class Evaluate: def __init__(self): self.nn_state = NNState(mode='eval') def sliding_window(self, img): """ This function converts the classifier has been trained to a detector You Can modify this function to improve the detection accuracy :param img: Input image in the format of PIL. Use to read the image. :return: a single-channel heat map. with labels (1, 2, 3, ...) """ img = np.array(img) w, h, _ = img.shape start_time = time.time() # the step size of moving the sliding window, measured in pixels stride = 8 # Generate a grid of centers for the window u_mesh, v_mesh = np.meshgrid(np.arange(h, step=stride), np.arange(w, step=stride)) # the height, and width of the output heat map h_out = len(np.arange(h, step=stride)) w_out = len(np.arange(w, step=stride)) u_mesh, v_mesh = u_mesh.reshape(-1), v_mesh.reshape(-1) print('\n Generating Anchors ...') all_anchors = list() # number of crops at each designated window waitpoint anchor_h2ws = list([0.6, 1, 1.5]) # different height to width ratio anchor_heights = list([32, 64]) # the height of the sliding window num_patches = 6 num_anchors = len(anchor_h2ws) * len(anchor_heights) for i in tqdm(range(len(u_mesh))): uv = [u_mesh[i], v_mesh[i]] anchors_temp = self.get_multi_scal_anchors(uv, img, anchor_h2ws, anchor_heights) all_anchors += anchors_temp anchor_imdb = AnchorIMDB(all_anchors) anchor_loader = DataLoader(anchor_imdb, batch_size=num_patches * num_anchors, shuffle=False, num_workers=4, drop_last=False) heat_map = list() print('\n Inferring ...') with torch.no_grad(): sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() for batch in tqdm(anchor_loader): batch = self.nn_state.to_device(batch) x = # HERE DEFINES THE LOGIC OF CHOOSING THE FINAL LABEL OUT OF # N ANCHORS x = sigmoid(x).reshape((num_patches, num_anchors, -1)) val, _ = torch.max(x, 1) # val = val.reshape((num_patches, -1)) score, pred = torch.max(val, 1) # score, pred = score.float(), pred.float() # pred = torch.where(score > 0.99, pred, torch.zeros(pred.size())) heat_map += print("--- %.3fs seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) heat_map = np.asarray(heat_map).reshape(w_out, h_out) return heat_map def visualise_heatmap(self, heat_map, img, overlay=True): """ This function visualises the heat_map :param heat_map: :param img: :param overlay: True to display the mask on top of the image. False to display separately. """ h, w = heat_map.shape out = np.ones((h, w, 3)) elephant = np.array([66, 135, 245]) / 255.0 llama = np.array([245, 114, 66]) / 255.0 snake = np.array([16, 207, 6]) / 255.0 bg = np.array([80, 80, 80]) / 255.0 for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if heat_map[i, j] == 0: out[i, j, :] *= bg elif heat_map[i, j] == 1: out[i, j, :] = elephant elif heat_map[i, j] == 2: out[i, j, :] = llama elif heat_map[i, j] == 3: out[i, j, :] = snake bg_label = label_box.Patch(color=bg, label='bg[0]') elephant_label = label_box.Patch(color=elephant, label='elephant[1]') llama_label = label_box.Patch(color=llama, label='llama[2]') snake_label = label_box.Patch(color=snake, label='snake[3]') if overlay: out = Image.fromarray((out * 255).astype('uint8')) out = out.resize(img.size) out = out.convert("RGBA") img = img.convert("RGBA") out = Image.blend(img, out, alpha=.6) plt.legend( handles=[bg_label, elephant_label, llama_label, snake_label]) plt.imshow(out) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax[1].legend( handles=[bg_label, elephant_label, llama_label, snake_label]) ax[0].imshow(img) ax[1].imshow(out) def get_multi_scal_anchors(self, uv, np_img, anchor_h2ws, anchor_heights): """ Crops the image into sizes of the anchor boxes :param uv: the window centre location :param np_img: the original PIL image :param anchor_h2ws: the height to width ratio of anchor boxes :param anchor_heights: the height of the anchor bo :return: """ h_max, w_max, _ = np_img.shape u, v = uv[0], uv[1] img_batch = list() for h in anchor_heights: for h2w in anchor_h2ws: win_size = np.array([h, int(h / h2w)]) half_win = (win_size / 2.0).astype(int) v_min = max(0, v - half_win[1]) v_max = min(h_max, v + half_win[1]) u_min = max(0, u - half_win[0]) u_max = min(w_max, u + half_win[0]) anchor_temp = np_img[v_min:v_max, u_min:u_max, :] anchor_temp = Image.fromarray(anchor_temp) img_batch.append(anchor_temp) return img_batch
class Evaluate: def __init__(self): self.nn_state = NNState(mode='eval') def sliding_window(self, img): """ This function converts the classifier has been trained to a detector You Can modify this function to improve the detection accuracy :param img: Input image in the format of PIL. Use to read the image. :return: a single-channel heat map. with labels (1, 2, 3, ...) """ img2 = img img = np.array(img) w, h, _ = img.shape start_time = time.time() # the step size of moving the sliding window, measured in pixels stride = 8 # Generate a grid of centers for the window u_mesh, v_mesh = np.meshgrid(np.arange(h, step=stride), np.arange(w, step=stride)) # the height, and width of the output heat map h_out = len(np.arange(h, step=stride)) w_out = len(np.arange(w, step=stride)) u_mesh, v_mesh = u_mesh.reshape(-1), v_mesh.reshape(-1) print('\n Generating Anchors ...') all_anchors = list() # number of crops at each designated window waitpoint anchor_h2ws = list([0.6, 1, 1.5]) # different height to width ratio anchor_heights = list([32, 64]) # the height of the sliding window num_patches = 6 num_anchors = len(anchor_h2ws) * len(anchor_heights) for i in tqdm(range(len(u_mesh))): uv = [u_mesh[i], v_mesh[i]] anchors_temp = self.get_multi_scal_anchors(uv, img, anchor_h2ws, anchor_heights) all_anchors += anchors_temp anchor_imdb = AnchorIMDB(all_anchors) anchor_loader = DataLoader(anchor_imdb, batch_size=num_patches * num_anchors, shuffle=False, num_workers=4, drop_last=False) heat_map = list() print('\n Inferring ...') with torch.no_grad(): sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid() # sigmoid.cuda() for batch in tqdm(anchor_loader): # batch.cuda() batch = self.nn_state.to_device(batch) x = # HERE DEFINES THE LOGIC OF CHOOSING THE FINAL LABEL OUT OF # N ANCHORS x = sigmoid(x).reshape((num_patches, num_anchors, -1)) val, _ = torch.max(x, 1) # val = val.reshape((num_patches, -1)) score, pred = torch.max(val, 1) # score, pred = score.float(), pred.float() # pred = torch.where(score > 0.99, pred, torch.zeros(pred.size())) heat_map += print("--- %.3fs seconds ---" % (time.time() - start_time)) heat_map = np.asarray(heat_map, dtype=np.uint8).reshape(w_out, h_out) # # # #------------------- # # Setup SimpleBlobDetector parameters. # params = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_Params() # # # Change thresholds # params.minThreshold = 0 # params.maxThreshold = 255 # params.thresholdStep = 25 # # # Filter by Area. # # params.filterByArea = True # print(params) # # # Create a detector with the parameters # ver = (cv2.__version__).split('.') # print(f"using opencv version {ver}") # if int(ver[0]) < 3 : # detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector(params) # else : # detector = cv2.SimpleBlobDetector_create(params) # # # Detect blobs. # print(f"heat map is a {type(heat_map)}, {heat_map.dtype} and img is a {type(img)}, {img.dtype}") # heat_map = self.convertHeatmapToImage(heat_map, img) # print(f"heat map is a {type(heat_map)}, {heat_map.dtype} and img is a {type(img)}, {img.dtype}") # # keypoints = detector.detect(cv2.7(heat_map, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)) # # # im = cv2.imread("blob.jpg", cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE) # # print(f"blob is a {type(im)}") # # print(f"dtype {im.dtype}") # # keypoints = detector.detect(im) # # print(f"Blob Keypoints: {keypoints}") # # # plt.imshow(heat_map) # # plt.imshow(im) # # # print(heat_map.shape) # # exit(0) # # # # keypoints = detector.detect(heat_map) # print(keypoints) # # cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS ensures the size of the circle corresponds to the size of blob # im_with_keypoints = cv2.drawKeypoints(img2, keypoints, np.array([]), (0,0,255), cv2.DRAW_MATCHES_FLAGS_DRAW_RICH_KEYPOINTS) # # # Show keypoints # cv2.imshow("Keypoints", im_with_keypoints) # #------------------- return heat_map def convertHeatmapToImage(self, heat_map, img): h, w = heat_map.shape out = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8) bg = 1 elephant = 2 llama = 3 snake = 5 crocodile = 7 out[heat_map == 0] = bg out[heat_map == 1] = elephant out[heat_map == 2] = llama out[heat_map == 3] = snake out[heat_map == 4] = crocodile # for i in range(h): # for j in range(w): # if heat_map[i, j] == 0: # out[i, j] == bg # elif heat_map[i, j] == 1: # out[i, j] = elephant # elif heat_map[i, j] == 2: # out[i, j] = llama # elif heat_map[i, j] == 3: # out[i, j] = snake # elif heat_map[i, j] == 4: # out[i, j] = crocodile # out = Image.fromarray((out*255).astype('uint8')) # out = out.resize(img.size) # out = out.convert("RGBA") # open_cv_image = np.array(out) # Convert RGB to BGR # print(type(open_cv_image) , ' size: ', open_cv_image.shape) # open_cv_image = open_cv_image[:, :, ::-1] # plt.imshow(out) # # print(type(open_cv_image) , ' size: ', open_cv_image.shape) return out def visualise_heatmap(self, heat_map, img, overlay=True): """ This function visualises the heat_map :param heat_map: :param img: :param overlay: True to display the mask on top of the image. False to display separately. """ h, w = heat_map.shape out = np.ones((h, w, 3)) elephant = np.array([66, 135, 245]) / 255.0 llama = np.array([245, 114, 66]) / 255.0 snake = np.array([16, 207, 6]) / 255.0 bg = np.array([80, 80, 80]) / 255.0 for i in range(h): for j in range(w): if heat_map[i, j] == 0: out[i, j, :] *= bg elif heat_map[i, j] == 1: out[i, j, :] = elephant elif heat_map[i, j] == 2: out[i, j, :] = llama elif heat_map[i, j] == 3: out[i, j, :] = snake bg_label = label_box.Patch(color=bg, label='bg[0]') elephant_label = label_box.Patch(color=elephant, label='elephant[1]') llama_label = label_box.Patch(color=llama, label='llama[2]') snake_label = label_box.Patch(color=snake, label='snake[3]') if overlay: out = Image.fromarray((out * 255).astype('uint8')) out = out.resize(img.size) out = out.convert("RGBA") img = img.convert("RGBA") out = Image.blend(img, out, alpha=.6) plt.legend( handles=[bg_label, elephant_label, llama_label, snake_label]) plt.imshow(out) else: fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2) ax[1].legend( handles=[bg_label, elephant_label, llama_label, snake_label]) ax[0].imshow(img) ax[1].imshow(out) def get_multi_scal_anchors(self, uv, np_img, anchor_h2ws, anchor_heights): """ Crops the image into sizes of the anchor boxes :param uv: the window centre location :param np_img: the original PIL image :param anchor_h2ws: the height to width ratio of anchor boxes :param anchor_heights: the height of the anchor bo :return: """ h_max, w_max, _ = np_img.shape u, v = uv[0], uv[1] img_batch = list() for h in anchor_heights: for h2w in anchor_h2ws: win_size = np.array([h, int(h / h2w)]) half_win = (win_size / 2.0).astype(int) v_min = max(0, v - half_win[1]) v_max = min(h_max, v + half_win[1]) u_min = max(0, u - half_win[0]) u_max = min(w_max, u + half_win[0]) anchor_temp = np_img[v_min:v_max, u_min:u_max, :] anchor_temp = Image.fromarray(anchor_temp) img_batch.append(anchor_temp) return img_batch