def main(infile='series_40.npz'): npz = np.load(infile) nprof = npz['nprof'] vcm = npz['vcm'] time = npz['time'] lon = npz['lon'] altmin = npz['altmin'] # exchange time and altmin axes vcm = vcm.swapaxes(0, 1) # now vcm[altmin,time,lon] # average year # find the vector of julian days for a typical year jdays = [] time_avg = [] for d in time: if d.year == 2007: jdays.append((d - datetime(2007, 1, 1)).days) time_avg.append(d) nprof_avg = np.zeros([len(jdays), vcm.shape[2]]) vcm_avg = dict() for ialtmin in range(len(altmin)): vcm_avg[ialtmin] = np.zeros([len(jdays), vcm.shape[2]]) cf_anom = np.zeros_like(vcm, dtype='float64') for i, jday in enumerate(jdays): idx = np.array( [jday == (date - datetime(date.year, 1, 1)).days for date in time]) print jday, ' - found {} days'.format(idx.sum()) nprof_avg[i, :] = np.sum(nprof[idx, :], axis=0) for ialtmin in 0, 1, 2: vcm_avg[ialtmin][i, :] = np.sum(vcm[ialtmin, idx, :], axis=0) cf_avg = 1. * vcm_avg[ialtmin][i, :] / nprof_avg[i, :] actual_cf = 1. * vcm[ialtmin, idx, :] / nprof[idx, :] cf_anom[ialtmin, idx, :] = actual_cf - cf_avg for ialtmin in 0, 1, 2: cf = 100. * vcm_avg[ialtmin] / nprof_avg pcolor_meridhov( time_avg, lon, cf, 'clouds above %2d km - Average year' % (altmin[ialtmin])) nice.savefig(infile[:-4] + '_avg_above%02dkm.png' % (altmin[ialtmin])) pcolor_meridhov(time, lon, cf_anom[ialtmin], 'clouds above > %2d km - Anomaly' % (altmin[ialtmin]), anom=True) nice.savefig(infile[:-4] + '_anom_above%02dkm.png' % (altmin[ialtmin]))
def main(year=2007): import glob year = int(year) mask = './out/%04d/*nc4' % (year) grid_files = glob.glob(mask) grid_files.sort() show_files(grid_files, '2007') nice.savefig('zonal_cf_%04d.png' % (year))
def main(year, month): import glob year = int(year) month = int(month) mask = './out.40/%04d/vcm_zonal_%04d%02d*.nc4' % (year, year, month) grid_files = glob.glob(mask) assert len(grid_files) > 0 grid_files.sort() show_files(grid_files, 'bof') nice.savefig('zonal_cf_%04d%02d.png' % (year, month))
def main(infile='series_40.npz'): npz = np.load(infile) nprof = npz['nprof'] vcm = npz['vcm'] time = npz['time'] lon = npz['lon'] altmin = npz['altmin'] vcm = vcm.swapaxes(0, 1) pcolor_meridhov(time, lon, nprof, 'Number of profiles') nice.savefig('%s_nprof.png' % (infile[:-4])) for ialtmin in 0, 1, 2: cf = 1. * vcm[ialtmin, ...] / nprof pcolor_meridhov(time, lon, 100. * cf, 'Above %2d km' % (altmin[ialtmin])) nice.savefig('%s_above%02dkm.png' % (infile[:-4], altmin[ialtmin]))
def main(infile='tropic_width_40.npz'): npz = np.load(infile) tmin, tmax, time = npz['tmin'], npz['tmax'], npz['datetimes'] tmin = np.array(tmin).item() tmax = np.array(tmax).item() newdates, tmin_amean, tmax_amean, tsize_amean = average_year( time, tmin, tmax) fig = plt.figure() plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) for vcm_min in vcm_mins: tmin =[vcm_min]) tmax =[vcm_min]) plt.fill_between(newdates, tmin, tmax, alpha=0.3) plt.text(vcm_x[vcm_min], vcm_y[vcm_min], 'CF > %4.2f' % vcm_min) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) plt.title('Average 2006-2014') plt.grid() fig.autofmt_xdate() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) for vcm_min in vcm_mins: tsize =[vcm_min]) plt.fill_between(newdates, tsize, alpha=0.3) plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) plt.title('Average 2006-2014') plt.grid() fig.autofmt_xdate() nice.savefig('width_avg_year.pdf')
def main(infile='tropic_width_40.npz'): npz = np.load(infile) tmin, tmax, time = npz['tmin'], npz['tmax'], npz['datetimes'] tmin = np.array(tmin).item() tmax = np.array(tmax).item() plt.figure(figsize=[24, 7]) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) for vcm_min in vcm_mins: this_tmin = np.array(tmin[vcm_min]) this_tmin = < -90, this_tmin) this_tmax = np.array(tmax[vcm_min]) this_tmax = < -90, this_tmax) # plt.plot(time, this_tmin, colors[vcm_min]) # plt.plot(time, this_tmax, colors[vcm_min]) plt.fill_between(time, this_tmin, this_tmax, alpha=0.3) plt.ylabel('Latitude') plt.legend(loc='center right') plt.grid() plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) for vcm_min in vcm_mins: this_tmin = np.array(tmin[vcm_min]) this_tmin = < -90, this_tmin) this_tmax = np.array(tmax[vcm_min]) this_tmax = < -90, this_tmax) # plt.plot(time, this_tmax - this_tmin, colors[vcm_min]) plt.fill_between(time, 0, this_tmax - this_tmin, alpha=0.3) plt.ylim(0, 50) plt.ylabel('Tropics meridional height') plt.grid() nice.savefig(infile[:-4] + '.pdf')
def main(): npz = np.load('ceilings_40.npz') dt = npz['datetimes'] nprof = npz['nprof'] cprof = npz['cprof'] lat = npz['lat'] idx = (lat > -82) & (lat < 82) nprof = nprof[0:len(dt), idx] cprof = cprof[0:len(dt), idx] lat = lat[idx] nprof = nprof.sum(axis=1) cprof = cprof.sum(axis=1) plt.figure(figsize=[20, 5]) plt.plot(dt, nprof, label='Total profiles') plt.plot(dt, cprof, label='Cloudy profiles') plt.legend() plt.grid() cf = 100. * cprof / nprof badidx = (cf < 57) | (nprof < 1.7e7) plt.figure(figsize=[24, 4]) plt.plot(dt, cf) plt.plot(dt[badidx], cf[badidx], 'r*') plt.grid() plt.ylabel('Cloud Fraction [%]') plt.title('2006-2014') nice.savefig('cf.png') avgdt, avgnprof = average_year(dt, nprof) avgdt, avgcprof = average_year(dt, cprof) avgcf = 100. * avgcprof / avgnprof plt.figure(figsize=[10, 5]) plt.plot(avgdt, avgcf) plt.grid() plt.ylabel('Cloud Fraction [%]') plt.title('Average 2006-2014') nice.savefig('cf_avg.png') plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) cfanom = anomalies(avgdt, avgcf, dt, cf) cfanom =, cfanom) plt.figure(figsize=[24, 4]) plt.plot(dt, cfanom) plt.fill_between(dt, 0, cfanom, alpha=0.2) plt.grid() plt.ylabel('Cloud Fraction Anomalies [%]') plt.title('2006-2014') nice.savefig('cf_anom.png') plt.figure(figsize=[24, 4]) plt.plot(dt, cf, label='Cloud Fraction') plt.plot(dt, cf - cfanom, color='grey', label='Average 2006-2014') cfavg = cf - cfanom cfred = < 0, cf) plt.fill_between(dt, cfred, cfred - cfanom, color='red', alpha=0.2) cfblue = > 0, cf) plt.fill_between(dt, cfblue, cfblue - cfanom, color='blue', alpha=0.2) plt.grid() plt.legend() plt.ylabel('Cloud Fraction [%]') plt.title('2006-2014') nice.savefig('cf_anom_bluered.png')
def main(): npz = np.load('ceilings_40.npz') dt = npz['datetimes'] nprof = npz['nprof'] cprof = npz['cprof'] lat = npz['lat'] dtnum = mdates.date2num(dt) nprof = nprof[0:len(dt), :] cprof = cprof[0:len(dt), :] nprofl = np.sum(nprof, axis=0) cfl = 100. * np.sum(cprof, axis=0) / nprofl plt.figure() plt.plot(lat, cfl) nproft = np.sum(nprof, axis=1) cft = 100. * np.sum(cprof, axis=1) / nproft badidx = (cft < 57) | (nproft < 1.7e7) cf = 100. * cprof / nprof cf[badidx, :] = np.nan cf = == 0, cf) cf = print dtnum.shape, lat.shape, cf.shape avgdt, avgcf = average_year(dt, nprof, cprof) avgdtnum = mdates.date2num(avgdt) plt.figure(figsize=[24, 4]) plt.pcolormesh(dtnum, lat, cf.T) plt.xlim(dtnum[0], dtnum[-1]) plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.gca().xaxis.axis_date() plt.grid() plt.clim(30, 100) plt.title('Cloud Fraction') plt.colorbar() nice.savefig('cfz.png') plt.figure(figsize=[10, 5]) plt.pcolormesh(avgdtnum, lat, avgcf.T) plt.xlim(avgdtnum[0], avgdtnum[-1]) plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.gca().xaxis.axis_date() plt.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(fmt) plt.clim(30, 100) plt.title('Cloud Fraction average 2006-2014') plt.colorbar() plt.grid() nice.savefig('cfz_avg.png') anom = anomalies(avgdt, avgcf, dt, cf) plt.figure(figsize=[24, 4]) plt.pcolormesh(dtnum, lat, anom.T, cmap='RdBu_r') plt.xlim(dtnum[0], dtnum[-1]) plt.ylim(-60, 60) plt.gca().xaxis.axis_date() plt.grid() plt.clim(-10, 10) plt.title('Cloud Fraction Anomalies [%]') plt.colorbar() nice.savefig('cfz_anom.png')