def _refresh_google_token_json(self, refresh_token, service): # exchange_AUTHORIZATION vs Token (service = calendar) get_param = self.env['ir.config_parameter'].sudo().get_param client_id = get_param('google_%s_client_id' % (service,), default=False) client_secret = get_param('google_%s_client_secret' % (service,), default=False) if not client_id or not client_secret: raise UserError(_("The account for the Google service '%s' is not configured") % service) headers = {"content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"} data = { 'refresh_token': refresh_token, 'client_id': client_id, 'client_secret': client_secret, 'grant_type': 'refresh_token', } try: dummy, response, dummy = self._do_request(GOOGLE_TOKEN_ENDPOINT, params=data, headers=headers, type='POST', preuri='') return response except requests.HTTPError as error: if error.response.status_code == 400: # invalid grant with registry(request.session.db).cursor() as cur: self.env(cur)['res.users'].browse(self.env.uid).write({'google_%s_rtoken' % service: False}) error_key = error.response.json().get("error", "nc") _logger.exception("Bad google request : %s !", error_key) error_msg = _("Something went wrong during your token generation. Maybe your Authorization Code is invalid or already expired [%s]") % error_key raise self.env['res.config.settings'].get_config_warning(error_msg)
def receive(self, req): """ End-point to receive mail from an external SMTP server. """ dbs = req.jsonrequest.get('databases') for db in dbs: message = base64.b64decode(dbs[db]) try: db_registry = registry(db) with db_registry.cursor() as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) env['mail.thread'].message_process(None, message) except psycopg2.Error: pass return True
def poll(self, dbname, channels, last, options=None, timeout=TIMEOUT): if options is None: options = {} # Dont hang ctrl-c for a poll request, we need to bypass private # attribute access because we dont know before starting the thread that # it will handle a longpolling request if not noblecrm.evented: current = threading.current_thread() current._Thread__daemonic = True # PY2 current._daemonic = True # PY3 # rename the thread to avoid tests waiting for a longpolling current.setName("noblecrmerp.longpolling.request.%s" % current.ident) registry = noblecrm.registry(dbname) # immediatly returns if past notifications exist with registry.cursor() as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) notifications = env['bus.bus'].poll(channels, last, options) # immediatly returns in peek mode if options.get('peek'): return dict(notifications=notifications, channels=channels) # or wait for future ones if not notifications: if not self.started: # Lazy start of events listener self.start() event = self.Event() for channel in channels: self.channels.setdefault(hashable(channel), []).append(event) try: event.wait(timeout=timeout) with registry.cursor() as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) notifications = env['bus.bus'].poll(channels, last, options, force_status=True) except Exception: # timeout pass return notifications
def run_scheduler(self, use_new_cursor=False, company_id=False): """ Call the scheduler in order to check the running procurements (super method), to check the minimum stock rules and the availability of moves. This function is intended to be run for all the companies at the same time, so we run functions as SUPERUSER to avoid intercompanies and access rights issues. """ try: if use_new_cursor: cr = registry(self._cr.dbname).cursor() self = self.with_env(self.env(cr=cr)) # TDE FIXME self._run_scheduler_tasks(use_new_cursor=use_new_cursor, company_id=company_id) finally: if use_new_cursor: try: self._cr.close() except Exception: pass return {}
def oauth2callback(self, **kw): """ This route/function is called by Google when user Accept/Refuse the consent of Google """ state = json.loads(kw['state']) dbname = state.get('d') service = state.get('s') url_return = state.get('f') with registry(dbname).cursor() as cr: if kw.get('code'): request.env(cr, request.session.uid)['google.%s' % service].set_all_tokens( kw['code']) return redirect(url_return) elif kw.get('error'): return redirect("%s%s%s" % (url_return, "?error=", kw['error'])) else: return redirect("%s%s" % (url_return, "?error=Unknown_error"))
def _login(cls, db, login, password): user_id = super(Users, cls)._login(db, login, password) if user_id: return user_id with registry(db).cursor() as cr: cr.execute("SELECT id FROM res_users WHERE lower(login)=%s", (login, )) res = cr.fetchone() if res: return False env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) Ldap = env[''] for conf in Ldap.get_ldap_dicts(): entry = Ldap.authenticate(conf, login, password) if entry: user_id = Ldap.get_or_create_user(conf, login, entry) if user_id: break return user_id
def _auth_method_calendar(cls): token = request.params['token'] dbname = request.params['db'] registry = noblecrm.registry(dbname) error_message = False with registry.cursor() as cr: env = Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) attendee = env['calendar.attendee'].sudo().search([('access_token', '=', token)], limit=1) if not attendee: error_message = """Invalid Invitation Token.""" elif request.session.uid and request.session.login != 'anonymous': # if valid session but user is not match user = env['res.users'].sudo().browse(request.session.uid) if attendee.partner_id != user.partner_id: error_message = """Invitation cannot be forwarded via email. This event/meeting belongs to %s and you are logged in as %s. Please ask organizer to add you.""" % (, if error_message: raise BadRequest(error_message) return True
def log_xml(self, xml_string, func): self.ensure_one() if self.debug_logging: db_name = self._cr.dbname # Use a new cursor to avoid rollback that could be caused by an upper method try: db_registry = registry(db_name) with db_registry.cursor() as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, {}) IrLogging = env['ir.logging'] IrLogging.sudo().create({'name': 'delivery.carrier', 'type': 'server', 'dbname': db_name, 'level': 'DEBUG', 'message': xml_string, 'path': self.delivery_type, 'func': func, 'line': 1}) except psycopg2.Error: pass
def _procure_orderpoint_confirm(self, use_new_cursor=False, company_id=False): """ Create procurements based on orderpoints. :param bool use_new_cursor: if set, use a dedicated cursor and auto-commit after processing 1000 orderpoints. This is appropriate for batch jobs only. """ if company_id and != company_id: # To ensure that the company_id is taken into account for # all the processes triggered by this method # i.e. If a PO is generated by the run of the procurements the # sequence to use is the one for the specified company not the # one of the user's company self = self.with_context(company_id=company_id, force_company=company_id) OrderPoint = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'] domain = self._get_orderpoint_domain(company_id=company_id) orderpoints_noprefetch = OrderPoint.with_context( prefetch_fields=False).search( domain, order=self._procurement_from_orderpoint_get_order()).ids while orderpoints_noprefetch: if use_new_cursor: cr = registry(self._cr.dbname).cursor() self = self.with_env(self.env(cr=cr)) OrderPoint = self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'] orderpoints = OrderPoint.browse(orderpoints_noprefetch[:1000]) orderpoints_noprefetch = orderpoints_noprefetch[1000:] # Calculate groups that can be executed together location_data = OrderedDict() def makedefault(): return { 'products': self.env['product.product'], 'orderpoints': self.env['stock.warehouse.orderpoint'], 'groups': [] } for orderpoint in orderpoints: key = self._procurement_from_orderpoint_get_grouping_key( []) if not location_data.get(key): location_data[key] = makedefault() location_data[key]['products'] += orderpoint.product_id location_data[key]['orderpoints'] += orderpoint location_data[key][ 'groups'] = self._procurement_from_orderpoint_get_groups( []) for location_id, location_data in location_data.items(): location_orderpoints = location_data['orderpoints'] product_context = dict( self._context, location=location_orderpoints[0] substract_quantity = location_orderpoints._quantity_in_progress( ) for group in location_data['groups']: if group.get('from_date'): product_context['from_date'] = group[ 'from_date'].strftime( DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) if group['to_date']: product_context['to_date'] = group['to_date'].strftime( DEFAULT_SERVER_DATETIME_FORMAT) product_quantity = location_data['products'].with_context( product_context)._product_available() for orderpoint in location_orderpoints: try: op_product_virtual = product_quantity[]['virtual_available'] if op_product_virtual is None: continue if float_compare(op_product_virtual, orderpoint.product_min_qty, precision_rounding=orderpoint. product_uom.rounding) <= 0: qty = max(orderpoint.product_min_qty, orderpoint.product_max_qty ) - op_product_virtual remainder = orderpoint.qty_multiple > 0 and qty % orderpoint.qty_multiple or 0.0 if float_compare(remainder, 0.0, precision_rounding=orderpoint. product_uom.rounding) > 0: qty += orderpoint.qty_multiple - remainder if float_compare(qty, 0.0, precision_rounding=orderpoint. product_uom.rounding) < 0: continue qty -= substract_quantity[] qty_rounded = float_round( qty, precision_rounding=orderpoint.product_uom. rounding) if qty_rounded > 0: values = orderpoint._prepare_procurement_values( qty_rounded, **group['procurement_values']) try: with self._cr.savepoint(): self.env[''].run( orderpoint.product_id, qty_rounded, orderpoint.product_uom, orderpoint.location_id,,, values) except UserError as error: self.env[ 'procurement.rule']._log_next_activity( orderpoint.product_id, self._procurement_from_orderpoint_post_process( []) if use_new_cursor: cr.commit() except OperationalError: if use_new_cursor: orderpoints_noprefetch += [] cr.rollback() continue else: raise try: if use_new_cursor: cr.commit() except OperationalError: if use_new_cursor: cr.rollback() continue else: raise if use_new_cursor: cr.commit() cr.close() return {}
def send_notifications(): db_registry = registry(dbname) with api.Environment.manage(), db_registry.cursor() as cr: env = api.Environment(cr, SUPERUSER_ID, _context) env['mail.mail'].browse(email_ids).send()
def migrate(cr, version): registry = noblecrm.registry(cr.dbname) from noblecrm.addons.account.models.chart_template import migrate_set_tags_and_taxes_updatable migrate_set_tags_and_taxes_updatable(cr, registry, 'l10n_in')
def migrate(cr, version): registry = noblecrm.registry(cr.dbname) from noblecrm.addons.account.models.chart_template import migrate_tags_on_taxes migrate_tags_on_taxes(cr, registry)