コード例 #1
ファイル: fmri_surface.py プロジェクト: bpinsard/misc
def onsets2regs(onsets,tr,nframes):
    import nipy.modalities.fmri.hemodynamic_models as hm
    hrf_regs = np.empty((onsets.size,nframes))
    for i,o in enumerate(onsets):
            tr, oversampling=1,
            time_length=(nframes)*tr, onset=o)
    return hrf_regs
コード例 #2
ファイル: fmri_surface.py プロジェクト: bpinsard/misc
def onsets2regs(onsets, tr, nframes):
    import nipy.modalities.fmri.hemodynamic_models as hm
    hrf_regs = np.empty((onsets.size, nframes))
    for i, o in enumerate(onsets):
        hrf_regs[i] = hm.glover_hrf(tr,
                                    time_length=(nframes) * tr,
    return hrf_regs
コード例 #3
 def do_plot(w):
     from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm
     canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., size_u)
     W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
     u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
     #u -= u.mean(0)
     tmp = u.copy()
     sgn = np.sign(u.max(0))
     tmp *= sgn
     norm = tmp.max(0) - tmp.min(0)
     tmp = tmp / norm
     # pl.ylim((-1, 1.2))
     pl.xlim((0, size_u))
コード例 #4
 def do_plot(w):
     from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm
     canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., size_u)
     W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
     u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
     #u -= u.mean(0)
     tmp = u.copy()
     sgn = np.sign(u.max(0))
     tmp *= sgn
     norm = tmp.max(0) - tmp.min(0)
     tmp = tmp / norm
     # pl.ylim((-1, 1.2))
     pl.xlim((0, size_u))
コード例 #5
def rank_one(X, Y, size_u, u0=None, v0=None, Z=None,
             rtol=1e-6, verbose=False, maxiter=1000, callback=None,
             plot=False, method='TNC'):
     multi-target rank one model

         ||y - X vec(u v.T) - Z w||^2

     X : array-like, sparse matrix or LinearOperator, shape (n, p)
         The design matrix

     Y : array-lime, shape (n, k)
         Time-series vector. Several time-series vectors can be given at once,
         however for large system becomes unstable. We do not recommend
         using more than k > 100.

     size_u : integer
         Must be divisor of p

     u0 : array

     Z : array, sparse matrix or LinearOperator, shape (n, q)
         Represents the drift vectors.

     rtol : float
         Relative tolerance

     maxiter : int
         maximum number of iterations

     verbose : boolean

     U : array, shape (size_u, k)
     V : array, shape (p / size_u, k)
     W : coefficients associated to the drift vectors
    alpha = 0.
    X = splinalg.aslinearoperator(X)
    if Z is None:
        # create zero operator
        Z_ = splinalg.LinearOperator(shape=(X.shape[0], 1),
                                     matvec=lambda x: np.zeros((X.shape[0], x.shape[1])),
                                     rmatvec=lambda x: np.zeros((1, x.shape[1])), dtype=np.float)
        Z_ = splinalg.aslinearoperator(Z)
    Y = np.asarray(Y)
    if Y.ndim == 1:
        Y = Y.reshape((-1, 1))
    n_task = Y.shape[1]

    # .. check dimensions in input ..
    if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Wrong shape for X, y')

    if u0 is None:
        u0 = np.ones((size_u, n_task))
    if u0.size == size_u:
        u0 = u0.reshape((-1, 1))
        u0 = np.repeat(u0, n_task, axis=1)
    if v0 is None:
        v0 = np.ones(X.shape[1] / size_u * n_task)  # np.random.randn(shape_B[1])

    size_v = X.shape[1] / size_u
    #u0 = u0.reshape((-1, n_task))
    v0 = v0.reshape((-1, n_task))
    w0 = np.zeros((size_u + size_v + Z_.shape[1], n_task))
    w0[:size_u] = u0
    w0[size_u:size_u + size_v] = v0

    # .. some auxiliary functions ..
    # .. used in conjugate gradient ..
    def obj(X_, Y_, Z_, a, b, c, u0):
        uv0 = khatri_rao(b, a)
        cost = .5 * linalg.norm(Y_ - X_.matvec(uv0) - Z_.matmat(c), 'fro') ** 2
        #print('LOSS: %s' % cost)
        reg = alpha * linalg.norm(a - u0, 'fro') ** 2
        return cost + reg

    def f(w, X_, Y_, Z_, n_task, u0):
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        return obj(X_, Y_, Z_, u, v, c, u0)

    def fprime(w, X_, Y_, Z_, n_task, u0):
        n_task = 1
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        tmp = Y_ - matmat2(X_, u, v, 1) - Z_.matmat(c)
        grad = np.empty((size_u + size_v + Z_.shape[1], 1))  # TODO: do outside
        grad[:size_u] = rmatmat1(X, v, tmp, 1) - alpha * (u - u0)
        grad[size_u:size_u + size_v] = rmatmat2(X, u, tmp, 1)
        grad[size_u + size_v:] = Z_.rmatvec(tmp)
        return - grad.reshape((-1,), order='F')

    def hess(w, s, X_, Y_, Z_, n_task, u0):
        # TODO: regularization
        s = s.reshape((-1, 1))
        X_ = splinalg.aslinearoperator(X_)
        Z_ = splinalg.aslinearoperator(Z_)
        size_v = X_.shape[1] / size_u
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        XY = X_.rmatvec(Y_)  # TODO: move out
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        s1, s2, s3 = s[:size_u], s[size_u:size_u + size_v], s[size_u + size_v:]
        W2 = X_.rmatvec(matmat2(X_, u, v, 1))
        W2 = W2.reshape((-1, s2.shape[0]), order='F')
        XY = XY.reshape((-1, s2.shape[0]), order='F')

        n_task = 1
        A_tmp = matmat2(X_, s1, v, n_task)
        As1 = rmatmat1(X_, v, A_tmp, n_task)
        tmp = matmat2(X_, u, s2, n_task)
        Ds2 = rmatmat2(X_, u, tmp, n_task)
        tmp = Z_.matvec(s3)

        Cs3 = rmatmat1(X_, v, tmp, n_task)
        tmp = matmat2(X_, s1, v, n_task).T
        Cts1 = Z_.rmatvec(tmp.T)

        tmp = matmat2(X_, u, s2, n_task)
        Bs2 = rmatmat1(X_, v, tmp, n_task) + W2.dot(s2) - XY.dot(s2)

        tmp = matmat2(X_, s1, v, n_task)
        Bts1 = rmatmat2(X_, u, tmp, n_task) + W2.T.dot(s1) - XY.T.dot(s1)

        tmp = Z_.matvec(s3)
        Es3 = rmatmat2(X_, u, tmp, n_task)

        tmp = matmat2(X_, u, s2, n_task)
        Ets2 = Z_.rmatvec(tmp)

        Fs3 = - Z_.rmatvec(Z_.matvec(s3))

        line0 = As1 + Bs2 + Cs3
        line1 = Bts1 + Ds2 + Es3
        line2 = Cts1 + Ets2 + Fs3

        return np.concatenate((line0, line1, line2)).ravel()

    if plot:
        import pylab as pl
        fig = pl.figure()
        from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm
        canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., size_u)
        canonical -= canonical.mean()
        pl.plot(canonical / (canonical.max() - canonical.min()), lw=4)

    def do_plot(w):
        from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm
        canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., size_u)
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        #u -= u.mean(0)
        tmp = u.copy()
        sgn = np.sign(u.max(0))
        tmp *= sgn
        norm = tmp.max(0) - tmp.min(0)
        tmp = tmp / norm
        # pl.ylim((-1, 1.2))
        pl.xlim((0, size_u))

    U = np.zeros((size_u, n_task))
    V = np.zeros((size_v, n_task))
    C = np.zeros((Z_.shape[1], n_task))

    for i in range(n_task):
        y_i = Y[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
        w0_i = w0[:, i].ravel('F')
        u0_i = u0[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))

        args = (X, y_i, Z_, 1, u0_i)
        options = {'maxiter' : maxiter, 'xtol' : rtol}
        out = optimize.minimize(
            f, w0_i, jac=fprime, args=args, hessp=hess,
            method=method, options=options,
        if verbose:
            if hasattr(out, 'nit'):
                print('Number of iterations: %s' % out.nit)
            if hasattr(out, 'fun'):
                print('Loss function: %s' % out.fun)
        out = out.x
        if plot:
        W = out.reshape((-1, y_i.shape[1]), order='F')
        ui = W[:size_u].ravel()
        norm_ui = linalg.norm(ui)
        U[:, i] = ui / norm_ui
        V[:, i] = W[size_u:size_u + size_v].ravel() * norm_ui
        C[:, i] = W[size_u + size_v:].ravel()

    if Z is None:
        return U, V
        return U, V, C
コード例 #6
ファイル: test_res.py プロジェクト: fabianp/multitask
import scipy
import scipy.io
import pylab as pl
from scipy import linalg, signal, sparse

from scipy.sparse import linalg as splinalg
from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm

import multitask as mt
import hrf_estimation as he

DIR = tempfile.mkdtemp()
fir_length = 20
canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., fir_length).reshape((-1, 1))

# load data -- 
print('Loading data')
ds = np.DataSource(DIR)
X_tmp = scipy.io.mmread(ds.open('X_train.mtx')).tocsr()
Y = np.load('Y_10000.npy')
X_session = X_tmp[:X_tmp.shape[0] / 4, :X_tmp.shape[1] / 5]
for n_session, Y_session in enumerate(np.split(Y, 5)):
    k = X_session.shape[0] / 7.
    X_train = X_session[:5 * k]
    X_test = X_session[5 * k:]
    Y_train = Y_session[:5 * k]
    Y_test = Y_session[5 * k:]
    n_task = 5
コード例 #7
def rank_one(X,
     multi-target rank one model

         ||y - X vec(u v.T) - Z w||^2

     X : array-like, sparse matrix or LinearOperator, shape (n, p)
         The design matrix

     Y : array-lime, shape (n, k)
         Time-series vector. Several time-series vectors can be given at once,
         however for large system becomes unstable. We do not recommend
         using more than k > 100.

     size_u : integer
         Must be divisor of p

     u0 : array

     Z : array, sparse matrix or LinearOperator, shape (n, q)
         Represents the drift vectors.

     rtol : float
         Relative tolerance

     maxiter : int
         maximum number of iterations

     verbose : boolean

     U : array, shape (size_u, k)
     V : array, shape (p / size_u, k)
     W : coefficients associated to the drift vectors
    alpha = 0.
    X = splinalg.aslinearoperator(X)
    if Z is None:
        # create zero operator
        Z_ = splinalg.LinearOperator(shape=(X.shape[0], 1),
                                     matvec=lambda x: np.zeros(
                                         (X.shape[0], x.shape[1])),
                                     rmatvec=lambda x: np.zeros(
                                         (1, x.shape[1])),
        Z_ = splinalg.aslinearoperator(Z)
    Y = np.asarray(Y)
    if Y.ndim == 1:
        Y = Y.reshape((-1, 1))
    n_task = Y.shape[1]

    # .. check dimensions in input ..
    if X.shape[0] != Y.shape[0]:
        raise ValueError('Wrong shape for X, y')

    if u0 is None:
        u0 = np.ones((size_u, n_task))
    if u0.size == size_u:
        u0 = u0.reshape((-1, 1))
        u0 = np.repeat(u0, n_task, axis=1)
    if v0 is None:
        v0 = np.ones(X.shape[1] / size_u *
                     n_task)  # np.random.randn(shape_B[1])

    size_v = X.shape[1] / size_u
    #u0 = u0.reshape((-1, n_task))
    v0 = v0.reshape((-1, n_task))
    w0 = np.zeros((size_u + size_v + Z_.shape[1], n_task))
    w0[:size_u] = u0
    w0[size_u:size_u + size_v] = v0

    # .. some auxiliary functions ..
    # .. used in conjugate gradient ..
    def obj(X_, Y_, Z_, a, b, c, u0):
        uv0 = khatri_rao(b, a)
        cost = .5 * linalg.norm(Y_ - X_.matvec(uv0) - Z_.matmat(c), 'fro')**2
        #print('LOSS: %s' % cost)
        reg = alpha * linalg.norm(a - u0, 'fro')**2
        return cost + reg

    def f(w, X_, Y_, Z_, n_task, u0):
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        return obj(X_, Y_, Z_, u, v, c, u0)

    def fprime(w, X_, Y_, Z_, n_task, u0):
        n_task = 1
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        tmp = Y_ - matmat2(X_, u, v, 1) - Z_.matmat(c)
        grad = np.empty((size_u + size_v + Z_.shape[1], 1))  # TODO: do outside
        grad[:size_u] = rmatmat1(X, v, tmp, 1) - alpha * (u - u0)
        grad[size_u:size_u + size_v] = rmatmat2(X, u, tmp, 1)
        grad[size_u + size_v:] = Z_.rmatvec(tmp)
        return -grad.reshape((-1, ), order='F')

    def hess(w, s, X_, Y_, Z_, n_task, u0):
        # TODO: regularization
        s = s.reshape((-1, 1))
        X_ = splinalg.aslinearoperator(X_)
        Z_ = splinalg.aslinearoperator(Z_)
        size_v = X_.shape[1] / size_u
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        XY = X_.rmatvec(Y_)  # TODO: move out
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        s1, s2, s3 = s[:size_u], s[size_u:size_u + size_v], s[size_u + size_v:]
        W2 = X_.rmatvec(matmat2(X_, u, v, 1))
        W2 = W2.reshape((-1, s2.shape[0]), order='F')
        XY = XY.reshape((-1, s2.shape[0]), order='F')

        n_task = 1
        A_tmp = matmat2(X_, s1, v, n_task)
        As1 = rmatmat1(X_, v, A_tmp, n_task)
        tmp = matmat2(X_, u, s2, n_task)
        Ds2 = rmatmat2(X_, u, tmp, n_task)
        tmp = Z_.matvec(s3)

        Cs3 = rmatmat1(X_, v, tmp, n_task)
        tmp = matmat2(X_, s1, v, n_task).T
        Cts1 = Z_.rmatvec(tmp.T)

        tmp = matmat2(X_, u, s2, n_task)
        Bs2 = rmatmat1(X_, v, tmp, n_task) + W2.dot(s2) - XY.dot(s2)

        tmp = matmat2(X_, s1, v, n_task)
        Bts1 = rmatmat2(X_, u, tmp, n_task) + W2.T.dot(s1) - XY.T.dot(s1)

        tmp = Z_.matvec(s3)
        Es3 = rmatmat2(X_, u, tmp, n_task)

        tmp = matmat2(X_, u, s2, n_task)
        Ets2 = Z_.rmatvec(tmp)

        Fs3 = -Z_.rmatvec(Z_.matvec(s3))

        line0 = As1 + Bs2 + Cs3
        line1 = Bts1 + Ds2 + Es3
        line2 = Cts1 + Ets2 + Fs3

        return np.concatenate((line0, line1, line2)).ravel()

    if plot:
        import pylab as pl
        fig = pl.figure()
        from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm
        canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., size_u)
        canonical -= canonical.mean()
        pl.plot(canonical / (canonical.max() - canonical.min()), lw=4)

    def do_plot(w):
        from nipy.modalities.fmri import hemodynamic_models as hdm
        canonical = hdm.glover_hrf(1., 1., size_u)
        W = w.reshape((-1, 1), order='F')
        u, v, c = W[:size_u], W[size_u:size_u + size_v], W[size_u + size_v:]
        #u -= u.mean(0)
        tmp = u.copy()
        sgn = np.sign(u.max(0))
        tmp *= sgn
        norm = tmp.max(0) - tmp.min(0)
        tmp = tmp / norm
        # pl.ylim((-1, 1.2))
        pl.xlim((0, size_u))

    U = np.zeros((size_u, n_task))
    V = np.zeros((size_v, n_task))
    C = np.zeros((Z_.shape[1], n_task))

    for i in range(n_task):
        y_i = Y[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))
        w0_i = w0[:, i].ravel('F')
        u0_i = u0[:, i].reshape((-1, 1))

        args = (X, y_i, Z_, 1, u0_i)
        options = {'maxiter': maxiter, 'xtol': rtol}
        out = optimize.minimize(f,
        if verbose:
            if hasattr(out, 'nit'):
                print('Number of iterations: %s' % out.nit)
            if hasattr(out, 'fun'):
                print('Loss function: %s' % out.fun)
        out = out.x
        if plot:
        W = out.reshape((-1, y_i.shape[1]), order='F')
        ui = W[:size_u].ravel()
        norm_ui = linalg.norm(ui)
        U[:, i] = ui / norm_ui
        V[:, i] = W[size_u:size_u + size_v].ravel() * norm_ui
        C[:, i] = W[size_u + size_v:].ravel()

    if Z is None:
        return U, V
        return U, V, C