コード例 #1
def test_AR_LD():

    Test the Levinson Durbin estimate of the AR coefficients against the
    expercted PSD

    arsig,_,_ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig*arsig.conjugate()).real.mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)

    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi/len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak,sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
コード例 #2
def test_AR_LD():

    Test the Levinson Durbin estimate of the AR coefficients against the
    expercted PSD

    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).real.mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)

    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_LD(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
コード例 #3
    def _plot_acov_fired(self):
        t, y = self.curve_manager.interactive_curve.current_data(
        y *= 1e6
        t_stamp = t.mean()
        t = (t - t[0]) * 1e3
        dt = t[1] - t[0]
        N = int(self.n_lags / dt)
        Ct = autocov(y, all_lags=False)[:, :min(len(t), N)]
        if self.norm_kernel:
            Ct /= Ct[:, 0][:, None]
        chan_map = self.chan_map
        frames = chan_map.embed(Ct.T, axis=1)
        fig = Figure(figsize=(6, 10))
        ax1 = subplot2grid(fig, (2, 1), (0, 0))
        ax2 = subplot2grid(fig, (2, 1), (1, 0))

        # top panel is acov map at lag t
        mx = np.abs(Ct).max()
        _, cb = chan_map.image(Ct[:, 0], cmap='bwr', clim=(-mx, mx), ax=ax1)
        ax1.set_title('Map of  ~ t={0:.2f} sec'.format(t_stamp))

        # bottom panel left: acov as function of lag t
        ax2.plot(t[:len(frames)], Ct.T, lw=.25, color='k')
        ax2.set_xlabel('Lags (ms)')
        if self.norm_kernel:
            ax1.set_title('Map of autocorr.  ~ t={0:.2f} sec'.format(t_stamp))
            ax1.set_title('Map of autocov.  ~ t={0:.2f} sec'.format(t_stamp))
        splot = MultiframeSavesFigure(fig,
                                      mode_name='lag (ms)',
        if not hasattr(self, '_kernel_plots'):
            self._kernel_plots = [splot]
コード例 #4
def test_AR_YW():
    arsig,_,_ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig*arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    order = 8
    ak,sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order) 
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    # consistency on the order of 10**0 is pretty good for this test
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak,sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2*np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)
コード例 #5
def test_AR_YW():
    arsig, _, _ = utils.ar_generator(N=512)
    avg_pwr = (arsig * arsig.conjugate()).mean()
    order = 8
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order)
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    # the psd is a one-sided power spectral density, which has been
    # multiplied by 2 to preserve the property that
    # 1/2pi int_{-pi}^{pi} Sxx(w) dw = Rxx(0)

    # evaluate this integral numerically from 0 to pi
    dw = np.pi / len(psd)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    # consistency on the order of 10**0 is pretty good for this test
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)

    # Test for providing the autocovariance as an input:
    ak, sigma_v = tsa.AR_est_YW(arsig, order, utils.autocov(arsig))
    w, psd = tsa.AR_psd(ak, sigma_v)
    avg_pwr_est = np.trapz(psd, dx=dw) / (2 * np.pi)
    npt.assert_almost_equal(avg_pwr, avg_pwr_est, decimal=0)