コード例 #1
ファイル: textGenExamples.py プロジェクト: chrispenick/pynlg
def testLengthOfText(brownSection):
    items = brown.items(brownSection)
    textToken = brown.read(items[0])
    for i in range(len(items)):
        print "\n\nWeightedTaggedTScoreModel\n"
        model = WeightedTaggedTScoreModel(textToken, SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
        textToken['WORDS'] = textToken['WORDS'] + brown.read(items[i+1])['WORDS']
コード例 #2
ファイル: textGenExamples.py プロジェクト: chrispenick/pynlg
def main():

  print "\n\nWeightedTaggedTScoreModel\n"
  items = brown.items('fiction: general')
  textToken = brown.read(items[0])
  for item in items[1:]:
      textToken['WORDS'] = textToken['WORDS'] + brown.read(item)['WORDS']

  model = WeightedTaggedTScoreModel(textToken, SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
  TextGenerator(model).generateWords(('the','at'), 200)
  print "\n\nWeightedTScoreModel...\n"
  model = WeightedTScoreModel(textToken, SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
コード例 #3
ファイル: parser.py プロジェクト: oubiwann/clj-simulacrum
    def buildTrainTokens(self, texts=10):
        Tokenize texts from the Brown Corpus.
        from nltk.corpus import brown

        train_tokens = []
        for item in brown.items()[:texts]:
        self.train_tokens = train_tokens
コード例 #4
def load_pos():
    from nltk.corpus import brown

    tagged_tokens = []
    for item in brown.items()[:5]:

    tag_set = [
        "'", "''", '(', ')', '*', ',', '.', ':', '--', '``', 'abl', 'abn',
        'abx', 'ap', 'ap$', 'at', 'be', 'bed', 'bedz', 'beg', 'bem', 'ben',
        'ber', 'bez', 'cc', 'cd', 'cd$', 'cs', 'do', 'dod', 'doz', 'dt', 'dt$',
        'dti', 'dts', 'dtx', 'ex', 'fw', 'hv', 'hvd', 'hvg', 'hvn', 'hvz',
        'in', 'jj', 'jjr', 'jjs', 'jjt', 'md', 'nn', 'nn$', 'nns', 'nns$',
        'np', 'np$', 'nps', 'nps$', 'nr', 'nr$', 'od', 'pn', 'pn$', 'pp$',
        'ppl', 'ppls', 'ppo', 'pps', 'ppss', 'ql', 'qlp', 'rb', 'rb$', 'rbr',
        'rbt', 'rp', 'to', 'uh', 'vb', 'vbd', 'vbg', 'vbn', 'vbz', 'wdt',
        'wp$', 'wpo', 'wps', 'wql', 'wrb'

    sequences = []
    sequence = []
    symbols = {}
    start_re = re.compile(r'[^-*+]*')
    for token in tagged_tokens:
        for sub_token in token['WORDS']:
            # make words lower case
            sub_token['TEXT'] = sub_token['TEXT'].lower()
            symbols[sub_token['TEXT']] = 1
            m = start_re.match(sub_token['TAG'])
            # cleanup the tag
            tag = m.group(0)
            if tag in tag_set:
                sub_token['TAG'] = tag
                sub_token['TAG'] = '*'
            # split on the period tag
            if sub_token['TAG'] == '.':
                sequence = []

    return sequences, tag_set, symbols.keys()
コード例 #5
def load_pos():
    from nltk.corpus import brown

    tagged_tokens = []
    for item in brown.items()[:5]:

    tag_set = [

    sequences = []
    sequence = []
    symbols = {}
    start_re = re.compile(r"[^-*+]*")
    for token in tagged_tokens:
        for sub_token in token["WORDS"]:
            # make words lower case
            sub_token["TEXT"] = sub_token["TEXT"].lower()
            symbols[sub_token["TEXT"]] = 1
            m = start_re.match(sub_token["TAG"])
            # cleanup the tag
            tag = m.group(0)
            if tag in tag_set:
                sub_token["TAG"] = tag
                sub_token["TAG"] = "*"
            # split on the period tag
            if sub_token["TAG"] == ".":
                sequence = []

    return sequences, tag_set, symbols.keys()
コード例 #6
# aprendizado jah estao demarcados com as suas tags. Sendo assim,
# estes corpus podem ser utilizados tambem para a avaliacao dos
# algoritmos de tags.

# um exemplo simples

from nltk.tokenizer import *
from nltk.tagger import *
from nltk.corpus import brown

# fase de treinamento

train_tokens = []
for item in brown.items()[:10]:

mytagger = UnigramTagger(SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
for tok in train_tokens:

# utilizacao

text_token = Token(TEXT="John saw the book on the table")
print text_token

# depois de criado o mytagger podemos testa-lo
# com um corpus. Por exemplo, train_tokens
コード例 #7
# Anteriormente, nos tentamos inferir a tag de um atomo
# baseado apenas no texto do atomo.
# Agora vamos usar informacoes sobre o contexto de um atomo
# (palavras que estao ao seu entorno) para inferir a sua tag.

# Bigram Taggers: utiliza sempre a palavra mais proxima do atomo
# Geralmente, a anterior
# N-gram Taggers: utiliza sempre a n palavra mais proxima do atomo
# Geralmente, a n-palavra anterior.

from nltk.tokenizer import *
from nltk.tagger import *
from nltk.corpus import brown

tagger = NthOrderTagger(3, SUBTOKENS='WORDS')  # 3rd order tagger
for item in brown.items()[:10]:
    tok = brown.read(item)

# utilizacao

text_token = Token(TEXT="John saw the book on the table")
print text_token
コード例 #8
def demo(num_files=20):
    A simple demonstration function for the C{Tagger} classes.  It
    constructs a C{BackoffTagger} using a 2nd order C{NthOrderTagger},
    a 1st order C{NthOrderTagger}, a 0th order C{NthOrderTagger}, and
    an C{DefaultTagger}.  It trains and tests the tagger using the
    brown corpus.

    @type num_files: C{int}
    @param num_files: The number of files that should be used for
        training and for testing.  Two thirds of these files will be
        used for training.  All files are randomly selected
        (I{without} replacement) from the brown corpus.  If
        C{num_files>=500}, then all 500 files will be used.
    @rtype: None
    from nltk.corpus import brown
    import sys, random
    num_files = max(min(num_files, 500), 3)

    # Get a randomly sorted list of files in the brown corpus.
    items = list(brown.items())

    # Tokenize the training files.
    print '='*75
    sys.stdout.write('Reading training data'); sys.stdout.flush()
    train_tokens = []
    num_words = 0
    for item in items[:num_files*2/3]:
        sys.stdout.write('.'); sys.stdout.flush()
        num_words += len(train_tokens[-1]['WORDS'])
    print '\n  Read in %d words for training' % num_words

    print 'Training taggers.'

    # Create a default tagger
    default_tagger = DefaultTagger('nn', SUBTOKENS='WORDS')

    print '  Training unigram tagger...'
    t0 = UnigramTagger(SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
    for tok in train_tokens: t0.train(tok)
    print '  Training bigram tagger...'
    t1 = NthOrderTagger(1, SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
    for tok in train_tokens: t1.train(tok)

    print '  Training trigram tagger...'
    t2 = NthOrderTagger(2, SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
    for tok in train_tokens: t2.train(tok)

    # Delete train_tokens, because it takes up lots of memory.
    del train_tokens
    # Tokenize the testing files
    test_tokens = []
    num_words = 0
    sys.stdout.write('Reading testing data'); sys.stdout.flush()
    for item in items[num_files*2/3:num_files]:
        sys.stdout.write('.'); sys.stdout.flush()
        test_tok = brown.read(item)
        num_words += len(test_tok['WORDS'])
    print '\n  Read in %d words for testing' % num_words

    # Run the taggers.  For t0, t1, and t2, back-off to DefaultTagger.
    # This is especially important for t1 and t2, which count on
    # having known tags as contexts; if they get a context containing
    # None, then they will generate an output of None, and so all
    # words will get tagged a None.
    print '='*75
    print 'Running the taggers on test data...'
    print '  Default (nn) tagger: ',
    _demo_tagger(test_tokens, default_tagger)
    print '  Unigram tagger:      ',
    _demo_tagger(test_tokens, BackoffTagger([t0, default_tagger], SUBTOKENS='WORDS'))
    print '  Bigram tagger:       ',
    _demo_tagger(test_tokens, BackoffTagger([t1, t0, default_tagger], SUBTOKENS='WORDS'))
    print '  Trigram tagger:      ',
    trigram = BackoffTagger([t2, t1, t0, default_tagger], SUBTOKENS='WORDS')
    _demo_tagger(test_tokens, trigram)

    print '\nUsage statistics for the trigram tagger:\n'
    print '='*75