コード例 #1
ファイル: base.py プロジェクト: parenthetical-e/roi
    def _filter_array(self, arr):
        """ Filter and smooth the 1 or 2 d <arr>ay. """

        if len(arr.shape) > 2:
            raise ValueError("<arr> must be 1 or 2d.")

        # Then use nitime to
        # high pass filte using FIR
        # (~1/128 s, same cutoff as SPM8's default)

        # FIR did well in:
        # Comparison of Filtering Methods for fMRI Datasets
        # F. Kruggela, D.Y. von Cramona, X. Descombesa
        # NeuroImage 10 (5), 1999, 530 - 543.
        filtered = np.ones_like(arr)
            # Try 2d first...
            for col in range(arr.shape[1]):
                tsi = nitime.TimeSeries(arr[:, col], 1, self.TR)
                fsi = nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(tsi, ub=None, lb=0.008)
                filtered[..., col] = fsi.fir.data
        except IndexError:
            # Fall back to 1d
            tsi = nitime.TimeSeries(arr, 1, self.TR)
            fsi = nitime.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(tsi, ub=None, lb=0.008)
            filtered = fsi.fir.data

        return filtered
コード例 #2
def mean_fir(self, window_size=30):
    """ Estimate and return the average (for all condtions in trials) 
    finite impulse-response model using self.bold and self.trials. 
    <window_size> is the expected length of the haemodynamic response
    in TRs. """

    bold = self.bold.copy()
    if bold == None:
        raise ValueError(
                'No bold signal is defined. Try create_bold()?')

    # Convert trials to tr
    trials_in_tr = roi.timing.dtime(self.trials, self.durations, None, 0)
    # Truncate bold or trials_in_tr if needed
        bold = bold[0:trials_in_tr.shape[0]]
        trials_in_tr = trials_in_tr[0:bold.shape[0]]
    except IndexError:

    # Convert  self.bold (an array) to a nitime TimeSeries
    # instance
    ts_bold = nt.TimeSeries(bold, sampling_interval=self.TR)

    # And another one for the events (the different stimuli):
    ts_trials = nt.TimeSeries(trials_in_tr, sampling_interval=self.TR)

    # Create a nitime Analyzer instance.
    eva = nt.analysis.EventRelatedAnalyzer(ts_bold, ts_trials, window_size)

    # Now do the find the event-relared averaged by FIR:
    # For details see the nitime module and,
    # M.A. Burock and A.M.Dale (2000). Estimation and Detection of 
    # Event-Related fMRI Signals with Temporally Correlated Noise: A 
    # Statistically Efficient and Unbiased Approach. Human Brain 
    # Mapping, 11:249-260
    hrf = eva.FIR.data
    if hrf.ndim == 2: 
        hrf = hrf.mean(0)
        ## hrf if the mean of all 
        ## conditions in trials

    hrf = hrf/hrf.max()
        ## Norm it
    return hrf
コード例 #3
def _evoked_1d(data, events, n_bins, tr, calc_method, correct_baseline):

    events_ts = nit.TimeSeries(events, sampling_interval=tr)
    data_ts = nit.TimeSeries(data, sampling_interval=tr)

    analyzer = nit.analysis.EventRelatedAnalyzer(data_ts, events_ts, n_bins)

    evoked_data = getattr(analyzer, calc_method)
    evoked_data = np.asarray(evoked_data).T.astype(float)

    if evoked_data.ndim == 1:
        evoked_data = np.array([evoked_data])
    if correct_baseline:
        evoked_data = evoked_data - evoked_data[:, 0, None]
    return evoked_data
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_utils.py プロジェクト: arokem/MRS-old
def test_line_broadening():
    # Complex time series:
    arr = np.random.rand(10,10,10,1024) * np.exp(1j * np.pi)
    ts = nts.TimeSeries(data=arr, sampling_rate=5000.)
    lbr = 1000. 
    new_ts = ut.line_broadening(ts, lbr)
    npt.assert_equal(new_ts.shape, ts.shape)
コード例 #5
ファイル: mrs-gui.py プロジェクト: arokem/MRS-old
    def calc_spectra(self,
        # Once we've done that, we only care about the water-suppressed data
        self.f, self.spec = ana.get_spectra(nt.TimeSeries(
            self.timeseries, sampling_rate=sampling_rate),

        # The first echo (off-resonance) is in the first output
        self.echo1 = self.spec[:, 0]
        # The on-resonance is in the second:
        self.echo2 = self.spec[:, 1]
        f_ppm = ut.freq_to_ppm(self.f)
        idx0 = np.argmin(np.abs(f_ppm - min_ppm))
        idx1 = np.argmin(np.abs(f_ppm - max_ppm))
        idx = slice(idx1, idx0)
        # Convert from Hz to ppm and extract the part you are interested in.
        self.f_ppm = f_ppm[idx]

        # Pack it into a dict:
        m_e1 = np.mean(self.echo1[:, idx], 0)
        m_e2 = np.mean(self.echo2[:, idx], 0)
        self.diff = m_e2 - m_e1

        return dict(echo1=m_e1, echo2=m_e2, diff=self.diff), f_ppm
コード例 #6
ファイル: data.py プロジェクト: parenthetical-e/fmrilearn
def smooth(X, tr=1.5, ub=0.10, lb=0.001):
    """Smooth columns in X.
    X - a 2d array with features in cols
    tr - the repetition time or sampling (in seconds)
    ub - upper bound of the band pass (Hz/2*tr)
    lb - lower bound of the band pass (Hz/2*tr)

    Smoothing is a linear detrend followed by a bandpass filter from
    0.0625-0.15 Hz

    # Linear detrend
    Xf = signal.detrend(X, axis=0, type='linear', bp=0)

    # Band pass
    ts = nt.TimeSeries(Xf.transpose(), sampling_interval=tr)
    Xf = nt.analysis.FilterAnalyzer(ts, ub=ub, lb=lb).fir.data
    ## ub and lb selected after some experimentation
    ## with the simiulated accumulator data
    ## ub=0.10, lb=0.001).fir.data

    Xf = Xf.transpose()
    ## TimeSeries assumes last axis is time, and we need
    ## the first axis to be time.

    return Xf
コード例 #7
def test_get_spectra():
    Test the function that does the spectral analysis
    data = np.transpose(nib.load(file_name).get_data(), [1,2,3,4,5,0]).squeeze()
    w_data, w_supp_data = ana.coil_combine(data)

    # XXX Just basic smoke-testing for now:
    f_nonw, nonw_sig1 = ana.get_spectra(nt.TimeSeries(w_supp_data,

    f_nonw, nonw_sig2 = ana.get_spectra(nt.TimeSeries(w_supp_data,

    f_nonw, nonw_sig3 = ana.get_spectra(nt.TimeSeries(w_supp_data,
コード例 #8
def nitime_solution(animal, day, cutoff=True):
    # TODO: add support for custom freq bands
    import h5py
    import nitime
    import numpy as np
    import nitime.analysis as nta
    from utils_loading import encode_to_filename
    from nitime.viz import drawmatrix_channels
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    folder = "/Volumes/DATA_01/NL/layerproject/processed/"
    hf = h5py.File(encode_to_filename(folder, animal, day), 'r')
    dff = np.array(hf['dff'])
    NEUR = 'ens'
    # Critical neuron pair vs general neuron gc
    if NEUR == 'ens':
        rois = dff[hf['ens_neur']]
    elif NEUR == 'neur':
        rois = dff[hf['nerden']]
        rois = dff[NEUR]

    rois_ts = nitime.TimeSeries(rois, sampling_interval=1 / hf.attrs['fr'])
    G = nta.GrangerAnalyzer(rois_ts)
    if cutoff:
        sel = np.where(G.frequencies < hf.attrs['fr'])[0]
        caus_xy = G.causality_xy[:, :, sel]
        caus_yx = G.causality_yx[:, :, sel]
        caus_sim = G.simultaneous_causality[:, :, sel]
        caus_xy = G.causality_xy
        caus_yx = G.causality_yx
        caus_sim = G.simultaneous_causality
    g1 = np.mean(caus_xy, -1)
    g2 = np.mean(caus_yx, -1)
    g3 = np.mean(caus_sim, -1)
    g4 = g1-g2
    fig03 = drawmatrix_channels(g1, ['E11', 'E12', 'E21', 'E22'], size=[10., 10.], color_anchor = 0)
コード例 #9
ファイル: analysis.py プロジェクト: htygithub/MRS
def get_spectra(data,
                filt_method=dict(lb=0.1, filt_order=256),
                spect_method=dict(NFFT=1024, n_overlap=1023, BW=2),
    Derive the spectra from MRS data

    data : nitime TimeSeries class instance or array
        Time-series object with data of shape (echos, transients, time-points),
        containing the FID data. If an array is provided, we will assume that a
        sampling rate of 5000.0 Hz was used

    filt_method : dict
        Details for the filtering method. A FIR zero phase-delay method is used
        with parameters set according to these parameters
    spect_method : dict
        Details for the spectral analysis. Per default, we use 

    line_broadening : float
        Linewidth for apodization (in Hz).

    zerofill : int
        Number of bins to zero fill with.
    f : 
         the center frequency of the frequencies represented in the

     spectrum_water, spectrum_water_suppressed: 
        The first spectrum is for the data with water not suppressed and
        the second spectrum is for the water-suppressed data.

    This function performs the following operations:

    1. Filtering.
    2. Apodizing/windowing. Optionally, this is done with line-broadening (see
    page 92 of Keeler2005_.
    3. Spectral analysis.
    .. [Keeler2005] Keeler, J (2005). Understanding NMR spectroscopy, second
       edition. Wiley (West Sussex, UK).

    if not isinstance(data, nt.TimeSeries):
        data = nt.TimeSeries(data, sampling_rate=5000.0)
    if filt_method is not None:
        filtered = nta.FilterAnalyzer(data, **filt_method).fir
        filtered = data
    if line_broadening is not None:
        lbr_time = line_broadening * np.pi  # Conversion from Hz to
        # time-constant, see Keeler page 94
        lbr_time = 0

    apodized = ut.line_broadening(filtered, lbr_time)

    if zerofill is not None:
        new_apodized = np.concatenate(
             np.zeros(apodized.shape[:-1] + (zerofill, ))], -1)

        apodized = nt.TimeSeries(new_apodized,

    S = nta.SpectralAnalyzer(apodized,

    f, c = S.spectrum_fourier

    return f, c
コード例 #10
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

A = np.vstack((a1, a2))
plt.legend(['a', 'b'])
import h5py
import nitime
import numpy as np
import nitime.analysis as nta
from utils_loading import encode_to_filename
from nitime.viz import drawmatrix_channels

rois = A
rois_ts = nitime.TimeSeries(rois, sampling_interval=1 / 5)
G = nta.GrangerAnalyzer(rois_ts, order=1)
if cutoff:
    sel = np.where(G.frequencies < hf.attrs['fr'])[0]
    caus_xy = G.causality_xy[:, :, sel]
    caus_yx = G.causality_yx[:, :, sel]
    caus_xy = G.causality_xy
    caus_yx = G.causality_yx
cutoff = False
G = nta.GrangerAnalyzer(rois_ts, order=1)
if cutoff:
    sel = np.where(G.frequencies < hf.attrs['fr'])[0]
    caus_xy = G.causality_xy[:, :, sel]
    caus_yx = G.causality_yx[:, :, sel]
コード例 #11
        #calculate frequency lower bound
        f_lb = 1.0 / (data['ATTface1'].shape[2] * TR)

        for cond in conds:

            #initialize shape of object, but only for first subject
            if s == 0:
                corr_all[cond] = np.zeros(
                    (len(subjects), num_runs, len(rois), len(rois))) * np.nan
                coh_all[cond] = np.zeros(
                    (len(subjects), num_runs, len(rois), len(rois))) * np.nan

            #plt.figure(); plt.suptitle(cond)
            for nr in range(num_runs):
                #initialize a time series object
                T = nt.TimeSeries(data[cond][:, nr, :], sampling_interval=TR)
                T.metadata['roi'] = rois

                #initialize a correlation analyzer
                Corr = nta.CorrelationAnalyzer(T)
                corr_all[cond][s, nr] = Corr.corrcoef

                #initialize a coherence analyzer
                Coh = nta.CoherenceAnalyzer(T)
                Coh.method['NFFT'] = NFFT
                freq_ind = np.where(
                    (Coh.frequencies > f_lb) * (Coh.frequencies < f_ub))[0]
                coh_all[cond][s, nr] = np.mean(Coh.coherence[:, :, freq_ind],
                                               -1)  #avg over frequencies

                #For debugging, lets look at some of the spectra