def setup_nokia(options, config): """ Setup the Nokia Health API """ if options.key is None: print( "To set a connection with Nokia Health you must have registered an application at ." ) options.key = input('Please enter the consumer key: ') if options.secret is None: options.secret = input('Please enter the consumer secret: ') auth = nokia.NokiaAuth(options.key, options.secret) authorize_url = auth.get_authorize_url() print("Go to %s allow the app and authorize the application." % authorize_url) oauth_verifier = input('Please enter your oauth_verifier: ') creds = auth.get_credentials(oauth_verifier) if not config.has_section('nokia'): config.add_section('nokia') config.set('nokia', 'consumer_key', options.key) config.set('nokia', 'consumer_secret', options.secret) config.set('nokia', 'access_token', creds.access_token) config.set('nokia', 'access_token_secret', creds.access_token_secret) config.set('nokia', 'user_id', creds.user_id)
def get_auth_client(self, profile: str): """Get a new auth client.""" flow =[DATA_FLOW_IMPL][profile] client_id = flow[const.CLIENT_ID] client_secret = flow[const.CLIENT_SECRET] base_url = flow[const.BASE_URL].rstrip('/') callback_path = auth_callback_path(profile).lstrip('/') auth_callback_path_str = const.AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH.lstrip('/') # Clean up the base url in case the user configured a bit too much. if base_url.endswith(callback_path): base_url = base_url[:-len(callback_path)] if base_url.endswith(auth_callback_path_str): base_url = base_url[:-len(auth_callback_path_str)] callback_uri = '{}/{}'.format( base_url.rstrip('/'), callback_path.lstrip('/') ) return nokia.NokiaAuth( client_id, client_secret, callback_uri, scope=','.join(['', 'user.metrics', 'user.activity']) )
def get_auth_client(self, profile: str): """Get a new auth client.""" flow =[DATA_FLOW_IMPL] client_id = flow[const.CLIENT_ID] client_secret = flow[const.CLIENT_SECRET] base_url = flow[const.BASE_URL].rstrip("/") callback_uri = "{}/{}?flow_id={}&profile={}".format( base_url.rstrip("/"), const.AUTH_CALLBACK_PATH.lstrip("/"), self.flow_id, profile, ) return nokia.NokiaAuth( client_id, client_secret, callback_uri, scope=",".join(["", "user.metrics", "user.activity"]), )
def setup_nokia( options, config ): """ Setup the Nokia Health API """ global nokia_auth_code if options.key is None: print("To set a connection with Nokia Health you must have registered an application at .") options.key = input('Please enter the client id: ') if options.secret is None: options.secret = input('Please enter the consumer secret: ') if options.callback is None: options.callback = input('Please enter the callback url known by Nokia: ') if options.auth_serv is None: auth_serv_resp = input('Spin up HTTP server to automate authorization? [y/n] : ') if auth_serv_resp is 'y': options.auth_serv = True else: options.auth_serv = False if options.auth_serv: callback_parts = urlparse(options.callback) httpd_port = callback_parts.port httpd_ssl = callback_parts.scheme == 'https' if not httpd_port: httpd_port = 443 if httpd_ssl else 80 certfile = None if httpd_ssl and not certfile: print("Your callback url is over https, but no certificate is present.") print("Change the scheme to http (also over at Nokia!) or specify a certfile above.") exit(0) auth = nokia.NokiaAuth(options.key, options.secret, options.callback) authorize_url = auth.get_authorize_url() print("Visit: %s\nand select your user and click \"Allow this app\"." % authorize_url) if options.auth_serv: httpd = HTTPServer(('', httpd_port), AuthorizationRepsponseHandler) if httpd_ssl: httpd.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(httpd.socket, certfile=certfile, server_side=True) httpd.socket.settimeout(100) httpd.handle_request() else: print("After redirection to your callback url find the authorization code in the url.") print("Example: https://your_original_callback?code=abcdef01234&state=XFZ") print(" example value to copy: abcdef01234") nokia_auth_code = input('Please enter the authorization code: ') creds = auth.get_credentials(nokia_auth_code) if not config.has_section('nokia'): config.add_section('nokia') config.set('nokia', 'consumer_key', options.key) config.set('nokia', 'consumer_secret', options.secret) config.set('nokia', 'callback_uri', options.callback) config.set('nokia', 'access_token', creds.access_token) config.set('nokia', 'token_expiry', creds.token_expiry) config.set('nokia', 'token_type', creds.token_type) config.set('nokia', 'refresh_token', creds.refresh_token) config.set('nokia', 'user_id', creds.user_id)