コード例 #1
ファイル: deployment.py プロジェクト: fakhreddinebb90/nixops
    def copy_closures(self, configs_path, include, exclude, max_concurrent_copy):
        """Copy the closure of each machine configuration to the corresponding machine."""

        def worker(m):
            if not should_do(m, include, exclude): return
            m.logger.log("copying closure...")
            m.new_toplevel = os.path.realpath(configs_path + "/" + m.name)
            if not os.path.exists(m.new_toplevel):
                raise Exception("can't find closure of machine ‘{0}’".format(m.name))

            tasks=self.active.itervalues(), worker_fun=worker)
        self.logger.log(ansi_success("{0}> closures copied successfully".format(self.name), outfile=self.logger._log_file))
コード例 #2
ファイル: deployment.py プロジェクト: markus2342/nixops
    def copy_closures(self, configs_path, include, exclude, max_concurrent_copy):
        """Copy the closure of each machine configuration to the corresponding machine."""

        def worker(m):
            if not should_do(m, include, exclude): return
            m.logger.log("copying closure...")
            m.new_toplevel = os.path.realpath(configs_path + "/" + m.name)
            if not os.path.exists(m.new_toplevel):
                raise Exception("can't find closure of machine ‘{0}’".format(m.name))

            tasks=self.active.itervalues(), worker_fun=worker)
        self.logger.log(ansi_success("{0}> closures copied successfully".format(self.name), outfile=self.logger._log_file))
コード例 #3
ファイル: deployment.py プロジェクト: fakhreddinebb90/nixops
    def _deploy(self, dry_run=False, build_only=False, create_only=False, copy_only=False, evaluate_only=False,
                include=[], exclude=[], check=False, kill_obsolete=False,
                allow_reboot=False, allow_recreate=False, force_reboot=False,
                max_concurrent_copy=5, sync=True, always_activate=False, repair=False, dry_activate=False):
        """Perform the deployment defined by the deployment specification."""

        self.evaluate_active(include, exclude, kill_obsolete)

        if evaluate_only:

        # Assign each resource an index if it doesn't have one.
        for r in self.active_resources.itervalues():
            if r.index == None:
                r.index = self._get_free_resource_index()
                # FIXME: Logger should be able to do coloring without the need
                #        for an index maybe?


        # Start or update the active resources.  Non-machine resources
        # are created first, because machines may depend on them
        # (e.g. EC2 machines depend on EC2 key pairs or EBS volumes).
        # FIXME: would be nice to have a more fine-grained topological
        # sort.
        if not dry_run and not build_only:

            for r in self.active_resources.itervalues():
                defn = self.definitions[r.name]
                if r.get_type() != defn.get_type():
                    raise Exception("the type of resource ‘{0}’ changed from ‘{1}’ to ‘{2}’, which is currently unsupported"
                                    .format(r.name, r.get_type(), defn.get_type()))
                r._created_event = threading.Event()
                r._errored = False

            def worker(r):
                    if not should_do(r, include, exclude): return

                    # Sleep until all dependencies of this resource have
                    # been created.
                    deps = r.create_after(self.active_resources.itervalues(), self.definitions[r.name])
                    for dep in deps:
                        # !!! Should we print a message here?
                        if dep._errored:
                            r._errored = True

                    # Now create the resource itself.
                    if not r.creation_time:
                        r.creation_time = int(time.time())
                    r.create(self.definitions[r.name], check=check, allow_reboot=allow_reboot, allow_recreate=allow_recreate)

                    if is_machine(r):
                        # The first time the machine is created,
                        # record the state version. We get it from
                        # /etc/os-release, rather than from the
                        # configuration's state.systemVersion
                        # attribute, because the machine may have been
                        # booted from an older NixOS image.
                        if not r.state_version:
                            os_release = r.run_command("cat /etc/os-release", capture_stdout=True)
                            match = re.search('VERSION_ID="([0-9]+\.[0-9]+).*"', os_release)
                            if match:
                                r.state_version = match.group(1)
                                r.log("setting state version to {0}".format(r.state_version))
                                r.warn("cannot determine NixOS version")


                    r._errored = True

            nixops.parallel.run_tasks(nr_workers=-1, tasks=self.active_resources.itervalues(), worker_fun=worker)

        if create_only: return

        # Build the machine configurations.
        if dry_run:
            self.build_configs(dry_run=dry_run, repair=repair, include=include, exclude=exclude)

        # Record configs_path in the state so that the ‘info’ command
        # can show whether machines have an outdated configuration.
        self.configs_path = self.build_configs(repair=repair, include=include, exclude=exclude)

        if build_only: return

        # Copy the closures of the machine configurations to the
        # target machines.
        self.copy_closures(self.configs_path, include=include, exclude=exclude,

        if copy_only: return

        # Active the configurations.
        self.activate_configs(self.configs_path, include=include,
                              exclude=exclude, allow_reboot=allow_reboot,
                              force_reboot=force_reboot, check=check,
                              sync=sync, always_activate=always_activate, dry_activate=dry_activate)

        if dry_activate: return

        # Trigger cleanup of resources, e.g. disks that need to be detached etc. Needs to be
        # done after activation to make sure they are not in use anymore.
        def cleanup_worker(r):
            if not should_do(r, include, exclude): return

            # Now create the resource itself.

        nixops.parallel.run_tasks(nr_workers=-1, tasks=self.active_resources.itervalues(), worker_fun=cleanup_worker)
        self.logger.log(ansi_success("{0}> deployment finished successfully".format(self.name), outfile=self.logger._log_file))
コード例 #4
    def _deploy(self, dry_run=False, build_only=False, create_only=False, copy_only=False,
                include=[], exclude=[], check=False, kill_obsolete=False,
                allow_reboot=False, allow_recreate=False, force_reboot=False,
                max_concurrent_copy=5, sync=True, always_activate=False, repair=False):
        """Perform the deployment defined by the deployment specification."""

        self.evaluate_active(include, exclude, kill_obsolete)

        # Assign each resource an index if it doesn't have one.
        for r in self.active_resources.itervalues():
            if r.index == None:
                r.index = self._get_free_resource_index()
                # FIXME: Logger should be able to do coloring without the need
                #        for an index maybe?


        # Start or update the active resources.  Non-machine resources
        # are created first, because machines may depend on them
        # (e.g. EC2 machines depend on EC2 key pairs or EBS volumes).
        # FIXME: would be nice to have a more fine-grained topological
        # sort.
        if not dry_run and not build_only:

            for r in self.active_resources.itervalues():
                defn = self.definitions[r.name]
                if r.get_type() != defn.get_type():
                    raise Exception("the type of resource ‘{0}’ changed from ‘{1}’ to ‘{2}’, which is currently unsupported"
                                    .format(r.name, r.get_type(), defn.get_type()))
                r._created_event = threading.Event()
                r._errored = False

            def worker(r):
                    if not should_do(r, include, exclude): return

                    # Sleep until all dependencies of this resource have
                    # been created.
                    deps = r.create_after(self.active_resources.itervalues(), self.definitions[r.name])
                    for dep in deps:
                        # !!! Should we print a message here?
                        if dep._errored:
                            r._errored = True

                    # Now create the resource itself.
                    if not r.creation_time:
                        r.creation_time = int(time.time())
                    r.create(self.definitions[r.name], check=check, allow_reboot=allow_reboot, allow_recreate=allow_recreate)

                    if is_machine(r):
                        # The first time the machine is created,
                        # record the state version. We get it from
                        # /etc/os-release, rather than from the
                        # configuration's state.systemVersion
                        # attribute, because the machine may have been
                        # booted from an older NixOS image.
                        if not r.state_version:
                            os_release = r.run_command("cat /etc/os-release", capture_stdout=True)
                            match = re.search('VERSION_ID="([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)\..*"', os_release)
                            if match:
                                r.state_version = match.group(1)


                    r._errored = True

            nixops.parallel.run_tasks(nr_workers=-1, tasks=self.active_resources.itervalues(), worker_fun=worker)

        if create_only: return

        # Build the machine configurations.
        if dry_run:
            self.build_configs(dry_run=True, repair=repair, include=include, exclude=exclude)

        # Record configs_path in the state so that the ‘info’ command
        # can show whether machines have an outdated configuration.
        self.configs_path = self.build_configs(repair=repair, include=include, exclude=exclude)

        if build_only: return

        # Copy the closures of the machine configurations to the
        # target machines.
        self.copy_closures(self.configs_path, include=include, exclude=exclude,

        if copy_only: return

        # Active the configurations.
        self.activate_configs(self.configs_path, include=include,
                              exclude=exclude, allow_reboot=allow_reboot,
                              force_reboot=force_reboot, check=check,
                              sync=sync, always_activate=always_activate)

        # Trigger cleanup of resources, e.g. disks that need to be detached etc. Needs to be
        # done after activation to make sure they are not in use anymore.
        def cleanup_worker(r):
            if not should_do(r, include, exclude): return

            # Now create the resource itself.

        nixops.parallel.run_tasks(nr_workers=-1, tasks=self.active_resources.itervalues(), worker_fun=cleanup_worker)
        self.logger.log(ansi_success("{0}> deployment finished successfully".format(self.name), outfile=self.logger._log_file))
コード例 #5
 def success(self, msg):
     self.log(ansi_success(msg, outfile=self.main_logger._log_file))