コード例 #1
def test_slow_hysteresis_ellipsoid():
    #py.test will pass on any command line arguments to the code it tests.
    #This will confuse nmag (as it doesn't know how to handle py.test's '-k'
    #and '--verbose' switches, etc.
    #We thus manually delete all other entries that the name of the executable
    #from sys.argv.
    import sys

    proper_sysargv = sys.argv
    sys.argv = sys.argv[0:1]

    #work out in which directory the data files are
    org_dir = os.getcwd()

    #compute new data (this can take a while, will delete old data files automatically)
    os.system("make run > test_make_run1.out")

    import nmag

    #load saved magnetisation before switching


    Mx = before_switching[:,0]
    My = before_switching[:,1]
    Mz = before_switching[:,2]

    average_Mx = Mx.sum()/len(Mx)
    average_My = My.sum()/len(Mx)
    average_Mz = Mz.sum()/len(Mx)

    #with svnrev=5886: Average mx, my, mz = (0.995631 -0.093231 0.002322)
    print "Average mx, my, mz = (%f %f %f)" % (average_Mx,average_My,average_Mz)

    assert average_Mx > 0.99, "Expect <Mx> at id=26 to be > 0.99 but is %f" % average_Mx
    assert abs(average_My) < 0.1, "Expect <My> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_My
    assert abs(average_Mz) < 0.01, "Expect <Mz> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_Mz


    Mx = after_switching[:,0]
    My = after_switching[:,1]
    Mz = after_switching[:,2]

    average_Mx = Mx.sum()/len(Mx)
    average_My = My.sum()/len(Mx)
    average_Mz = Mz.sum()/len(Mx)

    #with svnrev=5886: Average mx, my, mz = (-0.999987 -0.005147 -0.000053) 
    print "Average mx, my, mz = (%f %f %f)" % (average_Mx,average_My,average_Mz)

    assert average_Mx < -0.99, "Expect <Mx> at id=26 to be > 0.99 but is %f" % average_Mx
    assert abs(average_My) < 0.1, "Expect <My> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_My
    assert abs(average_Mz) < 0.01, "Expect <Mz> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_Mz

    #this avoids getting relative paths in the checking progress output
コード例 #2
def test_slow_mfm():
    #py.test will pass on any command line arguments to the code it tests.
    #This will confuse nmag (as it doesn't know how to handle py.test's '-k'
    #and '--verbose' switches, etc.
    #We thus manually delete all other entries that the name of the executable
    #from sys.argv.
    import sys

    proper_sysargv = sys.argv
    sys.argv = sys.argv[0:1]

    #work out in which directory the data files are
    org_dir = os.getcwd()

    #remove old data file

    #get the mesh in place (this requires netgen, so we have
    #included the mesh file in the repository)
    #os.system("make remesh > test_make_remesh.out")

    #compute new data (this can take a while)
    os.system("make run1 > test_make_run1.out")

    import nmag

    #load saved magnetisation

    relaxed_m = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('disk_dat.h5', 'm_Py', row=0)

    Mx = relaxed_m[:, 0]
    My = relaxed_m[:, 1]
    Mz = relaxed_m[:, 2]

    average_Mx = Mx.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_My = My.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_Mz = Mz.sum() / len(Mx)

    print "Average mx, my, mz = (%f %f %f)" % (average_Mx, average_My,

    #we expect a vortex, so Mx and My should be fairly small, and Mz non-zero
    #On 23 July 2008 (rev 5640), I get
    #   """Average mx, my, mz = (0.001327 0.006164 0.031480)"""
    #Let's check for that:

    assert abs(average_Mx) < 0.01, "Mx=%f is too large" % average_Mx
    assert abs(average_My) < 0.01, "My=%f is too large" % average_My
    assert abs(average_Mz) > 0.03, "Mz=%f is too small" % average_Mz

    #this avoids getting relative paths in the checking progress output
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_slow_vortex.py プロジェクト: fangohr/nmag-doc
def test_slow_mfm():
    # py.test will pass on any command line arguments to the code it tests.
    # This will confuse nmag (as it doesn't know how to handle py.test's '-k'
    # and '--verbose' switches, etc.
    # We thus manually delete all other entries that the name of the executable
    # from sys.argv.
    import sys

    proper_sysargv = sys.argv
    sys.argv = sys.argv[0:1]

    # work out in which directory the data files are
    org_dir = os.getcwd()

    # remove old data file

    # get the mesh in place (this requires netgen, so we have
    # included the mesh file in the repository)
    # os.system("make remesh > test_make_remesh.out")

    # compute new data (this can take a while)
    os.system("make run1 > test_make_run1.out")

    import nmag

    # load saved magnetisation

    relaxed_m = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file("disk_dat.h5", "m_Py", row=0)

    Mx = relaxed_m[:, 0]
    My = relaxed_m[:, 1]
    Mz = relaxed_m[:, 2]

    average_Mx = Mx.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_My = My.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_Mz = Mz.sum() / len(Mx)

    print "Average mx, my, mz = (%f %f %f)" % (average_Mx, average_My, average_Mz)

    # we expect a vortex, so Mx and My should be fairly small, and Mz non-zero
    # On 23 July 2008 (rev 5640), I get
    #   """Average mx, my, mz = (0.001327 0.006164 0.031480)"""
    # Let's check for that:

    assert abs(average_Mx) < 0.01, "Mx=%f is too large" % average_Mx
    assert abs(average_My) < 0.01, "My=%f is too large" % average_My
    assert abs(average_Mz) > 0.03, "Mz=%f is too small" % average_Mz

    # this avoids getting relative paths in the checking progress output
コード例 #4
def test_slow_hysteresis_ellipsoid():
    #py.test will pass on any command line arguments to the code it tests.
    #This will confuse nmag (as it doesn't know how to handle py.test's '-k'
    #and '--verbose' switches, etc.
    #We thus manually delete all other entries that the name of the executable
    #from sys.argv.
    import sys

    proper_sysargv = sys.argv
    sys.argv = sys.argv[0:1]

    #work out in which directory the data files are
    org_dir = os.getcwd()

    #compute new data (this can take a while, will delete old data files automatically)
    os.system("make run > test_make_run1.out")

    import nmag

    #load saved magnetisation before switching

    before_switching = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('ellipsoid_dat.h5',

    Mx = before_switching[:, 0]
    My = before_switching[:, 1]
    Mz = before_switching[:, 2]

    average_Mx = Mx.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_My = My.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_Mz = Mz.sum() / len(Mx)

    #with svnrev=5886: Average mx, my, mz = (0.995631 -0.093231 0.002322)
    print "Average mx, my, mz = (%f %f %f)" % (average_Mx, average_My,

    assert average_Mx > 0.99, "Expect <Mx> at id=26 to be > 0.99 but is %f" % average_Mx
    assert abs(
    ) < 0.1, "Expect <My> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_My
    assert abs(
    ) < 0.01, "Expect <Mz> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_Mz

    after_switching = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('ellipsoid_dat.h5',

    Mx = after_switching[:, 0]
    My = after_switching[:, 1]
    Mz = after_switching[:, 2]

    average_Mx = Mx.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_My = My.sum() / len(Mx)
    average_Mz = Mz.sum() / len(Mx)

    #with svnrev=5886: Average mx, my, mz = (-0.999987 -0.005147 -0.000053)
    print "Average mx, my, mz = (%f %f %f)" % (average_Mx, average_My,

    assert average_Mx < -0.99, "Expect <Mx> at id=26 to be > 0.99 but is %f" % average_Mx
    assert abs(
    ) < 0.1, "Expect <My> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_My
    assert abs(
    ) < 0.01, "Expect <Mz> at id=26 to be < 0.1 but is %f" % average_Mz

    #this avoids getting relative paths in the checking progress output
コード例 #5
ファイル: bug.py プロジェクト: Venkat004/nmag-doc
import nmag

m = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('bar_dat.h5', 'm_py', row=0)

pos = nmag.get_subfield_positions_from_h5file('bar_dat.h5', 'm_Py')

site = nmag.get_subfield_sites_from_h5file('bar_dat.h5', 'm_Py')

assert m.shape == pos.shape

assert len(m) == len(site)

for i in range(len(m)):
    print site[i], pos[i], m[i]
コード例 #6
ファイル: compute_mfm.py プロジェクト: fangohr/nmag-doc
#create simulation object
sim = nmag.Simulation()

# define magnetic material
Py = nmag.MagMaterial( name="Py",
                       exchange_coupling=SI(13.0e-12, "J/m")

# load mesh: the mesh dimensions are scaled by 100nm
sim.load_mesh( "../example_mfm/disk.nmesh.h5",
               [("disk", Py)],


#seems I need to do that to up-date-H_demag -> bug!

#probe H_demag

import numpy

コード例 #7

# define magnetic material (data from Kronmueller)
NdFeB = nmag.MagMaterial(name="NdFeB",
                         exchange_coupling=SI(7.3e-12, "J/m"),
                                                             K1=SI(4.3e6, "J/m^3"),\
                                                             K2=SI(0*0.65e6, "J/m^3")))

# load mesh
sim.load_mesh("cube.nmesh.h5", [("cube", NdFeB)], unit_length=SI(1.0e-9,"m") )

# set initial magnetisation from the equilibrium configuration
# with the field = 4.92e6 A/m which has id=19 (check with 'ncol thermal-0K id H_ext_2') 
magn_from_file = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('thermal-0K_dat.h5','m_NdFeB',id=10)

# apply external field in -z direction

num_steps = 100
for n in range(0, num_steps):
  print "Step %i/%i" % (n,num_steps)
  if (n % 5) == 0:
コード例 #8
ファイル: read_h5.py プロジェクト: fangohr/nmag-doc
import nmag

#read data, positions, and sites from h5 file

#can carry out some sanity checks (but is not necessary)
assert m.shape == pos.shape
assert len(m) == len(site)

#print the data
for i in range(len(m)):
    print site[i], pos[i], m[i]
コード例 #9
ファイル: bug.py プロジェクト: fangohr/nmag-doc
import nmag

m = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file("bar_dat.h5", "m_py", row=0)

pos = nmag.get_subfield_positions_from_h5file("bar_dat.h5", "m_Py")

site = nmag.get_subfield_sites_from_h5file("bar_dat.h5", "m_Py")

assert m.shape == pos.shape

assert len(m) == len(site)

for i in range(len(m)):
    print site[i], pos[i], m[i]
コード例 #10
ファイル: read_h5.py プロジェクト: Venkat004/nmag-doc
import nmag

#read data, positions, and sites from h5 file
m = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('bar_dat.h5', 'm_Py', id=0)
pos = nmag.get_subfield_positions_from_h5file('bar_dat.h5', 'm_Py')
site = nmag.get_subfield_sites_from_h5file('bar_dat.h5', 'm_Py')

#can carry out some sanity checks (but is not necessary)
assert m.shape == pos.shape
assert len(m) == len(site)

#print the data
for i in range(len(m)):
    print site[i], pos[i], m[i]
コード例 #11
import nmag
from nmag import SI, at

#create simulation object
sim = nmag.Simulation()

# define magnetic material
Py = nmag.MagMaterial(name="Py",
                      Ms=SI(795774, "A/m"),
                      exchange_coupling=SI(13.0e-12, "J/m"))

# load mesh: the mesh dimensions are scaled by 100nm
sim.load_mesh("../example_mfm/disk.nmesh.h5", [("disk", Py)],
              unit_length=SI(1e-9, "m"))

relaxed_m = nmag.get_subfield_from_h5file('disk_dat.h5', 'm_Py', row=0)

#seems I need to do that to up-date-H_demag -> bug!
sim.advance_time(SI(1e-12, 's'))

#probe H_demag

import numpy

nx, ny = 40, 40
zlevel = 7e-9
Hd = numpy.zeros((nx, ny))
xpos = numpy.linspace(-100e-9, 100e-9, nx)
ypos = numpy.linspace(-100e-9, 100e-9, ny)
for i in range(nx):