コード例 #1
def find_activation(map, mask=None, pvalue=0.05, upper_only=False):
    """ Use the empirical normal null estimator to find threshold for 
        negative and positive activation.

        map : 3D ndarray
            The activation map, as a 3D image.
        mask : 3D ndarray, boolean, optional
            The brain mask. If None, the mask is computed from the map.
        pvalue : float, optional
            The pvalue of the false discovery rate used.
        upper_only : boolean, optional
            If true, only a threshold for positive activation is estimated.

        vmin : float, optional
            The upper threshold for negative activation, not returned 
            if upper_only is True.
        vmax : float
            The lower threshod for positive activation.
    if mask is None:
        mask = compute_mask(map)
    map = map[mask]
    vmax = ENN(map).threshold(alpha=pvalue)
    if upper_only:
        return vmax
    vmin = -ENN(-map).threshold(alpha=pvalue)
    return vmin, vmax
コード例 #2
def plot_niftifile(filename, outputname=None, do3d=False, vmin=None,
            cut_coords=None, anat_filename=None, figure_num=None,
            mask_filename=None, auto_sign=True):
    """ Given a nifti filename, plot a view of it to a file (png by

        filename : string 
            The name of the Nifti file of the map to be plotted 
        outputname : string, optional 
            The file name of the output file created. By default
            the name of the input file with a png extension is used. 
        do3d : boolean, optional
            If do3d is True, a 3D plot is created if Mayavi is installed.
        vmin : float, optional
            The lower threshold of the positive activation. This
            parameter is used to threshold the activation map.
        cut_coords: 3-tuple of floats, optional
            The MNI coordinates of the point where the cut is performed, in 
            MNI coordinates and order. If None is given, the cut_coords are 
            automaticaly estimated.
        anat : string, optional
            Name of the Nifti image file to be used as a background. If None, 
            the MNI152 T1 1mm template is used.
        title : string, optional
            The title dispayed on the figure.
        figure_num : integer, optional
            The number of the matplotlib and Mayavi figures used. If None is 
            given, a new figure is created.
        mask_filename : string, optional
            Name of the Nifti file to be used as brain mask. If None, the 
            mask is computed from the map.
        auto_sign : boolean, optional
            If auto_sign is True, the sign of the activation is
            automaticaly computed: negative activation can thus be


        Cut coordinates are in Talairach coordinates. Warning: Talairach
        coordinates are (y, x, z), if (x, y, z) are in voxel-ordering

    if outputname is None:
        outputname = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + '.png'
    if not os.path.exists(filename):
        raise OSError, 'File %s does not exist' % filename
    nim = load(filename)
    sform = nim.get_affine()
    if any(np.linalg.eigvals(sform)==0):
        raise SformError, "sform affine is not inversible"
    if anat_filename is not None:
        anat_im = load(anat_filename)
        anat = anat_im.data
        anat_sform = anat_im.get_affine()
        anat = None
        anat_sform = None

    if mask_filename is not None:
        mask_im = load(mask_filename)
        mask = mask_im.data.astype(np.bool)
        if not np.allclose(mask_im.get_affine(), sform):
            raise SformError, 'Mask does not have same sform as image'
        if not np.allclose(mask.shape, nim.data.shape[:3]):
            raise NiftiIndexError, 'Mask does not have same shape as image'
        mask = None

    output_files = list()

    if nim.data.ndim == 3:
        map = nim.data.T
        auto_plot_map(map, sform, vmin=vmin, cut_coords=cut_coords,
                do3d=do3d, anat=anat, anat_sform=anat_sform, mask=mask,
                title=os.path.basename(filename), figure_num=figure_num,
    elif nim.data.ndim == 4:
        outputname, outputext = os.path.splitext(outputname)
        if len(nim.data) < 10:
            fmt = '%s_%i%s'
        elif len(nim.data) < 100:
            fmt = '%s_%02i%s'
        elif len(nim.data) < 1000:
            fmt = '%s_%03i%s'
            fmt = '%s_%04i%s'
        if mask is None:
            mask = compute_mask(nim.data.mean(axis=0)).T
        for index, data in enumerate(nim.data):
            map = data.T
            auto_plot_map(map, sform, vmin=vmin, cut_coords=cut_coords,
                    do3d=do3d, anat=anat, anat_sform=anat_sform,
                    title='%s, %i' % (os.path.basename(filename), index),
                    figure_num=figure_num, mask=mask, auto_sign=auto_sign)
            this_outputname = fmt % (outputname, index, outputext)
        raise NiftiIndexError, 'File %s: incorrect number of dimensions'
    return output_files
コード例 #3
def auto_plot_map(map, sform, vmin=None, cut_coords=None, do3d=False, 
                    anat=None, anat_sform=None, title='',
                    figure_num=None, mask=None, auto_sign=True):
    """ Automatic plotting of an activation map.

        Plot a together a 3D volume rendering view of the activation, with an
        outline of the brain, and 2D cuts. If Mayavi is not installed,
        falls back to 2D views only.

        map : 3D ndarray
            The activation map, as a 3D image.
        sform : 4x4 ndarray
            The affine matrix going from image voxel space to MNI space.
        vmin : float, optional
            The lower threshold of the positive activation. This
            parameter is used to threshold the activation map.
        cut_coords: 3-tuple of floats, optional
            The MNI coordinates of the point where the cut is performed, in 
            MNI coordinates and order. If None is given, the cut_coords are 
            automaticaly estimated.
        do3d : boolean, optional
            If do3d is True, a 3D plot is created if Mayavi is installed.
        anat : 3D ndarray, optional
            The anatomical image to be used as a background. If None, the 
            MNI152 T1 1mm template is used.
        anat_sform : 4x4 ndarray, optional
            The affine matrix going from the anatomical image voxel space to 
            MNI space. This parameter is not used when the default 
            anatomical is used, but it is compulsory when using an
            explicite anatomical image.
        title : string, optional
            The title dispayed on the figure.
        figure_num : integer, optional
            The number of the matplotlib and Mayavi figures used. If None is 
            given, a new figure is created.
        mask : 3D ndarray, boolean, optional
            The brain mask. If None, the mask is computed from the map.
        auto_sign : boolean, optional
            If auto_sign is True, the sign of the activation is
            automaticaly computed: negative activation can thus be

        vmin : float
            The lower threshold of the activation used.
        cut_coords : 3-tuple of floats
            The Talairach coordinates of the cut performed for the 2D

        All the 3D arrays are in numpy convention: (x, y, z)

        Cut coordinates are in Talairach coordinates. Warning: Talairach
        coordinates are (y, x, z), if (x, y, z) are in voxel-ordering
    if do3d:
        if do3d == 'offscreen':
                from enthought.mayavi import mlab
                mlab.options.offscreen = True
        plotter = plot_map
        plotter = plot_map_2d
    if mask is None:
        mask = compute_mask(map)
    if vmin is None:
        vmin = np.inf
        pvalue = 0.04
        while not np.isfinite(vmin):
            pvalue *= 1.25
            vmax, vmin = find_activation(map, mask=mask, pvalue=pvalue)
            if not np.isfinite(vmin) and auto_sign:
                if np.isfinite(vmax):
                    vmin = -vmax
                    if mask is not None:
                        map[mask] *= -1
                        map *= -1
    if cut_coords is None:
        x, y, z = find_cut_coords(map, activation_threshold=vmin)
        # XXX: Careful with Voxel/MNI ordering
        y, x, z = coord_transform(x, y, z, sform)
        cut_coords = (x, y, z)
    plotter(map, sform, vmin=vmin, cut_coords=cut_coords,
                anat=anat, anat_sform=anat_sform, title=title,
                figure_num=figure_num, mask=mask)
    return vmin, cut_coords