def get_report_object(self, user=None, is_managed=None, adm=None, selector=None, pool=None, segment=None, ids=None): mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter() if user.is_superuser and not adm and not selector and not segment: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter() if ids: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(id__in=[ids]) if is_managed is not None: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=is_managed) if pool: p = Pool.get_by_name(pool or "default") mos = mos.filter(pool=p) if not user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter( administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(user)) if adm: ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids(int(adm)) mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) if selector: selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(selector)) mos = mos.filter(selector.Q) if segment: segment = NetworkSegment.objects.filter(id=segment).first() if segment: mos = mos.filter(segment__in=segment.get_nested_ids()) return mos
def selectors_for_object(cls, object): from import AdministrativeDomain from import ManagedObject from django.db import connection selectors = cls.get_active_selectors() if not selectors: return set() cls.ensure_models() sql = [] params = [] for s in selectors: if s.filter_id and != s.filter_id: continue if s.filter_managed is not None and object.is_managed != s.filter_managed: continue if s.filter_profile and != continue if s.filter_pool and != continue if (s.filter_administrative_domain and not in AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( continue if s.filter_name: try: if not, continue except re.error: pass q = (ManagedObject.objects.filter( s.Q,{ "selector": }).values_list("selector")) t, p = q.query.sql_with_params() sql += [t.rsplit(" ORDER BY ", 1)[0]] params += p if not sql: # Fully optimized, fully negative return set() sql = " UNION ALL ".join(sql) sql = """ WITH sa_managedobject_item AS ( SELECT * FROM sa_managedobject WHERE id = %d ) """ % + sql.replace('"sa_managedobject"', '"sa_managedobject_item"') cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, params) return set(row[0] for row in cursor)
def cleaned_query(self, q): if "administrative_domain" in q: ad = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids(int(q["administrative_domain"])) if ad: del q["administrative_domain"] else: ad = None if "selector" in q: s = self.get_object_or_404(ManagedObjectSelector, id=int(q["selector"])) del q["selector"] else: s = None r = super(ManagedObjectApplication, self).cleaned_query(q) if s: r["id__in"] = ManagedObject.objects.filter(s.Q) if ad: r["administrative_domain__in"] = ad return r
def cleaned_query(self, q): geoaddr = q.pop("__geoaddress", None) if "administrative_domain" in q: ad = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( int(q["administrative_domain"])) if ad: del q["administrative_domain"] else: ad = None if "selector" in q: s = self.get_object_or_404(ManagedObjectSelector, id=int(q["selector"])) del q["selector"] else: s = None r = super().cleaned_query(q) if s: r["id__in"] = ManagedObject.objects.filter(s.Q) if ad: r["administrative_domain__in"] = ad if geoaddr: scope, query = geoaddr.split(":", 1) geocoder = geocoder_loader.get_class(scope)() addr_ids = { for r in geocoder.iter_recursive_query(query)} addr_mo = set() for o in Object.iter_by_address_id(list(addr_ids), scope): addr_mo |= set(o.iter_managed_object_id()) # If ManagedObject has container refer to Object addr_mo |= set( ManagedObject.objects.filter( container__in=o.get_nested_ids()).values_list( "id", flat=True)) # Intersect with selector expression if "id__in" in r: addr_mo &= set(r["id__in"]) r["id__in"] = list(addr_mo) return r
def get_data(self, request, repo="config", days=1, adm_domain=None, managed_object=None, **kwargs): baseline = - datetime.timedelta(days=days) coll = get_db()["noc.gridvcs.%s.files" % repo].with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED) pipeline = [ { "$match": { "ts": { "$gte": baseline } } }, { "$group": { "_id": "$object", "last_ts": { "$max": "$ts" } } }, { "$sort": { "_id": 1 } }, ] if repo == "config": objects = ManagedObject.objects.filter() if not request.user.is_superuser: objects = objects.filter(administrative_domain__in=UserAccess. get_domains(request.user)) if adm_domain: adm_domain = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids(adm_domain) objects = objects.filter(administrative_domain__in=adm_domain) if managed_object: mo_q = ManagedObject.get_search_Q(managed_object) if not mo_q: objects = objects.filter(name__contains=managed_object) else: objects = objects.filter(mo_q) pipeline = [{ "$match": { "object": { "$in": list(objects.values_list("id", flat=True)) } } }] + pipeline # Perform query data = list(coll.aggregate(pipeline)) # Resolve names result = [] if data: seen_ids = list(set(d["_id"] for d in data)) n_map = {} if repo == "config": n_map = { x[0]: x[1:] for x in ManagedObject.objects.filter( id__in=list(seen_ids)).values_list( "id", "name", "address", "profile") } elif repo == "dns": n_map = { x[0]: x[1:] for x in DNSZone.objects.filter( id__in=list(seen_ids)).values_list( "id", "name", "address", "profile") } for d in data: name, profile = n_map.get(d["_id"], ("-", None)) result += [(d["_id"], name, Profile.get_by_id(profile) if profile else "-", d["last_ts"])] return self.from_dataset( title="%s: %s in %d days" % (self.title, repo, days), columns=[ "ID", "Name", "Address", "Profile", TableColumn(_("Last Changed"), format="datetime"), ], data=result, enumerate=True, )
def api_report( self, request, o_format, is_managed=None, administrative_domain=None, selector=None, pool=None, segment=None, avail_status=False, columns=None, ids=None, enable_autowidth=False, ): def row(row): def qe(v): if v is None: return "" if isinstance(v, str): return smart_text(v) elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif not isinstance(v, str): return str(v) else: return v return [qe(x) for x in row] def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] type_columns = ["Up/10G", "Up/1G", "Up/100M", "Down/-", "-"] cols = [ "object1_admin_domain", # "id", "object1_name", "object1_address", "object1_platform", "object1_segment", "object1_tags", "object1_iface", "object1_descr", "object1_speed", "object2_admin_domain", "object2_name", "object2_address", "object2_platform", "object2_segment", "object2_tags", "object2_iface", "object2_descr", "object2_speed", "link_proto", "last_seen", ] header_row = [ "OBJECT1_ADMIN_DOMAIN", "OBJECT1_NAME", "OBJECT1_ADDRESS", "OBJECT1_PLATFORM", "OBJECT1_SEGMENT", "OBJECT1_TAGS", "OBJECT1_IFACE", "OBJECT1_DESCR", "OBJECT1_SPEED", "OBJECT2_ADMIN_DOMAIN", "OBJECT2_NAME", "OBJECT2_ADDRESS", "OBJECT2_PLATFORM", "OBJECT2_SEGMENT", "OBJECT2_TAGS", "OBJECT2_IFACE", "OBJECT2_DESCR", "OBJECT2_SPEED", "LINK_PROTO", "LAST_SEEN", ] if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] if "interface_type_count" in columns.split(","): r[-1].extend(type_columns) # #"---------------------------------") # print("-----------%s------------%s" % (administrative_domain, columns)) p = Pool.get_by_name(pool or "default") mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter() if request.user.is_superuser and not administrative_domain and not selector and not segment: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(pool=p) if ids: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(id__in=[ids]) if is_managed is not None: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=is_managed) if pool: mos = mos.filter(pool=p) if not request.user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter( administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(request.user)) if administrative_domain: ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( int(administrative_domain)) mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) if selector: selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(selector)) mos = mos.filter(selector.Q) if segment: segment = NetworkSegment.objects.filter(id=segment).first() if segment: mos = mos.filter(segment__in=segment.get_nested_ids()) mos_id = list(mos.values_list("id", flat=True)) rld = ReportLinksDetail(mos_id) mo_resolv = { mo[0]: mo[1:] for mo in ManagedObject.objects.filter().values_list( "id", "administrative_domain__name", "name", "address", "segment", "platform", "labels", ) } for link in rld.out: if len(rld.out[link]) != 2: # Multilink or bad link continue s1, s2 = rld.out[link] seg1, seg2 = None, None if "object1_segment" in columns.split( ",") or "object2_segment" in columns.split(","): seg1, seg2 = mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][3], mo_resolv[s2["mo"] [0]][3] plat1, plat2 = None, None if "object1_platform" in columns.split( ",") or "object2_platform" in columns.split(","): plat1, plat2 = mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][4], mo_resolv[s2["mo"] [0]][4] r += [ translate_row( row([ mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][0], mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][1], mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][2], "" if not plat1 else Platform.get_by_id(plat1), "" if not seg1 else NetworkSegment.get_by_id(seg1), ";".join(mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][5] or []), s1["iface_n"][0], s1.get("iface_descr")[0] if s1.get("iface_descr") else "", s1.get("iface_speed")[0] if s1.get("iface_speed") else 0, mo_resolv[s2["mo"][0]][0], mo_resolv[s2["mo"][0]][1], mo_resolv[s2["mo"][0]][2], "" if not plat2 else Platform.get_by_id(plat2), "" if not seg2 else NetworkSegment.get_by_id(seg2), ";".join(mo_resolv[s2["mo"][0]][5] or []), s2["iface_n"][0], s2.get("iface_descr")[0] if s2.get("iface_descr") else "", s2.get("iface_speed")[0] if s2.get("iface_speed") else 0, s2.get("dis_method", ""), s2.get("last_seen", ""), ]), cmap, ) ] filename = "links_detail_report_%s" % "%Y%m%d") if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.csv"' % filename writer = csv.writer(response, dialect="excel", delimiter=",", quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "csv_zip": response = BytesIO() f = TextIOWrapper(TemporaryFile(mode="w+b"), encoding="utf-8") writer = csv.writer(f, dialect="excel", delimiter=";", quotechar='"') writer.writerows(r) with ZipFile(response, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.writestr("%s.csv" % filename, zf.filename = "" % filename # response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename=""' % filename return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = BytesIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Objects") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and (r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]]): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") # response = HttpResponse( # content_type="application/x-ms-excel") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.xlsx"' % filename response.close() return response
def api_report( self, request, o_format, administrative_domain=None, selector=None, interface_profile=None, zero=None, def_profile=None, columns=None, enable_autowidth=False, ): def humanize_speed(speed): if not speed: return "-" for t, n in [(1000000, "G"), (1000, "M"), (1, "k")]: if speed >= t: if speed // t * t == speed: return "%d%s" % (speed // t, n) else: return "%.2f%s" % (float(speed) / t, n) return str(speed) def row(row): def qe(v): if v is None: return "" if isinstance(v, unicode): return v.encode("utf-8") elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif not isinstance(v, str): return str(v) else: return v return [qe(x) for x in row] def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] cols = [ "object_name", "object_address", "object_model", "object_software", "object_port_name", "object_port_profile_name", "object_port_status", "object_link_status", "object_port_speed", "object_port_duplex", "object_port_untagged_vlan", "object_port_tagged_vlans", ] header_row = [ "MANAGED_OBJECT", "OBJECT_ADDRESS", "OBJECT_MODEL", "OBJECT_SOFTWARE", "PORT_NAME", "PORT_PROFILE_NAME", "PORT_STATUS", "LINK_STATUS", "PORT_SPEED", "PORT_DUPLEX", "PORT_UNTAGGED_VLAN", "PORT_TAGGED_VLANS", ] if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] mo = {} if_p = {} DUPLEX = {True: "Full", False: "Half"} for ifp in InterfaceProfile.objects.filter(): if_p[] = {"name":} mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=True) if (request.user.is_superuser and not administrative_domain and not selector and not interface_profile): mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=True) if not request.user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter( administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(request.user)) if administrative_domain: ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( int(administrative_domain)) mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) if selector: selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(selector)) mos = mos.filter(selector.Q) for o in mos: mo[] = { "type": "managedobject", "id": str(, "name":, "status": o.is_managed, "address": o.address, "vendor": o.vendor, "version": o.version, "platform": o.platform, } mos_id = list(mos.values_list("id", flat=True)) rld = ReportInterfaceStatus(mos_id, zero, def_profile, interface_profile) for i in rld.out: untag, tagged = "", "" if i["subs"]: untag = i["subs"][0].get("untagged_vlan", "") tagged = list_to_ranges(i["subs"][0].get("tagged_vlans", [])) r += [ translate_row( row([ mo[i["managed_object"]]["name"], mo[i["managed_object"]]["address"], "%s %s" % ( str(mo[i["managed_object"]]["vendor"]), str(mo[i["managed_object"]]["platform"]), ), str(mo[i["managed_object"]]["version"]), i["name"], if_p[i["profile"]]["name"], "UP" if i["admin_status"] is True else "Down", "UP" if "oper_status" in i and i["oper_status"] is True else "Down", humanize_speed(i["in_speed"]) if "in_speed" in i else "-", DUPLEX.get(i["full_duplex"]) if "full_duplex" in i and "in_speed" in i else "-", untag, tagged, ]), cmap, ) ] filename = "interface_status_report_%s" % ).strftime("%Y%m%d") if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.csv"' % filename writer = csv.writer(response, dialect="excel", delimiter=";") writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = StringIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Objects") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and (r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]]): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") # response = HttpResponse( # content_type="application/x-ms-excel") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.xlsx"' % filename response.close() return response
def cleaned_query(self, q): nq = {} for k in q: if not k.startswith("_") and "__" not in k: nq[k] = q[k] ids = set() self.logger.debug("Cleaned query: %s" % nq) if "ids" in nq: ids = {int(nid) for nid in nq["ids"]} del nq["ids"] if "administrative_domain" in nq: ad = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( int(nq["administrative_domain"])) if ad: del nq["administrative_domain"] nq["administrative_domain__in"] = ad if "selector" in nq: s = self.get_object_or_404(ManagedObjectSelector, id=int(q["selector"])) if s: if ids: # nq["id__in"] = set(ManagedObject.objects.filter(s.Q).values_list("id", flat=True)) ids = ids.intersection( set( ManagedObject.objects.filter(s.Q).values_list( "id", flat=True))) else: ids = set( ManagedObject.objects.filter(s.Q).values_list( "id", flat=True)) del nq["selector"] mq = None c_in = [] c_nin = [] for cc in [part for part in nq if part.startswith("caps")]: """ Caps: caps0=CapsID,caps1=CapsID:true.... cq - caps query mq - main_query caps0=CapsID - caps is exists caps0=!CapsID - caps is not exists caps0=CapsID:true - caps value equal True caps0=CapsID:2~50 - caps value many then 2 and less then 50 c_ids = set(ObjectCapabilities.objects(cq).distinct('object')) """ # @todo Убирать дубликаты (повторно не добавлять) c = nq.pop(cc) if not c: continue if not mq: mq = m_Q()"Caps: %s" % c) if "!" in c: # @todo Добавить исключение (только этот) !ID c_id = c[1:] c_query = "nexists" elif ":" not in c: c_id = c c_query = "exists" else: c_id, c_query = c.split(":", 1) try: c_id = bson.ObjectId(c_id) except bson.errors.InvalidId as e: self.logger.warning(e) continue if "~" in c_query: l, r = c_query.split("~") if not l: cond = {"$lte": int(r)} elif not r: cond = {"$gte": int(l)} else: cond = {"$lte": int(r), "$gte": int(l)} cq = m_Q(__raw__={ "caps": { "$elemMatch": { "capability": c_id, "value": cond } } }) elif c_query in ("false", "true"): cq = m_Q(caps__match={ "capability": c_id, "value": c_query == "true" }) elif c_query == "exists": c_in += [c_id] continue elif c_query == "nexists": c_nin += [c_id] continue else: try: c_query = int(c_query) cq = m_Q( __raw__={ "caps": { "$elemMatch": { "capability": c_id, "value": int(c_query) } } }) except ValueError: cq = m_Q( __raw__={ "caps": { "$elemMatch": { "capability": c_id, "value": { "$regex": c_query } } } }) mq &= cq if c_in: mq &= m_Q(caps__capability__in=c_in) if c_nin: mq &= m_Q(caps__capability__nin=c_nin) if mq: c_ids = set(el["_id"] for el in ObjectCapabilities.objects( mq).values_list("object").as_pymongo())"Caps objects count: %d" % len(c_ids)) ids = ids.intersection(c_ids) if ids else c_ids if "addresses" in nq: if isinstance(nq["addresses"], list): nq["address__in"] = nq["addresses"] else: nq["address__in"] = [nq["addresses"]] del nq["addresses"] if ids: nq["id__in"] = list(ids) xf = list((set(nq.keys())) - set( for f in self.model._meta.get_fields())) # @todo move validation fields for x in xf: if x in ["address__in", "id__in", "administrative_domain__in"]: continue self.logger.warning("Remove element not in model: %s" % x) del nq[x] return nq
def api_report( self, request, from_date, to_date, o_format, administrative_domain=None, columns=None, source="both", alarm_class=None, enable_autowidth=False, ): def row(row): def qe(v): if v is None: return "" if isinstance(v, str): return smart_text(v) elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif not isinstance(v, str): return smart_text(v) else: return v return [qe(x) for x in row] def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] cols = [ "id", "alarm_class", "alarm_from_ts", "alarm_to_ts", "alarm_tt", "object_name", "object_address", "object_admdomain", "log_timestamp", "log_source", "log_message", # "tt", # "escalation_ts", ] header_row = [ "ID", _("ALARM_CLASS"), _("ALARM_FROM_TS"), _("ALARM_TO_TS"), _("ALARM_TT"), _("OBJECT_NAME"), _("OBJECT_ADDRESS"), _("OBJECT_ADMDOMAIN"), _("LOG_TIMESTAMP"), _("LOG_SOURCE"), _("LOG_MESSAGE"), ] if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] fd = datetime.datetime.strptime( to_date, "%d.%m.%Y") + datetime.timedelta(days=1) match = { "timestamp": { "$gte": datetime.datetime.strptime(from_date, "%d.%m.%Y"), "$lte": fd } } mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter() ads = [] if administrative_domain: if administrative_domain.isdigit(): administrative_domain = [int(administrative_domain)] ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( administrative_domain[0]) if not request.user.is_superuser: user_ads = UserAccess.get_domains(request.user) if administrative_domain and ads: if administrative_domain[0] not in user_ads: ads = list(set(ads) & set(user_ads)) if not ads: return HttpResponse( "<html><body>Permission denied: Invalid Administrative Domain</html></body>" ) else: ads = user_ads if ads: mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) # Working if Administrative domain set if ads: try: match["adm_path"] = {"$in": ads} # @todo More 2 level hierarhy except bson.errors.InvalidId: pass addr_map = { mo[0]: (mo[1], mo[2]) for mo in mos.values_list("id", "name", "address") } # Active Alarms coll = ActiveAlarm._get_collection() for aa in coll.aggregate([ { "$match": match }, { "$unwind": "$log" }, { "$match": { "log.source": { "$exists": True, "$ne": None } } }, { "$project": { "timestamp": 1, "managed_object": 1, "alarm_class": 1, "escalation_tt": 1, "adm_path": 1, "log": 1, } }, { "$sort": { "_id": 1, "log.timestamp": 1 } }, ]): r += [ translate_row( row([ smart_text(aa["_id"]), AlarmClass.get_by_id(aa["alarm_class"]).name, aa["timestamp"], "", aa.get("escalation_tt", ""), addr_map[aa["managed_object"]][0], addr_map[aa["managed_object"]][1], AdministrativeDomain.get_by_id( aa["adm_path"][-1]).name, aa["log"]["timestamp"], aa["log"]["source"], aa["log"]["message"], ]), cmap, ) ] # Active Alarms coll = ArchivedAlarm._get_collection() for aa in coll.aggregate([ { "$match": match }, { "$unwind": "$log" }, { "$match": { "log.source": { "$exists": True } } }, { "$project": { "timestamp": 1, "clear_timestamp": 1, "managed_object": 1, "alarm_class": 1, "escalation_tt": 1, "adm_path": 1, "log": 1, } }, { "$sort": { "_id": 1, "log.timestamp": 1 } }, ]): r += [ translate_row( row([ smart_text(aa["_id"]), AlarmClass.get_by_id(aa["alarm_class"]).name, aa["timestamp"], aa["clear_timestamp"], aa.get("escalation_tt", ""), addr_map[aa["managed_object"]][0], addr_map[aa["managed_object"]][1], AdministrativeDomain.get_by_id( aa["adm_path"][-1]).name, aa["log"]["timestamp"], aa["log"]["source"], aa["log"]["message"], ]), cmap, ) ] filename = "alarm_comments.csv" if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename writer = csv.writer(response) writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "csv_zip": response = BytesIO() f = TextIOWrapper(TemporaryFile(mode="w+b"), encoding="utf-8") writer = csv.writer(f, dialect="excel", delimiter=";", quotechar='"') writer.writerow(columns) writer.writerows(r) with ZipFile(response, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.writestr(filename, zf.filename = "" % filename # response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename=""' % filename return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = BytesIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Alarms") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and (r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]]): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="alarm_comments.xlsx"' response.close() return response
def api_report( self, request, reporttype=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, object_profile=None, filter_default=None, exclude_zero=None, interface_profile=None, selector=None, administrative_domain=None, columns=None, o_format=None, enable_autowidth=False, **kwargs ): def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] map_table = { "load_interfaces": "/Interface\s\|\sLoad\s\|\s[In|Out]/", "load_cpu": "/[CPU|Memory]\s\|\sUsage/", "errors": "/Interface\s\|\s[Errors|Discards]\s\|\s[In|Out]/", "ping": "/Ping\s\|\sRTT/", } cols = [ "id", "object_name", "object_address", "object_platform", "object_adm_domain", "object_segment", # "object_hostname", # "object_status", # "profile_name", # "object_profile", # "object_vendor", "iface_name", "iface_description", "iface_speed", "load_in", "load_in_p", "load_out", "load_out_p", "errors_in", "errors_out", "slot", "cpu_usage", "memory_usage", "ping_rtt", "ping_attempts", "interface_flap", "interface_load_url", ] header_row = [ "ID", "OBJECT_NAME", "OBJECT_ADDRESS", "OBJECT_PLATFORM", "OBJECT_ADM_DOMAIN", "OBJECT_SEGMENT", "IFACE_NAME", "IFACE_DESCRIPTION", "IFACE_SPEED", "LOAD_IN", "LOAD_IN_P", "LOAD_OUT", "LOAD_OUT_P", "ERRORS_IN", "ERRORS_OUT", "CPU_USAGE", "MEMORY_USAGE", "PING_RTT", "PING_ATTEMPTS", "INTERFACE_FLAP", "INTERFACE_LOAD_URL", ] if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) columns_order = columns.split(",") columns_filter = set(columns_order) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] object_columns = [c for c in columns_order if c.startswith("object")] # Date Time Block if not from_date: from_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: from_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(from_date, "%d.%m.%Y") if not to_date or from_date == to_date: to_date = from_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: to_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(to_date, "%d.%m.%Y") + datetime.timedelta(days=1) # interval = (to_date - from_date).days ts_from_date = time.mktime(from_date.timetuple()) ts_to_date = time.mktime(to_date.timetuple()) # Load managed objects mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=True) if not request.user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(request.user)) if selector: mos = mos.filter(ManagedObjectSelector.objects.get(id=int(selector)).Q) if administrative_domain: mos = mos.filter( administrative_domain__in=AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( int(administrative_domain) ) ) if object_profile: mos = mos.filter(object_profile=object_profile) # iface_dict = {} d_url = { "path": "/ui/grafana/dashboard/script/report.js", "rname": map_table[reporttype], "from": str(int(ts_from_date * 1000)), "to": str(int(ts_to_date * 1000)), #"#", "%23") "biid": "", "oname": "", "iname": "", } report_map = { "load_interfaces": { "url": "%(path)s?title=interface&biid=%(biid)s" "&obj=%(oname)s&iface=%(iname)s&from=%(from)s&to=%(to)s", "q_group": ["interface"], "q_select": { (0, "managed_object", "id"): "managed_object", (1, "path", "iface_name"): "arrayStringConcat(path)", }, }, "errors": { "url": """%(path)s?title=errors&biid=%(biid)s&obj=%(oname)s&iface=%(iname)s&from=%(from)s&to=%(to)s""", "q_group": ["interface"], }, "load_cpu": { "url": """%(path)s?title=cpu&biid=%(biid)s&obj=%(oname)s&from=%(from)s&to=%(to)s""", "q_select": { (0, "managed_object", "id"): "managed_object", (1, "path", "slot"): "arrayStringConcat(path)", }, }, "ping": { "url": """%(path)s?title=ping&biid=%(biid)s&obj=%(oname)s&from=%(from)s&to=%(to)s""", "q_select": {(0, "managed_object", "id"): "managed_object"}, }, } query_map = { # "iface_description": ('', 'iface_description', "''"), "iface_description": ( "", "iface_description", "dictGetString('interfaceattributes','description' , (managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path)))", ), "iface_speed": ( "speed", "iface_speed", "if(max(speed) = 0, dictGetUInt64('interfaceattributes', 'in_speed', " "(managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path))), max(speed))", ), "load_in": ("load_in", "l_in", "round(quantile(0.90)(load_in), 0)"), "load_in_p": ( "load_in", "l_in_p", "replaceOne(toString(round(quantile(0.90)(load_in) / " "if(max(speed) = 0, dictGetUInt64('interfaceattributes', 'in_speed', " "(managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path))), max(speed)), 4) * 100), '.', ',')", ), "load_out": ("load_out", "l_out", "round(quantile(0.90)(load_out), 0)"), "load_out_p": ( "load_out", "l_out_p", "replaceOne(toString(round(quantile(0.90)(load_out) / " "if(max(speed) = 0, dictGetUInt64('interfaceattributes', 'in_speed', " "(managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path))), max(speed)), 4) * 100), '.', ',')", ), "errors_in": ("errors_in", "err_in", "quantile(0.90)(errors_in)"), "errors_out": ("errors_out", "err_out", "quantile(0.90)(errors_out)"), "cpu_usage": ("usage", "cpu_usage", "quantile(0.90)(usage)"), "ping_rtt": ("rtt", "ping_rtt", "round(quantile(0.90)(rtt) / 1000, 2)"), "ping_attempts": ("attempts", "ping_attempts", "avg(attempts)"), } query_fields = [] for c in report_map[reporttype]["q_select"]: query_fields += [c[2]] field_shift = len(query_fields) # deny replacing field for c in columns.split(","): if c not in query_map: continue field, alias, func = query_map[c] report_map[reporttype]["q_select"][ (columns_order.index(c) + field_shift, field, alias) ] = func query_fields += [c] metrics_attrs = namedtuple("METRICSATTRs", query_fields) mo_attrs = namedtuple("MOATTRs", [c for c in cols if c.startswith("object")]) moss = {} for row in mos.values_list( "bi_id", "name", "address", "platform", "administrative_domain__name", "segment" ): moss[row[0]] = mo_attrs( *[ row[1], row[2], str(Platform.get_by_id(row[3]) if row[3] else ""), row[4], str(NetworkSegment.get_by_id(row[5])) if row[5] else "", ] ) url = report_map[reporttype].get("url", "") report_metric = self.metric_source[reporttype]( tuple(sorted(moss)), from_date, to_date, columns=None ) report_metric.SELECT_QUERY_MAP = report_map[reporttype]["q_select"] if exclude_zero and reporttype == "load_interfaces": report_metric.CUSTOM_FILTER["having"] += ["max(load_in) != 0 AND max(load_out) != 0"] if interface_profile: interface_profile = InterfaceProfile.objects.filter(id=interface_profile).first() report_metric.CUSTOM_FILTER["having"] += [ "dictGetString('interfaceattributes', 'profile', " "(managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path))) = '%s'" % ] # OBJECT_PLATFORM, ADMIN_DOMAIN, SEGMENT, OBJECT_HOSTNAME for row in report_metric.do_query(): mm = metrics_attrs(*row) mo = moss[int(] res = [] for y in columns_order: if y in object_columns: res += [getattr(mo, y)] else: res += [getattr(mm, y)] if "interface_load_url" in columns_filter: d_url["biid"] = d_url["oname"] = mo[2].replace("#", "%23") # res += [url % d_url, interval] res.insert(columns_order.index("interface_load_url"), url % d_url) r += [res] filename = "metrics_detail_report_%s" %"%Y%m%d") if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.csv"' % filename writer = csv.writer(response, dialect="excel", delimiter=",", quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = StringIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Alarms") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and ( r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] ): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") response["Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.xlsx"' % filename response.close() return response
def api_report( self, request, reporttype=None, from_date=None, to_date=None, object_profile=None, filter_default=None, exclude_zero=True, interface_profile=None, selector=None, administrative_domain=None, columns=None, description=None, o_format=None, enable_autowidth=False, **kwargs, ): def load(mo_ids): # match = {"": {"$in": mo_ids}} match = {"int.managed_object": {"$in": mo_ids}} group = { "_id": "$_id", "links": { "$push": { "iface_n": "$", # "iface_id": "$int._id", # "iface_descr": "$int.description", # "iface_speed": "$int.in_speed", # "dis_method": "$discovery_method", # "last_seen": "$last_seen", "mo": "$int.managed_object", "linked_obj": "$linked_objects", } }, } value = (get_db()["noc.links"].with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED).aggregate( [ { "$unwind": "$interfaces" }, { "$lookup": { "from": "noc.interfaces", "localField": "interfaces", "foreignField": "_id", "as": "int", } }, { "$match": match }, { "$group": group }, ], allowDiskUse=True, )) res = defaultdict(dict) for v in value: if v["_id"]: for vv in v["links"]: if len(vv["linked_obj"]) == 2: mo = vv["mo"][0] iface = vv["iface_n"] for i in vv["linked_obj"]: if mo != i: res[mo][i] = iface[0] return res def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] def str_to_float(str): return float("{0:.3f}".format(float(str))) cols = [ "object_id", "object_name", "object_address", "object_platform", "object_adm_domain", "object_segment", "object_container", # "object_hostname", # "object_status", # "profile_name", # "object_profile", # "object_vendor", "iface_name", "iface_description", "iface_speed", "max_load_in", "max_load_in_time", "max_load_out", "max_load_out_time", "avg_load_in", "avg_load_out", "total_in", "total_out", "uplink_iface_name", "uplink_iface_description", "uplink_iface_speed", "uplink_max_load_in", "uplink_max_load_in_time", "uplink_max_load_out", "uplink_max_load_out_time", "uplink_avg_load_in", "uplink_avg_load_out", "uplink_total_in", "uplink_total_out", ] header_row = [ "ID", _("OBJECT_NAME"), _("OBJECT_ADDRESS"), _("OBJECT_PLATFORM"), _("OBJECT_ADMDOMAIN"), _("OBJECT_SEGMENT"), _("CONTAINER_ADDRESS"), _("IFACE_NAME"), _("IFACE_DESCRIPTION"), _("IFACE_SPEED"), _("MAX_LOAD_IN, Mbps"), _("MAX_LOAD_IN_TIME"), _("MAX_LOAD_OUT, Mbps"), _("MAX_LOAD_OUT_TIME"), _("AVG_LOAD_IN, Mbps"), _("AVG_LOAD_OUT, Mbps"), _("TOTAL_IN, Mbyte"), _("TOTAL_OUT, Mbyte"), _("UPLINK_IFACE_NAME"), _("UPLINK_IFACE_DESCRIPTION"), _("UPLINK_IFACE_SPEED"), _("UPLINK_MAX_LOAD_IN, Mbps"), _("UPLINK_MAX_TIME_IN"), _("UPLINK_MAX_LOAD_OUT, Mbps"), _("UPLINK_MAX_TIME_OUT"), _("UPLINK_AVG_LOAD_IN, Mbps"), _("UPLINK_AVG_LOAD_OUT, Mbps"), _("UPLINK_TOTAL_IN, Mbyte"), _("UPLINK_TOTAL_OUT, Mbyte"), ] if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) columns_order = columns.split(",") columns_filter = set(columns_order) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] # Date Time Block if not from_date: from_date = - datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: from_date = datetime.datetime.strptime(from_date, "%d.%m.%Y") if not to_date or from_date == to_date: to_date = from_date + datetime.timedelta(days=1) else: to_date = datetime.datetime.strptime( to_date, "%d.%m.%Y") + datetime.timedelta(days=1) diff = to_date - from_date # Load managed objects mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=True) if not request.user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter( administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(request.user)) if selector: mos = mos.filter( ManagedObjectSelector.objects.get(id=int(selector)).Q) if administrative_domain: mos = mos.filter( administrative_domain__in=AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( int(administrative_domain))) if object_profile: mos = mos.filter(object_profile=object_profile) if interface_profile: interface_profile = InterfaceProfile.objects.filter( id=interface_profile).first() mo_attrs = namedtuple("MOATTRs", [c for c in cols if c.startswith("object")]) containers_address = {} if "object_container" in columns_filter: containers_address = ReportContainerData( set(mos.values_list("id", flat=True))) containers_address = dict(list(containers_address.extract())) moss = {} for row in mos.values_list("bi_id", "name", "address", "platform", "administrative_domain__name", "segment", "id"): moss[row[0]] = mo_attrs(*[ row[6], row[1], row[2], smart_text(Platform.get_by_id(row[3]) if row[3] else ""), row[4], smart_text(NetworkSegment.get_by_id(row[5])) if row[5] else "", containers_address. get(row[6], "") if containers_address and row[6] else "", ]) report_metric = ReportInterfaceMetrics(tuple(sorted(moss)), from_date, to_date, columns=None) report_metric.SELECT_QUERY_MAP = { (0, "managed_object", "id"): "managed_object", (1, "path", "iface_name"): "arrayStringConcat(path)", ( 2, "", "iface_description", ): "dictGetString('interfaceattributes','description' , (managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path)))", ( 3, "", "profile", ): "dictGetString('interfaceattributes', 'profile', (managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path)))", ( 4, "speed", "iface_speed", ): "dictGetUInt64('interfaceattributes', 'in_speed', (managed_object, arrayStringConcat(path)))", (5, "load_in_max", "load_in_max"): "divide(max(load_in),1048576)", (6, "load_out_max", "load_out_max"): "divide(max(load_out),1048576)", (7, "max_load_in_time", "max_load_in_time"): "argMax(ts,load_in)", (8, "max_load_out_time", "max_load_out_time"): "argMax(ts,load_out)", (9, "avg_load_in", "avg_load_in"): "divide(avg(load_in),1048576)", (10, "avg_load_out", "avg_load_out"): "divide(avg(load_out),1048576)", } ifaces_metrics = defaultdict(dict) for row in report_metric.do_query(): avg_in = str_to_float(row[9]) avg_out = str_to_float(row[10]) total_in = avg_in * diff.total_seconds() / 8 total_out = avg_out * diff.total_seconds() / 8 ifaces_metrics[row[0]][row[1]] = { "description": row[2], "profile": row[3], "bandwidth": row[4], "max_load_in": str_to_float(row[5]), "max_load_out": str_to_float(row[6]), "max_load_in_time": row[7], "max_load_out_time": row[8], "avg_load_in": avg_in, "avg_load_out": avg_out, "total_in": float("{0:.1f}".format(total_in)), "total_out": float("{0:.1f}".format(total_out)), } # find uplinks links = {} if cmap[-1] > 17: mos_id = list(mos.values_list("id", flat=True)) uplinks = {obj: [] for obj in mos_id} for d in ObjectData._get_collection().find( {"_id": { "$in": mos_id }}, { "_id": 1, "uplinks": 1 }): uplinks[d["_id"]] = d.get("uplinks", []) rld = load(mos_id) for mo in uplinks: for uplink in uplinks[mo]: if rld[mo]: if mo in links: links[mo] += [rld[mo][uplink]] else: links[mo] = [rld[mo][uplink]] for mo_bi in ifaces_metrics: mo_id = moss[int(mo_bi)] mo_ids = getattr(mo_id, "object_id") for i in ifaces_metrics[mo_bi]: if not exclude_zero: if (ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["max_load_in"] == 0 and ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["max_load_out"] == 0): continue if description: if description not in ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i][ "description"]: continue if interface_profile: if not in ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i][ "profile"]: continue row2 = [ mo_ids, getattr(mo_id, "object_name"), getattr(mo_id, "object_address"), getattr(mo_id, "object_platform"), getattr(mo_id, "object_adm_domain"), getattr(mo_id, "object_segment"), getattr(mo_id, "object_container"), i, ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["description"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["bandwidth"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["max_load_in"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["max_load_in_time"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["max_load_out"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["max_load_out_time"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["avg_load_in"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["avg_load_out"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["total_in"], ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][i]["total_out"], "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ] ss = True if mo_ids in links: for ifname_uplink in links[mo_ids]: if ifname_uplink in ifaces_metrics[mo_bi]: row2[18] = ifname_uplink row2[19] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "description"] row2[20] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "bandwidth"] row2[21] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "max_load_in"] row2[22] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "max_load_in_time"] row2[23] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "max_load_out"] row2[24] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "max_load_out_time"] row2[25] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "avg_load_in"] row2[26] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "avg_load_out"] row2[27] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "total_in"] row2[28] = ifaces_metrics[mo_bi][ifname_uplink][ "total_out"] r += [translate_row(row2, cmap)] ss = False if ss: r += [translate_row(row2, cmap)] filename = "metrics_detail_report_%s" % ).strftime("%Y%m%d") if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.csv"' % filename writer = csv.writer(response, dialect="excel", delimiter=",", quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL) writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "csv_zip": response = BytesIO() f = TextIOWrapper(TemporaryFile(mode="w+b"), encoding="utf-8") writer = csv.writer(f, dialect="excel", delimiter=";", quotechar='"') writer.writerows(r) with ZipFile(response, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.writestr("%s.csv" % filename, zf.filename = "" % filename # response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename=""' % filename return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = BytesIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Metrics") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and (r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]]): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s.xlsx"' % filename response.close() return response
def api_report( self, request, from_date, to_date, o_format, min_duration=0, max_duration=0, min_objects=0, min_subscribers=0, segment=None, administrative_domain=None, selector=None, ex_selector=None, columns=None, source="both", alarm_class=None, subscribers=None, enable_autowidth=False, ): def row(row, container_path, segment_path): def qe(v): if v is None: return "" if isinstance(v, unicode): return v.encode("utf-8") elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif not isinstance(v, str): return str(v) else: return v r = [qe(x) for x in row] if len(container_path) < self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH: container_path += [""] * (self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH - len(container_path)) else: container_path = container_path[:self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH] if len(segment_path) < self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH: segment_path += [""] * (self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH - len(segment_path)) else: segment_path = segment_path[:self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH] return r + container_path + segment_path def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] cols = ([ "id", "root_id", "from_ts", "to_ts", "duration_sec", "object_name", "object_address", "object_hostname", "object_profile", "object_admdomain", "object_platform", "object_version", "alarm_class", "alarm_subject", "maintenance", "objects", "subscribers", "tt", "escalation_ts", "location", "container_address", ] + ["container_%d" % i for i in range(self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH)] + ["segment_%d" % i for i in range(self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH)]) header_row = ( [ "ID", _("ROOT_ID"), _("FROM_TS"), _("TO_TS"), _("DURATION_SEC"), _("OBJECT_NAME"), _("OBJECT_ADDRESS"), _("OBJECT_HOSTNAME"), _("OBJECT_PROFILE"), _("OBJECT_ADMDOMAIN"), _("OBJECT_PLATFORM"), _("OBJECT_VERSION"), _("ALARM_CLASS"), _("ALARM_SUBJECT"), _("MAINTENANCE"), _("OBJECTS"), _("SUBSCRIBERS"), _("TT"), _("ESCALATION_TS"), _("LOCATION"), _("CONTAINER_ADDRESS"), ] + ["CONTAINER_%d" % i for i in range(self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH)] + ["SEGMENT_%d" % i for i in range(self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH)]) if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) subscribers_profile = self.default_subscribers_profile if subscribers: subscribers_profile = set( SubscriberProfile.objects.filter( id__in=subscribers.split(",")).scalar("id")) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] fd = datetime.datetime.strptime( to_date, "%d.%m.%Y") + datetime.timedelta(days=1) match = { "timestamp": { "$gte": datetime.datetime.strptime(from_date, "%d.%m.%Y"), "$lte": fd } } match_duration = {"duration": {"$gte": min_duration}} if max_duration: match_duration = { "duration": { "$gte": min_duration, "$lte": max_duration } } mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=True) if segment: try: match["segment_path"] = bson.ObjectId(segment) except bson.errors.InvalidId: pass ads = [] if administrative_domain: if administrative_domain.isdigit(): administrative_domain = [int(administrative_domain)] ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( administrative_domain[0]) if not request.user.is_superuser: user_ads = UserAccess.get_domains(request.user) if administrative_domain and ads: if administrative_domain[0] not in user_ads: ads = list(set(ads) & set(user_ads)) else: ads = administrative_domain else: ads = user_ads if ads: mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) if selector: selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(selector)) mos = mos.filter(selector.Q) if ex_selector: ex_selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(ex_selector)) mos = mos.exclude(ex_selector.Q) # Working if Administrative domain set if ads: try: match["adm_path"] = {"$in": ads} # @todo More 2 level hierarhy except bson.errors.InvalidId: pass mos_id = list(mos.order_by("id").values_list("id", flat=True)) mo_hostname = {} maintenance = [] if mos_id and (selector or ex_selector): match["managed_object"] = {"$in": mos_id} if "maintenance" in columns.split(","): maintenance = Maintenance.currently_affected() if "object_hostname" in columns.split(","): mo_hostname = ReportObjectsHostname1(sync_ids=mos_id) mo_hostname = mo_hostname.get_dictionary() moss = ReportAlarmObjects(mos_id).get_all() # container_lookup = ReportContainer(mos_id) container_lookup = None subject = "alarm_subject" in columns loc = AlarmApplication([]) if source in ["archive", "both"]: # Archived Alarms for a in (ArchivedAlarm._get_collection().with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED ).aggregate([ { "$match": match }, { "$addFields": { "duration": { "$divide": [ { "$subtract": ["$clear_timestamp", "$timestamp"] }, 1000, ] } } }, { "$match": match_duration }, # {"$sort": {"timestamp": 1}} ])): if int(a["managed_object"]) not in moss: continue dt = a["clear_timestamp"] - a["timestamp"] duration = int(dt.total_seconds()) total_objects = sum(ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_objects"]) if min_objects and total_objects < min_objects: continue total_subscribers = sum( ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_subscribers"] if subscribers_profile and ss["profile"] in subscribers_profile) if min_subscribers and total_subscribers < min_subscribers: continue if "segment_" in columns.split( ",") or "container_" in columns.split(","): path = ObjectPath.get_path(a["managed_object"]) if path: segment_path = [ NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.segment_path if NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s) ] container_path = [ Object.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.container_path if Object.get_by_id(s) ] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] r += [ translate_row( row( [ str(a["_id"]), str(a["root"]) if a.get("root") else "", a["timestamp"], a["clear_timestamp"], str(duration), moss[a["managed_object"]][0], moss[a["managed_object"]][1], mo_hostname.get(a["managed_object"], ""), Profile.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][3]).name if moss[a["managed_object"]][5] else "", moss[a["managed_object"]][6], Platform.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][9]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][9] else "", Firmware.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][10]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][10] else "", AlarmClass.get_by_id(a["alarm_class"]).name, ArchivedAlarm.objects.get( id=a["_id"]).subject if subject else "", "", total_objects, total_subscribers, a.get("escalation_tt"), a.get("escalation_ts"), ", ".join(l for l in ( loc.location(moss[a["managed_object"]][5] ) if moss[a["managed_object"]] [5] is not None else "") if l), container_lookup[a["managed_object"]].get( "text", "") if container_lookup else "", ], container_path, segment_path, ), cmap, ) ] # Active Alarms if source in ["active", "both"]: for a in (ActiveAlarm._get_collection().with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED). aggregate([ { "$match": match }, { "$addFields": { "duration": { "$divide": [{ "$subtract": [fd, "$timestamp"] }, 1000] } } }, { "$match": match_duration }, # {"$sort": {"timestamp": 1}} ])): dt = fd - a["timestamp"] duration = int(dt.total_seconds()) total_objects = sum(ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_objects"]) if min_objects and total_objects < min_objects: continue total_subscribers = sum( ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_subscribers"] if subscribers_profile and ss["profile"] in subscribers_profile) if min_subscribers and total_subscribers < min_subscribers: continue if "segment_" in columns.split( ",") or "container_" in columns.split(","): path = ObjectPath.get_path(a["managed_object"]) if path: segment_path = [ NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.segment_path if NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s) ] container_path = [ Object.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.container_path if Object.get_by_id(s) ] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] r += [ translate_row( row( [ str(a["_id"]), str(a["root"]) if a.get("root") else "", a["timestamp"], # a["clear_timestamp"], "", str(duration), moss[a["managed_object"]][0], moss[a["managed_object"]][1], mo_hostname.get(a["managed_object"], ""), Profile.get_by_id(moss[a["managed_object"]][3]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][5] else "", moss[a["managed_object"]][6], Platform.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][9]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][9] else "", Firmware.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][10]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][10] else "", AlarmClass.get_by_id(a["alarm_class"]).name, ActiveAlarm.objects.get( id=a["_id"]).subject if subject else None, "Yes" if a["managed_object"] in maintenance else "No", total_objects, total_subscribers, a.get("escalation_tt"), a.get("escalation_ts"), ", ".join(l for l in ( loc.location(moss[a["managed_object"]][5] ) if moss[a["managed_object"]] [5] is not None else "") if l), container_lookup[a["managed_object"]].get( "text", "") if container_lookup else "", ], container_path, segment_path, ), cmap, ) ] if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="alarms.csv"' writer = csv.writer(response) writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = StringIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Alarms") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and (r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]]): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="alarms.xlsx"' response.close() return response
def api_report( self, request, from_date, to_date, o_format, min_duration=0, max_duration=0, min_objects=0, min_subscribers=0, segment=None, administrative_domain=None, selector=None, ex_selector=None, columns=None, source="both", alarm_class=None, subscribers=None, enable_autowidth=False, ): def row(row, container_path, segment_path): def qe(v): if v is None: return "" if isinstance(v, str): return smart_text(v) elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif not isinstance(v, str): return smart_text(v) else: return v r = [qe(x) for x in row] if len(container_path) < self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH: container_path += [""] * (self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH - len(container_path)) else: container_path = container_path[:self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH] if len(segment_path) < self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH: segment_path += [""] * (self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH - len(segment_path)) else: segment_path = segment_path[:self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH] return r + container_path + segment_path def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] cols = ([ "id", "root_id", "from_ts", "to_ts", "duration_sec", "object_name", "object_address", "object_hostname", "object_profile", "object_admdomain", "object_platform", "object_version", "alarm_class", "alarm_subject", "maintenance", "objects", "subscribers", "tt", "escalation_ts", "location", "container_address", ] + ["container_%d" % i for i in range(self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH)] + ["segment_%d" % i for i in range(self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH)]) header_row = ( [ "ID", _("ROOT_ID"), _("FROM_TS"), _("TO_TS"), _("DURATION_SEC"), _("OBJECT_NAME"), _("OBJECT_ADDRESS"), _("OBJECT_HOSTNAME"), _("OBJECT_PROFILE"), _("OBJECT_ADMDOMAIN"), _("OBJECT_PLATFORM"), _("OBJECT_VERSION"), _("ALARM_CLASS"), _("ALARM_SUBJECT"), _("MAINTENANCE"), _("OBJECTS"), _("SUBSCRIBERS"), _("TT"), _("ESCALATION_TS"), _("LOCATION"), _("CONTAINER_ADDRESS"), ] + ["CONTAINER_%d" % i for i in range(self.CONTAINER_PATH_DEPTH)] + ["SEGMENT_%d" % i for i in range(self.SEGMENT_PATH_DEPTH)]) if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) subscribers_profile = self.default_subscribers_profile if subscribers: subscribers_profile = set( SubscriberProfile.objects.filter( id__in=subscribers.split(",")).scalar("id")) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] fd = datetime.datetime.strptime( to_date, "%d.%m.%Y") + datetime.timedelta(days=1) match = { "timestamp": { "$gte": datetime.datetime.strptime(from_date, "%d.%m.%Y"), "$lte": fd } } match_duration = {"duration": {"$gte": min_duration}} if max_duration: match_duration = { "duration": { "$gte": min_duration, "$lte": max_duration } } mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=True) if segment: try: match["segment_path"] = bson.ObjectId(segment) except bson.errors.InvalidId: pass ads = [] if administrative_domain: if administrative_domain.isdigit(): administrative_domain = [int(administrative_domain)] ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids( administrative_domain[0]) if not request.user.is_superuser: user_ads = UserAccess.get_domains(request.user) if administrative_domain and ads: if administrative_domain[0] not in user_ads: ads = list(set(ads) & set(user_ads)) if not ads: return HttpResponse( "<html><body>Permission denied: Invalid Administrative Domain</html></body>" ) else: ads = user_ads if ads: mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) if selector: selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(selector)) mos = mos.filter(selector.Q) if ex_selector: ex_selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(ex_selector)) mos = mos.exclude(ex_selector.Q) # Working if Administrative domain set if ads: try: match["adm_path"] = {"$in": ads} # @todo More 2 level hierarhy except bson.errors.InvalidId: pass mos_id = list(mos.order_by("id").values_list("id", flat=True)) mo_hostname = {} maintenance = [] if mos_id and (selector or ex_selector): match["managed_object"] = {"$in": mos_id} if "maintenance" in columns.split(","): maintenance = Maintenance.currently_affected() if "object_hostname" in columns.split(","): mo_hostname = ReportObjectsHostname1(sync_ids=mos_id) mo_hostname = mo_hostname.get_dictionary() moss = ReportAlarmObjects(mos_id).get_all() # container_lookup = ReportContainer(mos_id) container_lookup = None subject = "alarm_subject" in columns loc = AlarmApplication([]) if source in ["archive", "both"]: # Archived Alarms for a in (ArchivedAlarm._get_collection().with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED ).aggregate([ { "$match": match }, { "$addFields": { "duration": { "$divide": [ { "$subtract": ["$clear_timestamp", "$timestamp"] }, 1000, ] } } }, { "$match": match_duration }, # {"$sort": {"timestamp": 1}} ])): if int(a["managed_object"]) not in moss: continue dt = a["clear_timestamp"] - a["timestamp"] duration = int(dt.total_seconds()) total_objects = sum(ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_objects"]) if min_objects and total_objects < min_objects: continue total_subscribers = sum( ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_subscribers"] if subscribers_profile and ss["profile"] in subscribers_profile) if min_subscribers and total_subscribers < min_subscribers: continue if "segment_" in columns.split( ",") or "container_" in columns.split(","): path = ObjectPath.get_path(a["managed_object"]) if path: segment_path = [ NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.segment_path if NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s) ] container_path = [ Object.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.container_path if Object.get_by_id(s) ] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] r += [ translate_row( row( [ smart_text(a["_id"]), smart_text(a["root"]) if a.get("root") else "", a["timestamp"], a["clear_timestamp"], smart_text(duration), moss[a["managed_object"]][0], moss[a["managed_object"]][1], smart_text( mo_hostname.get(a["managed_object"], "")), Profile.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][3]).name if moss[a["managed_object"]][5] else "", moss[a["managed_object"]][6], Platform.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][9]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][9] else "", smart_text( Firmware.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][10]).version) if moss[a["managed_object"]][10] else "", AlarmClass.get_by_id(a["alarm_class"]).name, ArchivedAlarm.objects.get( id=a["_id"]).subject if subject else "", "", total_objects, total_subscribers, a.get("escalation_tt"), a.get("escalation_ts"), ", ".join(ll for ll in ( loc.location(moss[a["managed_object"]][5] ) if moss[a["managed_object"]] [5] is not None else "") if ll), container_lookup[a["managed_object"]].get( "text", "") if container_lookup else "", ], container_path, segment_path, ), cmap, ) ] # Active Alarms if source in ["active", "both"]: datenow = for a in (ActiveAlarm._get_collection().with_options( read_preference=ReadPreference.SECONDARY_PREFERRED). aggregate([ { "$match": match }, { "$addFields": { "duration": { "$divide": [{ "$subtract": [fd, "$timestamp"] }, 1000] } } }, { "$match": match_duration }, # {"$sort": {"timestamp": 1}} ])): dt = datenow - a["timestamp"] duration = int(dt.total_seconds()) total_objects = sum(ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_objects"]) if min_objects and total_objects < min_objects: continue total_subscribers = sum( ss["summary"] for ss in a["total_subscribers"] if subscribers_profile and ss["profile"] in subscribers_profile) if min_subscribers and total_subscribers < min_subscribers: continue if "segment_" in columns.split( ",") or "container_" in columns.split(","): path = ObjectPath.get_path(a["managed_object"]) if path: segment_path = [ NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.segment_path if NetworkSegment.get_by_id(s) ] container_path = [ Object.get_by_id(s).name for s in path.container_path if Object.get_by_id(s) ] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] else: segment_path = [] container_path = [] r += [ translate_row( row( [ smart_text(a["_id"]), smart_text(a["root"]) if a.get("root") else "", a["timestamp"], # a["clear_timestamp"], "", smart_text(duration), moss[a["managed_object"]][0], moss[a["managed_object"]][1], smart_text( mo_hostname.get(a["managed_object"], "")), Profile.get_by_id(moss[a["managed_object"]][3]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][5] else "", moss[a["managed_object"]][6], Platform.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][9]) if moss[a["managed_object"]][9] else "", smart_text( Firmware.get_by_id( moss[a["managed_object"]][10]).version) if moss[a["managed_object"]][10] else "", AlarmClass.get_by_id(a["alarm_class"]).name, ActiveAlarm.objects.get( id=a["_id"]).subject if subject else None, "Yes" if a["managed_object"] in maintenance else "No", total_objects, total_subscribers, a.get("escalation_tt"), a.get("escalation_ts"), ", ".join(ll for ll in ( loc.location(moss[a["managed_object"]][5] ) if moss[a["managed_object"]] [5] is not None else "") if ll), container_lookup[a["managed_object"]].get( "text", "") if container_lookup else "", ], container_path, segment_path, ), cmap, ) ] if source in ["long_archive"]: o_format = "csv_zip" columns = [ "ALARM_ID", "MO_ID", "OBJECT_PROFILE", "VENDOR", "PLATFORM", "VERSION", "OPEN_TIMESTAMP", "CLOSE_TIMESTAMP", "LOCATION", "", "POOL", "ADM_DOMAIN", "MO_NAME", "IP", "ESCALATION_TT", "DURATION", "SEVERITY", "REBOOTS", ] from noc.core.clickhouse.connect import connection ch = connection() fd = datetime.datetime.strptime(from_date, "%d.%m.%Y") td = datetime.datetime.strptime( to_date, "%d.%m.%Y") + datetime.timedelta(days=1) if td - fd > datetime.timedelta(days=390): return HttpResponseBadRequest( _("Report more than 1 year not allowed. If nedeed - request it from Administrator" )) ac = AlarmClass.objects.get( name="NOC | Managed Object | Ping Failed") subs = ", ".join( "subscribers.summary[indexOf(subscribers.profile, '%s')] as `%s`" % (sp.bi_id, for sp in SubscriberProfile.objects.filter().order_by("name")) if subs: columns += [ for sp in SubscriberProfile.objects.filter().order_by("name") ] r = ch.execute(LONG_ARCHIVE_QUERY % ( ", %s" % subs if subs else "",,, ac.bi_id, )) filename = "alarms.csv" if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="%s"' % filename writer = csv.writer(response) writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "csv_zip": response = BytesIO() f = TextIOWrapper(TemporaryFile(mode="w+b"), encoding="utf-8") writer = csv.writer(f, dialect="excel", delimiter=";", quotechar='"') writer.writerow(columns) writer.writerows(r) with ZipFile(response, "w", compression=ZIP_DEFLATED) as zf: zf.writestr(filename, zf.filename = "" % filename # response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/zip") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename=""' % filename return response elif o_format == "xlsx": response = BytesIO() wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook(response) cf1 = wb.add_format({"bottom": 1, "left": 1, "right": 1, "top": 1}) ws = wb.add_worksheet("Alarms") max_column_data_length = {} for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): if rn and (r[0][cn] not in max_column_data_length or len(str(c)) > max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]]): max_column_data_length[r[0][cn]] = len(str(c)) ws.write(rn, cn, c, cf1) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) ws.freeze_panes(1, 0) for cn, c in enumerate(r[0]): # Set column width width = get_column_width(c) if enable_autowidth and width < max_column_data_length[c]: width = max_column_data_length[c] ws.set_column(cn, cn, width=width) wb.close() response = HttpResponse(response.getvalue(), content_type="application/") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = 'attachment; filename="alarms.xlsx"' response.close() return response
def api_report(self, request, o_format, is_managed=None, administrative_domain=None, selector=None, pool=None, segment=None, avail_status=False, columns=None, ids=None): def row(row): def qe(v): if v is None: return "" if isinstance(v, unicode): return v.encode("utf-8") elif isinstance(v, datetime.datetime): return v.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") elif not isinstance(v, str): return str(v) else: return v return [qe(x) for x in row] def translate_row(row, cmap): return [row[i] for i in cmap] type_columns = ["Up/10G", "Up/1G", "Up/100M", "Down/-", "-"] cols = [ "admin_domain", # "id", "object1_name", "object1_address", "object1_iface", "object2_name", "object2_address", "object2_iface", "link_proto", "last_seen" ] header_row = [ "ADMIN_DOMAIN", "OBJECT1_NAME", "OBJECT1_ADDRESS", "OBJECT1_IFACE", "OBJECT2_NAME", "OBJECT2_ADDRESS", "OBJECT2_IFACE", "LINK_PROTO", "LAST_SEEN" ] if columns: cmap = [] for c in columns.split(","): try: cmap += [cols.index(c)] except ValueError: continue else: cmap = list(range(len(cols))) r = [translate_row(header_row, cmap)] if "interface_type_count" in columns.split(","): r[-1].extend(type_columns) # #"---------------------------------") # print("-----------%s------------%s" % (administrative_domain, columns)) p = Pool.get_by_name(pool or "default") mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter() if request.user.is_superuser and not administrative_domain and not selector and not segment: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(pool=p) if ids: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(id__in=[ids]) if is_managed is not None: mos = ManagedObject.objects.filter(is_managed=is_managed) if pool: mos = mos.filter(pool=p) if not request.user.is_superuser: mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=UserAccess.get_domains(request.user)) if administrative_domain: ads = AdministrativeDomain.get_nested_ids(int(administrative_domain)) mos = mos.filter(administrative_domain__in=ads) if selector: selector = ManagedObjectSelector.get_by_id(int(selector)) mos = mos.filter(selector.Q) if segment: segment = NetworkSegment.objects.filter(id=segment).first() if segment: mos = mos.filter(segment__in=segment.get_nested_ids()) mos_id = list(mos.values_list("id", flat=True)) rld = ReportLinksDetail(mos_id) mo_resolv = dict((mo[0], mo[1:]) for mo in ManagedObject.objects.filter().values_list( "id", "administrative_domain__name", "name", "address")) for link in rld.out: if len(rld.out[link]) != 2: # Multilink or bad link continue s1, s2 = rld.out[link] r += [translate_row(row([ mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][0], mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][1], mo_resolv[s1["mo"][0]][2], s1["iface_n"][0], mo_resolv[s2["mo"][0]][1], mo_resolv[s2["mo"][0]][2], s2["iface_n"][0], s1.get("dis_method", ""), s1.get("last_seen", "") ]), cmap)] filename = "links_detail_report_%s" %"%Y%m%d") if o_format == "csv": response = HttpResponse(content_type="text/csv") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"%s.csv\"" % filename writer = csv.writer(response, dialect='excel', delimiter=';') writer.writerows(r) return response elif o_format == "xlsx": with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="wb") as f: wb = xlsxwriter.Workbook( ws = wb.add_worksheet("Objects") for rn, x in enumerate(r): for cn, c in enumerate(x): ws.write(rn, cn, c) ws.autofilter(0, 0, rn, cn) wb.close() response = HttpResponse( content_type="application/x-ms-excel") response[ "Content-Disposition"] = "attachment; filename=\"%s.xlsx\"" % filename with open( as ff: response.write( return response