def gh500_uv850_mslp(initial_time, fhour=0, model='ECMWF'): """ Analysis 500hPa geopotential height, 850hPa wind barbs, and mean sea level pressure. :param initial_time: initial time, string or datetime ojbect. like '18042008' or datetime(2018, 4, 20, 8). :param fhour: forecast hour. :param model: model name. :return: None. """ # micaps data directory data_dirs = { 'ECMWF': [ 'ECMWF_LR/HGT/500', 'ECMWF_LR/UGRD/850', 'ECMWF_LR/VGRD/850', 'ECMWF_LR/PRMSL' ], 'GRAPES': [ 'GRAPES_GFS/HGT/500', 'GRAPES_GFS/UGRD/850', 'GRAPES_GFS/VGRD/850', 'GRAPES_GFS/PRMSL' ], 'NCEP': [ 'NCEP_GFS/HGT/500', 'NCEP_GFS/UGRD/850', 'NCEP_GFS/VGRD/850', 'NCEP_GFS/PRMSL' ] } try: data_dir = data_dirs[model.strip().upper()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown model, choose ECMWF, GRAPES or NCEP.') # get filename filename = model_filename(initial_time, fhour) # retrieve data from micaps server gh500 = get_model_grid(data_dir[0], filename=filename) if gh500 is None: return init_time = gh500.coords['init_time'].values[0] u850 = get_model_grid(data_dir[1], filename=filename) if u850 is None: return v850 = get_model_grid(data_dir[2], filename=filename) if v850 is None: return mslp = get_model_grid(data_dir[3], filename=filename) if mslp is None: return # prepare data gh500 = { 'lon': gh500.coords['lon'].values, 'lat': gh500.coords['lat'].values, 'data': gh500.values } uv850 = { 'lon': u850.coords['lon'].values, 'lat': u850.coords['lat'].values, 'udata': u850.values, 'vdata': v850.values } mslp = { 'lon': mslp.coords['lon'].values, 'lat': mslp.coords['lat'].values, 'data': mslp.values } # draw figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.5, 6)) plotcrs = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_latitude=45., central_longitude=100., standard_parallels=[30., 60.]) gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec(1, 2, width_ratios=[1, .02], bottom=.07, top=.99, hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01) # draw main figure ax = plt.subplot(gs[0], projection=plotcrs) add_model_title('500-hPa Heights (m), 850-hPa Winds, MSLP (hPa)', init_time, model=model, fhour=fhour, fontsize=14) plots = metp.draw_gh500_uv850_mslp(ax, mslp=mslp, gh500=gh500, uv850=uv850, map_extent=[50, 150, 0, 65], regrid_shape=20) # add color bar cax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) cb = plt.colorbar(plots['mslp'], cax=cax, orientation='vertical', extendrect='True', ticks=plots['mslp'].levels) cb.set_label('Mean sea level pressure', size=12) # add logo add_logo(fig, alpha=0.7) # show figure gs.tight_layout(fig)
def cref_uv850(initial_time, fhour=0, model='ShangHai', map_center=(117, 39), map_width=12, draw_wind=False): """ Analysis composite reflectivity and 850hPa wind. Arguments: initial_time {string or datetime}} -- initial time, string or datetime ojbect. like '18042008' or datetime(2018, 4, 20, 8). Keyword Arguments: fhour {int} -- forecast hour (default: {0}) model {str} -- model name (default: {'ShangHai'}) map_center {tuple} -- map center (default: {(117, 39)}) map_width {int} -- map width (default: {12}) draw_wind {bool} -- draw 850hPa wind or not (default: {False}) Raises: ValueError -- [description] """ # micaps data directory data_dirs = { 'SHANGHAI': ['SHANGHAI_HR/COMPOSITE_REFLECTIVITY/ENTIRE_ATMOSPHERE', 'SHANGHAI_HR/UGRD/850', 'SHANGHAI_HR/VGRD/850'], 'BEIJING': ['BEIJING_MR/COMPOSITE_REFLECTIVITY/ENTIRE_ATMOSPHERE', 'BEIJING_MR/UGRD/850', 'BEIJING_MR/VGRD/850'], 'GRAPES_MESO': ['GRAPES_MESO_HR/RADAR_COMBINATION_REFLECTIVITY', 'GRAPES_MESO_HR/UGRD/850', 'GRAPES_MESO_HR/VGRD/850'], 'GRAPES_3KM': ['GRAPES_3KM/RADAR_COMBINATION_REFLECTIVITY', 'GRAPES_3KM/UGRD/850', 'GRAPES_3KM/VGRD/850']} try: data_dir = data_dirs[model.strip().upper()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown model, choose ShangHai, BeiJing, Grapes_meso of Grapes_3km.') # get filename filename = model_filename(initial_time, fhour) # retrieve data from micaps server cref = get_model_grid(data_dir[0], filename=filename) if cref is None: return init_time = cref.coords['init_time'].values[0] if draw_wind: u850 = get_model_grid(data_dir[1], filename=filename) if u850 is None: return v850 = get_model_grid(data_dir[2], filename=filename) if v850 is None: return # prepare data data = data[data == 9999] = data[data < 10] = cref_data = {'lon':cref.coords['lon'].values, 'lat':cref.coords['lat'].values, 'data':np.squeeze(data)} if draw_wind: uv850 = {'lon': u850.coords['lon'].values, 'lat': u850.coords['lat'].values, 'udata': np.squeeze(u850.values), 'vdata': np.squeeze(v850.values)} # set up map projection datacrs = ccrs.PlateCarree() plotcrs = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea( central_latitude=map_center[1], central_longitude=map_center[0], standard_parallels=[30., 60.]) # set up figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 9)) gs = mpl.gridspec.GridSpec( 1, 2, width_ratios=[1, .03], bottom=.01, top=.99, hspace=0.01, wspace=0.01) ax = plt.subplot(gs[0], projection=plotcrs) # add model title add_model_title( 'CREF (dBz), 850-hPa Winds', init_time, model=model, fhour=fhour, fontsize=18, multilines=True) # add map background map_extent = ( map_center[0] - map_width/2.0, map_center[0] + map_width/2.0, map_center[1] - map_width/3.0, map_center[1] + map_width/3.0) ax.set_extent(map_extent, crs=datacrs) add_china_map_2cartopy( ax, name='province', edgecolor='black', lw=2, zorder=100) # draw composite reflectivity x, y = np.meshgrid(cref_data['lon'], cref_data['lat']) norm, cmap = colortables.get_with_steps('NWSReflectivity', 12, 4) pm = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, cref_data['data'], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, transform=datacrs) cax = plt.subplot(gs[1]) cb = plt.colorbar(pm, cax=cax, orientation='vertical', extendrect='True') cb.set_label('Composite reflectivity', size=12) # draw wind vector if draw_wind: x, y = np.meshgrid(uv850['lon'], uv850['lat']) ax.quiver(x, y, uv850['udata'], uv850['vdata'], transform=datacrs, regrid_shape=25) # show figure gs.tight_layout(fig)
def qpf_24h(initial_time, fhour=0, model='ECMWF', map_center=(117, 39), map_width=12): """ Draw 24h accumulated QPF. Arguments: initial_time {string or datetime object} -- model initital time, like '18042008' or datetime(2018, 4, 20, 8). Keyword Arguments: fhour {int} -- model initial time (default: {0}) model {str} -- model name (default: {'ECMWF'}) """ # micaps data directory data_dirs = {'ECMWF': ['ECMWF_HR/RAIN24']} try: data_dir = data_dirs[model.strip().upper()] except KeyError: raise ValueError('Unknown model, choose ECMWF, GRAPES or NCEP.') # get file name filename = model_filename(initial_time, fhour) # retrieve data from micaps server rain24 = get_model_grid(data_dir[0], filename=filename) if rain24 is None: print('Can not retrieve {} from Micaps server.'.format(filename)) return init_time = rain24.coords['init_time'].values[0] rain24 = { 'lon': rain24.coords['lon'].values, 'lat': rain24.coords['lat'].values, 'data': np.squeeze(rain24.values) } # set up map projection datacrs = ccrs.PlateCarree() plotcrs = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea(central_latitude=map_center[1], central_longitude=map_center[0], standard_parallels=[30., 60.]) # set up figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 8)) ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1], projection=plotcrs) # add model title add_model_title('24h accumulated QPF', init_time, model=model, fhour=fhour, fontsize=18, multilines=True, atime=24) # add map background map_extent = (map_center[0] - map_width / 2.0, map_center[0] + map_width / 2.0, map_center[1] - map_width / 2.0, map_center[1] + map_width / 2.0) ax.set_extent(map_extent, crs=datacrs) land_50m = cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature('physical', 'land', '50m', edgecolor='face', facecolor=cfeature.COLORS['land']) ax.add_feature(land_50m) add_china_map_2cartopy(ax, name='province', edgecolor='darkcyan', lw=1, zorder=100) # draw QPF clevs = [0.1, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250] colors = ["#88F492", "#00A929", "#2AB8FF", "#1202FC", "#FF04F4", "#850C3E"] cmap, norm = mpl.colors.from_levels_and_colors(clevs, colors, extend='max') ax.pcolormesh(rain24['lon'], rain24['lat'], rain24['data'], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, transform=datacrs, zorder=2) # add custom legend legend_elements = [ Patch(facecolor=colors[0], label='0.1~10mm'), Patch(facecolor=colors[1], label='10~25mm'), Patch(facecolor=colors[2], label='25~50mm'), Patch(facecolor=colors[3], label='50~100mm'), Patch(facecolor=colors[4], label='100~250mm'), Patch(facecolor=colors[5], label='>250mm') ] ax.legend(handles=legend_elements, loc='lower right', fontsize=16) # add logo add_logo(fig, alpha=0.7) # show figure ax.set_adjustable('datalim')
def cref_uv850_compare(initial_time, fhour=0, map_center=(117, 39), map_width=12, draw_wind=False): """ Compare mesoscale model's composite reflectivity. Arguments: initial_time {string or datetime}} -- initial time, string or datetime ojbect. like '18042008' or datetime(2018, 4, 20, 8). Keyword Arguments: fhour {int} -- forecast hour (default: {0}) map_center {tuple} -- map center (default: {(117, 39)}) map_width {int} -- map width (default: {12}) draw_wind {bool} -- draw 850hPa wind or not (default: {False}) """ # micaps data directory data_dirs = {'SHANGHAI': ['SHANGHAI_HR/COMPOSITE_REFLECTIVITY/ENTIRE_ATMOSPHERE', 'SHANGHAI_HR/UGRD/850', 'SHANGHAI_HR/VGRD/850'], 'BEIJING': ['BEIJING_MR/COMPOSITE_REFLECTIVITY/ENTIRE_ATMOSPHERE', 'BEIJING_MR/UGRD/850', 'BEIJING_MR/VGRD/850'], 'GRAPES_MESO': ['GRAPES_MESO_HR/RADAR_COMBINATION_REFLECTIVITY', 'GRAPES_MESO_HR/UGRD/850', 'GRAPES_MESO_HR/VGRD/850'], 'GRAPES_3KM': ['GRAPES_3KM/RADAR_COMBINATION_REFLECTIVITY', 'GRAPES_3KM/UGRD/850', 'GRAPES_3KM/VGRD/850']} # get filename filename = model_filename(initial_time, fhour) # set up map projection datacrs = ccrs.PlateCarree() plotcrs = ccrs.AlbersEqualArea( central_latitude=map_center[1], central_longitude=map_center[0], standard_parallels=[30., 60.]) # set up figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12)) axes_class = (GeoAxes, dict(map_projection=plotcrs)) grid = AxesGrid(fig, 111, axes_class=axes_class, nrows_ncols=(2, 2), axes_pad=0.05, cbar_location='right', cbar_mode='single', cbar_pad=0.05, label_mode='') # loop every data directory for index, key in enumerate(data_dirs): # get axis and data directory ax = grid[index] data_dir = data_dirs[key] # retrieve data from micaps server cref = get_model_grid(data_dir[0], filename=filename) if cref is None: return init_time = cref.coords['init_time'].values[0] if draw_wind: u850 = get_model_grid(data_dir[1], filename=filename) if u850 is None: return v850 = get_model_grid(data_dir[2], filename=filename) if v850 is None: return # add title if index == 0: initial_str, fhour_str, valid_str = get_model_time_stamp(init_time, fhour) fig.suptitle('CREF (dBz), 850-hPa Winds ' + initial_str + '; ' + fhour_str + '; ' + valid_str, x=0.5, y=0.9, fontsize=16) # prepare data data = data[data == 9999] = data[data < 10] = cref_data = {'lon':cref.coords['lon'].values, 'lat':cref.coords['lat'].values, 'data':np.squeeze(data)} if draw_wind: uv850 = {'lon': u850.coords['lon'].values, 'lat': u850.coords['lat'].values, 'udata': np.squeeze(u850.values), 'vdata': np.squeeze(v850.values)} # add map background map_extent = ( map_center[0] - map_width/2.0, map_center[0] + map_width/2.0, map_center[1] - map_width/3.0, map_center[1] + map_width/3.0) ax.set_extent(map_extent, crs=datacrs) add_china_map_2cartopy( ax, name='province', edgecolor='black', lw=2, zorder=100) # draw composite reflectivity x, y = np.meshgrid(cref_data['lon'], cref_data['lat']) norm, cmap = colortables.get_with_steps('NWSReflectivity', 12, 4) pm = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, cref_data['data'], norm=norm, cmap=cmap, transform=datacrs) # draw wind vector if draw_wind: x, y = np.meshgrid(uv850['lon'], uv850['lat']) ax.quiver(x, y, uv850['udata'], uv850['vdata'], transform=datacrs, regrid_shape=25) # add title add_titlebox(ax, key) # add color bar cbar = grid.cbar_axes[0].colorbar(pm) # show figure