コード例 #1
    def classify_multilabel(self, unlabeled_token):
        old_tsl = type_safety_level(0)
        labels = []
        for j in range(len(self._labels)):
            sum = 0
            for classifier, weight in zip(self._classifiers, self._weights):
                p = classifier[j].prob(Token(LabeledText(unlabeled_token.type(),
                                       self._labels[j]), unlabeled_token.loc()))
                sum += (p * 2.0 - 1.0) * weight

            if sum >= 0:

        return Token(LabeledText(unlabeled_token.type(), tuple(labels)),
コード例 #2
    def classify(self, unlabeled_token):
        old_tsl = type_safety_level(0)
        labels = []
        for j in range(len(self._labels)):
            sum = 0
            for classifier, weight in zip(self._classifiers, self._weights):
                p = classifier[j].prob(Token(LabeledText(unlabeled_token.type(),
                                       'positive'), unlabeled_token.loc()))
                sum += (p * 2.0 - 1.0) * weight

            labels.append((sum, self._labels[j]))

        best = labels[-1][1]

        return Token(LabeledText(unlabeled_token.type(), (labels[-1][1],)),
コード例 #3
    def train(self, labeled_tokens, **kwargs): 
        Build a new C{NBClassifier} from the given training data.

        @type labeled_tokens: C{list} of (C{Token} with type C{LabeledText})
        @param labeled_tokens: A list of correctly labeled texts.
            These texts will be used as training samples to construct
            new classifiers.
        @return: A new classifier, trained from the given labeled
        @rtype: C{ClassifierI}
        assert _chktype(1, labeled_tokens, [Token], (Token,))
        # Process the keyword arguments
        estimator = 'ELE'
        labels = None
        weights = [1 for tk in labeled_tokens]
        all_kwargs = dict(self._kwargs)
        for key, val in all_kwargs.items():
            if key == 'estimator': estimator = val
            elif key == 'labels': labels = val
            elif key == 'weights': weights = val
            else: raise TypeError('Unknown keyword arg %s' % key)
        if labels is None:
            labels = find_labels(labeled_tokens)

        # work around for bug in freq dist
        tsl = type_safety_level(0)
        # Construct a frequency distribution from the training data
        label_freqdist = FreqDist()
        fval_freqdist = ConditionalFreqDist()
        for labeled_token, weight in zip(labeled_tokens, weights):
            labeled_type = labeled_token.type()
            label = labeled_type.label()
            label_freqdist.inc(label, weight)
            fv_list = self._fd_list.detect(labeled_type.text())
            # only care about assignments - or do we?
            for fid, fval in fv_list.assignments():
                fval_freqdist[label].inc((fid, fval), weight)

        # work around for bug in freq dist

        # Construct a probability distribution from the freq dist
        if type(estimator) != type(""):
            if estimator[0].lower() == 'lidstone':
                l = estimator[1]
                label_probdist = LidstoneProbDist(label_freqdist, l)
                def f(fdist, l=l): return LidstoneProbDist(fdist, l)
                fval_probdist = ConditionalProbDist(fval_freqdist, f)
        elif estimator.lower() == 'mle':
            label_probdist = MLEProbDist(label_freqdist)
            fval_probdist = ConditionalProbDist(fval_freqdist, MLEProbDist)
        elif estimator.lower() == 'laplace':
            label_probdist = LaplaceProbDist(label_freqdist)
            fval_probdist = ConditionalProbDist(fval_freqdist, LaplaceProbDist)
        elif estimator.lower() == 'ele':
            label_probdist = ELEProbDist(label_freqdist)
            fval_probdist = ConditionalProbDist(fval_freqdist, ELEProbDist)
            raise ValueError('Unknown estimator type %r' % estimator)

        return NBClassifier(self._fd_list, labels,
                            label_probdist, fval_probdist)