コード例 #1
ファイル: nonLinFuncs.py プロジェクト: wqlsky/openopt
    def wrapped_1st_derivatives(p, x, ind_, funcType, ignorePrev, useSparse):
        if isinstance(x, dict):
            if not p.isFDmodel:
                    'calling the function with argument of type dict is allowed for FuncDesigner models only'
            if ind_ is not None:
                    'the operation is turned off for argument of type dict when ind!=None'
            x = p._point2vector(x)
        if ind_ is not None:
            ind = p.getCorrectInd(ind_)
            ind = None

        if p.istop == USER_DEMAND_EXIT:
            if p.solver.useStopByException:
                raise killThread
                return nan
        derivativesType = 'd' + funcType
        prevKey = p.prevVal[derivativesType]['key']
        if prevKey is not None and p.iter > 0 and array_equal(
                x, prevKey) and ind is None and not ignorePrev:
            #TODO: add counter of the situations
            assert p.prevVal[derivativesType]['val'] is not None
            return copy(p.prevVal[derivativesType]['val'])

        if ind is None and not ignorePrev:
            p.prevVal[derivativesType]['ind'] = copy(x)

        #TODO: patterns!
        nFuncs = getattr(p, 'n' + funcType)
        x = atleast_1d(x)
        if hasattr(p.userProvided, derivativesType) and getattr(
                p.userProvided, derivativesType):

            funcs = getattr(p.user, derivativesType)

            if ind is None or (nFuncs == 1
                               and p.functype[funcType] == 'single func'):
                Funcs = funcs
            elif ind is not None and p.functype[
                    funcType] == 'some funcs R^nvars -> R':
                Funcs = [funcs[i] for i in ind]
                Funcs = getFuncsAndExtractIndexes(p, funcs, ind, funcType)

#            if ind is None: derivativesNumber = nFuncs
#            else: derivativesNumber = len(ind)

#derivatives = empty((derivativesNumber, p.n))
            derivatives = []
            #agregate_counter = 0
            for fun in Funcs:  #getattr(p.user, derivativesType):
                tmp = atleast_1d(fun(*(x, ) + getattr(p.args, funcType)))
                # TODO: replace tmp.size here for sparse matrices
                #assert tmp.size % p.n == mod(tmp.size, p.n)
                if tmp.size % p.n != 0:
                    if funcType == 'f':
                            'incorrect user-supplied (sub)gradient size of objective function'
                    elif funcType == 'c':
                            'incorrect user-supplied (sub)gradient size of non-lin inequality constraints'
                    elif funcType == 'h':
                            'incorrect user-supplied (sub)gradient size of non-lin equality constraints'

                if tmp.ndim == 1: m = 1
                else: m = tmp.shape[0]
                if p.functype[funcType] == 'some funcs R^nvars -> R' and m != 1:
                    # TODO: more exact check according to stored p.arr_of_indexes_* arrays
                        'incorrect shape of user-supplied derivative, it should be in accordance with user-provided func size'
                #derivatives[agregate_counter : agregate_counter + m] =  tmp#.reshape(tmp.size/p.n,p.n)
                #agregate_counter += m
            #TODO: inline ind modification!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

            derivatives = Vstack(derivatives) if any(
                isspmatrix(derivatives)) else vstack(derivatives)
            if ind is None:
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] += 1
                #derivatives = derivatives[ind]
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] = p.nEvals[derivativesType] + float(
                    len(ind)) / nFuncs

            if funcType == 'f':
                if p.invertObjFunc: derivatives = -derivatives
                if p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber:
                    if not isinstance(derivatives, ndarray):
                        derivatives = derivatives.toarray()
                    derivatives = derivatives.flatten()

            #if not getattr(p.userProvided, derivativesType) or p.isFDmodel:
            #                                            x, IND, userFunctionType, ignorePrev, getDerivative
            derivatives = p.wrapped_func(x, ind, funcType, True, True)

            if ind is None:
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] -= 1
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] = p.nEvals[derivativesType] - float(
                    len(ind)) / nFuncs

        if useSparse is False or not scipyInstalled or not hasattr(
                p, 'solver') or not p.solver._canHandleScipySparse:
            # p can has no attr 'solver' if it is called from checkdf, checkdc, checkdh
            if not isinstance(derivatives, ndarray):
                derivatives = derivatives.toarray()

#        if min(derivatives.shape) == 1:
#            if isspmatrix(derivatives): derivatives = derivatives.A
#            derivatives = derivatives.flatten()
        if type(derivatives) != ndarray and isinstance(
                derivatives, ndarray):  # dense numpy matrix
            derivatives = derivatives.A

        if ind is None and not ignorePrev:
            p.prevVal[derivativesType]['val'] = derivatives

        if funcType == 'f':
            if hasattr(
                    p, 'solver'
            ) and not p.solver.iterfcnConnected and p.solver.funcForIterFcnConnection == 'df':
                if p.df_iter is True: p.iterfcn(x)
                elif p.nEvals[derivativesType] % p.df_iter == 0:
                    p.iterfcn(x)  # call iterfcn each {p.df_iter}-th df call
            if p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and type(
                    derivatives) == ndarray and derivatives.ndim > 1:
                derivatives = derivatives.flatten()

        return derivatives
コード例 #2
ファイル: nonLinFuncs.py プロジェクト: AlbertHolmes/openopt
    def wrapped_1st_derivatives(p, x, ind_, funcType, ignorePrev, useSparse):
        if isinstance(x, dict):
            if not p.isFDmodel: p.err('calling the function with argument of type dict is allowed for FuncDesigner models only')
            if ind_ is not None:p.err('the operation is turned off for argument of type dict when ind!=None')
            x = p._point2vector(x)
        if ind_ is not None:
            ind = p.getCorrectInd(ind_)
        else: ind = None

        if p.istop == USER_DEMAND_EXIT:
            if p.solver.useStopByException:
                raise killThread                
                return nan
        derivativesType = 'd'+ funcType
        prevKey = p.prevVal[derivativesType]['key']
        if prevKey is not None and p.iter > 0 and array_equal(x, prevKey) and ind is None and not ignorePrev:
            #TODO: add counter of the situations
            assert p.prevVal[derivativesType]['val'] is not None
            return copy(p.prevVal[derivativesType]['val'])

        if ind is None and not ignorePrev: p.prevVal[derivativesType]['ind'] = copy(x)

        #TODO: patterns!
        nFuncs = getattr(p, 'n'+funcType)
        x = atleast_1d(x)
        if hasattr(p.userProvided, derivativesType) and getattr(p.userProvided, derivativesType):
            funcs = getattr(p.user, derivativesType)
            if ind is None or (nFuncs == 1 and p.functype[funcType] == 'single func'): 
                Funcs = funcs
            elif ind is not None and p.functype[funcType] == 'some funcs R^nvars -> R':
                Funcs = [funcs[i] for i in ind]
                Funcs = getFuncsAndExtractIndexes(p, funcs, ind, funcType)
#            if ind is None: derivativesNumber = nFuncs
#            else: derivativesNumber = len(ind)
            #derivatives = empty((derivativesNumber, p.n))
            derivatives = []
            #agregate_counter = 0
            for fun in Funcs:#getattr(p.user, derivativesType):
                tmp = atleast_1d(fun(*(x,)+getattr(p.args, funcType)))
                # TODO: replace tmp.size here for sparse matrices
                #assert tmp.size % p.n == mod(tmp.size, p.n)
                if tmp.size % p.n != 0:
                    if funcType=='f':
                        p.err('incorrect user-supplied (sub)gradient size of objective function')
                    elif funcType=='c':
                        p.err('incorrect user-supplied (sub)gradient size of non-lin inequality constraints')
                    elif funcType=='h':
                        p.err('incorrect user-supplied (sub)gradient size of non-lin equality constraints')
                if tmp.ndim == 1: m= 1
                else: m = tmp.shape[0]
                if p.functype[funcType] == 'some funcs R^nvars -> R' and m != 1:
                    # TODO: more exact check according to stored p.arr_of_indexes_* arrays
                    p.err('incorrect shape of user-supplied derivative, it should be in accordance with user-provided func size')
                #derivatives[agregate_counter : agregate_counter + m] =  tmp#.reshape(tmp.size/p.n,p.n)
                #agregate_counter += m
            #TODO: inline ind modification!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
            derivatives = Vstack(derivatives) if any(isspmatrix(derivatives)) else vstack(derivatives)
            if ind is None:
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] += 1
                #derivatives = derivatives[ind]
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] = p.nEvals[derivativesType] + float(len(ind)) / nFuncs

            if funcType=='f':
                if p.invertObjFunc: derivatives = -derivatives
                if p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber: 
                    if not isinstance(derivatives, ndarray): derivatives = derivatives.toarray()
                    derivatives = derivatives.flatten()
        #if not getattr(p.userProvided, derivativesType) or p.isFDmodel:
            #                                            x, IND, userFunctionType, ignorePrev, getDerivative
            derivatives = p.wrapped_func(x, ind, funcType, True, True)
            if ind is None:
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] -= 1
                p.nEvals[derivativesType] = p.nEvals[derivativesType] - float(len(ind)) / nFuncs
        if useSparse is False or not scipyInstalled or not hasattr(p, 'solver') or not p.solver._canHandleScipySparse: 
            # p can has no attr 'solver' if it is called from checkdf, checkdc, checkdh
            if not isinstance(derivatives, ndarray): 
                derivatives = derivatives.toarray()

#        if min(derivatives.shape) == 1: 
#            if isspmatrix(derivatives): derivatives = derivatives.A
#            derivatives = derivatives.flatten()
        if type(derivatives) != ndarray and isinstance(derivatives, ndarray): # dense numpy matrix
            derivatives = derivatives.A
        if ind is None and not ignorePrev: p.prevVal[derivativesType]['val'] = derivatives

        if funcType=='f':
            if hasattr(p, 'solver') and not p.solver.iterfcnConnected  and p.solver.funcForIterFcnConnection=='df':
                if p.df_iter is True: p.iterfcn(x)
                elif p.nEvals[derivativesType]%p.df_iter == 0: p.iterfcn(x) # call iterfcn each {p.df_iter}-th df call
            if p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and type(derivatives) == ndarray and derivatives.ndim > 1:
                derivatives = derivatives.flatten()
        return derivatives
コード例 #3
ファイル: nonLinFuncs.py プロジェクト: wqlsky/openopt
    def wrapped_func(p, x, IND, userFunctionType, ignorePrev,
                     getDerivative):  #, _linePointDescriptor = None):
        if isinstance(x, dict):
            if not p.isFDmodel:
                    'calling the function with argument of type dict is allowed for FuncDesigner models only'
            x = p._point2vector(x)
        if not getattr(p.userProvided, userFunctionType): return array([])
        if p.istop == USER_DEMAND_EXIT:
            if p.solver.useStopByException:
                raise killThread
                return nan

        if getDerivative and not p.isFDmodel and not DerApproximatorIsInstalled:
                'For the problem you should have DerApproximator installed, see http://openopt.org/DerApproximator'

        #userFunctionType should be 'f', 'c', 'h'
        funcs = getattr(p.user, userFunctionType)
        #funcs_num = getattr(p, 'n'+userFunctionType)
        if IND is not None:
            ind = p.getCorrectInd(IND)
            ind = None

        # this line had been added because some solvers pass tuple instead of
        # x being vector p.n x 1 or matrix X=[x1 x2 x3...xk], size(X)=[p.n, k]
        if not isspmatrix(x):
            x = atleast_1d(x)
#            if not str(x.dtype).startswith('float'):
#                x = asfarray(x)
            if p.debug:
                    '[oo debug] sparse matrix x in nonlinfuncs.py has been encountered'

#        if not ignorePrev:
#            prevKey = p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key']
#        else:
#            prevKey = None
#        # TODO: move it into runprobsolver or baseproblem
#        if p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'] is None:
#            p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'] = zeros(getattr(p, 'n'+userFunctionType))
#        if prevKey is not None and p.iter > 0 and array_equal(x,  prevKey) and ind is None and not ignorePrev:
#            #TODO: add counter of the situations
#            if not getDerivative:
#                r = copy(p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'])
#                #if p.debug: assert array_equal(r,  p.wrapped_func(x, IND, userFunctionType, True, getDerivative))
#                if ind is not None: r = r[ind]
#                if userFunctionType == 'f':
#                    if p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber: r = r.sum(0)
#                    if p.invertObjFunc: r = -r
#                    if  p.solver.funcForIterFcnConnection=='f' and any(isnan(x)):
#                        p.nEvals['f'] += 1
#                        if p.nEvals['f']%p.f_iter == 0:
#                            p.iterfcn(x, fk = r)
#                return r

        args = getattr(p.args, userFunctionType)

        # TODO: handle it in prob prepare
        if not hasattr(p, 'n' + userFunctionType):
            setNonLinFuncsNumber(p, userFunctionType)

        #        if ind is None:
        #            nFuncsToObtain = getattr(p, 'n'+ userFunctionType)
        #        else:
        #            nFuncsToObtain = len(ind)

        if x.shape[0] != p.n and (x.ndim < 2 or x.shape[1] != p.n):
            p.err('x with incorrect shape passed to non-linear function')

        #TODO: code cleanup (below)
        if getDerivative or x.ndim <= 1 or x.shape[0] == 1:
            nXvectors = 1
            x_0 = copy(x)
            nXvectors = x.shape[0]

        # TODO: use certificate instead
        if p.isFDmodel:
            if getDerivative:
                if p.freeVars is None or (p.fixedVars is not None and
                                          len(p.freeVars) < len(p.fixedVars)):
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                                               funcs[i].D(x, Vars = p.freeVars, useSparse=p.useSparse, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID, exactShape=True),
                                               useSparse=p.useSparse, func=funcs[i], point=x)) \
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                                               funcs[i].D(x, fixedVars = p.fixedVars, useSparse=p.useSparse, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID, exactShape=True),
                                               useSparse=p.useSparse, func=funcs[i], point=x)) \
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
                if p.freeVars is None or (p.fixedVars is not None and
                                          len(p.freeVars) < len(p.fixedVars)):
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                               funcs[i]._getFuncCalcEngine(x, Vars = p.freeVars, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID))\
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                               funcs[i]._getFuncCalcEngine(x, fixedVars = p.fixedVars, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID))\
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
            funcs2 = funcs

        if ind is None:
            Funcs = funcs2
        elif ind is not None and p.functype[
                userFunctionType] == 'some funcs R^nvars -> R':
            Funcs = [funcs2[i] for i in ind]
            Funcs = getFuncsAndExtractIndexes(p, funcs2, ind, userFunctionType)

#        agregate_counter = 0

        Args = () if p.isFDmodel else args

        if nXvectors == 1:
            if p.isFDmodel:
                X = p._vector2point(x)
                X._p = p
                #X._linePointDescriptor = _linePointDescriptor
                X = x

        if nXvectors > 1:  # and hence getDerivative isn't involved
            #temporary, to be fixed
            if userFunctionType == 'f':
                assert p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber

            if p.isFDmodel:
                assert ind is None
                if isPyPy or p.hasVectorizableFuncs:  # TODO: get rid of box-bound constraints
                    from FuncDesigner.ooPoint import ooPoint as oopoint
                    from FuncDesigner.multiarray import multiarray

                    # TODO: new
                    xx = []
                    counter = 0
                    #xT = x.T
                    for i, oov in enumerate(p._freeVarsList):
                        s = p._optVarSizes[oov]
                             (x[:, counter:counter + s].flatten() if s == 1
                              else x[:,
                                     counter:counter + s]).view(multiarray)))
                        #                        xx.append((oov, multiarray(x[:, counter: counter + s].flatten() if s == 1 else x[:, counter: counter + s])))
                        counter += s
                    X = oopoint(xx)
                    X.maxDistributionSize = p.maxDistributionSize
                    X._p = p
                if len(p.unvectorizableFuncs) != 0:
                    XX = [p._vector2point(x[i]) for i in range(nXvectors)]
                    for _X in XX:
                        _X._p = p

                r = vstack([[fun(xx) for xx in XX]
                            if funcs[i] in p.unvectorizableFuncs else fun(X).T
                            for i, fun in enumerate(Funcs)]).T

#                X = [p._vector2point(x[i]) for i in range(nXvectors)]
#                r = hstack([[fun(xx) for xx in X] for fun in Funcs]).reshape(1, -1)

#                if p.vectorizable:
#                    from FuncDesigner.ooPoint import ooPoint as oopoint, multiarray
#                    X = dict([(oovar, x[:, i].view(multiarray)) for i, oovar in enumerate(p._freeVarsList)])
#                    X = oopoint(X, skipArrayCast = True)
#                    X.N = nXvectors
#                    X.isMultiPoint = True
#                    X.update(p.dictOfFixedFuncs)
#                    r = hstack([fun(X) for fun in Funcs]).reshape(1, -1)
#                #old
#                else:
#                    X = [p._vector2point(x[i]) for i in range(nXvectors)]
#                    r = hstack([[fun(xx) for xx in X] for fun in Funcs]).reshape(1, -1)
                X = [(x[i], ) + Args for i in range(nXvectors)]

                #r = hstack([[fun(*xx) for xx in X] for fun in Funcs])
                R = []
                for xx in X:
                    tmp = [fun(*xx) for fun in Funcs]
                    r_ = hstack(tmp[0]) if len(tmp) == 1 and isinstance(
                         tuple)) else hstack(tmp) if len(tmp) > 1 else tmp[0]

                r = hstack(R)  #.T
                #print(r.shape, userFunctionType)

        elif not getDerivative:
            tmp = [fun(*(X, ) + Args) for fun in Funcs]
            r = hstack(tmp[0]) if len(tmp) == 1 and isinstance(
                (list, tuple)) else hstack(tmp) if len(tmp) > 1 else tmp[0]

            #print(x.shape, r.shape, x, r)
#            if not ignorePrev and ind is None:
#                p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key'] = copy(x_0)
#                p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'] = r.copy()
        elif getDerivative and p.isFDmodel:
            rr = [fun(X) for fun in Funcs]
            r = Vstack(rr) if scipyInstalled and any(
                [isspmatrix(elem) for elem in rr]) else vstack(rr)
            r = []
            if getDerivative:
                #r = zeros((nFuncsToObtain, p.n))
                diffInt = p.diffInt
                abs_x = abs(x)
                finiteDiffNumbers = 1e-10 * abs_x
                if p.diffInt.size == 1:
                    finiteDiffNumbers[finiteDiffNumbers < diffInt] = diffInt
                    finiteDiffNumbers[finiteDiffNumbers < diffInt] = diffInt[
                        finiteDiffNumbers < diffInt]
                #r = zeros((nFuncsToObtain, nXvectors))
                r = []

            for index, fun in enumerate(Funcs):
                # OLD
                #                v = ravel(fun(*((X,) + Args)))
                #                if  (ind is None or funcs_num == 1) and not ignorePrev:
                #                    #TODO: ADD COUNTER OF THE CASE
                #                    if index == 0: p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key'] = copy(x_0)
                #                    p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'][agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size] = v.copy()
                #                r[agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size,0] = v


                if not getDerivative:
                    r.append(fun(*((X, ) + Args)))
#                    v = r[-1]
#r[agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size,0] = fun(*((X,) + Args))

#                if (ind is None or funcs_num == 1) and not ignorePrev:
#                    #TODO: ADD COUNTER OF THE CASE
#                    if index == 0: p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key'] = copy(x_0)
#                    p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'][agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size] = v.copy()
                """                                                 getting derivatives                                                 """
                if getDerivative:

                    def func(x):
                        r = fun(*((x, ) + Args))
                        return r if type(r) not in (
                            list, tuple) or len(r) != 1 else r[0]

                    d1 = get_d1(func,
                    #r[agregate_counter:agregate_counter+d1.size] = d1
#                    v = r[-1]

#                agregate_counter += atleast_1d(v).shape[0]
            r = hstack(r) if not getDerivative else vstack(r)
            #assert r.size != 30
        #if type(r) == matrix: r = r.A

        if type(r) != ndarray and not isscalar(r):  # multiarray
            r = r.view(ndarray).flatten(
            ) if userFunctionType == 'f' else r.view(ndarray)
        #elif userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and prod(r.shape) > 1 and (type(r) == ndarray or min(r.shape) > 1):
        #r = r.sum(0)
        elif userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and not isscalar(
            if prod(r.shape) > 1 and not getDerivative and nXvectors == 1:
                    'implicit summation in objective is no longer available to prevent possibly hidden bugs'
#            if r.size == 1:
#                r = r.item()

        if userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber:
            if getDerivative and r.ndim > 1:
                if min(r.shape) > 1:
                    p.err('incorrect shape of objective func derivative')

                # TODO: omit cast to dense array. Somewhere bug triggers?
                if hasattr(r, 'toarray'):
                    r = r.toarray()
                r = r.flatten()

        if userFunctionType != 'f' and nXvectors != 1:
            r = r.reshape(nXvectors, int(r.size / nXvectors))
#        if type(r) == matrix:
#            raise 0
#            r = r.A # if _dense_numpy_matrix !

        if nXvectors == 1 and (not getDerivative or prod(
                r.shape) == 1):  # DO NOT REPLACE BY r.size - r may be sparse!
            r = r.flatten() if type(r) == ndarray else r.toarray().flatten(
            ) if not isscalar(r) else atleast_1d(r)

        if p.invertObjFunc and userFunctionType == 'f':
            r = -r

        if not getDerivative:
            if ind is None:
                p.nEvals[userFunctionType] += nXvectors
                p.nEvals[userFunctionType] = p.nEvals[userFunctionType] + float(
                    nXvectors * len(ind)) / getattr(p, 'n' + userFunctionType)

        if getDerivative:
            assert x.size == p.n  #TODO: add python list possibility here
            x = x_0  # for to suppress numerical instability effects while x +/- delta_x

        #if userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and r.size == 1:
        #r = r.item()

        if userFunctionType == 'f' and hasattr(
                p, 'solver'
        ) and p.solver.funcForIterFcnConnection == 'f' and hasattr(
                p, 'f_iter') and not getDerivative:
            if p.nEvals['f'] % p.f_iter == 0 or nXvectors > 1:
                p.iterfcn(x, r)

        return r
コード例 #4
ファイル: nonLinFuncs.py プロジェクト: AlbertHolmes/openopt
    def wrapped_func(p, x, IND, userFunctionType, ignorePrev, getDerivative):#, _linePointDescriptor = None):
        if isinstance(x, dict):
            if not p.isFDmodel: p.err('calling the function with argument of type dict is allowed for FuncDesigner models only')
            x = p._point2vector(x)
        if not getattr(p.userProvided, userFunctionType): return array([])
        if p.istop == USER_DEMAND_EXIT:
            if p.solver.useStopByException:
                raise killThread
                return nan                
        if getDerivative and not p.isFDmodel and not DerApproximatorIsInstalled:
            p.err('For the problem you should have DerApproximator installed, see http://openopt.org/DerApproximator')

        #userFunctionType should be 'f', 'c', 'h'
        funcs = getattr(p.user, userFunctionType)
        #funcs_num = getattr(p, 'n'+userFunctionType)
        if IND is not None:
            ind = p.getCorrectInd(IND)
        else: ind = None

        # this line had been added because some solvers pass tuple instead of
        # x being vector p.n x 1 or matrix X=[x1 x2 x3...xk], size(X)=[p.n, k]
        if not isspmatrix(x): 
            x = atleast_1d(x)
#            if not str(x.dtype).startswith('float'):
#                x = asfarray(x)
            if p.debug:
                p.pWarn('[oo debug] sparse matrix x in nonlinfuncs.py has been encountered')
#        if not ignorePrev: 
#            prevKey = p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key']
#        else:
#            prevKey = None
#        # TODO: move it into runprobsolver or baseproblem
#        if p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'] is None:
#            p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'] = zeros(getattr(p, 'n'+userFunctionType))
#        if prevKey is not None and p.iter > 0 and array_equal(x,  prevKey) and ind is None and not ignorePrev:
#            #TODO: add counter of the situations
#            if not getDerivative:
#                r = copy(p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'])
#                #if p.debug: assert array_equal(r,  p.wrapped_func(x, IND, userFunctionType, True, getDerivative))
#                if ind is not None: r = r[ind]
#                if userFunctionType == 'f':
#                    if p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber: r = r.sum(0)
#                    if p.invertObjFunc: r = -r
#                    if  p.solver.funcForIterFcnConnection=='f' and any(isnan(x)):
#                        p.nEvals['f'] += 1
#                        if p.nEvals['f']%p.f_iter == 0:
#                            p.iterfcn(x, fk = r)
#                return r

        args = getattr(p.args, userFunctionType)

        # TODO: handle it in prob prepare
        if not hasattr(p, 'n'+userFunctionType): setNonLinFuncsNumber(p,  userFunctionType)

#        if ind is None:
#            nFuncsToObtain = getattr(p, 'n'+ userFunctionType)
#        else:
#            nFuncsToObtain = len(ind)

        if x.shape[0] != p.n and (x.ndim<2 or x.shape[1] != p.n): 
            p.err('x with incorrect shape passed to non-linear function')

        #TODO: code cleanup (below)
        if getDerivative or x.ndim <= 1 or x.shape[0] == 1:
            nXvectors = 1
            x_0 = copy(x)
            nXvectors = x.shape[0]

        # TODO: use certificate instead 
        if p.isFDmodel:
            if getDerivative:
                if p.freeVars is None or (p.fixedVars is not None and len(p.freeVars) < len(p.fixedVars)):
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                                               funcs[i].D(x, Vars = p.freeVars, useSparse=p.useSparse, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID, exactShape=True), 
                                               useSparse=p.useSparse, func=funcs[i], point=x)) \
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                                               funcs[i].D(x, fixedVars = p.fixedVars, useSparse=p.useSparse, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID, exactShape=True), 
                                               useSparse=p.useSparse, func=funcs[i], point=x)) \
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
                if p.freeVars is None or (p.fixedVars is not None and len(p.freeVars) < len(p.fixedVars)):
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                               funcs[i]._getFuncCalcEngine(x, Vars = p.freeVars, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID))\
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
                    funcs2 = [(lambda x, i=i: \
                               funcs[i]._getFuncCalcEngine(x, fixedVars = p.fixedVars, fixedVarsScheduleID=p._FDVarsID))\
                      for i in range(len(funcs))]
            funcs2 = funcs
        if ind is None: 
            Funcs = funcs2
        elif ind is not None and p.functype[userFunctionType] == 'some funcs R^nvars -> R':
            Funcs = [funcs2[i] for i in ind]
            Funcs = getFuncsAndExtractIndexes(p, funcs2, ind, userFunctionType)

#        agregate_counter = 0
        Args = () if p.isFDmodel else args
        if nXvectors == 1:
            if p.isFDmodel:
                X = p._vector2point(x) 
                X._p = p
                #X._linePointDescriptor = _linePointDescriptor
                X = x
        if nXvectors > 1: # and hence getDerivative isn't involved
            #temporary, to be fixed
            if userFunctionType == 'f':
               assert p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber

            if p.isFDmodel:
                assert ind is None
                if isPyPy or p.hasVectorizableFuncs: # TODO: get rid of box-bound constraints
                    from FuncDesigner.ooPoint import ooPoint as oopoint
                    from FuncDesigner.multiarray import multiarray
                    # TODO: new
                    xx = []
                    counter = 0
                    #xT = x.T
                    for i, oov in enumerate(p._freeVarsList):
                        s = p._optVarSizes[oov]
                        xx.append((oov, (x[:, counter: counter + s].flatten() if s == 1 else x[:, counter: counter + s]).view(multiarray)))
#                        xx.append((oov, multiarray(x[:, counter: counter + s].flatten() if s == 1 else x[:, counter: counter + s])))
                        counter += s
                    X = oopoint(xx)
                    X.maxDistributionSize = p.maxDistributionSize
                    X._p = p
                if len(p.unvectorizableFuncs) != 0:
                    XX = [p._vector2point(x[i]) for i in range(nXvectors)]
                    for _X in XX: 
                        _X._p = p

                r = vstack([[fun(xx) for xx in XX] if funcs[i] in p.unvectorizableFuncs else fun(X).T for i, fun in enumerate(Funcs)]).T
#                X = [p._vector2point(x[i]) for i in range(nXvectors)]
#                r = hstack([[fun(xx) for xx in X] for fun in Funcs]).reshape(1, -1)

#                if p.vectorizable:
#                    from FuncDesigner.ooPoint import ooPoint as oopoint, multiarray
#                    X = dict([(oovar, x[:, i].view(multiarray)) for i, oovar in enumerate(p._freeVarsList)])
#                    X = oopoint(X, skipArrayCast = True)
#                    X.N = nXvectors
#                    X.isMultiPoint = True
#                    X.update(p.dictOfFixedFuncs)
#                    r = hstack([fun(X) for fun in Funcs]).reshape(1, -1)
#                #old
#                else:
#                    X = [p._vector2point(x[i]) for i in range(nXvectors)]
#                    r = hstack([[fun(xx) for xx in X] for fun in Funcs]).reshape(1, -1)
                X = [(x[i],) + Args for i in range(nXvectors)] 
                #r = hstack([[fun(*xx) for xx in X] for fun in Funcs])
                R = []
                for xx in X:
                    tmp = [fun(*xx) for fun in Funcs]
                    r_ = hstack(tmp[0]) if len(tmp) == 1 and isinstance(tmp[0], (list, tuple)) else hstack(tmp) if len(tmp) > 1 else tmp[0]
                r = hstack(R)#.T
                #print(r.shape, userFunctionType)
        elif not getDerivative:
            tmp = [fun(*(X, )+Args) for fun in Funcs]
            r = hstack(tmp[0]) if len(tmp) == 1 and isinstance(tmp[0], (list, tuple)) else hstack(tmp) if len(tmp) > 1 else tmp[0]
            #print(x.shape, r.shape, x, r)
#            if not ignorePrev and ind is None:
#                p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key'] = copy(x_0)
#                p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'] = r.copy()                
        elif getDerivative and p.isFDmodel:
            rr = [fun(X) for fun in Funcs]
            r = Vstack(rr) if scipyInstalled and any([isspmatrix(elem) for elem in rr]) else vstack(rr)
            r = []
            if getDerivative:
                #r = zeros((nFuncsToObtain, p.n))
                diffInt = p.diffInt
                abs_x = abs(x)
                finiteDiffNumbers = 1e-10 * abs_x
                if p.diffInt.size == 1:
                    finiteDiffNumbers[finiteDiffNumbers < diffInt] = diffInt
                    finiteDiffNumbers[finiteDiffNumbers < diffInt] = diffInt[finiteDiffNumbers < diffInt]
                #r = zeros((nFuncsToObtain, nXvectors))
                r = []
            for index, fun in enumerate(Funcs):
                # OLD
#                v = ravel(fun(*((X,) + Args)))
#                if  (ind is None or funcs_num == 1) and not ignorePrev:
#                    #TODO: ADD COUNTER OF THE CASE
#                    if index == 0: p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key'] = copy(x_0)
#                    p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'][agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size] = v.copy()                
#                r[agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size,0] = v
                if not getDerivative:
                    r.append(fun(*((X,) + Args)))
#                    v = r[-1]
                    #r[agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size,0] = fun(*((X,) + Args))
#                if (ind is None or funcs_num == 1) and not ignorePrev:
#                    #TODO: ADD COUNTER OF THE CASE
#                    if index == 0: p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['key'] = copy(x_0)
#                    p.prevVal[userFunctionType]['val'][agregate_counter:agregate_counter+v.size] = v.copy()                

                """                                                 getting derivatives                                                 """
                if getDerivative:
                    def func(x):
                        r = fun(*((x,) + Args))
                        return r if type(r) not in (list, tuple) or len(r)!=1 else r[0]
                    d1 = get_d1(func, x, pointVal = None, diffInt = finiteDiffNumbers, stencil=p.JacobianApproximationStencil, exactShape=True)
                    #r[agregate_counter:agregate_counter+d1.size] = d1
#                    v = r[-1]
#                agregate_counter += atleast_1d(v).shape[0]
            r = hstack(r) if not getDerivative else vstack(r)
            #assert r.size != 30
        #if type(r) == matrix: r = r.A

        if type(r) != ndarray and not isscalar(r): # multiarray
            r = r.view(ndarray).flatten() if userFunctionType == 'f' else r.view(ndarray)
        #elif userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and prod(r.shape) > 1 and (type(r) == ndarray or min(r.shape) > 1): 
            #r = r.sum(0)
        elif userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and not isscalar(r):
            if prod(r.shape) > 1 and not getDerivative and nXvectors == 1:
                p.err('implicit summation in objective is no longer available to prevent possibly hidden bugs')
#            if r.size == 1:
#                r = r.item()
        if userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber:
            if getDerivative and r.ndim > 1:
                if min(r.shape) > 1:
                    p.err('incorrect shape of objective func derivative')
                # TODO: omit cast to dense array. Somewhere bug triggers?
                if hasattr(r, 'toarray'):
                r = r.flatten()

        if userFunctionType != 'f' and nXvectors != 1:
            r = r.reshape(nXvectors, int(r.size/nXvectors))
#        if type(r) == matrix: 
#            raise 0
#            r = r.A # if _dense_numpy_matrix !

        if nXvectors == 1 and (not getDerivative or prod(r.shape) == 1): # DO NOT REPLACE BY r.size - r may be sparse!
            r = r.flatten() if type(r) == ndarray else r.toarray().flatten() if not isscalar(r) else atleast_1d(r)
        if p.invertObjFunc and userFunctionType=='f':
            r = -r

        if not getDerivative:
            if ind is None:
                p.nEvals[userFunctionType] += nXvectors
                p.nEvals[userFunctionType] = p.nEvals[userFunctionType] + float(nXvectors * len(ind)) / getattr(p, 'n'+ userFunctionType)

        if getDerivative:
            assert x.size == p.n#TODO: add python list possibility here
            x = x_0 # for to suppress numerical instability effects while x +/- delta_x
        #if userFunctionType == 'f' and p.isObjFunValueASingleNumber and r.size == 1:
            #r = r.item()
        if userFunctionType == 'f' and hasattr(p, 'solver') and p.solver.funcForIterFcnConnection=='f' and hasattr(p, 'f_iter') and not getDerivative:
            if p.nEvals['f']%p.f_iter == 0 or nXvectors > 1:
                p.iterfcn(x, r)

        return r