def read_wrf(filename,var="pr"): """read a variable from a net cdf file""" f=nio.open_file(filename,mode="r") # f=netCDF4.Dataset(filename,mode="r") data=f.variables[var][:] f.close() return data
def sonic(filename, L5_fix=True): ''' Read in RMY Sonic Anemometer Data from the Lake Thunderbird Micronet year >=2007 --includes fix for level 5 alignment as default (controlled with keyword L5_fix (L5_fix=True default) ''' from metobs.generic import horizontal_align_fix as haf # # Determine file type # if ((os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] == '.dat') | (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] == '.txt') | (os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] == '.gz')): # # Open File # try: date = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skiprows=2, usecols=np.arange(0, 1), dtype=datetime.datetime, converters={0: pull_date}) u1,v1,w1,T1,u2,v2,w2,T2,u3,v3,w3,T3,u4,v4,w4,T4,u5,v5,w5,T5= \ np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=np.arange(2,22), comments='%', delimiter=',',skiprows=2,unpack=True) u5, v5 = haf(u5, v5, -15.3) u = np.r_[u1, u2, u3, u4, u5] v = np.r_[v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] w = np.r_[w1, w2, w3, w4, w5] T = np.r_[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5] dt = np.dtype([('u', np.float), ('v', np.float), ('w', np.float), ('T', np.float)]) data = np.array(zip(u, v, w, T), dtype=dt).reshape(5, -1) except IOError: print '%s does not exist\n' % filename raise return date, data elif os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] == '.nc': import nio f = nio.open_file(filename, mode='r') u = f.variables['u'][:] v = f.variables['v'][:] w = f.variables['w'][:] T = f.variables['T'][:] f.close() data = np.rec.fromarrays([u, v, w, T], names='u,v,w,T') return data
def sonic_2005(filename): ''' Read in RMY Sonic Anemometer Data from the Lake Thunderbird Micronet Spring 2005 ''' # # Determine file type # if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] == '.txt': # # Open File # try: date = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=',', skiprows=2, usecols=np.arange(0, 1), dtype=datetime.datetime, converters={0: pull_date}) u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,voltage= \ np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=np.arange(1,22), comments='%', delimiter=',',unpack=True) u = np.r_[u1, u2, u3, u4, u5] v = np.r_[v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] w = np.r_[w1, w2, w3, w4, w5] T = np.r_[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5] dt = np.dtype([('u', np.float), ('v', np.float), ('w', np.float), ('T', np.float)]) data = np.array(zip(u, v, w, T), dtype=dt).reshape(5, -1) dt = np.dtype([('date', object), ('voltage', np.float)]) ext = np.array(zip(date, voltage), dtype=dt) except IOError: print '%s does not exist\n' % filename raise return data, ext elif os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1] == '.nc': import nio f = nio.open_file(filename, mode='r') u = f.variables['u'][:] v = f.variables['v'][:] w = f.variables['w'][:] T = f.variables['T'][:] f.close() data = np.rec.fromarrays([u, v, w, T], names='u,v,w,T') return data
def sonic(filename, L5_fix=True): ''' Read in RMY Sonic Anemometer Data from the Lake Thunderbird Micronet year >=2007 --includes fix for level 5 alignment as default (controlled with keyword L5_fix (L5_fix=True default) ''' from metobs.generic import horizontal_align_fix as haf # # Determine file type # if ((os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1]=='.dat')|(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1]=='.txt')|(os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1]=='.gz')): # # Open File # try: date = np.loadtxt(filename,delimiter=',',skiprows=2,usecols=np.arange(0,1),dtype=datetime.datetime,converters={0:pull_date}) u1,v1,w1,T1,u2,v2,w2,T2,u3,v3,w3,T3,u4,v4,w4,T4,u5,v5,w5,T5= \ np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=np.arange(2,22), comments='%', delimiter=',',skiprows=2,unpack=True) u5,v5=haf(u5,v5,-15.3) u=np.r_[u1,u2,u3,u4,u5] v=np.r_[v1,v2,v3,v4,v5] w=np.r_[w1,w2,w3,w4,w5] T=np.r_[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5] dt = np.dtype([('u',np.float),('v',np.float),('w',np.float), ('T',np.float)]) data=np.array(zip(u,v,w,T), dtype=dt).reshape(5,-1) except IOError: print '%s does not exist\n'%filename raise return date,data elif os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1]=='.nc': import nio f=nio.open_file(filename,mode='r') u=f.variables['u'][:] v=f.variables['v'][:] w=f.variables['w'][:] T=f.variables['T'][:] f.close() data = np.rec.fromarrays([u,v,w,T],names='u,v,w,T') return data
def sonic_2005(filename): ''' Read in RMY Sonic Anemometer Data from the Lake Thunderbird Micronet Spring 2005 ''' # # Determine file type # if os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1]=='.txt': # # Open File # try: date = np.loadtxt(filename,delimiter=',',skiprows=2,usecols=np.arange(0,1),dtype=datetime.datetime,converters={0:pull_date}) u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,voltage= \ np.loadtxt(filename, usecols=np.arange(1,22), comments='%', delimiter=',',unpack=True) u=np.r_[u1,u2,u3,u4,u5] v=np.r_[v1,v2,v3,v4,v5] w=np.r_[w1,w2,w3,w4,w5] T=np.r_[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5] dt = np.dtype([('u',np.float),('v',np.float),('w',np.float), ('T',np.float)]) data=np.array(zip(u,v,w,T), dtype=dt).reshape(5,-1) dt = np.dtype([('date',object),('voltage',np.float)]) ext = np.array(zip(date,voltage), dtype=dt) except IOError: print '%s does not exist\n'%filename raise return data,ext elif os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[1]=='.nc': import nio f=nio.open_file(filename,mode='r') u=f.variables['u'][:] v=f.variables['v'][:] w=f.variables['w'][:] T=f.variables['T'][:] f.close() data = np.rec.fromarrays([u,v,w,T],names='u,v,w,T') return data
def read_base(filename): """Read all variable names attibutes dimensions...""" f=nio.open_file(filename,mode="r") # f=netCDF4.Dataset(filename,mode="r") output=Bunch() variables=Bunch() for k in f.variables.keys(): curvar=f.variables[k] data=Bunch() if k=="Times":[:] data.atts=copy.deepcopy(curvar.__dict__) data.dims=copy.deepcopy(curvar.dimensions) data.dtype=curvar.typecode() variables[k]=data output.variables=variables output.global_attributes=copy.deepcopy(f.__dict__) output.dimensions=copy.deepcopy(f.dimensions) f.close() return output
if os.path.isfile(fn_monthOut)==False: fileNames.append(fn) print fn_monthOut # process the remaining input files. startTime = for fn in fileNames: try: print 'Starting averaging of', fn pathSplit=fn.split('/') fnSplit=pathSplit[-1].split('.') # open files, get aice_d, and time and put into variables with the same name if fnSplit[2]==bgKey: # if the control run fnTemp=str.join(".", fnSplit[:-1])+'' f=nio.open_file(fn, 'r') aice_d=f.variables['aice_d'][:,:,:] time=f.variables['time'][:] if fnSplit[2]==runParts23keyRCP45: # now instead you need to open THREE FILES: # first open the first one f=nio.open_file(fn, 'r') aice_d=f.variables['aice_d'][:,:,:] time=f.variables['time'][:] # now find the other two and add them to the end pathConstruct2=pathIn45+'*'+runParts23keyRCP45+'*'+fnSplit[4]+'*'+fnSplit[7]+'*nc' findFiles=np.sort(glob.glob(pathConstruct2))
def sonic(filename): ''' Create .nc files from RMY Sonic Anemometer ASCII Data from the Lake Thunderbird Micronet ''' # # Open ASCII File # try: date = N.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[0], dtype=str, comments='%', delimiter=',') u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,w1,w2,w3,w4,w5,T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,voltage= \ N.loadtxt(filename, usecols=N.arange(1,22), comments='%', delimiter=',',unpack=True) u=N.r_[u1,u2,u3,u4,u5] v=N.r_[v1,v2,v3,v4,v5] w=N.r_[w1,w2,w3,w4,w5] T=N.r_[T1,T2,T3,T4,T5] dt = N.dtype([('u',N.float),('v',N.float),('w',N.float), ('T',N.float)]) data=N.array(zip(u,v,w,T), dtype=dt).reshape(5,-1) dt = N.dtype([('date',object),('voltage',N.float)]) ext = N.array(zip(date,voltage), dtype=dt) netcdf_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0]+'.nc' netcdf_loc = '/micronet/python/data/ltmsonic/netcdf' netcdf_fpath = os.path.join(netcdf_loc,netcdf_name) # # Open netCDF file and let the fun begin! # f = nio.open_file(netcdf_fpath, mode='c') # # Set dimensions # f.create_dimension('station',5) f.create_dimension('record_length',18000) # # Create Variables # # sdi_var=f.create_variable('station_id','i',('station',)) # lat_var=f.create_variable('latitude','f',('station',)) # long_var=f.create_variable('longitude','f',('station',)) # alt_var=f.create_variable('altitude','f',('station',)) # time_var=f.create_variable('time','i',('station','record_length',)) u_var=f.create_variable('u','f',('station','record_length')) v_var=f.create_variable('v','f',('station','record_length')) w_var=f.create_variable('w','f',('station','record_length')) T_var=f.create_variable('T','f',('station','record_length')) # bat_v_var=f.create_variable('bat_v','f',('record_length',)) # # Assign attributes to variables # # f.variables['station_id'].long_name = 'tower level' # f.variables['latitude'].units = 'degrees_north' # f.variables['latitude'].long_name = 'latitude degrees_north' # f.variables['longitude'].units = 'degrees_east' # f.variables['longitude'].long_name = 'longitude degrees_east' # f.variables['altitude'].units = 'meters' # f.variables['altitude'].positive = 'up' # f.variables['altitude'].long_name = 'height above ground level' # f.variables['time'].units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC' # f.variables['time'].long_nameunits = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC' f.variables['u'].units = 'm/s' f.variables['u'].long_name = 'East-west component of velocity' # f.variables['u'].missing_value = '-999' f.variables['v'].units = 'm/s' f.variables['v'].long_name = 'North-south component of velocity' # f.variables['v'].missing_value = '-999' f.variables['w'].units = 'm/s' f.variables['w'].long_name = 'vertical component of velocity (parallel to gravity)' # f.variables['w'].missing_value = '-999' f.variables['T'].units = 'Kelvin' f.variables['T'].long_name = 'Temperature in Kelvin' # f.variables['T'].missing_value = '-999' # # Assign values to variables # # pnt=post_num # latt=lat_array # lont=lon_array # altt=N.array([1.5,3.0,6.0,10.0,15.0]) # outtimet=outtime_array # for i in range(0,287): # post_num=N.c_[post_num,pnt] # lat_array=N.c_[lat_array,latt] # lon_array=N.c_[lon_array,lont] # alt_array=N.c_[alt_array,altt] # outtime_array=ext['date'][0] # for i in range(1,5): # outtime_array=N.c_[outtime_array,ext['date'][i]] # sdi_var.assign_value(N.array([1,2,3,4,5])) # lat_var.assign_value(lat_array) # long_var.assign_value(lon_array) # alt_var.assign_value(alt_array) # time_var.assign_value(outtime_array) u_var.assign_value(data['u'].astype('float32')) v_var.assign_value(data['v'].astype('float32')) w_var.assign_value(data['w'].astype('float32')) T_var.assign_value(data['T'].astype('float32')) # bat_v_var.assign_value(ext['voltage']) # # Set global attributes # setattr(f,'title','Lake Thunderbird Micronet sonic anemometer time series') # setattr(f,'Conventions','Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0') # setattr(f,'description','Lake Thunderbird Micronet Temperature/RH Daily Time Series') # setattr(f,'time_coordinate','time') # setattr(f,'cdm_datatype','Station') # setattr(f,'stationDimension','station') # setattr(f,'station_id_variable','station_id') # setattr(f,'latitude_coortinate','latitude') # setattr(f,'longitude_coortinate','longitude') # setattr(f,'altitude_coortinate','altitude') # setattr(f,'geospatial_lat_max',N.array2string(lat_array.max())) # setattr(f,'geospatial_lat_min',N.array2string(lat_array.min())) # setattr(f,'geospatial_lon_max',N.array2string(lon_array.max())) # setattr(f,'geospatial_lon_min',N.array2string(lon_array.min())) # setattr(f,'time_coverage_start',str(int(outtime[0]))+" seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC") # setattr(f,'time_coverage_end',str(int(outtime[-1]))+" seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC") # setattr(f,'observationDimension','record_length') # # Close netCDF file # f.close() except IOError: print '%s does not exist\n'%filename raise
#totalTime.days timestep=np.zeros(numFiles) sicAll=np.zeros((numFiles, 448,304)) timeBounds=np.zeros((numFiles,2)) itters=[] mD=[] i=0 startTime = dates=[] #path=u'/Users/katherinebarnhart/Desktop/RESEARCH/seaIcePPF/b*' dirList=glob.glob(pathIn+'b*nh*.nc') f=nio.open_file(dirList[0], 'r') fillVal=f.variables['aice_d'].__dict__['_FillValue'] f.close() del f for y in yrs: path=folderpath+str(y) os.chdir(path) filenames = sorted(glob.glob('nt*.bin')) if (len(filenames)>367) or (len(filenames)==263): datesSort=[fn[3:11] for fn in filenames] udates=sorted(set(datesSort)) newFiles=[] for ud in udates: tempFiles = sorted(glob.glob('nt*'+ud+'*.bin'))
def openGFS(main_directory, file_name): try: gfs = nio.open_file(main_directory + file_name, 'r') return gfs except: print 'Something went wrong'
midSIF=250 # day of year for "middle of SIF season" 215~= August 1st midIce=70 fn='/Volumes/Pitcairn/seaicePPF/northernHemisphere/analysisOutput/' daysPerMonth=[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] cumDaysInYear=np.cumsum(daysPerMonth) daysPerMonthLeap=[31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31] cumDaysInYearLeap=np.cumsum(daysPerMonthLeap) startTime = print 'Starting averaging of', fn fn_monthOut=fn[:-2]+'' # f=nio.open_file(fn, 'r') numyears=37 t=f.variables['time'][:] reftime=datetime(1979, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) ni=f.dimensions['ni'] nj=f.dimensions['nj'] # for each cell do the following: # 1. Create monthly averages of SIC #** add montjly sea ice area estimate nummonths=numyears*12 # do the montly averaging
pickle.dump(running, open(pickleFile, "wb")) print "Starting Analysis of", fn fn_analysisOut = fn[:-24] + "" pathSplit = fn.split("/") fnSplit = pathSplit[-1].split(".") # open files, get aice_d, and time and put into variables with the same name if fnSplit[2] == bgKey: # if the control run # construct original file. fn_inFind = pathIn + "*" + fnSplit[2] + "*" + fnSplit[4] + "*" + fnSplit[7] + "*" + fnSplit[-4] + "*nc" fn_in = glob.glob(fn_inFind)[0] f = nio.open_file(fn_in, "r") aice_d = f.variables["aice_d"][:, :, :] time = f.variables["time"][:] numyears = time.size / 365 next_yr = str(int(fnSplit[-4][-8:-4]) + 1).zfill(4) fn_in_next_Find = pathIn + "*" + fnSplit[2] + "*" + fnSplit[4] + "*" + fnSplit[7] + "*" + next_yr + "*nc" nextFN = glob.glob(fn_in_next_Find) if len(nextFN) > 0: fnext = nio.open_file(nextFN[0], "r") aice_d = np.append(aice_d, fnext.variables["aice_d"][:365, :, :], 0) time = np.append(time, fnext.variables["time"][:365], 0)
def sonic(filename): """ Create .nc files from RMY Sonic Anemometer ASCII Data from the Lake Thunderbird Micronet """ # # Open ASCII File # try: date = N.loadtxt(filename, usecols=[0], dtype=str, comments="%", delimiter=",") u1, u2, u3, u4, u5, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, voltage = N.loadtxt( filename, usecols=N.arange(1, 22), comments="%", delimiter=",", unpack=True ) u = N.r_[u1, u2, u3, u4, u5] v = N.r_[v1, v2, v3, v4, v5] w = N.r_[w1, w2, w3, w4, w5] T = N.r_[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5] dt = N.dtype([("u", N.float), ("v", N.float), ("w", N.float), ("T", N.float)]) data = N.array(zip(u, v, w, T), dtype=dt).reshape(5, -1) dt = N.dtype([("date", object), ("voltage", N.float)]) ext = N.array(zip(date, voltage), dtype=dt) netcdf_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0] + ".nc" netcdf_loc = "/micronet/python/data/ltmsonic/netcdf" netcdf_fpath = os.path.join(netcdf_loc, netcdf_name) # # Open netCDF file and let the fun begin! # f = nio.open_file(netcdf_fpath, mode="c") # # Set dimensions # f.create_dimension("station", 5) f.create_dimension("record_length", 18000) # # Create Variables # # sdi_var=f.create_variable('station_id','i',('station',)) # lat_var=f.create_variable('latitude','f',('station',)) # long_var=f.create_variable('longitude','f',('station',)) # alt_var=f.create_variable('altitude','f',('station',)) # time_var=f.create_variable('time','i',('station','record_length',)) u_var = f.create_variable("u", "f", ("station", "record_length")) v_var = f.create_variable("v", "f", ("station", "record_length")) w_var = f.create_variable("w", "f", ("station", "record_length")) T_var = f.create_variable("T", "f", ("station", "record_length")) # bat_v_var=f.create_variable('bat_v','f',('record_length',)) # # Assign attributes to variables # # f.variables['station_id'].long_name = 'tower level' # f.variables['latitude'].units = 'degrees_north' # f.variables['latitude'].long_name = 'latitude degrees_north' # f.variables['longitude'].units = 'degrees_east' # f.variables['longitude'].long_name = 'longitude degrees_east' # f.variables['altitude'].units = 'meters' # f.variables['altitude'].positive = 'up' # f.variables['altitude'].long_name = 'height above ground level' # f.variables['time'].units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC' # f.variables['time'].long_nameunits = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC' f.variables["u"].units = "m/s" f.variables["u"].long_name = "East-west component of velocity" # f.variables['u'].missing_value = '-999' f.variables["v"].units = "m/s" f.variables["v"].long_name = "North-south component of velocity" # f.variables['v'].missing_value = '-999' f.variables["w"].units = "m/s" f.variables["w"].long_name = "vertical component of velocity (parallel to gravity)" # f.variables['w'].missing_value = '-999' f.variables["T"].units = "Kelvin" f.variables["T"].long_name = "Temperature in Kelvin" # f.variables['T'].missing_value = '-999' # # Assign values to variables # # pnt=post_num # latt=lat_array # lont=lon_array # altt=N.array([1.5,3.0,6.0,10.0,15.0]) # outtimet=outtime_array # for i in range(0,287): # post_num=N.c_[post_num,pnt] # lat_array=N.c_[lat_array,latt] # lon_array=N.c_[lon_array,lont] # alt_array=N.c_[alt_array,altt] # outtime_array=ext['date'][0] # for i in range(1,5): # outtime_array=N.c_[outtime_array,ext['date'][i]] # sdi_var.assign_value(N.array([1,2,3,4,5])) # lat_var.assign_value(lat_array) # long_var.assign_value(lon_array) # alt_var.assign_value(alt_array) # time_var.assign_value(outtime_array) u_var.assign_value(data["u"].astype("float32")) v_var.assign_value(data["v"].astype("float32")) w_var.assign_value(data["w"].astype("float32")) T_var.assign_value(data["T"].astype("float32")) # bat_v_var.assign_value(ext['voltage']) # # Set global attributes # setattr(f, "title", "Lake Thunderbird Micronet sonic anemometer time series") # setattr(f,'Conventions','Unidata Observation Dataset v1.0') # setattr(f,'description','Lake Thunderbird Micronet Temperature/RH Daily Time Series') # setattr(f,'time_coordinate','time') # setattr(f,'cdm_datatype','Station') # setattr(f,'stationDimension','station') # setattr(f,'station_id_variable','station_id') # setattr(f,'latitude_coortinate','latitude') # setattr(f,'longitude_coortinate','longitude') # setattr(f,'altitude_coortinate','altitude') # setattr(f,'geospatial_lat_max',N.array2string(lat_array.max())) # setattr(f,'geospatial_lat_min',N.array2string(lat_array.min())) # setattr(f,'geospatial_lon_max',N.array2string(lon_array.max())) # setattr(f,'geospatial_lon_min',N.array2string(lon_array.min())) # setattr(f,'time_coverage_start',str(int(outtime[0]))+" seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC") # setattr(f,'time_coverage_end',str(int(outtime[-1]))+" seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00.000 UTC") # setattr(f,'observationDimension','record_length') # # Close netCDF file # f.close() except IOError: print "%s does not exist\n" % filename raise
def write_data(filename,data,base,geo,inputtimes=None,fillvalue=-9999): """Write data to filename with attributes from base and lat-lon from geo""" of=nio.open_file(filename,mode='w',format="nc") # of=netCDF4.Dataset(filename,mode='w',format="nc") of.title=meta.title of.creator=meta.creator of.creation_date=time.ctime() if base.global_attributes.has_key("history"): past_history=" last{"+base.global_attributes["history"]+"}" else: past_history="" of.history="Created : "+time.ctime()+" with "+past_history of.source=meta.source of.Conventions=meta.conventions dimnames=dict(Time="Time",DateStrLen = "DateStrLen", west_east = "lon", south_north = "lat") longnames=dict(Q2="Specific Humidity",T2="Temperature",PSFC="Pressure",U10="Wind Speed (east-west)", V10="Wind Speed (North South)",RAINNC="Precipitation", SWDOWN="Downward Shortwave Radiation",GLW="Downward Longwave Radiation") for dimkey in base.dimensions.keys(): if dimkey=="Time": of.create_dimension("Time",0) elif dimkey=="soil_layers_stag": pass elif dimkey=="DateStrLen": pass elif dimkey=="south_north": of.create_dimension(dimnames[dimkey],[0]) elif dimkey=="west_east": of.create_dimension(dimnames[dimkey],[1]) else: of.create_dimension(dimnames[dimkey],base.dimensions[dimkey]) outvar=of.create_variable("Times","d",("Time",)) outvar[:inputtimes.size]=inputtimes outvar=of.create_variable("lat","f",("lat","lon")) outvar.units="degrees" outvar.longname="latitude" outvar[:] outvar=of.create_variable("lon","f",("lat","lon")) outvar[:]=geo.lon.astype(np.float32) outvar.units="degrees" outvar.longname="longitude" for var in var_list: curvar=base.variables[var] curdims=tuple([dimnames[thisdim] for thisdim in curvar.dims]) outvar=of.create_variable(var,curvar.dtype,curdims) for k in curvar.atts.keys(): setattr(outvar,k,curvar.atts[k]) if (var=="RAINNC"): outvar.units="kg/m^2/s" outvar.description="Hourly Precipitation" outvar.longname=longnames[var] outvar._FillValue=np.float32(fillvalue) for i in range(data[var].shape[0]): outvar[i,:,:]=data[var][i,:,:].astype(curvar.dtype) of.close()
del las1850 for ittR in range(len(rcpkey)): fnAnalysis = '/Volumes/Pitcairn/seaicePPF/northernHemisphere/analysisOutput/allModels.Summary.' + nsk + '.' + rcpName[ ittR] + '.nc' print fnAnalysis dirList = glob.glob(path + '*' + rcpName[ittR] + '*' + nsk + '*') analysisFiles = [] for fn in dirList: analysisFiles.append(Dataset(fn, 'r')) #print fn, ( key = 'numSIF' f = nio.open_file(dirList[0], 'r') landMask = f.variables[key][0, :, :] > 1200 fillVal = f.variables[key].__dict__['_FillValue'] ni = f.dimensions['ni'] nj = f.dimensions['nj'] nm = len(dirList) numModels = len(dirList) lastYear = int(np.floor(f.variables['time'][:].max() / 365)) numYears = lastYear - 1850 if numYears == 249: numYears = 250 lastYear = lastYear - 1 del f numSIF = np.nan * np.ones((numModels, numYears, nj, ni))
if os.path.isfile(fn_monthOut) == False: fileNames.append(fn) print fn_monthOut # process the remaining input files. startTime = for fn in fileNames: try: print 'Starting averaging of', fn pathSplit = fn.split('/') fnSplit = pathSplit[-1].split('.') # open files, get aice_d, and time and put into variables with the same name if fnSplit[2] == bgKey: # if the control run fnTemp = str.join(".", fnSplit[:-1]) + '' f = nio.open_file(fn, 'r') aice_d = f.variables['aice_d'][:, :, :] time = f.variables['time'][:] if fnSplit[2] == runPart1key: fnTemp = str.join(".", fnSplit[:-2]) + '' # now instead you need to open THREE FILES: # first open the first one f = nio.open_file(fn, 'r') aice_d = f.variables['aice_d'][:, :, :] time = f.variables['time'][:] # now find the other two and add them to the end pathConstruct2 = str.join( '/', pathSplit[:-1]) + '/*' + runParts23key + '*' + fnSplit[ 4] + '*' + fnSplit[7] + '*nc'
print 'Starting Analysis of', fn fn_analysisOut = fn[:-24] + '' pathSplit = fn.split('/') fnSplit = pathSplit[-1].split('.') # open files, get aice_d, and time and put into variables with the same name if fnSplit[2] == bgKey: # if the control run # construct original file. fn_inFind = pathIn + '*' + fnSplit[2] + '*' + fnSplit[ 4] + '*' + fnSplit[7] + '*' + fnSplit[-4] + '*nc' fn_in = glob.glob(fn_inFind)[0] f = nio.open_file(fn_in, 'r') aice_d = f.variables['aice_d'][:, :, :] time = f.variables['time'][:] numyears = time.size / 365 next_yr = str(int(fnSplit[-4][-8:-4]) + 1).zfill(4) fn_in_next_Find = pathIn + '*' + fnSplit[2] + '*' + fnSplit[ 4] + '*' + fnSplit[7] + '*' + next_yr + '*nc' nextFN = glob.glob(fn_in_next_Find) if len(nextFN) > 0: fnext = nio.open_file(nextFN[0], 'r') aice_d = np.append(aice_d,
dataset['var_diff'] = {'data': var_diff} dataset['var_diff'][ 'longName'] = 'Difference of model mean and observed 1979-2014 detrended variance' dataset['var_diff']['units'] = 'Days' dataset['slope_diff'] = {'data': slope_diff} dataset['slope_diff'][ 'longName'] = 'Difference of model mean and observed 1979-2014 trend' dataset['slope_diff']['units'] = 'Days per year' # save as a netcdf import nio f = nio.open_file(obs, 'r') fnAnalysis = '/Volumes/Pitcairn/seaicePPF/northernHemisphere/analysisOutput/' fAn = Dataset(fnAnalysis, 'w', format='NETCDF4') # create all the dimentions, set time to unlimited for k in f.dimensions.keys(): if f.unlimited(k) == True: fAn.createDimension(k, None) else: fAn.createDimension(k, f.dimensions[k]) fAn.createDimension('nm', numModels) # use the netCDF4 instead of pyNIO since it seems to work much better with unlimited variables fAnVars = {} for key in {'TLAT', 'TLON', 'time_bounds', 'time'}: print 'creating ', key
dataset['slope_percentile']['longName']='Comparison of slope' dataset['slope_percentile']['units']='percentile of 1979-2014 slope' dataset['var_diff']={'data':var_diff} dataset['var_diff']['longName']='Difference of model mean and observed 1979-2014 detrended variance' dataset['var_diff']['units']='Days' dataset['slope_diff']={'data':slope_diff} dataset['slope_diff']['longName']='Difference of model mean and observed 1979-2014 trend' dataset['slope_diff']['units']='Days per year' # save as a netcdf import nio f=nio.open_file(obs, 'r') fnAnalysis='/Volumes/Pitcairn/seaicePPF/northernHemisphere/analysisOutput/' fAn=Dataset(fnAnalysis, 'w',format='NETCDF4') # create all the dimentions, set time to unlimited for k in f.dimensions.keys(): if f.unlimited(k)==True: fAn.createDimension(k, None) else: fAn.createDimension(k, f.dimensions[k]) fAn.createDimension('nm', numModels) # use the netCDF4 instead of pyNIO since it seems to work much better with unlimited variables fAnVars={} for key in {'TLAT', 'TLON','time_bounds', 'time'}: print 'creating ', key
analysisFiles = [] for fn in dirList: analysisFiles.append(Dataset(fn, 'r')) print fn, ( - startTime) analysisFiles2 = [] for fn in dirList2: analysisFiles2.append(Dataset(fn, 'r')) print fn, ( - startTime) numModels = len(dirList) numYears = (2100 - 1850) key = 'aice_d' f = nio.open_file( u'/Volumes/Pitcairn/seaicePPF/p/cesm0005/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE/ice/proc/tseries/daily/aice_d/', 'r') landMask = f.variables[key][0, :, :] > 120 fillVal = f.variables[key].__dict__['_FillValue'] del f NI = landMask.shape[1] NJ = landMask.shape[0] NM = len(analysisFiles) numSIF = np.nan * np.ones((numModels, numYears, NJ, NI)) first = np.nan * np.ones((numModels, numYears, NJ, NI)) last = np.nan * np.ones((numModels, numYears, NJ, NI)) i = 0 for fn in dirList:
for fn in dirList: analysisFiles.append(Dataset(fn, 'r')) print fn, ( analysisFiles2=[] for fn in dirList2: analysisFiles2.append(Dataset(fn, 'r')) print fn, ( numModels=len(dirList) numYears=(2100-1850) key='aice_d' f=nio.open_file(u'/Volumes/Pitcairn/seaicePPF/p/cesm0005/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE/ice/proc/tseries/daily/aice_d/','r') landMask=f.variables[key][0,:,:]>120 fillVal=f.variables[key].__dict__['_FillValue'] del f NI=landMask.shape[1] NJ=landMask.shape[0] NM=len(analysisFiles) numSIF=np.nan*np.ones((numModels,numYears,NJ,NI)) first=np.nan*np.ones((numModels,numYears,NJ,NI)) last=np.nan*np.ones((numModels,numYears,NJ,NI)) i=0 for fn in dirList: f=Dataset(fn, 'r')