RESOURCE = xbmc.translatePath(os.path.join(CWD, 'resources', 'lib')).decode("utf-8") DATAPATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath("special://profile/").decode('utf-8'), "addon_data", ADDONID) MASTERPATH = os.path.join( xbmc.translatePath("special://masterprofile/").decode('utf-8'), "addon_data", ADDONID) sys.path.append(RESOURCE) import xmlfunctions, datafunctions, library, nodefunctions XML = xmlfunctions.XMLFunctions() DATA = datafunctions.DataFunctions() LIBRARY = library.LibraryFunctions() NODE = nodefunctions.NodeFunctions() hashlist = [] def log(txt): if ADDON.getSetting("enable_logging") == "true": if isinstance(txt, str): txt = txt.decode('utf-8') message = u'%s: %s' % (ADDONID, txt) xbmc.log(msg=message.encode('utf-8'), level=xbmc.LOGDEBUG) class Main: # MAIN ENTRY POINT def __init__(self):
def __init__(self): self._parse_argv() self.WINDOW = xbmcgui.Window(10000) # Create data and master paths if not exists if not xbmcvfs.exists(__datapath__): xbmcvfs.mkdir(__datapath__) if not xbmcvfs.exists(__masterpath__): xbmcvfs.mkdir(__masterpath__) # Perform action specified by user if not self.TYPE: line1 = "This addon is for skin developers, and requires skin support" xbmcgui.Dialog().ok(__addonname__, line1) if self.TYPE == "buildxml": XML.buildMenu(self.MENUID, self.GROUP, self.LEVELS, self.MODE, self.OPTIONS) if self.TYPE == "launch": xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=False, listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem()) self._launch_shortcut(self.PATH) if self.TYPE == "launchpvr": xbmc.executeJSONRPC( '{ "jsonrpc": "2.0", "id": 0, "method": "Player.Open", "params": { "item": {"channelid": ' + self.CHANNEL + '} } }') if self.TYPE == "manage": self._manage_shortcuts(self.GROUP, self.DEFAULTGROUP, self.NOLABELS, self.GROUPNAME) if self.TYPE == "hidesubmenu": self._hidesubmenu(self.MENUID) if self.TYPE == "resetlist": self._resetlist(self.MENUID, self.NEXTACTION) if self.TYPE == "shortcuts": # We're just going to choose a shortcut, and save its details to the given # skin labels if self.GROUPING is not None: selectedShortcut = LIBRARY.selectShortcut( "", grouping=self.GROUPING, custom=self.CUSTOM, showNone=self.NONE) else: selectedShortcut = LIBRARY.selectShortcut("", custom=self.CUSTOM, showNone=self.NONE) # Now set the skin strings if selectedShortcut is not None and selectedShortcut.getProperty( "Path"): path = urllib.unquote(selectedShortcut.getProperty("Path")) if selectedShortcut.getProperty("chosenPath"): path = urllib.unquote( selectedShortcut.getProperty("chosenPath")) if path.startswith("pvr-channel://"): path = "RunScript(script.skinshortcuts,type=launchpvr&channel=" + path.replace( "pvr-channel://", "") + ")" if self.LABEL is not None and selectedShortcut.getLabel( ) != "": xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.SetString(" + self.LABEL + "," + selectedShortcut.getLabel() + ")") if self.ACTION is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.SetString(" + self.ACTION + "," + path + " )") if self.SHORTCUTTYPE is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.SetString(" + self.SHORTCUTTYPE + "," + selectedShortcut.getLabel2() + ")") if self.THUMBNAIL is not None and selectedShortcut.getProperty( "icon"): xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.SetString(" + self.THUMBNAIL + "," + selectedShortcut.getProperty("icon") + ")") if self.THUMBNAIL is not None and selectedShortcut.getProperty( "thumbnail"): xbmc.executebuiltin( "Skin.SetString(" + self.THUMBNAIL + "," + selectedShortcut.getProperty("thumbnail") + ")") if self.LIST is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.SetString(" + self.LIST + "," + DATA.getListProperty(path) + ")") elif selectedShortcut is not None and selectedShortcut.getLabel( ) == "::NONE::": # Clear the skin strings if self.LABEL is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(" + self.LABEL + ")") if self.ACTION is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(" + self.ACTION + " )") if self.SHORTCUTTYPE is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(" + self.SHORTCUTTYPE + ")") if self.THUMBNAIL is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(" + self.THUMBNAIL + ")") if self.THUMBNAIL is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(" + self.THUMBNAIL + ")") if self.LIST is not None: xbmc.executebuiltin("Skin.Reset(" + self.LIST + ")") if self.TYPE == "addNode": # We've been sent a node from targetDir = "library://video" + self.OPTIONS[0] icon = "DefaultShortcut.png" if self.OPTIONS[2] != "None": icon = self.OPTIONS[2].decode("utf-8") result = nodefunctions.NodeFunctions().addNodeToMenu( targetDir, urllib.unquote(self.OPTIONS[1]).decode("utf-8"), icon, DATA) if result == False: # The item failed to add to the menu xbmcgui.dialog().ok(__addon__.getAddonInfo("name"), __language__(32091)) if self.TYPE == "resetall": # Tell XBMC not to try playing any media try: xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(handle=int(sys.argv[1]), succeeded=False, listitem=xbmcgui.ListItem()) except: log("Not launched from a list item") self._reset_all_shortcuts()