コード例 #1
def bracket_parse(files=items):
    if type(files) is str:
        files = (files,)
    for file in files:
        path = os.path.join(get_basedir(), "ycoe/psd", file + ".psd")
        s = open(path).read()
        data = _parse(s)
        for sent in data:
            yield tree.bracket_parse(sent)
コード例 #2
def demo():
    A demonstration showing how C{Tree}s and C{Tree}s can be
    used.  This demonstration creates a C{Tree}, and loads a
    C{Tree} from the L{treebank<nltk.corpus.treebank>} corpus,
    and shows the results of calling several of their methods.
    from nltk_lite.parse import tree

    # Demonstrate tree parsing.
    s = '(S (NP (DT the) (NN cat)) (VP (VBD ate) (NP (DT a) (NN cookie))))'
    t = tree.bracket_parse(s)
    print "Convert bracketed string into tree:"
    print t

    print "Display tree properties:"
    print t.node           # tree's constituent type
    print t[0]             # tree's first child
    print t[1]             # tree's second child
    print t.height()
    print t.leaves()
    print t[1]
    print t[1,1]
    print t[1,1,0]

    # Demonstrate tree modification.
    the_cat = t[0]
    the_cat.insert(1, tree.bracket_parse('(JJ big)'))
    print "Tree modification:"
    print t
    t[1,1,1] = tree.bracket_parse('(NN cake)')
    print t

    # Demonstrate probabilistic trees.

    pt = tree.ProbabilisticTree('x', ['y', 'z'], prob=0.5)
    print "Probabilistic Tree:"
    print pt

    # Demonstrate parsing of treebank output format.
    t = tree.bracket_parse(t.pp_treebank())[0]
    print "Convert tree to bracketed string and back again:"
    print t.pp_treebank()
    print t

    # Demonstrate LaTeX output
    print "LaTeX output:"
    print t.pp_latex_qtree()

    # Demonstrate Productions
    print "Production output:"
    print t.productions()

    # Demonstrate chunk parsing
    s = "[ Pierre/NNP Vinken/NNP ] ,/, [ 61/CD years/NNS ] old/JJ ,/, will/MD join/VB [ the/DT board/NN ] ./."
    from tree import chunk
    print "Chunk Parsing:"
    print chunk(s, chunk_node='NP').pp()

    s = """
These DT B-NP
research NN I-NP
protocols NNS I-NP
offer VBP B-VP
to TO B-PP
the DT B-NP
patient NN I-NP
not RB O
only RB O
the DT B-NP
very RB I-NP
best JJS I-NP
therapy NN I-NP
which WDT B-NP
have VBP B-VP
established VBN I-VP
today NN B-NP
but CC B-NP
also RB I-NP
the DT B-NP
hope NN I-NP
of IN B-PP
something NN B-NP
still RB B-ADJP
better JJR I-ADJP
. . O
    print conll_chunk(s, chunk_types=('NP', 'PP', 'VP')).pp()
コード例 #3

##  Demo Code

import random
if __name__ == '__main__':
    def fill(cw):
        cw['fill'] = '#%06d' % random.randint(0,999999)
    cf = CanvasFrame(width=550, height=450, closeenough=2)

    t = tree.bracket_parse('''
    (S (NP the very big cat)
       (VP (Adv sorta) (V saw) (NP (Det the) (N dog))))''')
    tc = TreeWidget(cf.canvas(), t, draggable=1, 
                    node_font=('helvetica', -14, 'bold'),
                    leaf_font=('helvetica', -12, 'italic'),
                    roof_fill='white', roof_color='black',
                    leaf_color='green4', node_color='blue2')
    def boxit(canvas, text):
        big = ('helvetica', -16, 'bold')
        return BoxWidget(canvas, TextWidget(canvas, text,
                                            font=big), fill='green')
    def ovalit(canvas, text):
        return OvalWidget(canvas, TextWidget(canvas, text),