コード例 #1
    def BO_dipole_couplings(self, m_list, q_list, E_lim):
	BO_dipole_couplings(m_list, q_list, E_lim)

	Parallel program that calculates the dipole couplings for a 
	z-polarized laser in lenght gauge. An eigenstate basis is used, of 
	states whose quantum numbers are in <m_list> and <q_list>, that have 
	energies below <E_lim>. The couplings are stored to an HDF5 file.

	m_list : list of integers, containing the m values wanted in 
	    the basis.
	q_list : list of integers, containing the q values wanted in 
	    the basis.
	E_lim : float, the upper limit of the energies wanted in 
	    the basis, for R ~ 2.0.

	I sometimes observe unnatural spikes in the couplings 
	(as a function of R), which should be removed before the couplings 
	are used. I don't know why they are there.    

	>>> filename = "el_states_m_0_nu_70_mu_25_beta_1_00_theta_0_00.h5"
	>>> tdse = tdse_electron.TDSE_length_z(filename = filename)
	>>> m = [0]
	>>> q = [0,1,2,3]
	>>> E_lim = 5.0
	>>> tdse.BO_dipole_couplings(m, q, E_lim)
	#Name of the HDF5 file where the couplings will be saved.
	self.coupling_file = name_gen.electronic_eig_couplings_R(self, 
	    m_list, q_list, E_lim)

	#Parallel stuff
	#Get processor 'name'.
	my_id = pypar.rank() 
	#Get total number of processors.
	nr_procs = pypar.size()

	#Size of eigenstate basis. (Buffer for broadcast.)
	basis_size_buffer = r_[0]

	#Get number of tasks.
	f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
	    R_grid = f.root.R_grid[:]
	nr_tasks = len(R_grid)

	#Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
	my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

	#The processors will be writing to the same file.
	#In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
	#file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
	#Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

	#ID of the processor that will start writing.
	starter = 0

	#ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
	ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

	#Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
	baton = r_[0]

	#The processor one is to receive the baton from.
	receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

	#The processor one is to send the baton to.
	send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

	#Initializing the HDF5 file
	if my_id == 0:
	    #Initialize index list.
	    index_array = []

	    #Find the index of the R closest to 2.0.
	    R_index = argmin(abs(R_grid - 2.0))
	    #Choose basis functions.
	    f = tables.openFile(self.eigenstate_file)
		for m in m_list:
		    m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		    for q in q_list:
			q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
			for i in range(self.config.nu_max + 1):
			    if eval("f.root.%s.%s.E[%i,%i]"%(m_group, q_group, 
				i, R_index)) > E_lim:
				#Collect indices of the basis functions.
				index_array.append(r_[m, q, i])
	    #Cast index list as an array.
	    index_array = array(index_array)
	    #Number of eigenstates in the basis.
	    basis_size = len(index_array)
	    print basis_size, "is the basis size"
	    basis_size_buffer[0] = basis_size

	    f = tables.openFile(self.coupling_file, 'w')
		f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid)
		#Saving the index array.
		f.createArray("/", "index_array", index_array)
		#Initializing the arrays for the couplings and energies.
		f.createCArray('/', 'E', 
		    (basis_size, nr_tasks),
		    chunkshape=(basis_size, 1))
		f.createCArray('/', 'couplings', 
		    (basis_size, basis_size, nr_tasks),
		    chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size, 1))
	    #Save config instance.

	#Calculating the dipole couplings
	#Broadcasting the basis size from processor 0.
	pypar.broadcast(basis_size_buffer, 0)

	#Initializing the index array.
	if my_id != 0:
	    index_array = zeros([basis_size_buffer[0], 3], dtype=int)
	#Broadcasting the index array from proc. 0.
	pypar.broadcast(index_array, 0)

	#Looping over the tasks of this processor.
	for i in my_tasks:

	    #Calculate the dipole couplings for one value of R.
	    couplings, E = self.calculate_dipole_eig_R(index_array, R_grid[i])

	    #First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	    if starter == my_id:
		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])
		#Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
		starter = -1

		#Sending the baton to the next writer.
		pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)

	    #Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	    elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
		#Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
		pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])
	    #The rest of the file writes.
		#Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
		pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

		#Write to file.
		self.save_dipole_eig_R(couplings, E, R_grid[i])

		#Sending the baton to the next writer.
		pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	    #Showing the progress of the work.
	    if my_id == 0:
		nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic dipole couplings:", 
		    i, len(my_tasks))
	#Letting everyone catch up. 
コード例 #2
def save_all_eigenstates(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order):
    save_all_eigenstates(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order)

    This program solves the vibrational TISE for a set of energy curves, 
    and stores them in an HDF5 file. 
    This program must be run in parallel.
    To run this program on 5 processors:
    $ mpirun -n 5 python -c "execfile('vibrational_BO.py');save_eigenstates()"

    #Retrieve the electronic energy curves.
    f = tables.openFile(filename_el)
	r_grid = f.root.R_grid[:]
	energy_curves = f.root.E[:]

    #Initialize the B-spline_basis.
    spline_basis = vibrational_methods.Bspline_basis(xmin, xmax, xsize, order)
    #Generate a filename.
    filename = name_gen.vibrational_eigenstates(filename_el, spline_basis)
    #Parallel stuff
    #Get processor 'name'.
    my_id = pypar.rank() 
    #Get total number of processors.
    nr_procs = pypar.size()
    #Get number of tasks.
    nr_tasks = len(energy_curves)

    #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
    my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

    #The processors will be writing to the same file.
    #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
    #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
    #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

    #ID of the processor that will start writing.
    starter = 0

    #ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
    ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

    #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
    baton = r_[0]

    #The processor one is to receive the baton from.
    receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

    #The processor one is to send the baton to.
    send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

    #Initializing the HDF5 file
    if my_id == 0:

	f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w')
	    f.createArray("/", "electronicFilename", [filename_el])	    
	    f.createArray("/", "R_grid", r_grid)	    
	    f.createArray("/", "overlap", spline_basis.overlap_matrix)	    
	    #Initializing the arrays for the eigenvalues and states.
		(nr_kept, nr_tasks),
		chunkshape=(nr_kept, 1))
		(spline_basis.nr_splines, nr_kept, nr_tasks),
		chunkshape=(spline_basis.nr_splines, nr_kept, 1))
		(spline_basis.nr_splines, spline_basis.nr_splines, nr_tasks),
		chunkshape=(spline_basis.nr_splines, spline_basis.nr_splines, 

	#Save spline info.

    #Solving the TISE
    #Looping over the tasks of this processor.
    for i in my_tasks:

	#remove_spikes removes points where the diagonalization has failed.
	#potential_hamiltonian = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix(
	#    r_grid, remove_spikes(energy_curves[i,:]) + 1/r_grid)

	#Setup potential matrix. 
	potential_hamiltonian = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix(
	    r_grid, energy_curves[i,:] + 1/r_grid)
	#The total hamiltonian.
	hamiltonian_matrix = (spline_basis.kinetic_hamiltonian + 

	#Diagonalizing the hamiltonian.
	E, V = spline_basis.solve(hamiltonian_matrix, nr_kept)
	#First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	if starter == my_id:
	    #Write to file.
	    spline_basis.save_eigenstates(filename, E, V, 
		hamiltonian_matrix, i)

	    #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
	    starter = -1

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    spline_basis.save_eigenstates(filename, E, V, 
		hamiltonian_matrix, i)
	#The rest of the file writes.
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    spline_basis.save_eigenstates(filename, E, V,
		hamiltonian_matrix, i)

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Showing the progress of the work.
	if my_id == 0:
	    nice_stuff.status_bar("Vibrational BO calculations", 
		i, len(my_tasks))

    #Letting everyone catch up. 
コード例 #3
def save_eigenfunction_couplings(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order):
    save_eigenfunction_couplings(filename_el, nr_kept, xmin, xmax, xsize, order)

    This program sets up the laser interaction hamiltonian for the 
    eigenfunction basis, and stores it in an HDF5 file. 
    This program must be run in parallel.
    To run this program on 5 processors:
    $ mpirun -n 5 python -c "execfile('vibrational_BO.py');save_eigenstates()"
    #Retrieve the electronic energy curves.
    f = tables.openFile(filename_el)
	r_grid = f.root.R_grid[:]
	#Get number of tasks.
	el_basis_size = f.root.couplings.shape[0]
    #Filter function, describing what index pairs should be included in the 
    def no_filter(index_pair):
	All couplings included.
	return True
    def symmetry_filter(index_pair):
	Only include the upper/lower triangular, since the hermeticity means
	that they are the same.
	i = index_pair[0]
	j = index_pair[1]
	if i >= j:
	    return True
	    return False    
    #Make a list of the coupling indices that should be included.
    index_table = create_index_table(el_basis_size, no_filter)
    nr_tasks = len(index_table)

    #Initialize the B-spline_basis.
    spline_basis = vibrational_methods.Bspline_basis(xmin, xmax, xsize, order)
    vib_basis_size = spline_basis.nr_splines
    #Generate a filename.
    filename = name_gen.eigenfunction_couplings(filename_el, spline_basis)

    #Name of vib states.
    filename_vib = name_gen.vibrational_eigenstates(filename_el, spline_basis)
    #Parallel stuff
    #Get processor 'name'.
    my_id = pypar.rank() 
    #Get total number of processors.
    nr_procs = pypar.size()
    #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
    my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

    #The processors will be writing to the same file.
    #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
    #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
    #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

    #ID of the processor that will start writing.
    starter = 0

    #ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
    ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

    #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
    baton = r_[0]

    #The processor one is to receive the baton from.
    receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

    #The processor one is to send the baton to.
    send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

    #Initializing the HDF5 file
    if my_id == 0:

	f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w')
	g = tables.openFile(filename_vib)
	    f.createArray("/", "electronicFilename", [filename_el])	    
	    #Initializing the arrays for the time dependent couplings of H.
		(nr_kept * el_basis_size, 
		 nr_kept * el_basis_size),
	    #Energy diagonal. Time independent part of H. 
	    energy_diagonal = zeros(nr_kept * el_basis_size)
	    for i in range(el_basis_size):
		energy_diagonal[nr_kept * i:
		    nr_kept * (i + 1)] = g.root.E[:nr_kept,i]

	    f.createArray("/", "energyDiagonal", energy_diagonal)
	#Save spline info.

    #Setting up the hamiltonian
    #Looping over the tasks of this processor.
    for i in my_tasks:
	#Retrieve indices.
	row_index, column_index = index_table[i]

	#Retrieve electronic couplings.
	f = tables.openFile(filename_el)
	    el_coupling = f.root.couplings[row_index, column_index,:]
#	#Remove errors from the coupling. (A hack, unfortunately.) 
#	r_grid_2, el_coupling_2 = remove_spikes(r_grid, el_coupling)
#	#Setup potential matrix.
#	couplings = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix(
#	    r_grid_2, el_coupling_2)
	#Setup potential matrix. Aij = <Bi | f(R) | Bj>
	bfb_matrix = spline_basis.setup_potential_matrix(
	    r_grid, el_coupling)
	couplings = zeros([nr_kept, nr_kept])
	#Retrieve eigensvectors.
	g = tables.openFile(filename_vib)
	    Vr = g.root.V[:,:,row_index] 
	    Vc = g.root.V[:,:,column_index]
	#Calculate couplings.
	for r_index in range(nr_kept):
	    for c_index in range(nr_kept):
		couplings[r_index, c_index] = dot(Vr[:,r_index], 

	#First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	if starter == my_id:
	    #Write to file.
	    spline_basis.save_couplings(filename, couplings, 
		row_index, column_index)

	    #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
	    starter = -1

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    spline_basis.save_couplings(filename, couplings, 
		row_index, column_index)
	#The rest of the file writes.
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    spline_basis.save_couplings(filename, couplings, 
		row_index, column_index)

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Showing the progress of the work.
	if my_id == 0:
	    nice_stuff.status_bar("Calculating couplings:", 
		i, len(my_tasks))

    #Letting everyone catch up. 
コード例 #4
def save_electronic_eigenstates(m_max, nu_max, mu_max, R_grid, beta, theta):
    save_electronic_eigenstates(m_max, nu_max, mu_max, R_grid, beta, theta)

    This program solves the electronic TISE for a range of internuclear 
    distances, given in <R_grid>, and stores them in an HDF5 file. 
    This program must be run in parallel.
    To run this program on 5 processors:
	$  mpirun -n 5 python electronic_BO.py 

    #Parallel stuff
    #Get processor 'name'.
    my_id = pypar.rank() 
    #Get total number of processors.
    nr_procs = pypar.size()
    #Get number of tasks.
    nr_tasks = len(R_grid)

    #Get a list of the indices of this processors share of R_grid. 
    my_tasks = nice_stuff.distribute_work(nr_procs, nr_tasks, my_id)

    #The processors will be writing to the same file.
    #In order to avoid problems, the procs will do a relay race of writing to
    #file. This is handeled by blocking send() and receive().
    #Hopefully there will not be to much waiting.

    #ID of the processor that will start writing.
    starter = 0

    #ID of the processor that will be the last to write.
    ender = (nr_tasks - 1) % nr_procs

    #Buffer for the baton, i.e. the permission slip for file writing.
    baton = r_[0]

    #The processor one is to receive the baton from.
    receive_from = (my_id - 1) % nr_procs 

    #The processor one is to send the baton to.
    send_to = (my_id + 1) % nr_procs 

    #Initializing the HDF5 file
    if my_id == 0:
	#Creates a config instance.
	my_config = config.Config(m = m_max, nu = nu_max, mu = mu_max, 
	    R = R_grid[0], beta = beta, theta = theta)
	#Number of basis functions.
	basis_size = (2 * m_max + 1) * (nu_max + 1) * (mu_max + 1)

	#Generate a filename.
	filename = name_gen.electronic_eigenstates_R(my_config)

	f = tables.openFile(filename, 'w')
	    f.createArray("/", "R_grid", R_grid)	    
	    #Looping over the m values.
	    for m in range(-1 * m_max, m_max + 1):
		#Creating an m group in the file.
		m_group = name_gen.m_name(m)
		f.createGroup("/", m_group)
		#Looping over th q values.
		for q in range(mu_max + 1):
		    #Creating a q group in the m group in the file.
		    q_group = name_gen.q_name(q)
		    f.createGroup("/%s/"%m_group, q_group)

		    #Initializing the arrays for the eigenvalues and states.
		    f.createCArray('/%s/%s/'%(m_group, q_group),'E', 
			(basis_size/(mu_max + 1), nr_tasks),
			chunkshape=(basis_size/(mu_max + 1), 1))
		    f.createCArray('/%s/%s/'%(m_group, q_group),'V', 
			(basis_size, basis_size/(mu_max + 1), nr_tasks),
			chunkshape=(basis_size, basis_size/(mu_max + 1), 1))
	#Save config instance.

    #Solving the TISE
    #Looping over the tasks of this processor.
    for i in my_tasks:
	#Creating TISE instance.
	tise = tise_electron.TISE_electron(m = m_max, nu = nu_max, 
	    mu = mu_max, R = R_grid[i], beta = beta, theta = theta)
	#Diagonalizing the hamiltonian.
	E,V = tise.solve()
	#First file write. (Send, but not receive baton.)
	if starter == my_id:
	    #Write to file.
	    tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i])

	    #Avoiding this statement 2nd time around.
	    starter = -1

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Last file write. (Receive, but not send baton.)
	elif i == my_tasks[-1] and ender == my_id :
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i])
	#The rest of the file writes.
	    #Receiving the baton from the previous writer.
	    pypar.receive(receive_from, buffer = baton)

	    #Write to file.
	    tise.save_eigenfunctions_R(E, V, R_grid[i])

	    #Sending the baton to the next writer.
	    pypar.send(baton, send_to, use_buffer = True)
	#Showing the progress of the work.
	if my_id == 0:
	    nice_stuff.status_bar("Electronic BO calculations", 
		i, len(my_tasks))
    #Letting everyone catch up. 

    #Since the sign of the eigenfunctions are completely arbitrary, one must
    #make sure they do not change sign from one R to another.
    if my_id == 0:
    #Letting 0 catch up. 