def parcellate(self): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import gc import time import os from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans start = time.time() if (self.clust_type == 'ward') and (self.local_corr != 'allcorr'): if self._local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') else: raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=int(self.k), mask=self._clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=self._local_conn, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, smoothing_fwhm=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: self._clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) print("%s%s%s" % (self.clust_type, self.k, " clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))) del self._clust_est self._func_img.uncache() self._clust_mask_corr_img.uncache() gc.collect() return self.uatlas
def nil_parcellate(func_file, clust_mask, k, clust_type, ID, dir_path, uatlas_select): import time import nibabel as nib from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from nilearn.regions import connected_label_regions detrending = True start = time.time() func_img = nib.load(func_file) mask_img = nib.load(clust_mask) clust_est = Parcellations(method=clust_type, detrend=detrending, n_parcels=int(k), mask=mask_img) region_labels = connected_label_regions(clust_est.labels_img_), uatlas_select) print("%s%s%s" % (clust_type, k, " clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))) return
def clusterWard(img=None, nParcels=1024, standardize=False, smoothing=2): """ Does brain parcellation using Ward clustering img -> nii image variable or path nParcels (optional, default 1024) -> number of parcels standardize (optional, default True) -> smoothing (optional, default 2) -> int - the higher it is, the more smoothing is applied Returns a tuple containing: 1 -> Float array of shape (nScans, nParcels) - contains the parcel signals 2 -> The ward parcellation object """ ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=nParcels, standardize=standardize, smoothing_fwhm=smoothing, memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1) img = ward.transform(img) return img, ward
def fit_Wards(imgs, params): """Interface of Wards.""" defaults = { 'method': 'ward', 'n_parcels': 10, 'standardize': False, 'smoothing_fwhm': 2., 'memory': 'nilearn_cache', 'memory_level': 1, 'verbose': 1, 'n_jobs': -2 } context = dict(defaults, **params) return Parcellations(**context).fit(imgs)
class NiParcellate(object): """ Class for implementing various clustering routines. """ def __init__(self, func_file, clust_mask, k, clust_type, local_corr, conf=None, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- func_file : str File path to a 4D Nifti1Image containing fMRI data. clust_mask : str File path to a 3D NIFTI file containing a mask, which restricts the voxels used in the clustering. k : int Numbers of clusters that will be generated. clust_type : str Type of clustering to be performed (e.g. 'ward', 'kmeans', 'complete', 'average'). local_corr : str Type of local connectivity to use as the basis for clustering methods. Options are tcorr or scorr. Default is tcorr. conf : str File path to a confound regressor file for reduce noise in the time-series when extracting from ROI's. mask : str File path to a 3D NIFTI file containing a mask, which restricts the voxels used in the analysis. """ self.func_file = func_file self.clust_mask = clust_mask self.k = int(k) self.clust_type = clust_type self.conf = conf self.local_corr = local_corr self.uatlas = None self.atlas = None self._detrending = True self._standardize = True self._func_img = nib.load(self.func_file) self.mask = mask self._mask_img = None self._local_conn_mat_path = None self._dir_path = None self._clust_est = None self._local_conn = None self._clust_mask_corr_img = None self._func_img_data = None self._masked_fmri_vol = None self._conn_comps = None self.num_conn_comps = None def create_clean_mask(self, num_std_dev=1.5): """ Create a subject-refined version of the clustering mask. """ import os from pynets.core import utils from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks from nilearn.image import index_img, math_img, resample_img mask_name = os.path.basename(self.clust_mask).split('.nii')[0] self.atlas = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (mask_name, '_', self.clust_type, '_k', str(self.k)) print("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ('\nCreating atlas using ', self.clust_type, ' at cluster level ', str(self.k), ' for ', str(self.atlas), '...\n')) self._dir_path = utils.do_dir_path(self.atlas, self.func_file) self.uatlas = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (self._dir_path, '/', mask_name, '_clust-', self.clust_type, '_k', str(self.k), '.nii.gz') # Load clustering mask self._func_img.set_data_dtype(np.float32) func_vol_img = index_img(self._func_img, 1) func_vol_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) clust_mask_res_img = resample_img(nib.load(self.clust_mask), target_affine=func_vol_img.affine, target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest') clust_mask_res_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) func_data = np.asarray(func_vol_img.dataobj).astype('float32') func_int_thr = np.round(np.mean(func_data[func_data > 0]) - np.std(func_data[func_data > 0]) * num_std_dev, 3) if self.mask is not None: self._mask_img = nib.load(self.mask) self._mask_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) mask_res_img = resample_img(self._mask_img, target_affine=func_vol_img.affine, target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest') mask_res_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=mask_res_img)], threshold=1, connected=False) self._clust_mask_corr_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) self._mask_img.uncache() mask_res_img.uncache() else: self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img)], threshold=1, connected=False) self._clust_mask_corr_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), "%s%s%s%s" % (self._dir_path, '/', mask_name, '.nii.gz')) del func_data func_vol_img.uncache() clust_mask_res_img.uncache() return self.atlas def create_local_clustering(self, overwrite, r_thresh, min_region_size=80): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import os.path as op from scipy.sparse import save_npz, load_npz from nilearn.regions import connected_regions conn_comps = connected_regions(self._clust_mask_corr_img, extract_type='connected_components', min_region_size=min_region_size) self._conn_comps = conn_comps[0] self.num_conn_comps = len(conn_comps[1]) if self.clust_type == 'complete' or self.clust_type == 'average' or self.clust_type == 'single': if self.num_conn_comps > 1: raise ValueError('Clustering method unstable with spatial constrainsts applied to multiple ' 'connected components.') if self.clust_type == 'ward' or self.clust_type == 'ncut': if self.k < self.num_conn_comps: raise ValueError('k must minimally be greater than the total number of connected components in ' 'the mask in the case of agglomerative clustering.') if self.local_corr == 'tcorr' or self.local_corr == 'scorr': self._local_conn_mat_path = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.uatlas.split('.nii')[0], '_', self.local_corr, '_conn.npz') if (not op.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path)) or (overwrite is True): from pynets.fmri.clustools import make_local_connectivity_tcorr, make_local_connectivity_scorr if self.local_corr == 'tcorr': self._local_conn = make_local_connectivity_tcorr(self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img, thresh=r_thresh) elif self.local_corr == 'scorr': self._local_conn = make_local_connectivity_scorr(self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img, thresh=r_thresh) else: raise ValueError('Local connectivity type not available') print("%s%s" % ('Saving spatially constrained connectivity structure to: ', self._local_conn_mat_path)) save_npz(self._local_conn_mat_path, self._local_conn) elif op.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): self._local_conn = load_npz(self._local_conn_mat_path) elif self.local_corr == 'allcorr': self._local_conn = 'auto' else: raise ValueError('Local connectivity method not recognized. Only tcorr, scorr, and auto are currently ' 'supported') else: self._local_conn = 'auto' return def parcellate(self): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import gc import time import os from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans start = time.time() if (self.clust_type == 'ward') and (self.local_corr != 'allcorr'): if self._local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') else: raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') if self.clust_type == 'complete' or self.clust_type == 'average' or self.clust_type == 'single' or \ self.clust_type == 'ward' or (self.clust_type == 'rena' and self.num_conn_comps == 1) or \ (self.clust_type == 'kmeans' and self.num_conn_comps == 1): self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=self.k, mask=self._clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=self._local_conn, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: self._clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) elif self.clust_type == 'ncut': out_img = parcellate_ncut(self._local_conn, self.k, self._clust_mask_corr_img) out_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) elif self.clust_type == 'rena' or self.clust_type == 'kmeans' and self.num_conn_comps > 1: from pynets.core import nodemaker from nilearn.regions import connected_regions, Parcellations from nilearn.image import iter_img, new_img_like from pynets.core.utils import flatten, proportional mask_img_list = [] mask_voxels_dict = dict() for i, mask_img in enumerate(list(iter_img(self._conn_comps))): mask_voxels_dict[i] = mask_img_list.append(mask_img) # Allocate k across connected components using Hagenbach-Bischoff Quota based on number of voxels k_list = proportional(self.k, list(mask_voxels_dict.values())) conn_comp_atlases = [] print("%s%s%s" % ('Building ', len(mask_img_list), ' separate atlases with voxel-proportional nclusters ' 'for each connected component...')) for i, mask_img in enumerate(mask_img_list): if k_list[i] == 0: # print('0 voxels in component. Discarding...') continue self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=k_list[i], mask=mask_img, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: conn_comp_atlases.append(self._clust_est.labels_img_) # Then combine the multiple atlases, corresponding to each connected component, into a single atlas atlas_of_atlases = [] for atlas in conn_comp_atlases: bna_data = np.around(np.asarray(atlas.dataobj)).astype('uint16') # Get an array of unique parcels bna_data_for_coords_uniq = np.unique(bna_data) # Number of parcels: par_max = len(bna_data_for_coords_uniq) - 1 img_stack = [] for idx in range(1, par_max + 1): roi_img = bna_data == bna_data_for_coords_uniq[idx].astype('uint16') img_stack.append(roi_img.astype('uint16')) img_stack = np.array(img_stack) img_list = [] for idy in range(par_max): img_list.append(new_img_like(atlas, img_stack[idy])) atlas_of_atlases.append(img_list) del img_list, img_stack, bna_data atlas_of_atlases = list(flatten(atlas_of_atlases)) [super_atlas_ward, _] = nodemaker.create_parcel_atlas(atlas_of_atlases) super_atlas_ward.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) del atlas_of_atlases, super_atlas_ward, conn_comp_atlases, mask_img_list, mask_voxels_dict print("%s%s%s" % (self.clust_type, self.k, " clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))) del self._clust_est self._func_img.uncache() self._clust_mask_corr_img.uncache() gc.collect() return self.uatlas
def parcellate(func_boot_img, local_corr, clust_type, _local_conn_mat_path, num_conn_comps, _clust_mask_corr_img, _standardize, _detrending, k, _local_conn, conf, _dir_path, _conn_comps): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import time import os import numpy as np from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans # from joblib import Memory import tempfile cache_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp() # memory = Memory(cache_dir, verbose=0) start = time.time() if (clust_type == "ward") and (local_corr != "allcorr"): if _local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(_local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError( "File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity" " structure not found." ) else: raise FileNotFoundError( "File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity" " structure not found." ) if ( clust_type == "complete" or clust_type == "average" or clust_type == "single" or clust_type == "ward" or (clust_type == "rena" and num_conn_comps == 1) or (clust_type == "kmeans" and num_conn_comps == 1) ): _clust_est = Parcellations( method=clust_type, standardize=_standardize, detrend=_detrending, n_parcels=k, mask=_clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=_local_conn, mask_strategy="background", random_state=42 ) if conf is not None: import pandas as pd import random from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix, copyfile out_name_conf = fname_presuffix( conf, suffix=f"_tmp{random.randint(1, 1000)}", newpath=cache_dir ) copyfile( conf, out_name_conf, copy=True, use_hardlink=False) confounds = pd.read_csv(out_name_conf, sep="\t") if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, _dir_path) try:, confounds=conf_corr) except UserWarning: return None os.remove(conf_corr) else: try:, confounds=out_name_conf) except UserWarning: return None os.remove(out_name_conf) else: try: except UserWarning: return None _clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print( f"{clust_type}{k}" f"{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}" ) return _clust_est.labels_img_ elif clust_type == "ncut": out_img = parcellate_ncut( _local_conn, k, _clust_mask_corr_img ) out_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print( f"{clust_type}{k}" f"{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}" ) return out_img elif ( clust_type == "rena" or clust_type == "kmeans" and num_conn_comps > 1 ): from pynets.core import nodemaker from nilearn.regions import connected_regions, Parcellations from nilearn.image import iter_img, new_img_like from pynets.core.utils import flatten, proportional mask_img_list = [] mask_voxels_dict = dict() for i, mask_img in enumerate(iter_img(_conn_comps)): mask_voxels_dict[i] = np.sum(np.asarray(mask_img.dataobj))) mask_img_list.append(mask_img) # Allocate k across connected components using Hagenbach-Bischoff # Quota based on number of voxels k_list = proportional(k, list(mask_voxels_dict.values())) conn_comp_atlases = [] print( f"Building {len(mask_img_list)} separate atlases with " f"voxel-proportional k clusters for each " f"connected component...") for i, mask_img in enumerate(iter_img(mask_img_list)): if k_list[i] < 5: print(f"Only {k_list[i]} voxels in component. Discarding...") continue _clust_est = Parcellations( method=clust_type, standardize=_standardize, detrend=_detrending, n_parcels=k_list[i], mask=mask_img, mask_strategy="background", random_state=i ) if conf is not None: import pandas as pd import random from nipype.utils.filemanip import fname_presuffix, copyfile out_name_conf = fname_presuffix( conf, suffix=f"_tmp{random.randint(1, 1000)}", newpath=cache_dir ) copyfile( conf, out_name_conf, copy=True, use_hardlink=False) confounds = pd.read_csv(out_name_conf, sep="\t") if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans( confounds, _dir_path) try:, confounds=conf_corr) except UserWarning: continue else: try:, confounds=conf) except UserWarning: continue else: try: except UserWarning: continue conn_comp_atlases.append(_clust_est.labels_img_) # Then combine the multiple atlases, corresponding to each # connected component, into a single atlas atlas_of_atlases = [] for atlas in iter_img(conn_comp_atlases): bna_data = np.around( np.asarray( atlas.dataobj)).astype("uint16") # Get an array of unique parcels bna_data_for_coords_uniq = np.unique(bna_data) # Number of parcels: par_max = len(bna_data_for_coords_uniq) - 1 img_stack = [] for idx in range(1, par_max + 1): roi_img = bna_data == bna_data_for_coords_uniq[idx].astype( "uint16") img_stack.append(roi_img.astype("uint16")) img_stack = np.array(img_stack) img_list = [] for idy in range(par_max): img_list.append(new_img_like(atlas, img_stack[idy])) atlas_of_atlases.append(img_list) del img_list, img_stack, bna_data atlas_of_atlases = list(flatten(atlas_of_atlases)) [super_atlas_ward, _] = nodemaker.create_parcel_atlas( atlas_of_atlases) super_atlas_ward.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) del atlas_of_atlases, conn_comp_atlases, mask_img_list, \ mask_voxels_dict print( f"{clust_type}{k}" f"{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}" ) # memory.clear(warn=False) return super_atlas_ward
''' ################################################################################### ################################################################################### ################################################################################### #################### PARCELLATION METHOD ########################################## from nilearn.regions import Parcellations # Agglomerative Clustering: ward # We build parameters of our own for this object. Parameters related to # masking, caching and defining number of clusters and specific parcellations ward = Parcellations( method='ward', n_parcels=1000, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=None, memory=r'D:\ROI Schizo\Nilearn_parcell\Nilearn_parcell_cache', memory_level=1) # Call fit on functional dataset: single subject (less samples). for bold in func: print('bold is fitted') ward_labels_img = ward.labels_img_ ward_mask = ward.masker_ # Now, ward_labels_img are Nifti1Image object, it can be saved to file # with the following code: ward_labels_img.to_filename( r'D:\ROI Schizo\Nilearn_parcell\schizo_90sub_1000_ward_parcel.nii')
for i, subject in enumerate(subjects): individual_components_img = masker.inverse_transform( individual_components[i]) #plot_prob_atlas(individual_components_img, # title='DictLearning components, subject %s' % subject) ############################################################################### # Generate brain parcellations from nilearn.regions import Parcellations n_parcellations = 20 n_parcels = 256 ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=n_parcels, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=4., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1, mask=mask_gm) make_parcellations = memory.cache(make_parcellations) parcellations = make_parcellations(ward, rs_fmri, n_parcellations, n_jobs) ############################################################################### # Cross-validated predictions from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV from sklearn.metrics import r2_score from sklearn.model_selection import KFold clf = RidgeCV()
class NilParcellate(object): """ Class for implementing various clustering routines. """ def __init__(self, func_file, clust_mask, k, clust_type, local_corr, conf=None, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- func_file : str File path to a 4D Nifti1Image containing fMRI data. clust_mask : str File path to a 3D NIFTI file containing a mask, which restricts the voxels used in the clustering. k : int Numbers of clusters that will be generated. clust_type : str Type of clustering to be performed (e.g. 'ward', 'kmeans', 'complete', 'average'). local_corr : str Type of local connectivity to use as the basis for clustering methods. Options are tcorr or scorr. Default is tcorr. conf : str File path to a confound regressor file for reduce noise in the time-series when extracting from ROI's. mask : str File path to a 3D NIFTI file containing a mask, which restricts the voxels used in the analysis. """ self.func_file = func_file self.clust_mask = clust_mask self.k = k self.clust_type = clust_type self.conf = conf self.local_corr = local_corr self.uatlas = None self.atlas = None self._detrending = True self._standardize = True self._func_img = nib.load(self.func_file) self.mask = mask self._mask_img = None self._local_conn_mat_path = None self._dir_path = None self._clust_est = None self._local_conn = None self._clust_mask_corr_img = None self._func_img_data = None self._masked_fmri_vol = None def create_clean_mask(self, num_std_dev=1.5): """ Create a subject-refined version of the clustering mask. """ import os from pynets.core import utils from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks from nilearn.image import index_img, math_img, resample_img mask_name = os.path.basename(self.clust_mask).split('.nii')[0] self.atlas = "%s%s%s%s%s" % (mask_name, '_', self.clust_type, '_k', str(self.k)) print("%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % ('\nCreating atlas using ', self.clust_type, ' at cluster level ', str(self.k), ' for ', str(self.atlas), '...\n')) self._dir_path = utils.do_dir_path(self.atlas, self.func_file) self.uatlas = "%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s" % (self._dir_path, '/', mask_name, '_clust-', self.clust_type, '_k', str(self.k), '.nii.gz') # Load clustering mask self._func_img.set_data_dtype(np.float32) func_vol_img = index_img(self._func_img, 1) func_vol_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) clust_mask_res_img = resample_img(nib.load(self.clust_mask), target_affine=func_vol_img.affine, target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest') clust_mask_res_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) func_data = np.asarray(func_vol_img.dataobj).astype('float32') func_int_thr = np.round(np.mean(func_data[func_data > 0]) - np.std(func_data[func_data > 0]) * num_std_dev, 3) if self.mask is not None: self._mask_img = nib.load(self.mask) self._mask_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) mask_res_img = resample_img(self._mask_img, target_affine=func_vol_img.affine, target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest') mask_res_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=mask_res_img)], threshold=1, connected=False) self._clust_mask_corr_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) self._mask_img.uncache() mask_res_img.uncache() else: self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img)], threshold=1, connected=False) self._clust_mask_corr_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), "%s%s%s%s" % (self._dir_path, '/', mask_name, '.nii.gz')) del func_data func_vol_img.uncache() clust_mask_res_img.uncache() return self.atlas def create_local_clustering(self, overwrite, r_thresh): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import os.path as op from scipy.sparse import save_npz, load_npz from nilearn.regions import connected_regions from pynets.fmri.clustools import make_local_connectivity_tcorr, make_local_connectivity_scorr conn_comps = len(connected_regions(self._clust_mask_corr_img, extract_type='connected_components', min_region_size=1)[1]) if self.clust_type == 'kmeans': if self.k > conn_comps: if conn_comps != 1: raise ValueError('k must be less than or equal to the total number of connected components in ' 'the mask in the case of kmeans clustering.') if self.clust_type == 'complete' or self.clust_type == 'average' or self.clust_type == 'single': if conn_comps > 1: raise ValueError('Complete, Average, and Single linkage agglomerative clustering are unstable in the ' 'case of multiple connected components.') if self.clust_type == 'ward': if self.k < conn_comps: raise ValueError('k must minimally be greater than the total number of connected components in ' 'the mask in the case of agglomerative clustering.') if self.local_corr == 'tcorr' or self.local_corr == 'scorr': self._local_conn_mat_path = "%s%s%s%s" % (self.uatlas.split('.nii')[0], '_', self.local_corr, '_conn.npz') if (not op.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path)) or (overwrite is True): if self.local_corr == 'tcorr': self._local_conn = make_local_connectivity_tcorr(self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img, thresh=r_thresh) elif self.local_corr == 'scorr': self._local_conn = make_local_connectivity_scorr(self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img, thresh=r_thresh) else: raise ValueError('Local connectivity type not available') print("%s%s" % ('Saving spatially constrained connectivity structure to: ', self._local_conn_mat_path)) save_npz(self._local_conn_mat_path, self._local_conn) elif op.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): self._local_conn = load_npz(self._local_conn_mat_path) elif self.local_corr == 'allcorr': self._local_conn = 'auto' else: raise ValueError('Local connectivity method not recognized. Only tcorr, scorr, and auto are currently ' 'supported') else: self._local_conn = 'auto' return def parcellate(self): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import gc import time import os from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans start = time.time() if (self.clust_type == 'ward') and (self.local_corr != 'allcorr'): if self._local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') else: raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=int(self.k), mask=self._clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=self._local_conn, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, smoothing_fwhm=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: self._clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) print("%s%s%s" % (self.clust_type, self.k, " clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))) del self._clust_est self._func_img.uncache() self._clust_mask_corr_img.uncache() gc.collect() return self.uatlas
schizo_series = list(chain.from_iterable(ts_schizo)) schizo_series = np.array(schizo_series) healthy_series = list(chain.from_iterable(ts_healthy)) healthy_series = np.array(healthy_series) ########################################################################################### import nibabel as nb fname = atlas_harvard_oxford.maps img = nb.load(fname), fname.replace('.img', '.nii')) mask_parcel = Parcellations('rena', n_parcels=100, random_state=0, mask=atlas_harvard_oxford.maps)[0][0]) kmeans_labels_img = mask_parcel.labels_img_ mean_func_image = 'D:\ROI Schizo\ROIs\Schizo-Healthy\single_subj_T1.nii' plotting.plot_roi(kmeans_labels_img, mean_func_image, title="KMeans parcellation", display_mode='xz') kmeans_labels_img.to_filename('roi1_parcellation.nii') # Import dictionary learning algorithm from decomposition module and call the
from nilearn.regions import Parcellations # Computing ward for the first time, will be long... This can be seen by # measuring using time import time start = time.time() # Agglomerative Clustering: ward # We build parameters of our own for this object. Parameters related to # masking, caching and defining number of clusters and specific parcellations # method. ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=1000, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=2., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1) # Call fit on functional dataset: single subject (less samples). print("Ward agglomeration 1000 clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start)) # We compute now ward clustering with 2000 clusters and compare # time with 1000 clusters. To see the benefits of caching for second time. # We initialize class again with n_parcels=2000 this time. start = time.time() ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=2000, standardize=False,
(df.acquisition == 'ffx').values paths.append(df[mask].path.values[-1]) subjects.append(subject) contrasts.append(contrast) tasks.append(df[mask].task.values[-1]) tasks = np.array(tasks)[:len(np.unique(contrasts))] subjects = np.array(subjects) paths = np.array(paths) n_contrasts = len(df.contrast.unique()) n_parcels = 100 ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=n_parcels, mask=mask_gm, standardize=False, memory_level=1, memory=cache, verbose=1) # Call fit on functional dataset: single subject (less samples). def _scorer(clf, X, Y): """ Custom scorer""" if Y.ndim > 1: return 1 - np.sum((Y - clf.predict(X))**2, 1) / np.sum((Y)**2, 1) else: return 1 - (Y - clf.predict(X))**2 / Y**2
## Parcellation # Computing ward for the first time, will be long... This can be seen by # measuring using time start = time.time() # Agglomerative Clustering: ward # We build parameters of our own for this object. Parameters related to # masking, caching and defining number of clusters and specific parcellations # method. ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=n_clusters, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=2., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1) # Call fit on functional dataset: single subject (less samples). print("Ward agglomeration 1000 clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start)) #%% ward_labels_img = ward.labels_img_ # # Now, ward_labels_img are Nifti1Image object, it can be saved to file # # with the following code: ward_labels_img.to_filename( os.path.join(outdir, f'ward_parcellation_k{n_clusters}.nii.gz'))
def parcellate(self, func_boot_img): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import time import os from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans start = time.time() if (self.clust_type == "ward") and (self.local_corr != "allcorr"): if self._local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError( "File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity" " structure not found.") else: raise FileNotFoundError( "File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity" " structure not found.") if (self.clust_type == "complete" or self.clust_type == "average" or self.clust_type == "single" or self.clust_type == "ward" or (self.clust_type == "rena" and self.num_conn_comps == 1) or (self.clust_type == "kmeans" and self.num_conn_comps == 1)): _clust_est = Parcellations( method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=self.k, mask=self._clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=self._local_conn, mask_strategy="background", memory_level=2, random_state=42, ) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep="\t") if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: _clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print(f"{self.clust_type}{self.k}" f"{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}") return _clust_est.labels_img_ elif self.clust_type == "ncut": out_img = parcellate_ncut(self._local_conn, self.k, self._clust_mask_corr_img) out_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print(f"{self.clust_type}{self.k}" f"{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}") return out_img elif (self.clust_type == "rena" or self.clust_type == "kmeans" and self.num_conn_comps > 1): from pynets.core import nodemaker from nilearn.regions import connected_regions, Parcellations from nilearn.image import iter_img, new_img_like from pynets.core.utils import flatten, proportional mask_img_list = [] mask_voxels_dict = dict() for i, mask_img in enumerate(list(iter_img(self._conn_comps))): mask_voxels_dict[i] = np.sum(np.asarray(mask_img.dataobj))) mask_img_list.append(mask_img) # Allocate k across connected components using Hagenbach-Bischoff # Quota based on number of voxels k_list = proportional(self.k, list(mask_voxels_dict.values())) conn_comp_atlases = [] print(f"Building {len(mask_img_list)} separate atlases with " f"voxel-proportional k clusters for each " f"connected component...") for i, mask_img in enumerate(mask_img_list): if k_list[i] == 0: # print('0 voxels in component. Discarding...') continue _clust_est = Parcellations( method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=k_list[i], mask=mask_img, mask_strategy="background", memory_level=2, random_state=42, ) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep="\t") if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: conn_comp_atlases.append(_clust_est.labels_img_) # Then combine the multiple atlases, corresponding to each # connected component, into a single atlas atlas_of_atlases = [] for atlas in conn_comp_atlases: bna_data = np.around(np.asarray( atlas.dataobj)).astype("uint16") # Get an array of unique parcels bna_data_for_coords_uniq = np.unique(bna_data) # Number of parcels: par_max = len(bna_data_for_coords_uniq) - 1 img_stack = [] for idx in range(1, par_max + 1): roi_img = bna_data == bna_data_for_coords_uniq[idx].astype( "uint16") img_stack.append(roi_img.astype("uint16")) img_stack = np.array(img_stack) img_list = [] for idy in range(par_max): img_list.append(new_img_like(atlas, img_stack[idy])) atlas_of_atlases.append(img_list) del img_list, img_stack, bna_data atlas_of_atlases = list(flatten(atlas_of_atlases)) [super_atlas_ward, _] = nodemaker.create_parcel_atlas(atlas_of_atlases) super_atlas_ward.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) del atlas_of_atlases, conn_comp_atlases, mask_img_list, \ mask_voxels_dict print(f"{self.clust_type}{self.k}" f"{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}") return super_atlas_ward
def parcellate(self): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import gc import time import os from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans start = time.time() if (self.clust_type == 'ward') and (self.local_corr != 'allcorr'): if self._local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') else: raise FileNotFoundError('File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.') if self.clust_type == 'complete' or self.clust_type == 'average' or self.clust_type == 'single' or \ self.clust_type == 'ward' or (self.clust_type == 'rena' and self.num_conn_comps == 1) or \ (self.clust_type == 'kmeans' and self.num_conn_comps == 1): self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=self.k, mask=self._clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=self._local_conn, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: self._clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) elif self.clust_type == 'ncut': out_img = parcellate_ncut(self._local_conn, self.k, self._clust_mask_corr_img) out_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) elif self.clust_type == 'rena' or self.clust_type == 'kmeans' and self.num_conn_comps > 1: from pynets.core import nodemaker from nilearn.regions import connected_regions, Parcellations from nilearn.image import iter_img, new_img_like from pynets.core.utils import flatten, proportional mask_img_list = [] mask_voxels_dict = dict() for i, mask_img in enumerate(list(iter_img(self._conn_comps))): mask_voxels_dict[i] = mask_img_list.append(mask_img) # Allocate k across connected components using Hagenbach-Bischoff Quota based on number of voxels k_list = proportional(self.k, list(mask_voxels_dict.values())) conn_comp_atlases = [] print("%s%s%s" % ('Building ', len(mask_img_list), ' separate atlases with voxel-proportional nclusters ' 'for each connected component...')) for i, mask_img in enumerate(mask_img_list): if k_list[i] == 0: # print('0 voxels in component. Discarding...') continue self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=k_list[i], mask=mask_img, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: conn_comp_atlases.append(self._clust_est.labels_img_) # Then combine the multiple atlases, corresponding to each connected component, into a single atlas atlas_of_atlases = [] for atlas in conn_comp_atlases: bna_data = np.around(np.asarray(atlas.dataobj)).astype('uint16') # Get an array of unique parcels bna_data_for_coords_uniq = np.unique(bna_data) # Number of parcels: par_max = len(bna_data_for_coords_uniq) - 1 img_stack = [] for idx in range(1, par_max + 1): roi_img = bna_data == bna_data_for_coords_uniq[idx].astype('uint16') img_stack.append(roi_img.astype('uint16')) img_stack = np.array(img_stack) img_list = [] for idy in range(par_max): img_list.append(new_img_like(atlas, img_stack[idy])) atlas_of_atlases.append(img_list) del img_list, img_stack, bna_data atlas_of_atlases = list(flatten(atlas_of_atlases)) [super_atlas_ward, _] = nodemaker.create_parcel_atlas(atlas_of_atlases) super_atlas_ward.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), self.uatlas) del atlas_of_atlases, super_atlas_ward, conn_comp_atlases, mask_img_list, mask_voxels_dict print("%s%s%s" % (self.clust_type, self.k, " clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start))) del self._clust_est self._func_img.uncache() self._clust_mask_corr_img.uncache() gc.collect() return self.uatlas
# all can be done at once using `Parcellations` object. from nilearn.regions import Parcellations # Computing ward for the first time, will be long... This can be seen by # measuring using time import time start = time.time() # Agglomerative Clustering: ward # We build parameters of our own for this object. Parameters related to # masking, caching and defining number of clusters and specific parcellations # method. ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=1000, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=2., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1) # Call fit on functional dataset: single subject (less samples). print("Ward agglomeration 1000 clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start)) # We compute now ward clustering with 2000 clusters and compare # time with 1000 clusters. To see the benefits of caching for second time. # We initialize class again with n_parcels=2000 this time. start = time.time() ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=2000, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=2., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1)
# # Transforming list of images to data matrix and build brain parcellations, # all can be done at once using `Parcellations` object. # Computing ward for the first time, will be long... This can be seen by # measuring using time start = time.time() # Agglomerative Clustering: ward # We build parameters of our own for this object. Parameters related to # masking, caching and defining number of clusters and specific parcellations # method. ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=1000, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=2., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1) # Call fit on functional dataset: single subject (less samples). print("Ward agglomeration 1000 clusters: %.2fs" % (time.time() - start)) # We compute now ward clustering with 2000 clusters and compare # time with 1000 clusters. To see the benefits of caching for second time. # We initialize class again with n_parcels=2000 this time. start = time.time() ward = Parcellations(method='ward', n_parcels=2000, standardize=False, smoothing_fwhm=2., memory='nilearn_cache', memory_level=1, verbose=1)
class NiParcellate(object): """ Class for implementing various clustering routines. """ def __init__(self, func_file, clust_mask, k, clust_type, local_corr, outdir, conf=None, mask=None): """ Parameters ---------- func_file : str File path to a 4D Nifti1Image containing fMRI data. clust_mask : str File path to a 3D NIFTI file containing a mask, which restricts the voxels used in the clustering. k : int Numbers of clusters that will be generated. clust_type : str Type of clustering to be performed (e.g. 'ward', 'kmeans', 'complete', 'average'). local_corr : str Type of local connectivity to use as the basis for clustering methods. Options are tcorr or scorr. Default is tcorr. outdir : str Path to base derivatives directory. conf : str File path to a confound regressor file for reduce noise in the time-series when extracting from ROI's. mask : str File path to a 3D NIFTI file containing a mask, which restricts the voxels used in the analysis. References ---------- .. [1] Thirion, B., Varoquaux, G., Dohmatob, E., & Poline, J. B. (2014). Which fMRI clustering gives good brain parcellations? Frontiers in Neuroscience. .. [2] Bellec, P., Rosa-Neto, P., Lyttelton, O. C., Benali, H., & Evans, A. C. (2010). Multi-level bootstrap analysis of stable clusters in resting-state fMRI. NeuroImage. .. [3] Garcia-Garcia, M., Nikolaidis, A., Bellec, P., Craddock, R. C., Cheung, B., Castellanos, F. X., & Milham, M. P. (2018). Detecting stable individual differences in the functional organization of the human basal ganglia. NeuroImage. """ self.func_file = func_file self.clust_mask = clust_mask self.k = int(k) self.clust_type = clust_type self.conf = conf self.local_corr = local_corr self.uatlas = None self.atlas = None self._detrending = True self._standardize = True self._func_img = nib.load(self.func_file) self.mask = mask self._mask_img = None self._local_conn_mat_path = None self._dir_path = None self._clust_est = None self._local_conn = None self._clust_mask_corr_img = None self._func_img_data = None self._masked_fmri_vol = None self._conn_comps = None self.num_conn_comps = None self.outdir = outdir def create_clean_mask(self, num_std_dev=1.5): """ Create a subject-refined version of the clustering mask. """ import os from pynets.core import utils from nilearn.masking import intersect_masks from nilearn.image import index_img, math_img, resample_img mask_name = os.path.basename(self.clust_mask).split('.nii')[0] self.atlas = f"{mask_name}{'_'}{self.clust_type}{'_k'}{str(self.k)}" print( f"\nCreating atlas using {self.clust_type} at cluster level {str(self.k)} for {str(self.atlas)}...\n" ) self._dir_path = utils.do_dir_path(self.atlas, self.outdir) self.uatlas = f"{self._dir_path}/{mask_name}_clust-{self.clust_type}_k{str(self.k)}.nii.gz" # Load clustering mask self._func_img.set_data_dtype(np.float32) func_vol_img = index_img(self._func_img, 1) func_vol_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) clust_mask_res_img = resample_img(nib.load(self.clust_mask), target_affine=func_vol_img.affine, target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest') clust_mask_res_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) func_data = np.asarray(func_vol_img.dataobj).astype('float32') func_int_thr = np.round( np.mean(func_data[func_data > 0]) - np.std(func_data[func_data > 0]) * num_std_dev, 3) if self.mask is not None: self._mask_img = nib.load(self.mask) self._mask_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) mask_res_img = resample_img(self._mask_img, target_affine=func_vol_img.affine, target_shape=func_vol_img.shape, interpolation='nearest') mask_res_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([ math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=mask_res_img) ], threshold=1, connected=False) self._clust_mask_corr_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) self._mask_img.uncache() mask_res_img.uncache() else: self._clust_mask_corr_img = intersect_masks([ math_img('img > ' + str(func_int_thr), img=func_vol_img), math_img('img > 0.01', img=clust_mask_res_img) ], threshold=1, connected=False) self._clust_mask_corr_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16), f"{self._dir_path}{'/'}{mask_name}{'.nii.gz'}") del func_data func_vol_img.uncache() clust_mask_res_img.uncache() return self.atlas def create_local_clustering(self, overwrite, r_thresh, min_region_size=80): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import os.path as op from scipy.sparse import save_npz, load_npz from nilearn.regions import connected_regions try: conn_comps = connected_regions(self._clust_mask_corr_img, extract_type='connected_components', min_region_size=min_region_size) self._conn_comps = conn_comps[0] self.num_conn_comps = len(conn_comps[1]) except: raise ValueError('Clustering mask is empty!') if not self._conn_comps: if np.sum(np.asarray(self._clust_mask_corr_img.dataobj)) == 0: raise ValueError('Clustering mask is empty!') else: self._conn_comps = self._clust_mask_corr_img self.num_conn_comps = 1 print( f"Detected {self.num_conn_comps} connected components in clustering mask with a mininimum region " f"size of {min_region_size}") if self.clust_type == 'complete' or self.clust_type == 'average' or self.clust_type == 'single': if self.num_conn_comps > 1: raise ValueError( 'Clustering method unstable with spatial constrainsts applied to multiple ' 'connected components.') if (self.clust_type == 'ward' and self.num_conn_comps > 1) or self.clust_type == 'ncut': if self.k < self.num_conn_comps: raise ValueError( 'k must minimally be greater than the total number of connected components in ' 'the mask in the case of agglomerative clustering.') if self.local_corr == 'tcorr' or self.local_corr == 'scorr': self._local_conn_mat_path = f"{self.uatlas.split('.nii')[0]}_{self.local_corr}_conn.npz" if (not op.isfile( self._local_conn_mat_path)) or (overwrite is True): from pynets.fmri.clustools import make_local_connectivity_tcorr, make_local_connectivity_scorr if self.local_corr == 'tcorr': self._local_conn = make_local_connectivity_tcorr( self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img, thresh=r_thresh) elif self.local_corr == 'scorr': self._local_conn = make_local_connectivity_scorr( self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img, thresh=r_thresh) else: raise ValueError( 'Local connectivity type not available') print( f"Saving spatially constrained connectivity structure to: {self._local_conn_mat_path}" ) save_npz(self._local_conn_mat_path, self._local_conn) elif op.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): self._local_conn = load_npz(self._local_conn_mat_path) elif self.local_corr == 'allcorr': if self.clust_type == 'ncut': raise ValueError( 'Must select either `tcorr` or `scorr` local connectivity option if you are using ' '`ncut` clustering method') self._local_conn = 'auto' else: raise ValueError( 'Local connectivity method not recognized. Only tcorr, scorr, and auto are currently ' 'supported') else: self._local_conn = 'auto' return def prep_boot(self, blocklength=1): from nilearn.masking import apply_mask ts_data = apply_mask(self._func_img, self._clust_mask_corr_img) return ts_data, int(int(np.sqrt(ts_data.shape[0])) * blocklength) def parcellate(self, func_boot_img): """ API for performing any of a variety of clustering routines available through NiLearn. """ import time import os from nilearn.regions import Parcellations from pynets.fmri.estimation import fill_confound_nans start = time.time() if (self.clust_type == 'ward') and (self.local_corr != 'allcorr'): if self._local_conn_mat_path is not None: if not os.path.isfile(self._local_conn_mat_path): raise FileNotFoundError( 'File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.' ) else: raise FileNotFoundError( 'File containing sparse matrix of local connectivity structure not found.' ) if self.clust_type == 'complete' or self.clust_type == 'average' or self.clust_type == 'single' or \ self.clust_type == 'ward' or (self.clust_type == 'rena' and self.num_conn_comps == 1) or \ (self.clust_type == 'kmeans' and self.num_conn_comps == 1): self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=self.k, mask=self._clust_mask_corr_img, connectivity=self._local_conn, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: self._clust_est.labels_img_.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print( f"{self.clust_type}{self.k}{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}" ) return self._clust_est.labels_img_ elif self.clust_type == 'ncut': out_img = parcellate_ncut(self._local_conn, self.k, self._clust_mask_corr_img) out_img.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) print( f"{self.clust_type}{self.k}{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}" ) return out_img elif self.clust_type == 'rena' or self.clust_type == 'kmeans' and self.num_conn_comps > 1: from pynets.core import nodemaker from nilearn.regions import connected_regions, Parcellations from nilearn.image import iter_img, new_img_like from pynets.core.utils import flatten, proportional mask_img_list = [] mask_voxels_dict = dict() for i, mask_img in enumerate(list(iter_img(self._conn_comps))): mask_voxels_dict[i] = np.sum(np.asarray(mask_img.dataobj))) mask_img_list.append(mask_img) # Allocate k across connected components using Hagenbach-Bischoff Quota based on number of voxels k_list = proportional(self.k, list(mask_voxels_dict.values())) conn_comp_atlases = [] print( f"Building {len(mask_img_list)} separate atlases with voxel-proportional k clusters for each " f"connected component...") for i, mask_img in enumerate(mask_img_list): if k_list[i] == 0: # print('0 voxels in component. Discarding...') continue self._clust_est = Parcellations(method=self.clust_type, standardize=self._standardize, detrend=self._detrending, n_parcels=k_list[i], mask=mask_img, mask_strategy='background', memory_level=2, random_state=42) if self.conf is not None: import pandas as pd confounds = pd.read_csv(self.conf, sep='\t') if confounds.isnull().values.any(): conf_corr = fill_confound_nans(confounds, self._dir_path), confounds=conf_corr) else:, confounds=self.conf) else: conn_comp_atlases.append(self._clust_est.labels_img_) # Then combine the multiple atlases, corresponding to each connected component, into a single atlas atlas_of_atlases = [] for atlas in conn_comp_atlases: bna_data = np.around(np.asarray( atlas.dataobj)).astype('uint16') # Get an array of unique parcels bna_data_for_coords_uniq = np.unique(bna_data) # Number of parcels: par_max = len(bna_data_for_coords_uniq) - 1 img_stack = [] for idx in range(1, par_max + 1): roi_img = bna_data == bna_data_for_coords_uniq[idx].astype( 'uint16') img_stack.append(roi_img.astype('uint16')) img_stack = np.array(img_stack) img_list = [] for idy in range(par_max): img_list.append(new_img_like(atlas, img_stack[idy])) atlas_of_atlases.append(img_list) del img_list, img_stack, bna_data atlas_of_atlases = list(flatten(atlas_of_atlases)) [super_atlas_ward, _] = nodemaker.create_parcel_atlas(atlas_of_atlases) super_atlas_ward.set_data_dtype(np.uint16) del atlas_of_atlases, conn_comp_atlases, mask_img_list, mask_voxels_dict print( f"{self.clust_type}{self.k}{(' clusters: %.2fs' % (time.time() - start))}" ) return super_atlas_ward