def addon_image_uploader(request, **kwargs): uploader = AjaxUploader(filetype='image', upload_dir=setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR', 'images'), size_limit=setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE', 10485760)) result = uploader.handle_upload(request) if result['success']: new = Pic() new.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id( int(kwargs['content_type'])) new.object_id = int(kwargs['object_id']) new.description = result['old_filename'] new.user = request.user new.created_date = now() new.pic = result['path'] fullpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, new.pic.field.upload_to, new.pic.path) new.size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) # noinspection PyBroadException try: pics_count = dict(pics_count=new.content_object.pics_count) result.update(pics_count) except: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: addons = dict( html=render_to_string('upload/image_item.html', {'pic': new})) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return ajax_answer(result)
def addon_file_uploader(request, **kwargs): uploader = AjaxUploader(filetype='file', upload_dir=setting('FILE_UPLOAD_DIR', 'files'), size_limit=setting('FILE_UPLOAD_SIZE', 104857600)) result = uploader.handle_upload(request) if result['success']: new = Doc() new.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id( int(kwargs['content_type'])) new.object_id = int(kwargs['object_id']) new.description = result['old_filename'] new.user = request.user new.created_date = now() new.doc = result['path'] fullpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, new.doc.field.upload_to, new.doc.path) new.size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) try: addons = dict( html=render_to_string('upload/file_item.html', {'doc': new})) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return ajax_answer(result)
def addon_image_uploader(request, **kwargs): uploader = AjaxUploader( filetype="image", uploadDirectory=setting("IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR", "images"), sizeLimit=setting("IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE", 10485760), ) result = uploader.handleUpload(request) if result["success"]: new = Pic() new.content_type = get_object_or_404(ContentType, id=int(kwargs["content_type"])) new.object_id = int(kwargs["object_id"]) new.description = result["old_filename"] new.user = request.user new.created_date = now() new.pic = result["path"] fullpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, new.pic.field.upload_to, new.pic.path) new.size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) try: pics_count = dict(pics_count=new.content_object.pics_count) result.update(pics_count) except: pass try: addons = dict(html=render_to_string("upload/image_item.html", {"pic": new})) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return AjaxAnswer(result)
def file_uploader(request, **kwargs): uploader = AjaxUploader( filetype="image", uploadDirectory=setting("IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR", "images"), sizeLimit=setting("IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE", 10485760), ) result = uploader.handleUpload(request) if result["success"]: ctype = get_object_or_404(ContentType, id=int(kwargs["content_type"])) object_id = int(kwargs["object_id"]) obj = ctype.get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_id) try: remove_thumbnails(obj.img.path) remove_file(obj.img.path) obj.img.delete() except: pass obj.img = result["path"] try: addons = dict( tmb=make_thumbnail( obj.img.url, width=int(kwargs["width"]), height=int(kwargs["height"]), aspect=int(kwargs["aspect"]) ) ) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return AjaxAnswer(result)
def file_uploader(request, **kwargs): uploader = AjaxUploader(filetype='image', uploadDirectory=setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR', 'images'), sizeLimit=setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE', 10485760)) result = uploader.handleUpload(request) if result['success']: ctype = get_object_or_404(ContentType, id=int(kwargs['content_type'])) object_id = int(kwargs['object_id']) obj = ctype.get_object_for_this_type(pk=object_id) try: remove_thumbnails(obj.img.path) remove_file(obj.img.path) obj.img.delete() except: pass obj.img = result['path'] try: addons = dict(tmb=make_thumbnail(obj.img.url, width=int(kwargs['width']), height=int(kwargs['height']), aspect=int(kwargs['aspect']))) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return AjaxAnswer(result)
def addon_image_uploader(request, **kwargs): uploader = AjaxUploader(filetype='image', upload_dir=setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_DIR', 'images'), size_limit=setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_SIZE', 10485760)) result = uploader.handle_upload(request) if result['success']: new = Pic() new.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id(int(kwargs['content_type'])) new.object_id = int(kwargs['object_id']) new.description = result['old_filename'] new.user = request.user new.created_date = now() new.pic = result['path'] fullpath = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, new.pic.field.upload_to, new.pic.path) new.size = os.path.getsize(fullpath) # noinspection PyBroadException try: pics_count = dict(pics_count=new.content_object.pics_count) result.update(pics_count) except: pass # noinspection PyBroadException try: addons = dict(html=render_to_string('upload/image_item.html', {'pic': new})) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return ajax_answer(result)
def form_valid(self, form): email = form.cleaned_data.get('email') username = form.cleaned_data.get('username') password = form.cleaned_data.get('password2') # noinspection PyBroadException try: e = EmailValidation.objects.get(email=email) except: e = EmailValidation() e.username = username = email e.password = password e.created = now() e.key = make_key(username) mail_dict = { 'key': e.key, 'expiration_days': setting('ACCOUNT_ACTIVATION_DAYS', 7), 'site_name': setting('SITENAME', 'NNMWARE'), 'email': email } subject = 'registration/activation_subject.txt' body = 'registration/activation.txt' send_template_mail(subject, body, mail_dict, []) return super(SignupView, self).form_valid(form)
def backend_setting(backend, name, default=None): """ Looks for setting value following these rules: 1. Search for <backend_name> prefixed setting 2. Search for setting given by name 3. Return default """ backend_name ='-', '_') return setting('%s_%s' % (backend_name, name)) or setting(name) or default
def oauth_request(self, token, url, extra_params=None): extra_params = extra_params or {} scope = GOOGLE_OAUTH_SCOPE + setting('GOOGLE_OAUTH_EXTRA_SCOPE', []) extra_params.update({ 'scope': ' '.join(scope), }) if not self.registered(): xoauth_displayname = setting('GOOGLE_DISPLAY_NAME', 'Social Auth') extra_params['xoauth_displayname'] = xoauth_displayname return super(GoogleOAuth, self).oauth_request(token, url, extra_params)
def save_status_to_session(request, auth, pipeline_index, *args, **kwargs): """Saves current social-auth status to session.""" next_entry = setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_PIPELINE_RESUME_ENTRY') if next_entry and next_entry in PIPELINE: idx = PIPELINE.index(next_entry) else: idx = pipeline_index + 1 data = auth.to_session_dict(idx, *args, **kwargs) name = setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_PARTIAL_PIPELINE_KEY', 'partial_pipeline') request.session[name] = data
def convert_from_client_currency(request, amount): try: if request.COOKIES['currency'] == setting('CURRENCY', 'RUB'): return amount currency = Currency.objects.get(code=request.COOKIES['currency']) rate = ExchangeRate.objects.filter(currency=currency).filter(date__lte=now()).order_by('-date')[0] if setting('OFFICIAL_RATE', True): exchange = rate.official_rate else: exchange = rate.rate return int((int(amount) * exchange) / rate.nominal) except: return int(amount)
def avatar_set(request): uploader = AjaxUploader(filetype='image', upload_dir=setting('AVATAR_UPLOAD_DIR', 'avatars'), size_limit=setting('AVATAR_UPLOAD_SIZE', 1024000)) result = uploader.handle_upload(request) if result['success']: request.user.img = result['path'] try: addons = dict(html=render_to_string('user/avatar.html', {'object': request.user})) except: addons = {} result.update(addons) return ajax_answer_lazy(result)
def validate_whitelists(backend, email): """ Validates allowed domains and emails against the following settings: GOOGLE_WHITE_LISTED_DOMAINS GOOGLE_WHITE_LISTED_EMAILS All domains and emails are allowed if setting is an empty list. """ emails = setting('GOOGLE_WHITE_LISTED_EMAILS', []) domains = setting('GOOGLE_WHITE_LISTED_DOMAINS', []) if emails and email in emails: return # you're good if domains and email.split('@', 1)[1] not in domains: raise AuthFailed(backend, 'Domain not allowed')
def auth_complete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Performs check of authentication in VKontakte, returns User if succeeded""" app_cookie = 'vk_app_' + self.APP_ID if not 'id' in self.request.GET or \ not app_cookie in self.request.COOKIES: raise ValueError('VKontakte authentication is not completed') cookie_dict = dict( item.split('=') for item in self.request.COOKIES[app_cookie].split('&')) check_str = ''.join(item + '=' + cookie_dict[item] for item in ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid']) hash = md5(check_str + setting('VKONTAKTE_APP_SECRET')).hexdigest() if hash != cookie_dict['sig'] or int(cookie_dict['expire']) < time(): raise ValueError('VKontakte authentication failed: invalid hash') else: kwargs.update({ 'auth': self, 'response': self.user_data(cookie_dict['mid']), True }) return authenticate(*args, **kwargs)
def get_user_id(self, details, response): """Use google email or id as unique id""" user_id = super(GoogleOAuth2Backend, self).get_user_id(details, response) if setting('GOOGLE_OAUTH2_USE_UNIQUE_USER_ID', False): return response['id'] return user_id
class EvernoteBackend(OAuthBackend): """ Evernote OAuth authentication backend. Possible Values: {'edam_expires': ['1367525289541'], 'edam_noteStoreUrl': [ '' ], 'edam_shard': ['s1'], 'edam_userId': ['123841'], 'edam_webApiUrlPrefix': [''], 'oauth_token': [ 'S=s1:U=1e3c1:E=13e66dbee45:C=1370f2ac245:P=185:A=my_user:'******'H=411443c5e8b20f8718ed382a19d4ae38' ]} """ name = 'evernote' EXTRA_DATA = [('access_token', 'access_token'), ('oauth_token', 'oauth_token'), ('edam_noteStoreUrl', 'store_url'), ('edam_expires', setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_EXPIRATION', 'expires'))] def get_user_details(self, response): """Return user details from Evernote account""" return { USERNAME: response['edam_userId'], 'email': '', } def get_user_id(self, details, response): return response['edam_userId']
def get_backends(force_load=False): """ Entry point to the BACKENDS cache. If BACKENDSCACHE hasn't been populated, each of the modules referenced in AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS is imported and checked for a BACKENDS definition and if enabled, added to the cache. Previously all backends were attempted to be loaded at import time of this module, which meant that backends that subclass bases found in this module would not have the chance to be loaded by the time they were added to this module's BACKENDS dict. See: This new approach ensures that backends are allowed to subclass from bases in this module and still be picked up. A force_load boolean arg is also provided so that get_backend below can retry a requested backend that may not yet be discovered. """ if not BACKENDSCACHE or force_load: for auth_backend in setting('AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS'): mod, cls_name = auth_backend.rsplit('.', 1) module = import_module(mod) backend = getattr(module, cls_name) if issubclass(backend, SocialAuthBackend): name = backends = getattr(module, 'BACKENDS', {}) if name in backends and backends[name].enabled(): BACKENDSCACHE[name] = backends[name] return BACKENDSCACHE
class MarketBaseView(ListView): template_name = 'market/product_list.html' paginate_by = setting('PAGINATE_BY', 20) model = Product def get_paginate_by(self, queryset): return self.request.session.get('paginator', self.paginate_by)
def parse_currency(on_date=None): f = lambda x: Decimal(x.replace(',', '.')) sdate = on_date or strftime("%d.%m.%Y", localtime()) d, m, y = map(lambda x: int(x), sdate.split('.')) rate_date =, m, d) lst_currency = parse_xml_currency(currency_xml_input(sdate)) from import ExchangeRate, Currency currencies = Currency.objects.all().values_list('code', flat=True) for currency in lst_currency: charcode = currency['CharCode'] if charcode in currencies and charcode != setting('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'RUB'): curr = Currency.objects.get(code=charcode) # noinspection PyBroadException try: rate = ExchangeRate.objects.get(date=rate_date, currency=curr) except: rate = ExchangeRate() = rate_date rate.currency = curr rate.nominal = currency['Nominal'] rate.official_rate = f(currency['Value']) if not rate.rate: rate.rate = f(currency['Value']) return None
def auth_extra_arguments(self): """Return extra arguments needed on auth process, setting is per backend and defined by: <backend name in uppercase>_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS. """ backend_name ='-', '_') return setting(backend_name + '_AUTH_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS', {})
class YahooOAuthBackend(OAuthBackend): """Yahoo OAuth authentication backend""" name = 'yahoo-oauth' EXTRA_DATA = [ ('guid', 'id'), ('access_token', 'access_token'), ('expires', setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_EXPIRATION', 'expires')) ] def get_user_id(self, details, response): return response['guid'] def get_user_details(self, response): """Return user details from Yahoo Profile""" fname = response.get('givenName') lname = response.get('familyName') if 'emails' in response: email = response.get('emails')[0]['handle'] else: email = '' return {USERNAME: response.get('nickname'), 'email': email, 'fullname': '%s %s' % (fname, lname), 'first_name': fname, 'last_name': lname}
class LiveBackend(OAuthBackend): name = 'live' EXTRA_DATA = [ ('id', 'id'), ('access_token', 'access_token'), ('reset_token', 'reset_token'), ('expires', setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_EXPIRATION', 'expires')), ('email', 'email'), ('first_name', 'first_name'), ('last_name', 'last_name'), ] def get_user_id(self, details, response): return response['id'] def get_user_details(self, response): """Return user details from Live Connect account""" try: email = response['emails']['account'] except KeyError: email = '' return { USERNAME: response.get('name'), 'email': email, 'first_name': response.get('first_name'), 'last_name': response.get('last_name') }
def extra_data(self, user, uid, response, details): """Return defined extra data names to store in extra_data field. Settings will be inspected to get more values names that should be stored on extra_data field. Setting name is created from current backend name (all uppercase) plus _SREG_EXTRA_DATA and _AX_EXTRA_DATA because values can be returned by SimpleRegistration or AttributeExchange schemas. Both list must be a value name and an alias mapping similar to SREG_ATTR, OLD_AX_ATTRS or AX_SCHEMA_ATTRS """ name ='-', '_').upper() sreg_names = setting(name + '_SREG_EXTRA_DATA') ax_names = setting(name + '_AX_EXTRA_DATA') data = self.values_from_response(response, sreg_names, ax_names) return data
def request_token_extra_arguments(self): """Return extra arguments needed on request-token process, setting is per backend and defined by: <backend name in uppercase>_REQUEST_TOKEN_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS. """ backend_name ='-', '_') return setting(backend_name + '_REQUEST_TOKEN_EXTRA_ARGUMENTS', {})
def expiration_datetime(self): """Return provider session live seconds. Returns a timedelta ready to use with session.set_expiry(). If provider returns a timestamp instead of session seconds to live, the timedelta is inferred from current time (using UTC timezone). None is returned if there's no value stored or it's invalid. """ name = setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_EXPIRATION', 'expires') if self.extra_data and name in self.extra_data: try: expires = int(self.extra_data.get(name)) except (ValueError, TypeError): return None now = now_timestamp = time.mktime(now.timetuple()) # Detect if expires is a timestamp if expires > now_timestamp: # expires is a datetime return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(expires) \ .replace(tzinfo=utc) - \ now.replace(tzinfo=utc) else: # expires is a timedelta return timedelta(seconds=expires)
def auth_complete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Performs check of authentication in VKontakte, returns User if succeeded""" app_cookie = 'vk_app_' + self.APP_ID if not 'id' in self.request.GET or \ not app_cookie in self.request.COOKIES: raise ValueError('VKontakte authentication is not completed') cookie_dict = dict(item.split('=') for item in self.request.COOKIES[app_cookie].split('&')) check_str = ''.join(item + '=' + cookie_dict[item] for item in ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid']) hash = md5(check_str + setting('VKONTAKTE_APP_SECRET')).hexdigest() if hash != cookie_dict['sig'] or int(cookie_dict['expire']) < time(): raise ValueError('VKontakte authentication failed: invalid hash') else: kwargs.update({ 'auth': self, 'response': self.user_data(cookie_dict['mid']), True }) return authenticate(*args, **kwargs)
def parse_currency(on_date=None): f = lambda x: Decimal(x.replace(',', '.')) sdate = on_date or strftime("%d.%m.%Y", localtime()) d, m, y = map(lambda x: int(x), sdate.split('.')) rate_date =, m, d) lst_currency = parse_xml_currency(currency_xml_input(sdate)) from import ExchangeRate, Currency currencies = Currency.objects.all().values_list('code', flat=True) for currency in lst_currency: charcode = currency['CharCode'] if charcode in currencies and charcode != setting( 'DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'RUB'): curr = Currency.objects.get(code=charcode) # noinspection PyBroadException try: rate = ExchangeRate.objects.get(date=rate_date, currency=curr) except: rate = ExchangeRate() = rate_date rate.currency = curr rate.nominal = currency['Nominal'] rate.official_rate = f(currency['Value']) if not rate.rate: rate.rate = f(currency['Value']) return None
def add(self, user, email): """ Add a new validation process entry """ while True: key = get_user_model().objects.make_random_password(70) try: EmailValidation.objects.get(key=key) except EmailValidation.DoesNotExist as emerr: self.key = key break if setting('REQUIRE_EMAIL_CONFIRMATION', True): template_body = "email/validation.txt" template_subject = "email/validation_subject.txt" site_name, domain = Site.objects.get_current( ).name, Site.objects.get_current().domain body = loader.get_template(template_body).render(Context(locals())) subject = loader.get_template(template_subject) subject = subject.render(Context(locals())).strip() send_mail(subject=subject, message=body, from_email=None, recipient_list=[email]) user = get_user_model().objects.get(username=str(user)) self.filter(user=user).delete() return self.create(user=user, key=key, email=email)
def comment_add_oldver(request, content_type, object_id, parent_id=None): """ Its Ajax posted comments """ # noinspection PyBroadException try: if not request.user.is_authenticated(): raise AccessError comment = Nnmcomment() comment.user = request.user comment.content_type = ContentType.objects.get_for_id( int(content_type)) comment.object_id = int(object_id) comment.ip = request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] comment.user_agent = request.META['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] comment.comment = request.POST['comment'] if not len(comment.comment): raise AccessError kwargs = {'content_type': content_type, 'object_id': object_id} if parent_id is not None: comment.parent_id = int(parent_id) action.send(request.user, verb=_('commented'), action_type=ACTION_COMMENTED, description=comment.comment, target=comment.content_object, request=request) avatar_id = False kwargs['parent_id'] = reply_link = reverse("jcomment_parent_add", kwargs=kwargs) comment_text = linebreaksbr(comment.comment) comment_date = comment.created_date.strftime( setting('COMMENT_DATE_FORMAT', '%d %b %Y %H:%M %p')) # noinspection PyBroadException try: avatar_id = except: pass # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences payload = { 'success': True, 'id':, 'username': comment.user.get_name, 'username_url': comment.get_absolute_url(), 'comment': comment_text, 'avatar_id': avatar_id, 'comment_date': comment_date, 'reply_link': reply_link, 'object_comments': comment.content_object.comments } except AccessError as aerr: payload = { 'success': False, 'error': _('You are not allowed for add comment') } except: payload = {'success': False} return ajax_answer_lazy(payload)
def room_rates(request): try: json_data = json.loads(request.body) currency = Currency.objects.get(code=setting('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'RUB')) room = Room.objects.get(id=int(json_data['room_id'])) if request.user not in room.hotel.admins.all() and not request.user.is_superuser: raise UserNotAllowed # find settlements keys in data all_settlements, all_discounts = [], [] for k in json_data.keys(): if k[0] == 's': all_settlements.append(k) elif k[0] == 'd': all_discounts.append(k) for i, v in enumerate(json_data['dates']): on_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(v, "%d%m%Y"))) if 'placecount' in json_data.keys(): try: placecount = int(json_data['placecount'][i]) try: min_days = int(json_data['min_days'][i]) except: min_days = None # store availability availability, created = Availability.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, room=room) availability.placecount = placecount if min_days is not None: availability.min_days = min_days except ValueError: pass for k in all_discounts: try: discount_id = int(k[1:]) discount = Discount.objects.get(id=discount_id) value = int(json_data[k][i]) room_discount, created = RoomDiscount.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, discount=discount, room=room) room_discount.value = value except ValueError: pass for k in all_settlements: try: settlement_id = int(k[1:]) settlement = SettlementVariant.objects.get(id=settlement_id) price = int(json_data[k][i]) placeprice, created = PlacePrice.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, settlement=settlement) placeprice.amount = price placeprice.currency = currency except ValueError: pass payload = {'success': True} except UserNotAllowed: payload = {'success': False} except: payload = {'success': False} return ajax_answer_lazy(payload)
def build_absolute_uri(self, path=None): """Build absolute URI for given path. Replace http:// schema with https:// if SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS is defined. """ uri = self.request.build_absolute_uri(path) if setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_REDIRECT_IS_HTTPS'): uri = uri.replace('http://', 'https://') return uri
def __init__(self, filetype='file', upload_dir='files', size_limit=10485760): self._upload_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, upload_dir, get_date_directory()) self._filetype = filetype if filetype == 'image': self._save_format = setting('IMAGE_UPLOAD_FORMAT', 'JPEG') else: self._save_format = None self._size_limit = size_limit
def dsa_urlopen(*args, **kwargs): """Like urllib2.urlopen but sets a timeout defined by SOCIAL_AUTH_URLOPEN_TIMEOUT setting if defined (and not already in kwargs).""" timeout = setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_URLOPEN_TIMEOUT') if timeout and 'timeout' not in kwargs: kwargs['timeout'] = timeout return urlopen(*args, **kwargs)
def __init__(self, filetype="file", uploadDirectory="files", sizeLimit=10485760): self._upload_dir = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, uploadDirectory, get_date_directory()) self._filetype = filetype if filetype == "image": self._save_format = setting("IMAGE_UPLOAD_FORMAT", "JPEG") else: self._save_format = None self._size_limit = sizeLimit
def make_thumbnail(photo_url, width=None, height=None, aspect=None, root=settings.MEDIA_ROOT, url_root=settings.MEDIA_URL): """ create thumbnail """ # one of width/height is required assert (width is not None) or (height is not None) if not photo_url: return None th_url = _get_thumbnail_path(photo_url, width, height, aspect) th_path = get_path_from_url(th_url, root, url_root) photo_path = get_path_from_url(photo_url, root, url_root) if _has_thumbnail(photo_url, width, height, root, url_root, aspect): # thumbnail already exists if not (os.path.getmtime(photo_path) > os.path.getmtime(th_path)): # if photo mtime is newer than thumbnail recreate thumbnail return th_url # make thumbnail # get original image size orig_w, orig_h = get_image_size(photo_url, root, url_root) if (orig_w is None) and (orig_h is None): # something is wrong with image return photo_url # make proper size if (width is not None) and (height is not None): if (orig_w == width) and (orig_h == height): # same dimensions return None size = (width, height) elif width is not None: if orig_w == width: # same dimensions return None size = (width, orig_h) elif height is not None: if orig_h == height: # same dimensions return None size = (orig_w, height) try: img = if aspect: img =, size, Image.ANTIALIAS, (0.5, 0.5)) img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS), quality=setting('THUMBNAIL_QUALITY', 85)) except: return photo_url return th_url
def convert_to_client_currency(amount, rate): try: if setting('OFFICIAL_RATE', True): exchange = rate.official_rate else: exchange = rate.rate return int((amount * rate.nominal) / exchange) except: return int(amount)
def extra_data(self, user, uid, response, details): """Return users extra data""" # BrowserID sends timestamp for expiration date, here we # convert it to the remaining seconds expires = (response['expires'] / 1000) - time.mktime(now().timetuple()) return { 'audience': response['audience'], 'issuer': response['issuer'], setting('SOCIAL_AUTH_EXPIRATION', 'expires'): expires }
def room_rates(request): try: json_data = json.loads(request.body) currency = Currency.objects.get(code=setting('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'RUB')) hotel = Hotel.objects.get(id=int(json_data['hotel'])) if request.user not in hotel.admins.all() and not request.user.is_superuser: raise UserNotAllowed # find settlements keys in data all_rooms, all_avail, all_limits = [], [], [] for k in json_data.keys(): if k[0] == 'r': all_rooms.append(k) elif k[0] == 'a': all_avail.append(k) elif k[0] == 'l': all_limits.append(k) for i, v in enumerate(json_data['dates']): on_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(v, "%d%m%Y"))) for k in all_rooms: try: settlement_id = int(k[1:]) settlement = SettlementVariant.objects.get(id=settlement_id) price = int(json_data[k][i]) placeprice, created = PlacePrice.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, settlement=settlement) placeprice.amount = price placeprice.currency = currency except ValueError: pass for k in all_avail: try: room_id = int(k[1:]) room = Room.objects.get(pk=room_id) p = json_data[k][i] if len(p.strip()) == 0: placecount = 0 else: placecount = int(p) availability, created = Availability.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, room=room) availability.placecount = placecount try: min_days = int(json_data['l' + k[1:]][i]) except: min_days = None if min_days is not None: availability.min_days = min_days except ValueError: pass payload = {'success': True} except UserNotAllowed: payload = {'success': False} except: payload = {'success': False} return ajax_answer_lazy(payload)
def room_rates(request): try: json_data = json.loads(request.body) currency = Currency.objects.get(code=setting('DEFAULT_CURRENCY', 'RUB')) hotel = Hotel.objects.get(id=int(json_data['hotel'])) if request.user not in hotel.admins.all() and not request.user.is_superuser: raise UserNotAllowed # find settlements keys in data all_rooms, all_avail, all_limits = [], [], [] for k in json_data.keys(): if k[0] == 'r': all_rooms.append(k) elif k[0] == 'a': all_avail.append(k) elif k[0] == 'l': all_limits.append(k) for i, v in enumerate(json_data['dates']): on_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(v, "%d%m%Y"))) for k in all_rooms: try: settlement_id = int(k[1:]) settlement = SettlementVariant.objects.get(id=settlement_id) price = int(json_data[k][i]) placeprice, created = PlacePrice.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, settlement=settlement) placeprice.amount = price placeprice.currency = currency except ValueError as valerr: pass for k in all_avail: try: room_id = int(k[1:]) room = Room.objects.get(pk=room_id) p = json_data[k][i] if len(p.strip()) == 0: placecount = 0 else: placecount = int(p) availability, created = Availability.objects.get_or_create(date=on_date, room=room) availability.placecount = placecount try: min_days = int(json_data['l' + k[1:]][i]) except: min_days = None if min_days is not None: availability.min_days = min_days except ValueError as valerr: pass payload = {'success': True} except UserNotAllowed as naerr: payload = {'success': False} except: payload = {'success': False} return ajax_answer_lazy(payload)
def user_data(self, access_token, *args, **kwargs): """Return user data provided""" fields_selectors = LINKEDIN_FIELD_SELECTORS + \ setting('LINKEDIN_EXTRA_FIELD_SELECTORS', []) url = LINKEDIN_CHECK_AUTH + ':(%s)' % ','.join(fields_selectors) request = self.oauth_request(access_token, url) raw_xml = self.fetch_response(request) try: return to_dict(ElementTree.fromstring(raw_xml)) except (ExpatError, KeyError, IndexError): return None
def user_data(self, access_token, *args, **kwargs): """Loads user data from Orkut service""" fields = ORKUT_DEFAULT_DATA if setting("ORKUT_EXTRA_DATA"): fields += "," + setting("ORKUT_EXTRA_DATA") scope = ORKUT_SCOPE + setting("ORKUT_EXTRA_SCOPE", []) params = { "method": "people.get", "id": "myself", "userId": "@me", "groupId": "@self", "fields": fields, "scope": " ".join(scope), } request = self.oauth_request(access_token, ORKUT_REST_ENDPOINT, params) response = dsa_urlopen(request.to_url()).read() try: return json.loads(response)["data"] except (ValueError, KeyError): return None
def amount_request_currency(request, amount): try: currency = Currency.objects.get(code=request.COOKIES['currency']) rate = ExchangeRate.objects.filter(currency=currency).filter(date__lte=now()).order_by('-date')[0] if setting('OFFICIAL_RATE', True): exchange = rate.official_rate else: exchange = rate.rate return int((amount * rate.nominal) / exchange) except: return int(amount)
def user_rate_from_request(request): try: user_currency = request.COOKIES['currency'] except: user_currency = setting('CURRENCY', 'RUB') try: rate = ExchangeRate.objects.select_related().filter(currency__code=user_currency).\ filter(date__lte=now()).order_by('-date')[0] return rate except: return None
class VKontakteAuth(BaseAuth): """VKontakte OpenAPI authorization mechanism""" AUTH_BACKEND = VKontakteBackend APP_ID = setting('VKONTAKTE_APP_ID') def user_data(self, access_token, *args, **kwargs): return dict(self.request.GET) def auth_html(self): """Returns local VK authentication page, not necessary for VK to authenticate. """ from django.template import RequestContext, loader dict = {'VK_APP_ID': self.APP_ID, 'VK_COMPLETE_URL': self.redirect} vk_template = loader.get_template(LOCAL_HTML) context = RequestContext(self.request, dict) return vk_template.render(context) def auth_complete(self, *args, **kwargs): """Performs check of authentication in VKontakte, returns User if succeeded""" app_cookie = 'vk_app_' + self.APP_ID if not 'id' in self.request.GET or \ not app_cookie in self.request.COOKIES: raise ValueError('VKontakte authentication is not completed') cookie_dict = dict( item.split('=') for item in self.request.COOKIES[app_cookie].split('&')) check_str = ''.join(item + '=' + cookie_dict[item] for item in ['expire', 'mid', 'secret', 'sid']) hash = md5(check_str + setting('VKONTAKTE_APP_SECRET')).hexdigest() if hash != cookie_dict['sig'] or int(cookie_dict['expire']) < time(): raise ValueError('VKontakte authentication failed: invalid hash') else: kwargs.update({ 'auth': self, 'response': self.user_data(cookie_dict['mid']), True }) return authenticate(*args, **kwargs) @property def uses_redirect(self): """VKontakte does not require visiting server url in order to do authentication, so auth_xxx methods are not needed to be called. Their current implementation is just an example""" return False