コード例 #1
def feature_apply(feature_extractor, feature_vector, attribute, number_of_file):
    Extract features from each document
    :param feature_extractor: function that extract features
    :param feature_vector: contains a list of features
    :param attribute: indicate if the process for gender or age feature extraction
    :param number_of_file: number of document to be processed
    :return:vector that contain the extracted features
    corpus_root = '/root/Downloads/TextMining/pan13-author-profiling-training-corpus-2013-01-09/en'
    #corpus_root = '/root/Downloads/TextMining/pan13-author-profiling-training-corpus-2013-01-09/meTets'
    newcorpus = XMLCorpusReader(corpus_root, '.*')
    feature_set = []
    doc_list = newcorpus.fileids()
    print len(doc_list)

    for doc in doc_list[:number_of_file]:
        if i%50==0:
            print i
        doc = newcorpus.xml(doc)
        txt = " ".join([doc[0][j].text for j in range(number_of_conversation) if doc[0][j].text is not None])
        #print txt
        if textstat.sentence_count(txt) != 0:
            feature_set.append((feature_extractor(txt, feature_vector), doc.attrib[attribute]))

    return feature_set
コード例 #2
def test_set(corpus_dir, feature_extrator, vect_path, i):
    Read ,process the test set and extract features for each document
    :param corpus_dir:path of the test set
    :param feature_extrator: function that extract features
    :param vect_path:
    :param i:index of class in the true_pred dictionay values; if 0 it refers to the gender else it refers to the age
    :return:vector that contain the extracted features
    vect = create_feature_vect(vect_path)
    newcorpus = XMLCorpusReader(corpus_dir, '.*')
    doc_list = newcorpus.fileids()
    test_feature_set = []
    true_pred = extract_true_pred(corpus_dir[:-2]+"truth-en.txt")
    for doc in doc_list:
        xml_name = doc
        doc = newcorpus.xml(doc)
        txt = fetch_text(doc)
        if (textstat.sentence_count(txt) != 0) and (txt != ""):
            test_feature_set.append((feature_extrator(txt, vect), true_pred[xml_name][i]))

    return test_feature_set
コード例 #3
 def xml(self, fileids=None, categories=None):
     fileids, _ = self._resolve(fileids, categories)
     if len(fileids) == 1: return XMLCorpusReader.xml(self, fileids[0])
     else: raise TypeError('Expected a single file')
コード例 #4
	def xml(self, fileid=None):
		return XMLCorpusReader.xml(self, fileid)
コード例 #5
ファイル: pl196x.py プロジェクト: 52nlp/Text-Summarization
	def xml(self, fileids=None, categories=None):
		fileids, _ = self._resolve(fileids, categories)
		if len(fileids) == 1: return XMLCorpusReader.xml(self, fileids[0])
		else: raise TypeError('Expected a single file')
コード例 #6
ファイル: aknnltk.py プロジェクト: schlos/openlaw
 def xml(self, fileid=None):
     return XMLCorpusReader.xml(self, fileid)