コード例 #1
ファイル: shearstress.py プロジェクト: henkjongbloed/iFlow
def shearstressGS(tau_order, data, submodule=None, friction='Roughness'):     # Shear stress following the formulation of Schramkowski; only subtidal sf and subtidal second order friction
    jmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
    kmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
    fmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')
    rho0 = data.v('RHO0')
    sf = data.v(friction, range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0)

    if submodule is None:
        submodule = (None, )*(tau_order+1)

    ## 1. bed shear stress
    # the bed shear stress is extended over fmax+1 frequency components to prevent inaccuracies in truncation
    ulist = []
    for i in range(0, tau_order+1):
        if submodule[i] is None:
            u = data.v('u'+str(i), range(0, jmax+1), [kmax], range(0, fmax+1))
            u = data.v('u'+str(i), submodule[i], range(0, jmax+1), [kmax], range(0, fmax+1))
        if u is None:
            u = np.zeros((jmax+1, 1, fmax+1), dtype=complex)


    taub_abs = np.zeros((jmax+1, 1, fmax+1), dtype=complex)
    if tau_order == 0:
        # uabs0 = ny.absoluteU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, 0)
        # uabs2 = ny.absoluteU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, 2)+np.conj(ny.absoluteU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, -2))
        uabs0 = ny.absoluteU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], 0)
        uabs2 = ny.absoluteU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], 2) + np.conj(ny.absoluteU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], -2))
        taub_abs[:, 0, 0] = rho0*sf*uabs0
        taub_abs[:, 0, 2] = rho0*sf*uabs2
    elif tau_order ==1:
        signu = np.zeros((jmax+1, 1, np.maximum(fmax+1, 4)), dtype=complex)
        # signu[:, 0, 1] = ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, 1) + np.conj(ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, -1))
        # signu[:, 0, 3] = ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, 3) + np.conj(ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1]+10**-6, -3))
        signu[:, 0, 1] = ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], 1) + np.conj(ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], -1))
        signu[:, 0, 3] = ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], 3) + np.conj(ny.signU(ulist[0][:, 0, 1], -3))
        if fmax+1 < 4:
            ulist[1] = np.concatenate((ulist[1], np.zeros((jmax+1, 1, 4-fmax-1))), 2)
        taub_abs = rho0*sf.reshape((jmax+1, 1, 1))*ny.complexAmplitudeProduct(ulist[1], signu, 2)
    elif tau_order ==2:
        utid = ny.invfft2(ulist[0], 2, 90)
        ucomb = ny.invfft2(ulist[0]+ulist[1], 2, 90)
        uabs_tid = np.mean(np.abs(utid), axis=2)
        uabs_tot = np.mean(np.abs(ucomb), axis=2)
        uabs_eps = (uabs_tot - uabs_tid).reshape((jmax+1))

        taub_abs[:, 0, 0] = rho0*sf*uabs_eps

    return taub_abs[:, :, :fmax+1]
コード例 #2
def shearstress_truncated(tau_order, data, submodule=None, friction='Roughness'):     # Shear stress derived using time series (truncated, only for standard forcing conditions)
    jmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
    kmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
    fmax = data.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')
    rho0 = data.v('RHO0')
    sf = data.v(friction, range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0)

    if submodule is None:
        submodule = (None, )*(tau_order+1)

    ## 1. bed shear stress
    # the bed shear stress is extended over fmax+1 frequency components to prevent inaccuracies in truncation
    ulist = []
    for i in range(0, 2):
        if submodule[i] is None:
            u = data.v('u'+str(i), range(0, jmax+1), [kmax], range(0, fmax+1))
            u = data.v('u'+str(i), submodule[i], range(0, jmax+1), [kmax], range(0, fmax+1))
        if u is None:
            u = np.zeros((jmax+1, 1, fmax+1), dtype=complex)

    u = sum(ulist)
    utim = ny.invfft2(u, 2, 90)
    utim = np.abs(utim)
    uabs = ny.fft(utim, 2)[:, :, :fmax+1]
    taub_abs = rho0*sf.reshape((jmax+1, 1, 1))*uabs
    if tau_order == 0:
        taub_abs[:, :, 1] =0
    elif tau_order == 1:
        taub_abs[:, :, 0] =0
        taub_abs[:, :, 2] =0
        taub_abs[:, :, 1:] =0
    return taub_abs
コード例 #3
    def positivity_correction(self, quantity, value_currentorder, order, include_vertical):
        """Correct 'quantity' so that its total over all orders does not become negative.
        Do this by reducing the time-varying components at the current order

            quantity (str) - name of the quantity without order marking (assumes that leading order is not marked with a number, e.g. Av, Av1, Av2 ..)
            value_currentorder (int) - value of quantity at current order of computation
            order (int or None) - current order of computation (None=truncation)
            include_vertical (bool) - is there a vertical dependency?

            corrected result of 'quantity' only at the current order

        # Init
        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        if include_vertical:
            kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
            kmax = 0
            value_currentorder = value_currentorder.reshape((value_currentorder.shape[0], 1, value_currentorder.shape[-1]))
        fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')

        # Add all eddy viscosity components
        if order is None:
            Av = value_currentorder         # use value supplied in truncation method
            Av = 0 + 0*1j
            for i in range(0, order):       # take all lower orders from DC, then add the value at current order
                if i==0:
                    ordstr = quantity
                    ordstr = quantity+str(order)
                Av += self.input.v(ordstr, range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1))
            Av += value_currentorder

        # make a time series with 100 time steps
        Avt = ny.invfft2(Av, len(Av.shape)-1, 90) - Av[:, :, [0]]

        # correct by reducing time varying components
        if not np.min(np.real(np.minimum(1, abs(Av[:, :, 0])/(-np.min(Avt, axis=-1)+10**-10))))==1.:
            value_currentorder[:, :, 1:] = value_currentorder[:, :, 1:]*np.real(np.minimum(1, .95*abs(Av[:, :, 0])/(-np.min(Avt, axis=-1)+10**-10)).reshape((jmax+1, kmax+1, 1)))
            # value_currentorder = self.positivity_correction(quantity, value_currentorder, include_vertical)

        if not include_vertical:
            value_currentorder = value_currentorder.reshape((value_currentorder.shape[0], value_currentorder.shape[-1]))
        return value_currentorder
コード例 #4
ファイル: KEFittedMAW.py プロジェクト: henkjongbloed/iFlow
    def run(self):
        ## 1. Init
        # self.timers[0].tic()

        ## prepare output message
        self.logger.info('Running MAW turbulence model')
        denstr = ''
        if self.betac ==0:
            denstr = '- not including density effects'
        self.logger.info('\tMAW rel. difference in Av in last iteration: %s %s' % (self.difference, denstr))

        d = {}

        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        kmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'z')
        fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')

        G = self.input.v('G')
        rho0 = self.input.v('RHO0')
        uzmin = self.input.v('uzmin')

        Avold = self.input.v('Av', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1))
        Kvold = self.input.v('Kv', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1))
        sfold = self.input.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0)
        # self.timers[0].toc()

        ## 2. KEFitted run
        # self.timers[1].tic()

        # load data resulting from KEFitted model
        Avmid = self.input.v('Av', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1))
        Kvmid = Avmid/self.input.v('sigma_rho', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), [0])
        sfmid = self.input.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0)
        # self.timers[1].toc()

        ## 3. Density effects
        if self.betac == 0:     # no density effect included, first let KEFitted spin up
            Av0 = Avmid[:, :, 0]
            Kv0 = Kvmid[:, :, 0]
            sf = sfmid

            Cd = 1.
            MA_av = 1.
            MA_kv = 1.
            Ri = 0.
            ## Load data
            # self.timers[2].tic()
            cz = self.input.d('c0', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1), dim='z') + self.input.d('c1', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1), dim='z') + self.input.d('c2', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1), dim='z')
            uz = self.input.d('u0', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1), dim='z') + self.input.d('u1', range(0, jmax+1), range(0, kmax+1), range(0, fmax+1), dim='z')
            zeta0 = self.input.v('zeta0', range(0, jmax+1), [0], range(0, fmax+1))
            H = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', range(0, jmax+1)) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', range(0, jmax+1))
            # self.timers[2].tic()

            ## Convert to time series
            # self.timers[3].tic()
            cz = ny.invfft2(cz, 2, 90)
            uz = ny.invfft2(uz, 2, 90)
            zeta0 = ny.invfft2(zeta0, 2, 90)
            Avmid = ny.invfft2(Avmid, 2, 90)
            Kvmid = ny.invfft2(Kvmid, 2, 90)
            # self.timers[3].toc()
            # self.timers[4].tic()
            uzmin = np.ones(uz.shape)*uzmin

            ## Compute Richardson number
            Ri = -G*self.betac/rho0*cz/(uz**2+uzmin**2)

            Rida = 1./H.reshape((jmax+1, 1, 1))*ny.integrate(Ri.reshape((jmax+1, kmax+1, 1, Ri.shape[-1])), 'z', kmax, 0, self.input.slice('grid')).reshape((jmax+1, 1, Ri.shape[-1]))  # depth-average
            Rida += zeta0*(Ri[:, [0], :]-Rida)/H.reshape((jmax+1, 1, 1))        # depth average continued
            Rida0 = np.maximum(Rida, 0.)                                        # only accept positive Ri
            Ribed = np.maximum(Ri[:, [-1], :], 0.)                              # only accept positive Ri
            Ribedmax = self.input.v('Ribedmax')
            Ribed = np.minimum(Ribed, Ribedmax)                                 # 5-3-2018 limit near-bed Ri

            ## relaxation on Rida
            if hasattr(self, 'Rida'):       # Relaxation of Ri_da using previously saved value
                dRida = self.Rida - Rida0
                Rida = np.max((Rida0, np.min((dRida * (1 - self.RELAX), dRida * (1. + self.RELAX)), axis=0) + Rida0), axis=0)
                Rida = np.min((Rida,   np.max((dRida * (1 - self.RELAX), dRida * (1. + self.RELAX)), axis=0) + Rida0), axis=0)
                self.Rida = Rida
            else:                           # No value saved if the init found an available Ri. Then start with full signal computed here (do not use saved value, as this has been truncated to frequency components)
                Rida = Rida0

            # self.timers[4].toc()

            ## Compute damping functions
            # self.timers[5].tic()
            # Av
            MA_av = (1+10*Rida)**(-0.5)
            dAv = ny.fft(Avmid*MA_av, 2)[:, :, :fmax+1] - Avold
            Av = Avold + (1-self.RELAX)*(self.LOCAL*dAv + .5*(1-self.LOCAL)*dAv[[0]+range(0, jmax), :, :] + .5*(1-self.LOCAL)*dAv[range(1, jmax+1)+[jmax], :, :])
            # Av = Avold + dAv
            Av0 = Av[:, :, 0]

            # Kv
            MA_kv = (1+3.33*Rida)**(-1.5)
            dKv = ny.fft(Kvmid*MA_kv, 2)[:, :, :fmax+1] - Kvold
            Kv = Kvold + (1-self.RELAX)*(self.LOCAL*dKv + .5*(1-self.LOCAL)*dKv[[0]+range(0, jmax), :, :] + .5*(1-self.LOCAL)*dKv[range(1, jmax+1)+[jmax], :, :])
            # Kv = Kvold + dKv
            Kv0 = Kv[:, :, 0]

            # Sf
            Rfmean = np.mean(Ribed[:, 0, :]*(Kvmid*MA_kv)[:, 0, :]/(Avmid*MA_av)[:, 0, :], axis=-1)
            Cd = (1+5.5*Rfmean)**-2.
            damp_sf = Cd
            sf = sfmid*damp_sf
            dsf = sf - sfold
            sf = sfold + (1-self.RELAX)*(self.LOCAL*dsf + .5*(1-self.LOCAL)*dsf[[0]+range(0, jmax)] + .5*(1-self.LOCAL)*dsf[range(1, jmax+1)+[jmax]])
            # self.timers[5].toc()

            # process for output
            MA_av = ny.fft(MA_av, 2)[:, :, :fmax+1]
            MA_kv = ny.fft(MA_kv, 2)[:, :, :fmax+1]
            Ri = ny.fft(Ri, 2)[:, :, :fmax+1]

        ## Reference level
        if self.referenceLevel == 'True':
            self.input.merge({'Av': Av0, 'Roughness': sf})
            d['R'] = self.kem.RL.run()['R']

        ## Compute difference
        Av0s = ny.savitzky_golay(Av0[:, 0], self.filterlength, 1)
        difference = np.max(abs(Av0s-Avold[:, 0, 0])/abs(Av0s+10**-4))
        self.difference = copy.copy(difference)

        # DEBUG plots
        # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        # import step as st
        # x = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'), 'x')[:, 0,0]
        # if self.betac > 0 and np.mod(self.iteration, 3)==0:  # and self.difference>0.15:
        #     st.configure()
        #     plt.figure(1, figsize=(2,2))
        #     plt.subplot(1,2,1)
        #     plt.plot(x/1000., Avold[:, 0, 0], label='old')
        #     plt.plot(x/1000., Av0[:, 0], label='new')
        #     plt.ylim(0, np.maximum(np.max(Av0[:, 0]), np.max(Avold[:, 0, 0])))
        #     plt.legend()
        #     plt.subplot(1,2,2)
        #     plt.plot(x/1000., Avold[:, 0, 0]-Av0[:, 0])
        #     plt.twinx()
        #     plt.plot(x/1000., self.input.v('f', range(0, jmax+1)), color='grey')
        #     plt.ylim(0, 1.)
        #     st.save('plot_'+str(len(x))+'_'+str(self.iteration))
        #     plt.figure(2, figsize=(1, 2))
        #     ws = self.input.v('ws0', range(0, jmax+1), 0, 0)
        #     plt.plot(x/1000., ws)
        #     st.save('ws_'+str(len(x))+'_'+str(self.iteration))

        ## Prepare Output
        # self.timers[6].tic()

        x = ny.dimensionalAxis(self.input.slice('grid'),'x')[:, 0,0]
        nf = ny.functionTemplates.NumericalFunctionWrapper(ny.savitzky_golay(Av0[:, 0], self.filterlength, 1).reshape((jmax+1, 1)), self.input.slice('grid'))
        nf.addDerivative(ny.savitzky_golay(ny.derivative(Av0[:, 0], 'x', self.input), self.filterlength, 1).reshape((jmax+1, 1)), 'x')
        nf.addDerivative(ny.savitzky_golay(ny.secondDerivative(Av0[:, 0], 'x', self.input), self.filterlength, 1).reshape((jmax+1, 1)), 'xx')
        d['Av'] = nf.function

        nf2 = ny.functionTemplates.NumericalFunctionWrapper(ny.savitzky_golay(Kv0[:, 0], self.filterlength, 1).reshape((jmax+1, 1)), self.input.slice('grid'))
        nf2.addDerivative(ny.savitzky_golay(ny.derivative(Kv0[:, 0], 'x', self.input), self.filterlength, 1).reshape((jmax+1, 1)), 'x')
        nf2.addDerivative(ny.savitzky_golay(ny.secondDerivative(Kv0[:, 0], 'x', self.input), self.filterlength, 1).reshape((jmax+1, 1)), 'xx')
        d['Kv'] = nf2.function

        d['Roughness'] = sf
        d['skin_friction'] = sfmid
        d['dampingFunctions'] = {}
        d['dampingFunctions']['Roughness'] = Cd
        d['dampingFunctions']['Av'] = MA_av
        d['dampingFunctions']['Kv'] = MA_kv
        d['Ri'] = Ri
        # self.timers[6].toc()

        ## Timers
        # self.timers[0].disp('0 init MAW')
        # self.timers[1].disp('1 KEFitted')
        # self.timers[2].disp('2 load data')
        # self.timers[3].disp('3 invfft')
        # self.timers[4].disp('4 Ri')
        # self.timers[5].disp('5 Compute Av, Kv, sf')
        # self.timers[6].disp('6 Load in dict')

        return d
コード例 #5
    def profileSelection(self, uabs, uabsH, order):
        """ Go through a menu with turbulence profiles and roughness parameters. Selects the correct one based on the input
         Then determines the coefficients and prepares the functions for the eddy viscosity and Roughness

            uabs (array) - approximation of the absolute depth-averaged velocity (at the current order)
            uabsH (array) - approximation of the absolute depth-averaged velocity * depth (at the current order)
            order (int or None) - current order of the calculation

            prepared functions for Av and the roughness parameter of choice. Also returns the type of boundary condition
        # Init
        jmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'x')
        fmax = self.input.v('grid', 'maxIndex', 'f')
        if order < 1:
            Avmin = self.Avmin

        #   Make a new data container with the roughness parameter with the depth-scaling param n incorporated
        data = self.input.slice('grid')
        data.addData('coef', self.input.v(self.roughnessParameter))
        roughness = self.input.slice('grid')
        roughness.addData('Roughness', UniformX('x', data, self.n).function)

        # Select the correct profile and roughness parameter:
        #   1. Uniform
        #       1a. uniform + sf0 (linear)
        #       1b. uniform + z0*(non-linear)

        ## case 1a: uniform + sf0 (linear)
        if self.roughnessParameter == 'sf0':
            ## 1. Eddy viscosity
            Av0 = np.zeros((jmax + 1, fmax + 1), dtype=complex)
            # truncated model
            if order == None:
                depth = np.zeros((jmax+1, fmax+1), dtype=complex)
                depth[:, 0] = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', range(0,jmax+1)) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', range(0,jmax+1))
                i = 0
                while self.input.v('zeta'+str(i)) and i <= self.truncationorder:
                    depth += self.input.v('zeta'+str(i), range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1))
                    for submod in self.ignoreSubmodule:
                            depth -= self.input.v('zeta'+str(i), submod, range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1))
                    i += 1

                Av0[:, :] = 0.49 * roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1), 0, [0]) * depth

            # Leading order
            elif order == 0:
                depth = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', x=0) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', x=0)
                Av0[:, 0] = 0.49 * roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1)) * depth

            # Higher orders
                depth = self.input.v('zeta'+str(order-1), range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1))
                for submod in self.ignoreSubmodule:
                        depth -= self.input.v('zeta'+str(order-1), submod, range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1))
                Av0[:, :] = 0.49 * roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1)).reshape((jmax+1, 1)) * self.input.v('zeta'+str(order-1), range(0, jmax+1), 0, range(0, fmax+1))

            #   background eddy viscosity
            if order < 1:       # i.e. None or 0
                Av0[:, 0] = np.maximum(Av0[:, 0], Avmin)

            #   adjust time dependence (NB no risk of negative eddy viscosity if zeta < H+R)
            Av0[:, 1:] = self.timedependence*Av0[:, 1:]

            #   put data in output variables
            data = self.input.slice('grid')
            data.addData('coef', Av0)
            if order == 0:
                Av = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], data, 1.).function
                Av = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], data, 0.).function

            ## 2. Roughness
            if order == 0 or order==None:
                sf0 = np.zeros((jmax + 1, fmax + 1))
                sf0[:, 0] = roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax+1))

                dataRough = self.input.slice('grid')
                dataRough.addData('coef', sf0)

                roughness = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], dataRough, 0.).function
                roughness = 0.

            ## 3. Boundary type
            BottomBC = 'PartialSlip'

            # No iteration required unless the reference level is computed
            if self.referenceLevel == 'False':
                self.difference = 0.

        ## case 1b: constant + z0* (non-linear)
        elif self.roughnessParameter in ['z0*']:
            # 1. prepare coefficients
            z0st = roughness.v('Roughness', range(0, jmax + 1))
            Cd_div_k2 = (((1. + z0st) * np.log(1. / z0st + 1) - 1) ** -2.).reshape(jmax + 1, 1)

            Av0 = 0.10 / 0.636 * Cd_div_k2 * uabsH[:, 0, :]
            sf0 = 0.22 / 0.636 * Cd_div_k2 * uabs[:, 0, :]

            #   background eddy viscosity
            if order < 1:       # i.e. None or 0
                Av0[:, 0] = np.maximum(Av0[:,0], self.Avmin)
                depth = self.input.v('grid', 'low', 'z', x=0) - self.input.v('grid', 'high', 'z', x=0)
                sf0[:, 0] = np.maximum(sf0[:,0], self.Avmin*2/depth)       # minimum sf = 2*Avmin/H (relation from case 1a)

            #   remove time dependence if required
            Av0[:, 1:] = self.timedependence*Av0[:, 1:]
            sf0[:, 1:] = self.timedependence*sf0[:, 1:]

            #   correct possible negative eddy viscosity
            Av0 = self.positivity_correction('Av', Av0, order, False)
            sf0 = self.positivity_correction('Roughness', sf0, order, False)

            sf0t = ny.invfft2(sf0, 1, 90)
            Av0t = ny.invfft2(Av0, 1, 90)
            ind = 0
            while (sf0t<0).any() and ind < 50:
                sf0 = self.positivity_correction('Roughness', sf0, order, False)
                sf0t = ny.invfft2(sf0, 1, 90)
                ind += 1
            if ind == 50:
                raise KnownError('sf not sufficiently corrected for positivity')
            ind = 0
            while (Av0t<0).any() and ind < 50:
                Av0 = self.positivity_correction('Av', Av0, order, False)
                Av0t = ny.invfft2(Av0, 1, 90)
                ind += 1
            if ind == 50:
                raise KnownError('Av not sufficiently corrected for positivity')

            # 2. prepare smaller DataContainers
            data = self.input.slice('grid')
            data.addData('coef', Av0)

            dataRough = self.input.slice('grid')
            dataRough.addData('coef', sf0)

            # 3. prepare functions
            Av = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], data, 0.).function
            roughness = UniformXF(['x', 'f'], dataRough, 0.).function
            BottomBC = 'PartialSlip'

            raise KnownError('Combination of turbulence profile and roughness parameter is not implemented')

        return Av, roughness, BottomBC