コード例 #1
ファイル: nn_modifiers.py プロジェクト: DRealArun/nasbot
def _get_end_layer_probs_for_skipping(nn, start_layer):
  """ Returns the end layer probabilities to be used in skipping. """
  dists_from_ip = nn.get_distances_from_ip()
  dists_to_op = nn.get_distances_to_op()
  is_a_cnn = nn.nn_class.startswith('cnn')
  end_layer_prob = []
  for layer_idx, layer_label in enumerate(nn.layer_labels):
    curr_layer_prob = 'assign'
    if dists_from_ip[layer_idx] - 1 <= dists_from_ip[start_layer] or \
       dists_to_op[layer_idx] + 1 >= dists_to_op[start_layer] or \
       layer_label in ['ip', 'op', 'softmax']:
      curr_layer_prob = 'no-assign'
    elif is_a_cnn and \
         nn.post_img_inv_sizes[start_layer] > nn.pre_img_inv_sizes[layer_idx]:
      # If the layer has an input image size *larger* than the output of the
      # start layer, then do not assign.
      curr_layer_prob = 'no-assign'
    elif layer_label == 'fc':
      # If its a fully connected layer, connect with this only if it is the first
      # fc layer.
      curr_layer_parent_labels = [nn.layer_labels[x] for x in nn.get_parents(layer_idx)]
      if not all([(is_a_pooling_layer_label(clpl) or is_a_conv_layer_label(clpl)) for
                  clpl in curr_layer_parent_labels]):
        curr_layer_prob = 'no-assign'
    curr_layer_prob = 0.0 if curr_layer_prob == 'no-assign' else 1.0
  if sum(end_layer_prob) == 0:
    return None
    end_layer_prob = np.array(end_layer_prob)
    end_layer_prob = end_layer_prob / end_layer_prob.sum()
    return end_layer_prob
コード例 #2
def get_vgg_net(num_conv_layers_per_block=4, cnn_layer_labels=None):
    """ Returns a VGG net. """
    cnn_layer_labels = cnn_layer_labels if cnn_layer_labels is not None else \
    layer_labels = [
        'ip', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'max-pool', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'max-pool'
    num_filters_each_layer = [None, 64, 64, None, 128, 128, None]
    # Now create the blocks
    block_filter_sizes = [128, 256, 512]
    for bfs in block_filter_sizes:
            ['conv3' for _ in range(num_conv_layers_per_block)] + ['max-pool'])
        num_filters_each_layer.extend([bfs] * num_conv_layers_per_block +
    layer_labels.extend(['fc', 'fc', 'fc', 'softmax', 'op'])
    num_filters_each_layer.extend([128, 256, 512, None, None])
    num_layers = len(layer_labels)
    # Construct the connectivity matrix
    conn_mat = get_feedforward_adj_mat(num_layers)
    strides = [(1 if is_a_conv_layer_label(ll) else None)
               for ll in layer_labels]
    vgg = ConvNeuralNetwork(layer_labels, conn_mat, num_filters_each_layer,
                            strides, cnn_layer_labels)
    return vgg
コード例 #3
ファイル: nn_examples.py プロジェクト: lengjia/chen_NAS
def get_vgg_net(num_conv_layers_per_block=2, cnn_layer_labels=None):
    """ Returns a VGG net. """
    cnn_layer_labels = cnn_layer_labels if cnn_layer_labels is not None else \
    layer_labels = [
        'ip', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'avg-pool', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'avg-pool'
    num_filters_each_layer = [None, 64, 64, None, 128, 128, None]
    # Now create the blocks
    block_filter_sizes = [256, 512]
    for bfs in block_filter_sizes:
            ['conv3' for _ in range(num_conv_layers_per_block)] + ['avg-pool'])
        num_filters_each_layer.extend([bfs] * num_conv_layers_per_block +
    layer_labels.extend(['fc', 'softmax', 'op'])
    num_filters_each_layer.extend([512, None, None])
    num_layers = len(layer_labels)
    # Construct the connectivity matrix
    conn_mat = get_feedforward_adj_mat(num_layers)
    strides = [(1 if is_a_conv_layer_label(ll) else None)
               for ll in layer_labels]
    vgg = ConvNeuralNetwork(layer_labels, conn_mat, num_filters_each_layer,
                            strides, cnn_layer_labels)
    return vgg
コード例 #4
def _get_multidepth_cnn_eg12_common():
    """ A network with 2 softmax layers mostly for debugging common operations. """
    cnn_layer_labels = get_cnn_layer_labels()
    layer_labels = [
        'ip', 'op', 'softmax', 'fc', 'softmax', 'fc', 'conv5', 'avg-pool',
        'max-pool', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'max-pool', 'max-pool', 'conv3', 'conv7'
    num_filters_each_layer = [
        None, None, None, 64, None, 64, 128, None, None, 64, 64, None, None,
        128, 64
    edges = [(0, 14), (14, 6), (14, 9), (14, 10), (6, 7), (7, 3), (3, 2),
             (2, 1), (9, 8), (8, 5), (5, 4), (4, 1), (10, 11), (11, 13),
             (13, 12), (12, 5)]
    strides = [(1 if is_a_conv_layer_label(ll) else None)
               for ll in layer_labels]
    return layer_labels, edges, num_filters_each_layer, cnn_layer_labels, strides
コード例 #5
ファイル: nn_examples.py プロジェクト: lengjia/chen_NAS
def get_vgg_net_chen(num_conv_layers_per_block=3, cnn_layer_labels=None):
    cnn_layer_labels = cnn_layer_labels if cnn_layer_labels is not None else \
    layer_labels = [
        'ip', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'max-pool', 'conv3', 'conv3', 'max-pool'
    num_filters_each_layer = [None, 64, 64, None, 128, 128, None]

    #now create the blocks
    block_filter_sizes = [256, 512, 512]
    for bfs in block_filter_sizes:
            ['conv3' for _ in range(num_conv_layers_per_block)] + ['max-pool'])
        num_filters_each_layer.extend([bfs] * num_conv_layers_per_block +
    layer_labels.extend(['fc', 'fc', 'fc', 'softmax', 'op'])
    num_filters_each_layer.extend([4096, 4096, 1000, None, None])
    num_layers = len(layer_labels)
    conn_mat = get_feedforward_adj_mat(num_layers)
    strides = []
    for ll in layer_labels:
        if is_a_conv_layer_label(ll):
        elif is_a_pooling_layer_label(ll):

    vgg_16_chen = ConvNeuralNetwork(layer_labels,conn_mat,num_filters_each_layer,strides,\

    return vgg_16_chen
コード例 #6
ファイル: nn_modifiers.py プロジェクト: DRealArun/nasbot
def get_list_of_swap_layer_modifiers(nn, num_modifications='all',
  """ Returns a list of modifiers for swapping a layer with another. """
  # pylint: disable=too-many-statements
  # Define a local function to return the modifier
  def _get_swap_layer_modifier(_layer_idx, _replace_with, _new_stride):
    """ Returns a modifier for swapping a layer. """
    return lambda arg_nn: swap_layer_type(arg_nn, _layer_idx, _replace_with, _new_stride)
  # Preprocessing
  if nn.nn_class.startswith('mlp'):
    rectifier_swap_candidates = rectifier_swap_candidates if \
      rectifier_swap_candidates is not None else _DFLT_RECTIFIER_SWAP
    sigmoid_swap_candidates = sigmoid_swap_candidates if \
      sigmoid_swap_candidates is not None else _DFLT_SIGMOID_SWAP
  # Determine the order of the layers
  layer_order = list(range(nn.num_layers))
  if num_modifications == 'all' or num_modifications >= nn.num_layers:
    num_modifications = nn.num_layers
  # iterate through the layers and return
  ret = []
  for idx in layer_order:
    ll = nn.layer_labels[idx]
    if ll in ['ip', 'op', 'fc', 'softmax', 'linear']:
      continue # don't swap out any of these
    # Determine candidates for swapping out
    if ll == 'conv3':
      candidates = ['res3', 'res5', 'conv5', 'conv7', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.25, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'conv5':
      candidates = ['res3', 'res5', 'conv3', 'conv7', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.2, 0.2, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'conv7':
      candidates = ['res3', 'res5', 'conv3', 'conv5', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'conv9':
      candidates = ['res3', 'res5', 'conv3', 'conv5', 'conv7', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'res3':
      candidates = ['conv3', 'conv5', 'res5', 'res7', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.25, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'res5':
      candidates = ['conv3', 'conv5', 'res3', 'res7', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.2, 0.2, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'res7':
      candidates = ['conv3', 'conv5', 'res3', 'res5', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.15, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'res9':
      candidates = ['conv3', 'conv5', 'res3', 'res5', 'res7', 'max-pool', 'avg-pool']
      cand_probs = [0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.05]
    elif ll == 'avg-pool':
      candidates = ['max-pool']
      cand_probs = None
    elif ll == 'max-pool':
      candidates = ['avg-pool']
      cand_probs = None
    elif ll in MLP_RECTIFIERS:
      candidates = sigmoid_swap_candidates
      cand_probs = None
    elif ll in MLP_SIGMOIDS:
      candidates = rectifier_swap_candidates
      cand_probs = None
      raise ValueError('Unidentified layer_type: %s.'%(ll))
    # I am determining the probabilities above completely ad-hoc for reasons I don't
    # know why.
    # Choose replace_with
    if cand_probs is not None:
      cand_probs = np.array(cand_probs)
      cand_probs = cand_probs / cand_probs.sum()
    replace_with = np.random.choice(candidates, 1, p=cand_probs)[0]
    # Determine the stride
    if nn.nn_class == 'cnn':
      if is_a_pooling_layer_label(replace_with):
        new_stride = None
      elif is_a_conv_layer_label(replace_with) and is_a_pooling_layer_label(ll):
        new_stride = 2
      elif is_a_conv_layer_label(ll) and np.random.random() < change_stride_with_prob:
        new_stride = 1 if nn.strides[idx] == 2 else 2
        new_stride = nn.strides[idx]
      new_stride = None
    # Create modifier and append
    ret.append(_get_swap_layer_modifier(idx, replace_with, new_stride))
    if len(ret) >= num_modifications:
      break # Check if you have exceeded the maximum amount
  return ret
コード例 #7
ファイル: nn_modifiers.py プロジェクト: DRealArun/nasbot
def get_list_of_wedge_layer_modifiers(nn, num_modifications='all',
  """ Returns a list of operations for adding a layer in between two layers. """
  # A local function for creating a modifier
  def _get_wedge_modifier(_layer_type, _num_units, _edge, _nl_attributes):
    """ Returns a modifier which wedges an edge between the edge. """
    return lambda arg_nn: wedge_layer(arg_nn, _layer_type, _num_units,
                                       _edge[0], _edge[1], _nl_attributes)
  # Pre-process arguments
  nn_is_a_cnn = nn.nn_class == 'cnn'
  if internal_layer_type_candidates is None:
    if nn_is_a_cnn:
      internal_layer_type_candidates = _DFLT_WEDGE_LAYER_CNN_CANDIDATES
      internal_layer_type_candidates = _DFLT_WEDGE_LAYER_MLP_CANDIDATES
  if not nn_is_a_cnn:
    choose_pool_with_prob = 0
  all_edges = nn.get_edges()
  num_modifications = len(all_edges) if num_modifications == 'all' else num_modifications
  op_layer_idx = nn.get_op_layer_idx() # Output layer
  ip_layer_idx = nn.get_ip_layer_idx() # Input layer
  # We won't change this below so keep it as it is
  nonconv_nl_attrs = Namespace(stride=None)
  conv_nl_attrs_w_stride_1 = Namespace(stride=1)
  conv_nl_attrs_w_stride_2 = Namespace(stride=2)
  # Iterate through all edges
  ret = []
  for edge in all_edges:
    curr_layer_type = None
    # First handle the edges cases
    if edge[1] == op_layer_idx:
    elif nn_is_a_cnn and nn.layer_labels[edge[0]] == 'fc':
      curr_layer_type = 'fc'
      curr_num_units = nn.num_units_in_each_layer[edge[0]]
      nl_attrs = nonconv_nl_attrs
    elif not nn_is_a_cnn and edge[1] == op_layer_idx:
      # Don't add new layers just before the output for MLPs
    elif edge[0] == ip_layer_idx and nn_is_a_cnn:
      curr_pool_prob = 0 # No pooling layer right after the input for a CNN
      curr_pool_prob = choose_pool_with_prob

    if curr_layer_type is None:
      if np.random.random() < curr_pool_prob:
        curr_layer_candidates = ['avg-pool', 'max-pool']
        curr_layer_candidates = internal_layer_type_candidates
      curr_layer_type = np.random.choice(curr_layer_candidates, 1)[0]
      if curr_layer_type in ['max-pool', 'avg-pool', 'linear', 'softmax']:
        curr_num_units = None
        curr_num_units = _determine_num_units_for_wedge_layer(nn, edge)
      # Determine stride
      if is_a_conv_layer_label(curr_layer_type):
        nl_attrs = conv_nl_attrs_w_stride_2 if \
          np.random.random() < choose_stride_2_with_prob else conv_nl_attrs_w_stride_1
        nl_attrs = nonconv_nl_attrs
    ret.append(_get_wedge_modifier(curr_layer_type, curr_num_units, edge, nl_attrs))
    # Break if more than the number of modifications
    if len(ret) >= num_modifications:
  return ret