コード例 #1
def concordance_2_txt(nome_p, tokens, left_margin=2, right_margin=4):
    text = Text(tokens)
    c = ConcordanceIndex(text.tokens)

    concordance_txt = (
    [text.tokens[list(map(lambda x: x - 5 if (x - left_margin) > 0 else 0, [offset]))[0]:offset + right_margin]
     for offset in c.offsets(nome_p)])

    return [''.join([x + ' ' for x in con_sub]) for con_sub in concordance_txt]
コード例 #2
def concordance_2_txt(nome_p, tokens, left_margin=2, right_margin=4):
    text = Text(tokens)
    c = ConcordanceIndex(text.tokens)

    concordance_txt = ([
            list(map(lambda x: x - 5 if
                     (x - left_margin) > 0 else 0, [offset]))[0]:offset +
            right_margin] for offset in c.offsets(nome_p)

    return [''.join([x + ' ' for x in con_sub]) for con_sub in concordance_txt]
コード例 #3
    def __init__(self, text):
        self.corpus = text.lower()
        self.pos_tags = pos_tag(text, True)
        self.word_count = len(self.pos_tags)
        self.c_values = []  # form [(c-value, ngram)]
        self.nc_values = []  # form: [(ngram, nc-value)]
        self.candidate_cache = []
        self.context_words = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
        self.conc_index = ConcordanceIndex(self.pos_tags)

        # maps from ("token", "pos-tag") to
        # (freq. as context word, no. of ngrams it appears with):
        self.weights = defaultdict(int)
コード例 #4
 def _compute_indices(self):  # type: () -> Optional[None, list]
     if self.corpus is None:
         self.indices = None
     self.indices = [
         ConcordanceIndex(doc, key=lambda x: x.lower())
         for doc in self.tokens
コード例 #5
 def _compute_indices(self):  # type: () -> Optional[None, list]
     if self.corpus is None:
         self.indices = None
     if self.corpus and not self.corpus.has_tokens():
         preprocessor = Preprocessor(tokenizer=WordPunctTokenizer())
     self.indices = [ConcordanceIndex(doc, key=lambda x: x.lower())
                     for doc in self.corpus.tokens]
コード例 #6
ファイル: WordNetCache.py プロジェクト: ptytb/ritmom
 def get_cache(self, language):
     if language not in self._byLanguage:
         self._byLanguage[language] = dict()
         self._byLanguage[language]['texts'] = dict()
         self._byLanguage[language]['indices'] = dict()
         with self.get_lock():
             if exists(f'cache/{language}.ready'):
                 corpus_names = self.app_config['phraseExamples'][language]
                 for corpus_name in corpus_names:
                     corpus = getattr(nltk.corpus, corpus_name)
                     text = self._byLanguage[language]['texts'][
                         corpus_name] = nltk.Text(corpus.words())
                         corpus_name] = ConcordanceIndex(text.tokens,
     texts, indices = self._byLanguage[language]['texts'], self._byLanguage[
     return texts, indices
コード例 #7
class C_NC_TermExtractor(object):

    def __init__(self, text):
        self.corpus = text.lower()
        self.pos_tags = pos_tag(text, True)
        self.word_count = len(self.pos_tags)
        self.c_values = []  # form [(c-value, ngram)]
        self.nc_values = []  # form: [(ngram, nc-value)]
        self.candidate_cache = []
        self.context_words = defaultdict(lambda: [0, 0])
        self.conc_index = ConcordanceIndex(self.pos_tags)

        # maps from ("token", "pos-tag") to
        # (freq. as context word, no. of ngrams it appears with):
        self.weights = defaultdict(int)

    def compute_cnc(self):
        # linguistic filter
        # find all n-grams of the form (Noun|Adjective)*(Noun)
        # (according to Frantzi_97)
        candidates = self.find_multi_word_terms()
        self.candidate_cache = [self.text_from_tagged_ngram(candidate) for
                                candidate in candidates]

        # compute c_value for each candidate
        max_len = max([len(ngram) for ngram in candidates])
        for ngram in candidates:
            self._compute_c_value(ngram, max_len)

        self.c_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        # compute weight
        # get all ngrams with maximal c_value
        max_ngrams, max_value = self.c_values[0]
        max_ngrams = [max_ngrams]
        for i in range(1, len(self.c_values)):
            if self.c_values[i][1] < max_value:

        # compute context of max_ngrams
        for ngram in max_ngrams:
            context = self.extract_context(ngram)
            for word, count in context.items():
                # increment frequency as context word
                self.context_words[word][0] += count

            # increment number of ngrams the context appeared in
            for token in context.keys():
                self.context_words[token][1] += 1

        #compute weights
        no_terms = float(len(max_ngrams))
        for token, counts in self.context_words.items():
            corpus_count = self.corpus.count(
            self.weights[token] = 0.5 * (counts[1]/no_terms +

        # compute nc_value for each candidate
        for ngram, c in self.c_values:
            #accumulate weight for ngram using it's context
            wei = 0
            for word in self.extract_context(ngram).keys():
                wei += (self.weights[word]+1)
            nc = 1/log(self.word_count) * c * wei
            self.nc_values.append((ngram, nc))

        self.nc_values.sort(key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True)

        return [Term(word) for word, nc in

    def term_number(self):
        return int(ceil(TERM_PERCENTAGE * len(self.nc_values)))

    def extract_context(self, ngram):
        """ Takes an ngram and retrieves the context for all
        it's occurrances. The context is a window of size 1.
        Only nouns, verbs and adjectives (CONTEXT_TYPES) are
        kept as context, others are ignored.
        For each context word numer of occurance is computed and
        stored as value in self.context.

            ngram: list of tuples of form ("token", "pos-tag")

            context: dict of form ("token", "pos-tag") -> int
                     mapping context words to the count of their occurence

        TODO: Maybe take context as first CONTEXT_TYPE to the left
              and right, instead of just window of size 1?
        # for each term create a list with it's offsets,
        # find sequences of consequetive offsets in all this lists
        len_ngram = len(ngram)
        list_of_offset_lists = []
        for token in ngram:

        offsets = self.flatten_list(list_of_offset_lists)
        subsequences = self.conseq_sequences(offsets, len_ngram)

        # check that offset-order is same as word order in ngram
        offsets = []
        for seq in subsequences:
            ok = True
            for i in range(len_ngram):
                if not seq[i] in list_of_offset_lists[i]:
                    ok = False
            if ok:

        # find  nouns, verbs and adjectives in context of ngram
        # offset has form [[1,2,3], [5,6] ...], each sub-list
        # holding the offsets of an occurance of ngram.
        # The n-th entry of a sub-list is the
        # offset of the  n-th word of the ngram
        context = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
        for occurrance in offsets:
            if (occurrance[0] - 1 >= 0 and
                    occurrance[-1] + 1 < self.word_count):
                pre = self.pos_tags[occurrance[0]-1]
                post = self.pos_tags[occurrance[-1]+1]
                for token in [pre, post]:
                    if token[1] in CONTEXT_TYPES:
                        context[token] += 1

        return context

    def conseq_sequences(self, li, length):
        """ Takes a list and a length. Returns all sub-sequences in li that
        are successice (e.g. [1,2,3] or [5,6,7,8]) and of the right length.

        E.g.  >>> conseq_sequences([1,6,7,8,9,8,9]], length=3)
              [[6,7,8], [7,8,9]]
        return [li[n:n+length]
                for n in range(len(li)-length+1)
                if li[n:n+length] == range(li[n], li[n]+length)]

    def flatten_list(self, l):
        """ Takes a list of lists and returns the flattened version"""

        return reduce(operator.add, l)

    def find_multi_word_terms(self):
        def _candidate_words(pos_tags):
            tree = MULTI_TERM_PARSER.parse(pos_tags)

            candidates = []
            for subtree in tree.subtrees():
                if subtree.node == "CHUNK":
                    cand = subtree.leaves()
                    if not cand in candidates:

            return candidates

        # find all maximal multi word terms
        candidates = _candidate_words(self.pos_tags)

        # check weather candidates contain sub words
        sub_words = []
        for mult_word in candidates:
            # create all ngrams with size n-1..1
            for n in range(len(mult_word)-1, 0, -1):
                # extract candidates from each ngram
                for ngram in ngrams(mult_word, n):
                    sub_words += _candidate_words(list(ngram))

        for word in sub_words:
            if not word in candidates:

        return candidates

    def text_from_tagged_ngram(self, ngram):
        """ Returns the text of an pos-tagged ngram.

            ngram: list of tuples of form (word, pos-tag)
            a string containing all words from the ngram seperated by spaces

        # zip(*ngram)[0] returns a tuple with words from a (word,tag) list
        if type(ngram) == tuple:
            return ngram[0]
        return " ".join(zip(*ngram)[0])

    def _compute_c_value(self, ngram, max_n):
        ngram_text = self.text_from_tagged_ngram(ngram)
        len_ngram = len(ngram)
        c_value = log(len_ngram, 2) * self.corpus.count(ngram_text)

        containing_ngrams = [candidate for candidate in self.candidate_cache
                             if ngram_text in candidate
                             and not ngram_text == candidate]
        if containing_ngrams:
            dependency_score = 0
            # find all candidates that contain the current one
            for container in containing_ngrams:
                dependency_score += self.corpus.count(container)

            c_value = c_value - float(1)/len(containing_ngrams)*dependency_score

        self.c_values.append((ngram, c_value))
コード例 #8
ファイル: worsed.py プロジェクト: cartisan/worsed
def train_fir_order(corpus, ambigous_words):
    logging.info("Start train first order co-occurence")
    stemmer = PorterStemmer()

    # containers
    sense_vectors = {}  # maps ambiguous words to ndarray of sense vectors
    estimators = {}

    # remove stop words and signs
    logging.info("  Start stemming and cleansing corpus")
    filtered = cleanse_corpus(corpus)
    logging.info("  {} different words after cleansing".format(

    # find dimensions
    logging.info("  Start finding dimensions")
    words_desc = FreqDist(filtered).keys()
    dimensions = words_desc[:dim_num]
    offset_index = ConcordanceIndex(filtered, key=lambda s: s.lower())

    for word in ambigous_words:
        logging.info("  Start train: {}".format(word))
        estimator = KMeans(cluster_num, "k-means++", n_init=20)

        # create context vectors for ambigous words
        logging.info("    Start creating sense vectors")
        vectors = []
        offsets = offset_index.offsets(stemmer.stem(word))
        for offset in offsets:
            context = sized_context(offset, window_radius, filtered)
            vectors.append(word_vector_from_context(context, dimensions))

        # perform svd and dimension reduction
        logging.info("    Start svd reduction")
        context_matrix = vstack(vectors)
        svd_matrix = svd_reduced_eigenvectors(context_matrix, svd_dim_num)

        # create sense vectors for ambigous context vectors
        logging.info("    Start clustering")

        # +++++++++ SVD switch here +++++++++++

        labels = estimator.labels_
        estimators[word] = estimator

        # labels tell which context belongs to which cluster in svd
        # space. Compute centroids in word space according to that
        logging.info("    Start centroid computation")
        centroids = []
        for i in range(cluster_num):
            cluster_i = [vector for vector, label in\
                         zip(vectors, labels) if label == i]
                centroids.append(npsum(vstack(cluster_i), 0))
            except ValueError:
                logging.warning("CRITICAL: Empty sense vector")

        sense_vectors[word] = centroids

        #draw_word_senses(svd_centroids, svd_matrix, labels)
        #draw_word_senses(vstack(centroids), context_matrix, labels)

    logging.info("  sense vectors:{}".format(len(sense_vectors['line'])))
    logging.info("end train")
    return sense_vectors, dimensions, estimators
コード例 #9
ファイル: worsed.py プロジェクト: cartisan/worsed
def train_fir_order(corpus, ambigous_words):
    logging.info("Start train first order co-occurence")
    stemmer = PorterStemmer()

    # containers
    sense_vectors = {}  # maps ambiguous words to ndarray of sense vectors
    estimators = {}

    # remove stop words and signs
    logging.info("  Start stemming and cleansing corpus")
    filtered = cleanse_corpus(corpus)
    logging.info("  {} different words after cleansing".format(

    # find dimensions
    logging.info("  Start finding dimensions")
    words_desc = FreqDist(filtered).keys()
    dimensions = words_desc[:dim_num]
    offset_index = ConcordanceIndex(filtered, key=lambda s: s.lower())

    for word in ambigous_words:
        logging.info("  Start train: {}".format(word))
        estimator = KMeans(cluster_num, "k-means++", n_init=20)

        # create context vectors for ambigous words
        logging.info("    Start creating sense vectors")
        vectors = []
        offsets = offset_index.offsets(stemmer.stem(word))
        for offset in offsets:
            context = sized_context(offset, window_radius, filtered)
            vectors.append(word_vector_from_context(context, dimensions))

        # perform svd and dimension reduction
        logging.info("    Start svd reduction")
        context_matrix = vstack(vectors)
        svd_matrix = svd_reduced_eigenvectors(context_matrix, svd_dim_num)

        # create sense vectors for ambigous context vectors
        logging.info("    Start clustering")

        # +++++++++ SVD switch here +++++++++++

        labels = estimator.labels_
        estimators[word] = estimator

        # labels tell which context belongs to which cluster in svd
        # space. Compute centroids in word space according to that
        logging.info("    Start centroid computation")
        centroids = []
        for i in range(cluster_num):
            cluster_i = [vector for vector, label in\
                         zip(vectors, labels) if label == i]
                centroids.append(npsum(vstack(cluster_i), 0))
            except ValueError:
                logging.warning("CRITICAL: Empty sense vector")

        sense_vectors[word] = centroids

        #draw_word_senses(svd_centroids, svd_matrix, labels)
        #draw_word_senses(vstack(centroids), context_matrix, labels)

    logging.info("  sense vectors:{}".format(
    logging.info("end train")
    return sense_vectors, dimensions, estimators