 #24
ファイル: test_io.py プロジェクト: azitennis50/nitransforms
def test_Linear_common(tmpdir, data_path, sw, image_orientation,

    moving = get_testdata[image_orientation]
    reference = get_testdata[image_orientation]

    ext = ''
    if sw == 'afni':
        factory = afni.AFNILinearTransform
    elif sw == 'fsl':
        factory = fsl.FSLLinearTransform
    elif sw == 'itk':
        reference = None
        moving = None
        ext = '.tfm'
        factory = itk.ITKLinearTransform
    elif sw == 'fs':
        ext = '.lta'
        factory = fs.LinearTransformArray

    with pytest.raises(TransformFileError):

    fname = 'affine-%s.%s%s' % (image_orientation, sw, ext)

    # Test the transform loaders are implemented
    xfm = factory.from_filename(data_path / fname)

    with open(str(data_path / fname)) as f:
        text = f.read()
        xfm = factory.from_fileobj(f)

    # Test to_string
    assert text == xfm.to_string()

    assert filecmp.cmp(fname, str((data_path / fname).resolve()))

    # Test from_ras
    RAS = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), [4.0, 2.0, -1.0])
    xfm = factory.from_ras(RAS, reference=reference, moving=moving)
    assert np.allclose(xfm.to_ras(reference=reference, moving=moving), RAS)
コード例 #25
ファイル: spm2rigids.py プロジェクト: fmristats/fmristats
def par2referenceSPM(par_file, session):
    rigids_euler = np.array(pd.read_csv(par_file, header=None,
    number_of_cycles = rigids_euler.shape[0]
    rigids = np.empty((number_of_cycles, 4, 4))
    for i in range(number_of_cycles):
        mat = euler2mat(
            -rigids_euler[i, 3],  # gieren / yaw   / z
            -rigids_euler[i, 4],  # rollen / roll  / y
            -rigids_euler[i, 5])  # nicken / pitch / x
        vec = rigids_euler[i, :3]
        rigids[i] = from_matvec(matrix=mat,
                                vector=np.array((-vec[1], -vec[0], -vec[2])))
    reference_maps = ReferenceMaps(session.name)
    reference_maps.temporal_resolution = session.temporal_resolution
    reference_maps.slice_timing = session.slice_timing
    reference_maps.shape = (session.numob, session.shape[session.ep])
    return reference_maps
コード例 #26
def test_linear_save(tmpdir, data_path, get_testdata, image_orientation,
    """Check implementation of exporting affines to formats."""
    img = get_testdata[image_orientation]
    # Generate test transform
    T = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), [4.0, 2.0, -1.0])
    xfm = ntl.Affine(T)
    xfm.reference = img

    ext = ''
    if sw_tool == 'itk':
        ext = '.tfm'
    elif sw_tool == 'fs':
        ext = '.lta'

    xfm_fname1 = 'M.%s%s' % (sw_tool, ext)
    xfm.to_filename(xfm_fname1, fmt=sw_tool)

    xfm_fname2 = str(
        data_path / 'affine-%s.%s%s') % (image_orientation, sw_tool, ext)
    assert_affines_by_filename(xfm_fname1, xfm_fname2)
コード例 #27
ファイル: filters.py プロジェクト: InatiLab/jem
def rotate_hessian_2d(dxx, dxy, dyy, z):
    """Rotate a 2d hessian or band pass hessian.

    Hp = R * H * R'
    R = euler2mat(z)[:2, :2]

    H = np.zeros([2, 2, dxx.size], dtype=dxx.dtype)
    H[0, 0, :] = dxx.ravel()
    H[0, 1, :] = dxy.ravel()
    H[1, 0, :] = H[0, 1, :]
    H[1, 1, :] = dyy.ravel()

    #     Hp = np.zeros(H.shape, dtype=H.dtype)
    #     for n in range(H.shape[2]):
    #         Hp[:,:,n] = R @ H[:,:,n] @ R.transpose()
    Hp = np.dot(np.dot(R, H).transpose(2, 0, 1), R.transpose()).transpose(1, 2, 0)

    dxxp = Hp[0, 0, :].reshape(dxx.shape)
    dxyp = Hp[0, 1, :].reshape(dxy.shape)
    dyyp = Hp[1, 1, :].reshape(dyy.shape)

    return dxxp, dxyp, dyyp
コード例 #28
def test_ITKLinearTransform(tmpdir, testdata_path):

    matlabfile = testdata_path / "ds-005_sub-01_from-T1_to-OASIS_affine.mat"
    mat = loadmat(str(matlabfile))
    with open(str(matlabfile), "rb") as f:
        itkxfm = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_fileobj(f)
    assert np.allclose(
        itkxfm["parameters"][:3, :3].flatten(),
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm["offset"], mat["fixed"].reshape((3, )))

    itkxfm = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_filename(matlabfile)
    assert np.allclose(
        itkxfm["parameters"][:3, :3].flatten(),
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm["offset"], mat["fixed"].reshape((3, )))

    # Test to_filename(textfiles)
    with open("textfile.tfm", "r") as f:
        itkxfm2 = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_fileobj(f)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm["parameters"], itkxfm2["parameters"])

    # Test to_filename(matlab)
    with open("copy.mat", "rb") as f:
        itkxfm3 = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_fileobj(f)
    assert np.all(itkxfm["parameters"] == itkxfm3["parameters"])

    rasmat = from_matvec(euler2mat(x=0.9, y=0.001, z=0.001), [4.0, 2.0, -1.0])
    itkxfm = itk.ITKLinearTransform.from_ras(rasmat)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm["parameters"], ITK_MAT * rasmat)
    assert np.allclose(itkxfm.to_ras(), rasmat)
コード例 #29
ファイル: make_moved_anat.py プロジェクト: Eric89GXL/nibabel
""" Make anatomical image with altered affine

* Add some rotations and translations to affine;
* Save as ``.nii`` file so SPM can read it.

See ``resample_using_spm.m`` for processing of this generated image by SPM.

import numpy as np

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.eulerangles import euler2mat
from nibabel.affines import from_matvec

img = nib.load('anatomical.nii')
some_rotations = euler2mat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
extra_affine = from_matvec(some_rotations, [3, 4, 5])
moved_anat = nib.Nifti1Image(img.dataobj,
nib.save(moved_anat, 'anat_moved.nii')
コード例 #30
angle = 0.3
rot_box = rotate_box(orth_epi_box, angle, orth_epi_box[0])
epi_center = np.mean(rot_box, axis=0)
anat_center = np.mean(anat_box, axis=0)
# y axis on the plot is first axis of image
sag_y, sag_x = sagittal.shape
iso_center = (np.array([sag_x, sag_y]) - 1) / 2.
sag_extents = [-iso_center[0], iso_center[0], -iso_center[1], iso_center[1]]

# Back to image coordinates
br_img = np.array([0, rot_box[0, 0], rot_box[0, 1]])
epi_trans = np.eye(4)
epi_trans[:3, 3] = -br_img
rot = np.eye(4)
rot[:3, :3] = euler.euler2mat(0, 0, -angle)
# downsample to make smaller output image
downsamp = 1/3
epi_scale = np.diag([downsamp, downsamp, downsamp, 1])
# template voxels to epi box image voxels
vox2epi_vox = epi_scale.dot(rot.dot(epi_trans))
# epi image voxels to mm
epi_vox2mm = t2_img.affine.dot(npl.inv(vox2epi_vox))
# downsampled image shape
epi_vox_shape = np.array([data.shape[0], epi_x_len, epi_y_len]) * downsamp
# Make sure dimensions are odd by rounding up or down
# This makes the voxel center an integer index, which is convenient
epi_vox_shape = [np.floor(d) if np.floor(d) % 2 else np.ceil(d)
                 for d in epi_vox_shape]
# resample, preserving affine
epi_cmap = nca.vox2mni(epi_vox2mm)
コード例 #31
ファイル: test_processing.py プロジェクト: arokem/nibabel
def test_resample_to_output():
    # Test routine to sample iamges to output space
    # Image aligned to output axes - no-op
    data = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
    img = Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4))
    # Check default resampling
    img2 = resample_to_output(img)
    assert_array_equal(img2.shape, (2, 3, 4))
    assert_array_equal(img2.affine, np.eye(4))
    assert_array_equal(img2.dataobj, data)
    # Check resampling with different voxel size specifications
    for vox_sizes in (None, 1, [1, 1, 1]):
        img2 = resample_to_output(img, vox_sizes)
        assert_array_equal(img2.shape, (2, 3, 4))
        assert_array_equal(img2.affine, np.eye(4))
        assert_array_equal(img2.dataobj, data)
    img2 = resample_to_output(img, vox_sizes)
    # Check 2D works
    img_2d = Nifti1Image(data[0], np.eye(4))
    for vox_sizes in (None, 1, (1, 1), (1, 1, 1)):
        img3 = resample_to_output(img_2d, vox_sizes)
        assert_array_equal(img3.shape, (3, 4, 1))
        assert_array_equal(img3.affine, np.eye(4))
        assert_array_equal(img3.dataobj, data[0][..., None])
    # Even 1D
    img_1d = Nifti1Image(data[0, 0], np.eye(4))
    img3 = resample_to_output(img_1d)
    assert_array_equal(img3.shape, (4, 1, 1))
    assert_array_equal(img3.affine, np.eye(4))
    assert_array_equal(img3.dataobj, data[0, 0][..., None, None])
    # But 4D does not
    img_4d = Nifti1Image(data.reshape(2, 3, 2, 2), np.eye(4))
    assert_raises(ValueError, resample_to_output, img_4d)
    # Run vox2vox_out tests, checking output shape, coordinate transform
    for in_shape, in_aff, vox, out_shape, out_aff in get_outspace_params():
        # Allow for expansion of image shape from < 3D
        in_n_dim = len(in_shape)
        if in_n_dim < 3:
            in_shape = in_shape + (1,) * (3 - in_n_dim)
            if not vox is None:
                vox = vox + (1,) * (3 - in_n_dim)
            assert len(out_shape) == in_n_dim
            out_shape = out_shape + (1,) * (3 - in_n_dim)
        img = Nifti1Image(np.ones(in_shape), in_aff)
        out_img = resample_to_output(img, vox)
        assert_all_in(in_shape, in_aff, out_img.shape, out_img.affine)
        assert_equal(out_img.shape, out_shape)
        assert_almost_equal(out_img.affine, out_aff)
    # Check data is as expected with some transforms
    # Flip first axis
    out_img = resample_to_output(Nifti1Image(data, np.diag([-1, 1, 1, 1])))
    assert_array_equal(out_img.dataobj, np.flipud(data))
    # Subsample voxels
    out_img = resample_to_output(Nifti1Image(data, np.diag([4, 5, 6, 1])))
    exp_out = spnd.affine_transform(data,
                                    [1/4, 1/5, 1/6],
                                    output_shape = (5, 11, 19))
    assert_array_equal(out_img.dataobj, exp_out)
    # Unsubsample with voxel sizes
    out_img = resample_to_output(Nifti1Image(data, np.diag([4, 5, 6, 1])),
                                 [4, 5, 6])
    assert_array_equal(out_img.dataobj, data)
    # A rotation to test nearest, order, cval
    rot_3 = from_matvec(euler2mat(np.pi / 4), [0, 0, 0])
    rot_3_img = Nifti1Image(data, rot_3)
    out_img = resample_to_output(rot_3_img)
    exp_shape = (4, 4, 4)
    assert_equal(out_img.shape, exp_shape)
    exp_aff = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -2 * np.cos(np.pi / 4)],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    assert_almost_equal(out_img.affine, exp_aff)
    rzs, trans = to_matvec(np.dot(npl.inv(rot_3), exp_aff))
    exp_out = spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape)
    assert_almost_equal(out_img.dataobj, exp_out)
    # Order
        resample_to_output(rot_3_img, order=0).dataobj,
        spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape, order=0))
    # Cval
        resample_to_output(rot_3_img, cval=99).dataobj,
        spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape, cval=99))
    # Mode
        resample_to_output(rot_3_img, mode='nearest').dataobj,
        spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape, mode='nearest'))
    # out_class
    img_ni1 = Nifti2Image(data, np.eye(4))
    img_ni2 = Nifti2Image(data, np.eye(4))
    # Default is Nifti1Image
    # Can be overriden
        resample_to_output(img_ni1, out_class=Nifti2Image).__class__,
    # None specifies out_class from input
        resample_to_output(img_ni2, out_class=None).__class__,
コード例 #32
def main():
    """ Main function """

    # List of classes
    classes = ['sky', 'building', 'ground', 'vegetation', 'clutter']

    # Load the weights
    weights_file = "features.npz"
    # weights_file = "weights_shape_33.npz"
    weights = np.load(weights_file)
    weights = weights['weights0/w1']
    # weights = weights.reshape(list(weights.shape[:-1]) +
    #                           [weights.shape[-1] // 3, 3])
    # weights = np.concatenate([weights[:, 0, :, :, :, 0][..., None],
    #                           weights[:, 0, :, :, :, 2][..., None]], axis=-1)
    # print(weights.shape)
    # weights = weights.reshape(list(weights.shape[:-2]) +
    #                           [weights.shape[-2] * 2])
    nclasses = weights.shape[-2]

    weights_tf = weight_variable_const("w", weights)

    # Sample a line along the unit circle
    nsamples = 36
    x_angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nsamples)
    z_angles = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, nsamples)

    # Create an image with line
    image = np.zeros([nsamples, 2, 2, 2], dtype=np.float32)

    # Save images
    img_fold = "Img_temp"
    if not os.path.exists(img_fold):

    # Save figures
    fig_fold = "Figures"
    if not os.path.exists(fig_fold):

    # Draw a line
    for samp_x in range(nsamples):
        normal = np.dot(eulerangles.euler2mat(0, 0, x_angles[samp_x]),
                        [0, 1, 0])

        # Create the image
        for i in [-1, 1]:
            for j in [-1, 1]:
                for k in [-1, 1]:
                    vox = np.array([i, j, k])

                    dist = np.dot(normal, vox) / linalg.norm(normal)
                    val = max(0, 1 - abs(dist))

                    print(i, j, k, dist)

                    if dist > 0:
                        image[samp_x, 0 if i == -1 else 1, 0 if j == -1 else 1,
                              0 if k == -1 else 1] = max(val, min(1, dist))
                        image[samp_x, 0 if i == -1 else 1, 0 if j == -1 else 1,
                              0 if k == -1 else 1] = val

        # io.imsave("img-{}.png".format(samp_x), (255 * image[samp_x,0]).astype(np.uint8))
        # io.imsave("img-1-{}.png".format(samp_x), (255 * image[samp_x,1]).astype(np.uint8))

        # return

    # Apply the convolution
    probs_tf = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32,
                              shape=[None, 2, 2, 2, nclasses])
    res_tf = conv3d(probs_tf, weights_tf)

    # Apply to many things
    for c in range(nclasses):

        if not os.path.exists('{}/{}'.format(fig_fold, classes[c])):
            os.mkdir('{}/{}'.format(fig_fold, classes[c]))

        print('{}/{}'.format(fig_fold, classes[c]))

        for d in range(nclasses):

            # Prepare the probabilites
            probs = np.zeros([nsamples, 2, 2, 2, nclasses], dtype=np.float32)
            if c == d:
                probs[:, :, :, :, c] = np.ones([nsamples, 2, 2, 2],
                probs[:, :, :, :, c] = image
                probs[:, :, :, :, d] = 1 - image

            with tf.Session() as sess:

                res = sess.run([res_tf], feed_dict={probs_tf: probs})

                res = res[0]
                res_x = np.abs(res[:, 0, 0, 0, :nclasses])
                res_y = np.abs(res[:, 0, 0, 0, nclasses:2 * nclasses])
                res_z = np.abs(res[:, 0, 0, 0, 2 * nclasses:])

                res_vis = res_x + res_y + res_z


            # Save results
            res_vis = np.sum(res_vis, axis=1)
            fig = plt.figure(1)
            ax = plt.subplot(111, projection='polar')
            ax.plot(x_angles, res_vis)


            plt.savefig('{}/{}/{}_to_{}.png'.format(fig_fold, classes[c],
                                                    classes[c], classes[d]))
コード例 #33
ファイル: twists.py プロジェクト: joschu/surgical
def applyRotEul(eul,ang,ax):
    return mat2euler(dot(angle_axis2mat(-ang,ax),euler2mat(*eul)))
コード例 #34
def test_resample_to_output():
    # Test routine to sample iamges to output space
    # Image aligned to output axes - no-op
    data = np.arange(24).reshape((2, 3, 4))
    img = Nifti1Image(data, np.eye(4))
    # Check default resampling
    img2 = resample_to_output(img)
    assert_array_equal(img2.shape, (2, 3, 4))
    assert_array_equal(img2.affine, np.eye(4))
    assert_array_equal(img2.dataobj, data)
    # Check resampling with different voxel size specifications
    for vox_sizes in (None, 1, [1, 1, 1]):
        img2 = resample_to_output(img, vox_sizes)
        assert_array_equal(img2.shape, (2, 3, 4))
        assert_array_equal(img2.affine, np.eye(4))
        assert_array_equal(img2.dataobj, data)
    img2 = resample_to_output(img, vox_sizes)
    # Check 2D works
    img_2d = Nifti1Image(data[0], np.eye(4))
    for vox_sizes in (None, 1, (1, 1), (1, 1, 1)):
        img3 = resample_to_output(img_2d, vox_sizes)
        assert_array_equal(img3.shape, (3, 4, 1))
        assert_array_equal(img3.affine, np.eye(4))
        assert_array_equal(img3.dataobj, data[0][..., None])
    # Even 1D
    img_1d = Nifti1Image(data[0, 0], np.eye(4))
    img3 = resample_to_output(img_1d)
    assert_array_equal(img3.shape, (4, 1, 1))
    assert_array_equal(img3.affine, np.eye(4))
    assert_array_equal(img3.dataobj, data[0, 0][..., None, None])
    # But 4D does not
    img_4d = Nifti1Image(data.reshape(2, 3, 2, 2), np.eye(4))
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    # Run vox2vox_out tests, checking output shape, coordinate transform
    for in_shape, in_aff, vox, out_shape, out_aff in get_outspace_params():
        # Allow for expansion of image shape from < 3D
        in_n_dim = len(in_shape)
        if in_n_dim < 3:
            in_shape = in_shape + (1,) * (3 - in_n_dim)
            if not vox is None:
                vox = vox + (1,) * (3 - in_n_dim)
            assert len(out_shape) == in_n_dim
            out_shape = out_shape + (1,) * (3 - in_n_dim)
        img = Nifti1Image(np.ones(in_shape), in_aff)
        out_img = resample_to_output(img, vox)
        assert_all_in(in_shape, in_aff, out_img.shape, out_img.affine)
        assert out_img.shape == out_shape
        assert_almost_equal(out_img.affine, out_aff)
    # Check data is as expected with some transforms
    # Flip first axis
    out_img = resample_to_output(Nifti1Image(data, np.diag([-1, 1, 1, 1])))
    assert_array_equal(out_img.dataobj, np.flipud(data))
    # Subsample voxels
    out_img = resample_to_output(Nifti1Image(data, np.diag([4, 5, 6, 1])))
    exp_out = spnd.affine_transform(data,
                                    [1/4, 1/5, 1/6],
                                    output_shape = (5, 11, 19))
    assert_array_equal(out_img.dataobj, exp_out)
    # Unsubsample with voxel sizes
    out_img = resample_to_output(Nifti1Image(data, np.diag([4, 5, 6, 1])),
                                 [4, 5, 6])
    assert_array_equal(out_img.dataobj, data)
    # A rotation to test nearest, order, cval
    rot_3 = from_matvec(euler2mat(np.pi / 4), [0, 0, 0])
    rot_3_img = Nifti1Image(data, rot_3)
    out_img = resample_to_output(rot_3_img)
    exp_shape = (4, 4, 4)
    assert out_img.shape == exp_shape
    exp_aff = np.array([[1, 0, 0, -2 * np.cos(np.pi / 4)],
                        [0, 1, 0, 0],
                        [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    assert_almost_equal(out_img.affine, exp_aff)
    rzs, trans = to_matvec(np.dot(npl.inv(rot_3), exp_aff))
    exp_out = spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape)
    assert_almost_equal(out_img.dataobj, exp_out)
    # Order
        resample_to_output(rot_3_img, order=0).dataobj,
        spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape, order=0))
    # Cval
        resample_to_output(rot_3_img, cval=99).dataobj,
        spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape, cval=99))
    # Mode
        resample_to_output(rot_3_img, mode='nearest').dataobj,
        spnd.affine_transform(data, rzs, trans, exp_shape, mode='nearest'))
    # out_class
    img_ni1 = Nifti2Image(data, np.eye(4))
    img_ni2 = Nifti2Image(data, np.eye(4))
    # Default is Nifti1Image
    assert resample_to_output(img_ni2).__class__ == Nifti1Image
    # Can be overriden
    assert resample_to_output(img_ni1, out_class=Nifti2Image).__class__ == Nifti2Image
    # None specifies out_class from input
    assert resample_to_output(img_ni2, out_class=None).__class__ == Nifti2Image
コード例 #35
""" Make anatomical image with altered affine

* Add some rotations and translations to affine;
* Save as ``.nii`` file so SPM can read it.

See ``resample_using_spm.m`` for processing of this generated image by SPM.

import numpy as np

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.eulerangles import euler2mat
from nibabel.affines import from_matvec

if __name__ == '__main__':
    img = nib.load('anatomical.nii')
    some_rotations = euler2mat(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
    extra_affine = from_matvec(some_rotations, [3, 4, 5])
    moved_anat = nib.Nifti1Image(img.dataobj, extra_affine.dot(img.affine),
    nib.save(moved_anat, 'anat_moved.nii')
コード例 #36
def applyRotEul(eul,ang,ax):
    "compose a rotation of ang around ax with rotation given by euler angles eul"
    return mat2euler(dot(angle_axis2mat(ang,ax),euler2mat(*eul)))
コード例 #37
ファイル: make_rotated.py プロジェクト: SoetkinB/pna2015
import numpy.linalg as npl

from scipy.ndimage import affine_transform

import nibabel as nib
from nibabel.eulerangles import euler2mat

img = nib.load('ds107_sub012_t1r2.nii')
data = img.get_data()
vol0 = data[..., 0]

# The public volume
x_rot, y_rot, z_rot = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3

Mx = euler2mat(x=x_rot)
My = euler2mat(y=y_rot)
Mz = euler2mat(z=z_rot)

orig_to_new = Mz.dot(My).dot(Mx)
new_to_orig = npl.inv(orig_to_new)

rotated_vol0 = affine_transform(vol0, new_to_orig, order=1)

new_img = nib.Nifti1Image(rotated_vol0, img.affine, img.header)
nib.save(new_img, 'rotated_volume.nii')

# The secret volume
x_rot, y_rot, z_rot = 0.0, -0.1, 0.2

Mx = euler2mat(x=x_rot)
コード例 #38
ファイル: twists.py プロジェクト: Jason-Hayes/surgical
def applyRotEul(eul, ang, ax):
    return mat2euler(dot(angle_axis2mat(-ang, ax), euler2mat(*eul)))