コード例 #1
            # Check second partial derivatives in turn.
            for i in range(n):
                xph = self.x.copy()
                xph[i] += h
                xmh = self.x.copy()
                xmh[i] -= h
                dgdx = (nlp.igrad(k, xph) - nlp.igrad(k, xmh)) / (2 * h)
                for j in range(i + 1):
                    dgjdxi = dgdx[j]
                    err = abs(Hk[i, j] - dgjdxi) / (1 + abs(Hk[i, j]))

                    line = self.d2fmt % (k + 1, i, j, Hk[i, j], dgjdxi, err)
                    if verbose:

                    if err > self.tol:

        return errs

if __name__ == '__main__':

    import sys
    from nlpy.model import AmplModel
    nlp = AmplModel(sys.argv[1])
    print 'Checking at x = ', nlp.x0
    derchk = DerivativeChecker(nlp, nlp.x0)
コード例 #2
ファイル: pdmerit.py プロジェクト: joeywen/nlpy
        if err > 1.0e-12:
            err_matvec += 1
            print 'Inaccurate matvec:'
            print hp1
            print hp2

    print 'Found %d inaccurate matvecs.' % err_matvec

    # Solve problem
    # TRIP.SolveOuter()

    # Display final statistics
    # print 'Final variables:'; print TRIP.x
    # print 'Final multipliers:'; print TRIP.z
    # print
    # print 'Optimal: ', TRIP.optimal
    # print 'Variables: ', TRIP.nlp.n
    # print '# lower, upper, 2-sided bounds: %-d, %-d, %-d' % \
            #    (TRIP.nlowerB, TRIP.nupperB, TRIP.nrangeB)
    # print 'Primal feasibility error  = %15.7e' % TRIP.pRes
    # print 'Dual   feasibility error  = %15.7e' % TRIP.dRes
    # print 'Complementarity error     = %15.7e' % TRIP.cRes
    # print 'Number of function evals  = %d' % TRIP.nlp.feval
    # print 'Number of gradient evals  = %d' % TRIP.nlp.geval
    # print 'Number of Hessian  evals  = %d' % TRIP.nlp.Heval
    # print 'Number of matvec products = %d' % TRIP.nlp.Hprod
    # print 'Final objective value     = %15.7e' % TRIP.f
    # print 'Solution time: ', TRIP.tsolve

コード例 #3
ファイル: nlpy_funnel.py プロジェクト: vishalbelsare/nlpy
    # Check for equality-constrained problem.
    n_ineq = nlp.nlowerC + nlp.nupperC + nlp.nrangeC
    if nlp.nbounds > 0 or n_ineq > 0:
        msg = '%s has %d bounds and %d inequality constraints\n'
        log.error(msg % (nlp.name, nlp.nbounds, n_ineq))
        error = True
        ProblemName = os.path.basename(ProblemName)
        if ProblemName[-3:] == '.nl':
            ProblemName = ProblemName[:-3]
        t_setup, funn = pass_to_funnel(nlp, **opts)
        if multiple_problems:
            log.info(fmt % (ProblemName, funn.niter, funn.nlp.feval, funn.f,
                            funn.dResid, funn.pResid,
                            t_setup, funn.tsolve, funn.optimal))
    nlp.close()  # Close model.

if not multiple_problems and not error:
    # Output final statistics
    log.info('Funnel: End of Execution')
    log.info('  Problem                      : %-s' % ProblemName)
    log.info('  Number of variables          : %-d' % nlp.n)
    log.info('  Number of linear constraints : %-d' % nlp.nlin)
    log.info('  Number of general constraints: %-d' % (nlp.m - nlp.nlin))
    log.info('  Initial/Final Objective      : %-g/%-g' % (funn.f0, funn.f))
    log.info('  Number of iterations         : %-d' % funn.niter)
    log.info('  Number of function evals     : %-d' % funn.nlp.feval)
    log.info('  Number of gradient evals     : %-d' % funn.nlp.geval)
    #log.info('  Number of Hessian  evals     : %-d' % funn.nlp.Heval)
    log.info('  Number of Hessian matvecs    : %-d' % funn.nlp.Hprod)