"Hse": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)], "Hgc": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)], "Hge": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)], # "mom": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)] } # States -- (5 * 3 + 6) * fe_x * cp_x. # For fe_x = 5 and cp_x = 3 we will have 315 differential-states. e = MheGen(d_mod=bfb_dae, y=y, x_noisy=x_noisy, y_vars=y_vars, x_vars=x_vars, states=states, u=u, ref_state=ref_state, u_bounds=u_bounds, diag_QR=True, nfe_t=nfet, _t=500, ncp_t=1) # 10 fe & _t=1000 definitely degenerate # 10 fe & _t=900 definitely degenerate # 10 fe & _t=120 sort-of degenerate # 10 fe & _t=50 sort-of degenerate # 10 fe & _t=50 eventually sort-of degenerate # 10 fe & _t=1 eventually sort-of degenerate e.ss.dref = snap e.load_iguess_ss()
"Mv1": [((),)], "Mvn": [((),)]} x_vars = {"x": [(i,) for i in range(1, ntrays + 1)], "M": [(i,) for i in range(1, ntrays + 1)]} nfet = 10 tfe = [i for i in range(1, nfet + 1)] # States -- (5 * 3 + 6) * fe_x * cp_x. # For fe_x = 5 and cp_x = 3 we will have 315 differential-states. e = MheGen(d_mod=DistDiehlNegrete, y=y, x_noisy=x_noisy, y_vars=y_vars, x_vars=x_vars, states=states, u=u, ref_state=ref_state, u_bounds=u_bounds, diag_QR=True, nfe_t=nfet) e.load_iguess_ss() e.solve_ss() e.load_d_s(e.d1) e.solve_d(e.d1) e.update_state_real() # update the current state e.find_target_ss() e.create_nmpc() e.update_targets_nmpc()
"cc": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp, lc)], } x_vars = dict() x_vars = { "Hse": [(1, 1), (1, 2)], } # States -- (5 * 3 + 6) * fe_x * cp_x. # For fe_x = 5 and cp_x = 3 we will have 315 differential-states. e = MheGen(d_mod=bfb_dae, y=y, x_noisy=x_noisy, y_vars=y_vars, x_vars=x_vars, states=states, u=u, ref_state=ref_state, u_bounds=u_bounds, diag_QR=True, IgnoreProcessNoise=True) e.ss.dref = snap e.load_iguess_ss() # sys.exit() e.ss.create_bounds() e.solve_ss() e.load_d_s(e.d1) e.d1.create_bounds() e.solve_d(e.d1)
"Nsc": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp, lc)], "Hsc": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)], "Nge": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp, lc)], "Hge": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)], "Nse": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp, lc)], "Hse": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)], "Ws": [i for i in itertools.product(lfe, lcp)]} # States -- (5 * 3 + 6) * fe_x * cp_x. # For fe_x = 5 and cp_x = 3 we will have 315 differential-states. e = MheGen(d_mod=bfb_dae, y=y, x_noisy=x_noisy, y_vars=y_vars, x_vars=x_vars, states=states, u=u, ref_state=ref_state, u_bounds=u_bounds, diag_QR=True) e.load_iguess_ss() e.solve_ss() e.load_d_s(e.d1) e.solve_d(e.d1) q_cov = {} for i in tfe: if i < nfet: for j in itertools.product(lfe, lcp, lc): # "Ngb", "Hgb", "Ngc", "Hgc", "Nsc", "Hsc", "Nge", "Hge", "Nse", "Hse", "Ws"
} x_vars = dict() x_vars = { "Hse": [(1, 1)], } # States -- (5 * 3 + 6) * fe_x * cp_x. # For fe_x = 5 and cp_x = 3 we will have 315 differential-states. e = MheGen(d_mod=bfb_dae, y=y, x_noisy=x_noisy, y_vars=y_vars, x_vars=x_vars, states=states, u=u, ref_state=ref_state, u_bounds=u_bounds, diag_QR=True, IgnoreProcessNoise=True, nfe_t=10, _t=500) e.ss.dref = snap e.load_iguess_ss() # sys.exit() e.ss.create_bounds() e.solve_ss() e.ss.report_zL(filename="mult_ss") e.load_d_s(e.d1) e.d1.create_bounds()
states = ["x", "M"] x_noisy = ["x", "M"] ntrays = 42 y_vars = {"T": [(i,) for i in range(1, ntrays + 1)], "Mv": [(i,) for i in range(2, ntrays)], "Mv1": [((),)], "Mvn": [((),)]} x_vars = {"x": [(i,) for i in range(1, ntrays + 1)], "M": [(i,) for i in range(1, ntrays + 1)]} e = MheGen(d_mod=DistDiehlNegrete, y=y, x_noisy=x_noisy, y_vars=y_vars, x_vars=x_vars, states=states, u=u, ref_state=ref_state) e.solve_ss() e.load_d_s(e.d1) e.solve_d(e.d1) q_cov = {} for i in range(1, 5): for j in range(1, 43): q_cov[("x", (j,)), ("x", (j,)), i] = 1e-05 q_cov[("M", (j,)), ("M", (j,)), i] = 1