coadd = args.coadd outlier_rejection = float(args.outlier_rejection) modelset = str(args.modelset) final_mcmc = args.final_mcmc if final_mcmc: save_to_path1 = save_to_path_base + '/init_mcmc' save_to_path = save_to_path_base + '/final_mcmc' else: save_to_path = save_to_path_base + '/init_mcmc' ##################################### data = nsp.Spectrum(name=sci_data_name, order=order, path=data_path, applymask=applymask) tell_data_name2 = tell_data_name + '_calibrated' tell_sp = nsp.Spectrum(name=tell_data_name2, order=data.order, path=tell_path, applymask=applymask) data.updateWaveSol(tell_sp) if coadd: sci_data_name2 = str(args.coadd_sp_name) if not os.path.exists(save_to_path): os.makedirs(save_to_path) data1 = copy.deepcopy(data)
outlier_rejection = float(args.outlier_rejection) modelset = str(args.modelset) instrument = str(args.instrument) final_mcmc = args.final_mcmc if final_mcmc: save_to_path1 = save_to_path_base + '/init_mcmc' save_to_path = save_to_path_base + '/final_mcmc' else: save_to_path = save_to_path_base + '/init_mcmc' ##################################### data = nsp.Spectrum(name=sci_data_name, path=data_path, applymask=applymask, instrument=instrument) sci_data = data """ MCMC run for the science spectra. See the parameters in the makeModel function. Parameters ---------- sci_data : sepctrum object science data tell_data : spectrum object telluric data for calibrating the science spectra
def defringetelluric(): if not os.path.exists(save_to_path): os.makedirs(save_to_path) ############################################ print(tell_data_name) tell_sp = nspf.Spectrum(name=tell_data_name, order=order, path=tell_path) clickpoints = [] def onclick(event): print(event) global clickpoints clickpoints.append([event.xdata]) print(clickpoints) plt.axvline(event.xdata, c='r', ls='--') plt.draw() if len(clickpoints) == 2: print('Closing Figure') plt.axvspan(clickpoints[0][0], clickpoints[1][0], color='0.5', alpha=0.5, zorder=-100) plt.draw() plt.pause(1) plt.close('all') ### Draw the figure with the power spectrum cal1 = tell_sp.flux#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end] xdim = len(cal1)#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end]) nfil = xdim//2 + 1 # Smooth the continuum cal1smooth = sp.ndimage.median_filter(cal1, size=30) # Do the FFT cal1fft = fftpack.rfft(cal1-cal1smooth) yp = abs(cal1fft[0:nfil])**2 yp = yp / np.max(yp) fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6)) cid = fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', onclick) freq = np.arange(nfil) yp[0:3] = 0 # Fix for very low order noise ax1.plot(freq, yp) #ax1.axvline(f_high*2, c='r', ls='--') #ax1.axvline(f_low*2, c='r', ls='--') ax1.set_ylabel('Power Spectrum') ax1.set_xlabel('1 / (1024 pix)') ax1.set_title('Select the range you would like to filter out') ax1.set_xlim(0, np.max(freq)) plt.close('all') f_high = np.max(clickpoints)/2 f_low = np.min(clickpoints)/2 if method == 'wavelet': #### Wavelets from wavelets import WaveletAnalysis xdim = len(tell_sp.flux)#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end]) cal1 = tell_sp.flux#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end] # Smooth the continuum smoothed = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter1d(cal1, 30) splinefit = sp.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(len(smoothed)), smoothed, kind='cubic') cal1smooth = splinefit(np.arange(0, len(cal1))) #smoothed # use wavelets package: WaveletAnalysis enhance_row = cal1 - cal1smooth #print(enhance_row) dt = 0.1 wa = WaveletAnalysis(enhance_row, dt=dt, axis=0) # wavelet power spectrum power = wa.wavelet_power # scales scales = wa.scales # associated time vector t = wa.time # reconstruction of the original data rx = wa.reconstruction() defringe_data = np.array(, dtype=float) # reconstruct the fringe image #reconstruct_image = np.zeros(defringe_data.shape) reconstruct_image = np.real(rx) defringe_data -= reconstruct_image newSpectrum = defringe_data if PLOT: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (1, 0), rowspan=2) #freq = np.arange(nfil) ax1.plot(power**2) ax1.axvline(f_high*2, c='r', ls='--') ax1.axvline(f_low*2, c='r', ls='--') ax1.set_ylabel('Power Spectrum') ax1.set_xlabel('1 / (1024 pix)') #ax1.set_xlim(0, np.max(freq)) ax2.plot(cal1[0:-23], label='original', alpha=0.5, lw=1, c='b') ax2.plot(newSpectrum[0:-23]+0.5*np.median(newSpectrum[0:-23]), label='defringed', alpha=0.8, lw=1, c='r') ax2.legend() ax2.set_ylabel('Flux') ax2.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax2.set_xlim(0, len(cal1[0:-23])) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(save_to_path+"defringed_spectrum.png", bbox_inches='tight') if method == 'hanningnotch': ## REDSPEC version cal1 = tell_sp.flux#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end] xdim = len(cal1)#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end]) nfil = xdim//2 + 1 #print(xdim, nfil//2+1) freq = np.arange(nfil//2+1) / (nfil / float(xdim)) fil = np.zeros(len(freq), dtype=np.float) fil[np.where((freq < f_low) | (freq > f_high))] = 1. fil = np.append(fil, np.flip(fil[1:],axis=0)) fil = np.real(np.fft.ifft(fil)) fil = np.roll(fil, nfil//2) fil = fil*np.hanning(nfil) # Smooth the continuum #smoothed = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter1d(cal1, 30) #splinefit = sp.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(len(smoothed)), smoothed, kind='cubic') #cal1smooth = splinefit(np.arange(0, len(cal1))) #smoothed cal1smooth = sp.ndimage.median_filter(cal1, size=30) """ plt.figure() plt.plot(abs(np.real(fftpack.fft(cal1orig-cal1smooth)))**2, c='k', lw=0.5) plt.plot(abs(np.real(fftpack.fft( sp.ndimage.convolve(cal1orig-cal1smooth, fil, mode='wrap') ) ))**2, c='r', lw=0.5) plt.ylim(0,25000) #plt.xlim(0,800) #sys.exit() plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.plot(cal1-cal1smooth, lw=0.5, c='k') plt.plot(sp.ndimage.convolve(cal1-cal1smooth, fil, mode='wrap'), lw=0.5, c='r') plt.plot(sp.ndimage.median_filter(cal1-cal1smooth, 10), lw=0.5, c='m') #sys.exit() plt.figure() plt.plot( (cal1-cal1smooth)-sp.ndimage.convolve(cal1-cal1smooth, fil, mode='wrap'), lw=0.5, c='k') #sys.exit() """ newSpectrum = sp.ndimage.convolve(cal1-cal1smooth, fil, mode='wrap') + cal1smooth if PLOT: # Do the FFT cal1fft = fftpack.rfft(cal1-cal1smooth) yp = abs(cal1fft[0:nfil])**2 yp = yp / np.max(yp) yp[0:3] = 0 # Fix for very low order noise fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (1, 0), rowspan=2) freq = np.arange(nfil) ax1.plot(freq, yp) ax1.axvline(f_high*2, c='r', ls='--') ax1.axvline(f_low*2, c='r', ls='--') ax1.set_ylabel('Power Spectrum') ax1.set_xlabel('1 / (1024 pix)') ax1.set_xlim(0, np.max(freq)) ax2.plot(cal1[0:-23], label='original', alpha=0.5, lw=1, c='b') ax2.plot(newSpectrum[0:-23]+0.5*np.median(newSpectrum[0:-23]), label='defringed', alpha=0.8, lw=1, c='r') ax2.legend() ax2.set_ylabel('Flux') ax2.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax2.set_xlim(0, len(cal1[0:-23])) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(save_to_path+"defringed_spectrum.png", bbox_inches='tight') if method == 'flatfilter': cal1 = tell_sp.flux#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end] W = fftpack.fftfreq(cal1.size, d=1./1024) fftval = fftpack.rfft(cal1.astype(float)) fftval[np.where((W > f_low) & (W < f_high))] = 0 newSpectrum = fftpack.irfft(fftval) if PLOT: xdim = len(cal1)#[pixel_range_start:pixel_range_end]) nfil = xdim//2 + 1 freq = np.arange(nfil) # Smooth the continuum smoothed = sp.ndimage.uniform_filter1d(cal1, 30) splinefit = sp.interpolate.interp1d(np.arange(len(smoothed)), smoothed, kind='cubic') cal1smooth = splinefit(np.arange(0, len(cal1))) #smoothed # Do the FFT cal1fft = fftpack.rfft(cal1-cal1smooth) yp = abs(cal1fft[0:nfil])**2 # Power yp = yp / np.max(yp) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (0, 0)) ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3, 1), (1, 0), rowspan=2) ax1.plot(freq, yp) ax1.axvline(f_high, c='r', ls='--') ax1.axvline(f_low, c='r', ls='--') ax1.set_ylabel('Power Spectrum') ax1.set_xlabel('1 / (1024 pix)') ax1.set_xlim(0, np.max(freq)) ax2.plot(cal1[0:-23], label='original', alpha=0.5, lw=1, c='b') ax2.plot(newSpectrum[0:-23]+0.5*np.median(newSpectrum[0:-23]), label='defringed', alpha=0.8, lw=1, c='r') ax2.legend() ax2.set_ylabel('Flux') ax2.set_xlabel('Pixel') ax2.set_xlim(0, len(cal1[0:-23])) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(save_to_path+"defringed_spectrum.png", bbox_inches='tight') fullpath = tell_path + '/' + tell_data_name + '_' + str(order) + '_all.fits' save_name = save_to_path + '%s_defringe_%s_all.fits'%(tell_data_name, order) hdulist = hdulist.append(fits.PrimaryHDU()) hdulist[-1].data = tell_sp.flux hdulist[1].data = newSpectrum hdulist[-1].header['COMMENT'] = 'Raw Extracted Spectrum' hdulist[1].header['COMMENT'] = 'Defringed Spectrum' try: hdulist.writeto(save_name, overwrite=True) except FileNotFoundError: hdulist.writeto(save_name)
date_obs = str(args.date_obs[0]) tell_data_name = str(args.tell_data_name[0]) tell_path = str(args.tell_path[0]) save_to_path = str(args.save_to_path[0]) ndim, nwalkers, step = int(args.ndim), int(args.nwalkers), int(args.step) burn = int(args.burn) moves = float(args.moves) priors = args.priors applymask = args.applymask pixel_start, pixel_end = int(args.pixel_start), int(args.pixel_end) save = if order == 35: applymask = True tell_data_name2 = tell_data_name + '_calibrated' tell_sp = nsp.Spectrum(name=tell_data_name2, order=order, path=tell_path, applymask=applymask) ########################################################################################################### """ MCMC routine for telluric standard stars to obtain the LSF and alpha. This function utilizes the emcee package. Parameters ---------- tell_sp : Spectrum object telluric spectrum nwalkers : int number of walkers. default is 30. step : int number of steps. default is 400 burn : int burn in mcmc to compute the best parameters. default is 300.