def DALVEN_fitting_full_nonlinear(X, y, X_test, y_test, alpha, l1_ratio, degree, lag, alpha_num=None, cv=False, max_iter=10000, tol=1e-4, selection='p_value', select_value=0.05, trans_type='auto'): '''Dyanmic Algebric learning via elastic net with fully nonlienar mapping fo both x and y and interactions Input: X: independent variables of size N x m, has to be non-zscored! y: dependent variable of size N x 1, has to be non-zscored! X_test: independent variables of size N_test x m y_test: dependent variable of size N_test x 1 alpha: float, regularization parameter/ int, used when cross-validation, the ith one to use l1_ratio: float, scaling between l1 and l2 penalties, from 0(Ridge) to 1(Lasso) degree: int, order of nonlinearity you want to consider, can be chosen from 1 - 3 lag: int, lag of variables you want to consider, xt,xt-1,...xt-l,yt-1,...,yt-l cv: whether it is cross-validation or final fitting selection & select_value:selection ceriteria for the pre-processing step, default: according to 'p-value' with 10% significance 'percentage' and the percentatge of variables want to contain 'elbow' and use the point with the greatest orthogonal distace from the line linking the first and the last points All the values are calculated based on f-regression (F statistic of univariate linear correlation) trans_type: can choose either automatic transformation used in ALVEN ('auto'), or only polynomial transformation ('poly') Output: tuple (trained_model, model_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test) trained_model: EN model type model_params: np_array m x 1 ''' #lag design matrix first #lag padding for X XD = X[lag:] XD_test = X_test[lag:] for i in range(lag): XD = np.hstack((XD, X[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) XD_test = np.hstack((XD_test, X_test[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) #lag padding for y in design matrix for i in range(lag): XD = np.hstack((XD, y[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) XD_test = np.hstack((XD_test, y_test[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) #nonliner mapping #feature transformation if trans_type == 'auto': XD, XD_test = nr.feature_trans(XD, XD_test, degree=degree, interaction='later') else: XD, XD_test = nr.poly_feature(XD, XD_test, degree=degree, interaction=True, power=True) #remove feature with 0 variance sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=tol).fit(XD) XD = sel.transform(XD) XD_test = sel.transform(XD_test) #shorterning y y = y[lag:] y_test = y_test[lag:] #zscore data scaler_x = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) XD = scaler_x.transform(XD) XD_test = scaler_x.transform(XD_test) scaler_y = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) y = scaler_y.transform(y) y_test = scaler_y.transform(y_test) #eliminate feature f_test, p_values = f_regression(XD, y.flatten()) if selection == 'p_value': XD_fit = XD[:, p_values < select_value] XD_test_fit = XD_test[:, p_values < select_value] retain_index = p_values < select_value elif selection == 'percentage': number = int(math.ceil(select_value * XD.shape[1])) f_test.sort() value = f_test[-number] XD_fit = XD[:, f_test >= value] XD_test_fit = XD_test[:, f_test >= value] retain_index = f_test >= value else: f = np.copy(f_test) f.sort() #descending order f = f[::-1] axis = np.linspace(0, len(f) - 1, len(f)) AllCord = np.concatenate((axis.reshape(-1, 1), f.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1) lineVec = AllCord[-1] - AllCord[0] lineVec = lineVec / np.sqrt(np.sum(lineVec**2)) #find the distance from each point to the line vecFromFirst = AllCord - AllCord[0] #and calculate the distance of each point to the line scalarProduct = np.sum(vecFromFirst * matlib.repmat(lineVec, len(f), 1), axis=1) vecFromFirstParallel = np.outer(scalarProduct, lineVec) vecToLine = vecFromFirst - vecFromFirstParallel distToLine = np.sqrt(np.sum(vecToLine**2, axis=1)) BestPoint = np.argmax(distToLine) value = f[BestPoint] XD_fit = XD[:, f_test >= value] XD_test_fit = XD_test[:, f_test >= value] retain_index = f_test >= value #choose the appropriate alpha in cross_Validation: cv= Ture if XD_fit.shape[1] == 0: print('no variable selected by ALVEN') DALVEN_model = None DALVEN_params = None mse_train = np.var(y) mse_test = np.var(y_test) yhat_train = np.zeros(y.shape) yhat_test = np.zeros(y_test.shape) alpha = 0 else: if alpha_num is not None and cv: XD_max = np.concatenate((XD_fit, XD_test_fit), axis=0) y_max = np.concatenate((y, y_test), axis=0) alpha_max = (np.sqrt( np.sum(, y_max)**2, axis=1)).max()) / XD_max.shape[0] / l1_ratio alpha_list = np.logspace(np.log10(alpha_max * tol), np.log10(alpha_max), alpha_num)[::-1] alpha = alpha_list[alpha] if alpha_num is not None and not cv: alpha_max = (np.sqrt(np.sum( XD_fit.T, y)**2, axis=1)).max()) / XD_fit.shape[0] / l1_ratio alpha_list = np.logspace(np.log10(alpha_max * tol), np.log10(alpha_max), alpha_num)[::-1] alpha = alpha_list[alpha] #EN for model fitting DALVEN_model, DALVEN_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test = EN_fitting( XD_fit, y, XD_test_fit, y_test, alpha, l1_ratio, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol) num_train = XD_fit.shape[0] num_parameter = sum(DALVEN_params != 0)[0] AIC = num_train * np.log(mse_train) + 2 * num_parameter AICc = num_train * np.log(mse_train) + (num_parameter + num_train) / ( 1 - (num_parameter + 2) / num_train) BIC = num_train * np.log(mse_train) + num_parameter * np.log(num_train) return (DALVEN_model, DALVEN_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test, alpha, retain_index, (AIC, AICc, BIC))
def DALVEN_testing_kstep_full_nonlinear(X, y, X_test, y_test, ALVEN_model, retain_index, degree, lag, k_step=1, tol=1e-4, trans_type='auto', plot=False, round_number=''): '''Dyanmic Algebric learning via elastic net for k_step ahead prediction (pre-request: trained DALVEN model with full nonlinearity) Input: X: independent variables of size N x m, has to be non-zscored! y: dependent variable of size N x 1, has to be non-zscored! X_test: independent variables of size N_test x m y_test: dependent variable of size N_test x 1 ALVEN_model: trained DALVEN model from DALVEN_fitting retain_index: return from DALVEN_fitting in DALVEN_hyper by CV or AIC degree: selected degree of nonlinearity in DALVEN_fitting lag: selected lag number in DALVEN_fitting k_step: positive integer, default =1, number of steps want to predict in to the future tol: tolerance for 0-variance feature selection, should be the same as in DALVEN_fitting trans_type: transformation type, default = 'auto' is the one include lag, sqrt, 1/x and interactions Output: tuple (trained_model, model_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test) trained_model: EN model type model_params: np_array m x 1 ''' #lag design matrix first #lag padding for X XD = X[lag:] XD_test = X_test[lag:] for i in range(lag): XD = np.hstack((XD, X[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) XD_test = np.hstack((XD_test, X_test[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) #lag padding for y in design matrix for i in range(lag): XD = np.hstack((XD, y[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) XD_test = np.hstack((XD_test, y_test[lag - 1 - i:-i - 1])) #nonliner mapping #feature transformation if trans_type == 'auto': XD, XD_test = nr.feature_trans(XD, XD_test, degree=degree, interaction='later') else: XD, XD_test = nr.poly_feature(XD, XD_test, degree=degree, interaction=True, power=True) #remove feature with 0 variance sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=tol).fit(XD) XD = sel.transform(XD) XD_test = sel.transform(XD_test) #shorterning y y = y[lag:] y_test_ori = y_test[:] y_test = y_test[lag:] #zscore data scaler_x = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) XD = scaler_x.transform(XD) XD_test = scaler_x.transform(XD_test) scaler_y = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) y_test = scaler_y.transform(y_test) # y_test_ori = scaler_y.transform(y_test_ori) #eliminate feature XD_test_fit = XD_test[:, retain_index] #0-step results yhat_test_multi = {} mse_test_multi = np.zeros((k_step, 1)) yhat_test_multi[0] = ALVEN_model.predict(XD_test_fit).reshape((-1, 1)) mse_test_multi[0] = mse(y_test, yhat_test_multi[0]) # print('starting k step prediction') k_step = k_step - 1 #multi-step prediction###################### for k in range(k_step): # print(k+2) #################mapping XD_test = X_test[lag + k + 1:] for i in range(lag): XD_test = np.hstack((XD_test, X_test[lag + k - i:-i - 1])) position = XD_test.shape[1] #lag padding for y in design matrix for i in range(lag): XD_test = np.hstack((XD_test, y_test_ori[lag + k - i:-i - 1])) for l in range(min(lag, k + 1)): y_feed = yhat_test_multi[k - l] y_feed = scaler_y.inverse_transform(y_feed) XD_test[:, position + l] = y_feed[:-1 - l].flatten() #nonliner mapping #feature transformation if trans_type == 'auto': XD_test, _ = nr.feature_trans(XD_test, degree=degree, interaction='later') else: XD_test, _ = nr.poly_feature(XD_test, degree=degree, interaction=True, power=True) #remove feature with 0 variance XD_test = sel.transform(XD_test) XD_test = scaler_x.transform(XD_test) XD_test_fit = XD_test[:, retain_index] yhat_test_multi[k + 1] = ALVEN_model.predict(XD_test_fit).reshape( (-1, 1)) mse_test_multi[k + 1] = mse(y_test[k + 1:], yhat_test_multi[k + 1]) ##plot results if plot: if X.shape[0] == X_test.shape[0]: if abs(np.sum(X - X_test)) < tol: my_data = 'train' else: my_data = 'test' else: my_data = 'test' print('=============Plot Results==============') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt s = 12 plt.figure(figsize=(3, 2)) plt.plot(mse_test_multi, 'd-') plt.title('MSE for y ' + my_data + ' prediction', fontsize=s) plt.xlabel('k-step ahead', fontsize=s) plt.ylabel('MSE', fontsize=s) plt.savefig('MSE_' + my_data + round_number + '_DALVEN.png', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight') import matplotlib cmap ='Paired') #plot the prediction vs real for i in range(k_step + 1): plt.figure(figsize=(5, 3)) plt.plot(y_test[i + 1:], color=cmap(1), label='real') plt.plot(yhat_test_multi[i][1:], '--', color='xkcd:coral', label='prediction') plt.title(my_data + ' data ' + str(i + 1) + '-step prediction', fontsize=s) plt.xlabel('Time index', fontsize=s) plt.ylabel('y', fontsize=s) plt.legend(fontsize=s) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('DALVEN_' + my_data + '_step_' + str(i + 1) + round_number + '.png', dpi=600, bbox_inches='tight') return (mse_test_multi, yhat_test_multi)
def ALVEN_fitting(X, y, X_test, y_test, alpha, l1_ratio, degree, alpha_num=None, cv=False, max_iter=10000, tol=1e-4, selection='p_value', select_value=0.15, trans_type='auto'): '''Algebric learning via elastic net Input: X: independent variables of size N x m, has to be non-zscored! y: dependent variable of size N x 1, has to be non-zscored! X_test: independent variables of size N_test x m y_test: dependent variable of size N_test x 1 alpha: int, represents the index of the alpha in the list l1_ratio: float, scaling between l1 and l2 penalties, from 0(Ridge) to 1(Lasso) degree: int, order of nonlinearity you want to consider, can be chosen from 1 - 3 cv: whether it is cross-validation or final fitting selection & select_value:selection ceriteria for the pre-processing step, default: according to 'p-value' with 10% significance 'percentage' and the percentatge of variables want to contain 'elbow' and use the point with the greatest orthogonal distace from the line linking the first and the last points All the values are calculated based on f-regression (F statistic of univariate linear correlation) trans_type: can choose either automatic transformation used in ALVEN ('auto'), or only polynomial transformation ('poly') Output: tuple (trained_model, model_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test) trained_model: EN model type model_params: np_array m x 1 ''' #feature transformation if trans_type == 'auto': X, X_test = nr.feature_trans(X, X_test, degree=degree, interaction='later') else: X, X_test = nr.poly_feature(X, X_test, degree=degree, interaction=True, power=True) #remove feature with 0 variance sel = VarianceThreshold(threshold=tol).fit(X) X = sel.transform(X) X_test = sel.transform(X_test) #zscore data scaler_x = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) X = scaler_x.transform(X) X_test = scaler_x.transform(X_test) scaler_y = StandardScaler(with_mean=True, with_std=True) y = scaler_y.transform(y) y_test = scaler_y.transform(y_test) #eliminate feature # if cv: # X_e = np.concatenate((X,X_test),axis = 0) # y_e = np.concatenate((y,y_test), axis = 0) # f_test, p_values = f_regression(X_e, y_e.flatten()) # else: # f_test, p_values = f_regression(X, y.flatten()) #eliminate feature f_test, p_values = f_regression(X, y.flatten()) if selection == 'p_value': X_fit = X[:, p_values < select_value] X_test_fit = X_test[:, p_values < select_value] retain_index = p_values < select_value elif selection == 'percentage': number = int(math.ceil(select_value * X.shape[1])) f_test.sort() value = f_test[-number] X_fit = X[:, f_test >= value] X_test_fit = X_test[:, f_test >= value] retain_index = f_test >= value else: f = np.copy(f_test) f.sort() #descending order f = f[::-1] axis = np.linspace(0, len(f) - 1, len(f)) AllCord = np.concatenate((axis.reshape(-1, 1), f.reshape(-1, 1)), axis=1) lineVec = AllCord[-1] - AllCord[0] lineVec = lineVec / np.sqrt(np.sum(lineVec**2)) #find the distance from each point to the line vecFromFirst = AllCord - AllCord[0] #and calculate the distance of each point to the line scalarProduct = np.sum(vecFromFirst * matlib.repmat(lineVec, len(f), 1), axis=1) vecFromFirstParallel = np.outer(scalarProduct, lineVec) vecToLine = vecFromFirst - vecFromFirstParallel distToLine = np.sqrt(np.sum(vecToLine**2, axis=1)) BestPoint = np.argmax(distToLine) value = f[BestPoint] X_fit = X[:, f_test >= value] X_test_fit = X_test[:, f_test >= value] retain_index = f_test >= value #choose the appropriate alpha in cross_Validation: cv= Ture if X_fit.shape[1] == 0: print('no variable selected by ALVEN') ALVEN_model = None ALVEN_params = None mse_train = np.var(y) mse_test = np.var(y_test) yhat_train = np.zeros(y.shape) yhat_test = np.zeros(y_test.shape) alpha = 0 else: if alpha_num is not None and cv: X_max = np.concatenate((X_fit, X_test_fit), axis=0) y_max = np.concatenate((y, y_test), axis=0) alpha_max = (np.sqrt(np.sum( X_max.T, y_max)**2, axis=1)).max()) / X_max.shape[0] / l1_ratio alpha_list = np.logspace(np.log10(alpha_max * tol), np.log10(alpha_max), alpha_num)[::-1] alpha = alpha_list[alpha] if alpha_num is not None and not cv: alpha_max = (np.sqrt(np.sum( X_fit.T, y)**2, axis=1)).max()) / X_fit.shape[0] / l1_ratio alpha_list = np.logspace(np.log10(alpha_max * tol), np.log10(alpha_max), alpha_num)[::-1] alpha = alpha_list[alpha] #EN for model fitting ALVEN_model, ALVEN_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test = EN_fitting( X_fit, y, X_test_fit, y_test, alpha, l1_ratio, max_iter=max_iter, tol=tol) return (ALVEN_model, ALVEN_params, mse_train, mse_test, yhat_train, yhat_test, alpha, retain_index)