def distance_rule(scale, rule="exp", shape=None, neuron_density=1000., nodes=0, density=0.1, edges=-1, avg_deg=-1., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="DR", positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Create a graph using a 2D distance rule to create the connection between neurons. Available rules are linear (@todo) and exponential. Parameters ---------- scale : float Characteristic scale for the distance rule. E.g for linear distance- rule, :math:`P(i,j) \propto (1-d_{ij}/scale))`, whereas for the exponential distance-rule, :math:`P(i,j) \propto e^{-d_{ij}/scale}`. rule : string, optional (default: 'exp') Rule that will be apply to draw the connections between neurons. Choose among "exp" (exponential), "lin" (linear, not implemented yet), "power" (power-law, not implemented yet). shape : :class:`~nngt.core.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. If not specified, a square will be created with the appropriate dimensions for the number of neurons and the neuron spatial density. neuron_density : float, optional (default: 1000.) Density of neurons in space (:math:`neurons \cdot mm^{-2}). nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. density: double, optional (default: 0.1) Structural density given by `edges` / (`nodes`*`nodes`). edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges` / `nodes`. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) @todo Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. """ # set node number and library graph graph_obj_dr, graph_dr = None, from_graph if graph_dr is not None: nodes = graph_dr.node_nb() graph_dr.clear_edges() graph_obj_dr = graph_dr.graph else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_obj_dr = GraphObject(nodes, directed=directed) # generate container h = w = np.sqrt(float(nodes)/neuron_density) if graph_dr is None: shape = shape if shape is not None else Shape.rectangle(None,h,w) graph_dr = SpatialGraph(name=name, libgraph=graph_obj_dr, shape=shape, **kwargs) else: if not issubclass(graph_dr.__class__, SpatialGraph): shape = shape if shape is not None else Shape.rectangle(self,h,w) SpatialGraph.make_spatial(graph_dr, shape, positions) # add edges positions = graph_dr.position ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _distance_rule(ids, ids, density, edges, avg_deg, scale, rule, shape, positions, directed, multigraph) graph_obj_dr.new_edges(ia_edges) # set options if weighted: graph_dr.set_weights() if issubclass(graph_dr.__class__, Network): Connections.delays(graph_dr) elif population is not None: Network.make_network(graph_dr, population) return graph_dr
def erdos_renyi(nodes=0, density=0.1, edges=-1, avg_deg=-1., reciprocity=-1., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="ER", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a random graph as defined by Erdos and Renyi but with a reciprocity that can be chosen. Parameters ---------- nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. density : double, optional (default: 0.1) Structural density given by `edges` / `nodes`:math:`^2`. edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges` / `nodes`. reciprocity : double, optional (default: -1 to let it free) Fraction of edges that are bidirectional (only for directed graphs -- undirected graphs have a reciprocity of 1 by definition) weighted : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.core.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_er : :class:`~nngt.Graph`, or subclass A new generated graph or the modified `from_graph`. Notes ----- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. If an `from_graph` is provided, all preexistant edges in the object will be deleted before the new connectivity is implemented. """ # set node number and library graph graph_obj_er, graph_er = None, from_graph if graph_er is not None: nodes = graph_er.node_nb() graph_er.clear_edges() graph_obj_er = graph_er.graph else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_obj_er = GraphObject(nodes, directed=directed) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _erdos_renyi(ids, ids, density, edges, avg_deg, reciprocity, directed, multigraph) graph_obj_er.new_edges(ia_edges) # generate container if graph_er is None: graph_er = Graph(name=name, libgraph=graph_obj_er, **kwargs) else: graph_er.set_weights() # set options if issubclass(graph_er.__class__, Network): Connections.delays(graph_er) elif population is not None: Network.make_network(graph_er, population) if shape is not None: SpatialGraph.make_spatial(graph_er, shape, positions) return graph_er
def newman_watts(coord_nb, proba_shortcut, nodes=0, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="ER", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a small-world graph using the Newman-Watts algorithm. @todo: generate the edges of a circular graph to not replace the graph of the `from_graph` and implement chosen reciprocity. Parameters ---------- coord_nb : int The number of neighbours for each node on the initial topological lattice. proba_shortcut : double Probability of adding a new random (shortcut) edge for each existing edge on the initial lattice. nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. density: double, optional (default: 0.1) Structural density given by `edges` / (`nodes`*`nodes`). edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges` / `nodes`. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) @todo Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.core.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`). from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_nw : :class:`~nngt.Graph` or subclass Notes ----- `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. """ # set node number and library graph graph_obj_nw, graph_nw = None, from_graph if graph_nw is not None: nodes = graph_nw.node_nb() graph_nw.clear_edges() graph_obj_nw = graph_nw.graph else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_obj_nw = GraphObject(nodes, directed=directed) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _newman_watts(ids, ids, coord_nb, proba_shortcut, directed, multigraph) graph_obj_nw.new_edges(ia_edges) # generate container if graph_nw is None: graph_nw = Graph(name=name, libgraph=graph_obj_nw, **kwargs) else: graph_nw.set_weights() # set options if issubclass(graph_nw.__class__, Network): Connections.delays(graph_nw) elif population is not None: Network.make_network(graph_nw, population) if shape is not None: SpatialGraph.make_spatial(graph_nw, shape, positions) return graph_nw
def random_scale_free(in_exp, out_exp, nodes=0, density=0.1, edges=-1, avg_deg=-1, reciprocity=0., weighted=True, directed=True, multigraph=False, name="RandomSF", shape=None, positions=None, population=None, from_graph=None, **kwargs): """ Generate a free-scale graph of given reciprocity and otherwise devoid of correlations. Parameters ---------- in_exp : float Absolute value of the in-degree exponent :math:`\gamma_i`, such that :math:`p(k_i) \propto k_i^{-\gamma_i} out_exp : float Absolute value of the out-degree exponent :math:`\gamma_o`, such that :math:`p(k_o) \propto k_o^{-\gamma_o} nodes : int, optional (default: None) The number of nodes in the graph. density: double, optional (default: 0.1) Structural density given by `edges` / (`nodes`*`nodes`). edges : int (optional) The number of edges between the nodes avg_deg : double, optional Average degree of the neurons given by `edges` / `nodes`. weighted : bool, optional (default: True) @todo Whether the graph edges have weights. directed : bool, optional (default: True) Whether the graph is directed or not. multigraph : bool, optional (default: False) Whether the graph can contain multiple edges between two nodes. can contain multiple edges between two name : string, optional (default: "ER") Name of the created graph. shape : :class:`~nngt.core.Shape`, optional (default: None) Shape of the neurons' environment. positions : :class:`numpy.ndarray`, optional (default: None) A 2D or 3D array containing the positions of the neurons in space. population : :class:`~nngt.NeuralPop`, optional (default: None) Population of neurons defining their biological properties (to create a :class:`~nngt.Network`) from_graph : :class:`Graph` or subclass, optional (default: None) Initial graph whose nodes are to be connected. Returns ------- graph_fs : :class:`~nngt.Graph` Notes ----- As reciprocity increases, requested values of `in_exp` and `out_exp` will be less and less respected as the distribution will converge to a common exponent :math:`\gamma = \frac{\gamma_i + \gamma_o}{2}`. Parameter `nodes` is required unless `from_graph` or `population` is provided. """ # set node number and library graph graph_obj_rsf, graph_rsf = None, from_graph if graph_rsf is not None: nodes = graph_rsf.node_nb() graph_rsf.clear_edges() graph_obj_rsf = graph_rsf.graph else: nodes = population.size if population is not None else nodes graph_obj_rsf = GraphObject(nodes, directed=directed) # add edges ia_edges = None if nodes > 1: ids = range(nodes) ia_edges = _random_scale_free(ids, ids, in_exp, out_exp, density, edges, avg_deg, reciprocity, directed, multigraph) graph_obj_rsf.new_edges(ia_edges) # generate container if graph_rsf is None: graph_rsf = Graph(name=name, libgraph=graph_obj_rsf, **kwargs) else: graph_rsf.set_weights() # set options if issubclass(graph_rsf.__class__, Network): Connections.delays(graph_rsf) elif population is not None: Network.make_network(graph_rsf, population) if shape is not None: SpatialGraph.make_spatial(graph_rsf, shape, positions) return graph_rsf