コード例 #1
def test_show_design_matrix():
    # test that the show code indeed (formally) runs
    frame_times = np.linspace(0, 127 * 1., 128)
    dmtx = make_first_level_design_matrix(
        frame_times, drift_model='polynomial', drift_order=3)
    ax = plot_design_matrix(dmtx)
    assert (ax is not None)
    with InTemporaryDirectory():
        ax = plot_design_matrix(dmtx, output_file='dmtx.png')
        assert os.path.exists('dmtx.png')
        assert (ax is None)
        plot_design_matrix(dmtx, output_file='dmtx.pdf')
        assert os.path.exists('dmtx.pdf')
コード例 #2
def _dmtx_to_svg_url(design_matrices):
    """ Accepts a FirstLevelModel or SecondLevelModel object
    with fitted design matrices & generates SVG Image URL,
    which can be inserted into an HTML template.

    design_matrices: List[pd.Dataframe]
        Design matrices computed in the model.

    svg_url_design_matrices: String
        SVG Image URL for the plotted design matrices,
    html_design_matrices = []
    dmtx_template_path = os.path.join(HTML_TEMPLATE_ROOT_PATH,
    with open(dmtx_template_path) as html_template_obj:
        dmtx_template_text = html_template_obj.read()

    for dmtx_count, design_matrix in enumerate(design_matrices, start=1):
        dmtx_text_ = string.Template(dmtx_template_text)
        dmtx_plot = plot_design_matrix(design_matrix)
        dmtx_title = 'Session {}'.format(dmtx_count)
        plt.title(dmtx_title, y=0.987)
        dmtx_plot = _resize_plot_inches(dmtx_plot, height_change=.3)
        url_design_matrix_svg = plot_to_svg(dmtx_plot)
        # prevents sphinx-gallery & jupyter from scraping & inserting plots
        dmtx_text_ = dmtx_text_.safe_substitute({
            'design_matrix': url_design_matrix_svg,
            'dmtx_title': dmtx_title,
    svg_url_design_matrices = ''.join(html_design_matrices)
    return svg_url_design_matrices
コード例 #3
# say that the hrf is an arbitrary function that lags behind the
# stimulus onset.  In the present case, given that the numbers of
# conditions is high, we should use a simple FIR model.
# Concretely, we set `hrf_model` to 'fir' and `fir_delays` to [1, 2,
# 3] (scans) corresponding to a 3-step functions on the [1 * t_r, 4 *
# t_r] seconds interval.

from nilearn.glm.first_level import FirstLevelModel
from nilearn.reporting import plot_design_matrix, plot_contrast_matrix

first_level_model = FirstLevelModel(t_r, hrf_model='fir', fir_delays=[1, 2, 3])
first_level_model = first_level_model.fit(fmri_img, events=events)
design_matrix = first_level_model.design_matrices_[0]

# We have to adapt contrast specification. We characterize the BOLD
# response by the sum across the three time lags. It's a bit hairy,
# sorry, but this is the price to pay for flexibility...

import numpy as np

contrast_matrix = np.eye(design_matrix.shape[1])
contrasts = dict([(column, contrast_matrix[i])
                  for i, column in enumerate(design_matrix.columns)])
conditions = events.trial_type.unique()
for condition in conditions:
    contrasts[condition] = np.sum([
コード例 #4
raw.plot(duration=300, show_scrollbars=False)

# Create design matrix
# ------------------------------------
# Next we create a design matrix based on the annotation times in the simulated
# data. We use the nilearn plotting function to visualise the design matrix.
# For more details on this procedure see :ref:`tut-fnirs-hrf`.

design_matrix = make_first_level_design_matrix(raw,
fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6), nrows=1, ncols=1)
fig = plot_design_matrix(design_matrix, ax=ax1)

# Estimate response on clean data
# -------------------------------
# Here we run the GLM analysis on the clean data.
# The design matrix had three columns, so we get an estimate for our simulated
# event, the first order drift, and the constant.
# We see that the estimate of the first component is 4e-6 (4 uM),
# which was the amplitude we used in the simulation.
# We also see that the mean square error of the model fit is close to zero.

glm_est = run_GLM(raw, design_matrix)

print("Estimate:", glm_est['Simulated'].theta[0], "  MSE:",
コード例 #5

# Now that we have specified the model, we can run it on the fMRI image
fmri_glm = fmri_glm.fit(fmri_img, events)

# One can inspect the design matrix (rows represent time, and
# columns contain the predictors).
design_matrix = fmri_glm.design_matrices_[0]

# Formally, we have taken the first design matrix, because the model is
# implictily meant to for multiple runs.
from nilearn.reporting import plot_design_matrix
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Save the design matrix image to disk
# first create a directory where you want to write the images

import os
outdir = 'results'
if not os.path.exists(outdir):

from os.path import join
    design_matrix, output_file=join(outdir, 'design_matrix.png'))
コード例 #6
# Then we sample the design matrix.
X2 = make_first_level_design_matrix(frame_times, events, drift_model='polynomial',
                                    drift_order=3, hrf_model=hrf_model)

# Finally we compute a FIR model
events = pd.DataFrame({'trial_type': conditions, 'onset': onsets,
                         'duration': duration})
hrf_model = 'FIR'
X3 = make_first_level_design_matrix(frame_times, events, hrf_model='fir',
                                    drift_model='polynomial', drift_order=3,
                                    fir_delays=np.arange(1, 6))

# Here are the three designs side by side.
from nilearn.reporting import plot_design_matrix
fig, (ax1, ax2, ax3) = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 6), nrows=1, ncols=3)
plot_design_matrix(X1, ax=ax1)
ax1.set_title('Event-related design matrix', fontsize=12)
plot_design_matrix(X2, ax=ax2)
ax2.set_title('Block design matrix', fontsize=12)
plot_design_matrix(X3, ax=ax3)
ax3.set_title('FIR design matrix', fontsize=12)

# Let's improve the layout and show the result.
plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.08, top=0.9, bottom=0.21, right=0.96, wspace=0.3)