コード例 #1
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: agramfort/nipype
    def _read(self, drain):
        "Read from the file descriptor"
        fd = self.fileno()
        buf = os.read(fd, 4096)
        if not buf and not self._buf:
            return None
        if "\n" not in buf:
            if not drain:
                self._buf += buf
                return []

        # prepend any data previously read, then split into lines and format
        buf = self._buf + buf
        if "\n" in buf:
            tmp, rest = buf.rsplit("\n", 1)
            tmp = buf
            rest = None
        self._buf = rest
        now = datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
        rows = tmp.split("\n")
        self._rows += [(now, "%s %s:%s" % (self._name, now, r), r) for r in rows]
        for idx in range(self._lastidx, len(self._rows)):
        self._lastidx = len(self._rows)
コード例 #2
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: agramfort/nipype
 def _process(drain=0):
         res = select.select(streams, [], [], timeout)
     except select.error, e:
         if e[0] == errno.EINTR:
コード例 #3
ファイル: modelgen.py プロジェクト: chaselgrove/nipype
 def _gen_regress(self, i_onsets, i_durations, i_amplitudes, nscans):
     """Generates a regressor for a sparse/clustered-sparse acquisition
     bplot = False
     if isdefined(self.inputs.save_plot) and self.inputs.save_plot:
         import matplotlib
         matplotlib.use(config.get("execution", "matplotlib_backend"))
         import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     TR = np.round(self.inputs.time_repetition*1000)  # in ms
     if self.inputs.time_acquisition:
         TA = np.round(self.inputs.time_acquisition*1000) # in ms
         TA = TR # in ms
     nvol = self.inputs.volumes_in_cluster
     SCANONSET = np.round(self.inputs.scan_onset*1000)
     total_time = TR*(nscans-nvol)/nvol + TA*nvol + SCANONSET
     SILENCE = TR-TA*nvol
     dt = TA/10.;
     durations  = np.round(np.array(i_durations)*1000)
     if len(durations) == 1:
         durations = durations*np.ones((len(i_onsets)))
     onsets = np.round(np.array(i_onsets)*1000)
     dttemp = gcd(TA, gcd(SILENCE, TR))
     if dt < dttemp:
         if dttemp % dt != 0:
             dt = gcd(dttemp, dt)
     if dt < 1:
         raise Exception("Time multiple less than 1 ms")
     iflogger.info("Setting dt = %d ms\n" % dt)
     npts = int(total_time/dt)
     times = np.arange(0, total_time, dt)*1e-3
     timeline = np.zeros((npts))
     timeline2 = np.zeros((npts))
     if isdefined(self.inputs.model_hrf) and self.inputs.model_hrf:
         hrf = spm_hrf(dt*1e-3)
     reg_scale = 1.0
     if self.inputs.scale_regressors:
         boxcar = np.zeros((50.*1e3/dt))
         if self.inputs.stimuli_as_impulses:
             boxcar[1.*1e3/dt] = 1.0
             reg_scale = float(TA/dt)
             boxcar[1.*1e3/dt:2.*1e3/dt] = 1.0
         if isdefined(self.inputs.model_hrf) and self.inputs.model_hrf:
             response = np.convolve(boxcar, hrf)
             reg_scale = 1./response.max()
             iflogger.info('response sum: %.4f max: %.4f'%(response.sum(), response.max()))
         iflogger.info('reg_scale: %.4f'%reg_scale)
     for i, t in enumerate(onsets):
         idx = int(t/dt)
         if i_amplitudes:
             if len(i_amplitudes)>1:
                 timeline2[idx] = i_amplitudes[i]
                 timeline2[idx] = i_amplitudes[0]
             timeline2[idx] = 1
         if bplot:
             plt.subplot(4, 1, 1)
             plt.plot(times, timeline2)
         if not self.inputs.stimuli_as_impulses:
             if durations[i] == 0:
                 durations[i] = TA*nvol
             stimdur = np.ones((int(durations[i]/dt)))
             timeline2 = np.convolve(timeline2, stimdur)[0:len(timeline2)]
         timeline += timeline2
         timeline2[:] = 0
     if bplot:
         plt.subplot(4, 1, 2)
         plt.plot(times, timeline)
     if isdefined(self.inputs.model_hrf) and self.inputs.model_hrf:
         timeline = np.convolve(timeline, hrf)[0:len(timeline)]
         if isdefined(self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv) and self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv:
             #create temporal deriv
             timederiv = np.concatenate(([0], np.diff(timeline)))
     if bplot:
         plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
         plt.plot(times, timeline)
         if isdefined(self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv) and self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv:
             plt.plot(times, timederiv)
     # sample timeline
     timeline2 = np.zeros((npts))
     reg = []
     regderiv = []
     for i, trial in enumerate(np.arange(nscans)/nvol):
         scanstart = int((SCANONSET + trial*TR + (i%nvol)*TA)/dt)
         #print total_time/dt, SCANONSET, TR, TA, scanstart, trial, i%2, int(TA/dt)
         scanidx = scanstart+np.arange(int(TA/dt))
         timeline2[scanidx] = np.max(timeline)
         reg.insert(i, np.mean(timeline[scanidx])*reg_scale)
         if isdefined(self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv) and self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv:
             regderiv.insert(i, np.mean(timederiv[scanidx])*reg_scale)
     if isdefined(self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv) and self.inputs.use_temporal_deriv:
         iflogger.info('orthoganlizing derivative w.r.t. main regressor')
         regderiv = orth(reg, regderiv)
     if bplot:
         plt.subplot(4, 1, 3)
         plt.plot(times, timeline2)
         plt.subplot(4, 1, 4)
         plt.bar(np.arange(len(reg)), reg, width=0.5)
     if regderiv:
         return [reg, regderiv]
         return reg